Read The Grin of Prophecy (Book 1 of the Death Incarnate Saga) Page 14

Chapter 13

  A red dawn soaked into Cage’s eyes as he opened them and instantly remembered all that occurred yesterday. He felt much better and only felt a mild headache. Cage could never forget the intensity of the azure eye looking right at him and into the core of his very being. It was so beautiful, intense and welcoming that he knew he made an instant friend. But the size alone frightened him. If the eye could refer to the overall girth of it he knew it would be larger than any whale back home, maybe even a mansion.

  Cage sat up and felt much better to find himself alone on the bedroll and easily spotted Meeka sitting over with Megdline as Frill lay in her lap. They were whispering out of consideration for his need to sleep. He got up on sure legs and Frill turned to look at him on Meeka’s lap and his movement stopped their conversation. He came closer and sat down before them. “Did I miss anything?”

  Meeka shook her head. “I doubt anything would happened without you doing something first. Hungry?”

  “You know me so well.” He smirked back as she offered another bowl of food and saw her take a berry out of it because she knew he wouldn’t eat otherwise. He ate and asked “So what is on today’s agenda?”

  Megdline said “You two are going on to finish this business that you have while I have some of my own to complete. Firstly Frill and I are going to check on those wyrms you took care of. I’ll also see if there are any eggs you might have missed. It is a nasty habit of theirs. They are quite dangerous to habitats and will quickly hurt an unprepared ecosystem. Meeka is correct, they should not be on this side of the Vlaran Mountains. Before any other travelers become a victim we will see the area cleared of the large vermin. Afterwards I must go directly to Twilight, home of the Magical Councils. Is there anything you might need before we leave?”

  Cage smiled. “You guided me on how to heal. That was what I feared doing and messing up. I now have the ability to do more than I ever could back on Earth. I’m glad I came to Raliea. It’s awesome. Now if I or someone needs help I can offer aid. The rest I can learn along the way. I’m glad to have met you, Granny.” She smirked dryly. Cage reached over and rubbed the cat between the ears. “You too, Frill.” The feline purred.

  He finished the last of his breakfast as the older mage and Familiar got up and moved away from them. “The pleasure is all ours, Cage. We bid you two farewell and safe journey.”

  Meeka and Cage looked at each other while sitting on the soft grass. They then turned back and watched as Megdline pointed the head of her staff in front of herself and he felt the tingle associated with the working of magic. Ten feet in front of her appeared a golden light like an oval egg close to five and a half feet in height and three at its widest. Frill padded his way confidently straight into the light and Megdline followed right behind. Golden light consumed the two and then came a faint pop as the light instantly vanished. Neither the woman or cat were there any longer. They vanished with the radiance.

  “Uh, do you know what happened?” He wondered.

  “You know as much as I on this. I’ve never seen magic to do something like that. Actually I’ve seen more magic with you than in the whole of my life.”

  “I think we should pack up and move on. Are you ready?”

  Meeka stretched and said “I am.”

  “Let me see your arms.” Cage said and she didn’t ask why. He looked at all the scratches from two days ago and met her curious stare. “I would like to try healing these. Would you like that?”

  “I really would. Go ahead.”

  He looked at all the scabs and did as he did on his cheek. “Heal.” He whispered and the two of them watched as several blue objects appeared over a dozen wounds. “Oh, they itch!” She said and he stopped her hand from scratching. In a few seconds the scabs fell off and the blue magic disappeared to leave behind new skin. They both felt the site and were equally amazed. She then had her arms, tender shoulder that had been dislocated and legs also healed before asking “Can you try my breasts this time?”

  “Deep bruises?... Hmm… alright I have an idea, but I’ll need a clear view of them.” She didn’t hesitate to take her shirt completely off and Cage found it easier to look without hunger when he thought of them only as an experiment. “Hold still.” She did as he said and breathed slowly while he studied the greens and yellows. When he saw enough to get a clear picture he put his hands right on them and focused. She got excited about how he touched her, but saw he wasn’t looking at them the way she wanted. Cage knew the basic principal of bruises and let the magic flow. Just beneath the surface her breasts began to glow a faint blue. He spoke under his breath and made her blood clean out the broken vessels and fix the small amount of damage that remained. She felt another itching sensation, but not as strongly as the cuts. When the glow dissipated he removed his large hands to reveal pure golden skin and truly perfect breasts. Meeka squealed in delight to say “Amazing! They are back to the way they were.” and she began to feel herself up to find there wasn’t even a hint of lingering pain. She stood and made a topless pose of seduction to ask “How do they look to you?”

  He laughed lightly while getting up. “Very enticing. I’m glad you approve.”

  “I feel great!” She said as she put the shirt back on. “Cage, after we pack I’d like to try running with you. Since they don’t hurt, we can make up time.”

  “Alright, but don’t forget you still have practice against me.”

  She grinned back and fought much more strongly today than ever before as she had practically rested all day yesterday and night while also becoming fully healed of all injuries. She could still not get near enough to use the knife, but she made a new record of falling only eight times.

  They packed and moved on at a leisurely jog. Meeka kept up for close to an hour before her body told her to walk. When she recovered they jogged some more. While walking down the desolate road they spoke of all that occurred in the past two days and though their time was short they already missed Megdline and Frill’s company. After their break at noon Meeka spotted fresh human boot prints and Cage took the lead in their run.

  An hour later he found another dozen bandits hiding in the woods and silently dispatched each one while he had Meeka draw their attention and continue down the trail. They were well hidden, even from each other. In a few minutes he took care of them all without making a sound and before they could make a move on her. Cage caught up to her shortly after as said she did good and didn’t let her body language give away the fact she knew what was happening.

  The next few days they traveled together and saw that the forests began to thin into rolling grasslands with more habitation. They came upon a very small town of no more than a hundred and were able to purchase new clothes and supplies. Meeka felt much better wearing a shirt that supported her breasts because they were hard to tame when they ran or sparred each morning. Her endurance has slowly began to improve and she felt herself getting stronger. They left the tiny town the very same day and moved much more quickly now that they had proper attire and didn’t have to spend several hours foraging for food.

  After leaving Kote, twelve days passed and by mid morning of the thirteenth Cage’s jaw dropped as he gazed upon the sprawling city of Vin’re. He had remembered a small castle some duke lived within in Miot, but Vin’re was altogether huge. He had seen castles in old books, but the city alone was beautiful to gaze upon. A great siege wall of over a hundred feet in height surrounded the city and seemed close to five miles in length. Meeka explained it is roughly shaped like a giant U or a horseshoe if it helped make the image. The city runs right to the sea and the king’s castle is in the very heart of the city. It is made that way so if attackers breach the great siege wall or overtake the port the castle can react with equal speed in any direction or if they fall back it won’t be a longer or shorter distance to reach safety. Much of the outside land is covered by farmland or for raising livestock and tended by hundreds of farmers. Large trees dotted the landscape and most were fruit bearing. Most
farmers raised a hand in greeting if a traveler called out. Meeka said close to thirty thousand lived in or near Vin’re because of its fertile land and huge trading opportunities. Several more thousand come and go every day just to do business.

  They melded into the crowd to enter through a huge arch nearly twenty feet deep and were guarded by men in plate armor. The six gate guards carried halberds, swords and a crossbow over their back and Cage knew they were trained to use them most effectively. They stood tall like statues and their polished helmets shadowed their eyes, making it hard to look through the eyelets and know what or who they focused on. On the metal breast of the guards were a blue crow in flight. He asked and Meeka said “That is the crest for King Tate’s army. All who serve the kingdom in a military wear the blue crest. These knights are also like our home guard back in Kote. Most who retire from soldiering become home guard. A white crow signifies the courier guild. A yellow crow is a scholar and an silver belongs to the Adventurers. So long as you abide by the rules and don’t cause trouble the knights won’t intervene. Just be careful, there are a lot of people here and not all that many guards.”

  After passing through the main gate they came upon an open area where many hawkers set up a market to entice people coming in or out of the gate to buy their wares. Meeka encircled his arm so they wouldn’t get separated in the fast pace crowd. They also put their hands on their money to be sure not one thief got close. Cage led the way past the loud area from the sellers shouting over their competitors for the crowd to turn to them. They both laughed as they continued.

  Inside the city looked just as impressive as the outside. Instead of walking on dirt roads the streets were cobbled with a maintained gray brick and was swept regularly. The rows upon rows of homes were mostly made of wood. Some were naturally beautiful and others had been painted an array of colors. Nearly all buildings had angled roofs to prevent collapses when winter arrives. Each roof looked to be thatched and had a gutter system to allow rain to flow down metal pipes and flow into a long path that follows the road and empties into a sewer system. Most homes grew flowers in pots to make the city smell more pleasant. Like in Kote, signs hung over different establishments or trades to make it easy to know what they offered. The further in they traveled the more beautiful the city became. Some homes were made of stones while the more exclusive residents had privacy fences and were usually owned by nobles who also had their own personal guards and wore different crests to distinguish whom they served.

  For a few hours Meeka showed him all around, leaving the castle for last. What she didn’t realize is Cage had been searching for hundreds of different things like patrol patterns, exits, benefits to exploit or even deadly disadvantages to avoid at all costs. He began establishing likely routes to use should he need to escape in a hurry. Cage would be sure to not get Meeka involved if the worst happened. He didn’t let on that he was learning the city’s layout or all the possibilities his mind created. Some areas were tightly packed and he’d have to do some Parkour or free running since he doubted this world had invented such things if the worst occurred.

