Read The Guardians Book 1: Path to Vengeance Page 12

Chapter Nine

  Faidan, Faidar System, Gerash Sector, Gaashox Quadrant

  Imperial Admiral Jeffron was discussing some technical details with Captain Phellex when Empress Treyanna and her sister appeared on the bridge. He went to greet her. “Welcome back Ma’am,” he said, surprised that he had not been informed of their arrival. “I apologise for not greeting you on the hangar deck.”

  Treyanna waved her hand casually. “The apology is not required Admiral. The Lieutenant at communications was ordered to acknowledge our approach only, and to ensure nothing would delay our landing.”

  “I trust your business on Faidan was successful, Ma’am?”

  The Empress smiled as she sensed his relief. “It was my friend, but now the occupying force needs to be deployed.”

  “It will be dealt with immediately.” He turned his head toward Captain Phellex who had appeared at his side. “Captain, ensure the deployment proceeds without delay.”

  “At once, Admiral.” He faced the Empress. “Ma’am,” he said bowing.

  Treyanna smiled. “Captain.”

  Loprass strolled alongside the two sisters as they spoke of Faidan and their visit. He was impressed by the speed and effectiveness of their manipulation of the Governor and his Senators, but was also a trifle disappointed because there would be no conflict.

  A young officer approached, came to attention near the Admiral and waited to be acknowledged.

  “Excuse me Ma’am,” said Jeffron, who turned to face the young man. “Well Lieutenant, what is it?”

  “Admiral, we have a communication from Elest for the Empress. It’s from Imperial Governor Waress, and coded class one confidential, Sir.”

  The Admiral nodded and the Lieutenant returned to his post. He then hastily caught up with Treyanna and Roweyna who were heading toward the turbolift. “Ma’am, Governor Waress has requested you contact him.”

  “Thank you Admiral, we’ll use our private communications station.”

  “Very well, Ma’am.”

  As the Hefrask sisters returned to their chambers, the Admiral took his station on the main bridge. He gazed at the officers and crew at their stations working efficiently. Only a few had ever let him down, mostly those who had been new recruits. Although any individual became nervous when they made an error, his crew never feared the consequences under his command as they would have under Zeranda Simoshon or any other senior commander. They knew they would be disciplined if the error was serious enough and warranted discipline, but knew the Admiral was fair. They did not, however, dare take advantage of that fairness.

  Loprass believed the best way to gain a well disciplined and reliable crew was by earning their trust and respect, and by showing strong unwavering leadership and authority, something he had proven time and time again. His particular way of commanding had not only earned that trust and respect, but also a loyalty which exceeded that given to the Empress. As a result, those under his command were prepared to follow him without question, even if it resulted in their death. They had proved their loyalty and reliability on countless occasions, which gave the Admiral good reason to be proud of them.

  “Admiral, the occupation force has been deployed.”

  “Excellent Captain. Monitor their movements and report if there are any unforeseen developments.” Jeffron turned and watched from the main viewport as the occupation force made its way to Faidan, smiling with satisfaction. It was an impressive sight: Dozens of transports, barges, and escorting starfighters in formation heading toward a planet to be occupied. He remembered many such scenes over his long career, and after the defeat of the Belocian Empire, believed he would see no more.

  Loprass continued gazing out of the viewport a while longer, wondering at the vast enormity of space, and of how little the Empire controlled. He pondered the numerous species that inhabited the galaxy, their amazing diversity and intellectual abilities. Since leaving the Ladorran Quadrant, he had seen many more, some violent, but most friendly.

  He wondered how long it would take the Empress to achieve her goal of total galactic rule, even though he believed it would never happen. He did, however, believe the Empress would retain her hold on the Gaashox Quadrant, and probably reign longer than any other Empress or Emperor had done in the past. He also knew it would come to an end sooner or later.

