Read The Grin of Prophecy (Book 1 of the Death Incarnate Saga) Page 15

Chapter 14

  First thing in the morning waking up to a naked blonde bombshell felt wonderful. They ordered another bath and cleaned up. While they were getting dressed something he heard earlier nagged at him. “Meeka, what is a battle mage and a guild?”

  She began lacing her boots up. “Vlara has three guilds. They are the Couriers and only mages can be part of it. Then there is the Adventurer’s guild who accepts men and women with adventurous qualities to accomplish tasks for posted jobs. You have to meet a certain criteria and be qualified as loyal to the crown. Mostly they are made up of warriors, reformed honorable thieves, healers and mages. Lastly there is the Scholar guild who roam the world looking for information. The Magical Council oversees this group because they want to know everything that is found. But only common, non-mage, people can join that guild.

  “As for battle mages, it is just a term for Adventure guild mages who rely on offensive spells and cause great destruction. Most mages wear robes to signify what group they belong. Battle mages wear red, healers are white, green is common, blue are defensive specialists and yellow are all around casters.”

  “So Megdline is an all around mage?”

  “More than likely, if she is part of the Adventurer’s guild.” She stood and stretched. “I’m ready.”

  “Me too!” he said, shouldering his pack.

  They returned the key and first headed to the market for previsions. Afterwards they headed north to the port, where dozens of sailboats were tied to docks. Salty air and fish permeated every inch of the bustling docks. Cage couldn’t hold back a smile as he thought of how quaint these boats are that don’t pollute because of gas and diesel engines. He’d only seen a sailboat like these in a museum, movies or in books. Each one were fully functioning and beautiful works of impressive craftsmanship. Meeka asked “Do you have these back where you come from?”

  “We used to over a hundred years ago, but our current sailboats look nothing like these. These antiques are quite nostalgic. I cannot wait to charter one.”

  More than half the day went by as they searched for any ships heading to Emrocan Port. By late afternoon they boarded a merchant’s ship with five other families also heading to Emroc. The price was a fair single silver for them both. One of the families remembered Cage from his fight at the ball, but didn’t get close as he and Meeka were talking of fun, trivial, or healing matters. Mostly she said she had never traveled on a sailboat before and that she had never gone to Emroc either. They both enjoyed the conversation till the ship pulled away from port to begin sailing.

  Close to two hours later the sun had set and they sailed by the stars like they did long ago. Cage, still unused to these foreign constellations, tried learning what he could from the captain who seemed pleased and eager to explain. In that time Meeka stumbled to the two excided men. “Um… Cage? I don’t feel… so well.”

  In fact she looked downright as pale as a spirit and he moved away from the captain who shook his head while muttering ‘landlubber.’ He got to her safely thanks to the array of lanterns spread throughout the ship. She had all the signs and knew he had to act quick. Cage pulled her to the railing of the port side of the ship and grabbed her hair as she retched loudly overboard. She began to tear up as her stomach still heaved and only bile seemed to be all that remained. “What is wrong with me? I felt perfectly fine before we left. I shouldn’t be sick.”

  He stood beside her, rubbing her back gently. “It is called seasickness. It’s caused because your inner ear feels movement while your eyes and body feel stationary. Your equilibrium is off and has made your senses go haywire to make you considerably ill.”

  “But you seem perfectly fine.” She said as she wiped her mouth.

  “That is because my body is accustomed to changes. Some people are more susceptible than others. I’ve never had motion sickness, but I do know how to help. You need to focus on something static, unmoving… The horizon’s out of the question since the night makes it impossible. Here focus on this while I go get something to settle your stomach.” He gave her a pea size orb of magic that changed colors so that her attention didn’t naturally stray. She sat down and cupped her hands around the easy magic to stare at it.

  Meeka then said “My stomach is too upset to eat anything.”

  “Trust me.” He said and left while she focused on something other than her stomach. Cage hurried below deck and found the kitchen area. The room was filled with food and spices and only one man worked and preferred to be alone. “Cook, do you have a few slices of ginger or apples and crackers?”

  The man put his knife down to stare back at the tall man near his own age. “Those foods… you don’t look sick.”

  “They’re for my companion. And you should be prepared for more customers I feel moisture filling the air. A storm is gathering and the lords and ladies who also booked passage will be in my companion’s state quite soon. If you got what I need I’ll give you a hand after I see she is feeling better.”

  “In that case the food is on me if you keep them out of my kitchen.” The cook took out a ginger root and began slicing it. He pulled out a wooden plate to set down a few slices, added five crackers and a small red apple. “Be back before the storm hits and keep them out of my hair.”

  “You got it.” Cage said and returned to Meeka who continued to focus hard on the small light she didn’t want others to see. He came close and sat right beside her. “How’s the stomach?”

  “Sore and uncomfortable.” She grumbled irritably without altering her gaze as he wiped her clammy forehead. “But this seems to help.”

  “Good, now chew slowly on this ginger.”

  Meeka wrinkled her nose, but took the slice and chewed. She then noticed the platter as he reached down and grabbed an apple. She wondered what he was going to do with it as he put the fruit between his hands. Cage masterfully held the apple while gently squeezing, twisting in opposite directions all the while pulling the red fruit apart. Without need for a knife, Cage broke the apple in half. Meeka’s jaw dropped as he split an apple in half without anything except his bare hands. “How did you do that?”

  “Lots and lots of practice.” He stated and handed over a half. “Spit out the ginger and take a bite to suck out all the juice. I’d make proper apple juice, but right now this is the best I can offer. When you have sucked out all you can, spit it out. Your body needs the sugar. Later, when your stomach settles I need you to munch on the crackers. If you begin to feel ill, chew on the ginger again.”

  “Why are you telling me this? Are you going somewhere?”

  “Because a storm is on the way and I’ll feel better if you went below deck for awhile. Take the plate with you. And remember to focus on the magic I gave you while chewing. Do you need help going down?” She shook her head. Though her attempt proved otherwise, she did make it down to keep an eye on their packs while he went back to help the cook.

  Twenty minutes later the storm arrived, and with it, the sick needing help. Cage already had enough plates to give to everyone, including sailors who were simply hungry and enjoyed the rich families in distress. The cook got to work in peace as Cage did as promised. The weather wasn’t overly turbulent, neither were the waves. It lasted maybe an hour and not one person had been injured. Meeka unfortunately had to make a bucket her new best friend for the rest of the night. He got a few hours rest though and didn’t have any problems.

  The new day greeted most who grumbled from discomfort. The sailors and Cage found it entertaining. With daylight Meeka found herself feeling much better and she looked at the horizon every time she felt queasy. A strong eastern breeze pushed the merchant vessel as fast as the water would allow.

  The wind stayed with them all day long and an hour before nightfall they spotted the eastern shore of Emroc. Night fell and made spotting Emrocan Port easy since light could be spotted further in such darkness. The helmsman skillfully pulled the boat into port and docked. Meeka became absolutely delighted to have solid ground beneath h
er feet again.

  For the night they stayed at an inn and she asked for a single bed, never outright saying it, but never wanting to sleep without him again. He didn’t mind the companionship nor care so long as she kept to the deal. She did.

  First thing in the morning Cage and Meeka sat on the edge of the bed while looking at the map together. “Since we won’t use traditional routes I say we follow the beach north for three days and cut directly west to Castle Emroc.”

  “Why do you say that? We could cut through the Darshay Mountains. At least mountains will have plentiful vegetation and streams.”

  She shook her head. “Dragons and other creatures like to live in mountains. Besides, I don’t like them so much anymore after our last trip. From what I heard in my brother’s letters, the Tribal Plains will be open so we can move in any direction we need to. Besides, I’ve been told that the plains have many medicinal herbs and tubers which you like to eat.”

