Read The Game Page 51

  Chapter 51

  For hours now, everyone around the world has been glued to their viewers. Industry, trade, commerce; it has all come to a complete stop. Will Danielle survive? What will this mean to our favourite player, Trew?

  And we have suddenly started to pray. After decades of silence, millions of us are bowing our heads and appealing to…someone, to help our two lovers inside the digital world to survive this terrible tragedy. Will it help? Common sense says of course not, but despite the logic, everyone seems to be embracing Brandon Strayne’s heartfelt plea, and millions have begun to pray.

  There are only brief hours left in Danielle’s struggle. Our entire world watches and hopes for a miracle, while on Earth only one man and his dear friends take any notice at all.

  Lisa Rohansen, Live report on Zack Channel 42

  The elevator stops at its floor and dings briefly, then the door opens.

  Two hospital orderlies are walking past and immediately stop, their heads turning to look at the two men stepping out of the lift.

  They are both tall. The one with sandy brown hair is 6’2”. The other, with golden hair, is at least 6’4”. They are both dressed immaculately in expensive designer suits, complete with all the proper accessories which one would expect from a model or a movie star. As they step out of the elevator, everyone nearby stops and looks at them, as if compelled to do so. The men smile warmly; they are used to this. They nod encouragingly at each and every person, touching them lightly as they walk by. At the moment they are touched, each person closes their eyes and the look of joy on their face is indescribable in words but very evident to anyone witnessing it.

  The shorter man leads the way down the hallway while the taller one lingers, speaking softly to the people as he passes by and touches them.

  “Excuse me,” the lead man says to the nurse at the desk. His voice is like liquid copper, dripping with honey and warmth. Instantly the nurse looks up and smiles, as if she’s experiencing ecstasy on some mild level. The man’s eyes are deepest blue with silver flecks swirling lazily around like fish in a warm pond. “I’m hoping that you can direct me to Danielle Radfield’s room, please.”

  The woman nods slowly, reaching out her hand towards him. He softly grasps it and her smile widens. “Yes, you can find her in room 33, just down this hallway and to the right. Shall I take you there?” she offers.

  “Thank you so kindly,” the taller man says from behind his colleague. His voice, warm gold shining brightly in a green meadow. The deep, rich baritone soothes the nurse even more. “We can certainly find our way from here. Thank you so kindly, Margaret.” The nurse nods happily and stands there watching them as they continue slowly down the hallway.

  Eventually the two men are standing outside the closed door of room 33. “I’ll wait out here for a few moments,” the taller man says, looking around comfortably.

  The other nods and knocks politely before entering the room.

  There are four people inside. Trew stands calmly off to one side of the bed, whispering to Raphael and Stephanie. They appear calm in spite of the fact that time is quickly running out, and they are all aware of it.

  Raphael looks towards the door first. His eyes light up with recognition and joy. He quickly closes the distance and grabs the man in a fierce embrace, the way dear friends do when they haven’t seen one another in a long time. The man returns the hug with even more emotion, laughing out loud as he says, “Easy, my young Brother! You’ll crush the very life from me if you’re not careful.”

  The two hold each other in a deep embrace for a very long moment, and when they release each other Stephanie is already pushing Raphael to the side and gripping the man in her tightest hug.

  “That’s it, little Sister!” he laughs. “Totally ignore my warning to Raphael and crush me like a tin can!”

  Stephanie laughs and when the two separate, they both wipe tears from their eyes. She stands beside Raphael, both making room for Trew to enter their space.

  “Trew,” Raphael says proudly. “Please allow me the honour of introducing you to our dear big Brother, Gabriel.”

  Trew looks at Gabriel intensely, and with a sad, small smile, he extends his hand. Gabriel grips it and the two shake hands. “I am pleased to meet you, Trew. I’ve heard so much about you. I apologize that we must meet under such troubling circumstances.”

  “It’s good to meet you as well, Gabriel,” Trew says. “Although I have to apologize; I’ve never heard of you before this moment from either of your siblings. As a matter of fact,” Trew gives Raphael and Stephanie an interested look, “Up until this moment I didn’t even know you two were siblings.”