  Meanwhile, Empress Treyanna Hefrask entered her quarters and responded to the communication from Waress, the Imperial Governor of the Eleston System. He was a most trusted disciple of the Empress, one whom Treyanna favoured above the others because of his ingenuity and dedication to planetary and system rule. He was a powerful sorcerer, an excellent swordsman, but excelled at diplomacy and politics: His favoured attributes and interests.

  “What is it my friend?” asked Treyanna.

  “We have concluded our investigation into the escapees from Elest, Mistress.” The image of Waress flickered and the sound of his voice crackled.

  “Excellent. What did you discover?”

  “They were as the Senators believed, the smugglers who reside here.”

  Treyanna’s shoulders dropped in disappointment, and was about to speak of it when Waress continued.

  “However, my assumption that other citizens had escaped with them was proved correct. Apparently, the Esterant family and several others linked to the family gained passage. We have also concluded they were heading for one of four possible systems, the Faidar, Drelena, Aloshix, or Mabra systems.”

  “Thank you for the information.”

  “Is there anything else you require of me Mistress?”

  “Just continue with the excellent work.”

  Waress’ image bowed and then disappeared from the display.

  Treyanna sat at her desk and thought on the possible consequences of the Elestans reaching another system. She contacted the bridge and requested Admiral Jeffron’s presence.

  He arrived promptly as usual. Treyanna sensed him approaching and opened her door with her magic just before his presence activated the sensor. “Admiral, please take a seat.”

  The Admiral sat opposite the Empress wondering what she wanted.

  “Two ships left the Eleston system several days ago, and I require scout teams to be deployed in order to discover to which world those ships may have gone.”

  “That will not be a problem, Ma’am. Do you have a preference where to start?”

  “First check the records of this system, then Drelena and Leeston. Others to consider would be the Aloshix, Mabra, Quarsa and Brenza. There were about twenty beings onboard the two ships, mostly Elestans so they shouldn’t be too difficult to find.”

  Loprass was surprised. “I would not have thought Elestans capable of fleeing their home-world, considering the sociological structure and family ties being so strong. Very interesting indeed! I will arrange immediate deployment. Anything else, Ma’am?”

  “I sense the atmosphere on board has changed. Would this have anything to do with the latest acquisitions?”

  “Indeed it does Ma’am. I have already met with the senior officer of all ships, and they are all anxious to integrate fully.” The Admiral then explained his actions in regard to fleet composition and assignments.

  Treyanna was impressed with the speed Loprass had acted, and how easily the new officers had accepted their new positions.

  Among the hundreds of ships on board the ‘Vindicator’, there were many small yachts capable of carrying up to four passengers, including the MC6 Yachts designed and manufactured on Mabraant. For this mission, Jeffron selected the Fadaran FS2, a small yacht armed with two lasers and one proton torpedo launcher.

  Loprass conducted the briefing and assigned four teams of four men to carry out the mission requested by the Empress. The yachts left the ‘Vindicator’ and accelerated to lightspeed heading in different directions. He then contacted Lady Marasenn on Faidan to have the records checked for any ships that had arrived within the last two weeks.

  Admiral Jeffron remained seated at the br
iefing table, chin resting on one hand, drumming the fingers of his other hand on the desk while pondering his life. It was a fact that he was at a high point in his career, but there was something missing in his life. He had authority, great respect from his crew, and was reasonably wealthy. There was, however, no female companionship, which was something he had not given much consideration to. His position as Captain and then Admiral had not given him the time to indulge in personal pleasures as much as other officers did.

  Jeffron remembered what Admiral Drask said during their first meeting on board the ‘Excelena’:

  “One can only travel for so long. Ten years has been far too long, and the years are catching up with me.”

  “Yes, Admiral Drask, you are quite right,” he said out loud. “The years do catch up with you in the end, and so too does the stress and strain of command.”

