Read The Grin of Prophecy (Book 1 of the Death Incarnate Saga) Page 10

Chapter 9

  “What do you mean? What is the problem?” Meeka asked in the dark wagon.

  Quil looked forward while saying “I mean I see a bunch of torches ahead and several armed men. They’ve seen us already so there is no point in hiding. What should we do?”

  Meeka crawled up to look over his shoulder to see at least six men standing and looking critically in their direction, all wearing swords belted to their hip. She sighed in relief of recognition. “Do not fear, they are the home guard. I know those men.”

  “Good enough for me!” Quil said as he snapped the reigns.

  “Halt! What is your business?”

  Meeka popped her head out and said “Ren! It’s me Meeka.”

  “Miss Meeka?!” He said in utter surprise and sprinted closer as the wagon came to a stop. “It is you! The mayor and your mother are worried sick. So did Cage’s plan succeed? Where is he? The whole town has been worried since your kidnapping!”

  “Please send words to my family and tell my mother Cage is seriously injured and needs immediate help. And yes he did save my life.”

  “Where is he?” Ren ordered.

  Meeka met him on the backside of the wagon and the old warrior saw Cage’s peculiar condition to ask “What has happened to him?”

  In a very serious voice she admitted “He has survived my kiss.”

  The warrior met her eyes and shook for a moment as the words sunk in. He ran back around and told the driver to go ahead. He then ran to his men, told them what he learned and sent a runner ahead to warn her parents. The rest of them grabbed the burning torches and mounted to escort the wagon to the mayor’s residence with all haste.

  In a quarter hour’s time Meeka saw several people standing expectantly in front of her home. When they could stand it no longer she watched as her parents broke from the others and ran to the wagon. Cillian and Tiffa both yelled “Meeka!” and she met them at the back to cry and be embraced with them again. The reunion didn’t last all that long as Meeka pulled away and looked to all the other dozen or so townspeople quickly surrounding her. She looked into the wagon for a moment to state “Mother, Cage needs all the help you can give. His condition hasn’t changed since he kissed me.”

  “Then it is true?” Tiffa asked as she wiped tears of joy from her cheek.

  She nodded. “I don’t remember what happened after he kissed me, but this family saved us.”

  Cillian looked to the three alert heads looking back at the scene and said “You have my thanks for saving my child. Anything you need, let me know.”

  “Names Quil, but we only need to trade in town. We’ve gotten our payment. You just take care of this mage.”

  Cillian crawled into the wagon with Tiffa and saw how sickly their guest looked and they exchanged meaningful glances. After a quick examination, Tiffa caught the eyes of the home guard and said “He is in bad shape. If I’m to help him, I must tend properly. Men, please carry Cage into Nolan’s old room.” And they got out as four burly men gathered together and lifted the blanket that surrounded Cage. Meeka wasn’t far as Tiffa quickly led a procession of people inside her home. Cillian held up his hands in the dining room and said “Wait here. I’ll come down when I have news.” And he hurried up the stairs to find the warriors placing Cage in his son’s old room. Only the swordsman Ren stood over in the corner till he would be dismissed while the others stepped out.

  Tiffa began her examination and immediately looked to her right as Meeka knelt beside her too. Immediately she asked “Has he lost a lot of blood?”

  In instant response Meeka replied calmly now that she had time to process events “After I came to he was slick with blood from head to toe, but I couldn’t find a single wound on him. It is the truth. The only thing I found was the bruising at his ribs, but those are days old. Mother, how did he survive my kiss?”

  Ren had to ask “Did you kiss him?”

  She shook her head and looked at him. “No, he kissed me when I started losing control of my emotions, but I know not why.”

  The swordsman nodded as if he understood perfectly, but she didn’t get a chance to ask as her father stated “Meeka, I don’t understand what happened, but Cage should be dead.”

  “I know.” She said as tears began spilling down her cheek.

  “No, you don’t.” Tiffa said as she felt Cages pulse. “Meeka, when you were little do you remember the mage who came to see about removing your curse?”

  “What does that have to do anything?”

  Tiffa turned her calm eyes on her child. “Answer my question.”

  She bit her lip and honestly shook her head. “I thought so. It is alright to speak openly in front of Ren, he knows what I’m talking about because your father wanted him around just in the event the mage wasn’t part of the council. Now Meeka, when you were a toddler we had the Magical Council send a mage here. He showed up and tested your curse for a way to break it for nearly a week. He had you kiss a mouse, chicken, cow and horse as a test. Even that mage showed fear of your curse when you froze the mouse as quickly as the cow. What we’ve never told you is he is a first class sorcerer and in all his power he could not even begin to understand the complexity of your kiss.” Meeka’s jaw dropped and all around the room she was met with reinforcing stares. “As a toddler he told us it would take about three minutes to freeze a human, but as you aged the curse would become increasingly faster and stronger. Even in all that mage’s power he honestly believed that none could survive your kiss. As a grown woman you can freeze anyone in about ten seconds. In all honesty, Cage shouldn’t be alive.” She emphasized in all seriousness Meeka has rarely seen. “Ask yourself this, how has a novice mage overcome a curse even the highest class of mage wouldn’t dare to try?” No one talked for several minutes as she said for herself “His pulse is half what it should be, but it is calm and steady. He has undoubtedly lost quite a bit of blood. Meeka, has he roused at all, had a drink or ate anything?”

