Read The Goomeri Pointing Bone : Sequel to Dwarg in the Seventh Dimension Page 6

  Chapter Six

  “Sir, I’d be the first person to admit to a mistake when I make one, and I have, and I admit it, and I apologize. In my defence, your story sure did lack a fair degree of believability and with that sniffin pipe of yours, I thought the arrest was warranted. Of course you are free to leave anytime; darn dark and miserable out there though. May I offer you some more hot chocolate and raisin toast?”

  “That would be great Officer. Do you mind if I spend the rest of the night here? I’ve nowhere to go until I find my car. I don’t think Roadside Assist will be very interested in coming out to help me at the moment.”

  “Sure Mister Bentley; anyways Edna is on her way here to collect you. I can get old Bruce from the towing yard to find your car and move it to Putney...when we have some daylight.”

  “Er, Edna?”

  “Yea Edna Kellor, you know her don’t you? I was just on the phone with her. The way she was speaking made me think you knew each other, you know, being involved with NASA and all that stuff.”

  “Oh. Oh yes of course Officer, Edna Kellor from NASA. Is that Maple Syrup in that jar? I love the stuff; could eat it by the gallon.”

  “Now that just there would make any decent Deputy Sheriff suspicious that he had a dope-head in his cells.”

  “Ok I get your point Officer. Boy, don’t know why, but I’m feeling much better now. How long have you known Edna?”

  Cody found that his erstwhile prisoner was a very likable character. Given the vast differences in culture and lifestyles, Cody, the Man from the Green Mountains, soon became to admire this young Flatlander from the South. He listened with great interest as he heard tales from Alex’s adventures with NASA, his training and finally his time in the orbiting space station. Alex in turn would ask subtle questions about Edna and slowly became to realize that he was still on what, he did not yet know.

  “Thank you for letting me call my dad, he was a bit anxious. You so remind me of him. He was also a patrolman, in New Orleans. Lost my mother very early in life and he’s brought me up by himself...with a little help from Uncle Oskar. Cody, I could spend hours telling you about this character; turns out he’s an Aboriginal from Australia; he’s got healing powers you wouldn’t believe. That little bone...ah thanks...this little bone he lent to me when I started my trip up here. He calls it a Goomeri Pointing Bone; has some magic or something. Probably sounds strange hearing an aeronautical engineer and astronaut telling you that...but I’ve got an open mind. I guess there are lots of things in life beyond rational explanation.”

  “Well you don’t have to look past Edna if you want to see healing powers. Yes-sir that lady delivered all six of my young’ens; never seen a sick day in their lives; even cured me of a damn painful infected bunch of grapes sticking out of me. Mind you, the wife still laughs at the way Edna applied the medicine. Edna’s not so active with the healing now since young Aggie came to live with her; she must be getting close to 18 years old now; God what a pair they make. Here have some more, you know this syrup is straight from the tree, just a few miles down the road?”

  “Thanks. I’ve not met Aggie; Cody, tell me about her.”


  Aggie and Edna pulled their warm hoods over their heads as they got out of the car. “What kept you Agent?” Edna grinned as the black all-terrain Secret Service vehicle pulled up behind her Hummer. “Just wait here for a while. Don’t panic, we’re only going to collect Aggie’s boyfriend. He’s lost his car outside Guilford and the Sheriff has him here. We’re taken him back to the homestead shortly, Ok?”

  The invisible agents nodded as they watched the women walk up the steps and enter the small police station.

  “Hoy there Edna and Miss Aggie, come on in, just shake your jackets, there’s the hangar, let me help you. It’s nice and warm in here. Well, here be young Alex, all wined and dined and ready to leave this here caboose. Alex, you said you’ve never met Aggie, may I introduce you? Aggie this be Alex, Alex this be Aggie...ah hello, did anyone hear me?”

  “Cody, just let them be for a time, come show me your new cells, down his way is it?”

  Alex was torn between being highly embarrassed or being highly rude. He watched as Aggie removed her jacket and hood and saw her face. It took his breath away. If this was not the most perfect and beautiful face he had ever seen in his life, then it must have been in some not even then. He was awestruck, he was numb, he could only open his mouth and stare at her. He didn’t even hear Cody introduce her. He couldn’t stand up, not because he was dumbstruck, but because he had an involuntary erection.

  “Alex, I know you’re confused. Please trust me and I’ll do my best to explain as to what’s going on. Will you accompany me and my Aunt Edna? I promise that everything will be alright and that you’re in no danger.”

  Alex had no words. Aggie had rehearsed her opening words to him since Christmas...somehow they now sounded cold and short...and far too formal. Damn it all, she thought as she walked towards him.

