Read The Grin of Prophecy (Book 1 of the Death Incarnate Saga) Page 17

Chapter 16

  Early the next morning Meeka awoke and her subtle movement did the same for Brooke as they held each other all night. Something strange woke her. Brooke asked “What is that sound?”

  “I don’t know, let’s find out.”

  They grabbed their weapons and strapped the sheathes to their muscular and seductive thighs before stepping out into the early morning light.

  Right outside the tent stood a strange sight. Every child from five years to fifteen stood in two lines with plenty of space between each and all looked in front of them to follow Cage’s slowed moves. The two women stared at his broad back and looked around to see several mothers and fathers standing around, watching the children mirroring the chief. He said “That’s it kids. Remember, if you ever lose your knife or bow, you still have your body to fight with. Your fist can be your best friend and will save you if you use it right. To punch harder and make someone hurt more you pull your fist back and turn it slightly like this… No, Teek, turn it the other way… that’s better. Alright, now slowly extend your arm like this until your elbow locks. If you hit someone at the moment your elbow locks, the pain the enemy feels will intensify. Now watch me and see what it looks like when you do it fast and without holding back.” One moment his fist was by his shoulder and the next it snapped fully straight, mesmerizing the little ones and adults alike for they barely saw the unleashed snap.

  “Cage, what do you think you are doing?!” Brooke demanded hotly.

  He spun around and smiled. “Hey, Babes. Wait just a second.” He turned back and faced the children. “I want each of you to take the stance you learned last night and do the slow punches I’ve taught you just now. Remember to use both arms, twist your wrists and extend your arm fully till it locks. Do it slow and remember my rules.” Each child did as he said and began moving. They moved at their own pace as he turned around and moved to the two women while the parents watched. “What’s up?”

  The priestess looked skyward, puzzled. “Nothing. Why, do you see something?”

  “It is a figure of speech. I mean why are you so upset?”

  She glared and pointed to the youth behind him. “What are you doing with the children? We do not train the boys with the girls. It causes nothing but trouble. Fathers train their sons in combat as mothers do to their daughters. They cannot work together and challenge each other consts…”

  Cage held up a finger and she stopped talking. “Brooke, I talked it over with the elders and they warned me what the children do when grouped together. I also got every parent’s permission to try something. Before you jump down my throat I need you to hear and see something.” He looked over his shoulder and shouted “Zeke! Get over here!” A boy of thirteen years hurriedly ran up to his chief’s side, surprising the priestess at such a prompt response. “Alright, tell Brooke my first and only rule when you came to learn.”

  In a subdued voice the boy said “Chief said that so long as we do as he says we will be alright.”

  “What if you disobey?” Brooke inquired with a hand on each hip.

  Cage turned the boy around. Brooke and Meeka gasped as on the backside of Zeke’s stood a prominent, bright red handprint. Cage showed his hand as it being the culprit. “Go ahead, tell her what you did to get your ass spanked.”

  Zeke turned back around and looked to the ground to say “I made a mate challenge. Chief told me to stop before I took another step. I took a step and the next thing I know I’m flying in the air a few feet with a throbbing backside. I listen from now on.”

  “Good. Get back in line and practice.” Zeke turned and hurried back to his place to get back to what the others are doing. “Kids learn quick when you give them a proper punishment.”

  “What of the girl who accepted?”

  “Quee, turn around!” He ordered and a girl of similar age squeaked in surprise before turning around and showing off her large red handprint. Clearly showing fearful respect to listen and comply. He explained “When they disobey my rules each one of them will receive similar treatment. They are not boys and girls when they come here. They are my students and will respect me when I tell them to do something. If I’m to be chief I want them to know that I am kind and firm.”

  “I am the same way, Cage Love.” Brooke stated. She looked over and asked “Sisters, are you sure you want your daughters learning combat with boys.”

  One firm huntress came up and laid a hand on her chief’s shoulder. Brooke knew that to touch another’s mate without combat anywhere else is a challengeable offense either she or Meeka could claim. The huntress said “The chief has promised us parents he will not interfere with a mother’s combat training and only asks to work with the children three times a week for an hour each morning. The adults who want to fight as he does will be taught twice a week for the same amount of time in the morning. So long as my children wish to learn what our chief is willing to share is fine by my mate and sisters. He also has permission to use the same punishment for them as he did for the childish mating challenge. My daughter learns quick and doesn’t like pain so she will listen to all he has said. Look at them, Priestess, they obey him like no other male in the tribe. He commands respect when he needs to.”

  “I’ve found that to be true.” Meeka added.

  Brooke looked around. “And where is our daughter? Why isn’t she participating with the others?”

  Cage felt his heart warm at Rena being referred to as ‘our daughter’ and still found it awkward. He smiled and said “Look behind you.”

  Meeka and Brooke turned around in surprise at the little girl staring up at her mothers. “Mother, Meeka Mother, may I join? Dad says I must ask you first.”

  “Dad?” Brooke asked and remembered what he first explained to her upon meeting. It tore lovingly at her heart and found it hard not to cry. She then looked over at Cage as he mirrored her child’s pouting look and it made her burst in a laugh that she quickly covered with her hands. She shook her head of black hair and laid a hand on Rena’s head. “Yes, you may join the others.”

  “Yea!” She giggled and hurried to her place in the front line. Rena had been watching the whole time to quickly and smoothly begin executing the slow movements and forms.

  “That is the first time she successfully snuck up on me.” Brooke said in surprise. “She will become a fine hunter. Cage, why didn’t you let her join the others? She is now your daughter too.”

  “Because she is your daughter first and I didn’t want to risk her being taken out if you wouldn’t allow her. The embarrassment wouldn’t do anyone any good. We had a chat before I started and I knew the best way for you to say yes is for her to do something simple and would make you allow it. She said you’ve been teaching her hunting skills. This morning I taught her how to walk without making sound.”

  “You taught her such a skill?”

  “No, I showed her. Rena is the kind of child who responds to being shown, not explained. After showing her, she’s been practicing behind your teepee until just now. I’d say she did fairly well.” He looked back to the group and noticed their young minds wandering and the moves getting lazy. “Gotta get back. They have another half hour of practice.”

  Brooke sat down and Meeka joined her as they watched him instruct the young. The mother watched her child following Cage’s instruction like all the others. “Meeka Love, I now truly want him. Not just in me. Rena actually listens to him. She never speaks to men or boys… likely because of me. Cage is already proving himself a worthy chief, but also a real father for her. We must have him. I cannot take him away from our daughter, Love. We must become a family.”

  Meeka wrapped an arm around her and kissed her cheek. “He will be ours, My Love, he will be.”

  After practice, Brooke invited Cage and Meeka for a much needed swim before eating. The water did wonders and they didn’t go alone. The tribe regularly bathed in the clear lake and everyone began to easily accept the two outsiders with unheard of swiftness to their culture.

sp; They air dried from the relaxing swim while eating a filling meal and afterwards Brooke tied Meeka’s hair back while whispering in her ear as Cage conversed with those that wanted a word or advice.

