Read The Guardians Book 1: Path to Vengeance Page 11

Chapter Eight

  Faidan, Faidar System, Gerash Sector, Gaashox Quadrant

  The Hebradon Empire was expanding rapidly, as was their fleet of capital ships. Despite the power and size of both the Empire and the Imperial navy, there always remained the possibility of assault or invasion by another race seeking to conquer and plunder. This, however, was not the only reason for Empress Hefrask’s concerns for her people. The Hadon and Narodian Sectors were susceptible to attacks by marauders and pirates who roamed the outer fringes of the sectors. In an attempt to thwart these criminal operations, the Hefrask sisters left a vast number of capital ships patrolling the sectors within the Empire.

  With such powerful battle cruisers at her command, Treyanna was confident her continuing plans for the conquest of the Gaashox Quadrant could be achieved with only eight of these vessels. The other four were assigned to patrol duties throughout the Hebradon Empire, and maintain a watchful presence over the systems within.

  Admiral Jeffron was searching through the central computer system, hoping to find deployment records of the cruisers ‘Intrepid’ and ‘Excelena’. The volume of data contained in the library was vast, and with so many Imperial vessels in service at the time of Emperor Belack’s death, he knew it could take some time before he located what he was searching for.

  Fortunately, he stumbled upon the relevant information within five minutes of commencing his search. He absorbed the information before transferring it onto a microdisk, switched off the terminal, and headed for Treyanna’s quarters. The door opened just before he reached it, so he entered without being summoned.

  Jeffron stopped inside the outer room, which was filled with artefacts collected from the worlds that had recently joined the Empire. There were paintings hanging on the walls, sculptures and religious ornaments set atop pedestals and shelves. Every item was exquisite. There were many more objects stored in containers within the chamber, and also in the cargo hold destined for the Imperial Palace on Hebrant. Great effort had gone into making her private quarters on board the command ship as comfortable and as palatial as possible. Only the finest would do for the Empress of the Hebradon Empire.

  Jeffron was impressed with her taste, and her eye for detail.

  “What is it Loprass?”

  “I apologise for disturbing you Ma’am, but I have information relating to two of those Hendara cruisers in the Faidar system.”

  Empress Hefrask put her glass on the side table and looked at the Admiral with interest. “That was quick, my friend.”

  Loprass smiled. “Captain Drask was in command of the ‘Excelena’, the flag ship of Admiral Zepherson, whose fleet comprised five mark three Hendara battle cruisers. This fleet along with two others were under the overall command of Supreme Marshal Zeranda Simoshon. The five vessels had been refitted and re-supplied, and then assigned to the Welash Sector two months before the death of Emperor Belack. Three months later, they disappeared without trace.”

  “That’s very interesting, very interesting indeed. Is Admiral Zepherson still in command?”

  “According to the records, he was scheduled to rendezvous with the fleet a week later, but there are no flight logs indicating he did.”

  “A fleet deploying without its Admiral? Surely such things are unheard of.”

  “It was known to happen on occasion.”

  “So this Captain Drask might still be in command.”

  “He was the most senior Captain of the fleet, and if he is in command, then it could make our task much easier.”

  Three days later, the four Hendara cruisers arrived at the perimeter of the Faidar system. They decelerated to sub-lightspeed and remained outside planetary sensor range. Moments after the command ship came to a full stop, Treyanna appeared on the bridge.

  “Admiral,” she called.

  Admiral Jeffron ceased talking to the Lieutenant at the defence station, turned, and met Treyanna half way across the command deck. “Ma’am, the fleet is in position,” he said as he came smartly to attention and bowed.

  “Is the shuttle prepared?”

  “It is, Ma’am, with two squads of the best Eloran Commandos already on board and waiting.”

  Treyanna smiled. “Then it is time to depart, Admiral,” she said and headed for the turbo lift.

  The Admiral walked at her side, and signalled to the Captain who immediately acknowledged him. “You understand the current mission orders?”

