Read The Goomeri Pointing Bone : Sequel to Dwarg in the Seventh Dimension Page 29

  Chapter Twenty Nine

  Mizzy had been standing on the grassed area just beyond the third parking bay for General Aviation at Brisbane Airport. With her was an official from the Department of Immigration, a Customs Inspector, a representative from the ATSIA and a traditional dancer. She had wanted to have a very low key welcome back ceremony and hounded the airport officials for the need for confidentially. She looked around to see an ever increasing crowd of people gathering around the entrance gates. Some TV cameras had been set up on tripods and other photographers were perched upon the most precarious of places. Well at least they’re keeping their distance, she thought. Those two Yanks are still back in Goomeri waiting to talk to me – tough, they’ll just have to wait. This’s more long lost brother’s coming home.

  That morning; it was well before sunrise, she had had a dream. She raced over to wake old Gazza “I need to get to the airport Gazz..right now.” Gazza never agued, he simply hummed Whip, crack, away! ensuring Mizzy never heard the words.

  She saw the plane land and taxi towards her, then it turned and taxied away, away to the gates where all the spectators and news-people were gathered. “What’s going on here?” she asked no one in particular.

  The Customs official listened into his walkie-talkie then said, “that’s not the one we’re looking for madam. That plane’s carrying Lady GaGa, that’s why all the fuss and attention.” No sooner had he said that, then Jade had the Gulfstream taxiing toward them. “This is the flight from New Orleans, via Honolulu and Auckland. We can’t release the passengers until we have our inspection – won’t be long lady; I know this is important to you.”

  Oskar was the first to appear on the airsteps. He stood there, almost regal, raised his arms and turned to his left, right, behind and faced forward again. He sniffed the air; it didn’t matter if it was filled with avgas or diesel or the smell of the hot bitumen tarmac, it was the air of his land. Guided by Edna, he was now more confident, and ready to chop that path in front of him. It would be his path to clear and he was the owner of his destiny. He looked down to see a Koori dancer who was chanting and waving a branch from a eucalyptus tree. Next to him was a woman with her hand over her mouth.

  “Mizzy!” he yelled and sprang down the steps towards her. She was smaller than he had imagined and had her spinning around in his hug. “Long time, no see sister.” Peering though the portals of the plane was Jade, Phoebe, Archie and Edna, and of course the assistant, Kendall who was now on the phone to Ernie.

  “Coran you look just like that rock star err...Sweet Little Sixteen...ah yes Chuck Berry, only you look much younger...and more handsome. People will look at us and not believe you are my older brother. See, these tears, they are of joy, they are rare. No don’t let go of me; I’ve waited so long for this moment; I’ve dreamed of it many times, but now, now it’s not a dream; just let me savour this some more please.”

  “Now Mizzy, dis be Edna, she he da hero in all dis.”

  Mizzy smiled warmly and put her hand on Edna’s left breast and gently squeezed it. She then flung her arms around Edna which took her somewhat by surprise. “Say nothing” Mizzy whispered. She nuzzled Edna’s cheek with hers and Edna could hear, not hear like words through one’s ear, but words that came directly into her mind. This must be something like Dwarg does with Aggie, she thought. Mizzy’s lips did not move yet Edna could hear her.

  Perhaps the powers of the Alcheringa have given us these gifts of which we know, because we were childless. All I know of the gifted ones is that there was much sacrifice, pain and sorrow in our youth. I must thank you woman of the North, sister of the Polar spirits and beyond. Your course has smoothed a wrinkled circumstance from which my own world is now in harmony. My brother is returned by you; you were the only Ngangkari in the Dreaming to have made it so. Your gift cannot be repaid for a thousand dreams.

  Thank you for your kind words sister Ngangkari of the South and the Rainbow Serpent and the Dreaming. I am humbled by your powers and prowess and bow before you, one of whom who walks the earth since the age of dust. I have a pleasure in presenting your brother to you and your land. Sister, my mission is yet not complete ;I have been called by your mother to release her spirit which is held within an image. I would take it as an honour if you would assist me with this.

