Read The Girl with the Violet Eyes Page 12

  Chapter 12

  Delicious smells waft through the halls so we follow them into the kitchen where a feast is being prepared by all the palace chefs. They shoe us out of the kitchen and direct us to the formal sitting room where my family and a few important officials await the meal. My mother has changed into an extravagant golden gown and she wears a golden crown with violet jewels atop her head. Father is wearing black dress pants, a white button up shirt and a golden cape with a matching golden crown. My brother is dressed in the same clothes as earlier staring intensely at Olivia in her red ball gown and red sparkly jewels. She is waving her hands in the air showing everyone her beautiful new engagement ring, a white-gold ring with a large sparkly diamond and two smaller ones on the side.

  “You have to change.” Theo whispers into my head. We're doing the weird non verbal communication thing that burns your skull.

  “Okay. Why?” I ask.

  “Your brother asked me to tell you to change because he wants to announce his engagement and he doesn't want his sister wearing human clothes while he makes his big announcement.” He telepathically says pulling me away from the crowd and all the guests.

  We slip away from the loud conversation of the guests and he brings me into a dressing room full of every type of gown imaginable. It's sorted out in colors, sizes, fabrics, and styles all neatly packed into a large room. He changes into an elegant white suit with a sky blue bow tie, and I choose a sparkly white mermaid gown that accentuates my curves. We sit on the chaise in the middle of the room admiring each other's choices.

  “You look lovely, Ali.” He breathes.

  “You look very handsome as well.” I say grinning.

  “Would it be okay if I kissed you now?” he asks leaning in closely. I pull his face to mine and our lips part in a rhythmic motion he places his tongue in my mouth and we stay intertwined for a few moments. We finish breathing hard, and our hearts beating quickly. His face is flushed and he smiles at me reaching into his pocket he takes out a long box.

  “I've been meaning to give this to you Ali. It's sort of a welcome home gift.” he says placing the box in my trembling hands.

  “You didn't have to do that.” I say tearfully. I open the box up and find a silver necklace with small dangling jewels. In the center is a white pearl in the shape of a heart and in the very center of the pearl is a ruby.

  “Do you like it?” he asks worried.

  “Like it? I love it!” I scream with joy. “Please put it on me Theo.”

  He takes the necklace out gently and I pull my hair up in a bun while he wraps it tenderly around my neck and closes the clasp with a click. I can't stop looking at the sparkly necklace and I want to see how it looks so I find a tall mirror and rush towards it. He follows me over and I sigh deeply when I see myself. I look a lot older and more beautiful. I never liked wearing dresses or jewelry but I look so much like a royal princess that the transformation is unbelievable.

  “You look wonderful, Ali.” Theo says holding me tightly and kissing me on the cheek.

  “Thank you Theo. This is such a thoughtful gift.” I gush.

  “Well we better hurry so we can make it on time to dinner.” He says grabbing my hand and pulling me off my cloud and into the formal dining room. Everyone stops and stares when we enter the room. Theo pulls my chair out for me and then sits by me grinning. I can hear people talking about me, saying how I look just like my father, and talking about how I make such a beautiful princess, and it's a shame I've been missing for so long. I catch Riley sitting at the opposite end of me and Theo; he gives us a grimace and if looks could kill me and Theo would be buried 6 feet under by now. His face is red hot with jealousy and he has a pained expression on his face. I try to ignore how hurt he is but I keep looking over catching glimpses of him.

  Most of the people around me and Theo want to make small talk. They ask me how the human world is, and if I like the kingdom. How is it being a princess? They tell me how beautiful my necklace is and my bracelet. They go on and on about their problems and the kingdom. I try to pay attention but there are to many people talking over each other that I can't focus.