  “Yes, Admiral.”

  “Good. You have command until I return,” said Jeffron as he entered the turbolift with the Empress.

  An honour guard was already in position on the hangar deck waiting for their arrival. The commanding officer brought them to attention and saluted the moment the turbo lift door opened. A lieutenant disembarked from the shuttle, stopped at the foot of the boarding ramp, and saluted the Empress when she approached.

  “The shuttle is prepared for departure, Ma’am, and awaits only your command,” he said before moving to one side to allow the Empress and her party free access to the shuttle.

  As soon as they had strapped in, the pilot took off and set course for Faidan. Five minutes later, the shuttle pilot decelerated from lightspeed and set a course heading that would take them directly to the shipyards and the docked Imperial cruisers.

  “Shuttle Alpha-Two, this is the command ship ‘Excelena’, what is your purpose and destination in this system?”

  “Command ship ‘Excelena’, this is shuttle Alpha-Two of the flagship ‘Vindicator’. We request permission to land onboard and make contact with your Admiral or senior Captain.”

  “Please transmit the relevant authorisation codes.”

  “Transmitting codes now.” The shuttle’s communications officer selected and sent the appropriate codes.

  “Codes received. Remain on your current course and velocity.” The young officer checked the codes against the computer records, and when the corresponding reply codes appeared on his monitor confirming they were genuine, he noticed the codes they received were ten years old. Lieutenant Pondera turned around to see the Captain approaching.

  Captain Drask, the commander of the Hendara battle cruiser ‘Excelena’ heard the exchange between the two communications officers, and was intrigued by the shuttle’s arrival. He walked toward the comms station. “Where did that shuttle come from, Lieutenant?”

  “According to the pilot, the flagship ‘Vindicator’, Sir. It decelerated from lightspeed only moments ago, and is requesting permission to land.”

  The Captain frowned. “The ‘Vindicator’? That ship was reported as having been destroyed. Have they transmitted the appropriate codes?”

  “Yes Sir, but they are ten years old.”

  “So? That is insignificant since we are far from the Ladorran Quadrant. I’m more interested in where it came from, not where it is going, so find out Lieutenant.”

  “Yes Sir.” The Lieutenant reopened the comm channel. “Shuttle Alpha-Two, what command are you attached to, and who is in command of your vessel?”

  Admiral Jeffron took over the shuttle’s comm. “This is Admiral Loprass Jeffron, commander of the Hendara Ultimar cruiser ‘Vindicator’, former fleet commander of the Ladorran Outer Region Alpha Fleet under the authority of Imperial Marshal Ferown. I demand authorisation to land and expect your commanding officer to be waiting.”

  Captain Drask looked shocked at the mention of the Admiral’s name, which sounded familiar. Two months before the battle of Caprosse, he had been assigned to a battle fleet near the Deranton System under the command of an admiral whose name he could not remember, but was convinced it was Jeffron. Then for reasons that became clear shortly afterwards, his orders were cancelled two days prior to departure.

  “Captain?” queried the Lieutenant.

  Drask nodded his approval and the comm officer relayed landing authorisation to the shuttle. He went to the first free terminal, accessed the data library, and searched through the deployment records to confirm whether his memory was corr
ect. A short while later he found what he was looking for. “I knew I’d heard the name before,” he said and quickly read the file:

  Assignment record of Jeffron, Loprass, Fleet Admiral, Imperial Navy.

  Commander of the ‘Meridon Fleet’ onboard the Hendara Ultimar cruiser and command ship ‘Vindicator’, plus five Imperial Hendara battle cruisers in support.

  Assigned to Imperial Marshal Yinuvv, Ladorran Outer Region Alpha.

  Duties: Patrolling Ladorran Outer Region Alpha under direct orders of the Imperial Marshal.

  Command Change:

  Commander of the ‘Meridon Fleet’ onboard the Hendara Ultimar cruiser and command ship ‘Vindicator’, plus five Imperial Hendara battle cruisers in support.