  “No, he hasn’t even made a sound. I dripped water from a clean rag to get some water into his system because I cannot risk pouring it down his throat and have him be too weak to have the reflex to cough.”

  “Good girl. What he needs most is food, water and sugar. It will help his body replenish whatever he has lost… Ren please go down and make a watery gruel and take some fruit, mash it to a pulp and strain it with water. Warm both just a little if you would.”

  “Ma’am.” The man said and hurried out.

  Cillian knew she had given them a few precious minutes alone. He shut the door and sat beside Tiffa while they stared at their daughter meaningfully. “What?” Their daughter asked in a nervous voice.

  Her father answered. “Meeka, your mother and I can only think of one reason why Cage still lives.” She sat with an overwhelming expression just to understand what is happening. “Meeka, he must have something to do with your prophecy.”

  “What prophecy?” She asked, bewildered.

  Tiffa answered. “Your father and myself were skeptical, but recent events have made us believe. We are still bound and cannot say who cursed you, but the person did say there is a slim chance of hope that you might find love.”

  “What?” She asked breathlessly. “Why haven’t you told me any of this?”

  Cillian sighed. “Because we didn’t want to see you give up should the prophecy be fake. The last thing we wanted to give you is false hope and see you hurt worse than usual. We wanted you to have some kind of life…”

  “What is my prophecy? I have the right to know.” She pleaded softly.

  “Your prophecy is this:

  “Love is the strongest and most natural feeling to pursue, but is the hardest to truly obtain. Others will be in your future, but alone you cannot reach one.

  “Two decades will pass before the beginning and end. Start from fear, end in clarity, but stay away from vanity. To set free the one from the darkness, another must be by your side. When two come together they can find true happiness with the one.

  “Serenity and anger will bring about the truest love any ever considered possible.”

  Meeka stared dumbfounded for several long minutes, trying to memorize the words and decipher the odd meanings. But she did stare at Cage in a new light. She understood that he must be part of it as the man from darkness for he doesn’t open up easily and has a dark side when she sees him fight.

  Before she could even form a question Ren knocked and entered without permission. He handed the tray to Tiffa with one glass of red water which could only have come from the raspberries they stored and a bowl of a mushy white contents. Tiffa stood and sat on the side of the bed. “Cillian, Ren, sit Cage up carefully.” They did so and held him there, Ren had to get a hold of Cage’s hair to keep his head from falling forward. Tiffa gently tipped the glass up and wet his lips. Carefully she tipped more and had Ren tilt his head back while she massaged his throat to stimulate the instinct to swallow. She did that and it was slow going for several minutes, but half the glass became empty. She then spoon fed him the tasteless gruel and helped him swallow. This whole time Meeka was the most on edge as she watched her mother work. “Alright, lay him back down. I don’t want to give him too much right away or it can do more harm than good.”

  They did so and Tiffa turned again. “Now, Meeka, are you hurt?”

  Her cheeks reddened as she looked to the two men. “I am, but not too badly.”

  Cillian demanded in a cool anger. “Tell us what happened after you were kidnapped. I need to know right now.”

  Reluctantly she began explaining everything, omitting nothing. The two men went red in the face at such a cruel treatment, but felt a bit more gleeful when she explained what Cage had done to save her from the cruel fate, set the place of fire, but losing Tran. The more she spoke the more better she felt. Afterwards Cillian carefully hugged her, aware now how much pain she still felt. He looked at Ren and said “Let’s go inform the others and see to it this Tran fellow is caught, tried and hung. How does three gold for a bounty placed on his head sound?”

  “Not enough in my opinion, but such a price will make the hunters go seeking. That is for certain.” The man said as they left the room.

  Tiffa stood and helped her daughter up. “Let us go to your room and let me see what those men did to you.”

  “But what about Cage?”

  “He will be fine for a few minutes while you are seen. Go.”

  She nodded and hurried to her bedroom, Tiffa close behind. In the privacy of her room Meeka stripped and saw the angry look her mother revealed. She looked down to see both breasts had nearly completely turned a brownish green. Meeka held completely still as her mother delicately grabbed the tender breasts and massage them, feeling for any deeper problems that might have developed since the torture. Meeka gasped in pain but her mother kept saying “Endure it child.” Eventually she concluded “Your breasts will heal to just as they once were, but the bruises will take a few weeks. Your shoulder too. Go over to the ewer and clean up and put on a dress that looks more comfortable than that. You nightdress would be a good choice. I’m going downstairs to whip up some food for us to eat together. I’ll meet you in your brother’s room when I’m done.”

  “Thank you, Mother. I’m so glad to be home.”

  “As am I.” Tiffa smiled and hugged her child.

  They cried together for a few minutes, both hearing Cillian explain the situation downstairs. There were other voices, but Tiffa pulled back and smiled tenderly before leaving Meeka in her room to change.

  It didn’t take much time to undress and don her usual nightdress. Its soft and comforting cloth supported her tender breasts without showing off the injuries. She took her boots off and also went over to wash off the sweat, blood and dirt she couldn’t remove from what Quil’s family could offer. She then quietly left her room and slipped back across the hall and entered her brother’s old room.

