Read The Grin of Prophecy (Book 1 of the Death Incarnate Saga) Page 16

Chapter 15

  Darkness claimed the sky not an hour ago as the whole Utala village came alive with festivities. Cage, after deciding to at least hear them out, had carefully picked up the sleeping forms of both Brooke and Meeka to lay them side by side on the clearing around the main teepee, the one he learned belonged solely to the priestess and chief to use as they wished. Cage was told to sit by his women while the tribe worked and prepared. While he sat and watched over the two women who continued to sleep he saw that several dozen children and pregnant young women came into the tents, but weren’t allowed to greet their chief just yet till the priestess and Meeka awoke to give proper greetings. Smoke began rising out of many of the dwellings and it smelled wonderful with cooking food.

  Cage tried keeping track of his surroundings, but no one would tell him anything except to wait. Something that he didn’t like doing in this situation. To ease the next few hours he straightened out Meeka’s hair so she wouldn’t have to fight the mess. He kept gently gliding his fingers over each of their beautiful profiles. He had had beautiful women in his past, but as he kept looking at the two he realized that Meeka and Brooke were by far the most beautiful creatures he ever met. While he made sure they recovered he couldn’t figure out what just happened. Between the hair rising on a wind that wasn’t there, their glowing eyes and the chanting of perfect unity he felt lost and corralled for slaughter. It felt like someone led him here and had done something with magic he didn’t understand. It truly frightened him. Even with all the fear, he felt a bottomless connection to the women. He didn’t like that someone did something to him. He wasn’t even sure if the strange new feelings are his or a creation of magic that made him want to be with the two beauties. Never in his whole life has he ever felt confused. The alone feeling he had always shouldered wasn’t there and it felt good, but it was part of who he was. Am I still going to be me? He wondered constantly.

  In the center of the clearing he began to watch as dry grass, sticks and the rare commodity of wood on the plains was created to become a bonfire. They didn’t light it for some reason. Then women began bringing in loaded trays of food. Men brought in a roasted boar and a deer.

  Just when the whole tribe began to settle down and wait in the growing darkness Brooke stirred. Everyone grew silent and watched as Cage moved over and helped her to sit up. He asked in a calm and quiet tone “Are you ok?”

  “What happened?” She wondered and grabbed her head as a painful headache presented itself.

  “What is the last thing you remember?” He asked.

  She pressed her eyes closed for a few minutes. “I remember you beating me in challenge and I went to kiss you and welcome you as a Utala, but then nothing… I felt an odd sensation, but then nothing…”

  “Cage?” Meeka said as she too began to come around. Brooke sat up on her own well enough so he walked on his knees to help up his traveling companion.

  He smiled. “Hey there Sleeping Beauty, glad you could join us. Got a headache?”

  She sat up with the help. “You know I do. What happened after Brooke kissed you? I remember something feeling like my curse activation, but different… like being taken over…”

  Cage looked back at the waiting Utala. “Was there anything sweet made? Sugar seems to help get rid of their headache.”

  They began looking among each other till a young woman of maybe seventeen picked up a tray of tarts and brought them over. “I have made berry tarts, Chief. Would that help?”

  “It will, thank you, Natana.” The girl’s eyes widened as he took the tray and gave each tired woman a sweet treat.

  “Chief, how is it you know my name?”

  “I have good hearing. Since none of you let me do anything except sit and keep an eye on Brooke and Meeka I learned about half of your names. Natana, your mom called for you eleven times today, from what I heard, and learned your name after the third problem. I know all the elders and every man’s name here. I still have about a hundred names I haven’t learned. And thank you again, Natana.”

  She smiled and returned to her mother’s side.

  “Chief?” Meeka mumbled with a mouthful before swallowing.

  “Yeah… they think I’m chief of the Utala since I defeated Brooke.”

  Meeka looked beside her to find Brooke nodding and chewing simultaneously. She snapped her fingers and a child came over to give her a glass of water. She sipped and swallowed. “By our customs he is chief of Utala.”

  “So they keep saying.” He sighed.

  “Priestess, I would like to begin the celebration with your permission.” Elder Metak presented. He being the eldest of the tribe. Cage learned that the top elder position is held by the oldest member and when Metak passes on Elder Shania will take over. To become elder you must be over sixty, something rare to happen in their harsh society and life.

  Brooke took another amazing bite and nodded to the wise old man.

  Metak rose and said “As is custom, with the blessing of our priestess the new chief must light the fire to begin his reign. Cage, you must start the fire.”

  When he hesitated Brooke kicked his shoulder and said “Get to it, Love. We don’t like sitting in the dark.”

  Mirth spread through the tribe as he fell.

  Cage stood and saw a torch coming his way by Elder Shania. Instead of taking it he focused and conjured a beach ball sized orange flame. The tribe’s jaw dropped in unison as they were bathed in the warm glow. Their new chief extended an arm and thrust the magic fire into the tinder. He canceled the spell as the fire took on a life of its own and greedily consumed air and fuel. The area lit and pushed the darkness away. The night had turned wonderful and the Utala began to clap as festivities began.

  Elder Metak raised a hand and commanded respect from his people. “As I have promised, so shall we proceed. Chief Cage, take a seat with your women and I will explain as best I can.”

  Cage turned around to see Brooke gently push herself away and patted the ground between herself and Meeka. She smiled with a piece of blueberry at the corner of her mouth. He chuckled and Meeka saw what he did and laughed lightly before reaching over to wipe the filling and lick it off her finger. Several chuckled. Cage moved back and sat between the two glorious naked women. To get comfortable Meeka wrapped her arm around his left while Brooke remained very tied and rested her head against his right shoulder. He felt very good right now.

  Seeing everyone become comfortable the male elder sat with his back to the fire and looked straight at the three. “Chief, I know you are by far the most confused out of us all. I shall explain since I was chief at the time of the far-seer’s arrival…”

  “I’ve heard Brooke say that name before.” Meeka announced. “Who is the far-seer and how does this explain what happened?”

  The old man’s gray brow furrowed. “You do not know the far-seer? Ah, when I was a boy they called him the Great Prophet in other lands…”

  Meeka sat forward with worry. “You mean the Great Prophet came here? What for?”

  “Patience, Child. I can understand your confusion to an extent. Far-seer has visited the Utala four times over the many years. His last visit was to give Brooke a blessing and a prophecy. That was twenty years ago, as our priestess admitted when she accepted you to our tribe. He was on the brink of death before leaving us. Since he blessed her, Brooke became our new priestess and holder of law for our people. She learned all she knows from the last priestess. Before the far-seer passed he said another had the same prophecy. Meeka, there were stories of him that reached even our ears. It was rare, but when he made private prophecies he was known to keep what he said secret. As a baby, to have received a curse, he must have made it so you would never know who cursed you, most likely to keep you safe. Among the Utala, we never reveal private matters to others. We die before any knowledge is taken from us without our consent.

  “When you spoke Brooke’s other half of the prophecy we all knew you could only have heard it by one individual. You and Brooke c
ame together and correct me if I’m wrong, Priestess, but your thoughts were thus… if she has the same prophecy as I do then the far-seer must have made your blessing specifically so her curse would be negated?”

  “Something like that.” Brooke admitted after she lifted her head. “I vaguely remember him as the Blue Man when I was three. But when she said she was cursed twenty years ago and on this day no less it got me thinking. I also felt an immediate draw when I got a good look at her.”

  Metak nodded. “From hearing that I can guess what happened. Meeka’s lips were cursed and when you two kissed your blessing reacted. Meeka’s whole life is focused on her lips and after she kissed, it did something to you, Priestess. You then fought Cage, lost and then kissed him.” He emphasized with a raised finger. “I believe the great one knew something like this would happen. You three have each kissed each other and magic occurred. Brooke, you and Meeka began doing something which you do not remember. We witnessed you speaking as if you were of one mind while your eyes glowed. Whatever you two did or had done through you, did something to Cage.”

