Read The Grin of Prophecy (Book 1 of the Death Incarnate Saga) Page 11

Chapter 10

  Cage awoke, hearing a subtle squeak of wood as pressure was applied and could feel eyes upon him in the nearly pitch black room. Already he felt better after another long rest and clearer of mind for it, glad the incapacitating sleep from earlier had all but vanished. He didn’t open his eyes and pretended to be asleep. When he heard a stalking step of someone moving slowly on bare feet come within three feet he felt that whomever it is had gotten close enough.

  In a blinding display of speed, Cage rolled off the bed and whipped his legs into a scissor-like spread as he hit the hardwood floor. He saw the figure’s silhouette and wrapped his legs around the person’s knees and twisted, causing the individual to lose their balance. As Cage rotated he pushed himself up on one arm with a burst of strength while tightening his legs so the opponent couldn’t kick out or be able to gather their legs together in the unlikely event they gain the advantage to flee. The opponent landed heavily on their back with an grunt as the wind left them. Struggling lasted all but a moment as Cage’s legs squeezed while he sat securely on the person’s hips. His left hand wrapped around a slender throat with enough force to restrain without causing serious pain or choking off the wind supply. He balled his right fist and held it near his armpit and twisted it slightly, ready to deliver a powerful punch. His grin spread as adrenaline kicked in, but in a cool, distant voice he warned “Twitch even so much as a finger and you’ll regret it.” The dark form relaxed, but shook slightly in fear. “Who are you and what do you want?”

  In a slight gasp he heard “Cage, it’s only me.”

  “Meeka?” He asked and brought an orb of white light to life and it bathed the room in luminescence. Meeka came fully into view beneath him wearing a nearly see-through white nightgown. His grip on her slender neck loosened and withdrew and his fist relaxed, but he didn’t remove himself from where he sat on her hips. For just a moment he saw only surprise in her eyes, but no fear as she looked upon him in the light. Her long blonde hair splayed over the floor and she looked breathtaking beneath him. A part of him saw her erect nipples beneath the thin fabric and it stirred his blood so much that he wanted to feel her and fill her completely, but the other part that dominated his longings said it would be a bad idea and quickly reinforced a wall before his manly desire could follow through with ravaging her. His lust had never came upon him so powerfully before and all anger he felt of being snuck upon vanished in that one blinding moment of seeing her overwhelming beauty. He cleared his throat and untangled himself to stand and take a few steps away. Cage kept the orb floating at eye level in the center of the room.

  Meeka slowly sat up and rubbed her neck, watching him very carefully. She saw something in his eyes a moment ago that made her insides squirm in a pleasant way. She also noticed how uncertain he looked in the odd light, but his body language warned to not approach so she didn’t. She stood and took a few small steps back and watched as his tense form relaxed only slightly. Her throat felt uncomfortable from his grip, but knew he could have done so much worse.

  Slowly, he asked “Meeka, that was very dangerous. Why can’t you take my warnings seriously? Do you understand how easily I could have killed you? What were you thinking sneaking in here and up on me?”

  She removed her hands from her neck since the discomfort faded quickly and took a few breaths to regain what had been knocked out of her. “Forgive me, I didn’t knock. I was just worried since you slept through the whole day. I was just worried about you. I know I wasn’t to disturb you, but I cannot seem to help it. It is still so hard to believe you live. My fear of causing nothing but death to those close to me has plagued me all my life. Yet you’re here and I’m truly glad for it. Besides, I do believe your warnings, but I cannot see you killing me. I know if I came at you with ill intentions you shall defend yourself, but you must understand I’d never do that to you.” She saw him about to say something and quickly added “After all, you say you accepted my emotions. You must feel I’d never do you harm. You did say you accepted me. Did you also accept my feelings?”

  Damn! He thought and didn’t try to reveal anything, but he could finally see she looked at him as he does to others and knew even the slightest hint, movement or body language could put her in a further advantage. “Meeka, you don’t understand. What I took in was so confusing. Imagine trying to feel your entire life’s emotions all in a moment. It was overwhelming, even in the most basic sense. I couldn’t feel one thing as thousands were equally strong and just as demanding. I cannot say with any proof you won’t harm me when I felt how powerfully you have anger, rage and jealously while also feeling how you love, care and have tenderness.”

  What he never expected her to hear her say is “You say you are a rationalist?”

  He jerked up straight. “I am.”

  “Does that mean you need proof of some kind to believe anything?” He nodded and she smiled on a seductive way. “I trust you, Cage, but for once will you trust me?”

  They stared at each other for several minutes, not saying or doing anything except breathing or blinking. The baseball sized orb still kept the room bright while the two squared off without relenting. Cage eventually saw her serenity and how she truly meant what she said so he nodded. She beamed as she won the battle of wills after the longest, heart pounding and worrisome wait she had ever had. “If you are to trust me I need you to sit on the edge of the bed and close your eyes.”

  “No dice. My eyes stay open.” He amended and she saw she couldn’t press her luck from how his eyes became dangerous again.

  She conceded on that compromise.

  For the first time in what seemed forever Cage willingly submitted to someone. He sat down on the edge of the bed and stared across the small room at the woman gazing back with equal intensity. Meeka then began speaking softly to reassure she meant no harm. “Cage, I know you aren’t sorry for what you did to me a few minutes ago, but I am. I’m going to come closer so please don’t hit me or move a muscle.” Almost in an agonizing crawl she stepped closer, gauging his stoic reaction and found all that moved were his eyes. She finally came to a stop not a foot away with her ample bosom aching not a few eager inches away from his face. She put her heart on the line as she delicately put her hands on his clothed shoulders, but could feel the hard muscle tense beneath. Using him as a brace she bent her knees and carefully moved closer to wrap her legs around his waist and sit lightly on manly, powerful thighs. Meeka then wrapped her arms around his neck and laced her fingers in his thick brown hair. She smiled happily, but he didn’t show any emotion as his eyes nearly penetrated her very soul. “There. Now is this proof I’ll not harm you?”

  In an emotionless tone he admitted “Not even close. I’ve read reports where female spies keep a needle in their hair or have a hidden blade somewhere on themselves so close to their skin it was impossible to see the blade unless they were pat down.”

  “Go ahead and feel my hair while I remedy the other problem.” She took her hands from around his head.