  Assigned to Imperial Marshal Ferown, Ladorran Outer Region Alpha.

  Duties: Patrolling Ladorran Outer Region Alpha under direct orders of the Imperial Marshal.

  Record lapses after Emperor Belack’s death.

  Drask shut down the access terminal and turned to face the junior officer. “Lieutenant, arrange for an honour guard to be formed on the main hangar deck immediately,” he said before heading for the turbolift.

  The guard was formed and the shuttle had just landed when the Captain arrived. Drask felt his pulse quicken, and his collar seemed to tighten around his neck as his body temperature increased. He had not experienced such anxiety since awaiting the arrival of Supreme Marshal Zeranda Simoshon eleven years ago.

  The thrusters shut down and the boarding ramp extended. The hydraulics hissed as the locks were disengaged and the pressure balanced in the landing gear. Bringing the honour guard to attention, the Captain approached the base of the boarding ramp, but two squads of Eloran Commandos bearing maroon shoulder armour marched smartly toward him. He moved a few paces backward and watched as they formed two lines either side and leading away from the base of the ramp.

  It was a sight he had not seen for many years, and it brought back painful memories.

  The Eloran Commandos were highly disciplined and skilled in all areas of combat, the elite of the old Empire. They were a force to be feared, and were feared by many, even within the ranks of the Imperial forces. They had a reputation for ruthlessness and efficiency no other force could match.

  Drask fidgeted nervously being so close to them, and even resented their presence on his ship. It reminded him too much of the old days, a time when people feared saying a wrong word, or making a simple error that could lead to their incarceration in one of the many mines, quarries, or penal colonies, or in some cases, their death. They were a symbol of what Emperor Belack stood for, and what he did to achieve his ambitions.

  The Captain served the Belocian Empire with unwavering loyalty, but always resented the methods the Emperor used to conduct his ruthless and provocative domination. Drask was one of those who were not saddened by the emperor’s death, nor the demise of his empire. Fear of who would attempt to seize power in Belack’s place spread rapidly, so Drask, who was one of many other captains, fled to systems on the outer fringes of the quadrant.

  Now, after ten years of freedom from the oppressive Belocian Empire, its presence had returned. Drask wondered who had secured Admiral Jeffron’s loyalty. Was he a warlord in his own right, or did he serve another, and what implications was it going to have on his future?

  A few minutes later, two imposing figures appeared at the shuttle door, paused, and then descended toward the Captain. One was a tall female wearing a dark maroon robe with the hood pulled over her head; the other was a male dressed in an immaculate Imperial uniform bearing the rank of Fleet Admiral, first class. It reminded Drask of the times he saw Supreme Marshal Simoshon appearing beside Emperor Belack. He shuddered at the memory, and a spine chilling thought entered his head, but he brushed it aside as impossible.

  The Captain stood smartly to attention as the Admiral and his companion stopped a pace in front of him. “Welcome on board the Imperial Hendara battle cruiser ‘Excelena’ Admiral Jeffron; Captain Drask at your command, Sir.” He gave a smart salute that impressed the Admiral.

  “Thank you Captain. I would like to present her Royal Highness, Empress Hefrask of the Hebradon Empire, of whom I have the honour of serving,” he said indicating the person beside him.

  Captain Drask faced the woman and bowed his head smartly. “Welcome Your Highness. It is an honour and a pleasure to have you onboard, Ma’am,” he said. He had heard of the Hebradon Empire, and the only link between it and the old Belocian Empire was Admiral Jeffron and his fleet of Hendara capital ships.

  Treyanna nodded once. “Thank you Captain.”

  “Will you be staying long, Admiral?” he inquired.

  “That will depend on circumstances, Captain,” he replied.