  The two beautiful women turned to look right at him for an explanation. He scratched his head while smiling in a difficult way. “I can’t clearly give details that come close. All I can say is that feeling, I couldn’t hide when I saw how you two fell in love, has disappeared… it doesn’t hurt to see you two happy anymore?”

  Meeka and Brooke leaned forward to look at one another. Meeka then asked “Cage, are you going to leave me like you were planning?”

  “I wish to know if my chief is going myself.” Brooke wondered.

  “I’m really not sure anymore. I feel something strange and it’s messing with my head. My rational side feels blown to hell… I can barely think straight right now…”

  Brooke grinned as she looked down. “I think I know what you are feeling.”

  “What might that be?” She reached down and grabbed his rigid lance. “What the…” He looked down as he noticed himself and her hand barely able to touch her thumb to a finger.

  “You want us very badly by the looks of it.” She mischievously taunted.

  He carefully took her hand off, crossed his legs to keep others from looking and said “Yes, I want to, but the feeling in me is different than this. The feeling isn’t exactly desire… it’s something else…” He sighed and forced himself to go flaccid. “We can discuss my feelings later, right now I want to know who this prophet is and the blessing he gave you.”

  She laughed lightly and winked to Meeka who smiled back. “He is dead, but he was known to foretell the future and give warnings or hope through the use of prophecy. I was told by the priestess before me that only once in every two thousand years is a real prophet born. They are powerful mages who read different paths of the future. When he visited us he gave me this.” She twisted and bent to show off her lower back and butt tattoo. What became difficult for Cage is that when she showed her mark she also revealed her flower, as Meeka calls it. It took every ounce of will to not insert himself in before all these watching eyes. Brooke then sat back down, not realizing just how close she almost came to being impaled from behind. She then lifted an arm and said “Smell me.”

  He raised a lone brow and leaned in to sniff. His brow came together as he then grabbed her head and put his nose in her hair gently. “How come you don’t smell? Did you put something on to mask your scent?”

  She shook her head and made her beads click as they moved. “Not at all. My blessing is no scent. No matter how hot, sweaty or dirty I make myself I do not hold a scent. When I was little I was told to go find a place to hide. My people sent hunting dogs after me, but after two days I returned to be told the dogs could not follow. If I’m quiet I can sneak right up on a buffalo and use my knife. Without my scent I became a great hunter because the animals couldn’t smell me.”

  “Because your scent is missing, can you smell better than others?”

  “How do you know this?” She blinked in mild surprise.

  “It happens sometimes. When once sense is limited the others get stronger…” He then looked ahead at the anxiously waiting crowd. “Since I don’t know… What comes next in this party?”

  Metak smiled and said “We begin the feast, while it starts you first meet our children and all the adults. Then there is the application of merit and lastly we retire to please our mates.” The last part made all the women giggle.

  Cage cleared his throat and felt tongue-tied at the moment. Meeka saw how his usually firm confidence revealed at the moment to be missing. She also couldn’t stop thinking she might have him please her. She liked the Utala traditions. He gestured to proceed with the event.

  Elder Metak stood and turned to the crowd. “Begin the feast!” His words made way for loud cheering. The village began to move excitedly to the food. Cage went to get up till Brooke put a soft hand on his arm. “No, do not leave my side for today we sit here and our people come to us. It is a celebration for both you and Meeka becoming part of our tribe. Sit any enjoy yourselves.”

  He held still and watched as she took her hand away.

  Four apparently happy women approached the three with loaded trays of food and sat them down right in front of them. Cage smiled before saying “Thank you Moerm, Lisann, Billa and Foral.” Each smiled greatly at how he knew their names. They backed away and Cage reached forward to pick up the delicious assortment of foods. Peppers and bread seemed to be their staple foods and he enjoyed the spicy flavors. Meeka and Brooke also reached to gather the delicious smelling food.

  As the tribe began eating some in the crowd brought out drums and simple wooden instruments to start playing and making the night come alive. Cage found his finger tapping his leg to the primal and exciting beat.

  “Why do you not partake of meat?” Brooke asked as she noticed he clearly avoided the wonderful tasting food.

  He met her curious stare. “Because I don’t eat it, haven’t done so in years. I don’t care all that much when I kill, but I cannot bring myself to eat another creature who avoids being killed as best it can. Plants are different, they are simple and don’t care all that much. If I were another creature and killed a human and ate it, other humans would find it revolting. I can consume things produced by animals like eggs, milk or cheese though.”

  She became quiet to ponder such strange thoughts.

  The music made all of the tense emotions of the day ease and watching everyone sit, talk or watched children play showed Cage there is much more to the Utala then he first realized. They are certainly a warrior tribe and yet they love, play and make great music. He didn’t see naked savages. These people were close and loyal to their tribal family.

  After everyone had their fill the trays of food and drink were set aside for later. Music slowly came to an end and after the conversations died down the only real sound came from the blazing bonfire. Brooke then stood up and said “Now we come to bring in our new chief and sister. All children, come forth to meet our new leader.”

  Dozens and dozens of children stood and approached. Four young nursing mothers also came forth with babies not even a year old. One child in particular came right up to Brooke and the priestess moved to stand behind the child of seven years. She was an adorable child with black hair that barely brushed her small shoulders. Large brown eyes stared at Cage and Meeka with hesitation.

  Brooke placed her hands on the girl’s shoulders. “Cage, Meeka, this little one is mine. This is my daughter, Rena. She is my only child and pride of my life. Rena is aspiring to be a great huntress and warrior one day. Rena Child, allow me to introduce you to your new family members. He will be your new father, Cage. And she will be your second mother, Meeka. Go greet them.”

  Cage stood and Meeka followed as Rena came closer. For the moment, he went along with the introduction, but he didn’t even expect Brooke had a daughter. He now understood why she hated men. In a small voice she said “Hello, Cage Father.”

  He got down on one knee and ge
ntly said “Cage is just fine little one. It is a pleasure to meet you, Rena. I am not you father, nor will I ever be.” A hurt look appeared in the child’s eyes and Brooke’s hands went to her weapons at such anger. He went on as if he didn’t notice. “Rena, your father hurt your mother when she was little to see your current age. I will not hurt your mother like that. Where I come from there are two kinds of men. Fathers and dads. Fathers get women pregnant and don’t take real care of the mother. Dads are very different. Dads do not hurt mothers. They treat them with respect. They work together with mothers and help guide their young. The last chief was your father, not me. It will take time for you to understand, Rena, but if time works out the right way I’ll try to be a good dad for you and your mother.”

  His words had the most effect on three little women the most. Rena began to cry as she rushed closer and surprised him with a heartfelt hug. Brooke could only stare as he deeply touched her aching heart.

  When the child stepped away Meeka laid a hand on Cage’s and Rena’s shoulder. To him she said “That was very beautiful.” and kissed his cheek. To the girl she said “I hope we become good friends, Rena. I promise to also take care of your mother.” The girl hugged her as well.

  Brooke’s eyes watered for the first time since she gave birth, at such a heartening moment she wouldn’t soon forget. Rena then asked “Would it be alright to sit with you for a little while?”

  “Of course.” Cage said and patted the spot between himself and Meeka. Rena gladly sat between them while trying to wipe the tears away.

  Brooke had a hard time not hugging all three together and knew she had to proceed. She called for several children at a time and introduced each one.

  The next three laidback hours were spent introducing the tribe. To speed matters Cage said the names he knew and proved he knew the individual by pointing at them.

  As Cage and Meeka met each individual Brooke said “Before we begin the bead ceremony I must ask what talents you have so you can have the proper bead to show others your capability. Look at my strand. I have three beads and they are signified as thus, the top blue signifies I’m first and foremost a priestess, the middle yellow marks me as a huntress and the bottom orange is a warning that I’m a deadly warrior.” She pointed each metal bead. “Cage, already I know you will get two beads, one for chieftain, and one for being a man of magic. Meeka, you will get an orange one as well. What we, as your people need to know is what other things are you good at so at a glance any one of us will know what you can do.”