  Jeffron had only ever known one woman long enough and well enough to fall in love with, but the relationship did not last long. She resented his enlistment into the Imperial navy and left him before he could explain his reasons. He never saw her again. The few women he encountered whom he found attractive and shared similar interests were indifferent, or showed no interest in him.

  The hope of meeting a female officer serving in the Imperial navy always lingered, but most were land based, much to his disapproval and annoyance. In the days of the Belocian Empire, Belack and the highest ranking officers, whom the Emperor had personally selected, considered women unsuitable for command of combat forces. This was something Loprass disagreed with vehemently, believing they were as capable as men. Unfortunately, he had not been in a position whereby he could do anything to change the system. Now he was, it appeared few women were interested in starship command training.

  Loprass considered contacting recruitment officers throughout the Empire, and putting forward the suggestion that they seek out female recruits who showed potential command capability. He was intrigued to witness the effect a female commanding officer would have on the crew, suspecting it would have a positive impact rather than a negative one.

  There was one female officer who had been assigned to the Vurgrezz battle cruiser ‘Phantom’, whom he met when first assigned to the outer rim territories. She had climbed the ranks with surprising rapidity, finally reaching the rank of Captain, but then disappeared. Captain Keallan was a very bright and intelligent woman, possessing an inner strength that surpassed many of her male associates.

  Loprass assumed she died when her ship, the ‘Phoenix’, was destroyed at the battle of Caprosse, and became intrigued about her fate. He considered perusing the archives to see if anything had been recorded, but there were other more important matters requiring his attention. He decided he might indulge in some research when he had more free time on his hands, and provided he still felt inclined do to so when the time came.

  ‘Maybe it’s time for me to consider retiring from the military,’ he thought. ‘Captain Phellex would make a worthy replacement, and I think it’s about time his loyalty was rewarded: Vice-Admiral of the Fleet Phellex.’ With a gentle sigh, he made the decision to retire as soon as the conquest of the sector and ultimately, the quadrant was completed. He had forgotten what it was like to spend extended periods of time on a planet, enjoying the fresh air, the warmth of the sun, and simply relaxing with no cares to worry about. It would be a welcome change to spending almost every day on board a battle cruiser, or in a military establishment.

  Switching on the comm channel he spoke to the officer in command of the maintenance hangar deck. “Ah Major Kagril, do we possess any Fadaran FS1 yachts?” The FS1 was the military version of the FD4, with upgraded and improved systems, and armed with two laser cannons and two proton torpedo launchers.

  “Yes Admiral, several.”

  “Good. I require one of them to be allocated for my personal use.”

  “I will ensure it is done, Admiral.”

  “Thank you Major.” Loprass switched off the comm.

  The Admiral sat back in his chair, swivelled round to face the painting hanging behind his desk, and pondered his future: Where he would go and what he would do. It was a dilemma, but one he would enjoy resolving. He clasped his hands and tapped his thumbs together, his thoughts drifting back to Shaneeva Keallan.

  After a few minutes, he turned to face his desk. There were five reports listed on his computer terminal waiting for him to approve, and looking at the titles, he decided they were not urgent. With Shaneeva still on his mind, he wondered if he should indulge his curiosity. “Why not,” he said aloud, deciding the other important matters requiring his urgent attention could also wait a little longer.

  For the next half an hour, Loprass scrolled through the data banks, searching for ship deployment and command personnel records, specifically, those written around the time of the battle of Caprosse. Reports filed after the battle were in keeping with military protocol, but they lapsed once the Belocian Imperial fleet began breaking up.

  He was about to give up when he saw a reference to the ‘Phoenix’. The report was one that detailed the ships lost in that battle. The list also included the ‘Phantom’, ‘Jackal’, and ‘Endeavour’, ships he was familiar with, having served on board the ‘Jackal’ before being assigned to the ‘Vindicator’.

  The personnel listing for the ‘Phoenix’ did not include Keallan, and neither did any of the other ships destroyed, which meant there was a remote possibility she was alive. Loprass decided he would continue perusing the reports another time, hoping he might yet discover her fate.