  Several times in the streets he felt magic and could easily spot the mages because they wore colorful robes and had an animal Familiar. Many carried a staff or wore jewelry inlaid with gems. He saw a dog Familiar, three cats, an eagle and a monkey that never strayed far from their partner and definitely didn’t act like a proper animal. For the time being Cage was glad he didn’t reveal his magical traits because people stared or avoided mages.

  “And this is the pride of Vlara.” Meeka said and dramatically brought his attention to the castle. It was made of pure white marble surrounded by yet another siege wall patrolled by a few guards who must have been stifling in the heat and sunlight. This inner wall though was much rougher and would easily shred a man’s flesh like a reef and tear cloth like thin paper. The castle was immense, nearly ten stories tall and glistened beautifully in the sunlight. The wall wasn’t as immense as the outer, but it felt like it could withstand the same treatment. He had never thought such primitive technology could erect such a masterpiece of engineering. There were many glass windows on the walls that could also be used for murder holes if the situation demanded. From the opening of the gate Meeka delightfully assumed “It looks like the king is preparing for the annual Summer Ball. I got to visit last year when Father and Mother were invited. It looks like it will be more impressive this year. It is quite too bad we won’t be invited for I’d love to dance with you.”

  “That does sound pleasant.” He said and it made her smile for agreeing. “We’ve traveled quite far in a short time. Do you mind if we find an inn and put our things away to do some more sightseeing and get something to eat?”

  “Where do you want to go? It will cost much more to get a room in this part of the city…”

  “How much are you talking?”

  “Anywhere from one to four silvers a night, per person, but it will also include meals and nightly entertainment.”

  He smiled “Then lets head to one of these places and go wild while we are here. I still have my gold. Oh and do they have a bathhouse or something? We both need a wash and I could sure go for a hot bath for once.”

  “You and me both. Yes, almost all inns offer a bath option for more coin.”

  “Is there a place you’ve visited and liked?”

  “Oh yes, it is called the Twinkling Bell. I’ve stayed there twice before.”

  “Lead on.” He gestured with a hand and she merrily moved down a street.

  It took about five minutes to find a place with a glass bell hanging ten feet in the air and it twinkled in the descending sunlight. Their feet sounded loud as they stepped onto the wooden entryway and entered through the open door of a fine establishment. Everything inside was spotless and smelled great. About three dozen tables sat in an open area around a smoldering hearth directly in the middle of the room with nearly eight rich families sitting together. There lay a stage in the back about twenty feet wide and across and two off the ground, but it was currently empty. To the left of the entrance stood a long bar table with three workers behind it. One was a hulking man who was taller and more weighted down by muscle and would be a real threat in a fight, but he had a kind face as he cleaned glasses with white cloth and his attire spoke of how clean this place is. Two women turned to Cage and Meeka as they entered and a pretty middle-aged woman came out from behind the counter and wrinkled her nose in disgust and glared at them. Cage realized they must look terrible as neither had the time to swim or bathe in three days since time started to progress seemingly faster than their travel speed. They were both covered in dirt and road and looked like a stain on an otherwise fancy establishment. The whole place spoke of money. Their looks is more like beggars. The woman in a fine silk dress approached to say evenly “Unless you can afford four silver a night I request you do not bother my patrons. Please leave if you have no business here.”

  “How rude!”Meeka fired back and startled the woman. The large man sat down the current glass he was cleaning and reached below the counter.

  Before the tension grew any more, Cage had already planned this when he first saw the inn’s quality. He held up a small gold coin and said “But we are looking for a room for two nights, plus a hot bath and meal. This should cover it.”

  The woman’s eyes turned to the gold and extended her hand. He placed it there and she quickly bit an edge and found it is real. Her whole demeanor changed immediately. “Well I welcome you to the Twinkling Bell. My name is Aniya, proprietor of this inn. What would either of you require first?”

  Meeka eyed the woman angrily so Cage intervened. “A room with two beds and a hot bath for starters. When we come out we’ll find a clothing store to be more presentable. We’ll also need our clothes washed while we clean the road from our bodies. Will this be possible?” He quickly learned how to change his speech patterns so he wouldn’t stand out further from others.

  “Why certainly, Sir…?”
r />   “Cage and this is my traveling companion Meeka.”

  The woman’s eyes widened as she turned back to Meeka. “Forgive me mistress, I did not recognize you. Will Mayor Cillian be along?”

  “Aniya, my father isn’t coming and next time someone comes in, don’t look down upon them just by how they look. We’ve had a hard journey and the first person I know, and have recognized, treats me like trash. You weren’t so uptight before, what happened?”

  The woman shook her head as tears began to build. “My oldest daughter died in childbirth. Neither survived and my husband left me to go to help the Emrocan forces. All I have left is my youngest daughter.”

  “How horrible. Please pardon my tone. I didn’t know.”

  “It’s quite alright, Mistress, and I too am sorry. I didn’t give you even a chance to explain what you wanted before accusing you on appearance… follow me to the table.” They did and she went behind the counter. “Because of the Summer Ball tomorrow night many of our rooms are taken. I only have one left that has two beds. It will be on the second floor, furthest on the right and left door. Will that be alright?”

  “It will be fine.” Meeka said as she took a silver key.

  Meeka led the way up the stairs and unlocked the room. The room was quite large, spotless and two beds were pushed up against opposite walls. Centered in the room sat a polished table they sat their packs down on. Each found a comfortable chair to sit down on and rest their sore feet. They wanted the beds, but were too dirty to lay on the clean white sheets. While waiting they took out their ripe clothes and sat them in a corner by the door.

  Not five minutes later did a knock sound on the door. “May we come in with the bath you ordered?”

  “It’s open.” Cage said and the burly man from before carried in two large wooden tubs and sat them beside each other. After he stepped back came ten boys, in serving clothes, who each carried a pail of steaming hot water. It took five boys to fill up even one tub while the other half poured the rest in the other. The big man took out two bars of lavender scented soap and handed them to Cage. Before he left he scooped up the potent clothes that could nearly walk on their own.

  “Finally.” He said as he began stripping. Meeka also lost her clothes. He put a toe in the water and felt it was more hot than he preferred, but not enough to cause discomfort. He put his feet in and sunk into the amazing liquid. “Ohhh yeahhh.” He sighed and felt the heat pour into his sore muscles and work its own kind of magic. He looked over when he heard Meeka make the same remark and watched as her eyes closed to enjoy the experience. She must have been in the same level of comfort as he leaned back and closed his eyes. The heat felt better than any time in his life. He never realized how much he missed something as simple as indoor plumbing and temperature control. At the moment he didn’t rightly care.

  Slowly the heat began to cool and in that time he looked at his black fingertips to see they had pruned as they always had before the gauntlets attached themselves. He began rubbing his body down with the soap and every swipe took away a thick coating of dirt. His splashing alerted Meeka that time enough had been spent relaxing and she too began to bathe before the water became cold. She spent longer scrubbing and washing her hair. Before long they got out of the tub to have a laugh as both of their tubs looked to have been dyed brown from all that had been on them. They dried off and heard another knock saying the clothes were waiting just outside. Cage went to the door and grabbed the sets. He returned her newer pair and they dressed, feeling like new people.

  “Before we go, can you do my hair like usual?”

  “Would you like something different?” He offered.

  “Some other time. Right now this is simple and effective.” He did her hair again and she liked it when she walked in front of a full-length mirror.

  Cage and Meeka left the room and he locked it before putting it in a pocket. As they came down the steps Aniya’s expression turned embarrassed for she never would have imagined two more beautiful people could look so different after a simple bath. Meeka held out their remaining clothes and said “Please wash these as well. When we return we’ll pick them up here.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.” The owner said and turned her nose away when the accumulated smell assaulted her delicate sense of smell. She passed it off to a nearby worker. “When might you return?”

  He answered “Not too long. We need to buy clothes before the stores close. We need sturdy, functioning clothes that will also appeal to the eye. Where would you recommend?”

  “The Frilly String has a nice selection.”

  “I know the place.” He said. “Meeka showed me. It’s a quarter mile down the street.” She nodded.

  The Fuzzy String’s wooden display looked just like it sounded, a fuzzy string guided by a needle. They entered the store just in time. Cage knew his mission had to begin soon so he selected the appropriate attire. He got black pants that were practically form fitted with a matching long sleeved shirt. He also bought a black piece of fabric he’d work on later.

  By the time he exchanged money he turned around and nearly swallowed his tongue as Meeka approached wearing a simply crafted blue dress that hugged her every curve and displayed her abundant cleavage without seeming vulgar. Small rhinestones accentuated the chest and made striking designs all around her hips and middle. She spun on blue, heeled shoes and it revealed the dress to be backless with a string holding it together by the nape of her neck. She had never looked so beautiful and even the workers never knew someone could look so stunning.

  “How does this look on me?” He couldn’t even form words and it made her positively delighted. She finally learned that to get him to react honestly is to surprise him by making him believe she’d do something else. “I’ll take it then!” She paid for the dress and took him by the arm to leave. He still couldn’t talk so she commented “My don’t you look dashing.” Cage could only smile as his eyes kept turning towards her beauty.

  They returned to the Twinkling Bell and saw several more families sitting around tables. The moment they came in all eyes turned to stare at their ethereal attractiveness. Men wanted Meeka and women couldn’t scold their lovers because they ogled Cage with the same interest. The two walked to the desk and retrieved their washed clothes from the large man and were told dinner and entertainment would begin in two hours.

  They returned to their room and lay comfortably on a bed to rest till the time came to eat. They talked about the city mostly and Meeka still wanted to know what he is up to and began to suspect he was told to do something she wouldn’t agree to. He still wouldn’t explain and while she became occupied for a moment, he cut into the piece of black fabric. By the time she finished digging in her bag he put the cloth away and hadn’t appeared to do anything.

