Read The Goomeri Pointing Bone : Sequel to Dwarg in the Seventh Dimension Page 24

  Chapter Twenty Four

  Alex turned to Aggie and stroked her wet hair. “I could really get used to this; never had so many saunas in my life, and a gorgeous lady to share it with. I really missed you Aggie. It was good to be able to see my dad and get him up to date with everything; he’s worried that he might not be able to bear up to your expectations; he nearly flipped when he realized you were Kellor Resources.”

  “It’s just as well he didn’t get to see aunt and me two days ago in Canada; we looked like filthy rag dolls discarded on a trash-heap. Anyway love, I’m glad you talked him into coming here for a visit and a look the way, I’ve already bought that house you were looking at. Even if he’s not interested, I think it’s a good investment. Anyway, before all that, Aunt Edna decided to go off by herself to somewhere in Minnesota and bought herself a house there; don’t ask me why, something to do with burial grounds. Well I guess that motivated me to do the same. Err, are you all right with that, my love?”

  “So if I wanted that house, I would have to buy it from you?”

  “Hmm, depends on your offer. I wouldn’t insult you by just giving it to you, wouldn’t want you to think you’re my toy boy.”

  “Well I’ll just wait till we’re married then.”

  “OK; that’s a reasonable offer.”

  “You know Aggie, I really think dad will love Vermont and you and Edna and the goings on around here. How is it with Professor Lien and Ken Kain; all back on track now?”

  “Er, Mister Kain is back with his family in Fort Bragg; he’s fully recovered from his ordeal, thankfully. As to Rienus, he’s back at Reggane working on the capacitor, Abdul is happy, as you can imagine and probably never far from his side. The other Professor Rienus Lien is currently in a small country town in Australia with Ernie Tonges.”

  Aggie held him tight and could feel his heartbeat increasing. She knew that Slig was downloading the information to him. I’m so happy he’s using his Whisp with more confidence. Do you think Slig will be able to convey that little matter to him Dwarg?

  Slig will provide all the facts and they will not be adequate for even the highest form of analytical interpretation of this situation. I have passed only what I know, which is still void of complete explanation.

  Sometimes it’s just easier to say “Aggie; I don’t know.”

  “Another Rienus Lien? And the DNA confirms it?”

  “Yes dear heart. They’re both one and the same; only now they are not exactly the same because of their current environment. Their exactness stopped when they were beamed down to earth by; I suppose, zapper; the GM2. They grow apart with each passing second. To be honest, I can’t make a decision as to what to do about it; nor does Aunt Edna; I was hoping you may help...I have complete faith in you.”

  “But mon petit amour c’est une tache un peu plus difficile que moi envoyant hors du Sahara pour tuer un satellite. Slig is even at odds with finding an answer. Would you like me to go to Australia and do something? You know I will in an instant; just say the word.”

  “No, I don’t think that would help. Of course Ernie knows; I had to tell him. Poor chap, he’s also mystified and waiting for an explanation. At least he’s stalling before bringing Rienus back here; there has to be some logic in all of this Alex.”

  “May I refer madam to the logic of the Goomeri Pointing Bone, and to Aunt Edna’s trances with that Aboriginal painting, even my own inexplicable yet wonderful meeting with my future wife under the most illogical of circumstances?”

  “Hmm Omar Khayyam.”

  “Who? Oma...never mind Aggie, Slig just kicked it.”

  “Aren’t Whisps just wonderful Alex?” She held his hand and they kissed and caressed. Alex smiled and thought, I wonder if Aggie knows how our little Whisps communicate? No?..well let’s keep that our little secret; and Slig. while we’re at it, let’s get some more thoughts on this Rienus Lien problem...give me some kudos man.

  “Aggie, I wonder if there may be some merit in looking at the metaphysical side of things. I know, you’re a scientist and it goes against the grain, but just think about our own little “extraordinary” circumstances with Dwarg and Slig. In scientific terms, isn’t that just as preposterous as a human materializing from nowhere? And in all fairness, you yourself still do your thing...your spiritual, er, your, come on, help me out here darling.”

  “I understand what you’re getting at, but duplicating human beings is a little far removed than dancing to the spirits of ancestors. But I do take your point sweetheart. Even Dwarg has problems with things that have happened of late...seems it all started with that Goomeri Pointing Bone; it’s thoroughly confounded him. Aunt Edna seems obsessed with it and goes off on her own private little investigations. Come to think of it, a while ago we even wondered if Rienus was the subject of one of her trances...the mysterious old white man...and it was related to Australia.”