  Cage looked to Meeka for her to go first. She admitted “I’m a healer by trade…”

  Brooke smiled. “Terrific! We always are in need of healers. What else?”

  “Um I’m not sure…” She looked away.

  “Rena?” Cage asked and the child looked up in surprise to be called upon. “Would you mind going over and bring me my pack please?”

  “Of course!” She beamed and moved her spindly little legs to get his pack and bring it over with a smile. This intrigued the crowd greatly.

  Cage opened his pack and stuck his arm inside. He felt the letters still safely tucked in their hidden compartment and then found what he searched for. Out came the ocarina. Meeka’s eyes widened in recognition while the others grew confused. He looked over at the blonde beauty and said “You know what to do.”

  Meeka stood up and took a step back so all could see her. Cage put the mouthpiece to his lips and skillfully placed all his fingers over the holes. He began to play a half second ahead of Meeka’s astounding voice until synchronizing. Their song captured the audience. On a side thought, Cage still marveled that such a rich and loud voice could come from such a body. Their song was slow and more beautiful than anything the Utala had ever heard in their whole history. When the song came to a close they were rewarded with cheering. Brooke requested another and got a lively tune this time.

  When the music began the second time Cage had to focus hard on playing because Brooke began to dance. Her moves were seductive, crisp and sensual. Other shameless women stood and joined their priestess. Drums and other tribal instruments began to flow into Cage’s ocarina tune.

  It became a wonderful prelude to the next event.

  Three songs later Brooke clapped her hands together and silenced her people. One burly man approached with a dinner-sized plate. Inside the recess were hundreds of colored beads. He handed it to the priestess and returned to his spot. Brooke selected three beads and sat the plate down in the grass without spilling any. She looked lovingly and smiled. “Meeka Love, come here.”

  She moved to stand right before Brooke with a smile herself. Brooke removed one tomahawk and pulled a few strands of Meeka’s golden hair from the left side of her head. A simple flick of the handle cut the strands just above her jaw line. She then returned the weapon to its holster and lifted the first bead. “This silver will mark you as a healer. And this pink one will signify you as our greatest songstress. Lastly you know the orange signifies you as a warrior.” Brooke began threading the three in her hair to also say “The more skills you have the more beads will be added. Just know, with these you become Utala in full. Congratulations Sister and my woman.” Brooke tied a knot at the base of the warrior’s orange bead so it wouldn’t come undone unless it were cut or ripped from her scalp. To finalize the ceremony she kissed Meeka fully on the lips and had the moment’s passion returned. They pulled away with a smile then turned to see Cage appearing quite relaxed about it. Brooke squeezed Meeka’s firm bottom and got a squeak in response. The crowds noise finally got through and she saw not one unhappy face among them. “You may return to our daughter’s side.”

  Meeka did so and Rena smiled and touched the beads. She then noticed not one child wore beads.

  “Chief Cage, come to me.” Brooke said kindly.

  “Here, Kid, play with this.” He handed his ocarina to Rena who held it with wonder. He got up and stood tall before the beautifully fierce woman and felt like he was being accommodated.

  Brooke held up three beads and explained the meaning. “Cage, white signifies you to be a man born of magic. The Utala hasn’t had a mage in four generations. This red tells you are a storyteller through music that stirs the blood. And this green bead tells you are chief and our greatest warrior.” She reached up and thread the beads into his hair that was just long enough to accept the beads in a single row. She then wrapped her arms around his neck and felt his body go rigid. “You are now Utala in full, our chieftain and my mate.” She then pulled her lips up to his.

  He and others worried that the strange magic would repeat. Nothing happened. He accepted the kiss with a smile, but didn’t return it as she had been hoping.

  Nevertheless the whole tribe cheered and celebrated all over again.

  Brooke let go and stepped back to dance with her people in commemoration.

  Cage knew what would be approaching soon and turned around to see Meeka showing Rena how to hold and play the instrument. The child’s fingers were too little and it made him smile.

  Rena kept playing and giggling when her mother came back, sat down and put her on her lap. “What do you have there, little one?” Brooke asked and tickled Rena’s ribs to get out a giggle.

  Rena held it up to show her mother, seeing how happy she became all in one night. “Meeka Mother says it is an ocarina. She says it comes from where Cage is from. It makes beautiful sounds, but it gives me a headache.”

  Meeka put a hand on her leg. “I’ve already told you it is because you aren’t used to singing or playing a woodwind instrument. When I was your age and learned to sing I’d get lightheaded too. The more you practice the less dizzy you feel.”

  “She is right, Daughter. When I was little I too got lightheaded when I tried singing. I was never skilled to sing like your new mother, but it did get easier as she says. Now run along and play with your friends and remember that you’ll be sleeping with the other child girls this night.”

  “Can’t we sleep together l
ike always?” Rena pleaded.

  “Not this night.” Brooke said and kissed her daughter’s cheek. She glanced longingly at Meeka who also returned the look while blushing and hesitant. “Tonight I will be busy with our new chief and new sister warrior. Go on now and play.” She took the ocarina and gently patted Rena’s bottom. The girl got up and ran off to disappear in the sea of dancing bodies.

  Meeka scooted closer and asked “Why does she call me Meeka Mother?”

  Brooke sat the instrument down by Cage’s bag and wrapped an arm around Meeka’s back. Brown eyes met blue. “What is the matter? Why do you look away from me when I look at you?”

  “Honestly… I’m afraid. You are very beautiful and I want you… it’s just I never thought I’d ever find one person who can survive my curse and now I have two. I’ve always liked boys and girls and now I feel I’ve got one of each and I’m afraid I won’t know what to do… besides I don’t think I can survive if you challenge me for the right to mate.”

  Brooke blinked before laughing. She then turned Meeka’s face to hers and gently gave her a tender kiss. “In a way you are like a child among us, Love. Allow me to educate you on a few things… First, women do not challenge women for mating rights. Only mating fights occur between men and women. Women and women cannot breed, but we can give each other great pleasures. Any woman merely has to ask another for sex and if they are receptive to it, there is no problem. But for a man who can generate life within a woman it is different. Women crave strong, smart men who can give them strong and smart babies. If he cannot beat a woman he has no right to mount us. And every girl, including my daughter, is taught how to fight and not give in to any man unless he can make her. But we do not allow our men to challenge girls till they have their first moon-flow. The only rule against it would be if she is under thirteen and is an early starter. To also forestall mating challenges in our young we separate them to different tents unless we need to send them off for protection. The men strictly teach their sons and mothers their daughters. Boys rarely get to interact with girls because they want to test themselves against girls. Since they, as children, lack restraint or control over their anger challenges get dangerous and some have died far too young. Usually it is the stupid boys who die.” Brooke grinned mischievously. “Women are the better sex after all.”

  “That we can agree on!” Meeka laughed and relaxed in the naked embrace while staring at the joyous tribe. “It is too bad they are naturally stronger.”

  “This is true, but we have our own advantages. They cannot control themselves when they see our breasts, flower or ass. We have more control and can use them to make them a greater strength than muscles.” Meeka threw her head back to laugh. “You are a very wonderful woman.”

  “Thank you.” This time Meeka gave her a soft kiss she enjoyed. “I still wish to know why you daughter calls me Meeka Mother.”

  “Because it is done this way. Strong men who win challenges and have children usually have more than one woman… hmm… look over there. See how that warrior is surrounded by five women dancing together? His name is Zatal.”

  “I do.”

  “He has fought and won each of them and has fathered nine children through the five. Each woman has come to love him very deeply and loves her sisters with just as much affection. Tonight there will be much lovemaking by him and each other. He will lay with each and the other four will make love to each other at the same time. They love their sisters and him equally and won’t want to be separated. Let’s say that warrior over there wants one of the five, he has two choices. First he can challenge the woman and will find her fierce for she wants to stay with her man and sisters and will do everything to keep it that way. The other option is the warrior can challenge Zatal for all his women. In those instances there is always a fatality because Zatal will mercilessly kill for his women or be killed. Most Utala men would rather die than have all the women they fought so hard for be taken by another.”