  Cage rubbed his freshly shaved jaw. “It would make sense. Fewer trees would make our trip easier and we wouldn’t need to worry about something hiding in a dense pack of trees. Large animals wouldn’t be able to sneak up on us easily, but it will also mean we’ll be out in the open with little to no cover. It certainly wouldn’t be on any established trails… To make good time I think you should get another horse.”

  She liked how he approved of her idea without making her feel fear because of mountains. Since he accepted her plan she nodded back. “I know I need a horse. With my money, I can easily get a good roan. To save time would you allow me to go to the stables while you gather provisions for our packs?”

  “You’re capable of handling yourself. I’ll meet you at the north side of this port, by the beach in what say… two hours?”

  Meeka stood up an stretched. “I’ll be there. Since there isn’t time to spar today I want to set aside two hours for tomorrow and the next four after that since we’ve been too preoccupied recently.”

  “If that is what you want.”

  She put her hands on her hips. “What I want is to make love with you. I need more than one hour to get enough skill to reach that goal. And I know your manhood will hurt me, but it won’t hurt half as much as all the training I’m enduring. I cannot fully understand how a man can refuse and not want to feel the pleasures of a woman who wants to share her love, but for me to win I need more time.” Then Meeka put her face right in front of his and seriously looked in his eyes. “And when I get that drop of blood I will make you mine. I will show you the love of a real woman. And so long as you live and I do I’ll keep proving it to you. I love you Cage and when the day does come that I achieve the impossible and cut you I will show you just how much.”

  She loves me? Cage asked thoughtfully. But I can see she means it. At least she might think she does. I wish she’d find someone better. She could have someone else and I can keep living in shadows. How can she love me, knowing so much already. What could scare her away… besides a wyrm… even if she does manage to win the price and bed me. How can she show love to any man like me, who doesn’t know if it’s even possible to return it. He smiled back and kindly said “I await the day.”

  She leaned closer and kissed his lips before he could react and smugly smiled. “I will do anything to make it come sooner, but you will do your best. You cannot help it for it is what I’ve come to love. You just better be capable of raising your lance the day my flower beckons.”

  His brow drew. “Flower? I get the lance metaphor but how is a vagina a flower?”

  She stopped by the door to smile mischievously. “Like a flower my womanhood swells and blossoms. I have a bud and nectar. How is my womanhood not like a flower? It is delicate and beautiful as any of nature’s beauty.”

  “I’ve never thought of it that way. I guess it’s better than any other name I know. And since I’ve seen you naked I can say you have the nicest flower I’ve ever seen.”

  She stepped out the door with a sway to her hips. Before closing it she added “Just wait till you feel what it’s like to pollinate.”

  Cage dropped back on the bed to laugh at the woman who had changed so much in so a short time. Meeka heard the delightful sound and felt more confident of herself because of it. Before Cage came into her life she never could really open up and speak her mind, but now she could talk about things that would have mortified her if she spoke with her family. He was an outlet and couldn’t wait for the day he made good on his promise.

  Right on time, Cage thought as Meeka approached on the back of a roan mare of good breeding. She grinned as she pulled alongside her exquisite companion. She couldn’t wait to explain. “Isn’t she beautiful? The stable master was a bit stubborn about parting with her.”

  “And you flirted and bent over slightly to make him cave in.”

  “It wasn’t a him, more like a her who appreciated my flirting very much. I got this mare for fifteen silver and it included a saddle and tack. She was even re-shoed only yesterday. She is quite spirited, but also has a confidence in her that will be good for us. She’ll definitely make noise if there is something she doesn’t like.”

  Cage walked up and handed over Meeka’s filled pack. While she secured it he went up and petted the beautiful mare and also allowed her to get comfortable with his scent. “Let’s get going.” She said eventually.

  Running along the beach gave Cage a nostalgic feeling of being back on the island again and circling it for months to regain strength. Meeka kept riding skillfully as Cage ran as he did before with her last horse. It felt good to run without slowing and risk making her feel like she slowed him down. The ocean air felt terrific as the wind blew gently against their back while the salty-sweet scent made the environment lovely and relaxed. The horse responded to the air happily and Meeka had a feeling she wanted to run. She asked if it would be alright and Cage shrugged saying he’d catch up when he could. Responding to a gentle squeeze, the roan whinnied a moment before running full and enjoyed the freedom to run, just like Cage does. There wasn’t any way to outrun a horse so he didn’t try. Small and gentle waves glided up and down the beach in low tide. Just the beauty of the beach invigorated him.

  For the next six hours Cage ran alone, still following the same set of horse tracks the whole time. Eventually he found Meeka laying on the bedroll in the white beach sand while the horse grazed in a nearby patch of lush grass. She said “Glad you can join us. I think this is a good place to make camp tonight. I didn’t realize how far she took me till she finally slowed. She is quite fast. While I waited I found a few coconuts and I remember how much you said you liked them.”

  He smiled as he lay his bag down and sat on a corner. “I see you’ve already had one.” She smiled and he noticed why she stopped here on the beach. It lay near a freshwater stream that bled into the ocean. They had food, freshwater, sat above the waterline and the sky above said it would be clear the whole time.

  It was an ideal location.

  Cage ate his fill and enjoyed the banquet. He and Meeka went skinny dipping in the ocean as night started to fall and knew the water to be crystal clear and safe enough. Then they went to sleep on the beach, listening to the constant surf of the ocean.

  They ran together for the next two and a half days, not finding any human’s although there were old, broken down shacks from a long time ago. Yesterday it rained and Cage made sure the water didn’t touch the bag so that the letters didn’t get wet. The rain came in short bursts and was enough to soak them both. For warmth they each stripped and held onto each other. Not since the first encounter in bed had Cage nearly lost himself. At that time her flower sat just above his manhood and he nearly lost control as it began to harden. Meeka shook from the cold and didn’t feel it. If she only knew it would take just a little push as a peck on his cheek would result in her getting blissfully impaled. By the time she recovered she spun back around and leaned back against his warm chest.

  On that next day they turned west. It was slow going at first, tryin
g to cut through the foliage near the beach. Eventually they had to settle down in a natural clearing and continued enjoying each other’s company. Meeka had returned to take her stance and just barely made it an hour before her legs gave out. In the mornings she received her allotted two hour training session and gradually improved to become an intermediate fighter when she landed four glancing blows. She wasn’t a match for his speed, strength or skill, but she grew nonetheless more proficient. Her moves became faster and sharper with the extra hour’s work and he admitted she nearly cut him. She still dreaded harming anyone though she came closer to having a dream fulfilled.

  Thick trees and shrubs began to thin as the day wore on and trees made way for rich golden fields of grass as far as the eye can see. They stayed there to admire the simple landscape with the bright blue sky. There were many butterflies fluttering and it drew the eye to many flowers hiding just beneath much of the plane.

  The two moved due west over the open land.

  Near noon, two days later, Meeka decided to let her horse walk beside Cage since they were making great time across the expanse. If not for Cage’s unerring sense of direction she’d fear they were getting lost without any landmarks. A movement in the distance caught her eye. They widened fully when she clearly saw. “Cage, what are those?”

  He looked to smile. “Those are bison or another name is buffalo, Meeka. Think of them like wild cattle. I’ve never seen wild bison before. They are quite rare back home and very few are wild like these.”

  “They are funny looking.” She giggled.