  As Brooke tied off Meeka’s golden head of hair she gave her a kiss on the cheek. Meeka stood surely and said “Cage, it’s about time we sparred again. Today I want hands.”

  “Alright.” He said and gestured for people to back away.

  She took her stance and pulled out the glistening blade her father gave. Cage’s grin grew as he charged her. Meeka successfully dodged to the left, leading him. She struck quickly and he leaned back, still smiling. She kicked out towards his groin and he easily grabbed her ankle and lifted it high, throwing her back and off balance. He let go and she rolled with the move and successfully back to her feet and charged, punching and kicking the whole time. His arms began fighting back and began pushing her back, forcing her to defend. She took three quick jabs to her right shoulder and leaned back to lessen the rapidly flying punches.

  The next attack came when she swept her legs, making him do a short hop.

  At that very moment, Brooke lunged, waiting for that particular move.

  As Cage jumped up and stayed in the air, all for less than a second, it was enough for Brooke to take advantage. Arms encircled his head as legs powerfully wrapped around his hips and tightened. The momentum and added weight knocked him completely off balance and tumbled helplessly to the ground.

  Surprise instantly turned into anger. He balled his fists and raised his elbow to slam it into the person choking him out. “Meeka! NOW!!!” Brooke shouted when she felt the immense rage about to harm her irreparably.

  Meeka leapt from the ground, shouldering the elbow strike away from Brooke. The move worked as she brought her blade down, cutting a line in his chest, just over the one Brooke inflicted two days prior. “Brooke! Get away!”

  Brooke released her hold not a moment too late and rolled away as his left elbow struck twice on the ground in a second, cracking a rock almost in half.

  The two women backed away fast as he flipped himself up and took a stance neither of them had seen before and knew if they approached, their death would be assured. Instead of balled fists, his fingers were outstretched and arms extended in front of him and behind as he crouched low. Everyone backed far away from his long reach after seeing how he held himself and the grin that dared any to come. His arms looked like swords the way he held them.

  Cage looked everywhere, just waiting to kill anyone. He saw neither friend or foe, only potential victims. When not one person approached and he calmed he stood up to glare at the two women standing together. “What the hell were you thinking, Meeka! You too, Brooke! You both know full well I clearly warned to never attack me from behind! Damn, do not ever do that again! Do you hear me?!” His yelling and anger had the tribe running in to see what happened. “Answer me! If I don’t like your answer I’m going to slap your asses so hard neither will sit for a week and I won’t heal it!”

  Both women saw him shaking from so much anger. Not one person dared interfere. Brooke broke from her reverie to say “It was my idea, Chief.”

  “It could have only been yours! Meeka has seen me kill for less than what you did. Explain why you interrupted her training before I tan your ass!”

  Meeka finally pulled her wits together. In a calm tone she explained “Cage, look at your chest.” He looked down to see a second cut with blood slowly flowing. He then looked up to see her holding her knife with the edge stained red. “It was the only way I could win our bet.”

  “The bet is still on.” He said in a much calmer tone. “That was cheating.”

  “Oh?” Meeka challenged. “I fought within my time, I didn’t attack from behind and I drew your blood. You said nothing about having someone else help me. Be honest in front of all of us, how long would it take for me you cut you without help?”

  “Probably ten years to never.”

  “That is my point. If you do not accept I drew your blood within the parameters you and I agreed upon then you will be a liar, something I know you are not. Did or didn’t I stay within the rules?”

  Silence grew heavy as Cage’s shaking stilled. He knew right away she was right, even if it was semantics. He never anticipated her working with another to inflict the wound. His black eyes smoldered between a resolute blue and brown pair. He sighed to further calm himself and say “Yes, Meeka, you won your bet. Name your price.”

  Meeka and Brooke grinned to each other before saying “My prize will be for you to be with Brooke and I in every way forever.”

  He then said the unexpected in a soft and unsure tone. “You realize I’ll make mistakes and disappoint you both.”

  Brooke approached cautiously and placed her hands around his neck to speak in the most loving way he ever heard from her. “And we you. That is the truest saying lovers can express verbally.”

  Meeka came in behind and wrapped her arms around Brooke’s middle and put her chin atop her love’s coppery shoulder. “You’d be a slave if you thought otherwise. We will always be individuals and that means different views. But you must never forget we love you and will disappoint you as well.”

  “No matter what happens from this point on” Brooke said while smiling “the two of us will love and always be here. I won’t even let our deaths come just so we can all be together. Tonight, will you join us?”

  “So long as you don’t attack from behind?” He wondered with a slight grin.

  “We are your women so we cannot agree to that.” To prove a point she swatted the back of his head.

  He chuckled. “Fine, tonight you will both have me.”

  A cheer from every Utala raised as he kissed Brooke and Meeka quickly.

  “What can I do in the mean time?” He asked as Brooke took her arms away.

  “You are the chief. Other than protecting the village in times of danger, you may do as you see fit. Meeka and I must go with our sisters and daughters into the trees to gather sticks and other things. Today the men and boys are going to watch the buffalo herds and sharpen their teaching and stalking skills.”

  “I’ll pass on that. I noticed the fields need to be picked of weeds. What method do you use to turn wheat into flour?”

  “We crush it in a bowl with round rocks.”

  “Hmm…” He began pacing while thinking for a minute. He lifted his hand as an idea formed and many looked as he conjured a small, green glowing bowl with razor sharp blades that spun at extreme revolutions. It took a bit of mana to make such a magical device, imagining it like the most evil looking coffee grinder to exist. He looked to the two women. “I know what I’ll do. But by the looks of it we’ll only have several hours to get things done because the clouds are building and I feel moisture in the air. It’ll rain in a few hours. You better hurry if you want those sticks to stay dry.”

  Brooke and other villagers looked to the sky. Meeka asked “What is it?”

  “He is right. Rain is coming… Sisters! We must hurry and get what dry wood the trees provided this day.”

  Cage watched as most of the women got up or came with their daughters to travel with the priestess to walk around the woods. Meeka also followed to help in any way, humming a sweet melody others enjoyed. He went off to the fields and spent an hour pulling weeds from the edible and medicinal plants until most were gone. One of the few farmers gave thanks for the help.

  He was kindly led by two of the elder women to the Utala storage pit that he had to use a ladder to descend into the ground. He was told the hundreds of barrels were gathered over the years in trading with neighboring tribes. He grabbed a filled barrel of dry wheat berries and tied a rope to a ring so that when he got up on the ground he found it easier to pull up rather than carry up the ladder.

  Cage carried the whole barrel over to where six women were busy doing what he planned. “Ladies, I need you to help me.”

  “What is it you need?” One asked as they all stood up an
d walked over.

  “Well I’m going to help you out so you don’t sit all day grinding just so you make bread for the whole tribe. I’ll need you to get a large piece of cloth.”

  “What for?”

  “I’m going to grind this whole barrel for you and I won’t be able to do it alone.”

