Read The Greatest Story NEVER Told Page 4

  Chapter Seventeen

  Expulsion from the Garden of Eden

  Adamu and Ti-Amat were again roaming in the Garden of Eden. They became aware of their sexuality and nakedness. Ti-Amat made aprons from leaves of the wild plants for herself and Adamu.

  As Enlil was enjoying his leisure walk in the Garden of Eden, he met the couple. He noticed the aprons on their loins. He was perplexed. And Enki was summarily summoned to explain.

  “How do they come to this realization? How do they become so cultured and knowledgeable?

  “Now, they must have most of our DNA, and maybe they were also given the gene of longevity! Like us they shall live for a long, long time!”

  Ningishzidda and Nimah were also summoned for further clarification. They responded, “Sex chromosomes were given. The genomic branch

  for longevity was not given.”

  In fits of anger, Enlil expelled Adamu and Ti-Amat from the Garden of Eden.

  The Descent of Man

  Mass production of prototypes Adamu 001 and Ti-Amat 001 created tribal villages. Sons and daughters were born to Adamu, Ti-Amat, and their prototypes. Before long, a population of primitive slave workers was born. Since they had the ability to follow Anunnaki commands, the astronauts from Nibiru were relieved from duty from their gold mine excavations and replaced by earthlings.

  Loads and loads of gold were quickly transported back to Nibiru to make into the finest dust that could be suspended in Nibiru’s atmosphere to heal the broken ozone layer. The atmosphere was gradually healing. Planet Nibiru was saved, and the great Anunnaki civilization thrived.

  Over time, the children’s children of Adamu and Ti-Amat wandered, mixed, and married with other experimental humanoids, thus spoiling Enki’s plan of maintaining a quality slave worker race of perfect DNA with perfectly designed attributes.

  To counter the bad influence and potential degeneration of population demographics, Enki and his bureau of intellectuals sought to implement the social and hierarchical systems of the Anunnaki civilization to the earthlings.


  The domesticated silver fox experiment:

  Fox pups of ages seven to eight months were classified into four tameness categories. In the tenth generation, 18 percent of foxes were of the tamest category. It the twentieth generation, 25 percent were the tamest, and after forty years, the ratio increased to 70 to 80 percent. It was also established that genetics were responsible for 35 percent of the tameness variation.

  The result is that Russian scientists now have a number of domesticated foxes that are fundamentally different in temperament and behavior from their wild forebears. Some important changes in physiology and morphology are now visible, such as mottled or spotted colored fur. Many scientists believe that these changes related to selection for tameness are caused by lower adrenaline production in the new breed, causing physiological changes in very few generations and thus yielding genetic combinations not present in the original species. This indicates that selection for tameness (i.e., low flight distance) produces changes that are also influential on the emergence of other “doglike” traits, such as a raised tail and coming into heat every six months rather than annually. (Wikipedia. “Domesticated silver fox.” Accessed October


  Man’s First Society

  Fauna and flora were brought from planet Nibiru and given to the earthlings as domesticated animals and plants to harvest.

  Knowledge of botany, zoology, geography, mathematics, and theology were imparted in schools. Religions were set up to worship the Anunnaki as gods. Law codes and social reforms were instituted. Kingships were established to help rule over the primitive workers.

  The Sumerian language, with precise grammar and rich vocabulary, was simplified from the Anunnaki language.

  The first true cities, having ten thousand to fifty thousand inhabitants, sprang up. This sudden civilization, which appeared in full swing in Sumer, Mesopotamia—today’s Iraq—over several thousand years ago, became the forbear of all ancient civilizations—Egyptian, Mayan, Indian, Jewish, Greek, Chinese . . .


  Evidence of the domestication of human beings by Eugen Fischer:

  Domestication: the arbitrary influencing of diet and conditions of reproduction.

  Morphological similarities between man and domesticated animals.

  Domestication led to great variations, especially in terms of size, hair, pigmentation, tails, ears.

  The white skin color, as well as the partial loss of pigment, which is responsible for blue and green eyes, represented domesticated albinism. No mammal existing in the wild has a distribution in the pigment of the eye comparable to that of a European. By the same token, among almost all domesticated species, there are individual breeds with eye color identical to a European’s.

  Domesticated forms, including man, have a pronounced tendency to vary in size. And in domestication size is usually hereditary. A reduction in the facial portion of the skull and a weakening of the teeth are also signs of domestication. Domestication in animals also led to increased appetite, increased and indiscriminate sexuality, and breakdown instincts.

  The principal characteristic of domestication is a reduction or even a complete halt to brain development. The opposite has occurred in humans. Another sign of domestication in animals is the early sexual maturity. The same is also not evident in man. (Arnold Gehlen. Man: His Nature and Place in the World. 106)

  “The male is a domestic animal which, if treated with firmness and kindness, can be trained to do most things.”

  –Jilly Cooper

  Homo Sapiens’s Final Genetic


  By this time, the daughters of man were so civilized, beautiful, and sophisticated that the descendants of Anunnaki pursued them. Offsprings with extra intelligence, physical strength, and extraordinary abilities were born. They became ancient heroes and men of renown across all cultures.