  “Couldn’t they refuse a challenge?”

  Seriously Brooke looked into Meeka’s eyes. “You only make a challenge if you’re willing to put your life on the line. We do not take kindly to cowards afraid to die just to keep status.” Meeka swallowed thickly. “Back to your question of my daughter. Zatal, the warrior with five women have children. Each child knows who their real mother is. Since their mother has other women she loves, the child also sees them as another mother. It is quite common for a child to have more than one mother. I had six myself.” Meeka’s jaw dropped at such a revelation. “My father was a fine warrior, second only to Elder Metak when he was the chief before the one I killed. He died saving our village when I was eleven. My mother fought at his side in the last tribal war and died as well. My other five mothers would have taken care of me, but the far-seer made me a priestess years earlier and the priestess at the time had me stay and learn all that she had.” She smiled fondly at the old memories. “And now that our prophecy has been fulfilled, I know you are my woman, sister and lover. We are destiny. Rena is now your daughter as much as she is mine though I birthed her seven years ago… Meeka, why do you smile like that.”

  Meeka felt so touched she truly gave Brooke a kiss she didn’t expect. It was a deep and sensual one she had only ever shared with Cage that one night that seemed so long ago. Their lips parted and Meeka felt so loved she couldn’t express it in any other way at the moment. Their lips only parted as air needed to be breathed. Both breathed heavily and Brooke raised a surprised and questioning brow. Meeka chuckled as she wiped a tear away. “Sorry for the ambush, it’s just that I’d never dared hope feel this way. I feared I’d die alone, childless and never able kiss anyone, even my own child if a man could make me one and avoid my lips. I come here and in one day find a woman who wants me and a child who will act as a surrogate for me and I didn’t have to endure the pain…”

  “You are the lucky one. Rena was a savage to get out.”

  “And she doesn’t look as if I’m taking you away from her. I never knew anyone who would accept me as you and your people have.”

  “We are your people so do not forget it.” She said lightly and planted a quick kiss.

  “I won’t.” Meeka blushed. “I don’t want to make your night go bad, but I was wondering what Cage was talking about… he talked to Rena, but said something about her father hurting you… What did the last chief do to you that would make you kill him and every man who wanted to be chief since?”

  Brooke pulled her arms away from Meeka and stared at them on her lap while sighing. “Cage is more perceptive than any man I’ve ever met.” Meeka remained silent to let her get the pain off her chest. “As priestess of the Utala I have obligations to my people. Always a woman is priestess of the Utala and has been touched by magic in some way. We are taught the laws of our people, guide them and care for them. Elders act as guides to teach the young and can only make the tribe do things when the priestess or chief is not around. The chief is our leader and none are above his commands unless he is beaten. Most chiefs are men. Few women were strong or capable enough to hold such a position. As priestess I was forbidden from taking two power statuses, but within my rights to keep it open if someone defeated me. Most times the chief wins mating rights to the priestess, as was the case with me. In my fifteenth year I had my first moon-flow and received my beads I still wear.

  “The moment the blood stopped flowing from my flower the recently appointed chief challenged me for mating rights.” She sighed. “And he won because he was within Utala law. He beat me as if I were nothing more than a buzzing fly. That night he painfully entered me, caring for only his pleasure. The first time should be done gently and with care… he had none in him. My new sisters helped me in the morning after he left because I couldn’t even walk correctly after what he did inside me. He was a cruel and mean chieftain, but his strength was great. I was still in vast pain from the night before and he didn’t care as he slammed himself inside me time and time again. I was strong for my age,
but not that strong. I tried defying him saying I hurt… he showed me real pain by beating me senseless and entered my ass. I never wanted it again so I submitted to his power…

  “The next year I found he made me pregnant and I vowed to not allow any more mean children come from his seed. When Rena came into my life I began secretly training with the warriors who wanted the bad chief gone. He was not good for the Utala. I endured another year of misery while caring for my beautiful child and training secretly. At that time I fought for her and she kept me going.

  “Six years ago I felt the time had come and challenged him to become unmated and called him many true names and told the village what he does to women if they don’t open their legs for him right away when he find himself hard. In a fit of rage he came at me with a knife, calling me ungrateful for all he had done for me. Only one good thing came from him, my amazing child.

  “It truly was a difficult fight and in the end my tomahawks cut his head clean off. I had been the first mated woman to kill their mate in eleven generations. Instead of getting happy I killed the bad chief, other men of the clan wanted to claim his position. I began to see all men like the chief and killed three men that day, who challenged, in my anger. I would not have a chief do what the last did. And for six years it has been thus and only my sisters give me comfort.” Then she let out a short laugh and wiped a tear aside as she met Meeka’s fiery stare and knew she would have done the same in her place. “Then you and Cage came in my life. In a day my life changed. When I challenged him I was going to kill him like all the others. Then he did that strange whatever it was… I think he said monkey-attack. I had never in my life laughed so hard when he mounted only air and made the noise of pleasure. His surprise between looking at me far away and down was more than I could handle.”

  “He has a very funny side at times.” Meeka admitted and wrapped her arms lovingly around the priestess who endured pains she didn’t realize earlier.

  Brooke then grinned. “What I cannot believe is the size of his manhood. It is as long as my wrist to elbow and as thick as my wrist the whole length and straight as a staff. It looks different, but I want to know how it feels, Love. Is it amazing inside you?”

  “The reason it looks different is because where he comes from he had some of the foreskin cut off as a baby. He told me the story of how it was once ritualistic, but now makes it much easier to clean and limits problems. As to how it feels, I wouldn’t know. I’m untried, but I really cannot wait to have him inside me too.”

  Brooke’s head spun in unheard of surprise. “You are his woman… I see how he looks at us and it makes me feel wonderful. Why hasn’t he pleasured you with that amazing manhood?”

  “Because I haven’t wounded him in our matches. I have to draw a drop of blood to claim him as a prize. Until then I know he will not do what I need from him…” Meeka looked around with narrowing eyes. “Brooke, speaking of Cage… Have you seen him after you gave him the beads?”

  The priestess stood upright and looked all over. He would have been easy to see over people and the fire because of his greater height. She yelled over the crowd “CAGE, WHERE HAVE YOU GONE!?” Music, dancing and talking came to an end as they looked around to not find him. Not one person realized he left. When he didn’t reply she ordered “Hunters and huntresses! Find our chief immediately! He still has a duty to his women! Go!”

  Over half of all the adults took off, searching all tents and surrounding area.

  Meeka stood and placed a serene hand on her new love’s tense shoulder. “Brooke, I should warn you, they won’t find him.”

  “You underestimate your own people?”

  “No, because I’ve seen them surprise us on the plains. What I’m saying is you severely underestimate Cage. I cannot tell you all without his consent, but he is more than a man with magic. He does things without magic that seems like it. If they find him I will apologize and admit I was wrong. Think about it, how could he disappear without at least one person of our tribe seeing him.” Meeka then heard the barking of large dogs.

  “Do you know why he left right when we were about please him and make us sing to the spirits?”

  “I have an idea. Wait until the hunters return and prove me right. I will tell only you in private. But I do know he will return because he left his pack. If he truly meant to leave he would have taken it with him.”

  Meeka took Brooke’s hand in her own and sat down, bringing her too and sitting the priestess on her lap. They stared and watched as everyone bustled about, searching for the chief or sitting with concern. While waiting Meeka commented “When Huntress Pomy told us to enter the village, she warned you easily get upset. I know she was right and it is because you are a passionate woman. I believe I can fall in love with you easily.”

  “After tonight there will be no doubt.” Brooke said with another kiss.

