Read The Goomeri Pointing Bone : Sequel to Dwarg in the Seventh Dimension Page 28

  Chapter Twenty Eight

  “You can move around the cabin Oskar, you won’t tip the plane over. Come sit near the window and tell me what you see.”

  “Edna, Ah’d admit Ah nearly shit me pants when we left da land. Got pushed back ‘n back ‘n I looksee out dat window and says to me all, ‘Oskar, no way you’all can jump to ground from dis far up witout me legs dispering up me ass’..ooh sorry for sayen dat rude words to ya Edna.”

  “Please use any words you like Oskar, I’d be offended if you pretended to be someone else, anyway I know when someone is trying to bullshit me. Ahh, look over there, that’s the coast line, we should be over the ocean in a minute. Press this button, see, there’s a map of the world. That X is where we are, and after a while you can see it move slowly as we go along. Brisbane is way over there. How are you faring Archie? some coffee? Soda? Snacks?”

  “This is wonderful Edna, luxurious. It’s so quiet in here. Wonderful er, no thanks.”

  “Hey Archie, like to come up front here for a looksee?”

  “Sure, if it’s alright.” Archie made his way to the cockpit, “wow, looks like an Aladdin’s cave in here; how do you keep track of all these dials and buttons?”

  “Sit here and I’ll give you a run-down; it’s not really as complicated as it looks, a lot of this is for show. Is Oskar OK back there? he still looks a bit nervous.”

  “He’ll be fine Jade, it’s a hell of a thing for him; he’s not used to technology, let alone flying. I had to tell him it was alright to tread on the floor normally, he was afraid that if he stepped too hard, he might fall through the floor. He’s a bit worried that we haven’t got parachutes; oh and we’re now over the ocean and he can’t swim.”

  “I’ll get him up here after a few hours inflight; should give him a buzz, got the airsick bags here; just in case. So Archie, we are going to be related shortly; my cousin’s father in law. I take it you know about our heritage? Aunt Edna, Aggie, Phoebe and I do take it seriously, but there’s no problem if it’s against your beliefs. Horses for courses and all that.”

  Phoebe turned to Archie and said, “Before we got serious, I knew Jade had close ties to the Abenaki tribe. I was rather ignorant of tribal culture and customs and after a time, he took me up there to Canada and I fell in love with everything First Nation. We were married in the traditional way; had heaps of problems with my parents of course; but I’ve never regretted embracing the way of the ancient ones. I’m still a Catholic girl, just happen to be a Native American Catholic girl, no conflict, no problems.”

  “I think it would be an honour and I’d certainly like to learn more and believe me, I have an open mind. A while back, just after Alex came back from the space station, he was in the most depressed state I had ever seen – I was so worried about him. Then by some miracle – fate or destiny if you like, he hopped into his car and drove from New Orleans direct to Vermont. He had never been there before; and then straight to Aggie. I don’t know what supernatural processes were involved in that, but there you go, they seem to be a perfect match and deeply in love. Alex is now the happiest man I’ve seen, so who am I to question spiritual or mystical occurrences, let alone cultural and ethnic beliefs. Besides, if you get to know old Oskar better, one can’t but help accepting the fact that not everything is as we were taught at home and at school.”

  “He does seem a character Archie, and Edna is obsessed with his life story. She’s a very well known Shaman and what she doesn’t know about herbs, plants and trees, isn’t worth knowing. The local doctor is always pissed off when his patients head to Edna for some of her cups of tea with creams. Now, has Alex told you about the reason for Edna’s trip to Australia?”

  “Well kind of; all too confusing for me I must admit. Seems, like I was saying before, there are some powerful processes in play, this time to do with Oskar; in that he needs to return to Australia. That poor soul has had a miserable life and deserved better; I can only hope that something lies ahead that may give a measure of balance? zen?, make that karma.”

  Edna got up from the couch and went and sat down next to Oskar; he was grasping his seat-belt and his knuckles were white from the pressure of holding it so tight. “How are you feeling now Oskar? you still look a little worried; I’ve got some weed here if you like. No, no, not that kind of weed, that would be against the law wouldn’t it; no, I’ve got my own weed, better than that other stuff, it’s organic and legal and after you drink it, it will relax your brain...or I have some Jack Daniels.”

  “Reckon Ah’ll try ya ‘ome brew tanks Edna; me guts keeps a comin up a looksee out window ‘n all.”