  “Well even if we do find out exactly how and why another Professor Lien is on this planet, there’s no way of sending him back to where he came from. His time-line is now on another course. Obviously, the Goomeri Mark Two did something before it self-destructed. Your Star Trek Transporter had a hiccup. Look Aggie, I honestly think the only way to smooth this situation out is to sit down with both of them, well apart initially, and just tell them what happened and introduce them to each other. Who knows, they may even get on well together.”

  “He’s a celebrity and world renowned, so we tell the world...what?”

  “Twins, they were twins all along. Aggie that’s not altogether untrue; and from what I’ve heard, Professor Lien isn’t disposed to having his life and adventures open for public scrutiny; and we have one of the best security services in the country.”

  “Ooh, I love you so much darling; I was thinking along the same lines, but I needed your thoughts to guide and convince me; I just can’t get enough of you.” Aggie then giggled and put her hand over her lips, “Sorry Alex; it’s just Dwarg trying to settle me down with a bit of silly comedy...he’s getting better at it. OK then, let’s bring Rienus Number 2 back here, in from the cold.”

  Alex looked at her and wondered what Dwarg had told her...Come on Slig, out with it.

  Er, in my opinion, Dwarg would have set the image of two identical naked Alex Bentleys now sitting either side of her.

  Aggie saw him smile. “Oh Lord, I hope he didn’t see what I was thinking..did he?... Dwarg?...Dwarg?”

  No Aggie. Dwarg, the Whisp from the Aura, had told his first deliberate lie.

  “Should get dressed and get back to the house; I’ll go have a chat with aunt and see how her adventures are going, then give Ernie and Rienus a call...and...and Alex, goodness you are the warrior...I guess aunt can wait a little longer...oh yes, and I need to ring the University later.”


  Oskar Bruin had terrible nightmares regularly. The booze helped him to sleep but the mornings were the worst. His head would hurt and often it took some time for him to orientate himself. He would sit on the edge of his cot and look around his room for clues and reminders. Sometimes his senses would work it out quickly, but more often than not, he would mumble to himself and he would recognize the words rather than the objects he was looking at. He would stand up unsteadily and stumble or walk; depending on the amount of alcohol he had consumed; outside his shack and obey the call of nature. The more urgent the call, the shorter the walk.

  This particular morning was the worst night he had ever endured; with the worst nightmare. He sat up and almost immediately found his bearings. Dint ain’t ‘av a drop yes’day but me nut don’t ‘alf hurt. He took a longer than normal walk to relieve himself. When he returned, he instinctively put the kettle on the portable gas stove and turned it on. Don’t exactly feelen ta caffee or tea or grog right now; Don’t know what Ah’m fancying. Still unsure of which brew to make, Oskar poured the now boiling water into his old stained enamelled mug, sat down
on his camp folding chair and slowly drank it down. Amazingly his headache began to ease and he poured himself a second cup of hot water. He looked through the fist sized hole in the window, at the world outside his hut and tried to think of the dreams he had just had...the dreams that terrified him so.Maybe Ah’l go visit Archie and ajaw some; sees what’s a go wit Lexie of late.

  “You look like shit Osk...come in, let’s clean you up and get some good food into you.” Archie had wonderful news and stories to tell to Oskar. “Alex is going to marry that girl; would you believe it old friend? He swears it’s true love; even got some pictures to show you. “See, she’s some beautiful woman; native American, and she owns a company that generates power and does electronic stuff; even owns an aeroplane. Alex reckons she’s down to earth without pretentious bullshit. She lives with her aunt up there. They want me to go up for a visit and a recce, maybe even move there if I want.”

  “An who be dis woman?”

  “That’s her Aunt Edna; Alex reckons she’s a real character. Does her own mechanics, chops wood, shovels fact Alex says that she’s the local unofficial tribal healer; never lost a patient. She drives a big black Hummer. Now get this Osk, Alex actually went to Africa on their jet and did some work for her company; it was only for a day or so, but you should have seen how excited he was when he told me. He did try to drop in on you Osk, but he said you weren’t around.”

  “Coulda be right Arch...matter a fact, don’t know meself where Ah’m at most a da time. The fuzz boys jist tip me out at ma front door at end of day; Ah’s not bin too good a late.”

