Read The Greatest Story NEVER Told Page 3

  2. The common chimp (Pan troglodytes) and human Y


  The common chimp (Pan troglodytes) and human Y chromosomes are “horrendously different from each other,” says David Page of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research in Cambridge, Massachusetts, who led the work. “If you’re marching along the human chromosome 21, you might as well be marching along the chimp chromosome 21. It’s like an unbroken piece of glass,” says Page. “But the relationship between the human and chimp Y chromosomes has been blown to pieces.”

  Chapter Eight

  Curiosity Kills the Anunnaki

  Brainstorming sessions after brainstorming sessions were held. At length, a strange idea came about.

  Enki related the fact to Nimah:

  “Perhaps the admixture is not wrong. Maybe we need trace elements, nanolife substances that were indigenous to Earth. They might play a very important role in the functioning and formation of life. We can simulate a life-sustaining indigenous admixture from the clay of Earth. It would serve as a better primordial soup. We should not stick to the conventional thinking of working with test tubes produced by Nibiru factories. Nor should we set up laboratory conditions similar to Nibiru. We must observe biological, chemical, and physical principles interacting here on Earth.”

  “Then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground” (Genesis 2:7)

  FOXP2 Language Gene

  Terran Experiment No. 478,911

  Nimah made a vessel using Africa’s clay. This she made into a primordial soup. In the clay vessel, the fertilized Homo erectus’s ova, Anunnaki gene splices, and mitochondria extracts were carefully adjusted to the right proportions. Nimah then inserted the fertilized egg back into the female Homo erectus.

  There was conception. A newborn at the awaited time was forthcoming. It was a male. It was the image of perfection.

  The leaders, Ningishzidda, Ninmah, and Enki were overjoyed. Ningishzidda and Enki were backslapping the baby to make him cry, thereby setting the precedent for all human doctors to follow.

  The child was growing faster than on their home planet Nibiru. His limbs were suited for a worker. However, he knew not speech. He could only make grunts and snorts.

  He had the chromosomal disorder FOXP2 and was unable to select and produce the fine movements with the tongue and lips that were necessary to speak clearly.

  The FOXP2 language gene was further investigated and then spliced onto the hybrid’s chromosome.


  In humans, mutations of FOXP2 cause a severe speech and language disorder (Lai CSL, Fisher SE, Hurst JA, Vargha-Khadem F. Monaco AP (2001). “A forkhead-domain gene is mutated in a severe speech and language disorder.” Nature 413 (6855): 519-23

  Frankenstein in Anunnaki Womb


  Enki’s kundalini awakening Enki reconsidered everything. Reconsidered everything. Reconsidered everything . . .

  From large, structural, chromosomal changes to single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), Enki pondered. Using the latest Anunnaki biogenetic technologies for analysis of genetic variation and genomic profiling, such as array comparative genomic hybridization, Enki realized that there was one single procedure that was always done. That stood in the way of making the perfect being, with all the attributes that they were determined to achieve.

  Into the womb of the Earth female, the fertilized ova was always inserted.

  “Eureka! This may be the only mistake. We need an Anunnaki gestational mother. An Anunnaki womb!”

  Nimah said to Enki, “Who would carry a Frankenstein in her womb?” “Let me persuade Ninki, my wife,” Enki said.

  “No, I would dedicate my life in the name of science and face the rewards and endangerment alone!” emphatically said Nimah.

  This was the first recorded instance in which a scientist set the example of using herself as the guinea pig of her experiment.

  The fertilized egg was inserted into the womb of Nimah. There was conception.

  Would the conception be nine months of Nibiru or Earth time? It was quicker than on Nibiru and shorter than on Earth.

  He was born perfect.

  The newborn uttered the proper sound upon Enki’s slapping of its hind parts.

  It was the image of perfection. It was the image of the Anunnaki. “And God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.”

  (Genesis 1:26)

  Human Prototype Adamu 001

  Nimah victoriously shouted, “We’ve done it!”

  A complete physical and medical examination was taken of human prototype Adamu 001. It revealed the following:

  Medical Report Checklist of Human Prototype

  Adamu 001

  • His ear was rightly positioned for hearing.

  • His eyes were not clogged.

  • His lower limbs in time will be muscular.

  • His hands in time can hold tools.

  • He was not shaggy.

  • His hair was dark black.

  • His skin was as smooth as that of the Anunnaki.

  • His male hood was surrounded by a foreskin, unlike that of an Anunnaki male. And this started the tradition of circumcision in many cultures.

  • Adamu was truly created in the image of the Anunnaki!

  Chapter Twelve

  Mass Production of Adamu

  Female healers, nurses, doctors, and geneticists were taken to Adamu’s incubator.