  Cage methodically rubbed her scalp without hesitation, knowing his new hands would prevent any puncturing. But as he worked he didn’t see what Meeka was doing as she pulled her arms through her dress and allowed it to fall around her waist. As he finished he noticed the two enormous and perfectly formed and perky breasts, but as she did so she said “I know they do not look appealing so you can turn off that ball of light if you prefer…”

  “Meeka, this is getting out of…” He said and she put a finger over his lips.

  “Cage, I need you to trust me and realize that if the whole world is out to kill you, I won’t. In our short time together I’ve come to have great feelings for you so let me prove my worth.” And she grabbed both of his wrists and gently placed them upon her breasts. She gasped as she felt his warmth seep through the soft flesh and let go of his wrists to feel a sense of accomplishment that he didn’t remove them right away.

  He felt the wonderful sensation of a woman’s delicate flesh and sweet scent and his
blood warmed anew. But as his concentration on her body claimed his attention the orb slowly dimmed until vanishing completely without meaning to. In the darkness his hands began to gain a mind of their own as they gently caressed and worked by feel alone. As he reached her erect and hard nipples she instinctively arched her back to offer more of herself, enjoying someone finally touching her in an intimate way. He felt male satisfaction as she openly did this and heard her moan softly as he felt her with a teasing touch that had her wanting more. When she couldn’t handle it any further he felt her arms reach up and encircle her hands around his head and drew him in close. In a moment he felt her soft lips carefully touched his and she felt the sensation again of bumps rising up all over and the odd awakening feeling of the curse’s activation, but again it didn’t focus into her lips as it always has. Again she tried kissing softly, but the surge never left her and she smiled as it actually felt exciting and made her every sensation come alive like never before. Knowing he is completely safe from the curse she pulled him closer and her mouth parted in invitation to which she felt his tongue excitedly enter her mouth and her tongue met his and her head swirled as she detected the sweetness as if tasting pure sugar. When his tongue retracted hers followed without hesitation and it deepened the kiss. His hands firmly grasped her hips and brought her closer to his waist which she appreciated immensely as her dress pulled up and her uncovered flower sat ready with only his pants keeping them from being one. Desire and the feel of another’s touch awoke their sexuality and both felt alive. Meeka had never been kissed like this before and it felt so beautiful and right, but she had to lean back to catch her breath as her chest felt hot. Though she couldn’t see him very much in the dark she could feel he felt just as excited as he this time drew her back in another passionate kiss that brought them together. She needed another breath and said in a voice that sounded musical even to herself “Take me.”

  Cage heard her wish and twisted himself and her to lay her back on the bed. Meeka’s hands left his neck and went to her bunched dress that she masterfully removed as Cage leaned up to take off his shirt. Meeka felt for the first time in her life like a woman who could have the same things while Cage began barely kissing her neck while his hands rubbed her taut belly. She had never felt such pleasure or excitement in her life and she gasped in surprise as his large hands wound their way between her legs to her flower that beckoned for his ministrations and her hips bucked all on their own as he inserted a finger. She nearly cried out in pleasure and sadness for she feared she’d never have such wonderful feelings.

  Then as Cage went to her breasts he heard her gasp, but not from pleasure, but from pain. He knew the difference well and his cloudy mind suddenly snapped clear. He suddenly jumped out of bed and said in a deep, husky voice “What the hell is wrong with me?”

  Meeka suddenly realized he stopped and felt around to not feel him near. Fear gripped her as she asked the darkness “Cage, what’s wrong? Where are you?”

  He shook his head, but his pounding heart drummed his hearing. “Meeka, I now believe you won’t hurt me, but I can’t be what you need. I… I’ve got to go.”

  With that he silently rushed to the door and opened it. Meeka saw only a momentary flash as the door opened and closed abruptly. She sat up with a troubled and crestfallen expression, not understanding what had happened when things were going so well.

  Cage rushed out of the house so stealthily that Cillian and Tiffa sitting at the table were reading papers together, but never heard or glanced up to see him depart.

  Outside, he found that night had completely fallen and two new middle aged men of the home guard stood just at the edge of the torchlight with their backs to the flames. But Cage’s training made it so they didn’t even hear him circle around in the grass and slip into the darkness. In a part of his mind he felt glad to have such unique boots that took the place of his once more vulnerable feet, but after the binding he could feel every sensation as if he were truly barefooted and never had to worry about being cut. He could feel the cool grass and ground at his feet had and knew how to move properly so as to avoid making unnecessary noise to draw attention. He cut through the trees and made it to the road before making a dim red orb so he could run in the darkness without falling or running into something.

  His stride’s lengthened as the slightly warm night air blew gently against him. Usually he would grin at the thought of a conquest and pleasing a woman, but he didn’t realize what he was doing till he made her gasp as his body forgot how her breasts were still sore from an earlier punishment. If it didn’t make her feel pain he knew he would fill her completely and lose himself in the moment. He couldn’t reprimand himself hard enough for what he did and was about to. His inner anger pushed him to run harder and before he knew it he saw the lights of Kote, but didn’t stop or even slow. But as he ran he realized how late it is and not one person seemed to see him or yell to stop and identify himself. Stupid, stupid, stupid! He chastised himself mentally. Why did I lose control like that? Isn’t it obvious, she’s perfect! Why do I always do that, go after the stunning women? I shouldn’t have did that. But I couldn’t help myself and she was so willing. No, I can’t think like this. She needs someone better! I cannot ruin her like what happened to me. She is too good for that! I just hope she isn’t too mad, but I’ve got to leave. If I don’t I might not be able to stop next time.

  Cage didn’t stop even as his legs cramped until he reached the peaceful conclusion at the beautiful and serene lake that acted like a rippling mirror to the stars above. He stopped and bent over to gasp for breath as sweat drenched him completely. He felt extremely thirsty after walking off the overheated leg cramps and used magic to lift a bubble of water and clean it before placing his lips and half slurping and drinking the crisp water. He also found some cattails to eat to curb his hunger. He then waded into the water, knowing that adults wouldn’t let children swim in alligator or crocodile infested water so he didn’t worry about risk.

  Crickets chirped and frogs croaked as he floated and looked up at the twinkling stars and large crescent moon above. The cool, relaxing water pulled the excess heat from his body and helped calm him. He felt much more relaxed and clear minded now that he was alone.