  When it came time for dinner they knew it started because someone began to make music that filtered through the whole building. They smiled to each other and began to leave. Meeka didn’t notice he left his money in his pack, nor carry anything else except what he wore. For him, the mission began.

  The room had filled to nearly capacity as they came down. Meeka knew if she didn’t act fast every seat could be taken. Cage followed as she found an available table in the center of the room which she claimed for the two of them before another could. When they sat, she raised a hand to a servant who knew they were ready to order. They ordered a spice soup, cheese and bread with an apple pie slice for dessert. Cage cleaned the water discretely and ate while enjoying the music of a bard who used something quite like a guitar that sounded the same and had quite a range. The man was a traveling singer who is very good at it. He entranced the whole crowd. Many songs the crowd knew and sung along. A few songs made the night come alive with laughter or pulled at the heart. Cage partied with everyone else as the entertainment made him comfortable.

  An hour later the bard put down the instrument to say “It’s time for a break. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” Everyone clapped an applause as he got up and
left the stage with a proud smile of accomplishment.

  “Hey! What the…” Cage heard Meeka say beside him. She began patting her hip and looking all around herself and under the table.

  “What’s the matter?” He asked with growing concern.

  She looked right at him and as the room had a small void of silence she said “My coin purse is missing?” The room turned to look.

  He helped her look around and didn’t see it either and the room looked to them as the next piece of entertainment. He stood up and glared around the room to demand “Whoever stole her coin purse, return it now before you piss me off!” The room became uneasy, but none came forth. “You had your chance.”

  Cage opened his hand and focused on the mental image of Meeka’s purse. He had tried this spell before and it worked wonderfully when she misplaced her hairbrush and found it had managed to roll in a thick patch of grass. The spell didn’t happen exactly as he imagined a simple arrow to appear, it came out like a glowing worm of six inches and one end attached to the center of his hand. It was a locator spell meant to find things. A pure white string of light came to be and snaked itself around, the end began swaying side to side, almost like it were sniffing out what it wanted. The moment the crowd saw the light they knew he was a mage and chairs scooted away. The end of the glowing light turned back and forth, searching for her leather bag. The worm-like string suddenly snapped straight at a man who had taken a seat behind Meeka. He sat with two others and wore common clothing. When the locator pointed right at a bulging pocket, the men turned to flee. Cage conjured three miniature versions of his gigantic demon illusion, that he used to scare off the group of drunk men back in Kote. The three little ominous red and purple imps zoomed right in front of their faces and one man visibly urinated in his pants. Before the room screamed Cage said in a cold voice “I wouldn’t move if I were you. Or speak either unless you want to be torn to shreds.” The whole building became deathly silent. They couldn’t help staring at the multi-limbed imp with horns, wings and little burning eyes. “Now unless you don’t return every coin you stole, as the petty thieves you are, I won’t be responsible for your own actions. You have to the count of five before they have their fun. Oneee! Twooo!” The man’s hands quickly moved to his pocket and dropped the pouch loudly on the ground. “Good boy! Now get the hell out of here and never steal again!” Cage made the three imps flap their wings to be seen flying up and over their heads while his swift kick connected with the man’s ass. He fell to the ground with a cry and scrambled out the door with his frightened buddies.

  Once the trio was far gone Cage made all but one imp vanish. He looked at the ghostly faced crowd who were afraid to move and walked right up to a woman with three young children. They began to cry as he made the conjuring fly over and land on their table. “None you need to be afraid. I just did a little magic to scare those bad men. Look at him, does he seem real?” They nodded. “Magic isn’t something to live in fear of. If you aren’t afraid go ahead and touch the imp.”

  The littlest boy of the three was the first to try reaching, but the mother, in her worry, grabbed his hand and looked to Cage smiling reassuringly. In their stead the mother reached forward with shaking hands and put one finger on the horned head and gasped as the imp turned into a very realistic looking and sounding puppy yapping at her. Its little tail began to wag before it decided to scratch a floppy ear. It started chasing its tail and the room seemed to sigh. When the mother could only stare in denial the youngest took a chance and touched the puppy. It transformed to a cat licking itself as if someone changed the channel on a TV. The cat looked around as if it didn’t understand to jump in fear and meow questioningly. It proved to be difficult to instantly create a whole new image in an instant yet it had to be done. The little boy giggled and touched it again and it turned into an adorable bunny rabbit.

  The next time he touched it transformed to a miniature version of Meeka bathing in a cup size bathtub. Bubbles covered everything, but the little person looked around and screamed like a woman getting peaked on.

  The crowd, watching the whole spectacle, busted out laughing.

  Cage acted a little disturbed. He put his large hands over the shrieking illusion. “Sorry, that wasn’t supposed to happen…”

  Meeka caught on to what he was trying to do and smacked his shoulder. “You promised you never make a mini me do that again! What is wrong with you!” He hid his head as if she frightened him more than what he did to the three thieves.

  “Sorry, you know she likes to pop in every now and then.”

  Meeka smacked him again and the crowd loved it.

  To the three boys, Cage eventually asked “What kind of magic would you like to play with?”

  The little boy said “The little woman!” and the crowd laughed even harder. One even fell out of his chair from laughing so hard. His mother scolded him and asked “What would be more appropriate, magic-wise?”

  “Hmm… I got it!” Cage made a baseball sized orb of dazzling light with the consistency of a rubber ball and added magic to it so it could sustain itself without him focusing on it. He handed it over to her saying “This is just a light ball. I promise it won’t do any harm and will last until dawn. They can throw it around or against the wall. It won’t harm anything unless you’ve got a vase nearby.”

  She looked at it for a minute and gave it to the boys. “Go outside and play. Stay where I can see you from the window.”

  All three ran out and seconds later they were yelling and then the ball of light made an arch back and forth. A small crowd in the night gathered to watch the boys play with a ball of magical light.

  Knowing that he couldn’t stay and enjoy more music he said to Meeka “I’m going to turn in. You coming?”

  She walked over and retrieved her money. “Yep.”

  They went up stairs to see Aniya nodding thanks for removing thieves and not harming anyone and they stopped by the room to listen. The crowd began whispering about what happened and it took close to ten minutes for the bard to sing again and return the crowd back to the way they were.

  In the room, Meeka changed out of her dress to comment “Is it me or has your mana become stronger?”

  He plopped on the soft bed and stared up at the ceiling. “It is not just you. When I was first started playing around with magic I experimented with light. Especially changing the colors to feel the different amounts of energy they extracted. I even had set up a spell to pull an hour’s worth from me to sustain the spell and I felt it would suck me dry. Down there just now, I gave more mana into that multicolored ball and it barely even made me breathe hard. If I had set it up for a day or two I’d knock myself out, but it is proof Megdline is right. I am growing stronger.”

  “So it’s almost like a muscle? The more effort you put in the stronger you become?”

  “Sounds right to me… Good night, Meeka, sweet dreams.”

  Meeka crawled into bed and rolled on her side to keep her back to him.

  Two hours after midnight Cage slipped out of bed and moved to the open window and peered into the darkness. Clouds had rolled in and prevented any star and moonlight from lighting the landscape which suited him perfectly. He looked to Meeka’s form and smirked. He climbed out the window and dangled on a sure grip. The ground had been free of debris so he let go and dropped safely to the ground, making little noise.

  He made sure none were watching before moving off in the dark.

  Meeka had been feigning sleep as she had a deep suspicion he might do something and had been proven right. She saw his shadowy form get off the bed and disappear out the window. She got out of bed and grabbed her knife to slide in her boots she wore beneath the sheets. Trying to be just as silent, she got up and moved blindly to the window where she saw a slow moving shadow travel north between two buildings. She knew she had to take a chance and follow him so she too shimmied out the window and scared herself as she dangled from the ledge and couldn’t see the ground clearly. She
squeezed her eyes and let go. Her landing wasn’t so ideal as her legs buckled on impact and slammed on her backside. At least she managed to not cry out. Before she could lose his trail completely she got up and hurried to the last place she saw his moving form. She reached the corner and her mind finally realized why he had bought such black clothes. He wore such attire so it would be near impossible for any to distinguish him in this darkness. At the corner of the Twinkling Bell she saw a momentary movement in the shadows and followed it quickly, glad her boots didn’t make much of any sound on the bricked ground. Meeka quickly found herself looking down another dark alley and stood absolutely still to wait and see him move on. Meeka realized he was moving slow and methodical and tried emulating such skilled, stealthy behavior. If not for the few torches all along the city street she wouldn’t have been able to follow if not by the dull glow. He moved so silently she couldn’t believe anyone could be capable.

  For the next ten minutes she followed his seemingly erratic movements until she reached a corner to find he had completely disappeared from her sight. She looked around, frantic to have followed for so long and lost him. Meeka then had a revelation after all their time being together. She had seen him do things without magic that seemed like it. The reason for the erratic movements through the maze of alleys is that he knew she followed, even as she tried her best to be inconspicuous in tailing. He wanted her so focused that when he truly wanted to disappear in the dark she wouldn’t realize he had until it was too late. His skills far exceeded her own and she had only felt a fool for trying.

  Meeka huffed and realized she had been caught so she decided to return back to the inn. She at least felt confident since she had at least some forethought to slip the room key in her pocket beforehand so she didn’t need to climb back in. She found her way onto a main street and began the return trip back to the room.

  Along the way her stomach suddenly felt hollow and the tiny hairs on the back of her neck stood up as a man whistled and said “Isn’t it a little late to be out all alone, Missy? Would you like some company?”

