Read The Games Plan Page 10


  Wilson appears behind him with a menacing glare and a big rake.

  WILSON: I just found an apple tree magically lost half its apples overnight.

  LEON: Well, I don't know what you're talking about! (As Wilson hands him a paper bill) What is this?

  WILSON: The damages bill, sir, what else?

  LEON: Six hundred pounds?!

  WILSON: That's a really valuable plant, and almost 70 lbs of apples.

  Leon is dumbfounded and ready to protest when a snooty, hysterical middle-aged PANSY materializes before them.

  ELLIOT: Wilson, what the heck are you doing here? Those begonias are disgusting, why didn't you fix them yet?

  WILSON: I just did!

  ELLIOT: Well, it looks like a blind southpaw trimmed them with his right foot! Tell me, sweetheart, do you care about your job?

  WILSON: Well, sure I do, I just --

  LEON: I fear it was my fault, sir.

  Elliot studies Leon for a bit, glances swiftly at his big arms and belly.

  LEON: I must have stumbled into one of your plants to avoid a, I don't know, I guess it was a drunk canoeist, I guess.

  ELLIOT: Mmm, I guess those cheap welcome cocktails are still doing damage, aren't they? (A malicious grin) Luckily those begonias are not in plain sight, let's just make sure it doesn't happen again, okay?

  He winks at Leon before wiggling away. Wilson is dumbfounded.

  WILSON: I don't know what to say, man, why did you do that?

  LEON: Well, I'm just sorry I put you in trouble with your boss. It reminds me of the first times at my uncle's restaurant, when he would get mad at me just because someone complained about hairs and nails in the soup.

  WILSON: Yeah, I know what it means! That tyrant never gives me a break, he treats me like an idiot when he wouldn't tell a courgette from a rose. (A dejected glance around) As if it wasn't enough to be working among you sport stars and count less than a pair of slippers!

  LEON: Sport star? Man, I don't even know why I'm here, I must be the furthest thing from sport in the whole world! (Off Wilson's confused look) I mean, from the sport that matters, that is.

  Wilson smiles at him, tears up the paper bill.

  WILSON: Well, I think I can turn a blind eye to those apples!

  LEON: Oh, that really wasn't me!

  He spots ABEBE climbing on an apricot tree in the distance.

  LEON: Should I find out who did it I'll let you know, okay?

  He smiles and moves away to resume his patrol. Finally spots SAHEED leaning on a deckchair by the pool.

  LEON: Colonel, you wanted to see me?

  Saheed keeps smiling entranced at a group of young female synchro swimmers

  LEON: Colonel Saheed?

  SAHEED: (snaps back to reality) Do you see how much sacrifice? Can you see the fatigue?

  Leon looks confused at the girls laughing in the pool.

  SAHEED: I'm talking about me, you fool! Far away from home, from my beautiful, old wife as I carefully study the disciplined, tiring, young, sweaty technique of our opponents.

  LEON: (a beat of perplexity) I thought you wanted to tell me something.

  SAHEED: Yeah, it's about that friend of yours, Kidal. Looks like he's become a star.

  LEON: Yes, it's incredible, isn't it?

  SAHEED: Oh, it really is. And it's also starting to bother me a bit...

  Leon's smile quickly fades.

  SAHEED: You know, I wouldn't want your friend to grow a big head and create trouble on our return, I mean, trouble for all of us. (A cynical, evil grimace) Now you don't want this to happen, Leon, do you?

  Leon just looks at him, slowly lowers his eyes as Saheed turns his grin back to the pool.


  A mountain yodel rings loud in the hall as a group of German athletes performs a Bavarian slapping-polka, shaking each other with huge slaps before a beer drinking crowd.

  Another dancing turn starts, one of the Germans loads a big smack for the man ahead, throws it hard and misses, landing it with a huge snap on the granitic nape of TARKAN! He slowly turns around, the omen of impending violence in his eyes as the German man passes out on the floor. Everyone scarpers in terror, trouncing HELGA and her clogs.

  HELGA: Holy galleon!

  She stands back on her feet, shakes her head at the crumpled beer cans on the floor as Norton appears beside her.

  HELGA: It's a shame, this is not an Olympic village, it is a brothel!

  She storms away, grumbling in Swedish as Norton gets a worried glance from an earphoned collaborator.

  COLLABORATOR: We're risking unpleasant incidents, sir, I fear we'll need to increase our staff.

  NORTON: Yeah, we probably should...

  His menacing eyes point straight across the hall, where Kidal talks to his doll as he rushes to the stairs.


  A loud roar welcomes Kidal as he triumphantly enters the arena and makes his way to the table.