  Yapping dogs and dozens of hunters returned an hour later as the last group to do so. The dogs were loosed to roam as they wanted while the lead hunter told the others to go and join their mates. He walked right up to Brooke, Rena and Meeka to say “I’m sorry, Priestess, he couldn’t be found. We followed the chief’s trail to the lake like the other hunters found. Then he just disappeared. I swear he made the best false trail to fool us. I do not get the feeling he used magic… he is just a great man. The dogs had a difficult time tracking after he disappeared near the water. He should have been easy to find on a clear night like this and near a full moon as well. Priestess, I get the feeling that if our chief doesn’t want to be found, he won’t be. The only suggestion I can make is wait till he returns.”

  “Thank you Hunter Rin.” Brooke looked over her daughter’s head and caught Meeka’s satisfied wink and smile. The priestess stood and looked to her waiting people. “It seems our chief won’t join us for the rest of the night. We will still celebrate with our lovers and hopefully tonight some of my sisters might be growing with child. Enjoy yourselves.” She ended seductively and made all the young women laugh as they helped their mates up to please them. “Children! Go to your tents and sleep well while your fathers and mothers are together.” She turned around. “You too Rena. Sleep well my child.”

  “You too mother.” She said in a tired voice and gave her a hug. Rena turned around and embraced Meeka. “Good night, Meeka Mother.”

  Meeka returned the squeeze and watched her leave with the other little girls.

  “Now it is our time to be alone.” Brooke said and took Meeka’s hand in her own and walked backwards to the grand tent of the tribe.

  She let go to pull the entrance flap aside for Meeka to step in. “Amazing… it feels much larger in here than I expected.” The ground lay barren of all grass, telling that the tent has been here for some time because grass takes week to die without light. Several rolls of animal hide were against the leathery wall with an assortment of other supplies. In the center of the shelter lay a stacked bundle of wood and tinder. Up above lay a hole for smoke to escape and not choke them out. Meeka looked over her shoulder to find Brooke returning with both packs and a burning stick from what remained of the bonfire. She set the packs aside and put the stick in the simple hearth.

  Brooke moved over and selected the largest and most comfortable buffalo fur she owned. She laid it out beside the fire to say “Now that we are together this will be your new home. Only the chief, his lovers, the priestess and their children are allowed to sleep here. I never thought it would be good saying this, but I’m quite looking forward to sharing it with you and Cage. Usually it is only myself and Rena sharing this tent.” She began smoothing out the hide and looked up. “Come, Love, and allow me to give you something long overdue.”

  Excitement and worry filled Meeka in equal quantities. The only thing to get her to approach is Brooke’s beauty and kindness. Meeka moved in and knelt on the remarkably soft fur, in front of the breathtaking woman.

  Without anything left to say Brooke wrapped her arms around Meeka’s soft back. Their lips came
together and Meeka tasted her newest love. She had a delicate sweetness they shared. Brooke began to gently rub Meeka all over and started kissing her cheek and soft neck. Meeka’s back arched as her skin grew hot and more sensitive. Brooke kept slowly kissing her way down to the collarbone and made Meeka gasp as she reached her breasts. When she couldn’t handle it any more she coaxed Brooke up to kiss her again and this time the priestess gained the same treatment. Meeka felt alive as she gave and received what she so craved her whole life.

  Brooke gently pushed her new lover back on her back with little hesitation and crawled up on her and began rubbing her hard nipples against Meeka’s and kissed her deeply. Her hands went lower and felt how Meeka enjoyed her ministrations by the wetness and swelling. Further wanting to make her happy Brooke slid a finger inside and Meeka’s hip bucked in reaction. It made Brooke grin in satisfaction. She slipped in a second and a third to hear Meeka begin to pant and moan. She pulled her fingers in and out in slowly increasing speeds. Meeka began to feel something building in her lower abdomen and knew something amazing was about to happen. Brooke then moved faster and watched as Meeka let out a cry to the spirits and her body began to spasm significantly. In the action of release Brooke felt Meeka squeezing her fingers greatly. The explosive tremors eased into rolling waves for close to a minute.

  Meeka felt hot as sweat seeped from her body and her breasts bounced from how fast she breathed. When she could think again she grabbed Brooke’s delicate face and brought her up and kissed her. “Wha… What did you do? What was that? Magic?”

  Brooke kissed the tip of her nose. “It is woman’s magic. It was an orgasm. Would you like another?”

  “I’m not sure I can handle something like that again.”

  “Nonsense.” She smirked and worked her way down, all the while kissing her love’s soft flesh.

  “Wait… What are you…” Meeka couldn’t finish asking as Brooke orally began to tease and nibble on her swollen flower. Meeka began seeing stars as Brooke skillfully used her tongue. The building began again and did so much faster this time. The release was harder and lasted longer.

  Brooke moved back up and laid on her side to marvel at her work. “I told you, Love. You can have many if your lover is skilled enough. It feels good doesn’t it?”

  “It was wonderful.” Meeka said in a throaty way. She then grinned. “Would you like the same treatment.”

  “Most certainly.” A few minutes later Brooke panted as her body shook of its own accord. Meeka pulled her head up from between her lover’s luscious legs with a satisfied smile. Brooke leaned up and grabbed her head “I want another!” and pushed her back onto her flower for another blissful explosion that made her shout upwards in a strong orgasm that took away all other thoughts except the physical expression of true love.

  Meeka and Brooke ravaged each other for hours and couldn’t get enough of each other. When they were spent they held each other tightly, never wanting to release the other. In the quiet of each other’s embrace they smiled as they hard the moans and screams of pleasure coming from other tents and lovers.

  “There is something you must do.” Brooke stated in an unsure voice.

  “What would that be?”

  Brooke sat up and Meeka followed, feeling flush and alive. “Every Utala has seen the size of Cage’s lance and I’m afraid how he’ll hurt you.” She gently cupped Meeka’s cheek. “Since you have never laid with a man I assume your maidenhead is intact.” Meeka nodded in a blush. “He will hurt us with his manhood without intending, but your pain will be far greater than mine. You will experience more pain than the pleasures if it is not broken. I lost mine to the chief eight years ago so when he fills me I will be pleasured. You will be in much pain because of his size. The only way I can help you is to break yours now so when tomorrow comes and we make him bed us your pain will be considerably less. Would you allow me to lessen your future pain, Love?”

  “How?” She asked in discomfort.

  Brooke pulled one of her nearby tomahawks and showed the handle. “This will be the size of a large man’s lance. Cage will be twice this. Will you allow me to help you before he fills us?”

  Meeka nodded and laid back. The later sharp pain made her wince and eased as Brooke took it out. The pain lingered and she had to use a cloth until the bleeding stopped.

  After it did Brooke held Meeka in her arms and they looked into each other’s eyes. “You said you would tell me about this idea of why Cage left us.”

  She nodded on the comfortable fur. “I’ve gotten to know him very well in the time since we spent together journeying. What you need to know is he doesn’t do anything without a reason and he thinks of many different things all at once. Today was an exception because he couldn’t seem to focus with everything happening all at the same time. He most likely snuck off to be alone and clear his head. He knew without you even telling him about how one man hurt you and you’ve hated them all since. He knows you were hurt when you were young and as you’ve already said, his lance is enormous. He doesn’t want to hurt you with it like the last chief did. Besides, he’s told me he doesn’t enter the ass when I asked once in private and he said he’s too big for that. Only a flower can properly hold him. Also we made a deal I couldn’t have him till I scratched him. He is getting rid of temptation.

  “But the biggest thing I’ve learned about Cage is that he is alone.”

  “Alone?” Brooke asked.

