Read The Girl with the Violet Eyes Page 11

  Chapter 11

  “W-what happened?” I ask the odd boy from the forest sitting in my vanity chair. He is staring dreamily into the distance; entranced in something that I can't see.

  “Hello? What is your name?” I shout louder thinking that he may have not heard me. He stares ahead frowning in my direction. His face contorts and he falls from the chair crashing to the ground loudly. I jump up from bed and rush over to him. I begin to shake him and then I hit him a few times but in the process end up hurting my hand on his hard stony body.

  “Ow.” I say rubbing my hand that has reddened from hitting him so hard. I begin to shake him violently. What if he's dead? I feel for a pulse and everything seems normal.

  “Hi. Why'd you hit me.”, he asks curiously observing my hand.

  “Well I thought you were dead.” I say.

  “So you hit me? How was that supposed to bring me back to life?” He asks jokingly.

  “I don't know. I mean I didn't think you were dead when I hit you, I was trying to wake you up.” I say embarrassed, my cheeks are starting to get hot. I'm about to blush; I hate blushing.

  “That makes more sense. I'm sorry for the lack of an introduction earlier. My name is Riley and I am a half-ling.” He says smiling.

  “I'm Alison, but most people call me Ali.” I say reaching out my hand. He kisses it gently and gazes into my eyes longingly. I look into his for what seems like an eternity and shake my head to clear my mind. “So what is a Half-ling?”

  “I'm half-elf, half-wolf. My mother is Elven and my father is beast. They met a long time ago in the first war and fell madly in love. We believe that before birth you are one soul but you become split into two and then become soul mates. They were what the wolves call twin souls. The elves call it Chev or life mates. It's when you have an instant connection with someone and you fall deeply in love with them. Ali, I am yours.” He says looking into my eyes seriously.

  “Did you bump your head or something? You do realize we've only just met?”, I ask trying to avoid eye contact with him. “And anyways, I already have someone and his name is Theo.”

  “No. Theo is a traitor you cannot be serious.” He says, his eyes widening hysterically. “I just had a vision about him kidnapping you.”

  “Exactly, he probably kidnapped me to get me away from crazy people like you trying to convince me that you're my soul mate.”, I say getting up from the floor and going to the door. Riley is faster he reaches the door and stands in front of it blocking my escape. He coolly crosses his arms against his chest; he looks so broody and mysterious that I want to kiss him and hit him at the same time.

  “Please, Ali. Just give me a chance to show you that I am yours.” He says making a sexy pouty face in my direction.

  “Listen. Riley, I already had a connection it was with Theo please leave me alone now.” I say and he steps away from the door hunching his shoulders and looking sadly at the floor.

  “Fine, just answer this Ali have you had visions of me lately. Did you see me in your dreams or daydreams?” He asks.

  “No.” I say as I slam the door shut and walk down the endless hall.

  I walk past dozens of white doors, trying to piece together the mysteries of life. How have I never in my life had a boyfriend and in this new world I already have two soul mates. When did life become so complicated? This is getting ridiculous I think to myself. I'm lost in thought when suddenly I hear footsteps behind me. Please don't let it be Riley I think to myself. I turn around slowly letting out a dramatic sigh and look up to find Theo racing towards me.

  “Ali. Are you hurt?” He asks breathlessly.

  “No. Do I look hurt? I'm confused but not hurt.” I say sardonically.

  “You don't believe him. You don't believe that Riley is your soul mate right?” He asks looking sadly into my eyes.

  “No I don't believe in all this stupid soul mate stuff.” I say breathing deeply.

  “Good. Don't listen to that guy because he's a wolf. You know that wolves can't be trusted.” He says winking at me as he grabs my hand. He holds it caressing his fingers lightly against my palm. It feels nice holding a boys hand like this. I feel safe like nothing can happen here.

  “So is my dad okay?” I ask him.

  “Yeah, Hhe's perfectly fine. Although, they didn't do as good of a job as you did with your mom. He looks great but he doesn't look any younger.” He says grinning. “That's a great ability to have. We always need healers, and especially good one's like you.”

  “So what's your ability Theo?” I ask curiously.

  “Oh. Nothing really impressive, I can move things with my mind and control the ground.” He says nonchalantly.

  “Wow. That's awesome! Can you show me it?” I ask hopefully.

  “Sure. It takes a second to get into the right mind set. So wait a minute.” He says standing very still as he concentrates and stares at the vase ahead of us. The vase hovers in the air and steadily rises faster and faster and then he makes it fly wildly and quickly around the room and land perfectly in its place.

  “That was amazing!”, I shout gleefully.

  “It's no big deal.” He says grabbing my hand again and looking over at me.

  Jealousy at the Royal Dinner