  “But very strong and dangerous. If you ever get charged, sidestep because it can’t turn much at all. If they stampede run away and…”

  Suddenly Cage here a whooshing zip fly right by his left ear. He tensed and didn’t move as his eyes roamed the area. “Cage, what’s wro…”

  Slowly he began raising his hands up. “Meeka, raise your hands very slowly. We’re surrounded.” Blood drained from her features as she looked around. Over twenty people were standing where none were a second ago. Men and women alike stood nearly naked, held bows aimed right at them both. Cage studied their camouflage as the people tied grass, flowers to their hair, arms and backs. Each looked like Native Americans with coppery skin, black hair and the men never looked to have shaved their smooth jaw once. It wasn’t required. They each carried bows, five or so arrows and a knife strapped to their bare thigh or forearm. Most had tribal tattoos that made them fierce looking and acting the part wasn’t an issue. When bows tightened more he whispeed “Put your hands up.”

  Her arms immediately went skyward.

  “We mean no harm. If we are tressp…”

  A hunter stalked right up behind Cage unaware of him doing so. A swift strike on the back of his head with a rock knocked Cage completely out. Meeka stared in horror as someone had actually snuck up and did that. She believed him invincible, but right then she was alone with twenty armed people.

  Meeka felt a surge of rage at seeing Cage being hit and fall. She yelled and skillfully jumped on the man who was surprised. Not for long though. She drew her knife during the jump and stabbed him right in the neck as she landed. She got up to find five angry looking women with drawn knives running right at her and Cage. She knew there would be no hope without Cage’s help and they would be captured or killed. The letters! She thought. “Burn! Burn! B…” before she could finish saying the final word in full to destroy the letters one of the women leapt and tackled Meeka hard on the ground. Meeka struggled and got a thin cut into the woman before the others pinned her helplessly to the ground and took her blade away.

  The unexpected happened next. “Peace, sister-warrior. Be calm.” The younger middle aged woman atop her soothed in a calming tone. “You have no reason to fear.”


  The woman blinked at the outburst. The entire area became silent till someone said “He is dead. Cleanly cut through the throat.”

  The woman nodded without looking from Meeka’s intense blue eyes and said “You killed a member of our tribe. What do you have to say for yourself?”

  Meeka’s tone lowered threateningly, not knowing where such anger came from her. “Give me my knife back and you’ll see how much I care.”

  The whole area began to outright laugh with amusement. The firm grasp the woman used to hold down Meeka’s shoulders slacked. She looked to the others women to say “Let’s help our sister up off the ground.” They chuckled and Meeka found herself standing soon after, surrounded by many striking naked women and a few men. A single strand of strange beads were decorated in each tribe member’s hair. Not one looked under or overfed as they each were built solidly. It was difficult to tell with all the camouflage, but none were in any way homely. The woman who first tackled Meeka held up a hand and all silenced at the gesture. “Sister, by what name do you go by and who taught you how to fight so fiercely?”

  Meeka felt surrounded by strangers, but not one person looked at her with anything less than adoration. Not a single weapon was aimed at her and the people around her seemed at ease and welcoming. She didn’t take any chances, hoping Cage would recover and help her escape. “My name is Meeka and my teacher is the man you attacked.”

  Every woman’s brow drew as they looked over at Cage and back at her. “You jest? A man taught a woman how to fight?” Someone spoke.

  The apparent leader commanded “Silence.” They gave it to her. “Meeka, the man you killed died a stupid, dishonorable fool. We warn outsiders away or kill them if they do not listen or are first to attack. We do not attack from behind unless they are prey. He disobeyed our tribe’s law and would have been killed regardless if you hadn’t done so. He was a stupid man who would have bore stupid children. You saved us from raising such a generation. Do you know of the tribal peoples?”

  “Not much, only that you value strength and your own laws.”

  “That we do.” She held her hand out to the side and Meeka’s knife appeared in the woman’s hands from a nearby young woman. When she began to walk forward, Meeka took her stance to fight and the woman seemed delighted at such a response. “Today you proved you have the fire to fight and protect. Does your teacher mean much to you.”

  “He is everything to me. If you think I’m strong wait till you see how capable he is.”

  The woman grinned. “I like you! Here!” She offered the bloody blade back.

  Meeka took it as quick as a snake and flipped it to the way she’d been taught. “Why did you give me my weapon back?”

  “Because our tribe value strong women above all. You killed a stupid man, but you did kill him. For an exchange we must find a suitably strong man and you just happen to have one. Our tribe’s strength depends on it. If you come with us to our tribe I can guarantee you and the man live for our dishonorable actions. As we have witnessed, you can become a good mother, but the priestess must judge if you’ll be good for our tribe. As for your man, he must be tested for the strength he can bear in children. You can come willingly or by force. I prefer you to see our home and become one of the few outsiders to join our sisterhood willingly. What is your preference?”

  Meeka caught a glimpse of two men standing over Cage with knives and understood the best choice. “I’ll come willingly, but first I need to check on Cage.”

  The woman raised an eyebrow at the name before nodding. Meeka strode forward with cautious steps and white knuckles on the handle, but the naked people backed away after hearing her choice. The two knife wielding men didn’t move back until the barely older woman nodded. Meeka knelt and looked at his head to find only a shallow cut in his scalp and her gentle fingers couldn’t find any fractures. She took off his pack and rolled him over in the thick grass. She sighed though it was difficult to see his black iris contract in the dark pupil. “Good he is only out of it… no permanent damage I can tell.” She touched his cheek tenderly.

  A shrill whistle pierced the air and Meeka looked aroun
d to find the bison fleeing as twenty or so horses galloped without riders towards them. The hunters began ripping off grass from their arms, back and hair. The women look more kind and fiercer than before without the debris, their breasts standing out proudly. The lead huntress pointed to the two male hunters. “Throw your brother over Meeka’s horse and give me the reign. Meeka, you ride with me.”

  Not having any choice in the decision, she watched as Cage was tossed over and tied down as the woman whistled softly and a horse happily came closer. Neither a saddle or reigns were on the horse as the woman climbed and offered a hand Meeka reluctantly took and was pulled up.

  The others mounted and at the head sat the huntress and Meeka. She squeezed the horse’s sides and held the lead, which Meeka’s roan followed without aggression. Cage didn’t stir.

  Grass beneath the horse blurred as the hunters crossed the open fields of grass beneath a clear and warm sky. Meeka wrapped an arm around the woman’s firm middle to keep from falling while keeping a worried eye on Cage as he bounced up and down over the saddle of her horse. The other tribal people kept staring at her much more differently than expected. She expected anger or hostility from the horrible deed she committed yet they smiled admirably at her.

  An hour past noon Meeka noticed a difference in the vast landscape. Little pointed objects popped up on the flat ground. She realized they were trees. The riders headed straight for it.

  About that time, Cage regained consciousness after the jarring sensation finally woke him. His head and body hurt all over as he came around. His eyes saw the ground and it made his aching headache worse. It wasn’t difficult to figure out he had been draped across a horse. His hands were bound and it required all his attention to look at them. He knew he didn’t have time to calmly assess the situation or loosen the bindings without being seen. Using magic, he cut off the knot on his hands and looked behind the horse. Several riders were around him and he had to take a chance since he didn’t see Meeka and that made him angry.

  With a move none saw coming, Cage pulled himself onto the horse, stood and scanned his surroundings. Immediately he spotted a golden haired beauty. Meeka saw a grin begin to form and she yelled “Cage! No! Don’t kill anyone!”

  His smile faded into confusion as the whole party came to a stop to stare at a man standing on a horse’s back without trying as she galloped. Few had the nerve to do something so dangerous and none looked so at ease doing it. “Meeka, explain.”