  This is new to me I am surprised at this but the honour would be mine completely sister. Now I also have some unfinished tasks which finds your family in confusion. This is somewhat of my doing, yet I will unthread the problem.

  If you mean the passing of my leader Atian, it was in accordance with his wishes and I do not hold that event as an imbalance sister.

  It was another matter of which I spoke honoured Shaman. We will speak more of this. I must embrace my brother again.

  Mizzy let go of Edna. She tried hard to remain calm; after all she was a Ngagakari, yet probably for the first time in her life; she was absolutely stunned at the news of her mother.

  The mob had followed Lady GaGa away from there and into a building. A limousine pulled up. Jade and Phoebe would take care of the plane and park it under cover. “I’ll give you a call before we head back, enjoy Brisbane. Oh Kendall, those parcels to come with us too.”

  “That explains why I could never dream of my mother, yet I loved her. When she died, I have trouble even thinking of what she looked like. And she spoke to you? In America? You’ve made me all excited Edna. So are we headed for Goomeri? I’ll tell Gazza to follow.”

  “Gazza, this is Edna, the lady has come from America to help me.”

  “Hullo Gazza, I’ve very pleased to meet you.”

  “My pleasure getting to know you Missus, I’d like to be in America.”

  Mizzy sat between Edna and Oskar. “Now Mizzy, dis ‘ere be Archie – ‘es bin my friend for ever ‘n a day. ‘is son Alex; Alex is an astronaut, bin to space ‘n all.”

  “How do you do Missus Ooloo, pleased to meet you.”

  “And you as well Archie, but it’s Mizzy. Now what do you know of Kooris, Aboriginals?”

  “Embarrassed to say not much, only what Oskar has told me, saw the coin purse made from a Kangaroo’s err, you know.”

  “Well Archie, don’t believe everything you hear. I bet those folk in New Orleans don‘t shrink heads either.” They all laughed as the limousine headed North, towards Goomeri; where an impatient Ernie and Rienus were waiting for them.”

  After an hour or so, Mizzy leaned over to the driver and asked him to stop and turn left onto a little gravel road. “I just need to do something...alone...won’t keep you waiting, sorry.”

  “Lovely country side, rolling hills one minute, then mountains, then level plains, plenty of cows. orchards, roadside fruit stalls. Just look at that mountain; signs says Mount Tibrogargan. Looks like a giant gorilla, and those other mountains over there, just sticking up like they’ve pushed up from the ground.”

  “Sir, this is the Glass House Mountains National Park.”

  “Glass House? How come driver?”

  “Captain Cook, on his voyage of discovery saw them from the coast, we are rather near the coastline. Anyway he wrote in his log about these mountains looking like the glass houses, you know for growing plants in winter in England. The name stuck, but personally I think he must have been looking through his telescope that had rain drops on the lenses – doesn’t look a bit like a glass house; and I’ve been fishing off shore from here. Just looks like big bloody rocks to me. Anyway the entire area is recognized as sacred to the Aboriginal, I think the Bongaree tribe are in this district. This would be the place to come to study Aboriginal sacred sites and history.”

  “Do Aboriginals still live here?”

  “Only the Park Rangers madam. Occasionally there are study courses and events, you know like camps and such. Ah here comes Mizzy.” Mizzy stumbled back to the road; she was in obvious distress as she reached for trees and saplings for support. She was gasping for br
eath but still managed a smile as Edna raced over to grab her.

  “Are you all right Mizzy; you’re all cut and bleeding; driver do you have a first aid kit aboard?”

  “It won’t kill me, just a couple of scratches where I fell down a little slope; I’m tough; I even survived a David Jones sale on Boxing Day. I’ll live. Edna, you and you’re family are now level. Don’t worry Coran, I’ll be right mate; physician heal thyself, hey what.”

  “Coran... Oskar?” asked Archie.

  “Coran be my birt name Arch; wat ya rekcon? Don’t matter call me Osk; OK wit me cobber.”