  Meeka looked over her shoulder to see two men approaching her from about thirty yards away. They sounded to have been drinking excessively and the way moved and talked said their intentions weren’t appropriate. She kindly said while walking away “That is very kind, but I’m quite alright.”

  “Aw, come on…” The second man hiccupped. “We are being very generous… Hey wait… your that whore from the Bell!”

  A third man came out in front of Meeka’s path with a near empty glass bottle of what looked like rum. The man ahead took a swig and looked to her and the two following. “You boys find something fun to play with?”

  “You could say that.” The first man leered. “She is that woman you almost liberated money from. That mage was with her.”

  Meeka’s heart began to drum as she comprehended who the men were and what would likely happen. Before the three could do anything she fled down a dark alley to escape. The men realized she was running away and chased after her, wanting her to pay for what she and that mage did to them. She didn’t get far because something she didn’t see in the dark tripped her. One of the men carried a torch and when they saw her fall they laughed while pulling knives from their belt. “Aw, look, she fell down and even was so kind to lead us to a dead end alley to give us privacy.” They laughed confidently as she looked over her shoulder to find she had unknowingly trapped herself. The man still carrying around the bottle smiled with missing teeth. “So are you going to be good and spread your legs for us or are we going to need to show you how weak you are without a filthy mage protecting you. Either way I’m going to get something from you.”

  Her shaking stopped as she understood that they were going to rape and possibly kill her. Meeka knew that this late at night no one would likely come to her rescue in time. And this area of Vin’re had few soldiers patrolling the streets. If she didn’t do something herself she knew she might not survive this encounter. Cage was right. She thought. The world is harsher than I knew and if you couldn’t protect yourself you’ll become a victim. She had been practicing to control her fear after the wyrm encounter where she was useless, but these three were nothing in comparison. “I would like to see you try.” Meeka said in a confidence that surprised herself more than the three.

  As she stood up she pulled the knife from her boot and took a stance she had been practicing for over a week. The men laughed and the leader told the man without the torch to pin her down and take the polished blade before she hurt herself. The man grinned in confidence and charged her with his own knife.

  Not even pausing to think, Meeka skillfully dodged the knife and brought hers around to slice deep into his neck, severing the jugular, and hooked her foot around his to make him fall skull first into the cobbled ground.

  Meeka blinked in surprise at the blade in her hand soaked to the hilt in blood had practically moved all on its own. The two men were likewise startled and sobered, especially after their friend tried holding in the blood pouring out his neck that acted like a fountain. In a few seconds he stilled as his life ended.

  “Get the whore!” The leader ordered at the torch and knife wielding man as he charged in blind anger.

  Meeka reacted again and dodged the knife to strike with her own and cut clean through the man’s forearm. As the pain caused him to drop the knife, Meeka remembered one time Cage did something similar so she deftly grabbed the handle of the falling knife and twisted her whole body to bury both knives into the man’s back. His own knife went right where she had been taught to kill with the least energy expended and buried itself in his heart. Her knife missed his lung and jarred her arm on a sturdy ribcage. As the man fell he tried lashing out with the torch before he died and completely missed her, but the sudden flash of light blinded her.

  Before she could recover the last man dropped his bottle and saw an opening. He grabbed her thick braid and knife hand to vow “You’re going to regret that you bitch! After I fuck you I’m going to kill you.”

  She tried pulling away but he yanked on her hair painfully and it made her cry.

  “Meeka, have you forgotten the eleventh technique I taught you?” Came a casual voice from out of nowhere. The man looked around the darkness to say “Stay back. This isn’t your concern!”

  Meeka knew that voice and the pain made her remember what he talked about. Out of reflex again, she stomped hard on her opponent’s foot and shifted his weight back as she ran his back into the wall of a building. Cage taught her what to do if a larger opponent gets hold of her from behind. The thief lost balance and all the air in his lungs as she slammed his back into a wall. His gripped loosened enough so that she could swing her arm back and bury her knife directly into his groin. Overwhelmed by pain, Meeka still couldn’t see so she let all the fighting experience Cage imparted take over. She pulled the knife out, stepped away while spinning to accurately slice the knife horizontally across his middle, slashing shirt and flesh as if it were barely there on the razor edge.

  The man’s intestines literally spilled out.

  Meeka jumped back and took her stance, waiting for another surprise.

  Cage’s voice said “That’s my girl. You did very well for your first real battle. Now get your sweet ass back to the inn and don’t try following me again. Do not make any stops along the way. You’ve done well, so be proud you saved yourself.”

  She looked around as her night vision began to focus. She knew she didn’t imagine hearing him, but he wasn’t around. “Alright.” She gave in.

  Cage watched from the balcony above her and found the whole situation hard to intervene on. It was her fight she needed to fulfill and finish, although he found it difficult not to impart that piece of advice when she had been grabbed. It took away all bragging that she fought three men unaided. Still, her strikes were clean and accurate. He knew she wouldn’t be happy killing, but it was either that or dying herself. A week ago she would have been helpless, but no
w she had improved enough to defend against average opponents.

  Meeka walked away, visibly shaken. She moved quickly back to the inn, unaware Cage walked along the roofs of the closely built dwellings. In several agonizing minutes she arrived at the Twinkling Bell and knocked on the closed door. Though her knife and hands were drenched with blood her body somehow didn’t get a drop. Aniya opened the door and let her inside, not asking any questions as the girl seemed withdrawn. Meeka went straight to her room and found an ewer to clean off all the blood from herself and knife before pouring it out the window to remove every trace.

  Knowing Meeka was now safe from danger, Cage crossed over rooftops without gaining any attention. It didn’t take long to reach the last business closest to the white marble castle of Vin’re. He sat completely still on the roof for a half hour, simply watching. In that time he learned the patrol patterns of the palace guards and how to use shadows most effectively. It wouldn’t be easy and risks needed to be taken, but it wouldn’t be the hardest infiltration. The problem is what the inside castle is like. From what Meeka explained, the Summer Ball is held in the grand hall, on the ground level. He at least knew he didn’t have to climb the castle wall.

  When he figured he understood the guard’s’ movements Cage pulled out the black cloth from before and tied it around his head and tucked the excess inside his shirt collar. Only the white of his eyes weren’t covered black. He then climbed down and with thousands of skills ingrained into his being he passed by the mansions and patrolling guards without making even a single sound. Sometimes he had to jump, flip or slide under objects, using his Parkour skills to remain undetected. His clothes were perfect for they didn’t rub together or hinder him in any way. Cage always used human blind spots to sneak pass the roving patrols and just out of range from torches. Eventually he reached the gray siege wall and found enough finger and toe holds to scale the defensive structure without any eyes turning on him. His gauntlets and boots were again proving their worth because the wall’s surface wasn’t kind to flesh and would have cut them like jagged glass. He reached the top of the wall and had to dangle for a minute till a guard walked passed. Cage effortlessly pulled himself over to discover a nearby stone staircase. He got halfway down before hanging from the side as two alert guards started ascending and talking about the upcoming ball. Then they left and he proceeded with more caution when reaching the grounds. If he were discovered he’d either be killed or imprisoned. That is what made it fun.

  The inside of the grounds were beautiful with flowers and all kinds of decorative foliage. It is also open so the area could be easy maneuvered around or be captured with the best results. In the dark you can’t stare right at something for only peripheral vision worked best at night. He still needed to somehow get inside as he crouched behind a leafy bush to get a sense of the surroundings. The castle had been designed so the only real way inside is through the front door. Two attentive guards stood to either side and watched as servants went in and out to finalize all interior decorations. By the way they stood a few feet in front of fiery braziers he knew they were well trained to keep their eyes away from the fire to retain the best possible sight. He figured he wouldn’t have an opportunity for quite some time so he relieved himself on both numbers in the bush.

  He smiled beneath the cloth mask and picked up a few small pebbles while moving to his left and staying flush against the castle’s smooth wall to climb the dozen steps. Over the arched door were long lines of words he couldn’t read for they were twenty feet above and too tiny for the naked eye to interpret. With the tiny rocks in hand he got as close to the light as he dared and tossed them right into the guards path and saw their helmeted heads turn right to the tinkling of sounds. As their attention became elsewhere occupied, Cage silently squeezed beneath the brazier bowl, the wall and the guard not two feet away and silently slipped inside the castle. He stealthily pressed himself in a shadowed corner as two new guards started coming out. Neither saw anything and took up a conversation with the two at the entrance. Cage used the diversion to pass into the interior and found himself in the grand audience hall. But as he slipped in he felt the telltale sign of magic. It was barely noticeable and it put him on high alert in case the magic was warning of his intrusion.

  He didn’t get a good look of the surroundings as two young serving girls started coming his way and he didn’t have another corner in which to hide. Thankfully there was a square stone pillar near the wall he found himself. He ran at the pillar and up it for three steps before stiffening his legs and wedging himself against the wall. Cage held his breath as the two passed right beneath him without even realizing that they could have reached up to find him. Then they passed and went to the stairwell. He dropped down silently and saw only two others working in the huge hall.

  The hall was nearly six square acres of nearly all open space. Two rows of square pillars made a path and were spaced about a hundred feet apart and from each other. Upon each pillar seemed to be braziers and were fed by oil being piped in from somewhere and were cut within the marble seamlessly. The ground had a long purple carpet that led from the entrance to a raised platform which had two intricately carved wooden thrones that could only be accessed by carved marble steps like a mini Aztec pyramid. Three large suspended chandeliers with candles filled the room with added light. Around most of the pillars were hanging bouquets of flowers and other festive decorations. The smell of the room made his mouth water as the food preparations had already began. A table to the side of the hall stretched its length and would become loaded with food very soon.