  Drask did not like the response, but knew the Admiral was not at liberty to say anything at this time. He led his guests to the private function room, feeling strangely uncomfortable the whole time. There was definitely something imposing about the empress Drask found intimidating. He had not yet seen her face, only a shadow, which also reminded him of Belack, having only ever seen a hooded shadowy visage of the man. That was Belack’s way of maintaining an air of mystery and anonymity, believing people feared what they did not know or could not see.

  When seated, he commanded the orderly to bring refreshments, and when he turned to face the Empress, who had now removed her hood, he saw a strikingly beautiful woman. She possessed an oval shaped face with soft features, which was a complete contrast to what he expected. Her skin was smooth and unwrinkled, her long fair hair plaited in a pony tail. Drask guessed her to be no more than thirty years of age, very young for one with so much power and authority, but she exuded confidence and strength.

  “Admiral, forgive me for being so bold, but I’m intrigued to know how you located us?”

  “Captain, you are in command of a fleet of Imperial battle cruisers; boldness is a trait I expect of one in your position. In answer to your question, it was Empress Hefrask’s sister who discovered you during her travels through this sector.”

  “I do recall the arrival of a young woman a short while back. She had an unusual and lasting impression on several of my junior officers.”

  Treyanna smiled. “My sister can have that effect, Captain.”

  Drask smiled, and turned to face the Admiral. “Reports received shortly after the battle of Caprosse indicated the ‘Vindicator’, along with the ‘Enforcer’ were destroyed.”

  Jeffron smiled. “A ruse, Captain. Probably similar to that conducted by yourself and several other fleet commanders. It was an ingenious plan of action of yours, executed perfectly, and something I would have expected from an Admiral. The after-shock was felt across the quadrant, and several other fleets disappeared without trace shortly after, which ultimately resulted in the disintegration of the Belocian Imperial fleet.”

  Drask nodded, but said nothing. He had no idea his plan had worked so well, nor with such far-reaching repercussions.

  “What happened to the fifth vessel of your fleet?”

  “The Captain decided to remain loyal to the old ways, as did a number of the crew from every ship. The other four captains and I gathered to discussed the issue to avoid unnecessary bloodshed. Those who desired to leave, transferred to the ‘Excellence’ and vice versa. His intent was to seek out and unite with Admiral Franton. I have no idea if he succeeded.”

  “Interesting, and a wise command decision. Better to have four vessels of loyal crew than risk open confrontation with potentially devastating results,” said Jeffron smiling. He saw potential in this officer, but wondered if the last ten years had softened him too much. Having searched the data records, he knew Captain Drask had been recommended for promotion to Admiral, second class, but events at Caprosse had obviously intervened. He decided not to reveal that fact, at least for the time being.

  “What of your fleet, Admiral?” asked Drask.

  “Fortunately, the six ships of the ‘Meridon Fleet’ surviv
ed, and we picked up two strays a month after the battle of Caprosse ended. Four of those vessels are currently patrolling the Hadon and Narodian sectors, and the other four are deployed just outside your sensor range.”

  Drask was not surprised at the news, and was impressed with Jeffron’s tenacity and ability to succeed where others failed.

  The Empress leant forward, her hands clasped loosely together on the table. “Captain, I am interested to know how long you have been in this system.”

  “About six months, co-ordinated galactic time, Ma’am. After leaving Caprosse we roamed the outer rim for about a year before deciding to explore the unknown regions. Without star charts for the area, it took some time before we arrived in the Gaashox Quadrant. We deployed shuttles to several planets while travelling through this quadrant, restocking supplies when required. When we discovered Faidar had a space dock, we thought it wise to purchase some replacement equipment and carry out some refit work that was becoming essential.”

  “They appear to have accepted your presence here?” said the Empress.

  “It took some time and careful persuasion to assure them our presence was of peaceful intent, and that we only wanted to repair our ships. They are a friendly people, and we have established a good relationship with them.”

  “Didn’t you know of the raider’s attacks on shipping in the sector?” asked Jeffron.