  Gabriel laughs lightly. “We are siblings, not in blood, but in spirit. And forgive them their secrets, Trew. They are required to keep as many as they can for as long as possible. What we are doing today hasn’t happened in a very long time on Earth, if it ever has happened at all.”

  “What’s happening?” Trew asks, as if he hopes for the answer, but is also afraid to hear it.

  “You shall see soon enough, young man,” Gabriel assures him.

  Looking at Raphael and Stephanie, his smile fades into a look more serious. “The powers that be have explored every option available to help us save the life of this young woman.” He pointed towards Danielle lying in her bed. “All of us know that she is almost gone.”Everyone nods sadly. “But recent developments have provided a solution to come forward to save her.” Gabriel looks seriously at Trew. “It is risky, and perhaps it's too late to work. But if you wish us to make one final attempt, I will do what I can to save her.”

  Trew walks over and cradles Danielle’s head in his hands. She is everything to him, and he is terrified that she will leave now, and he doesn’t want to face this life without her. With tears in his eyes, he lays her head gently down on the pillow, turns to face Gabriel, and nods fiercely. “Please do what you can to save her. She’s my world.”

  Gabriel nods slowly. “She is ours, as well, Trew. Prepare yourselves, then. I have a great surprise for all of you.”

  Gabriel opens the door and sticks his head out, nodding for the man in the hall to come in.

  He walks in smiling, his arms slightly spread and his palms turned outward. Raphael and Stephanie both look awestruck, and they each reverently sink to one knee, bowing their heads. An enormous grin is on each of their faces, which becomes apparent when the man gently touches each one on the top of their heads, and they look up at him. “Please, Children. Don’t fall down just so I can pick you up. Stand up and give me a hug.” The two stand quickly and hug the man, first Raphael, and then Stephanie. There is whispered talk between them as they hug, followed by laughter, and then the group is standing back again so the tall man can meet Trew.

  Trew walks closer to him and is immediately captivated by his eyes. They are deepest green with gold flecks swirling in them. Trew has a flash of memory. He remembers wearing a bracelet, green with swirling gold flecks. Only it hadn’t been him — he had been someone else, someone… younger. The vision is confusing, but powerful. The man breaks the memory by addressing Trew in his rich voice. “It is so good to meet you, Trew.”

  “Who… who are you?” Trew asks.

  “I am the answer to prayers, my boy,” the man answers warmly. “I am the bringer of truth and the deliverer of miracles. I’m afraid that is all I can tell you at the moment. Many would not believe who I am if I were to tell you. I am one of the most misunderstood creatures on the planet, a case of trying to help and being hated for it. But I can assure you, Trew, I am the only one that can bring her back. Now, shall we get down to business?”

  Trew nods, moving out of the way as the man strides towards the bed to look down sadly at Danielle. He places his left hand under her head, and his right hand gently rests on her heart. “Okay, little bird,” he says in a soothing, playful tone, “It’s time to leave that restful place and come back to us for a while longer.”

  He closes his eyes, an
d Trew watches intensely. The man’s smile widens and a humming begins to sound from his body. Slowly, steadily, a warm golden glow appears from his hands and spreads softly over Danielle’s body. Trew watches as the hum increases in volume and the glow envelops her.

  “Miracles can happen, Trew.” The man’s gold flecked eyes swirl madly. “When enough people believe and come together, miracles can happen.”

  Then he looks intensely at Trew, as if he's speaking to something or someone inside of him. “You all saved her, stop doubting and start believing again. It’s time to wake up to the truth!”

  There is a tremendous clap of thunder and Trew is thrown to the floor.

  When Trew looks up, Gabriel and the man are gone. Only Raphael and Stephanie remain, lying on the floor as well.

  Danielle is still in her bed. Her eyes open. Her hand reaches out for Trew.

  He runs to her and wraps her in his arms, sobbing with joy.