  Inside the room lay Cage, but as she knelt at his side she saw that he looked somewhat better after getting something into his system. She couldn’t look away from his handsomeness or forget the prophecy she had been told. She touched his warm cheek and held back the tears as she smiled like never before for she looked at a man who might actually be for her. She then slowly felt his neck and found his pulse somewhat stronger, but by a minuscule amount. Meeka spoke softly, not knowing if he could hear or if his sleep were so deep he couldn’t hear. “Cage, I cannot believe you still live. Though you still suffer… I am so truly glad you are alive. I hope you get better and I know I cannot help speed your recovery, but I am here and won’t leave till you are better. I’ve heard music also helps the sick. I cannot hope to play your ocarina half as well as you, but I can sing. I hope you like it.”

  Ever so slowly Meeka began to sing one of her favorite songs about the love of life and the search for the proper lover to heal the hollowness of being alone. She didn’t sing as openly as usual for he needed to rest and not want to hurt his hearing should she reach the higher notes, as he once explained. Although she sang at his side for several songs while not moving, Meeka swore he looked more relaxed.

  As she brought the song to a close she looked over to see both of her parents standing silently, listening and watching her. She brought the sheet that now covered Cage up to his chest and walked over to embrace her emotional parents again now that the horrible situation ended. They held each other for minutes, expressing themselves in their own way.

  Eventually they parted and Tiffa retrieved the morning meal she had cooked while Cillian finished speaking to the others. They sat at a small desk when Cillian brought in three chairs for them to use.

  Nearing the end of the meal Meeka asked “Father, what is happening? Why where there so many people here waiting?”

  He put his warm tea down. “Ever since your kidnapping the whole town has been anxious. After Cage here left to go get you, nearly the whole town rushed over here to do what they could to get you back.”

  Meeka stammered incoherently for a moment before clearly asking in disbelief “The whole town has been worried about me? They don’t even like me and most wouldn’t care if I died. Why would any worry?”

  “We thought the same way too.” Tiffa commented gently while not letting go of her daughter’s hand. “In my worry for you, and risking everything on Cage, someone I’ve just met and a mage at that, I became very angry and lashed out at everyone who came here asking what they could do to help. I yelled ‘Why is anyone here?! You’ve treated my daughter like swine and many have whispered they’d prefer to see my child dead before her curse destroyed Kote. You’re all hypocrites who say you want to help, but have not once shown any real kindness as she always gives to others without asking anything in return.’ And let me tell you, my anger silenced everyone and made them look pitiful.” Tiffa smiled as Meeka could only stare blankly. “But then I was caught completely off guard as Jakie walked close and timidly spoke something I’d never would have believed. ‘I am deeply sorry for all the wrongs I’ve caused her over the years. I never thought of Meeka as anything more than a curse sent to harm us for displeasing the gods. Not once did I ever consider it could have been me who could have been cursed. I hated her for always smiling and being so comely that any man who didn’t know her plight would prefer to gaze upon her than me. I was jealous and didn’t even think why I despised her so. But then Cage came along and humiliated me and my friends before the whole town. I was so mortified I actually wanted to harm him, but then his words began to make me think. I’ve never once would have thought how bitter and angry I would be if it were me in Meeka’s stead. Now that I reflect I can see she is a far better person than I’ll ever be. And if our positions were reversed I would probably have done myself in if I couldn’t be the woman I was meant to be. She then always compliments me on my beauty while I always call her foul names. Tiffa, I wish to make amends for all my petty jealousy and do something for her for once. Please tell me what I can do.’ And her openness froze my tongue.” Tiffa s
miled proudly.

  Cillian then chuckled. “Your mother is also understating herself for her eyes were nearly as large as my fists. But your mother wasn’t the only one stunned for the whole town looked at Jakie as if she had grown another head. It had an effect on the crowd I’ve never seen before, and let me tell you, I’ve seen how easily a crowd can sway. Jakie openly confessed she was wrong. I bet not one man had ever heard a woman say she was wrong before, not even from their own wives or daughters.”

  Tiffa batted her eyes lovingly and grinned in an odd way. “That was a once in a lifetime occurrence, My Love. You’ll probably never hear the like again.”

  When Meeka couldn’t help herself and chuckled her parents couldn’t hold out and joined her.

  After the release of tension ended Cillian continued “Jakie’s story made others voice how they’ve slighted you in some way and wanted forgiveness and a way to make amends themselves. It became impossible to placate the townspeople when they heard we were going to open up discussions to have you returned. Quite a few wanted to mount up and go after you since they said you were part of this town and would do the same for one of them. It forced me to say that Cage already went and told everyone to stay or they would have gotten in his way. They yelled and said it was foolish to send a lone man till I was again forced to reveal his magical abilities. That shut them up just as well as your mother’s anger. If I hadn’t done as I did they would have complicated Cage’s efforts.”

  “I’m sure he will agree with you.” Meeka announced calmly and looked over to see him still in a deep slumber not ten feet away. “Father, why was there a roadblock set by the home guard?”

  “I’m getting there. Be patient.” He sighed heavily and glanced between the two younger members in the room. “Hearing Cage was a mage frightened most everyone. We all have heard the stories about the dangers of being near mages and the town realized if Cage is a mage he can rescue you without much difficulty if he could be trusted. When I reminded them about you as my daughter being the one taken and how I wouldn’t have entrusted him unless I believed he could accomplish such a feat. The town council decided to wait the five days seeing as I believed Cage could do as he said…” Cillian smiled at the severely wounded man. “and actually accomplished. They also decided that since my plan went horribly wrong it would be best that the home guard establish a barricade leading into town and keep at least two here to guard me and your mother. They did it in the case more of those thugs try something else and the men kept the unwanted or ill intended away.