  In the cool and serene waters he began to understand or at least try to about what happened and an idea began to form. His experience with her curse must have actually made him have feelings for her or at least to understand her predicament. He began to critically ask himself questions, but couldn’t deny what he did with her or that he could lie and say he didn’t like it. But he did know she had came closer to him than anyone in recent years. Meeka was beyond beautiful and every woman Cage knew couldn’t even compare. But he knew he couldn’t stay. He needed to know more of this world and couldn’t be tied down to one spot. He never liked spending an extended period of time in one location when there were things out there that he needed to discover for himself.

  There came a soft white glow that didn’t register immediately as he stared skyward. But even as he floated and his ears were submerged beneath the surface Cage clearly heard “Pardon me, Lord Death?”

  Startled, water abruptly exploded in every direction as he jerked his arms to upright himself and scan the area and a small cry of surprise again startled Cage as he looked upon an apparition standing on the surface of the water and didn’t make ripples. He quickly calmed himself, realizing why he didn’t sense anyone or any magic. The female ghost wasn’t exactly alive so he didn’t scold himself again for yet another foolish mistake.

  As his heart began to slow he remembered only one other being who gave him the title of ‘Lord Death’. He smiled and asked “Did Ceembura tell you to call me that?”

  “In a manner of speaking.” The woman replied kindly as he began to really take in her fair appearance as he swam. The woman was quite beautiful and rather regal for a ghost. She wore an elaborate dress that brushed her ankles and was so detailed he could clearly see embroidery. Fr
om his last experience with Ceembura he knew full well she wasn’t able to be physically touched. But in his close observation he saw perched on her shoulder what appeared to be a bird just as glowing as she.

  “Well, ghost, isn’t it polite to introduce yourself when addressing someone you’ve never met?” He chuckled as he floated since he felt all his tension slipping away to be more comfortable.

  She smiled while inclining her head and lifting her dress up just enough to curtsey. “Where are my manners. Being dead for so long makes you forget certain human courtesies. I truly beg your forgiveness, Lord Death. I am Eleia and was once classified as a second class witch.”

  “Hello then Eleia, and you don’t always have to be formal. You can tell other ghosts…”

  “Actually we prefer to be called spirits. Ghosts are horrible and cruel spirits that have lost their humanity or was broken by some other means.”

  “Thanks for the heads up.” She blinked for a moment as she tried to understand, but then she seemed to get it and inclined her head. “It has been a while since I met a spirit. What brings you here?”

  “In truth, you are the only one who can help me. I’ve tried contacting other mages, but you are the first who wasn’t busy enough and could see me. There is a situation I cannot allow to play out and we spirits cannot physically or directly intervene. We can give our requests and hope that it can be done. That is why I’m here, to beg if I must or even allow you to experiment on my very soul should you wish so long as you fulfill my request.”

  “Alright, you lost me. Why would I want to experiment on your soul?”

  Again she blinked rapidly. “Surely you are a mage of great power and have knowledge of what souls can be used for?”

  “Looks like I really need to find a teacher then, but if you say I’m powerful I doubt I’ll take your soul for my own ends. I believe you’ve earned to rest without being bugged by me. Alright, I’ll listen to your request in exchange for two honest answers.”

  “We are agreed then on your price?” He nodded while water droplets fell into his face. “Then I’ll gladly accept the terms. My request is this, several months ago I stumbled upon a plot to assassinate my beloved King Tate in his castle in Vin’re. The members in question will wait until a fortnight from now when the Summer Ball begins. There are three men involved in the plot and one will use a poisoned knife, but should the first assassin fail, the other two will use poisoned tipped crossbow bolts…”

  “This isn’t one of my questions, but I do have to ask. If this King Tate is an actual king, shouldn’t he have guards or a mage that will be hired?”

  “Very well, we can exempt that question since you are unfamiliar with him. Mine king will have guards there, but as for mages, his personal aid will be gone. Though he is a suspicious and calculating man, he won’t be expecting an assassination with so many witnesses or the three who conspire against him. Lord Death, he has always been a fair and kind king who will do anything for his people. He is a believer in justice and leniency, but if he falls, all of Vlara will crumble. Without him the land will fall into anarchy and be open to attack. Please, I cannot bare to have him die before his time or watch as the people I left behind start a fight and stop many deaths that can be prevented.”

  “Well it sure sounds interesting. I’ll do it since I need to leave Kote anyway.” Her spirit’s form seemed to glow brighter with joy and relief. “Now for my payment. I must know for a certainty, but are their gods?”

  The beautiful spirit grinned and laughed in her hand. “If you must know, the honest answer is no. There are strong magical beings which can seem godly and have amazing powers, but we spirits know for a fact that in the grand scheme there is no such thing as a god. Becoming a spirit is the final stage for all living beings. You no longer have any real power, but your existence can spread and learn so many things. And if you no longer wish to be a spirit you may give yourself over to the universe and become renewed as part of it. Most older spirits do not care anymore to form as I have because it is difficult, but also because there are other things which draw them away. Usually once everyone they cared for dies the spirit does as they want, but our greatest joy is learning, but before you ask, we are forbidden from reveling our knowledge in any way. This ensures that one person doesn’t ruin the natural order of the worlds.”

  She went silent and he knew she finished speaking. Finally he had a nagging question that had been bothering him. “I’ve heard the words class to identify mages. Can you explain that?”

  “Certainly. In all, there are seven classes. The lowest of all mages are the magicians who were given powers by an actual mage.” Kind of like Meeka. Cage thought to the side. “Magicians are very limited in talents and can usually only do one specific spell and aren’t of much concern. Then going up one section are classes of the first, second and third for Wizards if they are men and Witches, like myself, who are all female. The first class witch or wizard is the strongest and have weaker mana, compared to the classes I’ll tell you in a moment… so to do more powerful spells and counteract the weakness, we gather power from the life around us. Then the higher class of mage is the first, second and third class sorcerer or sorceress. These mages have quick regenerative inner power and have much more at their disposal. For instance it would take three first class wizards to even match the power of a third class sorcerer. But there is a large gap between a second class sorcerer and a first for it would take nearly ten to match the one. To put it in a living description easy to understand… a magician is to an ant what a sorcerer is to a human.”

  “But many ants leave some nasty bites.”

