Read The Goomeri Pointing Bone : Sequel to Dwarg in the Seventh Dimension Page 25

  Chapter Twenty Five

  “Are you sure Aunt Edna? Australia’s a long, long way from here.”

  “I need to follow this all the way Aggie. And Alex, your Uncle Oskar is heavily involved in the puzzle. So far, I’ve found out that he was born near Alice Springs, Australia and stolen from his mother whilst he was still a baby. He was taken by a missionary named James Robinson and sent to the USA to be adopted by a couple named Bruin; it wasn’t a completely legal adoption and the Bruin’s all but hid him from society. His adoptive home was in Cottonwood, Minnesota...I own it now. Seems young Oskar ran away from home, I think around the age of seven and was never heard from again. Later, the Bruins gave birth to a girl named Erin; she’s now married and still living around Cottonwood. Her parents are now deceased. Erin has no idea of the existence of Oskar. Does that ring true so far?”

  “Old Osk said he did come from up north ways and ran away when he was a kid; that bit about coming from Australia is true; he’s recently got letters from the Australian Government to say so, but I don’t think he knew he was adopted. He’s still very bitter about his folks...the Bruins I mean.”

  “Now for the fuzzy bits. The Goomeri Pointing Bone, via you and Oskar Bruin, found its way to me. That painting by Robinson, via the Bruin family, found its way to me. In the Bruin homestead, I found a Certificate of Adoption for Oskar and surprise surprise, it’s a fake. Here’s a photo of the young couple with a happy looking Oskar.” Edna passed the photo and the false adoption certificate to Alex.

  “In this paper bag is a lock of Oskar’s hair...I’ll tell you all about that later. I went up into the attic of their house and felt that there was a great deal of sorrow and remorse lingering there.

  Now this is where I’m having trouble. See this? It’s a newspaper article about the disappearance of one Reverend James Robinson. Erin’s father filed a missing persons report on him. It’s around the same time that Oskar would have disappeared. Apparently Robinson spent some time with the Bruins. According to the report, the Reverend went for his daily walk along the Cottonwood Lake and just simply never returned. I know he was murdered...the spirits of the lake told me so...sorry, can’t put it any other way. He was killed by a black man with a tomahawk and his body was dragged, weighted and dumped into the water. The water around that place is foul and offensive to the ancestors. Erin’s father was the killer.

  “Wow Edna, sounds like Oskar skedaddled just in time; no wonder he hated them. He may well have been the next victim.”

  “That’s what I thought at first, but something was not making sense...and what was the deal with me being involved? Then I tried to figure out the Australian connection...and Aggie, remember when we were talking about the painting being enchanted because the woman’s spirit may have been trapped within it?”

  “Of course aunt and I recall we were discussing the Burringilling, the ghost spirit and the old white man, who we mistakenly thought may have been Rienus.”

  “Aggie, be a dear and write these things on your know, the way you sometimes figure out things...don’t mind if the Whips help out either.” Alex and Aggie exchanged looks.

  “Sometimes Aunt Edna goes into her Sherlock Holmes mode sweetheart, but let’s hear her out...OK aunt, ready to scribe.”

  “Right, now note down this sequence of probable events:

  1.Robinson paints a picture of Oskar and his mother; her spirit is captured and trapped. Where did that happen?..question mark that.

  2.Robinson steals baby Oskar and sends him to the USA... to the Bruins.

  3.A curse is placed on Robinson by...someone, dying mother?..question mark that. That clipping of baby Oskar’s hair; it holds a powerful curse...believe me it does.

  4.Robinson comes to stay with the Bruins; hence his painting comes to Cottonwood USA.

  5.Young Oskar runs away. Robinson is killed by adoptive father. Why? Question mark that as well Aggie.

  Ok, now we’re in the present...and, in a matter of days, all these things happen:

  First...Oskar’s status has been discovered and a pointing bone is sent from someone in Goomeri...and it came to me via Oskar then Alex.

  Then...Oskar’s adoptive father dies and the painting finds its way... to me.

  Then...Professor Lien disappears. Then is Australia.

  Next...The woman in the painting shows me that her baby will be taken away.

  Plus...The woman in the painting also tells me of the old white man and points to the Burringilling.

  Did the Burringilling create another Rienus Lien? I think she was telling me so.

  Anyway, I guess Oskar’s biological mother would be dead after all this time, yet her’s still trapped within that painting.

  “ alerting me about Rienus; what better magnet to get me to go to Goomeri?..and to bring Oskar with me; and just look at me now, I’m planning to do just that.

  All in all children, the key to everything, including our extra Rienus lies in a small village in rural Australia. Oh, I nearly forgot to tell you... I’ve just had a chat with Ernie. He and Rienus are driving through the countryside enjoying the open spaces. They are spending this very night in a little hotel in a little place called Goomeri. Now children, are there any questions?”