  Cage heard the unique sound of a bow being drawn back, began to grin again, and saw only one man doing so. Before anyone could react, Cage did a back flip, landed on the ground and punched the horse right on the snout, making it rear back and throw off its rider. Cage kicked the man in the head. A second man drew his bow, but not before Cage got a hold of him, pulled him down, grabbed an arm and an ankle and threw the man atop the one he kicked.

  “Hold!” The lead huntress ordered.

  Meeka got down and yelled “Cage, stop! They are taking us to their tribe, not kidnapping us. They promised us safety for the dishonorable actions that one of them did to you.”

  He noticed her hands as she got closer. “If that is your blood I’ll kill them all.”

  The whole party heard this and drew their bows. Meeka saw this and said “It isn’t mine so you do not need to fight. I killed the man who attacked you and by my actions, somehow put us in this situation…”

  A woman atop a horse came closer to say “You have my word as lead huntress of this party that our first intentions were to get you off our land. We did not order the man to dishonorably attack. Meeka has chosen your fate wisely. If you come with us you will not be harmed.”

  “And what is to stop me from killing all of you right here and now and leave anyway?” Bows and arrows tightened more. “Good…” Cage saw an arrow loosed in warning. Before their very eyes they watched as he caught the arrow out of the air, kicked up a bow at his feet, strung the arrow to loose it right at the woman who fired the shot. It wasn’t an easy catch, he missed more times than caught, but the feather fletching cut her cheek. She sat up straight in terror. “The next person who shoots another arrow will have it returned in their eye.” He declared with a smile.

  The effect it has was immediate. Arrows lowered at the expert skills he just displayed. The lead huntress looked sharply between the two. “Meeka, what you say is true. He is very dangerous. That is good to see. Come, we must bring you to the village.”

  “Why?” Cage asked as he lowered the bow in his hand.

  “Because it is our tribe’s law. Your woman killed one of our men. I have no doubt from the skill you just showed that you can become a tribe member. We need men to father strong children. Meeka will undoubtedly become a Sister. We value strong women. She knows how to kill when danger is near. She will have any man of her choice, who can beat her that is.”

  “Do you have any mages?”

  “Why do you ask?”

  Meeka turned to the woman. “Because I was cursed as a baby. My kiss kills.”

  This news unsettled the hunters. “If your kiss kills then how can you…?” She shook her head. “It is not right for me to step outside my place. You must see the priestess. She will know what to do.” She looked to the others. “Ride ahead and tell the tribe we’ll have visitors. Inform the elders and priestess of them as well to hold a ceremony.” The other hunters kicked their horses to the village. “Please, may we continue to the tribe?”

  “Since you said please.” Cage replied with a sarcastic smirk. “Meeka, do you want to go there or leave?”

  She looked between the slightly older woman and Cage. “I’m afraid, but they could have killed us easily. Instead of using arrows to kill me or you when you were struck, they let us live. I think we need to go and see about leaving their land without angering them. They are well known for being dangerous.”

  “That I do know. Its only the fourth time that someone snuck up on me from behind and knocked me out.” He looked to the woman on the horse. “And I can tell you are great hunters because I didn’t see you till you stood up. I must offer congratulations. Now that I know what to look for you won’t sneak up on me again.” She smiled in an accepted challenge. “What will we expect when we get to your village?”

  “So long as you do not attack you will be safe till you meet the priestess of the Utala.”

  “And after we meet this priestess? Will our safety be assured?”

  “That I do not know, just to not anger the priestess. She is the leader of our tribe right now and the most dangerous. I would not do anything to upset her. She is not kind to men who are disrespectful.”

  “If she’s a good fighter then I must meet her at least. Meeka, mount up and let’s get this over with.” She did as he said and while attention moved off him for a few moments he healed the shallow wound on the back of his head without anyone knowing.

  Cage took off running after seeing his pack tied on her horse. Meeka caught up first and the woman looked at him questioningly. “Why do you run when riding’s faster?”

  “I do not make an animal do work that I can do myself. I might not ever be able to outrun a horse, but my endurance is just as strong.”

  Silence came next as they ran towards the Utala village. Before the trees, structures became more defined and Cage became more surprised when he noticed they weren’t huts or small homes, but actual teepees he knew of Native American peoples. Fifty or so cone shaped buildings took up about eight to ten acres of land, leaving plenty of space to walk around. It looked to be a close community of strong individuals. Less grass grew around the tribe’s current home, but many medicinal and edible plants had been cultivated here. Cage knew these people were true hunter-gatherers. As they got closer he found that everyone stood just as they had been born, naked. It was another hot day and he too knew the benefits of letting it all hang out. Most of the people carried a knife strapped to a thigh and bows and arrows were always near to be used by anyone. Many of the members wer
e beautiful women and it looked like for every four or five women was a man. Most were young adult to middle aged with few having grey hair because life is hard and very dangerous. It was the same back on Earth before the intrusion of explorers. The Utala thrived in the harshness, but had become very dangerous to do so. The women were all toned with strong muscles so that they would be as likely to fight to the death as any man. Tribal tattoos marked many, accentuating a woman’s curves or the muscles of a man. Each tattoo is unique and looked amazing for the individual. His eyes returned to the teepees to find long poles lashed at the peak where they crossed and were walled with sewn together animal hide and were painted with intricate pictures and colorful paints. Horses roamed free yet stayed away from the plants their owners farmed. On the other side of the village came the glint of water from a lake and a grove of trees that supported these peoples’ needs.

  Cage slowed to a walk and the huntress stared as he didn’t even look short of breath from the three mile run. The woman said “Meeka, you must walk from here. Do not go for your knife unless you are asked, for your own safety. I will take care of your horse while the gathering is being held.”

  Meeka dropped down and moved close to Cage as she felt uncomfortable being stared at by over two hundred individuals. A large man layered in muscle approached to deeply say “Follow me to the gathering. Any threats will not be tolerated.”

  Cage grinned. “I never make threats I cannot deliver. You don’t attack us and I won’t kill all of you.”

  The man gave a sharp nod and turned around like a soldier.

  Confidently, Cage and Meeka followed as they were being blocked from any escape attempt. He began to take everything in while she moved and shook slightly from the danger these people posed. Now that he was able to be so close he counted sixty eight teepees with one nearly twice the size of the others in the center of the village. His six foot six height made it a great advantage as just a few people’s heads came above his shoulder. He and Meeka were the only ones with a golden tan while everyone else commonly had coppery skin, brown eyes and black hair. Men and women both wore beads in their hair and they seemed to have meanings he didn’t understand yet. Not one person was dirty or smelled foul of body odor, like all took regular baths or swam in the spring fed lake.

  His observations were ended as Meeka commented “Cage, I don’t see any children. Do you think they are cursed people?”

  “Doubt it.” He said, knowing full well the tribe listened in to their conversation. “Back where I’m from and the stories I remember said tribal peoples commonly took all their pregnant women and children to safety when anyone dangerous or unknown arrived or if they knew of an impending attack from rival tribes. My guess is the children are being hidden somewhere to the west with all the trees.” Many hands went to weapons for his conformation, not all weapons were drawn yet. “In a women dominated society like this, children are their first concern. Look at how every woman is carrying herself around us. Meeka, don’t stare at their breasts and good appearance. They are keeping a hand on a knife or a bow and are more concerned with me doing something, as they should.”

  “How can you be so calm?” She whispered.

  “Because I think it’s funny.” He laughed, throwing everyone off their defense. “If I didn’t worry about your safety I’d be having the time of my life fighting everyone here.”

  An old man’s voice then interrupted “Then it is good she keeps you from doing something foolish.” and coughed a few times.