  “Quite true.”

  “So what would I be classified?” He wondered.

  She smirked and held up one finger that wisped like smoke for a moment before it reformed. “Uh-uh. I’ve upheld my end and answered two questions.”

  Cage laughed aloud. “You got me. Alright, I’ve got my payment and now I’ll fulfill my end. Go back to what you like to do as a spirit, Eleia, I’ll take care of the rest.” She glowed brighter as she smiled and the little spirit bird flapped it wings like it was also somehow pleased. “Oh wait! A fortnight is two weeks right, fourteen days?”

  Eleia nodded slowly and began to disappear, but not before saying “Thank you Lord Death.”

  “You’re welcome.” But she had completely vanished before she could hear.

  Cage leaned back to float for a few more minutes to file away all that had been exchanged and any hints, but he did think: She said I’m a mage of great power. She wouldn’t lie would she? If she meant that and whatever she said about mana or inner power might infer I’m a sorcerer of some kind. I’ll have to find someone who knows more…

  Several minutes later his introspective assessment ended as he knew he didn’t have time to dawdle if he has less than fourteen days to reach Vin’re, find a way into the castle, find this King Tate, correctly locate the assassins and stop it from happening on such an important day that will most likely be heavily guarded. “Sounds like fun.” Cage grinned. “And just when I needed to have to leave this place.” He then began to swim to shore.

  Soaking wet, he began to run easily on the road back. After the relaxing swim he felt much better and had an assignment to focus on. He made another red light and continued on since the canopy blocked much of the star and moonlight, making traveling dangerous. The casual jog did wonders and he came upon Kote just as the first rays of dawn arrived and many of the insect sounds made way for chirping birds. The day was new and all things seemed better. He stopped the magic as he jogged through the center of town, getting openmouthed stares from the early birds.

  Several people whispered “Is that him?”

  As he neared the center of town someone yelled with uncertainty “Cage?!”

  “Yeah?” He stopped to see someone he hadn’t met. The man came closer, but backed away when he saw Cage’s fist ball up in warning. “Is there something you want? I’m kind of in a hurry.”
  “Oh, um… is it really true you kissed Meeka?”

  “I did, now tell the town to grow up and quit gossiping for it isn’t healthy or kind to speak behind someone’s back.” Cage then took off, startling the man who wasn’t expecting such a reaction. Nevertheless, others saw the exchange and came up to the man to hear what had been said and he delivered the message, but only received dirty looks.

  It nearly another hour before Cage arrived on Cillian’s property. But he didn’t expect for Cillian, Tiffa and Meeka to be sitting outside with the two swordsman from last night in chairs and talking in a merry conversation. Meeka saw him first walking down the small dirt road to the house. Her pointing gained the other’s attention and all watched as he came in to say “Looks like we’ll be parting company soon.”

  Meeka felt a cold splash of fear at hearing this when as he approached, she only felt what he did in then night and wanted more. “What do you mean?”

  “I’ve just got some business in Vin’re that came up. Time is a factor so I’ll be heading out just as soon as I can.” Cage admitted and looked to Cillian and Tiffa. “I hate to ask this since you’ve already done so much for me, but this is my only pair of pants, but is it alright if I can have just enough money to hurry back into town and get another set of clothes.”

  Tiffa stood as she saw the shock on her daughter’s face and knew the look as her mind raced for a way to be with him. “That isn’t a problem. Stay out here for a moment. Cillian, Meeka come with me.”

  “Alright.” Cage stated and the five watched as he dropped backwards to land in the grass and stare at the morning sky.

  Cillian chuckled and said “Interesting way to wait.” as he followed the girls in.

  Tiffa simply looked over her shoulder and Cillian understood and left the room. “Meeka, go up stairs and retrieve Cage’s traveling pack.” She didn’t answer, but Tiffa saw her following Cillian up the steps. Tiffa went into the kitchen and used a simple cloth to hold food that could be eaten cold or hot and only added non-meat meals for Cage’s odd dietary preference. Some could last several days before spoiling.

  By the time she made the cloth’s ends come together and be tied she reentered to find Meeka standing there with his simple pack in her hands, looking longingly at the closed door. Tiffa put the food on the table and said “Meeka, what is it you want?”

  Meeka’s eyes widened as she looked to her mother. Before she truly thought the question through she glanced back at the door, unable to say anything, but Tiffa didn’t miss the movement. She stood tall and crossed her arms beneath her breasts. “We’ll you’re certainly not going to find him here for much longer.”


  “Look, I don’t know what went on with you last night except you were overly excited about something, but I do know about longing for another. Take my motherly advice, if you want him you need to take him and prove to yourself that you can find happiness and share it equally. You sure won’t find love here.”


  “But nothing.” Cillian deeply said as he came in from behind. “Tiffa’s right. Your mother and I found each other, but we fought like Rhody did when a stranger came over as we tried to show what we could do together. Half the time we fought and the other we laughed so hard we cried. I came from a high standing family who excelled at politics and my time being a soldier while your mother came from a family of respected healers. Let me tell you, our trades couldn’t be more different, but that is what made it exciting. We were both trying to outdo each other, but eventually we found happiness.”

  “The sex wasn’t bad either.” Tiffa added with a smirk.

  Cillian roared while Meeka could do nothing but stare at what her mother said.

  After he calmed Cillian turned his daughter around, placed both hands on her shoulders and looked her in the eye. “Answer me this one question. Will you miss him if he leaves like you did when Nolan left?”

  “I’d miss him more. I cannot explain it, but I’m drawn to him. I’m not sure if it is because he’s still alive or if I really fancy him?”

  “Sometimes love can’t be answered, no matter how hard you think. Now as a father I’m quite picky about who has their eyes on you, but as a friend I can see there is a strange bond you have made with him. I can see a very subtle change in his eyes that I cannot describe, but it happened after you two came back. If you want to stay here with your old man I’ll be more than happy, but if you want to go with him I’ll understand. The choice is yours alone to make.”

  Life seemed to rekindle in her sapphire blue eyes and both her attentive parents saw the change and knew what the verdict is as she said it anyway. “I want to go.” She saw her parents exchange looks and small smiles to exclaim “Wait. You knew something like this might happen?”