  “Don’t fuss so Coran, ouch that swab’s got alcohol in it. So you’ve done a bit of healing in your lifetime brother.”

  “All me life Mizzy; started out fixin critters; come natural to me.”

  “So you never married? No children?”

  “Never ‘ad time for ‘em. ‘Ah knowed a couple a women, but dem gals be more interested cause Ah fixin some VD dey catched – ‘n dat was damn often. Ha ha.”

  “I’ll give Ernie a call, tell him we’re nearly there.”

  Leave a message please.Out. Hmm he must really be busy.


  Rienus had just finished his early morning walk and was standing at the Goomeri clock monument looking at the artistry of the clock dial. “Well that’s not a nice way to say hello to me.” He spun around.

  “Aggie, Aggie! why, how wonderful. What a great surprise. Here I was just thinking about you being locked away in the KR workshop. Terrific surprise Aggie; must have been hard for Ernie to keep secret, well I guess that’s his job; oh what a sight for these old eyes. My heart’s still thumping; thank you so very much for coming to rescue me.”

  “Oh I’ve missed you so much Rienus, may I at least get a hug, gosh we’ll all be happy to get you back in the fold. The sands of the Sahara await you, as does Abdul and Aaron, especially Aaron. Aunt Edna is expected here within the hour. It’s absolute heaven to find you and see that you’re safe. That’s a lovely clock you’ve been looking at.”

  She called me Rienus, she called me Rienus, oh happy days. “Did you notice that the duplicate clock on the other side is one minute faster?” Aggie took Rienus by the hand and showed him the other side of the memorial.”

  “As always, dear girl; your accuracy and observations confound me. It is indeed one minute faster.”

  “I suggest we take that clock as our guide, what say you Rienus? should we live one minute ahead of the rest?”

  “But of course dear girl.”


  Ernie was shaking as he pressed the buttons on his phone, “I say 5849403TXE97HP, please confirm.”

  “I say 474JFN74PK6643, what’s this all about Ernie? what’s happened?”

  “Er excuse me ma’am, may I speak with Alex?”

  “Sure, here.”

  “Yes sport, what’s up? getting too near a crock?”

  “Er no Alex, may I speak with Miss Kellor again?”

  “Enough Ernie, tell me what’s happened; is Aunt Edna OK? Is she there yet?”

  “No, not yet, er boss, I’ll get her to ring you when she arrives.”

  “No you won’t Mister Tongs, one last time, tell me what’s going on.”

  “Rienus, Professor Lien has disappeared, virtually in front of my eyes. He was standing at the town clock memorial and I was coming down the road, I must have been about 200 yards from him when I saw someone who looked like you go up and talk to him. They embraced and as I got closer she took his hand and led him to the other side of the monument. Then there was a flash of light and when I got there, you, er that young woman and Rienus were gone. I’ve looked everywhere; they’ve gone Aggie, they’ve gone.”

  “Calm down Ernie and tell all to Aunt Edna, get her to ring me OK?”

  “Er, ma’am, I’m standing on the spot where they disappeared. There’s some fine gravel on the ground and it looks like someone has scratched out some letters in the dirt. It looks like SSJH; apart from that no other clues.”

  “Fine, Ernie, go have a scotch or two.”

  “Another crisis my little squaw?”

  “Naw, its only that Professor Rienus Lien Number Two has been taken away by Aggie Kellor Number Two. The little bitch must be one step ahead of me; even left me a message; Sometimes Shit Just Happens. Oh dear, Dwarg has just gone into a tizzy fit; reckons us Humans don’t get serious enough with stuff beyond our comprehension.” Tell you what go figure...but do it quietly. “Now where were we, lover boy?”

  “You’re telling me Edna has gone and organized Rienus to get back to his own dimension? How? er, all those frequencies Aggie, the vibrations, the variables of the Seventh Dimension; did she even know about the unpredictably of the amateur carrier waves?”

  “Aw, you’re starting to sound like Dwarg...let’s just put it down to magic; you know, Aunt Edna’s magic.”

