Read The Fourth Dimension Page 5


  We just escaped Nemesis’s clutches and got out. We ran for the forests. I could hear the pounding of the robots feet coming up fast. We could feel the trees falling behind us. I stumbled forward. Needing to find a safe spot to activate the machine. We had both now and we need to keep it that way. Matt was yelling and I turned around. The sight was terrifying. The robots had combined to make on big robot. And in the head, was Nemesis. He was in a suit that controlled the robot. Whatever he did, the robot copied. We both knew we were outmatched. We both knew that there was only one option, time travel. I gave the machine to Matt because Nemesis knew that I held the time machine. I ran on with all my might, and Matt caught the machine and punched the number in the light started to appear again, but this time, he was ready. He let loose a battle cry and cannons appeared out of his shoulders. I heard a loud noise and a couple of second later, was caught in a net. Matt was just missed. I told him to go on to the future, and retrieve help. He ran on as I heard the dreaded sound of metallic footsteps. The giant robot came up behind me and picked me up. Nemesis was howling with laughter when he while he was taking me back to his stronghold. I should have known it wouldn’t have been that easy to beat him. I looked down below and saw the last of the army I had gathered fleeing and some shooting up at the robots. I hoped that they would have the common sense to flee too. I wondered what would happen when I got to the tower. I now knew that even with a sensible plan, n one could get in or out. I hope Matt is all right. He should travel to the way future to get robots of his own. That’s it! Nemesis said that all of his technology is 3000 years into the future. All we had to do now was go farther and retrieve a newer army of robots. It was that simple. We both had time machines. I didn’t tell Matt I had the second one. Nemesis didn’t know either. It was all too perfect. I grabbed hold of the machine and punched in 5937. I heard Nemesis cry out and looked up. He was writhing in pain and the robot was going all crazy. I closed my eyes and allowed the bright light to envelop me. When I opened them, I saw a world of glass. Fortunately, I was in the center of an army base. I wouldn’t have to go far to get help and troops. I walked around and found the main general’s office. I walked in and he barely looked up.

  “Sir, I need your help.”

  “We all need help these days, don’t we?” he replied while glancing up.

  “ Sir, I just came from 4,000 years in the past to get here. I have a time machine of you are wondering.”

  I produced it and he stood up and looked at it in wonder.

  “Where I just was, I was fighting Hitler. I need a robot and troops to help fight him. He has technology from 1,000 years ago. This is 1,000 years later so we have the advantage.”

  I explained my plan to him and he nodded once in awhile. A couple minutes later. He was at the intercom rallying the troops. He led me to a secret lab at the other end of the base and showed me their new invention. I looked better and the overall design was sleeker. I was like Hitler’s but it had more firepower and more strength. I liked what we saw. I took the machine with thanks and hopped in. I went to where the troops were lined up and they all looked at the machine with amazement. I punched in the numbers 1937 again and the bright light appeared. The general ordered them into the portal and I was the last one to go. We reached there at the exact moment we left off. Hitler in his robot was carrying an empty net and laughing. He thought he had won. I called out and the troops leveled their guns. They all fired at the moment he turned around. I seized the moment a tackled his robot. He crashed to the ground and I could feel metal being crushed. I got up and the troops were already ready again. I saw Hitler hesitantly rise from the wreckage and smile. He had oil all over his face. Broken bits of scrap metal surrounded him.

  “So you think you’ve won? I still have to unleash my inner power passed down to me by my great wizard apprentice ancestor. He flicked a hand at the soldiers and half went flying. The other half fired. He flicked his hand again and all went down. The general was watching from the trees. Fortunately, he wasn’t noticed. I saw that no technology could easily defeat this power, or was there. I noticed that whenever I or Matt time traveled, he winced in pain. I also remembered the curse the old wizard laid on the machine. I noticed that on the back of the time machine, it showed where he was and what year. I pushed the little button and Hitler fell to the ground in agony. I knew he was in great pain. I arrived in California in 1849. I was depressed to find Matt mining for gold. I walked up to him and he was startled to see me there. I was outraged and he knew that. He tried to explain but I gave him no chance. I just caught him up on what we needed to do. We both agreed and traveled back to the moment I was just at. When we arrived. Hitler was just recovering from the other travel and fell to the ground again when we arrived. We boldly stepped up to him and showed both the machines.

  “We figured it out. Your weakness. By the time you are strong enough to use your powers again, we we have sapped you of your strength and possibly eliminated you forever.” Matt said.

  “The time travel weakens you when both of us travel at once. That’s in a single machine. With two machines, the effect will be quadrupled. Imagine the pain.” I said.

  “Here we go.” Matt said as he grinned.

  When double the bright light appeared, he screamed. It was horrible. A black cloud suddenly engulfed him and the cloud burst into flames. Right before we left. We looked and there was only ashes. It goes to say that good beats evil. Always.



  It’s just unfair that the boys get to have all of the adventure. I was out on the top of the hotel because I was bored and I just wanted to look at the view. I stood there and something caught my sight out of the corner of my eye. I turned around and saw a huge bright, white light. The two of them walked out. They both looked horrified. I walked up to them and demanded to know where they were, but they wouldn’t tell me anything. I was angry. I should know where they were. I knew they were gone. Mom and Dad didn’t. I don’t know how they are so clueless. I looked around for them everywhere at the concentration camp and suddenly find them around the corner that I had just checked. Then at the library, I saw Matt snooping around the fantasy section. He left the books open when he left and they were always about time travel or theories of them. I know I probably shouldn’t be worried about them but I am. Ever since Pedro came, Matt has been different. He used to be fun but now he is really private. Pedro himself is a nice guy but always seems to be hiding something. I couldn’t figure it out until a couple of weeks ago. I was walking around the roof of dad’s hotel that he owed, and all of a sudden I see a really bright, white light appear out of nowhere.I see Matt and Pedro walk out of it, exhausted and stand right in front of them, hands on my hips.

  “What were you doing?! That thing just appeared out of nowhere! What was it?!” I ask nearly screaming.

  “None of your beeswax.” Matt replies angrily.

  That night, I search the room while they are sleeping. I find a heavy box next to Pedro’s bed that is labeled, Time Machine.

  “Woah.” I think. Not what I expected.

  I open it up and take out a golden bar. Pedro shifts in his sleep and I run to my room. The next day, I take them aside and speak to them.

  “So, what about time travel are you hiding from me?” I ask.

  They look at each other and look at me.

  “What?” Matt says in a high pitched voice. He always sounds like that when he’s lying.

  “Don’t lie to me. Your voice goes high when you lie. Admit it.” I said.

  “Fine. You caught us. Back in Auschwitz we found a metal bar that was a time machine. We went back accidentally and we faced off against Hitler just yesterday. “ Pedro replied in a bored tone. “Just save the world. No biggie.”

  Sarcasm. I imagine Pedro and Matt being heros but the image doesn’t come up in my mind. I think of the possibilities of the little gold bar.

  “You cannot tell anyone about this. There ar
e greedy and evil people in this world who would use it for destruction on a massive scale.”

  After I processed that, I nodded. They both sighed and went to the room. A couple seconds later I heard the sound of their video games and I felt kind of happy. At least the two were safe. I smiled to myself and knew that wasn’t the reason I was happy. I went back to my room and found a secret spot that no one knew about in my suitcase. I took something out of my pocket and smiled mischievously.

  “Time travel, eh? Two of us can play at that.”

  I went back to my business and put my hair up in a ponytail. I never knew what evil that had caused and the ripples in time my brothers had created.

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