  “We did.” Cillian stated. “And we prepared for just this reason.” He then picked up a smaller bag than Cage’s, but of a similar make. He pulled out a ten inch long, rectangular wooden box while saying “This is your new pack and is filled with medical herbs you know all about from your mother’s teachings and will be good for about a week, if anything unexpected happens. I’ve seen Cage’s pack and know he has practically everything a traveler needs except this. This is a present for you to carry. I’ll only let you go if you take it with you for protection.”

  Meeka took the box and felt it a bit heavier than expected and opened it to find an eight inch knife just like her father’s, but new and didn’t have any scratches on its polished surface. Only one side was edged and came to a sharp point, but it was slightly more slender and more fit for a woman’s use. “A knife?”

  “Yes, a knife. The world is crueler than you currently know and someone might see you as easy prey. Cage seems to know this very well. Use this to keep other’s away. You know how to effectively use a blade against a body. I know you abhor taking lives, but it will be a good deterrent if not a weapon that just might save your life as mine has done for me. Will you promise to use it if necessary?”

  “I will, Father.” She said emotionally, placed the knife box down and wrapped her arms around his chest while crying silently. He embraced her back sadly and proudly. Tiffa was next and after a few shed tears she admonished “Now pull yourself together and dry your tears. Hurry and put on a pair of good boots and get ready for you’ll need to ask him too.” Meeka smiled timidly and hurried upstairs, clutching the handle of the knife that she realized had been made just for her. She put the boots on and found them to be new also. She realized her father changed out her usual ones because this had a leather sheathe on the right boot just for the knife she held. It fit like a glove and she hid it with her dress before heading downstairs. Once she stopped she found Cage’s pack filled with the food her mother prepared and her pack nearly bursting with herbs and clothes. In Cillian’s hands he held two money purses. He gave one to Meeka and she sucked in a breath at what she found within. Cillian smiled with glee saying “Traveling money and a little extra for emergencies.” She smiled back and hugged him again. “We’ve made Cage wait long enough… and don’t back down if he becomes defensive.”

  Meeka shouldered her pack and followed her father and mother out.

  Cage heard the front door finally open and raised an eyebrow as he immediately saw Meeka with a pack hanging over her shoulder. Cillian simply tossed his pack and a small ball sized pouch of leather he took from the man he made a bounty on, but wasn’t expecting the weight it contained. He tossed the money purse up a down a few time to say “This is a bit more than I need for clothes.”

  “It’s a gift and also a bribe if you want to be technical.” Cillian chuckled.

  “Oh? And what is that supposed to mean?”

  Meeka came closer to say “Cage, would it be alright if I come with you?”

  He stepped back in surprise like the two swordsmen who kept an eye on him. Totally unexpected. “Um, that won’t be a good idea.”

  “My parents and I seem to think otherwise.” She sa
id with more confidence than her fragile heart currently felt.

  “You’re ok with this?” He asked the two parents.

  Tiffa nodded while saying “It is her decision.”

  “No, Meeka, you will only get in the way.”

  “Oh really?” She said with a hand on her hip, a classic and universal warning to men who said something really, really stupid. “I thought a rationalist would find the idea of a guide quite ideal since you aren’t particularly from around here. You’ve never been to Vin’re. Well I have. You don’t have my experiences or knowledge of the area quite like me. I’m going to follow you whether you like it or not because I might know something that can keep you out of trouble or even save your life. Well Mr. Rationalist, have I made a point or do you need more proof?”

  Cillian couldn’t hold back a chuckle. “Cage, you looked like she kicked you right where every man dreads.”

  Cage swallowed thickly, but knew he had already lost the moment her hands met her hip. “Meeka, it will be dangerous.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I’m considered a mage too if you haven’t forgotten. I know how to take care of myself.” By the look in her calm blue eyes he could see a solemn plea, but also strength that she wasn’t lying about knowing what she knew.

  “Fine!” He yelled. “You’re right. I’m clueless about the way things work here. If you’re coming with me you’ll need your horse for you can’t run like me. You’ll also need a new outfit.”

  Her satisfactory grin faltered as she looked at herself. “What is wrong with what I’m wearing?” Her furrowed brow is so comical. He thought absently.

  “Wearing a dress is disadvantageous when speed is a factor. Besides, wearing pants are easier when riding a horse I hear. Trust me, you’ll thank me later when you don’t have to worry about the excess material a dress has in comparison to fitted pants. If you have similar clothes in your pack I suggest you take them out now before we head to town. Go ahead and change while you’re at it.”

  “But all I have are dresses… I cannot change.”

  “Then wear what you have now and exchange it when we reach Millie’s in town.”

  She looked back at her calm and patient parents before saying “Alright.”

  Meeka opened her new pack and pulled out the tightly bundled three simple dresses and handed them over to her mother. She then closed it, hugged each of them and walked over to the barn with tears spilling down her cheeks to go saddle her horse.

  While Meeka moved to saddle her paint horse Cage knelt in the grass and took everything out of his pack and spread it out to find he had proper traveling rations, metal cook wear, a water container and rope. He grimaced at giving away the knife back in Miot, but it was well used and served a purpose. He also looked at the food Tiffa obviously made. While he did a quick inventory and put on the shirt he took off last night as Cillian approached and said “Cage, may I ask two things of you?”

  He smirked, remembering he said something similar to the spirit of Eleia. “What is on your mind?”

  “First, I’d like to apologize for springing this on you, but she will be a good guide for you. On that you have my word. But my first request, is that in your journeys and wherever they might take you, will you please keep an eye out for this crest?” Cillian carefully pulled out his knife and showed Cage the pommel. He noticed an engraving of a shield with three dots and thin lines making a triangle within that shield’s crest. “This is my family crest and my children are the last of my family line. My son Nolan will have a knife just like this and a pendant on a necklace, but if he doesn’t he’ll wear the crest on his clothes, a sword or a shield. Last we heard over a year ago he was in the Emrocan military. If you find him, will you tell him we send our love.”

  “Sure, what does he look like?”

  “He had short blonde hair the same color as Meeka, but looks the very image of me in my youth. He is twenty five now and has a voice quite like mine. He won’t be hard to miss.” Cage nodded and waited. He knew all about how a parent worried while their child, or adoptive child, feared when in another land and facing the danger of being in the military. He also knew this world’s military structure must be like those in the medieval eras. Swords, bows and arrows will be a likely assessment compared to guns, bombs and missiles. Cillian broke Cage’s train of thought by asking in all seriousness “Lastly, I need your word you’ll not allow Meeka to come to harm and bring her back home one day.”