  “Some of the townspeople stopped by for a short time for any word and I suspect more will arrive after hearing of your return and it’ll cause more of a stir when they hear how he somehow survived your kiss. And until I can submit the opium I’ve obtained as evidence against Tran, two of the home guard will keep us safe.”

  “How long might that take?” She wondered.

  “About two days. I’ve sent for a courier to safely get the evidence to an adjudicator in Vin’re who is well known for his hatred of drug dealers since his wife had been killed for witnessing a deal happening.”

  “He’s just like Cage…” Meeka whispered.

  “What was that?” Cillian asked.

  Meeka shook her head “Nothing.” remembering her promise.

  Tiffa gathered all the dishes and said “I’ll check on Cage quickly.” She then moved over to sit on the side of the bed and began examining him for several silent minutes before stating “His heart is marginally stronger than before. The food and drink helped. You two, help me sit him up again.”

  Meeka and Cillian moved and gently sat him up, but her father held his torso up better while she lifted his drooping head. Together the three carefully gave Cage the rest of the meal from earlier. They laid him back down without problems. Tiffa then stated “Meeka, it would be best if you got some sleep for a few hours. I’ll stay here and look after Cage till you wake. Cillian, if we have any guests will you kindly see we are not disturbed at all today.”

  “But Mother, I cannot sleep.”

  “I figured as much, but I can see the medicine already taking effect.”

  “What medicine?” She asked with worry, finally feeling why her eyes were getting harder to open.

  “The herbs I put into your tea. After all you’ve been through I know you find it impossible to do without help. Goodnight, My Daughter.” Tiffa sais as Meeka’s eyes closed and she slumped back into the chair.

  Cillian got up and picked her up in his arms and took her into her bedroom to lay her in bed. He also closed the shutters to darken the room from the morning light. He kissed her finally unknotted brow and closed the door. He came over and wrapped his arms around his love’s neck and together they looked down upon Cage with admiration and eternal gratitude. Tiffa couldn’t help whisper just like their daughter as she said “He actually did it. He saved her and survived her kiss, but why did he kiss her? He is kind, but doesn’t ogle her like most men. I didn’t know he fancied her.”

  “Maybe he does and then again maybe he doesn’t. He is a difficult one to figure out, but I can guess why he kissed her. Meeka always hold everything in, but maybe when it all came out he could sense her misery overwhelming her and knew it would do no good when he promised to get her home without delay. She probably needed something else to focus on and men know of only one way to change the focus of women. He turned her inward focus all on himself, probably forgetting her curse for he sees our daughter as herself, not a blight or outcast of society. He sees her as a normal woman, probably because they both have magic running through them.”

  “Do you think he is part of her prophecy?” Tiffa asked, leaning back into his embrace.

  “Hard to say, but if he is and can give her happiness as the last line states, who are we to keep them apart? He is different, but a man of his word. But I hope the prophecy isn’t wrong and gives her false hope, if she comes to believe Cage is her destiny, but it turns out he isn’t… She will be devastated. I don’t ever want something like that to happen.”

  “Me either, but we cannot see the future or do anything except stand back and let events play out. It won’t surprise me if when he leaves, she will go too. All we can do is hope for the best. We’ve already found our happiness.”

  “Indeed we have.” Cillian said as he kissed her soft neck. “Do you need anything from downstairs?”

  “Yes, can you find and bring me all of the notes I was working on with Cage before all this happened? His knowledge in the art of healing is making me feel like a little girl working with my mother all over again. His ideas are fascinating and make sense, but I get the feeling he knows far more about healing than he is willing to share.”

  “Such are the way of mages. They are a strange kind of people who never tell you things completely.” He smiled and let go to leave the room as Tiffa pulled a chair close to the bed should something happen.

  Meeka woke feeling exceptionally rested and her injuries less sensitive, but it took only a second for her to remember everything and she half jumped out of bed and opened her door to see her father staring directly at her. “Where is she?”

  “Asleep. Don’t be mad at her for it was my decision to make you sleep.”

  Cillian smiled as she nearly stomped her way into the room and saw the defiant setting in her features, but as she came into the room Meeka seemed to forget about her resentment as she noticed Cage laying peacefully in the bed. She stopped and he watched as her tense expression melted into a tender one. “I’m still mad, but how is he?”

  “Much the same, but your mother says he is slowly gaining strength. She isn’t as worried as she was this morning. We fed him one more time, but the ordeal he underwent seemed to tax him greatly. Tiffa also doubts he will wake soon, but his color is returning. I noticed that when I told her to get some sleep.”

  Meeka pulled up a chair beside her father’s and gazed at the subtle differences she last remembered till now. His ghostly pallor looked much more
natural. She placed her fingers on his neck and felt his warmth was nearly back to normal and his pulse stronger. “What time is it?”

  Cillian leaned back saying “The sun has set not a few minutes ago.”

  She looked worried as she asked “Tell me I didn’t miss anything?”