  He quickly knew he needed a hiding place and grinned when he found one that would make a lesser man shrink. Cage moved away from his spot and used the shadows to hurry towards the throne. It surprised him how quickly he made it and the number of times he could have been spotted. He climbed the steps towards the thrones and looked above as they sat beneath an overhang of clear decorative value. It was ten feet tall and sturdy. Beside the thrones sat two more braziers that casted a perfect shadow above the floral overhang and the flowery decorations would break up his shadowy form even more.

  Before he could be spotted, Cage jumped and grabbed the wooden ledge and pulled himself on top. He lay over the king’s throne and as he rolled onto his stomach he looked out of the decorations that stood higher than he lay. He gained a clear view of nearly the whole room. Several blind spots caused by the pillars hindered all points, but not by enough to overly worry. The only problem would be is if someone checked the platform. He’d be clearly revealed.

  Now all he could do is wait and find these assassins.

  Meeka awoke alone in her bed as her fears ebbed when she reached the safety the room offered. It had been the first time she had intentionally killed anyone. It was in self defense! She kept telling herself. She didn’t like taking a life because she had been taught to be a healer, not a soldier or hunter. The worst part she hated about the whole experience is that she was glad those men were dead. Not because of what they would have done to her, but to possibly someone else.

  She shook her head to clear away the horrifying memories of blood and gore. Meeka got up and ordered another bath for herself since she had an idea of what Cage had planned. She felt it was too coincidental that he snuck out on the eve of the Summer Ball. This deal with a spirit made her come to believe he is about to do something she had to stop. She knew he didn’t have a problem killing, so long as it excites him. She felt fear if his target were the king. She wouldn’t stand for anyone bringing harm to such a kind man, not even from the one she cared for. She knew she needed to get into the ball and find him before he did anything she’d disapprove. Meeka just hoped her hunch is wrong.

  The bath arrived soon and she bathed fully and spent nearly two hours trying to do the most intricate hairstyle her mother taught. Eventually everything held together as she slid on her dress and put on her dress shoes she bought yesterday. She looked herself over and knew she would be irresistible for
her plan.

  The Twinkling Bell staff scooped the buckets of used water before lifting the tub and taking it away. Meeka gave a copper to each boy for a tip since all she had left were four silver and two gold. She kept her money locked in her room and placed the key in the only place she could, between her breasts.

  By the time she left the inn the streets were alive with festivities. Music filled the air as did the scent of food. Many wore their finest clothes and children played or went to watch the performers. Meeka smiled as she blended into the crowd as she had only one thing to do, get inside the castle. She went to a place where she’d at least get a chance. She went over to the wealthy estates and a person in particular who is known for having comely women accompany him. She went up to a lovely gated mansion and told the awaiting guard “Please tell your lord that Meeka, daughter of Tiffa and Cillian has come to say hello on this wonderful day.”

  “Wait here, Milady.” The guard said and went inside to do as told. The other one looked Meeka’s exquisite beauty longingly. He still did his duty and remained still. It didn’t take long for the guard to return saying “Milord say you are most welcome at any time. Please allow me to escort you to the mansion.” He raised his arm and Meeka smiled happily as she wrapped her arm with his.

  In a minute they crossed the grounds and entered the lounge room. A middle aged man of renowned handsomeness stood from his chair and gestured to three awaiting servants, who departed. The man’s voice carried happily. “Ah, dear Meeka. How good it is to see you again!”

  The guard took his leave as she pinched the sides of her dress and curtsied. “Lord Kallerian, it is wonderful to see you again as well.”

  He came up and smiled warmly to give her a hug and watched as she turned her head. She returned the embrace. “So what do I owe this honor?”

  Meeka hated lying, especially to him. She did sound convincing though. “Father and Mother are busy this year to attend the ball at the castle and they sent me to tell you all is well in Kote. But I find myself in a predicament.”

  “Come sit. What is the problem and how may I help?”

  She moved to sit with him in his exquisite home. “In my travels to attend the ball I somewhere along the way lost my invitation. Last year you and Father were the only ones to dance with me and I was wondering if I could somehow make a request to be a guest of yours, if you have room?”

  Lord Kallerian laughed lightly and laid a kind hand upon her shoulder. “It just so happens my date has gotten sick and I find myself without a suitable companion. It would be an honor to have a beauty such as yourself accompany me to the Summer Ball.”

  Meeka clapped excitedly to say “Oh how I wish to thank you with a kiss on the cheek.”

  He laughed. “That is the thought that counts, My Dear. We have a few hours before the dance. Would you like to wear what you have on or borrow one of the dresses I have for my escorts?”

  Meeka knew if Cage were there he’d spot her instantly in the dress and realized she could fit in more comfortably if she weren’t so obvious. “Is this what you will be wearing?” He inclined his head. “Then my blue dress won’t properly accentuate your red. I would prefer to be seen more appropriately on your arm.”

  “That is very kind.” The lord clapped and several servants entered. “Please take my guest to the ball wardrobe room and see to it she finds a dress befitting of her beauty.”

  “Yes, Sir.” They said in unison and Meeka went to change.

  All day the hall’s excitement began to build. First the decorating crew, led by a fierce old woman who reminded him of a drill instructor ordered the room to be spotless by a hundred young servants. Trays and trays of food and drink came in through the spiral staircases and were placed just so by the same woman who wanted everything perfect. Close to forty men in armor polished to a mirror shine stood against the walls. The blue crow stood out more dominantly on their breast plate. The braziers were capped since daylight streamed in enough to see comfortably by. Several times servants came to wipe down and polish the thrones beneath Cage’s hiding place. His dark clothing plus holding completely still since he took cover made not one person suspect anything is wrong. And outside he could hear the whole city having a wonderful celebration. A group of musicians came in a little later and began tuning their instruments for the night’s dance.

  Morning turned to noon and it moved slowly to afternoon. By late afternoon Cage noticed the first couples began to arrive and all wore the most expensive jewelry and clothes money could buy. There weren’t any children, but teenagers seemed to be allowed to join. While the wealthy and distinguished guests came in the musicians began to play softly, filling the echoing hall with soft and relaxing music. Many men carried decorative swords at their hip and from the way they walked told only a few knew how to use the weapon properly. They showed off for merely posterity’s sake.

  Cage didn’t really focus too much on the music as he began searching for any irregularities that could give away the would be assassins plot. None were above reproach in his focus. Back when he fought to save Megdline he remembered her saying what she was going to do with magic to help him fight bandits and it sparked an idea. All of the guards carried a primed and loaded crossbow hanging from their right shoulder and a sword to their left hip. Cage continued feeling the delicate touch of magic being constantly used in the castle so he began to do magic of his own with the same amount of power to not be noticed if another mage worked something. For each crossbow in the room Cage subtly broke the trigger mechanism and frayed the string so that any tampering would snap the twine. The closer ones were faster and easier to disable, but the ones further away took much longer with the same amount of tingling. The last five crossbowman were too far to work on without rising his magic above the constant. When he recovered he glared at everyone in his, as of yet fruitless, search for culprits.

  Then the sky began to glow redder to tell that dusk had arrived. Just over a thousand bodies filled the room as the braziers and candles were relit. As the last recess caught fire a trumpet sounded dramatically and silenced the hall. The entire crowd turned to the stairwell and murmured quietly in anticipation.

  Ten of Vlara’s top elite guards of large size and great equipment entered the room and took position before the stage. Behind them followed a physically fit man in a blue pair of pants and shirt. Embroidered in purple thread stood a dominant crow. At his hip hung an barely ornate sword, but one that has been used in fights with the person who carried it. Atop his head sat a gold crown with polished jewels and wasn’t overly ostentatious. On his arm hung a beautiful woman of about twenty years with dirty blonde hair and regally beautiful. On her brow was displayed a silver circlet. An exquisite dress of lavender wrapped elegantly around her that also held the light purple stitching of a crow enhanced her chest.

  King Tate walked right up onto the throne platform and didn’t even suspect someone was laying just above him. His voice carried through the whole room. “Honored guests and friends! I wish to say thank you all for coming to the Summer Ball!” The crowd clapped loudly. “Our great land of Vlara has once again given us another bountiful year of life! She had fed and sheltered us and this day we give honor for such a prize! I thank you for being here this evening to celebrate the eight hundredth and sixth year of our nation’s birth! My daughter and I welcome you to eat, drink and dance!” The crowd cheered at the short speech and as the music began to rise above the noise of the crowd many began to dance. Tate turned to his only child. “Dear one, go out and enjoy yourself. Dance with whomever you want and have fun.”

  She smiled and went down the steps to tap the helmet of the soldier with the greatest armor of the palace and said “General Kurk, would you like to dance?”

  “I would be honored, Princess Amy.” He said and took her delicate hand in his large, studded leather gloves.

  Cage stayed put and realized the king sat in his throne beneath to watch everyone enjoy themselves. They were somewhat alike at the momen
t. Wanting to dance, but things weighed heavily on the mind.

  For the next twenty minutes Cage watched out for anything that might come near the man beneath him and for awhile things seemed as they should, but then Cage looked to the right as two soldiers came closer to speak with a man in his thirties and wore a servant’s uniform. No other knight moved from their current position or were so much as spoken to. It looked like the man was simply offering refreshments to the two, but the slightly erratic motions and suspicious head turnings gained Cage’s undivided attention. There was a brief exchange and he noticed the familiar glint of a knife pass from the guard to servant. The blade became hidden beneath the tray.

