Read The Goomeri Pointing Bone : Sequel to Dwarg in the Seventh Dimension Page 27

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  “Is that really you Oskar? You know, you do look a bit like Chuck Berry; you don’t scrub up too bad at all. That beauty treatment was worth the money; and smell, hmm nice; you smell like Alpha Male on the Prowl.”

  “Dat dare be ‘nuff ya bullshit Arch. Lookin these clothes, clean ‘n all. Took me ‘wile ta git used to socks...’n lookn at me shoes Me toes be wandering why me sandles not on. Lookin this belt, silver buckle ‘n all. Arch, damn ifn day shine like ol Davvy’s bald noggin. Dat dare be a fine suit ya wearin ‘n all cobber.”

  “Now let’s have a last minute check. We’ve got all the paperwork done, clearances from the State House, passports, everything’s locked, police patrol notified, the taxi’s booked, we have the permits for the airport private charter access. Did you remember to bring those letters from Australia with you?”

  “Ya, only git a couple. Shit Arch, I’m a gittin da jits about dis trek.”

  “Hey this is a big deal Oskar; and your first plane trip will be in the luxury of a Gulfstream de da. Must admit I’m getting a bit nervous meeting with Mrs Edna Kellor.”

  “’n me ‘n all Arch; she’s powerful medicine; makes me feel liken a ‘ittle flea. Ah still ‘aving troubles wonderin why she’s ‘avin interest in me all.”

  “One for the road Oskar?” asked Archie as he held up a bottle of Revenge.”

  “Ner ain’t ever reckon Ah’d sayed dis man...No thank you very much old chap; tryin to git sober. Damn hell Arch, ‘erin comes the cab, Ah gotta go piss.”

  Alex was waiting for them at the security gate of the general aviation parking area. He saw the taxi arrive and waved at the two passengers. “Hi guys, got to get out here and walk the rest of the way to that building over there. I’ll fix the driver.”

  “Alex, this is wonderful. You’re coming with us after all?”

  “No afraid not dad; my boss gave me a few hours off to make sure you get on your way without trouble...and to introduce you both to Edna; she’s waiting for us. I’m needed back in Lebanon. Wow Unc, you look great, you remind me, a movie star...a gentleman.”

  “Ya’al still not big ‘nuff so’s Ah can’t put ya over my lap for a spanking ya cheeky pup.”

  “Dad, I want you to take this money with you; it’s a gift from me; no no, hear me out. There’s no way in this world that I can make up for everything you’ve done for me. So please don’t accept this as a payback or compensation; I wouldn’t dare insult you by doing that. Please spend this money with the thought that it gives me pleasure. Please buy an ice cream whenever you want to.”

  “And Unc, I’ve an envelope for you as well; same conditions apply, OK?”

  “You know son, I’ve been thinking. This is the first vacation I’ve had in my life, I feel like a little kid going on an adventure. That’s a fine looking necklace Alex, from your Aggie’s tribe?”

  “Yes dad. The Chief gave it to me personally. I had to go ask him for blessings for Aggie’s hand. It’s all OK, but I have to go back to him with Aggie and go through some sort of ritual, I don’t know; may have to dance or something; I’ll tell you all about later. Oh that reminds me, this is for you as well; it’s a safe travel charm; just keep it in your pocket, can’t do any harm.”

  Archie looked at the little string of coloured stones and placed them in his jacket top pocket.

  “’n ‘ow bout me Lexie?”

  “From what I’ve heard unc, you’re already protected by some sort of spiritual spell; you don’t need any charms for your safety; but Edna will tell you all about that. Oh and another thing guys...if you need to pee during the flight, sit down on the john to do it, you know, like a female. I wouldn’t advise alcohol; gives you headaches and don’t panic if you feel your ears pop. That’s your plane over there gentlemen, nice ain’t it? Oh by the way, your pilots are also Kellors...Aggie’s cousin and his wife...Jade and Phoebe Kellor.”

  Archie could only whisper quietly, holy shit.

  Edna and Phoebe were in the small terminal drinking coffee as Alex entered. Behind him, looking a little nervous and apprehensive were Archie and Oskar, each sheepishly pulling their trolley suitcases behind them. Shit, I’ve faced guns, crazy men and alligators; this should be easy; so why in hell are my knees knocking. I’ve got to give out a good impression; for Alex’s sake.

  “Dad, this is Edna, Edna please meet my dad Archie.” Archie smiled and held out his hand warmly, but Edna would have none of that.