  Volunteers were asked to be gestation mothers. The seven heroines who stepped up to the task were remembered as Ninimma, Shuzianna, Ninmada, Ninbara, Ninmug, Musardu, and Ningunna.

  In the male part of Adamu, Nimah made an incision. A drop of blood to let out. She squeezed the male part for blood, one drop of blood in each vessel’s admixture.

  After in situ hybridization in the wombs of the birth giving heroines, the fertilized ova was inserted.

  At the allocated time, seven male earthlings were born. All were healthy. Seven primitive workers had been created.

  The Anunnaki hoped to create the whole race of primitive workers, eventually.


  The creation story is the same the world over, even though individuals created their own religions and beliefs of their origin. Local species, i.e., gorilla, chimp, orangutan, Japanese monkeys, and others were sampled and their intelligence and physiology genetically placed on


  the fast track via hybridization with the visiting alien species (i.e., “Let us make them in our own image”). (Genesis 1:26)The subject species would account for racial differences we see today: African negro gorilla, chimpanzee, white Caucasoid orangutan, proboscis monkey, oriental, Japanese monkey. They would have most likely been placed in a quarantine area (Garden of Eden) and other “gardens” mentioned in the world’s religions.

  Wanted: Gestation Surrogate


  Africa News Network Infomercial (March 449,990 B.C.)

  “There is no greater gift than the gift of life. This is a simple and profound truth.

  “Very few women are generous, caring, and selfless enough to become a surrogate. Will you be one to contribute to the worthy cause of the Anunnaki? Please review some basic qualifications and submit a brief application to the Anunnaki Center for Terran Genetics, Garden of Eden. You will be contacted by an experienced female healer who will explain the process to you and answer any questions.”

  The Surrogate Mothers Program had proven to be an excruciating task on the Anunnaki females. It was also a huge drain on resources and manpower. Ti-Amat, the female companion for Adamu, had to be fashioned so that Adamu and Ti-Amat could reproduce by themselves.

  Ninki, Enki’s wife, was fascinated to create Ti-Amat. After being given her doctor’s release and briefed on the dangers, she stood up to the challenge.

  Ti-Amat, the first female earthling, was born.

  Chapter Fourteen
  Nature’s Curse for Hybrid Animals

  Adamus and Ti-Amat were wonders of wonders to behold in The

  Terran Wild Life and Natural Reserve Center in the Garden of Eden.

  When the earthling grew up, there were sexual activities but no conception. This fact had the Anunnaki leaders worried a lot.

  Ningishzidda ordered his subordinates to place hidden cameras in hidden tents by the trees around the cages where the earthlings lived.

  The earthlings’ behavior patterns were observed and analyzed.

  Mating there was. Conceiving there was not. Birth giving there was not. Like hybrid animals, ligers, mules, and beefalos, Adamu and Ti-Amat

  could not procreate. A natural curse had been placed. Disappointment engulfed the leaders.

  They decided to reexamine Adamus and Ti-Amat’s chromosomes.

  Genetic Experiment That Goes

  Horribly Right

  The Anunnaki Terran Operations referendum was thrown at the Terran gene splicing quarter. Every healer, geneticist, doctor, and scientist on Earth was invited. There was a consensus that in the Human Genome Project the Anunnaki had been too deeply involved.

  In the human genetic experiment that went horribly right, they were giving more and more of their DNA essences to the humans in the hopes of creating a being who possessed the specific characteristics that they desired, that of a primitive intelligent worker to work in the mines. It was originally estimated that a drop of their essence would suffice. Now, there seemed to be no end to the addition of Anunnaki genes . . .

  A great effort was carried out to have the sequence of Adamu and Ti-Amat genomes examined, compared, and contrasted with male and female Anunnaki genomes.

  It was found out that after separating the double helix there were only twenty-two pairs of chromosomes. There were no sex chromosomes present. And that was nature’s curse for hybrid animals.


  In light of the knowledge explosion and our knowledge of the human brain, the theory that humankind evolved from lower primates gradually over hundreds of thousands of years of time is just not fitting

  in with the facts. Humans have an exceptionally big brain relative to their body size. Although humans weigh about 20 percent more than chimpanzees, our closest relative, the human brain weighs 250 percent more. How such a massive morphological change occurred over a relatively short evolutionary time has long puzzled biologists.

  Evidence That Human Brain Evolution Was a Special Event

  Genes that control the size and complexity of the brain have undergone much more rapid evolution in humans than in nonhuman primates or other mammals, according to a new study by Howard Hughes Medical Institute researchers.