  The three conspirators separated. The men acting as guards put a more than necessary hold on their crossbows while the servant moved across the room to load his tray with food and a glass of wine. When the servant began to approach the line of guards protecting the throne Cage felt a jolt of adrenaline and took off the cloth covering his head. “Let him up.” The king allowed.

  The man acted with complete confidence, more than usual. King Tate tilted his head questioningly as the man took a few steps up and when he reached the half way point he completely dropped the ruse with the platter of food spilling across the steps. Then the king saw the flash of a dagger being raised above his head to deliver a death blow that couldn’t be thwarted in time.

  Cage grinned as he flipped down off the platform, right in front of the wide eyed king. The servant looked up into twinkling black eyes and a glad grin. Cage knocked the blade aside and delivered a powerful kick right in the man’s sternum, sending the man sailing through the air and had twisted just enough to unintentionally land on his neck awkwardly to hear it snap.

  The two men in armor watched the whole thing and were the first to react by pulling their crossbows that failed to fire. “Not today, Assholes!” Cage shouted and threw his hands out. Silvery arrows of light shot from each hand. The arrows pierced the men, but didn’t fall immediately as one would expect. Cage grinned more as the two looked at him and screamed as their bodies flew towards each other. The arrows were merely for distraction as his real intention was to make their armor become magnetically charged with opposite polarities. A loud clang pierced the room’s noise as the two men slammed into one another and couldn’t pull away once they connected.

  The shout and noise made the music end and the crowd look around till they saw a man all in black stand so close to their king. The nearest guards, at the foot of the steps, looked between the serving man on the ground, who didn’t move anymore, and the one standing too close to their leader. The swishing ring of swords being drawn silenced all remaining noise in the crowd. The guards yelled all at once and charged Cage. “Bring it!” He shouted in a laugh and jumped right into the fray. Cage punched, kicked and elbowed all the while staying just out of reach of highly skilled swordsman. Their armor weighed them down and limited mobility and Cage used that to his advantage. His gauntlets and boots went right to work on pummeling the three he jumped on. He jumped again and landed on the level ground as five came to cut him down. Cage caught two blades barehanded and pulled himself while leaning down and twisting his arms to flip the two right on their backs. Cage sidestepped as a blade would have cut him in half and before the man recovered enough to cut again, Cage flipped to stand on his hands, wrap his feet around the man’s head and swung his torso in a head-scissor takedown. The man flipped alongside the struggling others as Cage spun to gather his legs to do a back-flip, catching the chin of two who wanted to strike while he was on the ground. Each were unconscious before hitting the marble floor.

  Cage turned around to be met in combat by a huge man in the finest armor of silver and gold. General Kurk connected a solid punch to Cage’s mouth, pushing him back a step. Cage looked at the man as he touched his lip to find it had been split and bleeding. “Don’t move!” The large man ordered as he drew his sword.

  “Are you kidding?” Cage laughed at the older warrior. “I’m having a blast! Let’s see who’s better, General!”

  Cage rushed the general who didn’t hesitate to swing his sword while drawing a hidden dagger in his sleeve. Cage dodged the sword and received a shallow cut on his cheek from the knife. The general lost his helmet from a palm thrust and a broken nose from it being taken off so violently. In an astounding move, the general kicked Cage’s shoulder and as he fell Cage swept his foot to trip the armored warrior. Cage landed and was the first to get up and knock out two more guards who wanted to take a chance and were both floored in a single move.

  The general got to his feet and began to charge Cage as he did as well when their came a woman’s shriek “CAGE, STOP THIS!!!”

  The noise stopped both men to turn and look. In the moment’s lull of battle King Tate commanded “MEN! STAND DOWN!”

  The two men each looked to their left and oddly asked “Meeka?” “My king?”

  King Tate bent over to pick up the knife that almost took his last breath, finding it to be poisoned. He stood and shouted “I order all of you to sheathe your swords!” Like well trained soldiers, all of the guards, including the general, stood tall and put their blades away at the ruler’s specific command. The only ones who didn’t react were the ones Cage knocked out. “Do not attack that man any more. He has saved my life this day.”

  Cage didn’t pay any attention as he looked at Meeka in a bright red dress that made her look as radiant as a queen. Still he yelled. “Meeka? What the fuck are you doing here?”

  She fired right back as she nearly stomped her way closer. “Trying to keep you from getting killed, you dolt! Why did you fight the king’s men?”

  “Because those sorry excuse for assassins were too easy to beat. Besides, Eleia promised me I’d enjoy a good fight. These guys obliged most kindly. Why did you stop me when I was having so much fun?”

  A firm grip clamped down on Cage’s shoulder and he turned around and head butted whoever touched him. “I’m trying to talk here. Touch me like that again and I’ll knock your teeth out.” Cage turned back around to see Meeka had stopped moving and stared at him. The sounds of blades came free again.

  “Stop! All of you!” King Tate commanded. He got up off the ground and said “I’d do the same so be at ease. That was my fault.” He shook his head and felt his nose had clearly been broken. “Sir? Look at me!”

  “What do you want?” Cage turned around and realized what he did. He raised an eyebrow in response. “Want me to fix that?”

  “Fix what?” Tate asked.

  Before he could lean back, Cage’s arm grasped his crowned head and looked right at the nose. A blue light encased the whole nose and a faint crack sounded as the cartilage popped back in place and he repaired the blood vessels to stop the bleeding. “Better?” He asked as he let go.

  The king felt his nose and said “Thank you. Now answer me this question. What was that name you said who told you that you could have a good fight?”

  “I guess the cat is out of the bag huh?” Cage said, shaking his head for the slip of the tongue. “I made a deal with some spirit named Eleia. She told me about tonight’s murder attempt and had me take care of a problem your men didn’t see coming.” The general growled. “I haven’t had a good fight in a long time, Kurk. I would like to have another shot with you one day, but I suggest you go over there and detain those two lovebirds I stuck together. They are with the man I sent flying. Eleia said three conspired to take his life. That should be them all. I didn’t intentionally try to kill the servant dude. That one was an accident.” The general looked to his king who nodded. The old warrior pointed to three nearby warriors and sent them to retrieve the screaming men who were unable to remove themselves from each other. One spat at the king and missed. To gain back attention Cage asked “So do you know this Eleia’s spirit or something?”

  King Tate looked at the tall man to find he wasn’t being facetious. “I do.”

  “Then who is she?”

  When the king d
idn’t reply Meeka stayed still fifteen feet away to say “Cage, What did the spirit look like?”

  “A pretty woman with long hair. I couldn’t tell the coloring because she was different shades of white. Said she was a second class witch in life… oh she had a little bird that must have been her Familiar.”

  “What shoulder did the bird stand on?” Tate asked in an emotional voice.

  “The left.”

  “Then, Cage, the woman you saw was none other than the King Tate’s late wife. She was Queen Eleia.” Meeka explained in a quiet voice that filtered through the hall which began whispering.

  “Hm. Oh well. The jobs done. I’m outta here. You coming Meeka or do you want to party bit more?”

  The king had never heard someone dismiss something so monumental so easily before. He asked “And what is the price I must pay to my savior?”

  Cage looked back. “Nothing. Eleia and I made an agreement, which we both fulfilled. I don’t break a deal unless I end up screwed, in which case the petitioner will find out just how unlucky they were to double cross me. The night is still very young, Tate. How about we get back to the party?”

  The general stomped closer to say “Impudent fool. You will address him as King Tate, your highness or my king.”

  Cage levelly glared at the old man. “I have no king. I have no country. If he can die, he is still but a man. I do not worship men or anything else. He is neither my superior or my underling. If you wish to see me when I strip away my humanity and see how I really fight without restrain I will kill whoever stands in my way without care. If you want to make me kneel to Tate, I suggest you send everything you have because I will not be treated like someone less just because you fancy protocol. Life is for the fittest. If you wish to see who is more fit I hope you are ready to die.” Cage healed his throbbing lip, cheek and shoulder in a second to grin fully at the man.

  “A warrior… Known for being bold… Beware should you see him grin… The last great prophecy…” King Tate whispered so low nobody heard him as he saw this new grin on Cage’s face. He had seen it when he merely toyed with his elite men, but the one he saw this time chilled him to his core. “Cage, you do not have to refer to me in any way you do not want. General, back down, I believe he can back up his words. Cage, I must ask, where is your home?”

  “Why?” We wondered as he smiled at the shorter and stockier man.

  “Because if you are a man of your word as Eleia must believe to have sent you, I would like to make a private proposition. You do something for me and I shall make good on an offer for you and any of your descendants for all time.”

  “Now you’ve got my interest. If it’s private let’s go speak.” He went to go and looked over his shoulder. “I know you want to come. Don’t just stand there, Meeka, you’re coming right?”

  “My King, would it be possible?”

  Tate inclined his head. “Amy, please attend to the guests and continue with festivities.”

  “Yes, Father.” The princess accepted the duty with a curtsey. “Play the music and restart the ball!”

  Music began playing, but the crowd stared in confusion, trying to figure out what exactly just happened.

  King Tate stared evenly at his long time friend. “General, be sure Amy is well protected. I want you to accompany me as well.” The general scooped up his helmet and broke his nose back in place to then give a series of hand signals to have the princess well guarded from any who approach. The sound of metal on stone clanged as the men took up a new position around her without suffocating her personal space.

  “Hey, Kurk, want me to fix your nose too?” Cage offered.

  “I prefer to heal as nature intended, unless there is no choice.”

  “If that is your wish… Hey Tate, where’s the Head?”

  The king looked back with further confusion. “On your shoulders. Where else?”

  Meeka came closer and spoke. “It is what he calls the privy where he is from, Your Highness.”

  “Oh… well I will show you on the way up. By the way, how long were you hiding above my throne?”