  The large man moved aside and showed seven elder members. He, the speaker, being the only male elder. The whole tribe pulled away about twenty feet. Arrows were notched, but weren’t drawn or aimed. They wouldn’t be hard to bring up though. The naked old man sat in a semi circle of likewise older women who all had long gray hair and ageless eyes that have seen much in their harsh life. Cage cheekily said “If you are the priestess I feel let down.”

  The older man smirked. “I am not the priestess, Trespasser. I am leader of the elders. Who might you be?”

  “I’m Cage. So what can I do to make this show end?”

  “Show?” A woman at his side asked. “What mean you by this?”

  Cage turned his back to them and stared. “I can tell you are the leader by how others move around you. They hide you from me, Priestess. I see you glaring at me from behind the shoulder of that well muscled woman in front of you. No use hiding from me. These old people don’t do a damn thing except guide and teach the young. Elders offer guidance and wisdom. They don’t enforce or lead anymore. You on the other hand are different. Your peoples body language defer to you in submission. You’re the badass bitch around here.”

  Meeka turned around and saw pure shock spread through everyone.

  Cage watched as the thickest grouping of people began to spread. In strode a young, ethereal woman in her prime. Silky and straight black hair brushed her shoulders. In a few strands of hair were three beads in a row. One was blue, the middle is yellow and the bottom orange. Full firm breasts lightly bounced as she practically glided forward. She was built solid for a woman at six foot, but didn’t distract from her obvious beauty. She is soft and delicate of feature and it was just a distraction like a Venus fly trap. Beautiful yet deadly to any who get close. Her lips weren’t as fill as Meeka’s though they were just right for her. Hard brown eyes glared at him and her hands rested on each thigh where two dark tomahawks of exquisite beauty were lightly sheathed. Her face was unblemished and beyond beautiful. She was just like Meeka yet different. But where Meeka is full in the bust and hips, this woman had long and amazing legs. The priestess stopped fifteen feet away and sized up both Cage and Meeka. “You know much more than any man who has come to the Utala before.” She said in a calm and confident tone. “How do you know of the workings of my people, Outsider?”

  “Where I’m from, we had people in our past who lived like you do today. I am curious though, why do you glare at me?”

  “Because I was told you are dangerous and caught an arrow out of air with your hand. And your clothing can hide many weapons…”

  Cage’s grin made her hands tighten on the tomahawks. He then grabbed and remove his shirt to drop as his side. He loosened his belt, unbuttoned and dropped his pants. One of the sleeves caught his foot and he kicked it off.

  The look on the priestesses face and that of every woman lost all fierceness. They couldn’t help staring at his enormous manhood or imagine the pleasures it could give. Every man in the tribe lost all pride in themselves for only a few could claim to even say they were half as big. They looked all over his lean and deceptively muscular frame. He was built for speed, efficiency and give unknown pleasures.

  Meeka also began removing her clothes, but kept her boots on and knife close. Once her naked beauty was revealed she found it impossible to keep her nipples from hardening out of embarrassment. She looked upon the priestess’s beauty and found herself very much liking what she saw, even in the discomforting situation.

  The priestess looked at the twos physical admiration and a hunger she never thought she’d feel again or want to made her heart thrum. They were the two most beautiful people she couldn’t look away from. She was the first to recover and found her voice was more throaty than usual as her heart raced. “Woman, take off your shoes and man, do the same and slip off those things on your arms.”

  “My name is Cage and this is Meeka. What is yours? I hate titles.” He said in calm defiance.

  The priestess waved her hand once to forestall any hostility for tribal law and custom weren’t broken… yet. “I am Brooke, Priestess of the Utala and high warrior of my people. Now do as I say and remove everything.”

  “Sorry, but the armguards and boots are of my flesh. If you don’t believe me come check for yourself.” Cage stated with crossed arms as Meeka took off her shoes and sat them away, not wanting to anger the hatchet wielding woman. Cage smiled for he knew she could throw herself to get the knife and take two down before being
overwhelmed. Meeka does learn quick.

  Brooke went to move forward when the male elder stood and firmly touched the outsider’s firm arms. The old man watched closely for any deceit, but found Cage’s eyes focused only on the priestess. He said aloud “It is true. His arms feel like flesh while as hard as meteorite ore, Priestess Brooke. It is the work of magic I believe.”

  “You’d be right, Old Timer. These were a gift made for me. I prefer to fight barehanded and these are perfect weapons.” He flexed and every person saw his corded muscles bulge. “They are discreet and very durable.”

  Brook took a step closer and asked “What is the design on your hands and are you a magic-man?”

  “They are skulls with gems for eyes and yes I am.”

  The tribe became uneasy, except for Brooke. “And you, Meeka, I have been warned you are cursed and cannot kiss without killing. And yet you used a knife to kill a dishonorable man. Why is that?”

  Meeka noticed the priestess look admiringly at her form and liked the feeling it gave. She felt slightly more relaxed to say serenely “Because the blade has a further reach than my lips and I could think of no other way to overtake him. My curse only works on one person at a time and makes me weakly exposed afterwards. I couldn’t chance it with all those surrounding us.”

  “And yet you fought knowing you were surrounded… why?”

  “Because your man pissed me off by sneaking up and hitting Cage.”

  Every woman surrounding her began smiling and whispering. Brooke put an end to that with a stony glare. “Meeka, by our laws you have done us a great favor and rid our tribe of a weak minded man. As Priestess of the Utala, it is my right to offer you a place among your sisters. Women are always needed, especially strong ones. Since I did not see your skill I cannot offer such a…”

  “Test her against any man here and see her skills then.” Cage confidently boasted. “Allow her a knife against a likewise armed man.” Meeka stared dumbfounded, as did Brooke and many other members. “Meeka, I’ve seen how every man moved and I can assure you, you are their better. Besides Brooke here, there are only six other women better than your current level.”

  “Are you certain of this? You realize if the man wins he can claim her as a mate.”

  He leaned down to grin at the pretty woman. “I’m not worried because I trained her how to fight and keep herself alive.” To prove he had faith he sat down and lounged in the cooler grass. He looked up and around. “Does any man have the balls to face my protégé?”

  Whispers abounded after such a pride wounding declaration. Meeka’s mind reeled at what he had just done. He said in no certain words he’d protect her and now he just threw her to the wolves and didn’t seem to care. She hadn’t felt so hurt in a long time. Four large men came forth with drawn knives, eager to claim her as their own. Meeka felt lost and cold as she stared at how easily they outweighed and were much, much larger than she.

  Brooke turned and both Cage and Meeka looked at the amazing tattoo that had been put on her lower back and several thick lines swirled down and gripped her tight backside in a striking and pleasing way. “Out of you four, you are the best warrior. Do you wish to fight and claim a victory as to her becoming your mate?”

  The largest man of mid-twenties grunted. “Yes, she is a fine woman who will bear great children. I fear of this curse she says and I need proof of such claim.”

  Just as he said that a chicken clucked too close and Cage grabbed both legs before it could react. He stood with the squawking chicken upside down as it buffed its wings to escape. “Meeka, here is all the proof you’ll need.”

  She took the struggling chicken and knew she didn’t have any choice. She sent pleading eyes to Cage who nodded confidently. She sighed and restrained the fowl. Meeka pressed her lips to the eye of the bird.

  Her curse activated and the moment her mana surged through her lips the chicken let out a terrified squawk that died a second later. Cage caught Meeka as her eyes rolled up and she began falling. The chicken fell and the whole tribe watched as ice crystals began to form on the feathers in the light and heat of the sun. In seconds the bird became twice its original size and froze solid.