  “The whole barrel?” Elder Shania asked skeptically.

  “Do you want my help or not?”

  In response, two women left and returned with a woven sheet he asked for. “Alright listen. Lay out the blanket flat on the grass. Put out the fire because we don’t need to risk an explosion. I’m going to conjure an object and it will require all my focus. When it is made and starts moving I’ll need you to slowly pour the raw wheat into it. Don’t pour it all in at once or it will be too much to handle. Do you understand?”

  The fire went out and the blanket laid flat to be anchored down with rocks. Four women pulled the barrel to where he said. Cage focused and a three foot wide by two deep bowl of iridescent green magic formed before them all. After the bowl hardened, thousands of razor thin six inch blades appeared in a growing ring pattern, leaving a tiny hole in the bottom center to release only the ground product. He then began spinning each ring in opposite directions until they blurred and gave off an angry hum that drew other onlookers who remained behind. He last created a lid and a hopper to protect from flying projectiles.

  Cage gritted his teeth and said through them “Start pouring. It isn’t easy keeping this monster together.”

  The four women worked together and began pouring the dry seeds into the hopper and heard the wheat being devoured by the magically constructed machine. It scared everyone, but he told them to keep pouring. They obeyed and continued slowly pouring into the feeder, adding enough of the barrel to only fill half the hopper. The pull on his mana was intense as each time a seed was shredded it took more mana to keep it formed, from dulling and keep the rotations flying.

  Three loud minutes of angry grinding and shredding from the glowing green conjuring dropped Cage to his knees. His whole focus laid on the grinder, keeping it moving. Right when he began to see spots dancing in his vision one of the women said “Chief, the barrel is empty.”

  He let the magic loose from his focus and the magically created machine disappeared. White flower and bran dropped heavily to the large cloth. Some dust flew off to the wind. The women stared at the two foot tall mound left behind. The first to react was Elder Shania as she hurried over and laid a hand on his shoulder. “Chief, what is wrong? Why are you so out of breath?”

  “Magic… did… too much.” He said and put his head on the ground to hold a throbbing headache. “Can someone get me berries and water?”

  In a minute one of the women hurried over to find him sitting up, but with a hanging head. “Here, Chief.”

  “Thanks…” He took the cup of water first, cleaned it of impurities and drank the whole thing without taking a breath. The berries vanished almost as fast. He sat for a time to recover from the difficult magic. The women gathered up all the crushed wheat and began sifting the flour from the bran. While they were doing that one of the women happily said “Chief, I want to thank you. You have done us a week’s worth of tedious grinding in a few minutes. No chief before you has done this and I thank you greatly.”

  He looked up and said “Ladies, you better bring in the flour and work inside. It’s about to rain.” To further add to his words came a low rumble from a far away thunder rolled through.

  He went to get up and help, but one said “You have done enough today. Go recover in your tent. I can see my sisters hurrying back. They will want to get what they collected inside before it rains too.” She handed him another bowl of berries. “Eat these. They seem to help you. You’ll need it for what awaits.” Her wry smile gave little doubt as to what she meant.

  “Thank you.” He returned and began eating berries as he walked to the tent and slipped inside to lay down.

  Before entering, he saw the returning women piling up all the twigs and branches to begin diving it up as equally as feasible. Each family unit got a stack. Meeka helped gather and waited for Brooke’s approval before gathering another of equal size. Rena and the children took the bundles and ran them to each tent just as the sky turned purple and the first sprinkles began to fall. In minutes the pile disappeared before the downpour arrived.

  Meeka tucked their bundle under her arm and half ran with Brooke to their tent. Inside they found Cage playing with tiny lights around his fingers. Brooke quickly sealed the entrance with a strip of leather. Brooke shook the droplets from her hair and said “Looks like this one will last awhile.”

  “Then I guess I’ll have to make sure it is time well spent.” Cage said as he stood and wrapped an arm around each woman’s soft waist.

  Brooke beamed as Meeka balked and felt her features heat. Brooke noticed her change, pulled from Cage’s hold and held her to say “What is the matter, Meeka Love?”

  Meeka looked to Cage and asked “Can you start the fire?” He nodded and took the bundle over to the center and turned his back. Meeka then placed her lips by Brooke’s ear to whisper “I’m suddenly afraid to make love with him.”

  Brooke put her lips to Meeka’s ear to whisper back “All will be fine. Just remember these two rules. Do not pass wind or scream another man’s name.” Meeka couldn’t hold back a burst of laughter and held her hands over her mouth as tears began forming. “That’s better.” Brooke grinned easily.

  Cage stood after lighting the fire with a simple spell. He turned around to see both women more relaxed and humored. He approached and simply looked between them. Brooke kissed Meeka’s cheek and said “He is yours first, My Love. You have waited longer than I. Remember what I taught you.”

  “Oh no.” The women looked at him smiling. “This isn’t going to be one at a time. I will pleasure you both simultaneously.”

  “It cannot be done.” Brooke stated, sure of the fact.

  “Challenge accepted.” He grinned and wrapped an arm around each and gently laid them on the fur. Meeka and Brooke looked to each other before staring up at him as he knelt between each of their legs. “Are you both sure you want me?”

  Instantly each nodded, feeling a racing heartbeat as he stared at them longingly.

  He smiled and began rubbing each of their taught bellies. His simple touch was a caress that each enjoyed. Slowly he brought his hands lower and found each were already excited and wet. They began moaning together and gasped as he slipped his fingers in. He said in a low, husky voice “The only way I’ll be able to fit into either of you is if I do this.” He stuck three large fingers in each and hooked them to slowly stretch and make them orgasm in seconds. They each cried out and began to spasm. If not for him sitting on a leg they would have been thrashing all over the place. “Oh I’m not done yet!” He promised and while they went orgasmic he kept hooking and sliding his thick fingers inside. They cried louder and louder in pleasure and it aroused him in a satisfied way. He let them cool off and Brooke stated “By the spirits… What was that?”

  This time he inserted four fingers and made them scream in passion over and over again. He let them rest and asked “Brooke, care to rephrase what cannot be done?”

  Her hips bucked in longing as she smiled in a satisfied way while sweat dewed her whole body. “I believe you.” She grabbed his hand and put it back in. “Again.”

  “Yes, again!” Meeka ordered.

  He gladly obliged and made them go in the throes of passion.

  When they cooled off Brooke and Meeka sat up and found it hard to orient their legs. Brooke seductively said “It is our turn to pleasure you, Cage Love.”

  They pushed him back. Brooke crawled up and sat on his rock of a solid stomach and leaned down. Her lips met his and gave him a deep kiss. His lips parted under her coaxing and she got her first taste of his pure sugar flavor. She leaned back and touched her lips. She looked over her shoulder. “You’re right. I will enjoy ki
ssing him. Nothing has ever tasted so sweet.”

  “Good thing I like to share.” Meeka responded and kissed Brooke.

  After, Brooke began leaning down to kiss Cage thoroughly.