  KIDAL: Here we are, time to make history!

  He hands Leon his sack, gets his shoulders massaged by Edwin as Huang stares daggers at him from across the table.

  EDWIN: Focused, my friend, focused and cocky!

  Leon turns to the stands, crosses Saheed's grin and a hinted nod. Leon heaves a sigh, clenches his teeth as he slips a plastic flask into Kidal's sack.

  KIDAL: So, ready to become a hero?

  LEON: (forces a smile) Just go and do your best, okay?

  KIDAL: Oh, you can bet that I will!

  Leon freezes as he puts his hand into the sack...

  LEON: Wait!

  ...takes out his fetish and gives it a kiss.

  KIDAL: What?

  LEON: Nothing, just... astride on the zebra, okay?

  Kidal finally moves to the table. As Edwin gives him a last massage Leon turns back to the stands, sees Saheed in deep contemplation of a blonde girl's tank top. Leon bites his lip, heaves the longest of sighs...

  LEON: May heaven forgive me...

  ...takes Kidal's flask and furtively slips it in Huang's bag.


  The audience sits in absolute silence as Talita performs a perfect run through the obstacle course. A burst of applause erupts as she crosses the finish line.

  Talita hops off her horse, gives it a pat and a big hug before taking off her veil. RASHID, her big, muscled brother, roughly takes her aside.

  RASHID: What the hell are you doing? You got an interview before the next ride!

  TALITA: Well, I can do it even without this, it's 90 degrees out there!

  RASHID: Don't be stupid, put that veil back on and take the horse to the stall.

  She lowers her eyes, her smile gone for good as we CUT TO:


  The silence is unreal. Kidal taut as a bowstring, sweating as a miner as Huang prepares to serve. He throws the ball up, hits it sideways with a tricky spin, and it's an ace.

  KIDAL: Shoot!

  The SCOREBOARD reads 2 sets to 0, 9-0 in the third for China. Kidal shakes his head, nervously touches his uncombed hair.

  KIDAL: Man, of all the times I had to end up without pomade just today! (A glance at his doll) Come on, Babu, we can't surrender like this, I just need another miracle, please!

  Huang bounces the ball a couple of times as he goes to serve again. Suddenly he drops the racket on the table, crumples to the floor as he turns white and starts sweating.

  KIDAL: What the hell..?

  The crowd goes buzzing, Kidal shares a puzzled look with Edwin as the referee calls for a time-out. Leon glances nervously around as Kidal spots a red flask in his sack. Then his one poking from Huang's bag.

  KIDAL: Leon, what the hell have you done?!

  LEON: Me? Nothing, I... (as Kidal moves to the referee) wait, let me explain!

  KIDAL: Don't worry, there's nothing to explain.

  He calls the referee as
ide, whispers something in his ear. A beat and the referee kneels down, raises the arm of the bent-in-two Huang among the roaring of the crowd.


  The door slowly opens on the dimly lit room. Leon steps in, eyes down and a big lump in his throat as he moves across the floor.

  EDWIN: Will you tell me what the heck have you done?

  Leon heaves a sigh and turns to Kidal, lying silent on his bed with his eyes stuck on the ceiling.

  LEON: It was Saheed, he wanted to sabotage Kidal.

  EDWIN: Why didn't you warn us?

  LEON: 'Cause I feared if he found out we would have ended up in trouble more than we already are.

  EDWIN: Well, I find it hard, it wouldn't get worse for us if we were eating salt in the middle of a desert! Don't you get it, it was the last chance for us!

  Kidal cracks a sad smile as he keeps staring at the ceiling.

  EDWIN: (bites his lip) Well, for you in the first place, of course.

  KIDAL: Don't worry, I'm used to it.

  He keeps smiling as he sits up on his bed.

  KIDAL: My father died when I was a kid, and since then my mother set out to never let me lack anything, to take care of everything for me. Ever since then I haven't had the chance to feel important, decisive, influent on anything apart from dating a girl or taking my mother to the market. Until today.

  Leon's eyes go down again, a stab in the kidney would have hurt him less.

  KIDAL: Well, it looks like sometimes having a chance just ain't enough. (As he moves for the door) Good luck for your plan, guys. Just count me out from now on.

  Edwin and Leon stare at the door as it shuts on his back.

  EDWIN: He'll change his mind.

  LEON: No, he won't. Listen, I think we're still in time to come to terms with Saheed, to make him see reason.

  EDWIN: Leon, my friend, you're a good man and I appreciate you for that. But like every good man you are easily scared, and most of the times fear is the worst of advisors.

  LEON: Edwin...

  EDWIN: We just can't stop now, okay? Especially after what