  He smirked. “No, he hasn’t even twitched, but your mother said she believes he is so exhausted he can do nothing else but breathe. But other than him, nearly all of Kote has heard of Cage’s heroism and his living condition after your kiss and all wanted to see proof for themselves, but Ren has the home guard positioned to keep us from being disturbed all this day. He might not say all that much but he can be very persuasive when he wants. And a courier came by an hour ago, surprised me greatly. Already the opium evidence is on its way directly to Vin’re as we speak. I came in not long ago and had Tiffa get some sleep. She hasn’t had any since you were taken actually.”

  She looked down. “I’m sorry for worrying everyone. You and Mother most of all.”

  Sternly Cillian said “And just why are you sorry? You have no reason to be. You didn’t do anything wrong. Those men struck you, kidnapped you, beat you raw. Cage even was the one who kissed you. Nothing you did needs to be apologized for.”

  “But…” he shook his head. “No, I know you my dear daughter. You are always so kind and gentle so do not ever apologize for something beyond your ability to control.”

  “Then you need to apologize to me for drugging my tea. That wasn’t very kind.” She said with a wry smile.

  He chuckled. “Your mother said much the same, but I apologize, Meeka.”

  “I’ll be back in a few minutes. I need to hit the head, as Cage says.”

  Cillian laughed and patted his daughter’s back.

  Meeka descended the stairs thinking, Now I know why you are so hesitant when someone else prepares your meals Cage. Anything could have happened after being drugged. She returned soon after, missing a familiar presence and asked “Where’s Rhody?”

  A look of pain crossed Cillian’s features. “When the men attacked, Rhody must have done his duty, but didn’t survive. They killed him for protecting us.” Meeka cried all over again and held her father close. He might have been a temperamental dog, but he had been ferociously loyal.

  The next day resulted in no change in Cage’s condition, but Meeka had a surprising guest as Jakie was allowed for a brief visit. The other beautiful woman said much as Tiffa explained earlier as they both sat in the room with Cage. Meeka felt so protective over him she didn’t leave his side for more than a few minutes or a few hours when sleep claimed her. Jakie openly confessed how sorry she had been and voiced all the wrongs she did against her while Meeka sat and listened. Jakie stilled as Meeka placed a tender hand atop hers and the other woman froze from shock and fought to jerk her hand away. Meeka simply held her hand there to show nothing would happen and after a few minutes Meeka smiled and said “You’re forgiven, Jakie. I hold no grudge against you, I never have.” That made the other young woman confused. “Your words did hurt me, but I couldn’t be angry at you. You didn’t have to live as I and it wouldn’t have been fair to you if I didn’t understand your position. After all it is impossible to be angry with a beautiful woman for long.”

  In a soft voice she never expected from Jakie she said “That is very kind of you to say, but again I cannot understand how you can look at another woman as I do to men… it doesn’t seem right to me actually. I’m jealous that you are more fair than I and I admitted that, but I cannot even imagine laying with another woman.”

  Meeka smiled tentatively and waited for Jakie’s eyes to meet hers. “Everyone is different and I now understand my infatuation with you was a fleeting dream. I believe my life is leading me somewhere unexpected. Hopefully I can find love. Whether it be with a man or woman I’ll not care so long as I find the one who can make me feel like a woman. I just want fulfillment, like you find in men.”

  Jakie smiled wryly. “The way you said that makes it sound dirty.”

  “Why should achieving orgasm be seen as something other than beautiful?”

  Jakie stared open mouthed at Meeka then they both began to giggle.

  Soon after Jakie withdrew herself from the chair and looked between Meeka and the unconscious Cage to say “I hope things turn out well. I hope he recovers.”

  Tiffa checked on Cage and Meeka after the visitor left but heard Meeka singing to him again. It had quickly become a habit and knew Meeka sang as a release of her tension and to fill the time that stretched all day long.

  Cage slowly became aware as the sun just began to rise. He heard a beautiful and soft melody croon close by. He focused on it as he felt tired, but also tired of being tired. It was a strange sense, an almost hollow one. He lay on something soft, comfortable and warm. The song was slow and kind, but the singer had perfect pitch and made the song come alive and stir the soul. He knew right away who sang though he only heard her reach a High E note. Meeka’s singing talent was a great way to wake up and he smiled internally. As it came to a slow lilting close he cracked his eyes and said “Don’t stop, Meeka, it’s beautiful.”

  Her sapphire blue eyes flew wide as her vision blazed a trail to his black ones and he smirked. She suddenly yelled “Mother! Father! Cage’s awake!”

  “Ow! Not so loud Meeka.” Cage said as he sat up and put his palms over his ears. His senses were so raw and sensitive he could faintly feel a vibration through a bed he found himself in as someone ran in the house. The next thing he knows two people rush in and see him sit up. “Where am I?” He asked as he took his hands away.

  Cillian came closer and said “In my son’s old bedroom. His name is Nolan. How are you, Cage.”

  Just as he asked a sudden, overwhelming and uncomfortable feeling overcame him. “Uh-oh. Look out, I’ve got to find the head quick.” He announced and threw the covers off himself and nearly knocked Meeka and Cillian aside. Tiffa was smart enough to get out of his way. He found the stairs and took them in two bounds before landing on the first floor, opened a door that led into the large dining room and sprinted to the door and unbolted it before running hard to the outhouse. Once there he sighed with great relief as his bladder became completely empty. While there he sat for only a few minutes and felt like a whole new man.