  She stepped up to him and gave him a long, hard hug. “We meet at last Archie, I was so looking forward to this moment. And this must be Oskar?” Oskar froze in an attempt to bow his head. Without hesitation, Edna reached out and embraced him in like manner. “And delighted to meet you as well Oskar. We have so much to talk about.”

  Edna felt and knew instantly that Oskar had certain powers beyond her knowledge; as she had suspected.

  Similarly, Oskar felt some powerful sensations radiating from that woman. “Pleased ‘n all missus; nice day t’day ain’t it.”

  “Yes it sure is Oskar; please, you must call me Edna. Now this beautiful young lady is Phoebe, my niece. Phoebe please say hello to Oskar and Archie.”

  “Happy to know you” she said as she shook their hands, “would you care for some drinks gentlemen, coffee or something harder?”

  “Coffee would be wonderful Phoebe, thank you. Alex mentioned that you are our pilot.”

  “Yes, alongside Jade who thinks he is the First Officer, but I let him think that, it keeps his moral up. Have either of you been to Australia before?”

  “Nots dat Ah kin ‘member lass...was born in Australia but ended up in USA; long story; caint says Ah ‘member been comin ‘ere. Sorry, Ah ‘dint mean ta prate so much. Arch, ya’ll been away far?”

  “Only interstate, nothing like this Phoebe. We saw your aeroplane outside; it looks like it’s going fast just parked there.”

  “Jade will be along shortly, he has to see to the refuelling and lodge our flight plan. After take-off, our first stop will be Honolulu, then Auckland then Brisbane. It’s a long way but we have television and movies, even a billiard table; it’s electronic of course but very realistic. If you get tired, we have couches and beds for snoozing. Now is there anything in the way of food that we need to know about? Any dietary restrictions or allergies?”

  “Nuttin comes ta mind ah...Phoebe. Ain’t never bin on a plane before; heed some folk git sick, airsick; don’t rightly know ifn how Ah’l go on the ride.”

  “Believe me, you’ll get to love it. If you like, you can come sit with us up front after take-off and see how everything works, OK?”

  “No second thoughts dad? Onwards and upwards?”

  “Well I guess it won’t be like you going into outer space Alex, but no, I’m committed; just tell my nerves that.”

  There was more small talk as they sipped their coffee. Phoebe looked at her watch and said, “I’ve got to go now and do the pre-flight checklist and warm up, see you all shortly.”

  Oskar leaned over to whisper into Edna’s ear, “Ah, dat girl Phoebe...’ope nuttin bad ‘appens up dare dat may upset the youngin in ‘er.”

  Edna looked at him. He had just confirmed what Dwarg had already stated. “Oskar, have you ever heard of Whisps?”

  “No cain’t say Ah’d heed a dat.”

  “Phoebe doesn’t know she’s pregnant yet. We’ll have to keep that secret – OK?”

  “Sure ‘nough ma’am, sorry, Edna. But you’all know already? Ya sure be’an strong medicine lady.”

  “We really have much to talk about Oskar; this flight may not be long enough.” Alex was pleased to see that there was rapport between them; just look at them, already nattering like neighbours over a fence.

  Jade came into the building and smiled to see that his passengers had arrived. Alex introduced them and Jade greeted them warmly. “Good news everybody, we are already cleared and can skedaddle within 25 minutes, so
finish those drinks and let’s went. Alex, try and keep Aggie away from duplicating machines and see you later man. Interesting times ahead, I’m sure.”

  “And then some. Ok dad; have a great time, splurge, go ape, get into some trouble, come back with amazing stories. Unc, this must be hard for you and I’m so proud to see you facing your past. You’re in good hands with Edna, don’t be afraid to lean on her, she’s an expert in getting people out of the shit.”

  “’n cars outta da snow, Ah ‘ears Lexie.” Archie looked skywards and whistled innocently.

  “Hmm, yes, thanks a lot dad.”

  An official from the terminal checked all passports and authorised entry onto the tarmac. Jade said, “Leave those bags here gentlemen, we have a handler to load them; rules and regulations you know. On board we have an assistant who will help you settle in and show you the ropes; so up, up and away we go.”

  Alex watched them walk away. Shit, I feel like those guys are my little boys going off to summer camp. “Bye!” he yelled out. They turned and both gave him the NASA thumbs up, then walked up the air-ladder. Alex watched the jet taxi away, then he turned around and slowly walked toward the main terminal of New Orleans’s Louis Armstrong Airport..he also had a plane to board.

  O Silver Bird glide quick and straight,

  through currents o’ the sky;

  find me my beloved squaw,

  whence both of us may fly.