  Cage touched her lips before everyone and held her. He looked to everyone to explain “Some time ago I kissed her. This curse nearly killed me, but I somehow managed to survive. After she recovers and you somehow manage to beat her you must never touch her lips unless you are a mage and I tell you the secret to surviving. Her lips is her only curse. She is still a woman regardless in every way… of what some fool placed on her when she was a baby twenty years ago.” Brooke got a surprised look in her eyes at that statement and Cage noticed it somewhat, but not understanding it. “For your own protection I’ll have her wear a scarf. But I doubt you’ll beat her.”

  Cage successfully sowed doubt in the man who seemed to like making women forcibly submit.

  Ten silent minutes later the crowd hadn’t moved or said a word when Meeka’s eyes opened. In that time though Cage asked Brooke for some water and a piece of fruit. The priestess allowed it and watched as he squeezed the fruit in his hands to only get the fructose liquid sugar in her system the fastest. She was about to say something when he put the bowl of water to her lips and whispered so that only she can hear. “You will be fine. I know you can win and this will be the easiest way for you to show your skills and for us to leave on good terms. Breathe how I taught you and drink this fruity water. This will help your mana as it does mine.”

  She began the breathing exercises as she finished the sweet drink. He sat her up and she breathed slow and deep to clear away the lessening headache. It worked exceptionally well and her headache cleared in two minutes. She stood unaided and retrieved her knife. She truly felt better after hearing how he believed in her. She looked at the man and questioned “Are you sure you want me in your bed?” She scoffed at the comparison of the man’s lance because it sorely lacked in every way to Cage’s.

  The man became clearly angered. “Put a cloth over your mouth before. I challenge you for mating rights before the whole tribe. I will make you my fifth woman.”

  Calmly she twirled her cleaned knife and took a stance. “Unless I make you my woman?”

  That got every female laughing out loud and the man became a bit more unstable. Cage taught her many aspects to fighting and there were more than physical battles. She learned that unbalanced and unfocused individuals made mistakes. A calm mind wins the battle.

  The man stomped and Cage began to whistle a merry tune to walk away, making it clear he had no intention of interfering. “Hey grandmas’ want some company?” And he sat down beside the elders to grin and shout “Kick his ass Meeka!” His unorthodox ease at the situation gave the opportunity for the rest of the tribe to cheer for their favorite combatant. Cage didn’t let on that while the old women let him sit near they each brandished a sharp, double-edged knife to discourage him from touching. Two spear wielding warriors came up from behind to further protect the elders should he attempt anything deceitful.

  Meeka felt her stance come naturally after tying a cloth around her mouth and when the man finally let out a cry for battle she finally became accustomed to the feel of adrenaline from all the morning practice she had with Cage. She had to admit the man is fast and could move his heavily muscled body, but compared to Cage it was like a running deer to a lightning strike. The man tried knocking her down and overpower, but she sidestepped and scored a small cut to his ribs. He stopped and felt the site to return with blood on his fingers. The tribe went wild as he stared in shock. Pure anger took him over in his next charge. Meeka avoided the first thrust, but couldn’t dodge a kick to her knee. She turned it to limit the damage as she would have in practice. He tried jumping on her back, but she saw it coming and leaned back, pushed with her legs to painfully cut her bare butt on the grass and rocks, though it did save her. He landed flat on his stomach with a grunt. Before he recovered she delivered a successful straight kick right into h
is groin and taint. She hit it so hard his bowls evacuated.

  Meeka moved and placed her blade at his throat. “Submit!” The man couldn’t focus as she had painfully slammed her heel in his most private location and the smell of feces made him feel terrible. When she drew a line of blood on his neck and she again shouted “Submit!” the new pain made him tap his chest and lose his knife. A moment later both hands went down to cradle the messy man-pain.

  “Told you, you could do it!” Meeka heard Cage’s voice before many women rushed over to congratulate her on a well won victory. She became overwhelmed as so many women came up and touched her openly as if she were always part of their society. She began to cry joyfully for not one person has ever accepted her so fast and now dozens came right up and slapped her on the back. One even kindly untied the scarf she had to wear around her face.

  The crowd spread as Cage came closer with an excited smile. “I told them you could win.”

  “He seemed so slow.” She admitted.

  “That is because you’ve gotten familiar with my movements and few could claim to be faster in a fight. Want me to fix your backside?”

  “If you wouldn’t mind.” She turned around and felt the familiar itching become unbearable. She felt better seconds later and heard the area go silent as he worked healing magic.

  Brooke then took command of her people again. “Meeka, you have fought and won before my eyes and I see your hidden strength in combat. If it is your wish, you may become part of our tribe and be welcomed as a sister from this day forth.”

  “This is a hypothetical question, but what if I refuse? Will you let us leave as we are?”

  “If that is your wish, Meeka, but I must be blunt. If you leave our territory without becoming a Utala, you might not be fortunate to live if you mistakenly wander into another tribe’s land. We do not kill unless an outsider gives us no option. Other tribes kill on sight of strangers. You will be better off as a sister of the Utala than not. If you leave and are killed the whole tribe will slay the killers. Our tribe on the plains are the strongest.”

  “Cage and I have something important to accomplish. If I accept and leave, will we be able to return without doing this again.”

  “Once a woman of the Utala, always a Utala.” Brooke stated and all members nodded in agreement. “Can this something wait or is it urgent?”

  Cage saved her by saying “We can wait a few weeks at most, but if we do you must promise to never look in our bags. I’ve spelled them and any who open it other than the two of us will be killed instantly.”

  Brooke looked worried and said “We do not allow a person’s possessions to be looked into. Nevertheless, I will make sure they aren’t opened.” She turned around to send others to retrieve their belongings.

  While she spoke Meeka whispered. “Did you really spell our bags?”

  “No, but they don’t know that. I don’t know how to do certain things just yet.”

  A minute later a man ran close and put Meeka’s saddle and all it had secured on the ground. He did it so he wouldn’t accidently open the tethered bags. While he was away they watched the soiled man who lost, limping away with two women who helped keep him going.

  The saddle and bags gained a clearing of a dozen feet.

  Brooke then looked hard on Meeka who finally decided “I’ve thought it over and I would be honored to join the Utala.

  Cheers filled the air and Cage stepped away with a happy smile as nearly the whole female population came up and hugged her. Last to do so was Brooke. “Welcome to your new home, Meeka Love.”

  Then unexpectedly Brooke wrapped her arms lovingly around Meeka’s bare waist and before she could stop her Brooke gently kissed Meeka’s lips.

  Cage rushed over the moment he felt the strong tingle of magic from Meeka curse. He made it right to the two women and stared as the priestess pulled away with a delighted smile. Meeka shook in Brooke’s firm embrace. Everyone stared in awe, including Cage. Then he realized something by feeling nothing.

  Meeka’s voice quivered as she reached up and touched the priestess’s soft, smiling lips. “H…how? How are you still alive?”

  Brook smiled in a seductive way while not pulling her breasts from Meeka’s. “Finish these words, Meeka.

  “Love is the strongest and most natural feeling to pursue, but is the hardest to truly obtain. Others will be in your future, but alone you cannot reach one.

  “Two decades will pass before the beginning and end…”

  Meeka’s eyes widened with recognition. “You…what…how…when…?” She babbled incoherently as her mind reeled. Brooke waited patiently while Cage stood near and more confused than he could ever remember. Eventually Meeka’s lips parted and the words flowed. “Start from fear, end in clarity, but stay away from vanity. To set free the one from the darkness, another must be by your side. When two come together they can find true happiness with the one.

  “Serenity and anger will bring about the truest love any ever considered possible.”