  He stepped out to find five individuals standing nearby. Two men wore swords at their sides, but seemed genuinely surprised to see him as they talked briefly with Cillian. Cage stood there for a moment, completely nude and without any modesty since he didn’t care either way to be clothed or not.

  Then Meeka came up unabashed and asked “How do you feel, Cage?”

  He yawned and stretched. “A little tired and hungry, but my joints and fatigue tell me I’ve been out of it for a while. How long has it been?”

  Cage studied the others critically, but Meeka seemed to be the most excited. For once her eyes didn’t drift below the equator and stayed glued to his face. She seemed to radiate happiness and joy and her body language bounced with energy. “Do you remember anything?”

  “After losing consciousness, nothing till a few moments ago.”

  She smiled so beautifully he had trouble keeping his head straight for some reason. “Since you kissed me it has been three days.”

  “Then it isn’t any wonder why I’m hungry. Can I get something to eat?”

  “Of course, we were just about to have breakfast actually.” Tiffa commented.

  “Is it ready or can I have five minutes?”

  “I’ll need at least ten to finish.”

  “Good. Hey Cillian can I borrow a sharp knife. I feel I need to shave.”

  The mayor nodded and took the eight inch knife from his boot and offered the handle out. “Sharpened it not an hour ago to shave myself.”

  Cage came closer and gratefully took the blade. “Thanks.” He then walked slowly over to the barn to pump water into two buckets. But he didn’t notice the women heading inside together while the three m
en followed. Cillian left for only a moment to say “Cage, catch.”

  The mage easily caught a white bar of soap and lathered himself up nicely before washing all the grime off. As he shook his hair to spray the water away he took the knife and used a touch of magic to create a mirror to shave properly. Cillian and the others weren’t prepared for what they saw floating in the air without anything holding it up, but he recovered quicker than the two younger warriors. After a second rinse he felt like a new man since the cold water made his cells come alive. Much of the tiredness vanished.

  By the time he turned around he saw Meeka come closer with a set of clothes draped over an arm. He took them and put them on while asking “Tell me how you are feeling, Meeka. The last thing I remember of you was watching your eyes roll back into your head and saw you collapse.”

  She smiled in a heartwarming way. “That what happens when my curse is triggered. All of my strength vanishes for a time. Don’t frighten me like that again!”

  He pulled the shirt down and walked right up to her, Meeka’s eyes never parting from his. He grinned. “I cannot explain it, but your curse won’t work on me anymore.”

  “What do you mean?” She asked in dumbstruck denial.

  Before anyone could react he bent down and gently pressed his lips against hers without any warning. He felt the crawling tingle of intense magic, but didn’t fear it like it first warned. Meeka felt the bumps rise all over her skin again and the strange rise of energy, but it didn’t slam through her lips as it did before. He leaned back, rubbed her head “See I told you.” and walked away.

  “Did he just…?” One of the men asked.

  Cillian stared openly. “I saw it too.” Cillian turned back to a frozen daughter. “Meeka, are you… alright?”

  She couldn’t take her eyes off Cage’s back, but she managed to stutter “I… I… I think so. That felt strange…”

  He came closer and put a hand on her shoulder, unable to look away too. “What does that mean?”

  “My curse felt as it always does, but it didn’t go anywhere. Usually I can feel it pass through me and into another, but it didn’t this time. I have no idea what just happened. Come, let’s ask.” Meeka’s reverie came to an end and she nearly sprinted to his side.

  The other three move quickly as well.

  As Cage pushed the door in, he smirked as Meeka stood by his side and looked at him with a strange and hypnotic expression.

  The all went into the room to find Tiffa also coming from the kitchen carrying a large platter stacked with food. Cage looked at the room to be surprised at how quickly the repairs were made. Only a few minor problems could be spotted, but at least the impressive dining table had survived and remained unscathed. The door leading to the washroom was no longer there and probably been destroyed and would be fixed at a later date. But what relieved Cage most is that the family that sheltered him these past few days were reunited.

  She sat it down and saw the odd looks the others were giving Cage and asked “What’s wrong?”

  One of the soldiers answered. “He just kissed her again, right in front of all of us, but nothing happened.”

  “WHAT!?” Tiffa yelled and gave a withering look at the mage. “Cage, are you touched in the head or something? You have yet to even fully recover and you attempted another kiss. Are you a glutton for punishment or do you really want to chance your life again?”

  He sat down at the table and sighed. He gave everyone a look and all went to sit down till Cillian said “These are family affairs. Please keep watch outside and when we are done we’ll feed you.”

  It was obvious they wanted to stay and hear, but one of the ruling council members gave a polite order to which they followed. Once everyone took a seat an uncomfortable silence followed as Tiffa filled everyone’s plates with eggs, cooked potatoes and carrots, but giving her family meat and Cage a heaping portion of eggs. She also filled each bowl with stew and poured steaming water into four cups. Eventually to break the silence Meeka had an idea. Looking to the cups she asked “Cage, can you do that thing with the water like you did before?”

  He smiled and noticed the concerned looks her parents exchanged. “Of course.” Cage extended his hand and focused on the four mugs and the teapot. He let the magic flow and watched the startled expressions as a pea-sized brown object gathered above four cups and a thimble sized blob appeared over the pot. He then pulled all the particles into a quarter large piece of garbage and laid the blob in a nearby waste bin. Tiffa began to ask something in a concerned voice, but Meeka began to explain just what he had done and how much better everything will taste. Afterwards she looked to Cage and asked “Did I miss or say something wrong?”