  The food arrives on silver platters and there are five servants designated to each section. Our servant is a petite blonde who rarely smiles but she is fast and she is proper. She brings everyone a plate of vegetable soup that tastes so delicious. It tastes like home grown just dug out of the garden freshness and then she brings out duck in an odd brown sauce that I instantly love. It's so tender and juicy and flavorful; I try to eat slowly and properly like a princess should but the food is so amazing that it's almost impossible. I keep getting my glass filled up with wine, and by the time dessert arrives I'm on my third glass of wine. Everyone looks full and drunk, and when the strawberry cheesecake lands in front of me my eyes light up. I love cheesecake and if it's as good as the rest of the food was I'll seriously believe I've died and gone to heaven. Theo looks over at me with a big goofy grin and I giggle. I look up and Riley's eyes flash with hatred, and I'm instantly ashamed. I don't want to hurt anyone I think mashing my fork into my cheesecake. I take a bite and then gobble up the rest. In my drunken state I've gained some courage so I get up and excuse myself from the table. I tell Theo I need to be left alone and he says he understands so he stays and talks to one of the important people sitting next to him. I can feel Riley watching me intensely. I walk out onto the patio and sit on the ledge staring at the fireflies. I try to count them but lose track at 34 and I begin to weep. I'm not weeping because I'm sad but because I'm finally happy with the way my life is. I can hear something rustling behind me so I wipe my tears and try to act normal.

  “Are you okay?”, the familiar voice asks. I look behind me to see my father standing in the shadows. He has a pained expression on his face, and I try to look up cheerfully.

  “Yeah, I'm fine; I'm just trying to adjust to everything. It's not very easy.” I sigh, trying to hold back my tears. He sits down on the edge beside me and puts his arm around me.

  “Ali, I've been meaning to say this for a long time but I haven't been around to tell you it. I am so proud of the person that you grew up to be, and I'm sorry for leaving you. I just was torn between love and the kingdom and eventually I had to come back to the people. I love you and I hope that one day you can forgive me for abandoning you.” He says in a hushed voice, which doesn't fit him as well as his strong regal voice. I look up at him in surprise, I had not expected him to apologize for leaving but it feels nice to have everything out in the open.

  “I would like to apologize to you. I didn't mean everything I said when you left but I was young and stupid and I understand why you had to leave now. I wish you would have told me the truth back then.” I say observing the two birds hopping across the lawn and chirping happily, how I wish I was a bird at this moment. I could fly away from soul mates, royalty, palaces, and my problems. I smile at the little black birds enjoying each other’s company.

  “Thank you Alison. You know if you ever need someone to talk to I'll always be here.” He says wrapping his arm around me. We sit in silence watching the sunset together. The sky changes from violet, to orange, to red, and the fireflies begin to dance across the yard.

  “How do you like being a princess? And what do you think of the kingdom?”, He asks me curiously.

  “I love it here. Everyone is so nice and I love the gardens and the way it smells like flowers everywhere I go. I feel like I'm finally home.” I blurt out.

  “I'm glad that you like it here. I was worried that you would hate it. It's probably nice to already have two suitors to.” He says bursting out in a deep rumble of laughter.

  “No, that's the worst part. They're driving me crazy with their talk of soul mates and twin souls. I don't know what to do, or who to choose.” I say glumly.

  “You have the rest of your life to choose someone, although it's pretty evident who you want.” He says knowingly.

  “It is? I'm
glad you know because I have no idea.” I say with a sigh. I hear footsteps behind us and look back. Riley stands in the lit doorway looking like a Viking claiming his prize. He is tall and everything about him is flawless. His golden aura matches his eyes, his hair, and even his skin. I cringe and my eyes try to adjust to the brightness that he exudes.

  “My grace, can I steal the princess for an evening stroll?” Riley asks confidently.

  “She's all yours. Just bring her back before morning.” He says grinning and rising up. He shuts the door silently behind him and he leaves us in awkward silence. Come back I wish in my mind. Please don't leave me alone with him, anyone but him.

  “Alison. I want to apologize for the way I acted earlier. I know I can come off as a little strong sometimes and I just want to make it up to you.” He says sounding very truthful and sincere so I listen to him as he continues. “It's just I haven't been able to get you off my mind since I saw you in my visions and I know we need to begin as friends. So that's what we will do.” He finishes and comes to sit by me, a comfortable distance away so that I can't smell his forest scent and minty aftershave.

  The Other Side of the Halfling Boy