Read The Goomeri Pointing Bone : Sequel to Dwarg in the Seventh Dimension Page 5


  “Well here’s one for the books aunt...I’ve been refused permission to enter Algeria, worse still, the State Department won’t let me leave the US; not until everything is settled over there and we know what has happened with Professor Lien.” Aggie was also told that the security around her own precious Turner Trail and the Kellor Resources installation and headquarters in New Hampshire had been increased. She did at least, head the FBI off from posting personal bodyguards outside the homestead. It was increasingly difficult for the Kellors of Putney, Vermont to keep a low profile. Aggie insisted that all business be carried out across the border in New Hampshire. She had a small laboratory and workshop attached to the house and only a select few of her staff or official visitors were allowed to call there. The city of Lebanon NH, was a well chosen site for Aggie (and Kellor Resources) to establish its headquarters. Most of the research, manufacturing and business dealings of the enterprise were carried out there and the rapid rate of its growth was such that it attracted technicians and academics from all over the world. This in turn saw the smallest city in New Hampshire quickly lose that distinction...not that the City Supervisor or the Chamber of Commerce objected. Aggie and Edna’s (private) company generated vast amounts of income and revenue and it was of no surprise that the Local, State and Federal governments kept a very close eye on this remarkable enterprise which fed their coffers very well indeed. Any threat to it or its principals would be addressed aggressively...this was now becoming quite the case.

  Ernest Tonges was the security director chosen by Aggie after a long and agonising selection process. She did not have the luxury of Dwarg doing his DNA trips. It was up to her to examine one’s character to find out if the candidate was capable, trustworthy and dedicated enough to become privilege to so much secrecy; and not fall into the temptation of enormous financial or other ill-gotten gains. Ernie was a retired Marine officer, decorated for bravery in Afghanistan. A well hidden landmine ensured that he would walk with a bad limp forever. This event ensured that his retirement dreams of walking and climbing the mountains in his home state of Colorado were shot to pieces; as much as his left leg was. He was one of an elite few who was permitted to visit the Kellor homestead.

  “Miss Kellor, I’ve notified as many of my close contacts as I dare; this is really one of those situations of wait and see. A troop from the Surete Nationale is enroute to Reggane at this very minute and will scour the area for Professor Lien, or at least try to find some clue.”

  “Has this reached the media yet, Ernie?”

  “Not to my knowledge ma’am, but I think it will only be a matter of time, given the length of his disappearance and movements and the buzz around Algiers and Washington. Anyway, I’ll make sure the press is kept off your doorstep.”

  “Thank you Ernie, guess I’d better prepare a statement just in case. How is it with the staff in Lebanon? Has the news reached there yet?”

  “No, but there are a few questions beings asked and that’s to be expected given the heightened security and increased presence of troopers. I’ve sent out a false rumour that the National Guard and Homeland Security are in cooperative exercises, focusing on the Municipal Airport and surrounding buildings. Ma’am, I’m quite willing to go to Reggane to help out.”

  “I was hoping you would say that Ernie; as you know, I’m already restricted and I couldn’t wish for a better representative and investigator to go find Professor Lien. Yes please Ernie, you’ll have the jet at your disposal, anything you need, anything; you’ve got it. Do you propose to take a specialist team with you?”

  “Just one other ma’am, a buddy of mine; he’s an instructor at Fort Bragg with Special Forces; has a multitude of talents including fluency in Arabic and Berber languages and customs.”

  “Aunt Edna, I’m sure Ernie would like some of those little bread rolls you’ve just baked. Ernie, please sit down for a while; I’ll start with the letters and authorisations, you’ll be needing one of my credit cards. Would you like me to notify the Embassy in Algiers that you’ll be coming on my behalf?”

  “No, not yet, perhaps I can ask you to do that after I land there; I could give you a call when I arrive?”

  “Whatever you want Ernie.” Aggie noticed that Ernie gobbled up the small bread rolls quickly. “Goodness, where are my manners? You must be so hungry by now. Now try some of these special baked beans; they’re made locally; Aunt Edna loves them, so they must be good.” Before he could say no thanks ma’am, Aggie had emptied a large ladle into a bowl and placed it in front of Ernie. “And they’re still nice and warm.”

  Aggie then went into her office for a while. She returned with some letters of authority, and other documents which she thought Ernie might need for his trip. Edna was watching him mop the last mote of sauce off his plate with a heavily buttered piece of bread roll. He looked up and smiled to both women. “Wow, just like my old dad used to make, uum uum. Thank you. Now ma’am, I do have a question...what if there is some form of ransom involved?”

  “If it’s only money, we’ll pay it, don’t even bother to barter Ernie; we need him back, whatever the cost.” He nodded.

  Standing on the veranda and wrapped within large warm angora scarves, Aggie and Edna watched Ernie limp through the snow back to his car. “I just can’t get him to call me Aggie, he makes me feel so old when he calls me ma’am.”

  “He’s from the marines; we shouldn’t try to change his etiquette; he’s obviously comfortable with his way of addressing you.”

  “Oh I suppose so; now what else can I do aunt?”

  Edna sighed, “You could run over to his Jeep and give him a spare roll of toilet paper Aggie; those baked beans ferment quickly and it’s quite a drive back to the metropolis of Lebanon.”

  Aggie tried to smile; she knew Edna was trying to cheer her up. “Please, please” she whispered, “don’t have anything happen to the professor, I love that dear old man.”

  Edna could only nod in agreement.


  It was not unusual for the phone to ring at odd hours in the Kellor homestead. It rang well after midnight and Edna reached over and pressed the lit green button.

  “Hello; Edna Kellor here.”

  “Hoy there Edna; this be Cody Wanda from Guildford South, remember me?”

  “Yes of course Cody, how are the haemorrhoids?”

  “Ha ha, they’re all fine and so are my piles. Edna I’m hoping you may help me in investigating something. Oh, sorry, I’m now the deputy here. I’ve got a young’en in the cells at the moment; a dope user. He’s in a bit of a state. Seems he lost his vehicle a few miles from here during the last snowfall; says he stopped for a nature call and after he finished he couldn’t find his car; reckons it was buried under the snow. He’s lucky I came past and found him or he would have ended up a real cool dude... haw haw.”

  “Get to the point will ya Cody, why the hell are you calling me for?”

  “Well this guy didn’t have any ID on him, but when I frisked him for weapons or drugs, I found a pipe; you know what those dope-heads use to sniff narcotics. Anyways I arrested him and put him in the cells. He reckons he works for NASA but has no idea as to why he’s in this neck of the woods; probably the dope in his brain. I got to thinking that before I contact NASA, I contact you, seeing that your brother Robert; may he rest in peace; was with NASA. He gives his name as Alex Bentley from New Orleans.”

  “You klutz Cody, he is with NASA! didn’t you watch the last lot of astronauts land from the space station? He was one of them. Don’t call NASA; you may get into some serious government shit if they find out you have him locked up. I’m on my way. Anyways Cody, you were right to call me; make him comfortable, feed him, apologize and say that someone is coming to his rescue very shortly; Ok Deputy?”

  “Er... Ok Edna; guess it wouldn’t hurt if I organise a search party for his vehicle, just glad it isn’t mud season yet. See you’all soon, b
ye now.”

  As she got out of her bed, Edna chuckled to herself. What did Cody say about our boy? “Probably some dope in his brain”, hee hee hee.


  “Aggie, Aggie, wake up princess, we have to go fetch Dwarg.”