  The accelerated evolution of these genes in the human lineage was apparently driven by strong selection. In the ancestors of humans, having bigger and more complex brains appears to have carried a particularly large advantage, much more so than for other mammals. These traits allowed individuals with “better brains” to leave behind more descendants. As a result, genetic mutations that produced bigger and more complex brains spread in the population very quickly. This led ultimately to a dramatic “speeding up” of evolution in genes controlling brain size and complexity.

  “People in many fields, including evolutionary biology, anthropology, and sociology, have long debated whether the evolution of the human brain was a special event,” said senior author Bruce Lahn of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at the University of Chicago. “I believe that our study settles this question by showing that it was.”

  David Haussler, director of the Center for Biomolecular Science and Engineering at the University of California, Santa Cruz, said his team found strong but still circumstantial evidence that a certain gene, called HAR1F, may provide an important answer to the question, “What makes humans brainier than other primates?”



  A great chunk of Anunnaki DNA was given to Homo sapiens against the Anunnaki Grand Council’s Ruling to make the Human Genome Project a success.

  After the general sessions, behind closed doors, Ningishzidda, Ninmah, and Enki held a secret discussion. The agenda was put into the classified document—“Genesis”—of the highest level. The document detailed the determination of the leaders to go the whole nine yards in creating the perfect being.

  The Anunnaki had come too far, been too involved and too entrenched to pull out. There was no way to go back. They had to make this

  Human Genome Project a success, even if it meant a great chunk of their DNA would have to be given.

  In the meantime, everything had to be carefully kept under the dark in case of sure opposition from Supreme Commander Enlil and his supporters, who were opposed to the creation of earthlings as primitive workers from the start. A special task force of healers, geneticists, doctors, and scientists who were sworn to secrecy was thus formed and placed under Ningishzidda’s management.

  When the time came, Ningishzidda had everyone leave the Terran genetic splicing lab, except a handful of assistants and himself.

  Ningishzidda had induced a deep sleep and applied anesthesia to

  Ninmah, Enki, Adamu, and Ti-Amat.

  From the bone marrow of Enki, he obtained the material for the Y chromosome. From the bone marrow of Ninmah, he obtained the material for the X chromosome. In the adult germ line stem cells of Adamu and Ti-Amat, his secret team of assistants advanced their state- of-the-art Anunnaki genetic biotechnology. After the operations, the wounds in all the ribs of the patients were closed up.

  In the Terran genetic splicing lab, with the state-of-the-art technology, patients went home the same day.

  (Genesis 2:21-25: “And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall on

  Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs . . . ”)

  Enki knew the 223 genes in his genome differed from Homo erectus’s. The human genome contains fewer than thirty thousand genes. It

  contains 223 genes that do not have any predecessors on the genomic evolutionary tree. These 223 genes involve physiological and cerebral


  functions peculiar to humans. Enki withheld genes affecting longevity. The Anunnaki did not give us the relatively extreme longevity they possessed because it did not suit their purposes. We were invented as slave workers.

  There is an interesting parallel in America. In 1998, DNA testing provided answers, which were hard to refute, to the mystery some historians have alleged for years—that Jefferson, after the death of his wife Martha developed a relationship with a slave on his plantation with whom he fathered several children.

  In the foreseeable future, earthlings can stake their rightful claim with the



  Dr. Francis Crick concluded extraterrestrial origins in the human genome, in relation to his well renowned DNA research. In his book Life Itself: Its Origins and Nature (1981), Crick—a Nobel prize winner and the cofounder of the shape of the DNA molecule—claimed an advanced civilization transported the seeds of life to Earth in a spacecraft.

  Evolutionary biologist Doolittle: “The most exciting news from the human genome sequencing project has been the claim by the ‘public effort’ that between 113 and 223 genes have been transferred from bacteria to humans over the course of vertebrate evolution.”

  One of Australia’s best-known scientists has written that our own DNA may contain hidden ‘alien’ messages from space. Writing in New Scientist, Professor Paul Davies, from the Australian Centre for Astrobiology at Macquarie University in Sydney, believes that a cosmic greeting card could have been left in the so-called ‘junk DNA’ contained in every human cell.

  Human Genome Project coordinators find absolute proof of extraterrestrial contact with ‘Earth humans’ via DNA evidence.

  Professor Chang is only one of many scientists and other researc
hers who have discovered extraterrestrial origins to humanity.

  Professor Chang and his research colleagues show that apparent “extraterrestrial programming” gaps in DNA sequencing precipitated by a hypothesized rush to create human life on Earth presented humankind with illogical growth of mass cells we know as cancer.” (John Stokes. Scientists Find Extraterrestrial Genes In Human DNA: Do civilizations of advanced human beings exist scattered in the Galaxy? John Stokes, 1-11-7.