  She walked across the cabin, opened the door of the small refrigerator behind the bar counter and took out a polystyrene cup. She removed the plastic lid and passed the brew to Oskar. “I’ve heard you are a master of the herbs and potions. Alex told me about your talents and I’m really interested to know more; where did you get your knowledge about using herbs and nature to heal?”

  He glugged the brew down, smacked his lips and said “Arrr, ugly ‘n damn right awful...must be good. Ya got some a dat dar Valerian in dis ‘n all. Cain’t find dat stuff down South no more.”

  “I’m very impressed Oskar; you’re right of course, its Valeriana dioica and it only grows in the North of the country; First Nation people still use it; supposed to be a well kept secret. How did you learn about this?”

  “Since Ah be six years old; Ah run away from home, up North, Minnesota ways. Ben on me own mostly, ever since dat. Lived offa da land, da forests ‘n swamps ‘n woods. Ah’s lucky Ah guess, seemed jist a natural for me ta reach out ‘n jist pick out da weed or da root or da bark or da mud and use dem foren wat Ah’s needin.

  Learnt to fix’n sick ‘n injured critters; dat was good, ‘cause Ah coulda git payed wit grub ‘n money sometimes. Da more Ah used da plants ‘n stuff, da more I learnt. One day, da lady in a Goodwill market give me a book. Dat dare book ‘ad ‘undreds of pitchers of plants ‘n ‘erbs; so Ah studied the photos ‘n remembered em. Ah ‘ad dat book for a long time. Caint don’t read the words but later, young Lexie come ‘n teached me. ‘e took me to da libbery; dem place got so much books ‘bout fixen people ‘n critters, reckon Ah spent some times ‘a in dem. Ah also reed up ‘bout Indian medicine, but only ‘bout curin ‘n healin. Dat dar spirit ‘n stuff is too scary for me’all. Anyways, nature been good ‘n all; but got locked up too ‘n all. Mostly in Louisiana; damn Voodoo bullshit; dem people drinkin and sniffin stuff sends em crazy. Den day complain about me’all fixin dar victims. Yet ta see me first zombie. Ah maybe seen a couple of ‘em down behind da Giche Saloon, but dem weren’t zombies- jist piss ‘eads pissed outa dem skulls. Shit Enda, dat be darn good stuff ya made. Ah’s got a sore tongue jist by ‘a jawing so long; but Ah feel heaps better.”

  “Aunt Edna, I have Ernie on the phone, patching you through.”

  Edna listened intently, trying not to look at Oskar as his name was mentioned a number of times. Ernie relayed all the information he had gather thus far. “I’m still waiting for some of the more finer details Mrs Kellor. That hotel in Goomeri; I’ve booked the entire place for our accommodation; I presume we will be will staying there for a while. The manager says that Mizzy Ooloo has returned to the camp there. Now do you wish us to meet you in Brisbane or shall we go directly to Goomeri and make contact with her now.”

  “Go straight there Ernie, we’ll organise our own transport when we land. I just want to make sure that there won’t be any unforseen hiccups. If you get more information before we see you, call me again will you?”

  “Of course Mrs, may I offer a guess as to Mizzy?...I reckon she’s related to your Oskar, a sister perhaps?”

  “It would make so much sense Ernie. Just wish we had an answer to poor old Rienus Lien’s situation. Bye now.”

  “Oskar let me tell you a story; it’s about me; its about you.” She raised her hand so that Jade could see
it. It was her signal that she wanted no interruptions. “But first I would like you to tell me a few things, OK if you don’t want to, but it’s really, really important..for you.”

  “Ah ain’t git nuttin to ‘íde Edna – anyways ah know you’all will reach inta my ‘art ‘n rip out the information.” He smiled as said it.

  “Why did you run away from Cottonwood?”

  Oskar’s smile quickly disappeared and he felt a quiver through his spine. He looked at her...she’s a powernful medicine woman.

  He lowered his eyes and placed his palms together between his knees. “Ah done run away ‘cause a man used me for ‘is sex. Ah tried to kill him. Ma and Pa did nuttin ‘cept, lock me up; Ah run away. None knows ‘cept Archie.”

  “I was also raped as a young girl Oskar; by a priest. I never told anyone before; you are the first. I know it wasn’t my fault yet I’m embarrassed by it..guess that’s why I also have a problem with religions.”

  “Well dat guy was a preacher or reverend or something, don’t feelin comfortable jawin ‘bout it Edna.”

  “Let’s not mention anything about that again. Did you know at the time that you had been an adopted child?”