  Brooke grinned and hooted “Thought so! The far-seer said there would be another with my prophecy. It has come true as foretold. Two decade’s to this very day have passed. When I heard we had visitors I knew today would be special. You, Meeka Love, are my destiny. I feel drawn to you like I have never known. For you to know the prophecy that only we of the Utala keep guarded. The far-seer knew of this day and gave me a gift.” Brooke pulled away and turned around and sat her hands on her backside. “I believe he gave me this to protect me from your curse. When you kissed me I felt a odd feeling from his mark, one I have never before felt. Your powers will not work on me, Meeka.” To prove her point Brooke embraced Meeka and kissed her again. They each felt the remarkable sensation and pulled away unscathed.

  They both smiled and Cage felt a pain in his heart loosed and he wished had never returned. He moved up and rested a calm hand on the shoulder’s on each woman who happily held the other. The tribe became uneasy as he touched their leader till he said “I couldn’t follow what each of you just talked about, but I hope you two truly find happiness together. Meeka, take care.”

  Meeka’s heart stopped as she saw a smile she never before witnessed on his sweet lips. It was truly forced because everything about him screamed he became hollow and dead inside. When Brooke looked up at him she had never seen a man with such an expression as if his spirit left him while his body still lived.

  His hands slid off their shoulders and he raised a hand and sent forth magic to throw his pack over. He caught it and turned around.

  “Cage, what is wrong?!” Meeka pleaded as she pulled away from Brooke. She moved in front of him. “Why do you look so lifeless?”

  He smiled again in the same heartbreaking way. “Because this is how I truly feel most times. I don’t know why I cannot seem to hide it right now for some reason, but this is how I usually feel. The only time I actually feel alive and happy is when I’m fighting. You just never really noticed my real emotion, nothingness. But I can say spending time with you eased this feeling, which I’m thankful for. I’m a great liar when it comes to making a facade to put people at ease. I can say it has been the most real fun, being with you, these past few weeks. I told you I knew how it would end between us. I saw how happy and excited you were when Brooke kissed you. The two of you just fell in love, I’ve seen it before. You two have an instant connection. She can give you what I cannot. She might pretend to be a hard-ass, but just now I saw she is filled with fierceness and love. That is more than I can ever offer. Stay and become one of these people, Meeka, you deserve it from the stolen years the curse took from you. I will go finish the task I took…” He leaned in close, took her chin and kissed her forehead. “Farewell, my dear friend.”

  Someone in the crowd whispered in the silence “To set free the one from the darkness, another must be by your side.” The male elder spoke up as Cage began to move away without a care or look back as Meeka began to cry openly. “Priestess, can you not see that man i
s the one trapped in darkness. You and Meeka have come together, now you must free him from his suffering.”

  Brooke’s eyes went from the wise elder, to Meeka and to Cage who walked away, not apparently hearing what had transpired. She scoffed “He is hurt of the heart, not trapped in darkness.”

  The old man’s eyes lit with anger. “Never in my life have I seen a man so lost. Do not take your prophecy all literally. That boy is in a darkness I’ve ever seen anyone endure. We as a tribe cannot allow him to leave and you will need a man yourself to ever find true fulfillment. I know why you are drawn to women, but it is in the past. The third to your prophecy is leaving. And by how he moves he will never return.”

  “Never?” Meeka asked with dread. The silenced answered her.

  The whole tribe silenced and looked sadly on the tall man. They parted out of instinct to not interfere.

  Brooke saw the terror of abandonment in those honest blue eyes she found so openly enticing. She asked “What would stop him from leaving?”

  “I… I don’t… I don’t know. Usually a fight makes him happy.”

  Brooke ran right at him, not even pausing to think, jumped and kicked Cage square in the back. “Cage, a woman can also challenge for mating rights and since there is no chief to mate with me, the priestess, I hereby challenge you!” She stepped away while drawing her tomahawks. “If you win, you become chief and can mate me. Ever since I killed the last chief, any male who tried claiming me by battle have died. If you do not beat me I will put you out of your misery. I will show the tribe you are not the one trapped in darkness for only the strongest may have me. Ask every man of the tribe and they will tell you that not one man in six years has laid with me.”

  Cage held still on the ground, surprised his insides warmed up after feeling dead again. He heard all that Brooke had to say and could hear the viciousness in her words. She really will kill him. Although he had already lost Meeka even the word fight filled him with new life. He already knew she is deadly strong and wanted to see her capabilities the moment he looked past her beauty.

  He slowly got up and looked at the dangerous woman and a welcoming grin spread across his features. “I couldn’t care less of becoming a chief or mating with you, but a fight I’ll always enjoy. A fight doesn’t lie or leave you. I accept the fight, Brooke. Try your best and make it interesting.”

  She truly became angry, but more focused. There aren’t many fighters who do that. He could see in her stance and eyes she wanted to kill him for some reason. His usual grin didn’t come as he realized something else, she hates men for some reason and wouldn’t stop till they were all dead. She had real anger for the whole male population and looked to not have laughed in many years because of some trauma. He knew he couldn’t leave Meeka with her to deal with Brooke’s problems when it takes a man to repair the damage done by another. A grin did come, but not one that thirsts for battle, one that craves laughter. The emptiness was pushed aside as his jocular disposition momentarily pushed its way in temporarily.

  Brooke heard his acceptance and charged.

  Cage then sat down, tilted his head and put his knuckles on the ground. “Ooouuu?” He grunted like a chimpanzee. Brooke came to a dead stop at the sudden change. The others were likewise befuddled. The grip on her tomahawks didn’t slack and her murderous hatred calmed only slightly because of his unexpected behavior. Cage looked around while scratching his head then pretended to eat a bug. He looked around in a funny way before seeing Meeka in her knees, crying so hard she couldn’t see. “Ohuu!” He grunted and knuckled his way over to her, ignoring Brooke altogether.

  Then Cage stopped right in front of the bawling Meeka and grabbed her beautiful breasts. The touch startled her and the others were unsure what is happening with the emotional rollercoaster he displayed. He then began to lift and play with the ample toys. “Cage, what are you…” She then went quiet as he began digging in her hair and pretending to eat whatever he found. He then moved around and groped her firm butt and let out a delighted sound. The firm squeeze made her jump in surprise. When she turned around she nearly choked.

  Cage let go the restraint and finally let his manhood swell proudly. He kept making odd sounds and his erect pride excited every woman who saw what it really looked like and became animated. He then began looking between the overwhelmed Meeka and the simmering Brooke. He kept glancing between them making it clear he found it hard to choose. He stood up straight from every angle, looked all around and put a finger over his lips. “Shhh!” He sounded and began to over exaggerate his movements. He lifted a leg up higher than needed and slowly put it down. Pretending to stalk Brooke. He move slow and steady. His movements made one person chuckle. And he turned in the person’s direction to put a finger over his lips and again say “Shhh!” to continue moving closer to the calming woman.

  Brooke stayed absolutely still, moving only her head as Cage crept in from behind. She began to find it difficult to not stare at his full lance.

  He raised his arms to the side and grunted loudly before springing to catch her from behind. Brooke easily danced out of the way while swinging a tomahawk. She opened a three inch, razor sharp cut above his left nipple and it bled slightly.

  To everyone watching it seemed he didn’t feel it.

  He grabbed the air Brooke vacated and began grunting as he pretended he caught her, bent her over and thrust his hips. He focused on the imaginary Brooke and seemed to be enjoying himself, making a few more people laugh at his antics.

  Brooke cleared her throat, gaining Cage’s attention. He looked up in surprise and stopped the miming. His eyes widened, realizing where she stood. He looked down, back to her and back down. “Yaaa!” He yelled in surprise while jumping back, purposely landing hard on his backside and moved back in fright.