  “Yes, alone. Do you want to know how he got the name Cage?” Brooke nodded. “He got it because someone found him abandoned in an actual cage and gave him the name because of it. I suspect his mother discarded him from birth.” Brooke’s heart began to break at such a horrible start to life. “He was raised by people that didn’t want him and was tormented by older children. He was only six when he killed three boys twice his own size. He then fled and lived by himself for a number of years till he nearly got killed. He was rescued by a warrior who brought him in. Even at a young age I bet he could fight adults without problems. That one man was the only person to ever show kindness to him. When he got a little older the kingdom learned of his abilities and trained him in more things than you and I will ever know. Let me just say he is a greater healer than I will ever be, even if he didn’t have magic. Then he became his kingdom’s greatest warrior and partnered with other great warriors from other kingdoms.

  “When those kingdoms saw their own warriors as a threat they send them into a trap. Cage was the only one to survive.” Brooke stared in anger. “He then killed all who betrayed them. You will have to ask him how. Soon after, the man who raised him died.

  “Brooke, Cage has never known anything except heartache. You saw him when we first kissed. It was like he died at the thought of being alone again. Then you challenged and saw that the only joyful thing he knows how to do is fight. He’s had other women, but never been shown anything except isolation. Whatever spell the Great Prophet laid upon us and took us over, took away his deep feeling of being forever alone. The feeling he couldn’t understand is what you and I know because others have explained and shown us. It is love.”

  “Love? I don’t understand why he would leave us…”

  “Because he has never known it truly for his twenty eight years of life.” She interrupted. “He has known companionship, but never love. Sex feels good for the body, but a woman’s love has never been given to him once in his whole life. Tonight I felt your love for me in your touch, kiss and other monumental sensations. I do not believe I would have felt the same if another did what you did. The way we are holding each other so intimately makes my heart race while I feel so relaxed and comfortable. I’ve held Cage many times, but I could feel a wall in him that said I’ll only hurt him again. Tonight I didn’t feel any resistance when you and I sat to either side. He feels our growing love for him, but cannot understand it.”

  “There is no reason to love.” She commented.

  “That is my point. To him, everything has a rational ans
wer. That is why he calls himself a rationalist. He, right now, is trying to understand the feeling of love and is difficult to comprehend. He believes in what is and isn’t, there isn’t any middle ground until he figures it out. Now do you understand why he left two beautiful, naked and willing women to go and be alone?”

  “I think I understand. But tomorrow, when we find him you must win. We will show him the love we can give. If we are lucky he might even impregnate us with that glorious staff he wields.”

  Meeka grinned. “He will make beautiful babies with us won’t he?” Brooke nodded emphatically. “I’ll do my best tomorrow, Love.”

  Brooke grinned as she said what she knew would come after a great night and kissed her.

  They settled down and fell asleep contently in each other’s arms.

  Distant starlight began to fade as night made way for the dawn. Cage lay looking at the sky with more confusion than he ever knew existed. Always he kept an eye on the village and it made him smile ironically that it took close to two hours before anyone missed him, the recently inaugurated chief of their people. All night it stayed a small point of light from where he sat watching and thinking. He heard the faint barking of dogs on his trail and knew he had to use a little magic to keep them from finding him. He could keep from leaving a trail humans wouldn’t see, but the powerful nose of hunting dogs weren’t so easily fooled when finding a scent. If by some chance someone could follow his trail he figured he deserved to be caught. He used magic to take his dead skin cells and odor to make several false trails and for the carefully walked trail he used he stopped at a certain point and used a bit of wind to scatter his scent in a hundred foot wide circle.

  When in the night he saw dozens of burning torches scattering in all directions he laughed on the inside when a group found his circle scent deposit because the dogs spread out and confused the hunters so much they had to return.

  Cage wrestled with himself, but when he got alone he could finally think clearly. It was so hard to do it with Meeka and Brooke near. The other women of the village were stunning, but couldn’t hold a candle to those two. His thoughts kept going back to them as he felt like a boy in puberty again when he noticed the opposite sex. He wanted them both and knew it would only complicate matters. It was a strange and conflicting situation. Back on Earth it was frowned upon, having more than one lover at a time. Nevertheless, he knew they wanted him as much as each other just as he wants both. That wasn’t hard to realize. The problem is it wasn’t really a want, more a need. He needed their acceptance and it filled him with as much joy as a good fight. It had never happened before, anything feeling close to anticipating or engaging in a fight. His mind kept trying to resist, but he knew it wouldn’t happen.

  He touched the singular row of beads in his hair and smiled. People who didn’t even know him made him their leader and mate to their most valued member of the tribe they would all die to protect. He felt his lips, remembering the impression of both Brooke and Meeka over any other kiss he ever had. He couldn’t deny they both came crashing into his heart to permanently take residence and make it home. It wasn’t the kind of love that builds over time, it was instant and all consuming.

  Each one of us has had a problematic past. Cage thought.

  Only a single irrational answer came from his rational mind, he loves them both. He used magic on himself and couldn’t find anything had wormed its way inside and made him feel like this. The only thing that left any trace he could detect was that the spell that shattered the feeling he carried his whole life was all that had been targeted. That dominant feeling that protected him broke and made way for other feelings to have room to grow, leaving his mind and thoughts intact.

  As darkness made way for day, Cage got up out of the tall grass and began the reasonably long walk back to his new people.

  A half hour later he saw four riders on horseback barreling their way in his direction at a full gallop. He kept walking after they drew bows, showing their skill to ride full speed and stay seated without using their hands. They slowed the mounts when they first noticed his black arms and shoulders. “Chief?” One rider asked as she lowered her bow.

  “Good morning, Zanza. By the flushness of your cheeks I can tell your night was exciting.” He laughed.

  All drawn bows lowered as they rode right up to him and looked him over with a furrowed brows. Zanza and the others dropped down as she asked “Where did you go, Chief? You worried all your people. If it were not for our new sister, Meeka, we feared you left us forever. Why did you leave us and your mates on such a wondrous and rare occasion. Do you realize how worried we have been? Many of our warriors feared you deceived us…”

  Cage placed a calming hand on your shoulder. “Breathe, Zanza, or you will faint from talking so fast. Will you allow me to explain to everyone why I left, in the village? If you wish to bind my hands to put the warriors and our people at ease, I’ll consent. Will you hold questions for now?” She went silent. “How about it Leek, Yana, Keta? Will that be allowed? I might be your chief, but I know as much of your laws and customs as a newborn babe.”

  Zanza patted her hand on his and smiled kindly. “Yes, Chief. We will wait, but do not think your mates will be so kind as I for an answer. They wait for you as we speak. I hear you run without tiring, get going.” She then slapped his bare backside. The surprise made him do as she said.

  In about ten minutes he and the other riders met the whole tense village. Even the children seemed more subdued. Neither Meeka or Brooke stood amongst them. He slowed when he caught sight of the elders. “Elder Metak, why have I been greeted to such a rigid group?”

  He sighed, coughed hoarsely and shook his mane of gray hair. “Chief, you must know the women you left in the night are on a warpath. I have never seen such angry women and one of them we know. Best beware, Young Chief.”

  From the looks on everyone’s faces they were grim. He grinned. “I’m ready for another fight.” That saying made the crowd speechless.

  Cage walked ahead, escorted by his new people.

  Out of nowhere came two flying bodies when he reached the center. The surprise knocked him to the ground and the wind in his lungs. He went to fight his way up and stopped when he saw two smiling faces and heard the whole tribe laughing. Brooke and Meeka each pinned him down with their full bodyweight and began laughing. He could only blink from such a position.

  Elder Metak came close and looked down. “I’m sorry, Chieftain. Brooke and Meeka were adamant about making it seem like they were very upset. Your face alone made the tribe’s hard work worth it. You do not realize how hard it was to make everyone look as if they were troubled. Zanza did a great start for us.”

  “A setup?” He asked the two women holding him down. Both nodded with a smile and he richly laughed.

  Meeka and Brooke leaned down on him and kissed each cheek. He felt their soft lips and two pair of perfect breasts. He laughed as they leaned back, giving him an opportunity to sit up. “Thank you for not being mad at me… Meeka, you look to have had a great night with Brooke.” The two women grinned at each other. “I’m glad your first night went so well.”