  Hey good one Slig...thanks.


  Rienus loved hopping on and off the fast City Cats traversing the Brisbane River, discovering something new at each stop. Ernie doesn’t know what he’s missing; look at that skyline; and the river boardwalk, it goes for miles. That looks like a great place for lunch, a floating restaurant no less, and the cat’s pier is close as well. Seafood platter special, yes that’s for me.

  Ernie was back at the hotel, making many telephone calls to his contacts. Edna’s list called for some unusual questions to be asked. He had already contacted the Premier Private Investigation Agency for information concerning the life and times of James Robinson, missionary, circa mid 1950s and pressed the urgency for the data.

  He was waiting for a response from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Affairs Department as to further information regarding Oskar Bruin. Their liaison officer had been helpful and given him a contact in Alice Springs and Ernie had finally managed to contact her. He explained what he could about Oskar’s past, how Oskar had been notified of his heritage and that he was returning to Australia at the invitation of the Australian Government. Unfortunately, the official could not, or would not provide any information without the usual dozens of letters of authority, Statutory Declarations and other documents. “Well can you at least tell me which tribes, families or communities were in the Alice Springs area around 1955?”

  “Sir, that information is available on the internet and we also have some fact and data sheets on our website. May I help you with anything else?”

  He hung up and rang Les Hodges, his one time student who luckily was still at Pine Gap. Les was able to give Ernie some information about the man who brought Rienus to the base. “Chap by the name of Charlie Chaplain, yes I’m serious Ernie. I know; if I was given that handle I’d change it quick-smart too. Shit, he must cop hell every time he says his name. Anyway, as you know we check everybody, well he’s OK and of no interest. I did interview him at the time...but since then...just let me read’s from the Federal Police; his real name was Charles Charlie and his family became scattered far and wide in the late fifties, with most moving to Queensland; to the Wide Bay Area. Wide Bay? That’s an area encompassing many small towns, Imbil, Cherbourg, Murgon and others.”

  “So that would include Goomeri?”

  “Yes, certainly would.”

  “Les, may I ask a favour? I need more information and I don’t particularly feel like flying out there digging all of it up.”

  “Pushing the friendship mate; go ahead.”

  “I need to know all about a woman named Mizzy Ooloo? I believe out of Goomeri. And can you give me the lowdown about a spearing in Kata Tjuta recently? That’s some place out your way I think.”

  “On to it now mate; I’ve heard the name Mizzy before. She’s an important national cultural figure. Anyway; I’ve a good contact with ATSIA; my wife Kathy. How’s that old professor...Lien? Bet he’s happy to be back in the good old US of A.”

  “Er yes, he’s one happy chappie, Les, I may have already spoken with Kathy; she gave me the typical bureaucratic response, no offence, sorry..and congratulations; didn’t know you tied the knot; any kids yet?”

  “First one due in six weeks Ernie. I’ll talk with her. Get back to you shortly partner.”


  His phone ran hot with calls as the information came to Ernie. The detective agency in Brisbane was particularly quick with data gathered about James Robinson. “Mister Tonges,” oh what a delightful Australian accent this girl has, “our initial enquiries reveal that James Robinson, aka Neville Robertson, aka Frederick Miles Griddle. Born Sacramento USA, 2 April 1883. Arrived Australia 30 June 1946 with United Apostolic and Missionaries’ Commission. He was asked to leave that service due to circumstances of incompatibility. He was then given permission by the Northern Territory Department of Communities to erect a small church at a spot within the Kata Tjuta National Reserve. His rap-sheet, as far as we know, shows arrests in Alice Springs, Tenant Creek, Mount Isa and Clermont for inappropriate conduct involving juveniles, assault, abduction and suspected paedophilia; no convictions recorded. Departed Australia under the name Fred Griddle 13 July 1951. Australian Immigration records are endorsed Persona Non Gratis. What a fucking arsehole...oh, sorry Mister Tonges.”

  “I totally agree. Anything about his being a painter or artist?”

  “No sir. If you wish we can broaden our enquiries to the USA through our contacts in LA.”