  The tribe burst into a fit of laughter.

  Brooke’s hard eyes widened. Meeka burst in tearful mirth. The moment she began, Brooke’s demeanor shattered as she chuckled. It quickly turned into a laugh so hard her eyes watered and her weapons dropped as she held her sides. His complete, monkey surprise appeared so genuine one couldn’t help laughing.

  Cage stood as she fell down from laughing so hard. He smiled as he walked right up to her and said. “You’re helpless to my monkey attack. I win.”

  She stopped laughing and tried to give a stern and angry look, but it returned harder than ever, making everyone else laugh.

  It took nearly five minutes to get out all the laughs. When it seemed to be over, someone would chuckle, sending another wave of laughter through the tribe. It appeared none had laughed so hard in a very long time.

  Eventually Brooke recovered and said “That wasn’t a fair fight to become Chief, Cage. I want a real match.”

  He could see that she lost the fearful hate she exhibited earlier. Her soft brown eyes were still firm and focused, but she appeared much kinder and less hostile. Part of Brooke still wants to kill him and the other appeared to want to say thanks. This new priestess became conflicted although it wouldn’t stop her from doing as she declared earlier. Meeka stood closer than any other person and also watched on, helpless to do anything else.

  “Sorry you feel cheated… Fine, I’ll fight you again.” She smiled confidently while his grin to fight grew.

  Without a signal of any kind Brooke and Cage ran at each other. Brooke began twirling around in complex and refined patterns, becoming one of the deadliest fighters he had ever fought. It excited him more than the thought of facing the General Kurk of Vlara again. Her hatchets whipped around her at deadly speeds and would shred anyone not at her level or above. To Cage she looked to be dancing. He didn’t even bother allowing the tied feathers on the weapons to distract him as they would for any other unused to combat.

  Cage began to move faster to stay just out of the tomahawks bite range. She swiped at his head. He leaned away. He got more excited and faster. She started kicking while spinning when she learned he dodged her barrage of attacks. She realized in
stantly he is a great fighter after she cut only air after five chops. He began blocking as her fighting dance changed from fast twirling to whipping and hacking motions. He used his gauntlets to knock each strike away. Again she changed to begin striking wildly, but to the trained eye they could see she was simply searching for a weakness to exploit. She became angry as all he did was dodge and block. The moment she slowed to yell he began punching, kicking and striking faster than anyone she had ever faced before. Cage realized she is a fully offensive fighter because she sorely lacked any defensive moves.

  As a last effort move that has always killed an opponent she brought her long arms together, spun around to gain the necessary momentum and strength. She brought her arms up and as she properly faced him she brought her arms down for a powerful blow capable of burying the axes fully into one’s skull.

  Cage saw the deathblow coming, but instead of instinctively leaning away as the move warranted, he pushed forward, grabbed her locked elbows, twisted his back to her front and used his whole body to lean forward and use her own momentum to throw her right over his shoulders. He flipped her around and slammed Brooke flat on her back.

  The whole tribe stared in the heaviest silence to date. A small woman’s voice whispered in horror “No.” and could be heard leaving quickly while crying. Not once in six years has anyone so easily defeated their priestess and high warrior. It has never happened before so they didn’t know what to do.

  Brooke stared up into the bright sky for she didn’t understand what had happened. A shadow hid much of the sky and it took a fleeting moment to find Cage grinning down at her. She stared in wonder as she realized he had beaten her without a scratch after she cut him in their first match. Brooke understood she had been beaten twice. He grinned and she finally understood the elder had been right. In his eyes she finally saw the loneliest man alive. He had the greatest skill she had ever known and it didn’t mean anything since he didn’t have anyone to share it with. He lived in a world where the only time he truly felt anything is when he fights. She knew what it felt like though not to his level. She knew she didn’t want him to go after seeing his loneliness herself and feeling the power he used against her.

  The priestess of the Utala slowly stood in the silence and under the watchful eyes of her people. Brooke slid her hatchets in the leather holsters strapped to her thighs. Her brown eye met deep black. “Cage, I submit. You have won.”

  Before he realized what she planned she walked up, wound her hands around his neck and pulled him down and she stood on her toes.

  Brook kissed him.

  The very moment their lips met, Cage felt a monumental rise of magic.

  Meeka’s braided hair came loose and snapped straight up in an unseen windstorm. Brooke pulled away as her shoulder length hair whipped up too. Cage stepped back as their eyes glowed a blue-white. Their mouths opened and chanted in unison a spell Cage couldn’t follow because they spoke too fast. The tribe backed away in a hurry. Cage also backed up and the moment he stood directly between them he felt the hollowness within shatter into nothingness. The magic invaded his body, destroying something within. In its place came a new, confusing feeling he never felt before. It felt wonderful and alien.

  When he no longer felt the cold emptiness plaguing his soul he watched as both Meeka and Brooke collapsed. The glow stopped along with the chanting.

  Cage stood alone and still, between two women and frightened villagers who looked on in fear. He patted himself and found everything the same. He still seemed himself, only without the ever present hole in his heart.

  One of the elder women came close with a ready knife. She went to her priestess first and found her and Meeka alive. She stood and accused “What did you do?”

  “Me?” he asked, unsure. “I didn’t do anything… what just happened?”

  “Prophecy.” The male elder confirmed. “Cage, do you feel lost anymore?”

  He blinked as the others began slowly returning. “I’m not sure… do you know what just happened here?”

  “I do have an idea, Chief. I do not know the ways of magic, but I do believe I understand this. I will explain when your women wake.”

  “Chief? Women? I’m so confused. What do you mean by this?”

  The old man crossed his arms over his coppery chest. “By the laws of our people you are now our chieftain, our new leader of the Utala. You defeated our greatest warrior, Priestess Brooke. You are now our high warrior. By defeating her you claimed her as your mate, which only the chief can. Meeka, from what I saw with my own two eyes loves you and cries for you. She will likely be in love with you and the priestess as Brooke will love her and you. Until the day you die or are beaten for rule of chieftain you will lead your new people and have our two most beautiful Utala women for you alone. No other male has the right to challenge them for mating privileges unless they beat you in honorable combat. As is our law you, as chief, can win as many women as you want if they lose. We other men can claim another man’s woman if she accepts the challenge. It cannot be done so with your women.”

  “But…?” The man held up a hand, forestalling any protest. “It is our way and now… your way. You lead us, we follow. That is how we have survived and are of the eldest of the tribes people on the Tribal Plains. You accepted Brooke’s challenge and won. You do not have a say, nor can you give away your position without a proper fight. Brooke will not allow such disrespect for our people, even though you are one of the two she is destined to love. She has known and waited for twenty years to finally reach this day. Do not dishonor a woman who has waited for so long to have this day arrive.”

  Chief? Me? He thought in the maelstrom of thoughts and emotions. What the hell is happening? What just happened? How could they have me lead them when they don’t even know me. We’ve met only today and one fight later I become a chief and have claimed two women.

  He then looked at both Meeka and Brooke’s unconsciousness forms. He felt so distraught this time. A warm feeling burned in his chest, one he didn’t understand. He felt an permanent attraction for each woman, but a deeper feeling came from Meeka because they knew each other more in their journeys to this point. When he looked up he saw every man and woman bowing to him. This strange new feeling kept him from moving on.

  When no words flowed forth a female elder clapped twice to call attention to herself. “We have a new chief and sister to the Utala! Prepare a banquette feast and have the young return to greet their new family!” Cheers rang forth as people began to run around the village.

  Cage sat down, overwhelmed at how suddenly his life changed.