  “For you to have come back as you did without sneaking,” Meeka asked first. “did you figure anything out?”

  “This’ll sound corny, but I learned about that odd feeling. The reason I couldn’t understand is do to the fact that I never knew about it.” He gently cupped each of their cheeks with a large hand and stated seriously “It is love. The rational answer to an irrational question is that. I love both of you.” They both smiled back at him. “Can I get up to explain a few things?”

  In answer they got up while taking an arm and helping him stand. He turned around and said “My people! Gather every brother, sister and child. Since I know you can keep a secret, I wish for you to hear my story. It will help for you to know who exactly you appointed as your chief. Go and gather everyone. If they are busy, make them stop.” They looked at him for a moment before a large grou
p dispersed to carry out his command.

  Cage turned back around and raised an eyebrow at Meeka. “I see you’ve been given a gift.”

  She looked down. “Yes, they had a leather thigh sheathe made for me last night so I can carry my knife without wearing my boots. It makes me feel more comfortable now that I fit in more. Being naked in front of you was easy, but in front of others isn’t as effortless to be accustomed to. With my knife it is easier to have others look at me.” She then tilted her head. “Are you going to tell them the whole story, even where you came from?”

  Brooke watched the exchange in silence with those also near.

  “They have a right to know who leads them. I cannot build up any trust in them with a lie. I’ll need your help convincing them of the truth. I’ll also make images to show them what I mean. I know they can keep a secret because you and Brooke had the same prophecy. If you had even thought you heard something similar, before the two of you met, I wouldn’t tell them anything.”

  “Ok, I’ll help as best I can.” She admitted.

  In no time at all the entire village gathered all around the large hut to hear their chief’s story. The remnants of the bonfire had been removed and was told the ashes were scattered among the plants the Utala cultivated. He had all the children sit in the front so they could see better. The adults sat together or those in the back stood to see. Cage sat on his heels to say “Children, listen carefully.” Each one leaned slightly forward. “You are going to see magic during this story. What I need you to do is stay as quiet as your parents will. I still need to say this so listen… You must never tell an outsider or anyone about my story. It could endanger you and all of the Utala. If you wish to speak to me later I will welcome it, just not while I’m speaking. Can you keep your chief’s secret?” They all nodded or spoke the same meaning. He stood up and said “That goes for the rest of you. You may ask questions, later. I will not lie to you. Believe what I say is truth. Confront me later if you judge I lied. Try to find me lying. I welcome people who can think for themselves and not believe anything till you understand. I will begin my story as I did for Meeka. It is a long story and she will be the first to hear any inconsistencies, should I lie.

  “My story begins twenty eight years ago on a different world from this one.” He made an illusion of Earth in the air, half the size of himself and it drew everyone’s attention. “I was found abandoned, most likely by my own mother, and found in a cage. It is the origin of my name…”

  Brooke’s head turned sharply to Meeka who nodded. She saw nothing except truth for she said nearly the same thing earlier. The story and magic continued as he showed his memories through magic. Everyone sat, entrapped by his story while periodically watching for Meeka to find a note of being false. They found none as they listened for over an hour to the story of their chief, a world absent of magic and what happened to him growing up. When he got to the part of being betrayed, he had the children close their eyes while he showed precisely what the cartel did to him. Many of the strong willed adults who were used to a hard life found his treatment sickening. He wouldn’t let the kids see torture and slow death. When his mana began to wane and quickly tire him he sporadically made illusions to prove certain points.

  Cage then explained how he came to Raliea and allowed the children to feel his armguards. He left very little out, only the most gruesome details he didn’t want children to hear. He explained his meeting with Meeka, her capture, kiss, run in with wyrms, fight at the castle and all the way to their current situation.

  “Now that you know of my life’s story I can explain how I felt during the celebration. Imagine for a moment that you came from another world, met a beautiful woman to journey with, see untold wonders and danger. Then you are brought to a village who knows nothing about you, has a woman try to kill them. How would you react to becoming chief after a fight and be told you had to bed her when the last man who did scarred her deeply? Would you push her into being a mate when it is a law, caring nothing for her feelings? And add to it by asking yourself if you want to hurt a companion that has been with you the whole time.

  “It was too much for any man or woman to handle. We all need time to get away from others and think alone. As a human, I’m a selfish person, wanting to get away for a time. I also don’t want to feel sad just because it is difficult to realize I’m not alone and have found love in these two amazing women. I wanted several things besides solitude. The biggest being to give Brooke and Meeka time alone to make each other happy when both have such sad pasts. Look at how happy they became overnight. I didn’t want to spoil their first time with each other.”

  “And we are very grateful.” Brooke announced. “Now that we know, will you join your mates this time and make us happy?”

  He smiled. “Tempting, but I can think better now. Meeka still has to win the bet we made before that happens. The moment she scores a drop of blood you’ll both have me make love to both of you. I don’t need to make the same deal with you because you already cut me.” He pointed to the scab on his chest. “I will not heal this wound because you gave it to me. When Meeka does likewise you’ll both have me love you in every way.”

  Brooke looked to Meeka. “Love, you say you fight two hours every morning… Get up and win so that we can.”

  “I was thinking the same thing.” She admitted and kissed Brooke before standing and drawing her knife from the thigh holster. She looked down to say “Children, if you wish to stay and watch me fight the chief, you will need to back away from us.” They moved eagerly back with excided eyes. The adults became just as interested when the new members squared off.

  “Hands or feet?” He asked as a grin grew.

  Since Meeka progressed in her fighting he let her choose how he should return strikes. “Feet this time. It will show our people how you held back on their priestess.”

  “What?” Brooke demanded as she got to her feet. “You held back?”

  He smiled. “Sorry, Brooke, to burst your bubble. I will say you are a dangerous person, but it would take two of your skill to make me show my real abilities. You’re used to fighting opponents one on one where I’m accustomed to multiple. You still have improvements to make and I will show you what you lack. Watch what I’m about to do and you’ll see why Meeka chose me to attack with only my legs. Don’t be mad, Sweetheart, I’ll teach you so you can make me eat my words.” He looked calmly straight ahead. “Ready?”

  Meeka took her fighting stance she’s worked on and held her knife as he taught. “I am now.”

  “Then here I come.”

  For two hours, every Utala watched in awe as Meeka fought Cage. They never knew anyone could fight in so many ways. Meeka avoided many deadly kicks and got in a few glancing strikes. The people couldn’t believe someone could walk on their hands while fighting and spinning. Barrage upon barrage of kicks lasted the whole two hours. Meeka fell twice by her own mistake and four as he swept her feet out from beneath. Her last move with the knife came within a quarter inch, the closest she ever got before.

  “That is two hours, Meeka.” He said as he flipped himself back on his feet.

  She collapsed on her knees, placed her hands on the grass and breathed deeply.

  Most of the crowd clapped in response to what they witnessed.

  Cage looked to the side when his other woman approached with a hint of awe in her brown eyes. He smiled to say “Where can I go find something to eat? I’m exhausted. Doing magic on top of not getting any sleep and sparring with Meeka has tired me right out.”

  “We will eat together. I will show you to our gardens.” She moved over and knelt at Meeka’s side. “Love, are you hurt?”

  “Just a few scratches… I’ll be fine in a minute… Do you believe me now?”

  Brooke grinned. “I never doubted you. It is hard to believe until you see and hear it for yourself though.”

  “What are you two talking about?” He asked.

  Brooke answered. “She said some thin
gs last night I found hard to believe until you said much of the same. Come, I have questions while we eat.”

  Meeka finally stood, sheathed her knife and followed.

  They made it to the gardens quickly enough and gathered a few fresh foods. Then they went by the chicken pen where they harvested eggs. The last stop brought them to a corner of the village where a dozen women sat around laughing while cooking a simple flat bread on a flat sheet of metal situated above a fire.