  “Er, hello, pleased to meet you at last Aggie, I guess there has to be some reason for....”

  He couldn’t say anymore, Aggie’s lips were already on his. She had noticed his predicament and thought to herself, whoa there’ve still got a lot to learn... I’ll decide how you transfer over to me.


  Edna looked up at the rear view mirror to see Aggie’s head on Alex’s shoulder, both were sound asleep. She smiled and said out loud, “Welcome back little shithead.” Aggie stirred, and moved her arm, enough for Edna to notice that she had just been given the bird.

  The agents following behind could only guess as to why the Kellor’s Hummer swerved unexpectedly. Well that confirms it I guess, Edna thought, what a long day it’s been for all. I’ll have to add a little something to my coffee when I get home, oh better feed the dogs to keep them from barking; just look at those kids; they really need their sleep. Well here we go again Edna, on the rollercoaster... just like old times.


  Earlier that day Alex had driven for far too long without proper rest and recuperation. He had a leg-stretch in Philadelphia where he outfitted himself with a good selection of all weather clothing and hence only stopped briefly at roadside diners along the way, refuelling himself and his car. After his last burger, he again laid the Goomeri on his hand; and although he could now see small snow flurries along the Interstate, it pointed him to North; the direction of warmth.

  Dwarg and Slig again went over their plans of action. Slig would remain with the Human Alex and Dwarg would enter Aggie. They had worked out various codes, scenarios and time lines. “Slig remember to always be wary of unpredictable emotions. May I recommend that you study these facets carefully, you may use them to your advantage, but if you become foul of them, you may well be rejected or denied; even become trapped.”

  “Will you tell your Human about me?”

  “I must; and even though I have vast knowledge of Aggie, I still cannot predict of her reaction when she learns of your presence; and this is my point about those emotions.”

  “Your guidance will see it accepted. Will our Humans reproduce?”

  “Ah Slig, that answer lies in a matrix of numerous Human emotions. Remember, reproduction is second only to survival in their makeup. It is very powerful. Now shall we again go over all things that a male human expels from his system?”

  “Dead skin cells – check, Hair – check, Perspiration – check, tears – check, ear wax – check, nasal discharge – check, spittle – check, urine – check, faeces – check, blood from wounds – check.”

  “Yes, good Slig; watch you don’t get expelled with these. Oh, as to the matter of reproduction; I must explain about another discharge which is endemic to a male human...”


  Moos and Mool each took turns at scratching the front door with their paws. They knew their pack le
aders were inside, and daylight had been here for a while – yet the door had not been opened; they needed to greet their masters each morning, as had been the case for many years. Mool began a high pitched howl, much like the wild coyote of the wilderness. These dogs were only a chromosome away from being wolves, yet served Aggie and Edna with companionship, security and were considered part of the Kellor family. As puppies, they would do those things that pups do; make messes, chase birds, squirrels and chipmunks, dig holes and fetch sticks and balls. As they grew, they became set in the routine of the household, knew when the food would come, knew when Aggie wanted to walk to her place of solitude further down the Turner Trail and more recently, prove to the security agents that they were quite capable of protecting their own masters. Unfortunately Aggie seemed to have less time to spend with them, but apart from some mild fretting and pining, they were not altogether having a bad existence.

  Occasionally, Edna would yell at them when they were misbehaving (it took her ages to train them not to try and round-up Midge the mailman and try to eat his motorcycle). Edna once yelled at them so loudly that her throat hurt for days; that was when a stray moose was trampling her herb garden. Moos and Mool went berserk and it was the closest time that Edna came to picking up a stick to beat them away from the large moose, who seemed not too agitated and took it’s time leaving the area.

  Moos now tilted his head back and commenced his own whine, but it was cut short as Edna opened the door and bellowed, “Shut-up ya darn yapping – darn dogs! People are trying to sleep in here; go on, git. The dogs danced around in delight and Edna saw their happiness (even the smiles) on their faces. She reached into a plastic box just inside the front door. “Settle down now, shush shush, here’s some dried pig’s ears; go away and chew...and do it quietly.” Through the snow, each carried a piece of the delicious chewy rind, away to their cosy kennels.”

  “Good morning Aunt” said Aggie, “I see you have Mister Bentley tucked in on the lounge; I think he’ll be out cold for a few hours yet. Coffee’s on?”

  “Oh, our princess is a little blasé this morning? Yes, and toast’s on as well. Now don’t you dare keep me waiting and needing me to ask questions; I haven’t slept a wink since we came home; I want to know everything sit and deliver.”