  Aggie, Dwarg, Alex and Slig studied the whiteboard; the Whisps were silent and the Humans were lost for words. Then all at once, the questions poured out. Most of the discussion centered around the Burringilling – was it really that spirit or was it Aggie’s transporter glitch? All agreed that the timing was very, if not extremely, coincidental.

  “Tell me more about this Booreng...that spirit character.”

  Edna nodded to Aggie who explained, “Burringilling is an impish, perhaps roguish spirit. Some tribes know him as an evil and sinister phantom, but in the main, he’s associated with progress or growth, especially when one begins to reach the age of man or womanhood. It’s a masculine spirit, can be part human or animal and hides in trees or soil or clouds or smoke; he carries a magical tool; a talisman which gives him powers of transformation. With this, he can change the shape of the landscape, the weather and even himself. He has been known to transform himself into a young handsome man and ravish the women around him; he wants the resulting babies for some reason. He may also duplicate himself to allow for multiple servicing.

  During certain ceremonies, the Burringilling can be called upon to invoke punishments or vengeance. Keep in mind Alex, Aboriginals do not punish their own in the way we know it; they don’t know of imposing fines or imprisonment or capital punishment. The worst that can happen to one who has transgressed his tribe is total banishment. For what’s it’s worth, the literal translation of Burringilling is walking together.”

  Dwarg was a little confused, as was Slig. If even a little of this proves correct, we ourselves have been used as conduits in these strange events; and manipulation without our knowledge opens areas not yet of our awareness. We may yet be ignorant Flatlanders.

  “And Edna, you don’t know Uncle Oskar as I do. It’s going to take several rolls of duct tape just to strap him down and get him away from his for getting him on an aeroplane, good luck. I’m hoping against hope that he’ll come all this way for our wedding. As for going to Australia? that also means he has to shower and shave. You may have to nab him while he’s still in an alcoholic coma; anyway he’s already told the Australians he’s not interested in going back; ever.”

  “Young man, I’ll let you have first dibbs at asking him; and please ask him nicely. If he says no, I’ll try it my way.”

  “I’ll call dad right now, he should still be up; Osk’s not cell-phone savvy.”

  “Fine. Aggie and I need to clean up the guesthouse anyway; take your time Alex and good luck.”

  Edna straightened the sheets on the bed in the master bedroom; Aggie looked on, slightly embarrassed. “Goodness, how do these beds get so ruffled?”

, would you like the scientific and technical explanation or just a blow by blow description aunt.”

  “No need sweetheart; got it all on tape; via that camera over there...” Aggie’s head snapped around. “Ha ha got ya, should have seen your face just now. Baby, it was only a rhetorical question; if the bed wasn’t touched, then I’d be worried.”

  “Oh aunt, you can be such a nice bitch sometimes. But really, I do worry about you going so far away, and then facing all that intrigue. It’s so much of a delicate time for me right now with the processes in Algeria and I need to put in a lot of time with my rain maker.”

  “Well it’s good that at least you had a nice long conversation with Rienus the second, today; that should settle him down for a while. Do you think Phoebe and Jade will be all right to take me? she swears she is over her little episode. I just hate those long flights; and this will be the longest yet; and if Alex is right about his Oskar being a little shy of everything, this may be a good way of getting to know him.”

  “Well, Jade doesn’t know about the other Rienus; my fault; guess I was hoping for some sort of miracle that the duplicate would disappear...sorry bad choice of words. Hmm would you feel if I asked Alex to escort you on that trip?”

  “No no, I’d rather he stay here with you Aggie; I need to know that you’ll have someone to watch over you as well. One thing that I’m happy about is the fact that this little adventure does cross over things relating directly to Kellor Resources, so’s I feel I’m contributing at least a little bit. We make a good team Aggie and by including Alex, it’ll only get stronger. My real concern is to how Rienus will react to his other self.”

  “ mean the Rienus twins?” Aggie looked at Edna and said “Just changing the subject aunt, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you. Back there in Canada, after the funeral, you said you had to see Adam then returned with a box of stuff. You looked...well you looked...hmm a little different. And you were a little quiet on the drive back to Putney. Am I poking my nose into something you don’t want me to?”

  “Seems I’m now the Nation’s Shaman; Atian asked Adam to see to it. My problem is to be able to make myself available for the many ceremonies that a medicine woman needs to participate and celebrate. It’s a big deal Aggie and will keep me on the hop..literally. I feel I’m still lacking so much understanding with the spiritual know things like interpreting dreams and visions. Anyway, one thing at a time.”

  “And you were going to tell me about this teeny weeny event...when?”

  “The official announcement will be at Adam’s coming elevation to Chief; I’ll be needed to organize the ceremony. Still, that’s a few moons’ away.”

  “Moons’ away? why aunt, you’re already talking the talk; hope you’re not going to say words like forked-tongue, scalp and white-eyes. Anyway, that is so wonderful; I’m so proud and you deserve to be recognized in such a way. Wow, you’re going to be in the big time.”

  They strolled back to the homestead to see Alex standing on the porch. “He sure cuts a fine figure Aggie; what a hunk.”