  “That I can’t promise.” Cage sighed and gathered all the item to store away. “Things and accidents happen, Cillian. She is taking a risk just as much as I am. A promise like what you are asking is selfish and childish. She could die by a snakebite or something else that I cannot control, but I can promise that I’ll keep an eye on her and do whatever I can to make sure the unfortunate doesn’t happen. And if the worst does come to pass and I cannot save her I’ll make sure she doesn’t suffer. I couldn’t ask anyone to do anything more for myself.”

  Cillian gave him a hard look, but knew everything he said is a worldly truth. He didn’t want to even think of the worst situations that could befall his daughter, but he knew he wouldn’t want to suffer if the end is inevitable either and such open honesty made him feel a bit more respect for the tall man. “You’re right, it is childish, but I still needed some reassurance. And I cannot disagree with your logic. Just take care of her.”

  “She said she can take care of herself.” Tiffa reminded and a tense laugh resulted.

  Cage strung the money to his belt and shouldered the pack as everyone heard the sound of an approaching horse. Meeka sat tall and looked down at the others and smiled. “All set?”

  “Come on. Tiffa, Cillian we’ll see you in a little while before heading out.” Cage said and jogged away. Meeka looked down at the others to smile. “Be back soon.” And she tapped her horse’s ribs to trot off after him.

  On the return to Kote’s heart, both of them didn’t say a word, but their eyes naturally began to drift in the other’s direction. Neither could forget what happened hours ago in the night. Cage took up a sustainable run that could last all day and the horse easily kept pace. Meeka knew she’d already be exhausted and out of breath.

  The town bustled with activity and when the people spotted them all eyes turned in their immediate direction. More whispers were exchanged, but it didn’t bother either of them at all. Meeka could sense his hurry and didn’t bother him with unnecessary questions for the time being. She looked over her shoulder to see the townspeople following behind with curiosity.

  Meeka dismounted and tied the lead straps to a pole outside the clothing store. She untied her new pack from the saddle and watched as he opened the door for her as if it meant nothing, but he was the first to do so outside her father or brother. They entered, nearly making the two women inside faint in utter surprise. Warily the older woman Mille came out from behind a desk to ask “Can I help you with something?”

  All the women saw his handsome smile diffuse the situation. “Actually I need another set of clothes and Meeka needs proper travel ware like pants, shirts, a belt, you know what she’ll need.”

  “Few women wear pants, even to travel.” She commented.

  “Nevertheless, she needs proper clothes that won’t get in the way.”

  “Yes, sir. Meeka, follow me and I’ll bring you to our selection that will fit your size. Mr. Cage, do you need help finding your area?”

  “Not at all. Happy shopping.” And he moved off to the corner of the room while Meeka and the woman moved to a different section and began selecting suitable attire.

  The women gathered a selection while Cage went to the other woman behind the table who watched their every move curiously. She said “One shirt and pants will cost two copper.” Cage went to his hip and gently opened the mouth to retrieve two copper coins. He noticed a small seating area and went over to wait. He stored his new set of brown clothes. While waiting, he secretly looked into the pouch at his side and raised an eyebrow to
see a small fortune contained within. He counted ten silver, thirty copper, and finally saw three gold coins that were smaller in diameter to the other coins, but had the same thickness. He pulled the string tight so what Cillian offered wouldn’t be lost or taken easily.

  Meeka was taken to a small room with just enough space to try on the clothes. Only three pairs fit out of eleven sets. She also wore a simple leather belt to hold her pants on her hips and tied her money purse to it. She took her dress off and kept it folded under her arm as she donned traveling clothes that felt strange since she was used to wearing only a dress. Meeka came out and returned what she couldn’t wear to the woman who waited outside. She noted Meeka still wore one of the sets of clothes and put the other clothes back.

  Meeka walked up to the counter and Cage saw the movement and found it hard to not stare. Meeka in a dress was quaint and pretty, but she wore pants that perfectly gripped her every curve and a short sleeved shirt really made her already impressive bosom stand more pronounced. They were completely clothed of course, but wow did they look magnificent. Cage hadn’t noticed the first bra, but it didn’t looked to be needed because it seemed women’s clothing, either made in a dress or woman’s shirt, had been specifically designed to uphold and support breasts. It was almost like all women’s clothing had a built in bra to prevent sagging and improve overall fullness. Her pants gripped her backside to show an almost athletic heart-shaped butt women workout for a long time to achieve. Her hips flared and showed them to be well sought after and known as birthing hips. Cage felt a want to go up and grab them. Though she wore light brown colors, he could effortlessly see she had a perfect bust, waist and hip ratio all women want and men crave. To make her stand out even more her long blonde hair draped down past her shoulder blades and over shoulders to frame a stunningly beautiful face. The only thing that distracted his overeager viewing pleasure is the hilt of a knife sticking out from her boot.

  Cage stood and approached with a bit more caution since she never wore a knife before as she placed the clothes on the table. The woman behind the desk looked her over and said “Three sets of clothes and a belt come to three copper.”

  Meeka dug at the bag in her side and retrieved the amount asked and held her hand over the table but blinked in surprise as Millie held out her hand with a smile. Confused, she slowly and hesitantly placed the amount right in her hands and watched as Mille struggled to suppress a shiver as Meeka’s fingertips momentarily brushed hers. The woman forced a smile that didn’t reach her eyes saying “Thank you for shopping with us, Meeka.”

  “Don’t you look good in anything you wear.” Cage commented to relieve the tension again.

  Meeka turned and beamed up into his true smile that did reach his eyes. “That is very kind of you, but they feel so confining.” She said and smirked as she pulled at her shirt and saw an appreciative glance from him as he couldn’t not look.

  “Where I’m from women spend years and a lot of money to look half as good in clothes that fit you perfectly.”


  “On that I can’t even begin to lie about.”

  “Good, then I’m satisfied. So what next, Cage?”

  They began walking to the door. “We’ll need to get you a water container of your own.”

  “Sounds good.”