  “I heard about them shortly after they began. We were approached with a request to assist in defending ships against the attacks, but we decided it would probably cause dissention between neighbouring systems. Our plan was to travel to each system, hoping to discover another Imperial fleet that might have fled the Ladorran quadrant, without remaining in any one system for long. We knew our search might prove fruitless, so all of my senior officers have agreed to return to Marderas and face whatever consequences we might face.”

  Admiral Jeffron was quite taken aback by Drask’s last statement, and yet he understood how the man felt. “It is an extremely large galaxy to travel with no real goal or sense of belonging, is it not Captain?”

  Drask nodded. “It is indeed, Admiral. One can only do it for so long, and ten years is far too long. I was beginning to believe it was about time to retire from military life.”

  Treyanna smiled warmly. “It appears we have arrived in time, Captain Drask. My sister and I are contacting the surrounding systems to encourage them to join our glorious Empire. That is why we came to your command ship first, to personally offer you a position within the Hebradon Imperial Fleet with all the privileges that accompany it.”

  Drask suspected this would happen, and was unsure if it was what he really wanted. He said nothing in response.

  “Of course, we understand you will need to consider the implications of your decision before making it,” said Jeffron.

  “There is no need to consider the implications, Admiral. I am aware of your reputation and qualities as a fleet commander.”

  Admiral Jeffron frowned at the Captain’s words, unsure what he was insinuating. He took a sharp intake of breath as if to say something, but Drask continued before he could do so.

  “Our data records were fully updated prior to the battle of Caprosse, and your service record is exceptional. I knew many Captains who regarded it an honour to have been able to serve under your command.” He paused before continuing, making sure he was about to make the right decision. “Although I have enjoyed the privileges of full command over this small fleet for just over ten years, I accept your seniority of rank and relinquish my command to you. I’m sure all officers and crew under my command will have no objections accepting you as Fleet Admiral.”

  Admiral Jeffron smiled, but remained a little sceptical. “You intend no argument or complaint, Captain?”

  “Why would I, Sir? It has been rewarding to remain in command for as long as I have, but my crew has been restless for some time. There’s been no possibility of real action other than dealing with troublesome raiders, not the sort of task befitting an Imperial battle cruiser.”

  Drask had lost all desire for continuing as fleet commander, and the continual travelling with no clear direction. He was considering discussing the option of bringing their plans to return to the Ladorran Quadrant forward. If the others had objected, he was prepared to resign his command and settle on Faidan. Despite his keen intention to serve under Admiral Jeffron and a new Empress, he remained sceptical about his commitment.

  Admiral Jeffron nodded. “I understand. The crews of my own ships were beginning to feel the same way, that was until we had the good fortune to enter service with Empress Hefrask.”

  He was delighted at the Captain’s willingness to hand over command of the four cruisers, and that his reputation was well known. Jeffron’s service record had been exemplary, commended, decorated many times, and had attained the required record of achievement for promotion. However, the Empire had been shattered by the Confederation of Star Systems’ victory at Caprosse at the most inopportune time, and so too had his prospects of promotion.

  He had wandered the galaxy for many years, searching for other commands to reunite into a large and powerful Imperial fleet, but it had been an unsuccessful exercise. Even the Eloran Commandos with their private fleet had disappeared without trace, much to his anger. He spent some time searching for clues to its whereabouts, but that also proved futile. Eventually, he entered the Gaashox Quadrant, finally arriving in the Hadon Sector and entering into the service of Empress Hefrask.

  “Well Admiral, it appears as if there will be a good future for us all in serving a new Empire,” said Drask, as he began believing hope and purpose was returning to his life again, and the thoughts of prosperity and security diminished his scepticism.

  The days leading to the Belocian Empire’s defeat had been most rewarding for Drask, and a good future had lain in wait for him. The prospect of retiring was not one Drask had relished, and now would be unnecessary.

  “What is the current state of readiness of the fleet?”