  “A few hours before sunrise.”

  “You’ve been there the whole time and weren’t seen? What were you doing?”

  The four began walking to a spiral stone stairwell. The stairs were smooth from large amounts of foot traffic. The walls were as wide as Cage’s outstretched arms and made him glad he wasn’t claustrophobic. “Eleia didn’t give me a name or description of the men so I needed a place where I could get close to you without you or anyone else knowing. The infiltration wasn’t hard for me, but the long wait was. I knew something might happen with all these witnesses and in the confusion of your death those men might have escaped. Still, she was right about there being a good fight. Thanks for obliging.”

  Meeka, half scared about what is happening, silently followed the three large men. King Tate chuckled as the general glared. The king asked “Are you battle mad?”

  “Some have asked me that before. I can’t say for sure. I just love pitting myself against someone who knows how to survive. Kurk, you should be honored, you are the first person to land more than one hit on me in years. Who taught you to fight so well?”

  “I learned in battle. And you are the first to survive my attack in over fifteen years. Never in my life have I seen a mage physically and intentionally engage in battle… Especially against me. You too should be honored.”

  Cage grinned and laughed. “If you ever want a fighting partner I’ll be ready.”

  “That, I will not forget.” He touched his nose.

  A few minutes later the king pointed to a series of closed doors. “The castle privy chambers.”

  “Finally!” Cage ran and entered. A minute later he returned and was glad an ewer waited in a corner to wash his hands, but had to dry them on his shirt. “Whew, I feel much better.”

  Reaching the top of the stairs, Cage and Meeka walked down a long hall with paintings of past kings and queens of picture perfect detail. Long red tapestries framed the paintings and separated them. No more words were said until they reached the end of the hall, opened a large and thick wooden door that would act to practically soundproof the room. King Tate explained “This is my private meeting hall only my family, elite palace guards, servants or dignitaries of high station had ever seen. Nothing we say in here will leave the room unless I allow it.”

  “Is that part of the magic I’m constantly feeling?”

  “Yes, in fact the whole palace is spelled against certain magical things. My ancestor, Edic, the first king who claimed Vlara and built this castle was a great sorcerer and it protects the royal bloodline from several magical means.”

  “Didn’t help earlier.” Cage commented as he took in the simple room. A long table had many chairs around it and there were two simple wooden thrones against the far wall. Like the whole castle, the room was made of pure white marble, polished to a near mirror finish. Carpets, stained glass windows and braziers humbly decorated the room.

  “You’re right.” Tate said and pulled the dagger from his belt. “Even if I were stabbed and survived, the poison along the edge would surely kill me. It was nothing magical, so my home couldn’t defend me. It is why I have guards. And do not bother asking about the castle’s spells for they are very private and I’ll not jeopardize them by telling anyone not of my blood.”

  “I wasn’t going to ask.” He said as Meeka entered the room and shut the door behind her. “So what is this offer you have for me?”

  “Please, both of you, take a seat across from myself and my general.” Tate said as he pulled out a chair and sat at the table. Cage and Meeka sat directly across, not going all the way to the other end of the room since there isn’t a need. When everyone became comfortable the king sat still and appraised the two. Meeka barely held up against his intense stare while Cage seemed merely amused. “Your name is Cage, correct?” He nodded. “And if I’m not mistaken you are Cillian’s daughter, Meeka?”

bsp; She humbly said “It is an honor you know my name.”

  “A man in my position must know a great many names, especially of the families who oversee the towns and cities. What I would like to know is how you are associated with him.”

  She looked at Cage and felt more at ease being so near him. She was so glad he wasn’t seriously hurt and she could stop him from fighting. “He is my dearest friend and I am acting as his guide since he isn’t from these lands. I am sorry I couldn’t stop him from hurting your men.”

  The king simply nodded. “So where are you from?”

  “Cage Island.” Cage said calmly and smiled inside as Tate’s brow drew together.

  “I know of no such place… Where is it?”

  “It is my island that sits off the edge of Kote’s coast.”

  “Are you speaking of the forbidden island that none can get to without dying a horrible death?” General Kurk asked humorously.

  “That’s my island.” Cage replied.

  The two men looked to each other and laughed till Meeka said “It’s true.”

  King Tate saw they weren’t lying and asked “How?”

  “It is my land so I know its secrets. Now what is this proposal?”

  Tate looked to his friend who looked skeptically. “The agreement is this. If you deliver something for me, I’ll give you that island and you’ll never need to pay Vlara any taxes or be harassed by my collectors.”

  Cage leaned forward. “You cannot tell me you’ll give me something that I already inherited. Tate, what gives you the right to say my island isn’t mine when you could never get near enough to touch it? Rethink what you just said.”

  “Easy, General.” Tate said as he heard the leathery stretch of studded gloves making a fist. “Cage, as you said before, I’m just a man. Sometimes my words don’t come out as clear as I intend to make them. Give me a moment to explain and correct me if I’m wrong, but as you sit here, is there anyone living on your island as we speak?”

  “Nope, but unless you know the way in you’ll never reach it anyway.”

  “So there is a passage.” Tate confirmed. “What if in your absence someone stumbles upon it. The land wouldn’t have you there to protect it. What you also have to know is Cage Island, as it will now be called, is within Vlaran waters. That means your island is part of my kingdom. If you do not agree to my proposition I will have all the mages of my kingdom do whatever it takes to make it a stronghold since even as a boy I heard it has great strategic value. If you accomplish my job, that I believe you can manage, I will guarantee the land and any who succeed you will be protected under Vlaran law, but also retain autonomy and be unmolested by the rest of the laws I keep on the mainland. This proposition is not meant to be a threat or coercion, more like a job. One will be easy and the other, not so much. If you accept you will have this government’s support and protection.”

  Cage’s jaw clamped and his eyes blazed as his body began to shake for hatred unleashed itself within. Meeka saw the immediate change from amusement to rage. She got up and forcibly turned his head to her. “Cage, look at me! Calm down… it isn’t what you think. King Tate has never broken a vow once since he became king… that’s it… look at me…” Her gentle and firm coaxing made his anger recede as he stared at her lovely and loving expression. Her gentle voice made his thundering heart relax.

  “Was it something I said?” The king asked, seeing the unusual exchange.

  Meeka saw Cage wasn’t in any condition to explain so she did. “My king, you must understand something important about Cage. Before we even met he came from a land very different from our own. There, he was his kingdom’s greatest warrior and he worked with other kingdoms best men and women. They did things together that an entire army couldn’t and were the best. The governments saw his group as a threat because they were too good at what they did and caused fear. The result of such petty worry ended in the very kingdoms getting together to send them into a trap. They didn’t realize what their kings had done till it was too late. All of the greatest warriors of each kingdom were slain, but Cage barely managed to survive. When he recovered he got vengeance on those responsible for the murder of his dearest comrades. Every conspirator died by his hands.

  “That being said, he has a deep mistrust and hatred to governments and false promises of leaders. He comes from a place where a person’s word no longer means anything. For you to promise the government’s support brings back old memories and mistrust. I believe you because I grew up under your rule. He didn’t. My king, please do not think I’m being false, but you must not lie about any proposal you make with him for I have seen how he fights and if you betray him I know he will come after you and more than likely kill you. He truly does not see you as any different than the common people.”

  “You cannot expect me to believe a man could do this?” The general asked.

  King Tate thought in the following heavy silence. “General, put aside that he is an unknown mage. He infiltrated the castle, hid right above my throne all day without anyone knowing, then he takes care of three men trying to assassinate me and then fearlessly confronts your best men and fights them like children facing an adult. He toyed with our finest under his own strength and didn’t use any magic to do so. The castle would have prevented such trickery. Could any of our men even claim to do half of what I just mentioned? After witnessing what he did to your men I believe that he is truly a man of his word and will kill anyone who betrays him, commoner and king alike.

  “Now Cage, I have another question, what class of mage are you?”

  In a barely controlled voice he admitted “I was told I have the potential to become a first class sorcerer.”

  Both the king and general swallowed. “Then you are the kind of person I need to barter with.” Tate said cautiously. “Deliver a letter for me and I vow upon my ancestors and Eleia that our navy will protect Cage Island from any attempting to claim your island for their own while you are away. You will never have to be taxed, nor will any who you allow to live with you. I would also like to add that if it is true you become a first class sorcerer and I request your presence, you will be allowed in the castle without being harassed. You will become friend of the king, if you like, but I need a way to tell the guards what you look like…”

  “I haven’t accepted yet, but if I do you will know me by my gauntlets that are my flesh. Look closely at the top of my hand.” Cage extended it.

  “A skull with black gems on the hands will work well.” Tate announced.

  The four sat in silence, feeling the slight vibration of the castle from the music below. Cage didn’t like this situation at all. Meeka didn’t like seeing Cage in a difficult position either. The general watched the tall man like a hawk to a viper and would do whatever it took to keep his liege safe, even giving up his own life. The king simply sat and waited for an answer. Eventually Cage sat up a bit more and stated “I don’t see a reason why I need to kill whoever gets on my island if you can deter them or why I need to kill your men because I didn’t like taking an easy offer as delivering a letter. I don’t see why you can’t use a courier, but if it means I keep my island safe and undisturbed in its beauty I’ll do it. As for the friendship, we’ll see what the future holds and if everything works out, I’ll come on your request with an open hand instead of a fist.”

  “Then we have an accord?”

  “We do. I’ll deliver this letter for the payment and protection of my island. The only way the letter won’t reach the destination is if I die.”