  “No, found it later, much later. Ah ‘erd da folks died away; didn’t feel remorse; old pa died not long ways back. Then the Aussies found me; dats da time I knew I didn’t belong to ‘em; don’t feel no connection anyways. I’m an Aboriginal don’t you know.”

  “Indeed I do Oskar. Now, that Pointing Bone, the one you got from Australia, would you believe that it was meant for me? It found its way to me in order to bring you back to Australia. I know it’s a bit weird, a Shaman getting directions from an Ngangkari, but it looks very much that it’s the case. OK Oskar are you ready to hear some wonderful and amazing things?”

  “Ya kinda sounds like ‘n a barker outside the Cat’s Meow Karaoke Bar on Bourbon Street..sorry, Ah’s ready.”

  “Your adoptive pa, his name was Walter Bruin, yes?”

  “Yes ma’am, sure was.”

  “Would you believe me if I said that on the day that you ran away from home, Walter Bruin chased and hacked to death a person by the name of James Robinson.”

  “Wat? my pa upped ‘n killed someone? Cain’t be, ‘es a God fearin man; ‘ard to believing dat Edna.”

  “James Robinson also used the name Fred Griddle.”

  “Griddle – dat was da name a dat son ‘a bitch who...who...and my pappy done ‘em in ‘n all?”

  “I really don’t think your parents, your adoptive parents, knew what was happening between you and that...that person. When they realized, well...that’s what happened. The body was dumped in Cottonwood Lake, just down from the old Indian Burial Grounds. Never found to this day. The spirits resent his presence.” ‘Ow in ‘ell she knowin ‘bout dem graves? But Oskar knew better than question her information – she’s a powernful medicine woman, ya sir she be.

  “Er Edna, maybe a little a dat dar Jack Daniels? Shit, all dem years, Ah’d believin day ain’t never cared ‘bout Oskar. Kinda feels good ta know dat now, but all too late now ‘n all. Phew. Ah used ta go to Indian graves regular, found peace; ‘eard voices there, calm ‘n soft; neer ‘eard the words but.”

  “I also have some information about your biological parents...your real parents, and how come you ended up in the USA. Ready when you are.”

  “Maybe Ah should ask ifn Archie may be ‘earin dis stuff; Ah kinda shakin a bit ‘ere Edna.”

  “And I don’t blame you, you dear man. I know Archie is your good friend, but I’d rather tell this to you and you alone. That way, anything I say, you can pass on to Archie if you wish, but it should come from your lips Oskar. If you like we can talk about this later.”

  “My pappy, killin this Griddle; ya sayed he used a tomahawk?”

  “Well it was something like a long and wide blade with a wooden handle; a broad ax maybe?”

  “Or ‘n a machete I betcha; same damn machete Ah’d chased ‘im with.” Edna nodded.

  “That would be more accurate Oskar.”

  “Ah’s like ta know ‘ow come ya yonself is a getting mixed in alla dis ‘bout me; ya sayin your’all under some orders from a Ngangkari?”

  “So far that’s what it looks like; I don’t mind, I’m learning more and more about the paranormal spiritual world...and I do have a personal interest in seeing this through, because it involves some of my family as well.

  “OK, go on missus – Ah feelin like expectin some dude will come up ‘n yell “dis’n be you’all life, Oskar Bruin”.”

  “Hmm, or...this is your life, Coran Banbah!”

  “Wat ya say woman? cuminbanbra?”

  “Coran Banbah – that be...that is, your birth name, your real name – it sounds beautiful, like a bird’s call don’t you think?”

  “Coran Banbah, Coran Banbah, sounds nuttin like Oskar. Coran? Coran? ain’t never heed dat name once. Ah’ll stay with Oskar ifn ya please.”

  “That’s strictly up to you Coran, oh I mean Oskar – sorry. Still it’s a nice name. I myself have another name, a tribal name, it’s Nidoupso Managuen Skog, so what are you complaining about man?” Edna did not tell him that she had been given a new tribal name after the death of Chief Atian. This was a requirement for elevation to the Nations’ Shaman. It translated to Cousin of the Rainbow Snake.

  “Still ‘n all, good dat Arch didn’t ‘ear ‘bout dis now.”

  Oskar raised his hands and said, “dis be more scarin dan lookin out at the ocean down dar. Any’ows real folks?”

  “Another call from Ernie, Aunt Edna.”

  “Excuse me Oskar,” Edna said as picked up the telephone and listened. After she put the phone down, she took a deep breath and turned to Oskar.