  “I really worry about you old friend. How’s about staying with me a while before you head back; I’ve plenty of food and booze?”

  “Ah’d rader not be a perensite offa ya mate.”

  “It would make me feel so good to have some company around for a while Osk; I miss Alex, and I get so lonely...please old friend?”

  “Well if’n it means dat much to ya; OK den. Now let me eye dat photo agin; that woman, that aunt...seems Ah see’d her sometime someow. A’looking at er, makes me feel good inside; she be hav’n power, dis ere medicine woman.”

  “Really Oskar? Well guess what? You’ll be meeting her later; at Alex’s wedding; he wants you to be his best man.”

  “Shit no Arch, no way man; Ah’m not fit for da mixen with the classy people; no sir; not dis dude from noawhere. Don’t ask me to do dat stuff; Ah’d rader tackle a gater.”

  “Don’t panic, no date’s been set; but Alex is really keen to have you next to him on the big day. Anyways I’ll be there as well to hold your hand. Take this as a huge compliment Oskar; of all of Alex’s friends in this world, he’s singled you as the most important.”

  “So now Ah gotta go buy a suit?”

  “You’re going to love this Oskar...Aggie his girl, is hankering for a traditional First Nation wedding. How do you look in feathers, old boy?”

  “Last time Ah seen me in feathers was when I bit dat damn rooster on the ass for awakin me up too, no, before dat. Was in Dirty Bart’s Saloon, Ah upchucked over ‘is woman. She come up to me only a wearin two a dem big feather fans; made me sneeze and den some...look ‘ere, still ‘ave the scar from dat beatin. But enough of dis pullen of ma leg. Where the wedding be Arch?”

  “Canada. Just up the road and over the border a ways; Alex will organize and pay for everything, even your buckskin outfit with fluffy moccasins. And dance, did I tell you about the wedding dance?”

  “Reckon Ah can crash ‘ere for a spell? Ah feel a sleep fairy a closing me eyes.”


  Oskar woke up the following morning without a headache; without the after effects of delirious dreaming; the first time since he could remember. He opened his eyes and knew exactly where he was. He was on a bunk in Archie’s house; he had had a wonderful sleep. The smell of fried bacon wafted through the house, and toast; yes toast he could also smell that. Then he heard music, bluegrass music, he looked out the window and could feel the warmth of the rays of sunlight on him. He sat up without pain and felt something in his hand. He opened it to see that he still had the photo of Edna. Damn good medicine, dis woman.

  He studied it again, there was something, something about her; and slowly it began to dawn on him that she looked very much like one of the women in his horror dreams. This particular one was the woman who dragged him away from the many teeth and claws that were biting and cutting him to pieces. He couldn’t see where those attacks were coming from; they just appeared from the dark; there were many of them and seemed to stab and bite him from all angles. As much as he tried, he couldn’t scream or run away; he flailed his arms and legs but still the attack continued. He raised his arms to protect his face which he felt was deeply cut and bleeding. Then he felt his arms being grabbed and was dragged away from the spot. He opened his eyes to look as his rescuer. He saw the face of that woman, Alex’s girlfriend’s aunt; it was definitely her.

  “Good morning Oskar, how about a big breakfast? Got coffee on the brew and a heap of bacon and toast. I see your face has a little more colour in it today. I reckon if a mortician saw you yesterday, he would have rubbed his hands together in glee.”

  “Morn Arch; damn if that wasn’t the best kip Ah had for a bit; bacon ‘n toast? ya betcha.”

  They sat down and went about eating breakfast in a somewhat quite manner. There was a lack of small talk and finally Archie said, “Oskar, you know you can share your problems with me; I won’t put you down, I know what loneliness is; sometimes it’s good just let thing out.”

  “Sometimes Ah jist don’t know what ta do anymore Arch. Seems me liven is getting me down. Tired a putting up sandbags around me ‘n hiding from da world. Ah know Ah’m getting near da odder side a me life and lately Ah’m tinking wat a shit of a liven and wat a waste a time ‘n effort. Lexie ‘n you be me only friends in my life.”

  “You’ve never really told my about your life Oskar; just things here and there. I learnt after arresting you so many times in the past, that you had it rough since being a kid and wanted to be fiercely independent. And as far as I know, you never committed any, what I would call, crimes against the person. I realized a long time ago that someone, somewhere in your history, has a lot to answer for.”