  Ernie stood on the veranda of the Grand Hotel and saw the limousine pull up. He ran to it and desperately tried to get Edna aside, “Now don’t be rude Ernie, I do have guests; take it easy.” In desperation he whispered into her ear. “The Professor has disappeared, gone, can’t find him, disappeared in a puff of light with, with a young lady, looked like Miss Kellor; looked all over, gone.”

  “Miss Kellor, you must ring Miss Kellor.” Edna smiled at Mizzy who winked back.

  “Family smoother now Edna?”

  “Yes, as is our relationship Mizzy; it leaves only the spirit of Maroochy.”

  “How’s the food here Ernie? looks like a nice place for a bite.”

  “Er ma’am, er food’s great, er phone?”

  “Have you spoken with Aggie already?”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “And her last words?”

  “Er, to have a scotch or two.”

  “Ernie, go do it. I’ll take over from here, OK? Now Kendall, help me with this stuff and put it in my room.” She went and hugged Mizzy.

  Sister I pain to see you hurt for my family’s sake. There may have been other ways to level the imbalance. I am embarrassed for the assault on your body.

  It is a price I willingly pay to have my sister sated. The Dharamulan which entered me became angry when it saw I could not give him child ; but the pact had been made. Back there, at that place of the Bongaree and of the Cooloola ,will be hostile and unsafe and I must warn the people of this. Sister, your presence heals my body and I feel no pain. Tonight we visit my mother’s spirit?


  “You must have been really hungry to get through that huge steak Kendall, well done. In fact all the boys seem to be relishing the food. And you Archie, have you taken a breath yet?”

  “Edna, these lamb chops are delicious. I’ve noticed you haven’t been gentle with the ribs yourself either...there’s just a little sauce on the corner of, got it.”

  “Cheeky monkey. Oskar, Coran? Food OK?” Oskar nodded; he still had his mouth full. Ernie had absented himself earlier, he was not feeling too well, and after all, he had consumed more than just a couple of scotches.

  “Mizzy, I think Ernie is a little depressed. He had become very attached to Rienus and now he’s lost him. I think he feels guilty and that he’s failed in his duties to protect him. I see your Gazza is outside eating, will he not join us Mizzy?”

  “Gazza has his own ways Edna, I do not question, but he does enjoy all things pasta. Now Archie and Kendall, we will have to leave you and Ernie here tonight. Gazza will be taking Edna, Coran and myself to a place not far from here. We will be doing secret business; do not look for us. We will return.”

  “This is the mystical painting Mizzy. I suggest we unwrap it at the site of your mother’s burial place; I also have other things of interest to show you later.”

  As the headlights of Gazza’s utility shone upon the area of the gravesite, the trio at once saw the shape of a man kneeling on the ground. They quietly left the car and walked towards him, the moonl
ight was bright and Edna could hear nothing. This is unusual, she thought, no chirping, buzzing, no night sounds, not even a soft rustle of a breeze on the tree leaves.

  The man did not turn around. “I have been called to this place by a powerful dream. I am needed to complete a circle to free my mother; know you of this?”

  “Who are you stranger man?”

  “My name is Charlie Chaplain of the Arrente.”

  “I see. Charlie, I am Mizzy, of your mother, this is Coran of your mother. We are now a circle; blessings upon our family.” They fell into an immediate embrace with tears and emotions which had been pent up for so many years of their lives. “This is Edna, she is cousin of the Rainbow Serpent of the Dreaming; she has been sent to unite us and release our mother’s spirit; she comes from America.”

  “Please to know you, venerable Ngangakari of the North. It was only recent that I met an American in the desert. He was lost and I took him to Pine Gap.”

  “Thank you for looking after my family Charlie, it is now complete. We may talk of all these wonderful things later. We should begin now; I feel we must not delay as I see dark clouds moving; they must not lessen the power of the moon. Will you gents please start a fire...there. I will unwrap this scene.”

  “Ah finally gits to seein dat painting you’all been talkin ‘bout Edna.”