  “The ships are fully operational, but there is about eighteen hours of onboard maintenance and refit work outstanding, which is of secondary importance and can be completed in flight. Crew numbers stand at ninety-one percent, troops at seventy-two percent. Each vessel has two full wings of fighters, comprising Zilon fighters, interceptors and bombers, and a full complement of ground assault equipment, shuttles, gunships and deployment barges.”

  “Well Captain, I see no need to remain here any longer. If you would be so kind, please prepare the fleet for immediate deployment.”

  The Admiral’s polite request took Drask by surprise, having expected a firm definitive order. “Yes Admiral. While I’m carrying out those orders, perhaps I can have a lieutenant show you to the Imperial suite and command quarters?”

  “That would be acceptable. However, I would like to address the crew as soon as you have informed them of your decision.”

  Drask smiled. “Of course, Admiral.” He beckoned a lieutenant. “Escort the Empress to the Imperial suite, and then accompany the Admiral to the bridge.”

  There was a mixed reaction to the news of the new allegiance spoken of by the Captain. Some were sceptical, others resentful, and many were filled with anticipation at being united with the military force of a large and expanding Empire. A moderately sized number were disappointed at the news, those being the ones who retained a small glimmer of hope of returning home and retiring from military service. Even so, when the orders for deployment were given, the four battle cruisers became a hive of activity.

  The Admiral strolled to the communications consoles and gave the contact signal to the communications officer, who immediately contacted the ‘Vindicator’.

  “May I make one request, Admiral?” asked Drask. Jeffron nodded. “If it does end in armed conflict, may I request the four ships formerly under my command refrain from engaging the Fadarans?”

  The request took the Admiral by surprise, but understood the reasons behind it.
“I don’t think that should pose too much of a problem.” Drask’s expression showed his relief. “However, if the situation requires it, I will call on you.”

  “Naturally, Admiral, but if I know these Fadarans, it won’t be necessary.”

  News spread quickly and all crew members currently on shore leave returned to their duties within the allotted time. The four cruisers began moving away from the shipyards just as the Hebradon fleet appeared.

  On receiving her sister’s signal, Empress Roweyna and Treyanna’s aide Selayna boarded another shuttle, and left the ‘Vindicator’ ahead of the fleet. They landed on the ‘Excelena’ and joined Treyanna in preparation for the trip to the planet surface.

  Ten minutes after the signal from Admiral Jeffron, the Hebradon fleet arrived, and formed a loose arrow shape formation pointing toward the planet.

  “Maintain fleet formation,” said Captain Phellex, “and prepare troops for ground assault.”

  “Yes Sir,” said Major Trellen, who went to join his troops on the hangar deck.

  The lieutenant at the sensor station turned round. “Captain, we have a fleet of ships on intercept course: Twenty TS5s, twenty MCFs, and eight corvettes. The four Hendara battle cruisers have also altered course and are heading this way, Sir.”

  Phellex peered out of the main viewport watching the cruisers leaving the shipyard. “It’s of no consequence, Lieutenant” he replied. “Admiral Jeffron is in command and they pose no threat.”

  On board the cruiser ‘Excelena’, Admiral Jeffron stood beside the comm station and spoke in a firm, but calm voice. “Forces of Faidan, I am Fleet Admiral Jeffron of the Hebradon Imperial Fleet. We do not intend hostile action against you, and advise you to stand down. Her Imperial Majesty, Treyanna Hefrask, Empress of the Hebradon Empire, requests an audience with the Governor and Senators of your world to discuss important diplomatic matters.”

  The comm system remained silent, the tension on the bridge grew, and many glanced at the Admiral, who unsurprisingly remained calm with his arms behind his back, hands clasped lightly together. After several minutes of anxious waiting, a short crackle sounded and then a man with a deep voice spoke.