  “Perfect as always.” She blushed, but didn’t look away once again.

  “Didn’t you say you were hungry?” Cillian asked to change subject.

  “I am.” But he didn’t even reach forward to start.

  “Oh, Right!” Meeka said in remembrance and started eating her eggs first. She then had a spoon of stew and tasted everything on her plate.

  Seeing her take the initiative, Cage finally picked up a fork and began eating.

  “What is that all about?” Tiffa whispered to her husband.

  But it was Meeka who answered. “If I was as smart as Cage you wouldn’t have drugged me.” Such openness merely raised Cage’s eyebrow and instead listened. “He won’t eat or drink anything someone else prepares until someone else eats first so he doesn’t have to be worried of drugs or poisons.”

  “Is this true?” Tiffa wondered as she saw him nearly inhaling the meal.

  “Mostly.” He stated and wiped his mouth on a cloth napkin. “I actually watch how people react around food mostly before I eat. If you would have already prepared the dishes before coming in I’d most likely politely decline saying I’ve got an upset stomach, but since I saw you bring everything out at once and unceremoniously scoop the contents onto each of our plates I can feel slightly more at ease since none of you show the signs of wanting to commit suicide. But I still wait and watch as someone else eats and if there is any slight hesitation I’ll refuse to eat. As a kid I had to learn these things or wound up hurting myself.”

  “It sounds reasonable the way you say it, but” Cillian began. “where do you come from that makes you learn such things?”

  “Father, you really do not want to know.” Meeka stated kindly, but the warning beneath the words didn’t go unnoticed.

  “He told you?” Tiffa asked.

  This is getting dangerous. Cage thought and watched Meeka like a hawk. She didn’t miss the look or pause long enough to be making up a lie. “Yes, he did, but I made an oath to never explain. All I can say, for he has said it before, he is truly not of these parts.”

  Cillian gruffly asked “If you told her, why can you not extend us the same courtesy?”

  “Because it is in both of our interests that you and Tiffa remain oblivious. Furthermore, I only told Meeka because she needed a distraction from the day before. If not for the circumstances, none of you would ever know. Besides I wouldn’t be here right now and you’d probably never see me again.” All their eyes widened, but none more so than Meeka who looked as if she’d faint for some reason. He felt a bit confused about it.

  “Enough of this particular conversation.” Tiffa demanded flatly. “Cage, I want you to tell us how you survived Meeka’s kiss and recently done it despite nearly dying the first time.”

  He ate a few bites of stew and biscuits before speaking. “Honestly, after I realized what I did and saw her collapse I nearly shit myself. It frightened me almost as much as that time I was truly injured.” He added cryptically, but he saw instant recognition on Meeka’s expression as she figured it was when he was ambushed and lost all his dear friends. “I felt the intensity of her magic and it knocked the wind out of me. But first I need to ask if any of you know what frostbite is?”

  An odd look passed between the parents, but Meeka understood why he as
ked since she heard only the basics of his medical knowledge and knew he knew far more than her and her mother combined. “Yes, Cage, frostbite is quite common here. It snows greatly in the winter and Mother has had to amputate toes and fingers many times from people foolishly staying out too long in the frigid weather. Why is it you ask?”

  “Alright, do you know what a cell is?”

  All three shook their head.

  Cage focused on an image he knew when he took medical training and upturned his hand. He focused hard and the magic brought forth an enlarged illusion a foot in diameter. “For you to understand just what I did you must have a greater understanding of our body. What I am showing you is a red blood cell. There are billions of these within us and not all look like this. When you see blood, what you are actually seeing are thousands of these microscopic cells. I have to make this quick for it’s taking everything I have to explain so listen. I asked about frostbite because you need to understand my method. Since it snows you understand how ice freezes over. Well our bodies are about seventy percent water. When the water within our body freezes that means our cells do as well. We are warm blooded so cold isn’t good for us. The black or dead tissue you’ve had to cut out of people are actually cells doing this…” He then altered the nearly realistic representation of a floating cell and had it expand and crystallize. When it reached a certain point he explained “As you can see, the cell ruptured.” He then stopped the magic and watched the cell vanish. Small black dots blotted his vision and he breathed for a few minutes to recover. The three stared, but not at him as they were trying to wrap their minds around his lecture. “Tiffa, now let me prod your medical knowledge again. Have you ever seen a person refuse to have a frostbit appendage removed and most likely died after coughing up blood for a few days or suddenly died without warning?” She simply nodded, but couldn’t speak so she let her expression ask her thoughts. “The reason is that the ruptured blood or other cells died and were carried through the bloodstream couldn’t be absorbed safely and made a deadly clot that killed the individual.” Cage then turned his eyes on Meeka. “Now I know it is around summertime, but your curse is like a fast acting blizzard happening in an instant. Meeka, when I kissed you, your magic began to freeze my every cell and somehow my magic allowed me to feel my cells, those alive and being frozen. I did all I could do and used my magic to coat every living cell with fire. All I managed to do is stop the curse from spreading.” The family sat forward to focus on his every word. “I’ve never done something that intense before. Desperate times calls for desperate measures. It took everything just to hold the freeze from taking over completely. I don’t know if it were seconds or minutes that passed, but something about the cold felt strange and I learned your curse is fueled by your emotions.”