  They simply went to the next shop and Jom quickly supplied one. As they exited Cage’s stomach rumbled. “Before we go I think we should get something to eat. Do you know a place that might fill my stomach?” Meeka remembered his aversion to meat and one place came to mind. “Sure. At the tavern they make a vegetable stew almost as good as my mother’s.”

  Meeka remounted and led the way northerly for a few minutes and led him to a tavern smelling of conflicting scents. It was a smell of stale beer and a mouthwatering aroma. The door stood wide open as they came inside and someone said “Welcome!” But the joyful greeting changed to shock and all patrons within stopped and turned to gawk at the two standing in the door way.

  Meeka didn’t seem to care as she pointed to an open window with a table right beside it. “Cage, does that look like a good place to sit?”

  “Fine by me.” She then led the way and they sat down across from each other. In a strange way they liked unsettling people. She turned around to look at the bartender. “Two large bowls of your famous vegetable stew, Big Tim. Oh and water and biscuits if you don’t mind.”

  Big Tim jerked his head for the young serving girl to see to it and in less than three minutes she came out with a loaded tray with steaming stew in a metal bowl. She cautiously walked through the silence and placed the order down. “Talk about service!” Cage chuckled. “I expected to wait longer. Big Tim, you sure run a well oiled business.” He complimented and the large bartender seemed delighted as a grin spread proudly. “Thank you for such kind words.”

  “Catch!” Cage yelled and flicked a silver across the room and the man was startled and nearly dropped the coin, but Cage extended his hand and focused on the coin. Magic flowed more easily and the coin hovered in the air about a foot from the man’s face. Cage said “Take it. It won’t bite.”

  Meeka hid a chuckle.

  Big Tim frightfully grabbed the coin and Cage stopped sending magic. The man’s eyes widened as he said “A silver, sir? That meal is worth only three copper at most.”

  “It is a tip for unsettling your dear patrons in here. Also split the difference with your help and continue to serve as quickly as this meal. By the way, it smells great.”

  “Thank you kindly.” He said and put the valuable coin away.

  People began talking again.

  Meeka took a bite of the stew and made a satisfied ‘mmm’ sound as the meal hit the palate. She also bit into a large biscuit. Then she tasted the water and grimaced. “Um, Cage,” She pointed to the glass. “I’ve become addicted to your water trick, do you mind?” He smiled and opened a napkin to collect the nasty particles. She took another sip and smiled happily.

  He began to eat too and the helpings were large. Meeka couldn’t finish her bowl but Cage didn’t even hesitate to finish it off. While he ate she whispered “Why did you pay so much for a meal?”

  “Take a look around, but not noticeably.” That she did and the dozen men and half as many women talked openly and didn’t stare so dauntingly at them.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Everyone fears us and especially me since I’m unknown. Most looked at me with doubt, especially about this magic business. I needed to show we meant no harm so I devised a way to show I can do magic and alleviate their fear. By overpaying I showed them I enjoy things like they do while also not trying to bully them as you said mages are feared. I also made Big Tim like the way I acted to him while also giving him more business since others will hear about this conversation and come in wondering. It is common human behavior to seek out the interesting and if we come back he’ll be more open to us since we’ll make him more money.”

  “Are you sure that will happen?”

  “Look out the window.”

  She did and saw one of the patrons who had left went right up to a group of people and began talking animatedly. Five of them seemed very interested and came towards the tavern, stepped inside and walked right up to the bar after seeing the two sitting down. “Worked faster than I thought.” Cage grinned mischievously and Meeka laughed lightly, causing a few eyes to turn to their table.

  After the meal ended they leaned back and looked at each other, but one of the men near suddenly had the courage to holler “Hey Meeka, is it true that mage kissed you?”

  The tavern silenced immediately and felt eager. She looked at Cage who nodded for her to say what is on her mind. “He did actually.”

  Someone also asked, but couldn’t be located “Did he take your curse away?”

  “No, but he isn’t affected anymore.”

  “Prove it!” a feminine voice cackled

  “Meeka, kiss my cheek.” Cage said casually, but the
people gasped at how calmly he said it. He leaned forward and she happily obliged. With a wet, loud pucker people either leaned away in fear or forward eagerly. She planted an open display kiss against his cheek for all to witness.

  Feeling a little childish, Cage jumped backwards, flat as a board and nearly broke the chair he sat in. People screamed, but none more so than Meeka. He then began to thrash on the ground like a fish for more show.

  Cage suddenly jumped back up in a standing position grinning. “Gotcha!” He then doubled over as he saw everyone’s faces and couldn’t stop laughing.

  “Don’t do that to me you idiot!” Meeka smacked his arm, but couldn’t help laughing just as hard.

  He moved out of the way and grabbed a patron who stood in a state of shock in and in a childish voice said “Don’t hurt me! Don’t hurt me!”

  The tavern’s held breath burst into laughter after Big Tim yelled “Good one, Mage! You almost made me wet myself.” Cage stood tall and grinned like a gleeful child, starting another wave of open laughs that the whole town heard.

  Wiping a tear from his eye he said “I couldn’t help myself, Meeka, they were too easy to play with.” A few slapped Cage on the back and Meeka got a few pats. “We’ve spent long enough here. Let’s go.”

  She shook her head, but retrieved her pack. Laughing followed them out, but she slapped his arm when his attention was diverted. “You scared me to death. But I haven’t laughed that hard in years. I don’t think anyone has either.”

  “Glad to help. Now mount up.”

  After an hour’s easy walk Cage and Meeka saw five individuals. Ren had joined the other to swordsmen with her parents. Meeka returned her folded dress to Tiffa and a long hug lasted for several minutes since Meeka would be traveling with someone other than family. Cillian held her just as long and Ren told them both to be safe and come back someday soon. Meeka mounted before making Cage’s patience thin anymore. With loving farewells they waved.

  Cage began another fast, but sustainable run with Meeka’s horse keeping pace all day. They stopped only when necessary and saw nothing but clear blue skies that didn’t even have the decency to say it might rain to cool the warm air. At least it isn’t like Florida. Cage thought. If it were, the humidity would be unbearable. I like to drink water, not breathe it.

  Meeka worried how they were going to handle the night as she felt sore from riding all day. But as they came to a circular mess in the road Cage stopped and asked “Is this where I…?”

  “Kissed me?” She enjoyed saying. “I believe it is. I’m surprised how far we’ve come.”