  Gazza sat in his utility and watched as the fire increased the intensity of the light in that area. That family is together at last, each one of them childless, yet together, must be the most powerful of Ngangkaris in the world, and them with the American Shaman, that group must be a force that could rattle the Earth’s magical dimensions.


  Edna took off the thick cardboard, then the cloth, then the soft paper which covered the painting. She placed it on the ground, upright against a small sapling. They all squatted down and looked at it by fire and moonlight. “Not exactly van Gogh” said Charlie. Mizzy nodded in agreement.

  “This was painted by the man who stole Coran and took him to America. The baby in the picture is you Coran, the lady in red, that’s your mother and your mother and your mother. That is Maroochy.”

  They all looked at the painting intensely. “Our mother sure has skinny legs; just like your skinny legs Coran.”

  “Yea, but dese skinny legs can still kick you’en ya overgrown backside Charlie ‘orse.”

  “You looking for a black eye mate? Give you one if you want.”

  “Any’ows, Ah cain’t git a black eye, ‘ow ya gonna see ‘n black eye on me’all?”

  “I think it should be a purple eye, or maybe blue eye. Coran does have a point Charlie.”

  “Be dat as it may Mizzy, Ah couldn’t sees if Ah’d a black, or blue or purple eye; wat ya tink my eyeballs pop out like da ones on snails on stalks and lookin back at me face? Ow Ah expected ta now da colour?”

  “Perhaps, my dear fellow from the land of the educated; an instrument with reflective qualities, perhaps a mirror, would surely have given you a fair amount of information to allow for that assessment.”

  “Well dar ya go den, ain’t got no mirror, never seed meself in a mirror; did once; scared the bejesus outta me.” They all rolled around in laughter.

  Then Mizzy pointed to the painting; to the column of smoke, “look, look there, there’s a Burringilling; it’s hiding there, see?” They peered closer and nodded in unison; still confused as to what was wanted of them.

  Nothing is happening, thought Edna, what do I do now? oh yes, circle of family. “Coran, hold your hand out, Mizzy place your hand in his, Charlie your hand on theirs, good, now with your other hand, touch the painting. Children, tell me what you feel; do you feel the warmth of your mother?” No answer. “Wait, let me show you this picture.” It was the drawing of a very, very young Maroochy and as soon as their eyes fell upon it, they felt the sensation of the warmth of sunlight on their cheeks, the sensation of having honey on their tongues, the sensation of a success following a competition, a sensation of the relaxing of the muscles when lying down on soft grass.

  Gazza looked up. Something had caught his eye, just out of full sight. It was bright and soft, a short flash. “I can see her in my thoughts!” shrieked Mizzy, “I remember her as I knew her. I have her memory back!”

  Charlie jumped up. “I could never bring an image of her to mind; now I see her, her spirit exists; I am joyed beyond reason. This gift from you Edna, is never to be measured.”

  “Ah’m da one to be so ‘appy.”

  “That’s good. Now children of Maroochy, leave me alone with this painting for a while.” Here we go Edna, get ready for a little transcendental meditation; minus the modern crap.

  Charlie quietly whispered, “Is she is speaking to our mother?” They watched her intently.

  Edna opened her eyes and smiled. “Well that didn’t take long. That painting is no longer spellbound. If you like, you may throw it into the fire, or just keep it. I know it’s worth over $750 at a certain art gallery.”

  “Dat picture be word more ‘n dat to me Edna; that’s me mom ‘n me; even ifn it be painted by a parasite’s excretament. ‘n now Ah ‘aven a little bro ‘n all. Instant family. ‘ow come you fellers more darker dan me anyways?”

  “Well that’s something for all of you to find out children. Coming back to the hotel now? Coffee and soup sounds good.”

  “Na, you’all go on Edna; us kids need to jawin lots more, need to see ‘bout our daddies ‘n all. Can Gazza pick us up ‘ere in morning?

  “Got plenty of gas in your car Gazza? Good, let’s go.”

  “Yes Missus; some enchanted evening?”

  “You could say that Gazza, er, the way you talk? er, oh never mind.”

