Read The Girl with the Violet Eyes Page 10

  Chapter 10

  The forest is getting deeper and darker; I decide to turn around but then I spot something or someone in the distance. I want to get a closer look so I walk in the direction of the strange figure. As I get closer I see that it's a man wearing nothing but a pair of black slacks rolled up to his knees with his feet in the stream. He is just sitting on the bank gazing dreamily into the water.

  “I thought you would never come.” says a powerful hushed voice. As he looks up I melt. It isn't the same as with Theo, this is a completely different feeling. It's a kind of tear me from reality look that makes my heart soar. His eyes are gold and they sparkle mischievously, his smile is as bright as the sun, his skin is a sun-kissed tan and his brown hair gleams in the sun seeping through the trees leaves. He stands up showing off his well sculpted body and I want to fall down in front of him. His entire aura screams sexually at me. It makes me want to rip off my dress and fall to pieces before him. He reaches out to me and I faint collapsing to the ground in a tunnel of darkness, but I can hear him yelling my name in the distance.

  Did she just faint before me I think wildly. What the hell just happened, maybe I should have introduced myself first. Oh her parents are going to kill me now I think looking at the beautiful goddess lying on the ground. I think how like a fallen angel she looks at this moment. Her long lashes against her pale skin, and her mouth in a grimace. I can't believe I made her faint I think unfairly. I scoop her up into my arms and gently hold her close to my body. She moans up at me and I flinch, it's such a sexual sound that I'm trying hard not to kiss her supple lips that are screaming for my attention. Just look ahead I try to tell myself because if I look at her again I may just fall apart. I am always the attention of women but this girl is different. I saw her in my vision wildly lost and I fell in love with her then, but now that I'm holding her I never want to put her down. I hold her closely to my body and sprint the rest of the way up to the castle doors. A servant opens it up and looks at me half naked holding the princess with bemused eyes.

  “Nothing happened. Not that I have to defend myself against someone like you.” I shout behind me.

  I hate this place, but I had to come because I knew she would be here. I've been waiting my entire life for this to happen and when it finally did; I never would have guessed it would be with an Elven princess. My parents were infuriated but sometimes you just have to trust your heart to make good decisions. I don't know why I'm so surprised my mother is elf and I'm half-elf so it would make sense that I should fall in love with one. When I arrived here two months ago her brother and father wanted to kill me on the spot; even after I tried to explain to him that we were supposed to be matched. It was fate and if he tried to stop it she would try to find me. I trudged up the stairs to her magnificent room and laid her down on the bed gently. What if she doesn't love me? What if my vision was wrong and we weren't supposed to be together. I watch the perfect pale goddess sleep peacefully and I decide to wait for as long as it takes to try to explain myself. Even if she doesn't love me at first she would eventually come to love me. Everything was going fine; I sat quietly until I had another vision. It came like an earthquake; everything started to shake around me and the room turned white and began spinning. I saw visions and heard voices in all directions, I tried to find the loudest one but I couldn't find it and then the image became clear. Something was going to happen, and it would go terribly wrong.

  The Halfling Boy