  “Cain’t go blamin anyone but meself mate; guess Ah shoulda woke up that Ah shoulda walked along the track dat was dare for me; instead Ah trod along ‘n made me own track; jist see were Ah ended up; a useless olden fart.”

  “Well try this for useless, man. Alex would be working in Drucker’s General Store in Hicksville, if it wasn’t for you. I’m frigging sure I would have been dead a few times now if it wasn’t for your talents. Shit, you’re my hero, and it pisses me off to hear you put yourself down like that...”

  “Whoa, whoa Arch, you’all end up getting dem dizzy spells agin, now pass me dat bacon fat; ‘n dat butter.”

  “Ah remember weildin a machete back in Cottonwood Minnesota; Ah was chasin a man ‘n ‘onest to God, Ah wanted to kill ‘im. Ah was only a kid ‘n me ma and pa locked me up in a room but Ah git out window and run away. Ah jist run ‘n run till Ah dropped. I sleeped dat nite under a tree ‘n Ah liked it. Ah remember a’laying dare a’lookin up ‘n Ah sees elves ‘n goblins playin in it. Never looked to goin back; jist wanted da freedom of da open spaces...” Archie poured more coffee into both mugs. He had never heard Oskar string so many sentences together before.

  “Go on sport, I’m listening.”

  “Ah stoled some corn ‘n fruit as Ah travelled. One day Ah come across a hound dat, was wounded in ‘is back leg. Ah felt dat Ah shoulda pick some of da weeds and some soil, mixed ‘em ‘n put it on da dog’s open wound. Ah tore offen a piece a me shirt ‘n wrapped ‘is leg. Stayed wit it for a time, a couple of ‘ours ‘n da hound got back on ‘is legs ’n a started to awalkin agin. Den a truck comed along ‘n stopped. Anyways the dog’s owner sees ‘is hound is still alive ‘n awalkin. ‘
E reckons ‘is daughter shot da dog by mistook ‘n was out ‘ere lookin for da body. ‘E was sure happy wit me, gimme me some vittals ‘n four dollars. Dat was da start a me odyssey.”

  “Er Oskar...the man and the machete?”

  “Dain’t know it den a course; dat man said Ah belonged to ‘im ‘n Ah had to play wit ‘is...’is, wee-wee... ya know Arch? ‘E made me watch ‘im playin wit ‘imself ‘n all. Ah dain’t know no different ‘n ma ‘n pa said Ah must be good to ‘im ‘n do as’n ‘e says. One day ‘e really ‘urt me Arch ‘n wouldn’t let go a me; Ah screamed in pain but dat made ‘im more ‘ard. Ah got so damn mad dat Ah reached behind a me ‘n grabbed ‘im wit all me power; ‘e let go ‘n Ah run out da room, still wit me pants off ‘n Ah’m seein some blood. Ah run into pa’s shed ‘n grabbed da machete offen da wall rack ‘n ran back to da ‘ouse a’screaming my intentions a ‘acking dat man inta pieces. Ah ‘member a chasin ‘im from room ta room ‘n da faces on me ma ‘n pa – dey jist stood dare lookin like statues in a gravenyard. Dat man ran down da road still doen up ‘is trousers. Ma ‘n pa said Ah ‘ad to go to me room, ‘n it got locked afer me. Still cain’t figure ‘ow come me folks let dat old witey man ‘ave ‘is way wit me. Ah never told anyone dis before Arch...”

  Archie was amazed at the outpouring of stories from the fascinating life of Oskar Bruin. Oskar would be laughing one minute, then in tears, then serious, then vague, but the adventures continued for hours. Although they had been friends for years, Archie saw this man in quite a different light now. Some of his stories seemed to fill the spaces and revealed answers to questions about Oskar’s life; questions which Archie was always too afraid (or polite), to ask.

  “Ah stopped goin inta da big town last year cause people were a comin up ta me ‘n asking if Ah was Chuck Berry; must look like ‘im Ah guess. Anyways one day Ah said “sure is” ‘n Ah was swamped wit all sorts a folk a wantin my signature ‘n stuff ‘n free booze, Arch Ah ‘ad so much free booze Ah reckoned Ah was on a good ting till someone didn’t believe me and kicked da shit outa me ass. Da lawmans did da same ‘n all.”