  “Just got some more information about Frederick Miles Griddle – not a nice person. Had arrest warrants in just about every state, never got picked up or charged, a rapist, forger, conman and gambler owing huge debts. There are still questions about his activities, not only in Australia, but in the UK as well. Disappeared in Cottonwood Minnesota, missing persons report lodged by one Walter Bruin. Oskar, this was the asshole who stole you away from your mother I think, and sold you to the young Bruins, then came back later to live with them.”

  “Ifn Ah coulda, Ah’d put a curse on ‘is damn soul forever ‘n den some.”

  “Now that’s exactly what your mother did Oskar. I believe her name to be Maroochy.”

  “ dat’s a name Ah liken, Maroochy, Maroochy er, Maroochy Banbah?”

  “Not too sure about surnames. People often changed names as they moved around. From the information I’ve got, you were born in the area of Central Australia, near Alice Springs and abducted from there. Then your mother..Maroochy, moved to South East Queensland. Now that curse on Robinson, er Griddle, didn’t just disappear on his err, passing away. It stayed in the homestead with nowhere to go...just waiting. Then when your pappy Walter Bruin died, something happened that set things into motion. Firstly; besides the pointing bone, a painting came my way; and we’ll talk about it later. Anyway, I had to put an end to that curse and I think I did. Griddle’s spirit will never be at rest; it’s hunted by all of the Burringling in the Dreaming, even the good ones.”

  “’an ‘bout my father, the Australian one?”

  “Nothing yet Oskar. He must have been fair of skin, but not a white man. I think he was also a Ngangkari, but so far we haven’t been able to get any information on him. Now, I also think you have a sister, a younger sister; and this is where it all gets very exciting.”

  “Ah reckon ya gonna tell it dat my sister gone ‘n sent da pointing bone.”

  “She lives in Goomeri Oskar.”

  “’ow she knowed werin Ah was?”

  “Before I tell you that, I must tell you that your sister, her name is Mizzy Ooloo, is a powerful Shaman; and I am in awe of her powers. When the Australian Government issued a list of the stolen generation of that peri
od, your name came up. You see, she has never stopped looking for you; probably a promise to your mother. Anyway your name was matched with some data base held at the State Capitol in New Orleans. Seems Pappa Bruin had lodged a missing persons report on you back then. Finally some computer popped out you name when Walter Bruin died. So she sent you the pointing bone to make sure you came back.”

  “Well Ah’m sure a letter explainin dis would saved a bunch of ‘eadscratchin, don’t yar rekon Edna?”

  “Perhaps, but give me an honest answer to this question; if you got a letter from your supposed sister in Australia, would you go over there to see her?”

  “Umm, don’t rightly know dat answer, na, too set in my ways. No Ah don’t tink Ah’d a goed.”

  “And she would have known that; but hey, see what’s happened because of that pointig bone Oskar? Here you are off to Australia, in an executive jet, sipping Jack Daniels. Bit of a coincidence hey what?”

  “’n my little sister Mizzy done ‘n got you’all to do all a dis for me, jist by sendin a bone via da post; sure must be powernful ‘n all.”

  “Just as much as are you Oskar; only you don’t know how much. You possess the qualities of a great healer and spiritual guide. I think you and your sister are blessed with powerful and strong auras. Just think, in a matter of hours, you will get to meet her.”

  “Shit Edna, ‘ere Ah go agin, shakin like a mongrel wit ticks. Tell me more, lest Ah gits caught unawares when Ah see my sis.”

  “Your mother Maroochy passed away in 1957. She’s buried just outside Goomeri. Now remember that curse she put on Griddle? Well that curse, like I’ve said before, remained dormant for a long time in your old place in Cottonwood. For such a powerful curse, your mother had to give something of herself; the more potent the curse, the more she had to give. She gave what must be the most strongest and important thing in her being, She paid for that spell with her eternal spirit.”

  “So my mother is dead, but has no spirit, no soul nothing? Dis news ‘urts me ears Edna.”

  “I am so sorry that your mother is dead Oskar...but I think because the curse is over, there may be a way to release her from the..I don’t know what the word is...enchantment? This is something I must discuss with Mizzy. So let’s talk about something else Oskar, tell me as a boy, why you headed to New Orleans and not some other exciting town like Las Vegas or New York?”

  Archie kept turning around to see how Oskar was handling the trip. He had seen him laugh, cry, smile and sad. Guess he’ll tell me if there’s anything of interest.