  “Me too actually. If I remember, there is a stream a mile ahead. Let’s get there and make camp.”

  They traveled on and found the calm and almost hidden stream. No one traveled on the road as the sun began to set. There he said “Meeka, go stretch your legs and collect us some firewood. I’ll tend to your horse.”

  “Much appreciated.” She said and felt everything that ached, but as she walked she felt much better. Sticks were plentiful and she easily picked them up and returned to see Cage laying bare chest against the ground and looked as if he just bathed. He had his black shirt hanging over a tree limb and it dripped constantly to further realize that he did more than unsaddle her horse, let it drink its fill and strapped a rope around its neck to allow it to roam and graze nearby. She got closer and said “How was the bath.”

  “Chilly.” He grinned and sat up as she placed the bundle of sticks near him.

  She smiled as an idea came to place. She stood and began stripping before him while walking to the stream. She glanced for a single moment and found him staring appreciatively before getting caught. She went up to the tree that held his shirt and took everything off. She stuck a toe in the water to find it quite cold, but pleasant on her hot and sweaty body. She waded to the deepest part that reached only her waistline. She dipped herself and the water took her breath away.

  As she got used to the water she watched as Cage held a hand over the stick bundle and noticed how his eyes faintly narrow a moment before a small flame appeared in his hand and he placed it in the bundle for it to catch quickly. She slipped to the bank to grab her shirt and pants to wash the sweat out. It didn’t take long. Exiting the water she saw Cage staring at her in a peculiar way, but not in the hungry way she enjoys. She slapped out much of the water before putting her pants and shirt back on. Meeka came closer to ask “Is something wrong? You were staring at me like some specimen.”

  “I don’t mean to be rude, but do you shave or wax?”

  She came closer to the fire and felt grateful for the warmth as she felt a growing chill sapping her heat from the wet clothes. “Do I what?”

  “I just noticed your legs, groin or underarms don’t have the usual marks that associate with hair removal.”

  Her brow came together. “Women on your world have hair on their body?”

  He blinked. “Most wish they didn’t and need to shave like a man does to his face. Are you saying you don’t shave?”

  She shook her head. Then her eyes widened. “Oh, wait! My late grandmother told me something along those words before she died when I was six or so. She told me… oh what was it… That was it. It was a very long time ago, at least fifteen to twenty generations from what I remember. Women from all lands were asked if they would rather not have the excess hair. Since it wasn’t necessary or able to keep us warm. All the women truly found hair below their neck unsightly. They felt more womanly without and men found such hairlessness more attractive. So one day a great number of mages got together and formed a spell to make all women and men hairless below their neck. It was said that ten to thirteen months after the spell was implemented that there was the greatest amount of babies born as a result. Why do you ask? I’ve see you hairless below your neckline.”

  “That is because when I was tested for my abilities they did a genetic test and found I’m just highly evolved. There were many number of cases of no hair, but the majority of my world has bodily hair.”

  “Ok, but what is this waxing you speak of?” He told her and she balanced. “Sounds painful.”

  “Such is the price of beauty.”

  “Let me ask you this. Do you find my hairlessness attractive?”

  “Very much so. It makes many ideas come to mind.”

  “How so? And can you show me?”

  He looked from her eyes to the fire and sighed. “Look, I’m sorry for what I did last night…”

  “Why? I’ve never been so happy. For once in my life I felt something good. If any is at fault it would be me wouldn’t it? Besides I was the one who had you trust me. I don’t remember what happened, but I wanted more from you. I wanted to feel you, all of you. Tell me what I did wrong.”

  “Wrong? You did everything right. I shouldn’t have did that, but I don’t know how my other brain took over…”

  “Other brain? Men only have one as far as I know.”

  He laughed softly and met her deep blue eyes. “Sometimes my staff thinks for me and nearly got me in trouble.” She smiled wistfully. “But I must say, I do now and unconditionally believe you won’t be a threat.”

  “I’d like to try again if you don’t mind.” She said, putting a hand on his thigh.

  “I do mind. Meeka, you are the most amazing woman I’ve ever seen or had the pleasure to know, but I would bring you harm in more ways than one.”

  Meeka saw his expression sour and knew she pushed far enough. She retracted her hand and nodded that she understood. To change the topic they took out Tiffa’s care package and ate lightly. She asked “How do you think they made us hairless?”

  “You’ve got me there. I don’t know how such a thing is possible, but for people to be hairless generations later they might have done something on a genetic level. Mages must have a lot of knowledge on manipulating or altering genetic traits to be passed down from mother to child while also allowing humans to keep the hair on the person’s head from vanishing too. Such magic
is beyond me.”

  After a few minute of lingering silence Cage watched as Meeka’s excitement turned to deep thought about those she left behind. He saw her worry and regained her attention as he dug in his pack to pull out the ocarina. “Why don’t you sing something and I’ll add my music to it.”

  “Sound’s splendid.”

  Meeka began to sing more beautiful than any songstress he had ever heard. Her song was easy to pace and he began blowing into the instrument, entwining his music perfectly into her song. Her depression and inner turmoil began to dissipate as the first song became three. She smiled as she met Cage’s closed eyes as he seemed to be more into the song. She decided he was a proper partner to her singing and the ocarina made the songs much more beautiful. It seemed the world around them quieted to listen in on the melody. Even her horse watched attentively while forgetting to graze.

  After ending the last song on a high note, she felt much better and thanked him for what he gave her.

  “It’s time to get some rest, Meeka.” He said as he laid down and placed his hands behind his head to stare at the canopy and the few stars twinkling between the leaves. The fire kept any chill at bay.

  Taking another chance, Meeka crawled close and put her head on Cage’s chest. Through her ear she heard his pulse quicken and felt the vibration of his deep voice. “What are you doing, Meeka?”

  She turned her head up and quietly asked “Is this alright? If I can’t have you now, can I at least have this? I promise I won’t push it any further tonight. I just need to hold you.”

  “You can do that so long as you promise.” He said, but he felt the pull again as she pressed herself against him. She didn’t move as promised, but he felt her breasts teasing him to take action. She settled and the longer she cuddled the easier it became to resist. After he felt her shiver he draped an arm around her back and over her stomach. She only moved to hold her hand over his with a loving smile before falling asleep happily to get at least some comfort in his touch again.