  “Now Ah got dis Aboriginal news. Don’t even know ‘ow da ‘ell Ah git involved. Da Gov’ner man up ‘n tells me Ah was a stolen offa my real ma ‘n pa in Australia. Bit late now Ah says to ‘em, already git one leg in da grave. So da man tells me dares money due to me; componsiton from the Queen of Australia; and if Ah want; a trip back to see if’n I want ta try ‘n find me real kin. If’n ah was asked dat even ten years ago, Ah’d say no; got no interest in kin, never ‘ad, never will. Ya see Arch, dares the point a me ‘avin the blues lately. It’s all so past me by.”

  “Excuse me for just a minute Oskar, got to go toilet...make another brew if you like.” Archie went to the bathroom and sat on the closed lid of the toilet. He had been a tough cop for a long time, maybe it was age, maybe he was becoming more aware of his own mortality; but Oskar’s story clawed at his heart-stings, and, if only for a little while, he needed to sob.

  “Wat’s a confusion Arch, is all dis stuff Ah git sent to me from Down Under. I wonder if’n someone knows me or maybe it’s jist a group a folk doen good to us stolen generation people. Dat pointin bone come wit some power, some medicine; Ah know dat, but I wonder who sent it and why; dat’s jist not yer average souvenir, don’t ya reckon?”

  “Oh shit Oskar, that reminds me. Alex left it up there in Vermont; the Goomeri I mean. He says Aggie’s aunt took an interest in it, seems it wanted to be with her and she’s studying it. He wanted to know if that was OK with you, else he’ll send it straight back to you.”

  “Reckon it’s doen it’s job; reckon I’d like ta meet dat woman one day.”

  “Hey, lunchtime old friend, look at these; they’re Australian Meat Pies; a couple of minutes in the microwave, a squirt of ketchup and presto, instant meal; no plates or cutlery to wash. Bought them on special the other day. Fancy one or two?”

  “As long as ya cook ‘em soft; not too many molars left in this ‘ere gob.”

  Archie watched the countdown as the microwave buzzed. “Now here’s a thought from Right Field. What say the both of us just pack up, get on a plane and check out Australia; I’m not committed to anything here, you’re not due for court appearances; so what the hell is stopping us mate? The money is no problem. I would love to see the place, the kangaroos, the koalas, the crocodiles, the outback, tell you what, I’ll get a DVD about it; have I sold you Oskar?”

  “Err, dat stuff gives me awful frights Arch. Never bin near a plane; goin up in da air like dat; bloody long way to fall if’n it breaks down; ‘n day make so much racket; folk shouda go deaf by listenin to dem motors; dis body a mine wouldn’t ‘old up to dem dar machines.”

  “You said yourself you’ve already got one leg in the grave; that leaves the other leg free to do whatever you want. Come on Osk, there’s places out there where you can keep making your own track. No good rotting away here in misery; who knows, maybe your track-making will lead you to a place that you may have been looking for all your life.”

  Oskar’s curiosity did become aroused by Archie’s outrageous plan; this would be so much different from what he had even thought was imaginable. “N ya reckon da money don’t matter? guess won’t ‘urt ta take da Queen’s offer of a trip for a looksee of dat land. Gees Arch, dat may also mean Ah gotta get meself cleaned up ‘n all. Ma skin ain’t seen da side of a sponge wit soap, longer dan Ah can ‘member; guess Ah can git and jump in da crick wit a scrubbin brush.”

  “And we can both go into town to one of those fancy hair dressers and stylists; and have our toe and fingernails done by one of those sassy girls from the Philippines. Tell you what else, this time I reckon I’ll go buy new clothes and shoes from a shop, and not at the Goodwill bazaar.”

  “Ah ward dis ere dungaree ensemble since the ‘atees; guess Ah could git ‘em a wash ‘n all.”

  “Ok then Oskar, let’s do it...let’s start with contacting the Governor’s office. Next we’ll talk to the Australian consulate and get a proper low-down on your situation. Then passports, visas, booking the trip, some research; we need to get some luggage...I’ll get a notebook, should be writing all this down. I’ll give Alex a call tomorrow; I think he will be happy for us. So, do I tell him that you would be thrilled to be his best man?”

  “Ya. OK...shit Arch, dis new track Ah’m takin ‘as me all in a tizz.”