  Cage loved kissing Brooke and Meeka and being kissed in return. What he didn’t realize till it happened was Meeka began stroking his lance. It hardened in seconds, surprising both women as Brooke felt it slightly spread her cheeks. Meeka’s instincts took over as Brooke said it would. She consumed him with her mouth and began stroking the thick shaft.

  When he couldn’t handle any more of their overwhelming teamwork he leaned up. Brooke took herself off as Meeka felt the shift and pulled back with glazed eyes. His long arms tenderly pulled the blonde bombshell closer and laid her back. He positioned himself above her heated flower to say “If it’s too much, tell me.” She nodded and spread herself wider to accept him. She watched as the lance positioned itself and slowly touched her flower. She gasped as the thick point tried and failed to enter. A little saliva solved the problem. The head entered and Meeka’s eyes flew open and her back arched. “Too much?”

  “No… just big!” she panted. “Keep going.”

  Meeka was very tight as he entered slowly. As he got half way she put her hands on his chest to hold still. He watched as she became accustomed to the pain and her womanhood stretched to accommodate his great size. She was so beautiful and kind that he knew from that moment she would do anything to have all of him. Her hair lay out as she sweat out the joy filling her. When her hands pulled back he pushed further. In a few seconds he had only a quarter to go. “Meeka, this last part is going to hurt, but I must thrust all the way.”

  “I’m ready.”

  He slammed in, fully sheathing himself. Meeka gasped as the pleasure-pain ravaged her body. She had an orgasm unlike any before. She couldn’t think as her body shook beneath him. He bound her arms to her body with his for her own protection and held himself fully inside her. It took a full minute for her to calm her own body. He asked “Are you alright?”

  “No, I’m wonderful… it really hurts, but I expected it… I’m never going to forget… Now Cage, no matter how much pain it’ll sound like, make me vibrate as many times before you release inside me.”

  He whispered in her ear. “I love you, Meeka.”

  Tears of happiness flowed from her eyes. “And I you.”

  He pulled back almost all the way out and gently thrust the whole length in. Meeka cried “Oh CAGE!!!” as she had a growing orgasm each time he thrust. She never knew such pleasures or happiness could be possible until she became a Utala. Her orgasms were the strongest Cage had ever given a woman and it fed his own primal desire to give her more. Her soft flower began milking his lance more intensely than he ever knew or could remember. It made it hard not to release as he wanted to give her her first experience with a man and make it memorable.

  Then her legs wrapped around his waist and her back arched, making her cry out loudly and it made his body respond by convulsing deeply inside her.

  Meeka’s body slacked as waves and waves of rolling orgasm accepted his seed. Cage laid her back gently and made her comfortable, slowly sliding out.

  He looked over his shoulder to see Brooke keeping herself ready, panting and he grinned “Ready for me?”

  Brooke stopped, looking between her loves. “No man can be… oh my…” her jaw dropped as his lance remained firm.

  “You will find I’m not most men.” He grinned and made her get wetter.

  She crawled over with a seductive walk and he stood. She went to lay down, but he said “I’ve got something special for you.” She raised an eyebrow. He held his hand out and she took it. “This will hurt, but I doubt you’ve never had it done.” Before she could respond he picked her up and her legs locked around him. He grabbed himself and as she came down she shouted “GREAT SPIRITS!” as her body climaxed with every thick inch she accepted till she felt beyond filled in body and spirit. Cage held her bottom as she climaxed over and over again, just holding him inside her. He held tight on her beautiful tattoo mark until her quakes settled.

  When they did he kissed her deeply and she gladly tasted his sweetness. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held on. When she relaxed a little he lifted her up, pulling out some and slammed to the hilt again, making her alternate screaming between ‘Great Spirits’ and ‘Cage’.

  For an hour she took his pleasures and finally Meeka recovered enough to see Brooke riding Cage’s lance as he lay on his back. She smiled and said “I want in.”

  Before she knew what happened Cage had pulled her over and began pleasuring her flower with his mouth while Brooke continued vocalizing her love while riding as one would a horse in full gallop. Meeka also began to sing with Brooke as she half-sat on Cage’s face. When they couldn’t yell any more they began kissing each other while getting pleasures by their greatest lover to exist. When Brooke couldn’t handle any more they traded places and Meeka impaled herself more quickly than she meant, but found it to be much to her liking.

  After over eight hours of constant pleasure Cage rolled off Meeka and she rolled over onto her back. He breathed hard and threw his hand up. “Damn, how much more can you two little minxes take?”

  “You inspire greatness in us.” Brooke purred as she curled up into his right side, exhausted.

  “We respond better to no other.” Meeka panted as she rolled into his left.

  “Serenity and anger will bring about the truest love any ever considered possible.” Cage repeated, after hearing it again yesterday. “That prophet sure hit the nail on the head. Screw wanting to be alone forever. If I didn’t love either of you before I sure do now!”

  “After tonight, I fully agree, My Loves!” Brooke said with a satisfied sigh.

  In a moment of concern he said “Listen, I know you are both in pain. Would you let me heal your agony?”

  “Don’t even think about it!” Meeka said and looked to Brooke who nodded. “This was our first true night together. This is the best pain I ever felt in my life. Do not take it away from me, Cage. It is the proof I finally have you after all our struggles. If you take away this pain I’ll get you hard again and get it back.”

  “I’d like to get him hard again anyway.” Brooke teased and kissed his chest.

  “No more!” He pleaded with a laugh. “Eight hours is longer than most hearts can handle.”

  “But you said you aren’t like most men.” She teased again.

  “But I’m still a man!” He joked. “Let’s just sleep together.”

  “Alright,” Meeka yawned. “But if you wake up with one of us on that amazing lance of yours, don’t be too surprised.”

  “Devious, My Love, absolutely devious.” Brooke commented. “Why didn’t I think of that?”

  They all had a chuckle as they all fell asleep quickly in each other’s arms.

  By morning the rain stopped and Cage roused the two sore women. They groaned in obvious pain, each holding their abdomens. He asked again to heal them, but was told no. Cage had to help each to stand as he practically rearranged their insides. When they could stand properly he gave them their weapons and went to undo the flap. He opened it and stepped out in the cool morning air to be greeted by many applause and cheers.

  The two women came out to see the whole tribe gathered around their tent.

  “What is all this?” Cage asked as his feet squished on the soggy grass.

  Elder Shania came forward as silence ended the cheering. A smile clearly etched on her flushed face. “We came to congratulate you on your performance.”

  “Uh… were we that loud?” He asked sheepishly and the girls became embarrassed.

  “Loud?” Shania asked. “I’m surprised if neighboring tribes didn’t hear you!” The Utala laughed gleefully. “Even the thunder bowed to your skill, Chief. You made your women stir the blood of us all. The Utala became in a mating frenzy more strongly than accepting you as our chieftain. By the spirits, every man tried to ou
tdo you, even Metak who hasn’t pleased me in three years.”

  “Not Fair!” Metak yelled. “I pleasure you and your sisters plenty.”