  “You just keep your damn paws ’n beady eyes offa him moccasin woman; that’s my man; don’t make me put on war paint.”

  They were still laughing as they stepped onto the porch. Alex had just finished chatting with his father and stood there scratching his head in bewilderment. “You wouldn’t believe this in a million years ladies, I’ve just had the strangest conversation with my just won’t believe this...”

  Aggie embraced him and they walked in the house. “Tell us later darling.”

  Edna picked up a rubber tennis ball and threw it, with the dogs in hot pursuit. She looked up at the mass of stars above and whispered The road is long, with many a winding turn, that leads us to who knows where, who knows when.


  Abdul looked liked like a little kid playing in a sand box, but his bulldozers, front-end loaders and tip trucks were not little toys, they were large, cumbersome and moved and gouged the ground. One of the engineers from the Algiers Polytechnic had belatedly handed Abdul a Certificate of Competency, which authorised him to operate certain earth moving machines. That was enough for Abdul to clamber aboard a low-loader, offload a bobcat and make the terrified work-gangs run and scatter for cover; and his antics drew more than the normal curses and fist shakes. He roared off, over a large sand-dune, when the noise of his machine stopped suddenly.

  The more experienced of the work group knew exactly what had happened and one called for the local first aid attendant. “Take your kit over that dune, Ahmed, the bobcat has tipped over. If Abdulmalek is still alive, make sure he cannot ever use machinery again...ahh never mind, there he comes. His toy is broken...Allah be Praised.”

  Aaron and Rienus were standing on top of the building which housed the capacitor. They could see the dust rising from the area where the first gap in the mountain chain would be filled. “How’s it looking for rain in the near future Rienus?..don’t want too much for a while...gees, I can’t believe I just said that.”

  “Should work out all right; a little rain would help, need it for the concrete at least. Aggie has a phobia about drilling into the sandstone for water, but we’ll make a decision in a month of two. I spoke with her earlier today and she’s organized a separate project involving a joint venture with the Algerian Department of Antiquities and my old school, the University of Oklahoma...and this will cost a bit. She wants the entire valley scoured, poked, surveyed and inspected. I tried to head her off and told her that the knobs in Algiers had already looked at the impact study and had given her the go-ahead for the alterations and development.”

  “So our leader is looking at nuptials, I hear?”

  Rienus chucked, “And marriage as well Aaron. I’ve met her man. A wonderful guy; Alex Bentley, ex astronaut, ex NASA. He has so much in common with Aggie, they seem to communicate without even talking to each other. I met him in Honolulu. Don’t be surprised if he pops up here one day for a visit; I know he’ll be involved with KR in due course. I’m sure he’ll fit in. You’ll really like him.”

  Aaron turned to Rienus and said, “You don’t say.” He thought to himself, shit Rienus, where the hell have you been? Don’t you know that Alex and I rolled around on a bed of sand together, just down there...down there where that little black spot is.

  “Rienus, I’ve got the equipment for the well-head on its way. The anchoring should be finished in three days. I’ve asked for the generator and the electronics ready to be shipped – they are on stand-by. The housing is just about prepared; see, over there. Poke-through should be within three weeks from now. Now I need to know the alignments; have you worked them out yet?”

  “Yes, at this stage it’s about 90 percent accurate and that’s enough tolerance. I’ll allow for fine tuning as we get closer to completing the tower.”

  “Tower? what tower Rienus?”

  “Oh yes; Aggie would like us to build a tower, well a pylon really, a big one, a real big one.”

  “Hmm, for a flagpole?”

  “Good one Aaron. No this is something that’s different from all the other installations. It needs to be earthquake proof, utterly earthed and non conductive. A small insulated bunker at the base of it would be nice as well. I reckon we should build it....see, just over there...down there where that little black spot is.” Rienus took a piece of paper from his top pocket and unfolded it for Aaron to see.

  “Looks somewhat like that minaret in Abeba; would you like it painted pretty pastel blue as well?”

  “No, it needs to be black, matt black.”

  “Of course it does. Look over there Rienus, looks like Abdul’s rover. Strange, he’s not driving it.” They watched it approach and soon noticed that Abdul’s keffiyeh had been replaced by a white bandage around his head. “Our national co-ordinator appears to be injured; can’t be too bad, he’s waving at us like royalty.”

  “Haán! Hoy Ha
a’n! your boss comes. Go prepare his cabin; he is injured.” yelled Aaron. “Gotta give Abdul marks for finding the right place to come to for treatment.”

  “Are you going to chopper him to Reggane?”

  “I know Abdul too well; any excuse for using our facilities. He prefers Jamieson’s Irish whiskey to Morphine...there’s a few bottles under his bunk...purely for medicinal purposes don’t you know. Now, getting back to your erection, it would be nice for some details...after all, I’ve nothing on my plate at the moment.”

  “Now now Aaron, no need for sarcasm. As I see it, we have plenty of time; first we have to dig a big deep hole for the foundation; I think that should keep Abdul constructively occupied.”