  “When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose.” (Genesis



  Devolution as opposed to evolution:

  John C. Sanford, a plant geneticist, has argued for devolution. He has written a book entitled Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome (2005) in which he claims that the genome is deteriorating and therefore could not have evolved in the way specified by the modern evolutionary synthesis. Sanford has published two peer-reviewed papers modeling genetic entropy.

  Bizarre examples of genetic engineering:

  Glow in the dark cats: Scientists say the ability to engineer animals with fluorescent proteins will enable them to artificially create animals with human genetic diseases.

  The enviropig is a pig that’s been genetically altered to better digest and process phosphorus.

  Pollution fighting plants: poplar trees that can clean up conta- mination sites by absorbing groundwater pollutants through their roots.

  Venomous cabbage: limits pesticide use while still preventing caterpillars from damaging cabbage crops.

  Web spinning goats: goats that produce spiders’ web protein in their milk.

  Fast growing salmon: genetically engineered Atlantic salmon

  Banana Vaccines: when people eat a bite of a genetically engineered banana, which is full of virus proteins, their immune systems build up antibodies to fight the disease—just like a traditional vaccine.

  Less flatulent cows: cattle that creates 25 percent less methane than the average cow.

  Genetically modified trees: trees genetically altered to grow faster, yield better wood, and even detect biological attacks.

  Disease fighting eggs: The hens lay eggs that have miR24, a molecule with potential for treating malignant melanoma and arthritis, and human interferon b-1a, an antivi
ral drug that resembles modern treatments for multiple sclerosis.

  Super carbon capturing plants: Carbon contributes to the greenhouse effect and global warming; therefore, researchers hope to create bioenergy crops with large root systems that can capture and store carbon underground. (Mother Nature Network. “12 bizarre examples of genetic engineering.” Accessed October 2013. https://www.mnn. com/green-tech/research-innovations/photos/12-bizarre-examples-of-genetic- engineering/mad-science#)

  Anunnaki Xenobiologists’ Science


  Anunnaki Xenobiologists’ Science Digest

  July 449,500 B.C. Issue A Study of Hybrid Animal and Homo Sapiens

  This whole chapter appeared as the cover page story of a science digest.

  A study on the hybrid animals of Earth revealed similarities to Homo sapiens, who were essentially Anunnaki and ape hybrids.

  It is extremely rare in the wild, and the majority of the hybrid offspring, ligers (male lion and female tiger) and tigons or tigrons (male tigers and female lions), are bred in captivity.

  The lifespan of ligers, as well as other hybrid animals, is shorter than a normal species. The animals seem prone to cancers and other illnesses. It is possible that the mix of genes contributed to the illness.

  The size and appearance depends on which subspecies are bred together. The smaller size of the tigress compared to the lion means that some or all of the cubs may be stillborn, or the cubs may be born prematurely (there isn’t enough space in the womb for them to develop any further) and may not survive. Premature birth can lead to health problems in those that survive.

  Female tigons and ligers have often proved to be fertile and can mate with a lion, tiger, or—in theory—with another species such as a leopard or jaguar. Tigons and ligers have been mated together to produce ti-ligers (tig-ligers). Tigers and tigons have been mated to produce ti-tigons. Ti-ligers and ti-tigons are more tiger like (75 percent tiger). Ti-tigons resemble golden tigers but with less contrast in their markings. It is possible that the mix of genes contributed to the illness

  . . .

  The Anunnaki Confront Changing Demographics: Sumerian Africa News Network, July 449,500 B.C.

  Anunnaki Colony’s Changing Demographics:

  Humans were given the ability to procreate prolifically by Enki, and this had led to an explosion in the human population, which threatened to swamp the Anunnaki, who were never great in numbers.

  The dilemma, it seemed, was that these demographic changes were on a trajectory that seemed unlikely to change, which spelled a particular problem for the Anunnaki in years to come

  The Anunnaki had at last awakened to its existential crisis. The populous hybrid earthlings were never to Supreme Commander Enlil’s liking.

  From a global climate forecast, he knew a big flood was coming.

  He decided to let humans perish in the impending big global flood.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Global Flood for Humanity’s


  Enki was on the human’s side, and he had Noah in charge of the prehistoric Svalbard Global Seed Vault Project. To escape Enlil’s detection, an ark, called Noah’s Ark, was built on the mountains. “The ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat” (Genesis 8:4).

  When the time came, the Anunnaki left the planet in a flying craft, as an enormous surge of water wiped out much of humanity. There was no doubt that an unimaginable catastrophe, or more likely catastrophes, visited upon the Earth between approximately 11,000 and 4,000 BC. The geological and biological evidence is overwhelming in its support of the countless stories and traditions that describe such events. They come from Europe, Scandinavia, Russia, Africa, throughout the American continent, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, China, Japan, and the Middle East.

  The seeds of humanity were preserved after the global flood. Enlil was greatly enraged by Enki’s double dealing.

  As time passed, he regretted his early decision to let humanity perish. With the ability to quickly multiply, human settlements again reached

  epic proportions.

  Lording over the Humans

  In time, colonies grew humongous and spanned many continents on


  The Anunnaki created bloodlines to rule humanity on their behalf, and these are the families still in control of the world to this day.

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