  “Not with your manhood.” She shot back. Getting a roar of laughter.

  Cage heard this and stood a head taller than the fit older elder. “Metak, is it hard for you to… you know?”

  The laughter died down at the seriousness of the old and new chief. “Alas, it is the way as we get older.”

  Cage grinned. “You forget, I’m from a different world. And I have magic here. How would you like to make your women cry every night?”

  Metak balked and his aged eyes grew sincere. “Can this be done?”

  The new chief grinned. “It is a medical problem I know how to heal.” He looked to the standing elder women. “You better run, in a few minutes this old dog will have a new trick to teach you.” Cage put an arm around Elder Metak. “Come inside, old man, and let me fix your problem.”

  Metak got a spring in his step and entered the large tent. Ten minutes later the waiting crowd heard a yelp of surprise from the elder and saw him exit the tent with a fully rigid lance. His weathered grin spoke of happiness. He looked to his women and said “Get to our tent!” and chased the six giggling old women to their tent, getting another laugh from their people.

  Cage exited to be doubly embraced by his women. Brooke said “You are a wondrous chief. Our people have never been so happy.”

  He shook his head to clear the fatigue. “Do you think I can get something to eat? I’m about to keel over here.”

  “Our people thought as much.” Meeka said and pointed.

  Over a few feet away sat a large platter of flatbread, cheese, eggs and vegetables. “While you worked on the elder,” Brooke began. “my sisters told us how you used magic to make flour faster and more fine than we could have and how tired you became. Then you satisfied us and healed the elder.”

  “I did more than give him a way to please his women.” Cage stated in seriousness as he grabbed the tray and brought it over. “My people, I must speak with you.” They heard his tone and followed him intently. “Fixing Metak’s ability to make love took maybe a minute. I grew concerned when I sent my magic into him and was able to sense a disease. It’s called cancer. He permitted me to tell you this, but if I had not sent my magic to heal him he would be dead in only a few weeks.” The tribe grew concerned. “Thanks to a fellow mage who gave me the idea, I broke down the cells that were killing him and made him sweat it out.”

  “Will he be alright?” Brooke asked.

  Cage nodded. “That is why it took so long. The cancer was spread throughout his whole body and it was very hard to get it all. I will have to check on him every now and then, but he will die much later, if an accident doesn’t occur.

  “While I healed the elder it got me thinking. You all have been so kind to me and Meeka, giving us a home we never really had. I want to return your generosity and make sure none of you die from something I could prevent. I will not order you to do this, but if you allow me to check each one of you I’ll do what I can to see you healthy. Healing takes a lot of mana and concentration so I’ll need sweet foods like fruits to keep up my strength. I’d like to see the children first and they will be accompanied by their parents. I will have to postpone training the adults how to fight today.

  “Say no now if you don’t want me to use magic on you.”

  A few seconds later a hunter said “Chief, I mean no disrespect, but I feel fine. If I do not I will come. I wish to avoid magic used on me if at all possible.”

  Brooke was about to shout, but Cage stopped her with a hand on her leg. “As always, it is your choice. I will ask this, while I see to our people who want my help, will you scout around and make sure our home is safe while I’m occupied.”

  “With honor, Chieftain.” The man said and turned around, grabbed his bow, arrows and a six foot, metal tipped lance. Three others followed him.

  “Rena,” Cage asked as he looked to his stepdaughter. “come stand in front of me with your mothers.”

  She quickly moved and took the hands of both Meeka and Brooke. He sent his magic and recoiled as a headache splintered his concentration. “Better not hold hands, it is too much to handle all at once.” They let go and he sent his magic to Meeka first, finding it much easier, then to Rena and lastly to Brooke. He checked for tumors, parasites, heart problems, anything out of the ordinary. “Looks like all the little ladies in my life are in perfect health.” He gestured them to move as already a line started and were as silent as a stalking cat.

  The next were a mother and daughter. He took a few bites of food before working a more accurate scanning spell than any medical equipment back on Earth. “Your daughter is fine, Bali, but you have parasites in your eyes, likely from a bug bite. Hold completely still for a moment.” Those watching saw her eyes glow blue for a few seconds. “Is your sight any better?”

  The young woman’s eyes opened wide as she looked everywhere. “I can see much better, Chief. Everything looks… amazing. I think I might be able to hunt now?” Her eyes watered. “Thank you, Chief.”

  All day he spent, seeing every individual and ridding them of the ailments modern science could treat back home. Cage began to wish magic worked on Earth, at least to heal. He got rid of cancer without hurting the patient and fixed teeth better than any dentist ever could. The most common Utala problems were parasitical though a few of the older individuals had benign tumors or artery blockages which were quite easily removed. He had to call for a break a few times to rest and eat. When he recovered enough he went right back to work.

  Either they left as they were or had a blue healing color and left feeling much better. Eventually Metak and the other elders came out to be checked over. Each one looked and felt years younger after his treatment.

  By nightfall the last Utala was seen and Cage ate.

  A few hour later he gave his women another night to remember.

  In the morning Cage had the children gathered and were practicing with them when came a rider on horseback yelling “An Emrocan patrol wishes to give warning to our people.”

  Brooke stood and asked “What warning?”

  The rider said “The men will not say and request an audience to speak to our leaders.”

  “Allow only one to come and deliver this message.” She said and watched the rider flee southwest. “Children, hurry to the shelter. Off you go.”

  Rena and the other children came together and moved towards the lake and trees with the nursing and pregnant women. The rest of the tribe gathered as Cage walked up and asked “What do I need to know on what to do, Brooke?”

  “Normally we bring people in near our tent to hold talks. I get the feeling they will be giving us a warning. You need to stand between me and our elders at the front of our people.”

  “And me?” Meeka wondered.

  Brooke brushed her fingers along her love’s soft cheek. “You must stand among our sisters and be silent. I am to speak to the one coming.” She looked to the gathering tribe. “Let us meet the visitor outside our tents. Prepare your weapons in case.” Bows were gathered and arrows notched by nearly everyone.

  Cage walked beside Brooke to ask “What kind of warning will they give? Do you have problems with the Emroc military? Will they give an ultimatum?”

  She shook her head. “No, from time to time we get visited by the Emroc military and get news or trade. Emroc has a longstanding treaty with those of us who live on the Tribal Plains. We offer hospitality if the King’s men need to cross our land and in great times of need they help us. Our buffalo herds and cattle are always good for trade. They will not interfere if we claim war on another tribe, but for great outside threats they are good at allowing us to keep our way of life. Also they know we are a strong and deadly people and to threaten us is tantamount to their death. To make war on a single tribe will break a thirty generation treaty and make all tribes forget anger at each other to destroy any and all who
so much as come near our homeland. You will not have cause to worry from this patrolman.”

  “I don’t know him so I won’t trust what a person says or wears. Their actions will either find me a friend or their end.”

  “Very wise. Remember, as chief, you are my equal. It would be prudent to allow me to talk for our people.”