  “My emotions?” She queried with trepidation

  “That is the only way to describe it aloud. I felt everything about you within the cold trying to kill me. As best I can articulate I took your emotion into myself and the result made the cold die. It sounds strange I know, but” he scratched his head to think. “in a way it was like I accepted you though I feel exactly the same.”

  “You accept me?” Meeka heard herself say and sat up expectantly.

  “In a way I cannot even begin to rationalize.” He admitted truthfully. “But let me go back. After I pulled your emotions out and the cold receded, the living cells rapidly warmed my system, but my magic allowed me to feel all the cells that had burst from freezing like I just showed you. I knew I would die unless I could expel the dead cells from within. So I decided to sweat the destroyed cells out.”

  Meeka suddenly sat straight as if someone shocked her. “That is why I couldn’t find any wounds when you were covered from head to toe in blood.”

  “It was the only way at the time.” He figured. “There was so much, but I had to get it out or risk serious complications. I then felt light headed as I usually do when I do too much magic, but the combination of blood loss and immense magic strain practically sedated me till a short time ago. But” He held up one finger for emphasis. “like I said, it is hard to explain about pulling emotions inside me, I just knew your lips can no longer freeze me. I just knew I could do as I did and be safe. I was cautions of the unknown before, but I no longer fear your curse, Meeka.”

  “Excuse me.” She said as her tears began to well and she left the table and room, her long blonde mane billowing like the wind as she disappeared in an instant.

  Both parents stood to follow, but Cage intervened. “Leave her be. She needs to be alone right now so she can understand there is a way for her to find a lover.”

  They sat down and looked at each other for a time, but Cillian eventually asked “Are you going to be that for her?”

  Cage shook his head seriously. “I do think I feel closer to her, but I’ll probably just be her friend. I’m hesitant about women for personal reasons, that she knows. She is the finest woman I’ve ever seen or met, but as I am now, I won’t be good for her nor will I use her for my personal pleasure or lie. She is too kind a person for someone like me. I will always be her friend though, but unless something drastic happens I do not see us together in that way.”

  “You mean to say rescuing a damsel in distress from cutthroat drug dealers isn’t drastic enough?” Tiffa wondered.

  “It isn’t even in my top one hundred rescues or missions. Saving her was a walk in the park compared to others.”

  “You are serious aren’t you?”

  “I’m dead serious. Plus if Meeka finds someone who can requite her love, it’ll have to be a mage of course who isn’t afraid and cares greatly for her, I’ll tell them what I did so they can be what she needs.”

  “No one is perfect.” Tiffa prodded, hoping he is lying for her daughter’s wellbeing and mental state.

  “True, but she is a friend. She needs someone who won’t actually kill her if she comes near them with a knife.” Her parents eyes widened. “I’m not trying to make light of myself or try to push her away. It is an actual warning. If she ever came at me with a weapon, even if she thought she was merely playing around, I would probably kill her without question. The only way I’d not see her as a threat is if I were training her on how to fight.”

  “You would kill women?” Cillian asked.

  “Couldn’t Tiffa slip that knife your holding under the table in my gut as easily as you?” He asked and saw the startled reaction cross fleetingly in Cillian’s eyes.

  Slowly Cillian sat the knife on the table. Tiffa stared at the polished blade in shock. “I suppose she could, Cage. For you to think like this must mean you’ve had a rough life.

  “You could say that?” He smiled for a moment. “By the way, did Rhody die?”

  He could see the answer in the sadness of their eyes. Tiffa dabbed a cloth in the corner of an eye. “He died in vain.”

  “Hardly.” He said calmly, regaining focus of the two. “He went down fighting like any good dog. He got hold of one of the men who came here and attacked us. Rhody sunk his teeth in the leg of one guy and his limp quickly gained my attention when I reached Miot. What your dog started, I finished.”

  Cillian emotionally said “That does make me feel better, knowing he got something in. Thank you for that.”

  “Look, the meal was filling and delicious, Tiffa, but I need to sleep some more. Can I still use the bed or would you prefer I went back out to the barn again.”

  Tiffa said “I’d rather you take Nolan’s bed for now. You’ve done us a great service and I’ll not keep you in the stable. Your honesty is frightening, but I know you won’t harm us so long as we do likewise.”

  “Thank you.” He smiled again and silently moved to the door hiding the stairs and opened it to find Meeka startled for she had been listening through the door the whole time, which he knew. But he smiled and said “Good, your parents were about to come up and check on you. I need more sleep. Later Meeka.” He passed by and saw her smile bashfully as he went up and fell
asleep nearly as soon as his head reached the pillow.

  Meeka sat at the table again, but remained so wrapped in her thoughts that her apatite vanished, but she absently picked at the food. Cillian and Tiffa watched her with worry and pity, but could see Cage was right and she needed time to sort things out. They ate slowly and not one word passed till the meal was over. Tiffa then brought out a meal for the two men patiently waiting outside. She then said “For right now I need for both of you to promise that you’ll not speak of what you saw or heard this morning. For all you know, Cage still slumbers. Right now we cannot have unwanted visitors for rest is what he needs most.”

  One of them put a fork down and said “We understand, Tiffa.”

  She smiled gratefully.