Read The Game Page 52

  Chapter 52

  No one knows for certain what we witnessed today.

  Through Trew’s eyes, we saw that Danielle’s life was saved by a miraculous stranger. Who were these two men who walked in like angels and disappeared the same way? Were they the fabled ‘Eternals’? Do we finally have proof that they exist, and if so, what does this mean?

  Trew’s following continues to be the highest of any player to ever enter the Game, virtually guaranteeing that he will finish this play in the number one spot. There are, of course, other factors involved in the scoring of rank, but predictions are that Trew will achieve what he obviously set out to do… finish this play ranked number one.

  Some of the big questions being asked all over Tygon right now are:

  If the Game exactly mirrors Tygon, are such miracles possible for us as well? Did our praying affect events inside the Game? Do we have Eternals walking amongst us on Tygon as well? Who was the mysterious stranger, and was he actually speaking to us when he said to ‘Wake up to the truth’?

  Most of Tygon will be sitting in front of their viewers today as we watch and hope to discover answers to these questions and many others…

  The Fan - Game News at its Source

  Trew - 29

  The doctors come in and order a barrage of tests to be conducted on Danielle. They kick us out of the room and have her for about an hour, taking blood, asking her psychological questions to make certain there’s no brain damage, doing scans to determine brain function; lots of things that I don’t really understand.

  During that time I say nothing about what just happened to Raphael or Stephanie. We sit downstairs in the hospital cafeteria, drinking coffee and making small talk about what we think is happening with Danielle. A few times their eyes become serious and they start to say something, but I just hold up my hand. They nod in understanding; we will talk about it with Danielle present, once we go back to her room.

  I get a call from the nurse’s desk and we return to Danni’s room. She’s sitting up in her bed, looking as healthy and energetic as ever. There’s no sign of the weak, sick girl who was slowly dying just a short time ago. Her eyes are sad; she knows that the baby is gone. I walk over and hug her tight, tears in my eyes as we embrace. I hold her for what seems like only a second but is likely long minutes. Finally I let her go and kiss her cheek.

  “You gave us quite the scare there, love,” I say.

  “That’s what they’re telling me. I’m sorry, Trew.” Her voice cracks and her eyes say it all.

  I smile reassuringly and wipe her tears away. “There’s nothing to be sorry for, my sweet girl. You’re back with me now, and you look healthy as can be. Just don’t ever do that again, and everything will be fine.”

  Raphael and Stephanie come forward and embrace Danielle, telling her how incredibly happy they are that she found the strength to pull through this. She smiles at them and accepts the praise as well as she can. We all pull up chairs around her bed.

  “What happened?” she asks. “The last thing I remember is coming home from work and not feeling well. I walked to the kitchen for a drink of water, felt a stabbing pain in my belly, then I was with her until I woke up. That’s all I can remember.”

  “With her?” I ask.

  Danni smiles, “Yes, but I’ll tell you about that when you’re done with your story. Fill me in on what I missed.”

  I go over the details; Coming home and finding her on the kitchen floor. The rush to the hospital. The days of watching her fade away in bed, the doctors informing me there was no hope for her survival. Then I tell her about the two strangers, Gabriel and… the other man, coming in, and the events that occurred.

  “Wow, that sounds incredible!” She says. “I’m sorry I missed seeing it. Gabriel sounds wonderful, and this other man, well… they both sound like angels.”

  I nod. “Sound like, looked like, acted like. Yes, they fit the part of angels exactly.” I look at Steph and Raph who’ve been quiet the entire time. “Is that what they were? Angels?”

  They look at each other and Stephanie nods to Raphael, indicating he can go ahead and do the talking. Raphael takes a drink of water from his bottle, then nods his head.

  “They aren’t angels, but that’s one of the names they’ve been given over the ages. Them, and others like them.”

  “Others like them?” I ask. “Others like you?”

  Raphael looks at me patiently and smiles. “I know you’re going to have a million questions, Trew, and that’s to be expected. That I can answer any of them is very surprising to me, but I’ve been given permission to tell you about us.” He quickly holds up his hand when he sees me take a breath to speak. “Perhaps it’s best if I tell you what I can without interruptions. That way I can present the details in the best order and, although you can ask me questions after, there won’t be much more that I can tell you once I’m done. Perhaps a few little things, but not much.”

  “Okay…” I say slowly.

  Stephanie laughs at me. “Don’t worry, Lobato, I think you’ll be happy with the information that we share with you.”

  I look at Danielle. She shrugs and smiles at me. I pull my chair closer to her bed and nod. “Okay, then. Tell us what you can.”