  “I’ll only say something if I’m asked. Or if he pisses me off.”

  Brooke grinned.

  The tribe prepared themselves for an encounter. They moved out and stood in a semicircle with Cage, Brooke and the seven elders centered. They watched as two riders rode in. The soldier was easy to spot since he was the only one to wear anything. He wore a forest green shirt, brown pants and leather boots. Strapped to a hip was a short sword and to his back hung a crossbow. On his breast displayed a green dragon in flight, Brooke clarified it was the Emrocan crest.

  The man came within a hundred feet, stopped and dismounted. The patrolman looked to be a few years older than Cage, not by much though. He approached and raised a hand. “Ho Utala! I come bearing news you must heed.”

  Brooke said “Speak what you must and we will consider. Your news must be urgent for you to say we must heed your words.”

  The man nodded. “The war with the Laqura Empire is hard to resist, Priestess. We’ve just gotten reports yesterday that nearly ten thousand troops of our enemy is traveling from the north, wrecking havoc on the northern tribes. Already the Tele and Olon tribes have been confirmed destroyed. Those that did not die were bound and taken to the empire, destined for slavery. I know your tribe is one of the larger ones, just be careful. I’m sorry to report this, but we cannot gather troops quickly enough to combat the ones approaching on the plains for a fortnight. I also must warn, they have a great many mages fighting and supporting them. Forgive me, but I must report further north to your neighbors and tell them such. Be careful.”

  “May the spirits watch over you.” Brooke said and watched the man return to his horse and leave.

  “Are we in any danger?” Cage asked in a low tone.

  Elder Shania said “Living on the plains is dangerous, deceptively so. But to infiltrate Emroc via the Tribal Plains is foolish. Ten thousand warriors are a serious problem though, especially if they utilize magic-men. The Olon and Tele tribes are half our own in number, but to even hear some have been captured is very worrisome. All of us would rather die than be captured. These numbers must be accurate.”

  “What is it we do if we know they are coming from the north? Right now I need Intel.”

  “Intel?” The old woman asked, unfamiliar with the word.

  “Intelligence, reports, clear details. I don’t know a thing about this Laqura Empire. I’m lacking knowledge of a serious threat, if what he said is accurate…”

  “That is part of the agreement, we cannot lie to each other, especially on something like this.” Brooke said and everyone listened. “Our people don’t know why this land to the north wishes to attack or anything about them really. The only thing we can do to get this, Intel, you speak of is to find it ourselves. If from the north they come, we must…”

  “Rider coming from the north!” a far away shout alerted the tribe.

  Brooke rushed through the teepees, but gawked as Cage’s long legs made him flash past, outrunning every member of his people as an adult would a child. He stopped a minute later to see three horses walking together. The two outside were Utala the middle was a man and horse on their last legs. The rest of the tribe stood with him and watched as the man was helped down and brought to the gathering people. “Chief, you and the priestess must hear what he has to say.” A lanky woman said.

  The man stood wobbly before a giant of a man with Utala beads of a chieftain. “Please, listen… I was sent to warn that we are under attack.”

  “We were told just minutes ago.” Brooke said and handed the man a cup of water he sorely needed.

  He drank and shook his head “There were too many. I am the last of the Olon. My people are gone and I must warn you to flee. You do not want those butchers coming here, but you won’t have a choice.”

  “What can you tell us of them?” Cage asked, not caring of tradition at the moment. An army on the way didn’t sit well, it made him anxious for a fight.

  “Their warriors aren’t very skilled, but their numbers are great. If that were not enough, many are protected by magic. Our arrows weren’t very effective. The only thing we found that to kill even a few is to fight close and get past their armor… my women and children…”

  Cage snapped his fingers close to the man’s face to make him focus. “Where are they and how much time do we have to prepare?”

  “A week, I think. The mages find our villages and send the warriors…”

  Cage turned around after telling the man to rest. Two men came over and help him. He looked to his people. “I don’t like the sounds of this… Zanza, pick three other skilled warriors to come with me. We are going to see these forces ourselves.”

  “You’re going, Chief?” Someone asked.

  “Yes, I am within my rights to protect my people. We are just going to scout, but if I can screw with them a little and give us more time then I will. If I can slow them down I will try. I will do whatever it takes to protect all of you. While I and the warriors are away I need the tribe to begin packing in the event I know they will be coming this way. Will you do this for me?”

  “We will.” Brooke said and laid a hand over his heart. “I would like to go with you. I am a great hunter because of my gift.”

  “No, I need you and Meeka to help our people. I’ve seen how you two do together and you get more done. Coordinate our people and make plans while I and our warriors see what is coming. If any more riders come I need you here to keep doing what you do. Trust me to do what I’m good at. After I’m satisfied we’ll come back with news. Meeka,” He looked at her as she came up and wrapped an arm with Brooke’s. “you are good at keeping a level heat at most times, use it to be sure our people stay safe. I’m better at fighting while you excel at organizing. If it is bad and we have to leave, make sure the approaching force cannot use anything we have.” He went up to each of his women as Zanza, a sister and two male warriors approached with horses. Cage kissed each one and looked at each. “Be safe while I’m gone and come up with ideas I know your both good at. I didn’t fall in love with fools.”

  “That, you didn’t.” Meeka smiled. “Be safe.”

  “Yes, we still have more love to show you.” Brooke added.

  Cage grinned and looked to the armed, waiting, naked warriors. “Let’s run.” He turned around and began running a sustainable pace that anyone else in the Utala would have only been able to match for a few struggling minutes. The horses found it tedious, but effective.

  On the evening of the third day Cage whistled as he saw a tiny disturbance far to the north. His warriors slowed on their horses and came close. He said “It’s time we ditch the horses. Look ahead, that’s smoke. It rained through here not an hour ago. We wouldn’t see it if it weren’t manmade.”

  “It is as you say, Chief.” Zanza confirmed and slid down from her horse with the others. She checked her weapons while asking “Are we to sneak up?”

  “Yes, but if there is any sign they are coming this way you are all to run and warn the village to go. Am I understood?”

  “What about you?”

  He grinned. “If that happens I’ll keep them off you by having some fun. They won’t like it though.” The four warriors looked oddly at each other. “Enough talk for now. We need to see what is going on.”

  The plains in this area were riddled with hills and very high grass, perfect to duck down in if they saw something and needed to hide quickly. Cage led the man hunters towards the rising smoke for a few hours, moving fast up hills and slowly down them. The other warriors were amazed at their chief’s skill because he made no sound when they were being stealthy. Of course when they ran the grass crunched beneath his lar
ge feet. To Cage, these hunters were the best he’s come across in many years for they were quiet and could keep up well.

  Before dusk, they began to hear screaming far ahead. Cage, when they rested, taught his party a few hand signals, so their voices wouldn’t give them away. He located a large, nearby hill and signaled for them to follow him up. They crawled up on their bellies. Zanza and her warriors took off their bows and held three arrows at all times.