  “No that’s OK, I’ve my own sources over there. Please keep digging into his past in Australia. You’ve done well, thank you.”’re a grotty child molester Robinson...a pox on you, whoever you are. He picked up the phone and rang his deputy. “First off Harry, please explain...Mrs Kellor and Minnesota, the funeral in Canada? Where was the security?” He listened as the report came through. “You were there at...Cottonwood? It cost how much for the private charter? How much for RV to Canada? Shit Harry, my budget just got a big kick in the guts; OK carry on the good work. Now, I need you to dig up the world of one James Robinson, aka Neville Robertson, aka Frederick Miles Griddle. Born Sacramento USA, 2 April 1883; sent to Australia as a missionary...a damn rock spider. Re-entered the US in July 1951 and found his way to Cottonwood Minnesota; yes the same place Mrs Kellor just purchased. Seems he stayed with a family named Bruin. I want to know why. Now Harry, I have strict instructions from Mrs Kellor not to approach the surviving daughter, Erin Cleaver nee Bruin, or her husband, but I’d like to know more about the not another charter plane, use a local detective, no better still, contract out of Saint Paul and Harry, it’s urgent.”

  A few hours later, Ernie was still surfing through the National Archives of Australia website. He found nothing of significance, no matches to his keywords or various family names.

  His phone rang; it was Les from Pine Gap. “Quick report old man. Mizzy Ooloo; as I said, she’s a national treasure; heroine of many nations; a trouble shooter, a fixer, a leveller, a closer, there’s a special word for her but I can’t pronounce it. I believe she is the first and only female Shaman. She gets called in when things go askew and things did down in Kata Tjuta the other day. You were right Ernie; there was a spearing, but this one was very different..the victim’s body disappeared after it was stabbed, er speared...there were witnesses to that. Now I’ll try my best to pass this on, remember we’re not dealing with contemporary ideology; and this is second hand:

  A group of men of the Arrente were at a
Bora; this Bora was on the site, believe it or not, of the burnt out ashes of a church; yea go figure. During the ceremony, a body fell into the Bora ring. The men were afraid and called for Gooran the healer to see what was happening. Apparently, the body was of a woman dressed in man’s clothing; she was neither black or white, and held a sacred charm of a medicine man. She opened her eyes then yelled to them about a white man; she showed no fear and Gooran determined that this was a spirit, probably an evil spirit which could change shape.

  The woman then shouted a word; don’t know, a sacred word I supposed, or even an evil curse word and one of the men went to stab her through the heart. Just then, that body changed shape; to one of an old man who had feathers growing on him. He was neither black or white as well. The spear went into the chest of the new body which then disappeared in front of their eyes; they had killed a spirit, not knowing if it was good or evil.

  The men, including Gooran were then rooted to the spot, frozen with apprehension and fear. Don’t ask me how this worked, but Mizzy is called for, from Queensland, to come over and sort out the dilemma...which apparently, she’s already managed to do...Shit Ernie, Hollywood would love all that stuff.”

  “I take it that Mizzy has gone back to Goomeri then?”

  “As far as we know. Now, one Oskar Bruin...yes, he is of interest. Not one of the stolen generation as thought, just plain stolen, but still listed and registered in that category. Whereabouts unknown until recently; turns up in New Orleans. The government has made contact with him, but I can’t say any more on that matter; there are limitations as you know Ernie. By the way that’s not his real name, it’s Coran Banbah. Sorry can’t tell you any more about him.”

  “Les, I know I’m pushing the boundary, but on 13th July 1951, a certain disgraced cleric by the name of Fred Griddle was asked to leave Australia to return to the USA. His D.O.B was 4.2.1883 Sacramento. He also went by the names of James Robinson and Neville Robertson; a damned paedophile. He ministered around Alice Springs, got booted from the congregation then built a...a church...hmm.”

  “A church in Kata Tjut?.. since burnt down? now a Bora ring within a Bora Ground? you’re onto something I think, mate. Let me get back to you Ernie, I know Kathy will drop everything to delve into this.”

  “Les, I believe this Robinson character may have kidnapped and smuggled a baby, a baby boy into America with him. It’s falling into place.”

  “Gotcha, July 1951 you say...I’m on it.”

  Ernie looked at his notes again. Sort of a trail here, but it’s still offset with these indigenous twists and turns. Killing a spirit is hardly inscribed within the Criminal Code, even in this country; and placing curses and such, whew, way out of my league. Be happy when I get to talk with Mizzy Ooloo; that should tidy things up.

  Rienus walked in. “Hi Ernie, still hard at it old boy? What of your vacation? Come on man, I’ve reserved a table at that pizza place on the ground floor plaza.”

  “Couldn’t think of a better place to be Rienus, you smooth talker. A nice drop with that Meat Supremo with anchovies, would go well.”

  “Hmm, a nice full-bodied red?”

  “Professor; pull your head in.”

  Rienus laughed and said, “You’re a good sport Ernie.”

  Ernie smiled. Hmm, so was she.