  As they approached the town, Edna said, “Gazza, can you take me further down the road? To the place where Mizzy went and got hurt, the Glass House Mountains?”

  “Er Missus, that’s not a safe place. It is a labyrinth where night is blind. You heard what Mizzy said. Even the sound of it, is something quite atrocious.”

  “Ok man, that’s not a coincidence; you’re throwing in words from Broadway musicals aren’t you? No, no, don’t go saying Give my regards to Broadway; cause I won’t.”

  Gazza just smiled at her.

  “Anyway Gazza, just drop me off near there, you can leave if you want, or just wait; it’s up to you.”

  “I can’t leave you there by yourself lady; I’ll escort you. Are you going to do magic? Are you going to see the...the..” He was too afraid to even say the evil word.

  “Oh yes sir, I’m going to seek out the Dharmulan of this place; I need to have a little chat with him, er it, and I’m going to kick his damn ass.” Gazza remained silent in thought. “I’m going to kick his arse, and if he has an ass, I will kick that ass as well; does that make more sense Gazza?”

  “I sure am feeling sorry for the pony.”

  “Enough Gazza!” She saw that there was enough moonlight to allow her to make her way down the little track leading away from the roadside. “No need to follow me; know how it must feel for you; I ain’t got a spoonful of sugar for you.” Shit, he’s got me doing it now.

  “Well Missus, if I get killed now, at least there will be a powerful Ngangkari nearby.”

  “Just in case, take this string of sacred stones and put them in your pocket; they’ll protect you.” Edna took a deep and measured breath, walked down the track a few paces, then yelled;

  “Hoy! Come out you evil bastard of this place, show your disgusting being to one who would tear you apart and piss on your remains!”

  The tree further to the right of the track moved and the leaves of a branch rustled noisily.

  “Show yourself little soft furred goanna hiding away from sparrows. Open your frightened eyes to see me, you skulking grub who shits his space in fear!”

  “Who calls thus? Who would call the mighty one without fear? You? you are a little woman, not of white or black, go back to your land of hopelessness an
d empty desires, else I ravish you and eat your babies slowly. Leave my place now you misguided and foolish creature. I have already fed of a Koori of the Bundjil.”

  “You cannot enter me foul demon, my thighs would crush your tiny pee-pee and I will laugh at your squeals of embarrassment. You speak with Nidoupso Managuen Skog. Kneel yourself on the dirt of the earth in front of me and beg for your continued existence.”

  “What? You will not go away? Clench your teeth and experience pain like none you know strange woman, I will rip your thighs apart and bathe in your blood.”

  A ball of twigs and leaves fell from the tree which formed into a human-like shape. Its arms reached out in front and the legs began to rustle and move towards Edna, who now had a little lingering doubt about her own powers. She reached into her pocket and took out the Goomeri Pointing Bone, and, with as much force as she could muster, hurled it towards the approaching monster. “Accept and feel the force of my wrath, bilious devil!”

  The bone flew like a rocket and pierced the Dharmulan in, what would be the human equivalent, the pubic area. The monster stopped in its tracks and an eerie scream came from it. Nay GiGi! nay GiGi! Luminous colours of blue and green began to spit over it, interlacing and crackling, all over the now ball of quivering leaves. They gave off buzzing noises and slowly the mass began to settle, then became nothing more than a mound of leaves; a mound of leaves that looked like it had just been racked up on someone’s lawn.

  Edna walked forward and kicked at the heap, spreading the brown leaves around her. Fucked you up good and proper you asshole; no one, no thing hurts my family, you son of a bitch. She continued kicking at the leaves until the moonlight shone on the still warm Pointing Bone which she picked up. Better get you home as well Goomeri.

  “How about some pumpkin soup Gazza? I hear it’s a speciality in this area. Come on, it’s late, let’s go, people may be getting worried.”

  Gazza nodded but said nothing. He was just happy being alive and in the same world as this amazing warrior woman from America. “OK Gazza you can give me a good Broadway one-liner now.”

  Unbelievably, he was simply lost for words.