  “Then I have found the right person. As to why I don’t send a courier it is simple. This letter cannot be used by the common delivery methods. The couriers are usually witches or wizards, but I need greater than usual protection than that and seeing your fight and hearing your future talent as a powerful sorcerer has given me peace of mind. Now that job and payment have been agreed upon… Cage, the letter cannot be seen or revealed and must be personally delivered to the king of Emroc. You will
find King Skylar at his capital Castle Emroc.”

  “If I’m to deliver it to him personally and cannot show his guards, do you want me to sneak in?”

  “No, you won’t need to do that. I will give you a letter for the general on duty to read. On it will be my personal seal and will describe you and your business. You must be sure that the guards send for him. By our laws of etiquette you can request to personally hand over a letter to a general and with my letter he will lead you to the king. My seal will give you what you need and the wax will have been spelled to prevent tampering so do not try to break it and fix it with a spell.”

  “Anything else I should know?”

  “Yes, do not use normal roads or get captured. Destroy the letter if you must. Currently, Emroc is at war with the Laqura Empire. Normal avenues will be watched closely by both sides. It would be best to leave from Vin’re’s port and go directly to Emrocan Port. From there you must decide how to get to Castle Emroc. Take your time and don’t be seen to be in a hurry. I will give you three months, plenty of time to get there. Anything else you need cleared?”

  Cage looked down to his right to find Meeka had a pleading look in her sexy eyes. “Are you going to accompany me?”

  “We’ve been through far too much for me to leave you. Of course I’m coming…” Then Meeka’s eyes widened as an idea popped in her head. “My king, General, now that we have your ear I must tell you of a problem we encountered on our journey here from Kote.”

  The general sat more erect. “And what problem might that be?”

  “Do either of you know the pass that cuts through the lowest point of the two mountains coming from Miot to here? Not the one that skirts the base.”

  “I know of which you speak.”

  “Good. Better start telling travelers to avoid the area if possible.”

  “Why, have bandits been spotted?”

  “Yes, and worse… We nearly died because of three wyrms, one big one and two younger whom were large enough to rip my horse in half and swallow whole.” The king and general glanced at each other and had her repeat the whole experience. It took some time to explain, but not enough to last forever. They didn’t talk about Megdline, but the bandits that Cage killed got the king to offer thanks.

  The general said “I have heard enough to believe you. I had been getting disturbing reports of people missing without a trace in the area. With your permission, My King, I would like to take a patrol and hire two battle mages from the Vlaran Adventurer’s guild to go and look into the matter. They are territorial creatures, but it sounds to me like they are expanding and we cannot have those beasts roaming where they do not belong and endanger our citizens.”

  “I agree, General. First thing in the morning cleanse the area of wyrms. I’ll contact the Magical Council and see what those things are doing over here. I’ll also check Apala, Willer and Traitor’s Port and see if they know how or why those gigantic beasts made it over the mountains without being spotted or reported to me. As for the two of you,” King Tate looked across the table. “I need some time to draft the letters and have them spelled. In the mean time I would like for the two of you to go enjoy the last of the party and eat what you like. I will return as soon as I am finished.”

  “Sounds fun.” Cage said and stood to offer his hand. “Would you like to dance?”

  “It will be an honor.” Meeka gleefully said, taking the offering.

  They went to the door and were escorted down by the general.

  At the main hall, when they arrived they were quickly greeted by silence. Princess Amy and her protection detail came close as she asked “Where is my father?”

  The general said “He says he will be down shortly and to continue festivities. These two have brought urgent news that we must attend to. Princess, please enjoy yourself.” She inclined her head as the man went back up stairs. She clapped to say “Begin again!”

  Right when the music began playing Cage took Meeka’s hand and placed his other on her lower back. He began to twirl her in front of everyone, not caring they simply stared at him and her. His confidence entrapped Meeka as she got swept up in the music and danced perfectly to his lead. For the crowd it seemed that they were perfect partners and danced more regally than the greatest dancers in the room. The music was neither fast or slow, but majestic as they floated across the floor. Meeka smiled happily. “You are a wonderful dancer.”

  “I did tell you that before.”

  “But now I know.” She said as he twirled her around again and pulled her chest flush against his.

  As the music came to a close they were greeted by a wave of applause from all the spectators who watched something simply wonderful.

  A tall and handsome man strode confidently towards them and asked “May I take the next dance.”

  “Sure!” Cage said and grabbed the man. The crowd laughed at the startled look on the man’s face. “Oh you mean with her! Why didn’t you be more clear?” That got everyone laughing harder and the man eventually chuckled.

  “Lord Kallerian, I’m…” Meeka began, but the well dressed man shook his head and gathered her up for another dance that began. When their conversation couldn’t be heard he said “Sorry? For using me to get access to the ball? For lying? I saw how you looked at him when he showed up and began fighting. You love him and that I know. Do not worry, I’m not upset, but your father will hear all about this.” Lord Kallerian laughed and he spun her. “Cillian’s going to fall off his chair when he hears a woman used me for the first time and it is his own daughter no less. We will be laughing like we did back when we met in the service. I can see quite a bit of him in you. He made my life exciting as well.”

  Cage confidently approached the guarded princess. “Hey Amy, want to dance?” Hands immediately went to swords. “You boys want to try again? This time we’ll dance with death.” He grinned.

  “I would love to dance.” The princess announced, stopping further hostility. The men began to voice objections and she simply walked right to the tall man all in black, took his hand, placed hers on a muscled shoulder as he placed his on the small of her back and began to twirl far better than anyone else she ever danced with. “What is your name, Sir?”

  “Call me Cage, Amy.” He said confidently and began dancing towards Lord Kallerian and Meeka. Cage noticed they were talking and in a few seconds mirrored their dance steps with the princess.

  “Cage, is it true you spoke to my mother’s spirit?” The elegant princess asked.

  “Probably. Since I’m new to this land I cannot say for sure because I didn’t know her in life, but she does share facial traits with you.”

  “She died when I was nine and I cannot even remember her face anymore… did she seem happy being a spirit?”

  “Other than the concern for your father it seemed she was happy.”

  “That is wonderful news indeed. Thank you, Cage.”

  “No problem, Amy.”

  This song ended sooner. Lord Kallerian pulled away and remembered last time to ask “Princess, care to dance?”

  “I’d be delighted.”

  Meeka and Cage reunited and danced a bit more and seeing them take the lead, others began dancing as well till nearly the whole room flowed to the music.

  Two songs later Cage’s stomach took precedence and the two moved over to the buffet and had their fill. Only Meeka’s friend and the princess openly approached either of them for the wealthier class learned a healthy respect of fear tonight.

  The night began to wind down two hours later when the king and general finally returned to the party. The last song was saved when the king and his daughter danced alone for all to see. The dance that night would be remembered more than any other Summer Ball than before.

  Tate clapped twice to gain silence of the whole castle. “I wish to thank all of you for coming this evening and I hope to have you return all next year. Farewell to you all and safe journey back to your homes. For those heading south to Kote or Miot I must st
ress you use the road beside the ocean for there have been dire tales of wyrms being spotted. I will see to it that none of my people are harmed. Be well and safe journey.” He found Cage and Meeka and gestured them come.

  In minutes the room cleared. Princess Amy kissed her father’s cheek and retired upstairs. When it was only them with the king and general the general unclasped his breastplate and handed over two letters and a small bag. Tate came close so that no others saw the exchange. “These are your letters and are titled ‘King Skylar’ and ‘Current General’ and the wax seal is mine. I’m a magician and was gifted to spell letters. If you say ‘Burn’ three times within two seconds the letters will turn to ash. Here is a little traveling money to pay for your trip. My friend Skylar will send word when he receives this and I’ll know our agreement is complete. Safe journey to you both.”

  Cage stuffed the letters in his shirt and put the bulging sack in his pocket. He then shook the hands of both men. “Hey Tate, before I go, do you ever hold a fighting tournament?”

  “It just so happens I hold one every Winter to excite my peoples. I can see you wish to participate.”

  “You know it!” Cage laughed and walked away with Meeka after she curtsied.

  Outside the palace and wall waited Lord Kallerian. “Ah, I forgot to bid you goodnight Meeka and it was indeed a pleasure to meet you as well Cage.”

  Meeka then gave him a hug which he warmly returned. “Um, I’ll send someone to return the dress and I’d also like for you to ship my dress to my parents. It looks like I’m not going straight home like I thought.”

  “Consider it done.” He kissed her hand and look up. “Take good care of her.”

  “She already proved she can do that herself, but she has much more to learn.”

  Meeka beamed at his praise while sad to have killed.

  They split up and the two returned to the Twinkling Bell. Aniya welcomed them back and Meeka requested something to write with and Cage again watched the old fashion way to write with a quill and ink. She took out a silver from her personal money and handed it to a serving boy with the letter and dress she borrowed. The boy quickly left into the dark to deliver the note and dress.

  Cage stripped out of his clothes and fell into bed after stashing away the letters. Before he dropped onto the bed though he stared in denial for in the fist size money bag were twenty silver and equal number of gold coins. Meeka sat down at seeing such treasure. Since the money counted evenly they split it between themselves. It’s never a good idea to put all your money in one place.

  Just before he went to sleep he felt his covers rise and felt Meeka’s naked body push itself against his. In a quiet voice she said “I missed sleeping with you like this. I’ve been so scared these past few days that I couldn’t sleep well. Let me stay like this like we always have been doing since we left together.”

  “You might have been scared, but you made me proud.” He grabbed her chin. “Here is your reward.” He tenderly kissed her lips and pulled away. “Now go to sleep. I need it too.”

  She wanted more than that kiss, but she gladly accepted it.

  In minutes both fell asleep.