  On their way back to their tent Meeka questioned “Why do you wrap dry grass like they did to cook the bread?”

  Brooke smiled and pointed to the lake. “Because wood is very rare on the plains. Those trees are the largest cluster in forty miles. We tightly bind the grass to burn better. If we didn’t, the grass would burn out in seconds. We use grass since wood is so valuable to us.”

  “Then all the wood in last night’s fire…”

  “Was the first and most we’ve burned in nearly two years. We collect fallen sticks all year long and only cut limbs for our bows and arrows when in need. Those yew trees have been our treasure since the Utala first claimed this for our home forty generations ago. The trees give us all we need for tools and small fires almost every night. If we have any more celebrations it will not be as big as last night’s for some time.”

  They sat together and ate until full. Cage surprised Brooke as he cleaned the water and she acted as if it were the best she ever had. It wasn’t a lie. Meeka enjoyed her expressions and wondered if hers were similar when she first tried pure water.

  After the morning meal, Cage noticed a few inquisitive faces, mostly curious children. He waved them over and everyone who waited came. They sat near him and one child of eleven or so asked “Is it alright if we can ask questions, Chief?”

  “Of course.”

  “Hold them for a few minutes, children.” Brooke kindly said. “The chief must answer mine first.” They were quiet as she turned to stare at him. “Cage, do all men on your world fight as you do or are you your planet’s best fighter?”

  “No and doubtful. Not every man can fight, not effectively anyway. I am a good fighter, but there will always be someone better or I could make a mistake and lose to a lesser fighter. I am by no means truly the best. Most times I succeed only by sheer chance. I’m not anywhere near perfect, nor will I ever be. There are countless fighting styles and weapons. I excel very quickly and adapt. The arrow I caught yesterday was a fluke because usually I miss grabbing it. Though you’ve seen my skills in hand to hand, someone can still kill me.”

  She nodded, surprised of such honesty. “After being stabbed in the back… what is the worst part of being crippled?”

  “It’s not just one thing, it’s a bit of everything. It does change your perspective. If there was just one thing that made life in a wheelchair most unbearable is how people treat you differently. Most look on us with pity or a blight that should be removed from society. To tell you the truth, after I killed the last man and got my affairs together I was going somewhere that I’d never be seen again and live the rest of my life alone in solitude until the day I died.”

  Brooke laid a hand on his leg. “But that didn’t happen. You are here and have people who will not leave you alone ever again.” She leaned forward and gave him a kiss.

  “Besides,” Meeka began with a rosy smile. “we don’t look down upon you. I for one want to know if our people can breed with you. It will be fun to learn the answer.” She then kissed him too.

  He laughed. “I’ve thought the same. I think it will be possible. Megdline said my body was no different than any other mans. We will have to see like you said.”

  Much of the day passed as he answered many questions. They were fascinated with his world and stories. Sometimes he had to gently say he wouldn’t answer certain topics either because he didn’t know or speak of dangerous topics he didn’t want to be released into a thriving world. He wouldn’t allow this planet to suffer like the one he left. Some even strategically tried to trap him in a lie and it surprised him that these simple people were adept at mental strategy.

  He also noticed a few dozen people were gone and was told the hunters went hunting to replenish the large amounts of food they depleted last night. He also knew he interrupted the hunt yesterday for buffalo. They returned a few hours later with several horses carrying large meaty sections of a buffalo from a successful hunt. The hunters were very efficient and even skinned the animal, wasting nothing except intestines that were left behind for vultures.

  Dinner arrived faster than he expected because he was so occupied answering thousands of questions from Earth, including history. The Utala found knowledge interesting, refreshing and utterly exhilarating.

  Just before dusk, Meeka stood up and took her fighting stance without drawing her knife. Everyone looked at her, confused. Brooke asked “Meeka, what are you doing?”

  “A routine I forgot about doing yesterday with all that happened.” She looked up as Cage stood and mirrored her pose. His nod was the clue for her to explain. “This stance was one of the first things Cage taught me on how to properly fight. I found it strengthens the legs and gets you comfortable to take such a position till its natural. It helps to make my footing more solid. The problem is holding this position for a full hour.”

  “Doesn’t seem hard.” Brooke commented.

  “I thought the same thing at first.” Then an idea popped into her head. “Why don’t you and the others get up and find out just how easy it is.”

  “Excellent idea!” Cage announced and stood tall to look at everyone who sat close to watch. “I want to do something for all of you. If you would like to learn how to be more dangerous I’ll teach all of you like I do with Meeka. If you wish to learn, get up and hold this stance for a full hour with us.”

  Everyone who heard got up. They had all seen his deadly skill and the ease at which he used it. The tribe valued strength in the highest regard and for their strongest warrior to teach what he knew is a great honor, Brooke told him later on. Even children got up. Cage moved among the people, adjusting their stance until it was properly formed. The only ones who didn’t join in were the elders who were content to watch and the youngest of children who couldn’t focus long enough. Pregnant women were also content to watch.

  After only a few minutes the first people had shaking legs and collapsed. Brooke stood solidly beside Meeka and said “I now understand why you taunted me. My legs feel on fire and I’m barely half through.”

  “That is still better than my first attempt. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve fallen just trying to hold this position. It does help. If I did not do this every day I know I wouldn’t be as I am now. I found this pose foolish and did it anyway if it helped me to get him. It wasn’t until I was cornered and killed three men that I understood just how much it works and had made my strength improve. When we were crossing the sea and were bouncing from one topic to the next I asked him if his exercises had names like the different sword and archery schools and he said to name something like a stance or an attack is to limit the move’s natural progress and evolution. He said many moves he practices came from different fighting schools and histories. Some schools tend to only allow that particular style and he finds that a limitation. I’ve found that he is a born fighter and when it comes to combat he never uses the same attacks twice. It keeps people guessing.”

  “If he fought the same way in each battle he would become lax. A proper mate should never do exactly the same thing twice or he will find himself rigid and easy to kill.” Brooke confirmed.

  For the first time, Meeka held her stance for the full hour before collapsing right beside Brooke who also couldn’t hold on any longer. Three others also held on for the hour. Only Cage and the elders laughed together because everyone was so sore they couldn’t move for a time.

  Darkness settled in and the tribe turned in early. They weren’t in any condition to do much else at the time. Again Cage disappeared before anyone rea
lized and Brooke didn’t bother sending her people off in search, if the night before was any indication on his skill to leave without a trace.

  Recovered from holding the same position Brooke and Meeka made love again and grew intimately closer and cried in pleasure as they each made each other quiver in ecstasy. Both opened to each other faster and more freely than either had ever done before. After a few hours of intense feelings and lovemaking Meeka held Brooke between her breasts and was content.

  Before drifting off into sleep Brooke moved up and asked “Meeka Love, tell me about this deal you made with Cage.”

  “Why do you ask?” She said softly.

  “Because I have never had a lover like you before and no woman has made me climax so easily either. I love what you do for me, but we both know we need a man to truly complete us. In six years I finally found a worthy man I want inside me. You want him more than I because you know him better. The problem is, he is the finest warrior I truly believe the whole Utala history has ever had. I feel it will take years for you to cut him and I cannot wait that long. We both greatly yearn for him and want him with us. I need to know how we can get you to defeat him so we can fulfill our prophecy. I know we are the three and will find the truest love only when we are together. Please tell me.”

  “His rules are I can only attack during sparring sessions. If I come at him with a weapon at any other time he might kill me, that hasn’t changed. Today I tried sneaking up on him, but he clinched his fist in warning. I took it to heart. So long as I draw his blood during our morning sparing time together I can get him. You saw how he fought with only his legs today, imagine him not holding back. You are right, it will take years.”

  Brooke grinned after a moment. “Not exactly. I have an idea that might work in your favor…” The more she explained the wider Meeka’s grin widened. “Think it might work?” For an answer, Meeka kissed her beloved excitedly and with much trepidation.