  They reached the peak of the hill to see a smaller, but similarly built tribal village under attack. Cage had to restrain his warriors saying “It is too late. If we try to help we’ll all die. Let your anger loose when the time is right. If you leave my side I’ll kill you myself.” That got the warriors to remain put, barely.

  The attack neared its end as they made it to the hill. The warriors watched as the tribe down below dropped their bows and rushed the pale armored men with swords. On their breast were the standard of the Laqura Empire, a gray and red mountain. Many hunters were killed by the horde of men on warhorses, but a few were able to use a knife or spear to kill an enemy. The empire’s men spotted a small group of children trying to flee with three young women. They didn’t get far as ten riders charged at them and threw a heavy net over the group and tangled them up. Shackles were taken out and bound the once free people into captives.

  For Cage, he saw more than men in armor attacking people. He estimated three thousand attacked a tribe of less than two hundred. It wasn’t to slaughter, but to capture and enslave. He saw that arrows were quite useless from where he and the others watched, but close ranged attacks were somewhat effective. The attacking men primarily relied on swords or crossbow. Those villagers who survived and were bound were led to a group of crossbow wielding men on horseback and were secured to a heavy wagon being loaded with whatever the village had that the army could use. Mostly it was food, furs or sparse amounts of metal.

  Two men stood commandingly at the heart of the village. It was too far for Cage to make out any details, but a large dog or a wolf stood near one and acted odd for such an animal. Cage realized he looked at a Familiar to a mage.

  The attack on the village was nothing compared to what he saw next. He softly clicked his tongue and pointed further north. The Utala warriors looked on with fear and anger because in the slowly failing light they could see hundreds of cooking fires from the main army encampment. Thousands more armed men simply waited for the night to pass for them to continue their campaign.

  Another click of the tongue gathered his peoples attention and he began crawling backwards. They followed. In the shade cast by the hill Zanza stated “I fear we must leave our home for the first time in many generations. We cannot face that. Chief, did you learn all you needed? If so, we must return and tell our people…”

  “Hold your horses, Zanza… Sorry, it is a term where I am from that means to be patient for a minute and let me speak. Tell me what you learned back there.”

  “Those men are horrible. They have no honor in fighting fair. They have armor and magic to defend themselves. They capture children and kill any who resist. I even saw them kill an elder who didn’t resist… why?”

  “Because they don’t have any use for the elderly. Those men are slavers and will only take the young and the strong. Even different worlds have the same problems. If my world’s history is any reference or indication, those captured will be taken to a slaver compound, have their spirit broken and then be sold to the highest bidder. Men become laborers mostly. Women are usually taken to brothels and raped for as long as they live or be thrown to the military to keep the men happy. Slaves will have a hard life and most die or kill themselves to escape their captors.

  “From what I’ve learned since becoming your chief only about six thousand tribes people call these plains home. Even if we got them all together that army would still wipe them out. Our only chance to remain free is to leave.”

  “Then we are wasting time here.” One of them said.

  “I’m not done yet.” They looked at him doubtfully. “Right now they don’t have any idea we are here. I know that someone down there is using magic, but I cannot feel it. I know this because I saw the Familiar of a mage.

  “What I need to do is see if there is a chink in the spell that protects the grunts from arrows. It is why I brought you four with me. If I can find a way to break through it will give us an advantage, however slight. Zanza picked you because she knows I needed skilled warriors who can shoot. We will only have one shot at this. After we shoot we must get away before being spotted. They will send patrols to search the area. Now I need the four best arrows to enchant.”

  The hunters took out their arrows and selected the four straightest and best fletched. Since Cage couldn’t feel the tingle of spells he reasoned he would be relatively safe doing magic without being sensed.

  The first arrow he simply charged it with a speed spell he usually did with rocks to fly much faster. He handed it to the first woman.

  The next he focused and pictured the tip passing through whatever barrier protected the likely conscript on the other side of the hill. The shaft turned black as he fed it enough magic to cut through solid rock.

  The third he had been practicing during periods of rest. He focused as he wanted an explosive charge to the projectile and a pea size red orb attached itself to the tip and absorbed his magic. Somehow he felt it had the explosive potential of a pipe-bomb. It took a bit more of his strength than he imagined, but not more than he could handle. He handed it over, saying “Be careful and don’t let the tip or the red spell touch anything unless you want to kill us all. It has been charged to detonate as soon as it touches anything. The man gulped and carefully kept the tip away from everything.

  Lastly, Cage took the final arrow and spelled it aloud this time because he needed to add properties and might make a mistake to do it silent. “At the feel of magic, slow down on your way to the target…” The shaft flashed black as the spell imbued in the arrow. “Move at the speed of a knife’s thrust.” It flashed again. “If you still are stopped by magic, turn downward and drill beneath the ground and come up beneath your target with the speed of a bullet.” This flash of black also added a spinning drill head just above the arrow’s tip for a moment. It also drew enough mana to complete all the set spells placed on the object. He then said “Zanza, this is yours. Now before we crawl back up I need for all of you to select a target. Our attack is a test so do not aim for someone shouting orders. Definitely do not aim anywhere near the captives. When you find someone, point him out so two of you do not fire an arrow at the same person. You must tell me if your arrow kills the target. I won’t be able to watch because I need to see how the mage reacts. If he finds us I’ll do what I can, but let’s hope it won’t come to that. I want to fight, just not right now. Are you ready?”

  The five returned to the crest of the grassy hill. Each quickly pointed out a different target and notched their arrows. Cage kept an eye on the two men barking orders in the center of the decimated village and the large canine. The caravan of captured men, women and children began to move out when Cage gave the signal.

  Four simultaneous twangs sounded from the weapons. A moment later came an explosion that lit up the area and had men scrambling and screaming for cover. The two men and Familiar looked surprised and called for horses while the Familiar barked.

  “Alright, get back to the horses.” Cage said and moved down with his hunters. At the bottom he and the others began to run flat out.

  A minute later he heard the sounds of charging horses and had everyone dive down in the dark shade of high grass. He felt the tingle of magic and cursed. A man in green robes held a glowing staff and a woodsy wolf glared in their direction. The mage dropped something small, presumably one of the loosed arrows. “Damn!” Cage cursed and knew the mage spotted them as he aimed his staff in their very direction. “GET TO THE HORSES NOW!” Cage yelled and the small group of cavalry men and the Familiar charged down the hill.
r />   Zanza and the warriors fled by their chief’s orders with the most reluctance.

  Cage stood up with a grin. “Looks like I can play after all.”

  The men and Familiar charged the lone stationary figure while four fled. The green robed mage held still on the top, content to watch from afar an easy capture.

  Cage knew where the biggest threats laid and it weren’t from the charging horsemen, but they would complicate matters and be a distraction. He thought of a way to remedy the problem. Cage focused on the tall, sloping, grassy hill and sent a rather simple spell. Hundreds of ten inch wide and deep holes appeared in the path of the riders. Thick grass hid what he had done, but it seemed the mage on top felt the use of magic and grew more attentive and wary.