  “Admiral Jeffron, this is Captain Crasgill of The Faidan Planetary Security Force. Six of the MCFs currently on intercept will remain on course and act as escort. Inform your Imperial Majesty that her presence will be expected in one hour. The escort will guide your shuttle to the designated landing site.”

  Thanking the Captain, the Admiral signalled for the comm to be switched off. He ordered Drask to inform the Empress that the Fadarans were prepared to meet with her, and to have the shuttle prepared, if it had not already been done.

  Prior to leaving for the planet, Treyanna called Jeffron to her quarters and promoted him to the highest rank attainable: The Imperial Admiral.

  The future for Jeffron now looked even more prosperous and promising than ever. Before joining forces with Empress Hefrask, his greatest achievement was being given command of a fleet comprising the Hendara Ultimar and five Hendara battle cruisers. Now he would be in command of sixteen Hendara capital ships, once the four under construction were completed, and a considerable number of other makes of cruiser, battleship and support ships.

  Several years after leaving the Ladorran Quadrant, Jeffron heard of Admiral Baratton’s attempts to reunite the Imperial forces, and was even prepared to consider an alliance with him. However, he did not want to lead his men into supporting a lost cause, nor did he wish to serve under a regime holding onto the ideals of the old empire, one that had been dying and decaying from the inside. So he held off making the decision hoping to ascertain Baratton’s ability to conduct an offensive campaign against the new Ladorran Republic. His decision proved to be one he did not regret making.

  It was known by many of the most senior commanders that Belack was losing his grip on his empire and its forces, but they hoped he would restore order, so they remained loyal to him and the Belocian Empire until its demise.

  He rubbed his hands gently, delighted with progress, then dropped them to his side and strolled across the command walkway. As he did so, the officers seated in the crew pits watched him.

  “Captain Drask, you have command. I’m returning to the ‘Vindicator’.” He entered the turbo lift, turned and saw many of the crew looking in his direction. Drask nodded once. He returned the gesture.

  Jeffron sighed lightly as the lift door closed. With the addition of new ships, Jeffron would need to re-arrange the command structure of the fleet, something that required little consideration having already decided who was to be promoted. Ten minutes later, Admiral Jeffron walked onto the bridge of the ‘Vindicator’ to a rapturous applause. News of his promotion had been relayed to all capital ships in the Hebradon Imperial Fleet, not just those in the Faidar System.

  Captain Phellex approached, saluted and congratulated him.

  “Thank you Oberon,” he said shaking his hand. “Now, if you will, issue an order to all ships. All Captains and their two highest senior commanders are to attend a briefing on the command ship in one standard hour.”

  The Lieutenant at the comms system complied.

  An hour later, the Imperial Admiral introduced the new members of the fleet, brought them all up to date concerning events that had transpired, and what plans they had for the future. Captain Drask and his three associate Captains were welcomed and officially integrated into the Hebradon Imperial navy.

  With eleven Hendara battle cruisers and one Hendara Ultimar cruiser currently operational, the Imperial Admiral re-organised the breakdown of the fleet. Anticipating the arrival of the four cruisers nearing completion in the Peragar system, he decided to create three fleets consisting of five battle cruisers per fleet, with several other capital ships and transports in support.

  Captain Drask would take command of the Third Fleet, comprising the four ships originally under his command and one new ship when completed, with promotion to Admiral Second Class. Captain Andross would take command of the First Fleet comprising the three current ships in the Faidar system, and the addition of two new ships, with promotion to Admiral Prime. Captain Sargon would take command of the Second Fleet comprising the four ships currently under his command patrolling the systems within the Empire, and the addition of one new ship, with promotion to Admiral First Class. The details would be transmitted to him later.

  Following their promotion, the three Admirals would be responsible for selecting their new Captain, thus ensuring the chain of command remained complete. This action created a surge of confidence and expectation among the officers and crew of every ship in the fleet.

  Jeffron knew he had made the right decisions, and could place his trust in the loyalty and dedication of those under his command. Duly satisfied, he terminated the meeting.