  Horses screamed as their hooves found the holes, breaking their legs and throwing their riders. The wolf jumped out of the path as it too seemed to realize what Cage had done. Broken horses tumbled down the hill with their riders until they reached the bottom where no man got up from the deadly throw and tumble and only two whinnying horses survived.

  The wolf charged and Cage sensed the magic sensation growing as the swift beast charged. A ball of red light appeared as it opened its menacing maw and fired the magic creation right at Cage.

  Cage’s grin grew as he raised a hand and sent a wave of magic to knock it aside. It didn’t even seem to work. Cage narrowly leaned back enough to dodge the attack and saw when the ball hit the ground it dissolved matter like the strongest acid he’d ever seen as the grass disappeared in wisps of angry smoke. The Familiar continued its charge and had a smug look like it knew it was going to win as it made another red ball. Cage struck just as the ball formed as it had the last time. He made the ground erupt like a landmine directly beneath the Familiar. Dirt, grass and rocks flew into the air and the wolf lost control of the magic and slammed into the ground painfully. Cage used magic a different way and blew the wind to control the corrosive magic of the Familiar and returned it. The ball splashed on the wolf, making it yelp as its own spell ate through its chest.

  The mage above saw his Familiar in trouble and pointed his gem imbedded staff at the opponent and Cage looked up to see a green bolt of lightning crackling around the staff.

  Cage knew he had to act more quickly before such a deadly spell could be released. Cage yelled as he lifted both hands and constructed a rod that plunged deep in the ground a second before the mage released the spell. Instead of hitting Cage, it diverted right to the lightning rod he made and sent the energy into the ground. When the electricity died and the mage above stared at how his spell failed, Cage lifted the rod, altered its shape into a javelin, sent it more mana to make it harder and charged it with speed and a grape sized red tip. He gave everything he had left to win. Before the other mage could react, Cage fired the javelin with all he could give the weapon. He figured the mage would be more protected so he gave everything within to cut through the protective barrier.

  The javelin fired so fast it couldn’t be seen by the naked eye, but Cage could feel what happened next. The explosive tip ruptured the barrier on contact, allowing just enough fluctuation in the shield for the spear to pierce and slide through the chest of the man. The mage looked down at a gaping hole and immense pain in his chest and went to try to heal, but his focus left him unable and the magic wouldn’t come. He fell off his horse dead and with his death the wolf’s yelps ended.

  Cage dropped to his knees as his vision began going black. He fought with everything to remain conscious. He heard the thunderous sound of horses approaching and then the crunching of grass from feet when they were close. He nearly used all his strength in that last complex and mana consuming spell and it cost him dearly for he couldn’t fight.

  Several hands grabbed him and he couldn’t stay awake as he slumped.

  The next thing he felt about five minutes later is the familiar bounce of running horses and a pounding headache. One of the riders said “The chief is waking.”

  The horses slowed and Cage slipped down to crumple in exhaustion. Most of the sky was gripped in darkness, telling that the remaining light will only last for a few more minutes. The hunters got down and hurried to his side. Zanza spoke worriedly. “Chief, we know you hate riding horses, but we must flee and you cannot run fast enough. We must get far away.”

  He shook his head to clear it. “Water.” Someone put a water skin in his hand and he drank to quench his dry throat. He returned it and had help standing back up. “Fine, there are always exceptions. I’ll ride, but someone else must drive.”

  “Of course. Chief, you will ride with me.” One of the male warriors said. They all mounted and rode hard for as long as the light lasted. When it failed they trotted south, putting as much distance between themselves and the Laqura army as possible. The horses they rode were built for speed and endurance, but the enemy bread warhorses mainly for power and carrying heavy loads. Night made traveling much more dangerous, but they had little choice since they just kicked the hornet’s nest and gave them a middle finger.

  Either put as much distance as possible between or risk capture or death.

  An hour after recovering, when they walked the horses in the darkness, Cage asked “Tell me, how did each of your tasks go?”

  The man riding with him said “The arrow you gave me shot at my target. The next moment I saw the arrow simply break as it hit a magic wall. It didn’t do any good, Chief.”

  The woman beside him said “Mine did work, but it slowed down and imbedded itself in his armor. It didn’t kill unfortunately.”

  The man to the other side said “The one I used, with the red light, hit the man and destroyed everything around for several feet. It knocked several men down, but the one I aimed at didn’t get back up. Without checking up close I cannot say he is dead. It was very effective though.”

  Zanza slowed her horse and urged it closer. “Mine killed my prey. Chief, your magic made it odd. It slowed and when it got close it disappeared in the ground before spearing him through the ass and out the throat.”

  “That is good news, Zanza. I can now make our people weapons if they catch up.” Cage said as his tiredness and hunger made him lean on the hunter, who didn’t mind since they still lived.

  The rider who kept the chief from falling said “We found our horses not far away. It is good we train them so well or we might not have gotten away. Chief, I’m wondering what you did back there. Will you tell us?”

  “Certainly.” He leaned back and shook his foggy head. “I think what happened is someone might have spotted us or maybe which direction our arrows came from. Either that or the mage cast a spell to locate us. I’ve done something similar with Meeka when she lost her money… That is a more likely reason now that I think about it. I couldn’t tell what, but he dropped something. They might have taken an arrow and spelled it to lead them to the owner… well when they got to the hill we vacated, and the mage pointed his staff, I knew I needed to stop them. I’m glad you listened and ran for the horses.”

  “If you were any other Utala we would have fought together. As chief, any order you give us regarding safety or protection will always be carried out.” Zanza informed. “We listen to our chief above our priestess only when it concerns lives. To be chief is to lead our people to survive. To be priestess is to guide our people. To be elder is to advise. That is how the Utala have lived so long. Now what did you do with that magic-man and the evil hound? It confused us. We waited so that when it was over we could get you and leave. We never leave a Utala behind unless it was a stupid male like the one our sister Meeka did in.”

  “The Familiar was a big problem and it nearly got me. For some reason I couldn’t deflect its first attack. I then changed tactics and got the upper hand.

  “The mage was more of a problem and it nearly cost me my life. If I were just a second slower I would have died. It was a great first magic fight.” Cage grinned though no one could see it in the night. “When I saw him about to use a spell to c
reate lightning I knew he could guide it somewhat. Have you ever seen a tall tree struck by lightning?”

  “We all have.” Zanza said. “That is why our village sits so far from the tree grove and lake. Our ancestors learned tall things get struck and made our home where it still stands.”

  “That is why I made a magical lightning rod with the property to attract all lightning and send it harmlessly into the ground. I then picked it up with magic and changed shape. I figured the mage had something to do with blocking arrows on the men, but I didn’t know which arrow worked earlier so I added just about all of the spells I used earlier, except the one I made for you Zanza, since it was more complex. I fired it and broke the barrier he protected himself with. I could tell it was stronger than what the others had so I dumped everything into that last attack. The combination of spells worked and killed him and his Familiar.”

  “Rest now, Chieftain. We will wake you if a problem arises.”