  The Imperial occupation force landed at the main space port on Faidan, and troops began disembarking before the boarding ramps had fully extended. Many of the Fadaran’s watching were amazed at the speed and efficiency of the operation, several of those people quickly moving out of the way in fear of being trampled by the rush of troops.

  Governor Xerant waited for the commanding officer to appear, and as he watched hundreds of soldiers dressed in black or green stream out of the Imperial vessels, his anxiety and stress levels increased. After ten minutes, several officers in black uniform walked smartly down the boarding ramp and approached him.

  “You are Governor Xerant, I presume?” said one of them.

  “Yes, I am he,” he stammered.

  “Good. I am General Gregarin, Commander in Chief of the occupation force. I trust there will be no opposition,” he said. It had been some time since his elite commandos had seen real action, but he was convinced they would see some sooner or later. He hoped for the sooner.

  “I am sure there will be no need, General. We are a peaceful people,” replied the Governor. “If you’ll follow me, I’ll show you to the new Imperial Centre.”

  “Lead the way Governor. There is much to do,” he said. Turning to face the officer beside him, “You have the co-ordinates for the site of the new garrison buildings?”

  “Yes Sir,” replied the junior officer.

  “Proceed with the construction.”

  Another junior officer appeared at the General’s side.

  “Take four squads to the palace. Ensure all persons have, or are in the process of vacating the building. It must be cleared by the time the Empress returns.”

  “Yes Sir,” he replied saluting.

  An hour later, the senior sensor operator of the ‘Vindicator’ turned round sharply. “Captain, we’re tracking multiple ships leaving the planet’s surface, bearing two-one-nine.”

  “Confirmed: Eight transports, four shuttles, and eighteen fighters, Sir,” said a second operator. “Their heading will enable them to escape the system.”

  “The ‘Excelena’ is in that region, is it not Captain?” asked Admiral Jeffron.

  The Captain answered affirmatively, and turned to face the comm station. “Lieutenant, contact the ‘Excelena’ and find out why they haven’t deployed fighters to intercept?”

  “’Excelena’ reports fighters and gunships already deployed, Captain. They’ll be in firing rang
e within moments.”

  “Order the ‘Excelena’ to close in and prepare to engage tractor beams. I want survivors,” demanded the Admiral. He was surprised anyone had been able to attempt fleeing the planet so soon after the signing of the treaty. He wondered who could have possessed information enabling them to pre-empt what was about to happen to Faidar, and thus give them sufficient time to plan an escape.

  The Imperial fighters were closing in on the fleeing ships, and Captain Drask watched with anticipation. The bulky battle cruiser altered course while accelerating toward the pending confrontation. All tractor beam control stations reported full readiness, with operators poised ready to lock onto any ship passing within range.

  Admiral Jeffron watched the fleeing ships as they disappeared from view, followed by the few remaining fighters. He sighed deeply. The Fadaran’s performance and timing impressed him. They had been well prepared, too well prepared, and had executed their plan with precision, but at a cost.

  The Lieutenant stood anxiously facing the Admiral. “Admiral,” he stammered, a look of concern etched into his features.

  Jeffron turned his head slowly, knowing what he was going to say. “You have news for me, Lieutenant?” he asked, an expression of annoyance clearly visible.

  “The ‘Excelena’ reports they were unable to prevent the ships from escaping, although they did manage to destroy twelve of their fighters, Sir.”

  Jeffron detected the concern in the young officer’s voice, took a deep breath and returned to gazing out of the viewport. It was good the crew were nervous under such circumstances. Never knowing how the senior commander would react kept them more alert, and reinforced the requirements of self-discipline in carrying out their duties.

  “They planned their escape rather well, wouldn’t you agree, Lieutenant?”

  “Yes, Admiral, Sir.” The junior officer looked at the Admiral with wonderment, waiting for another reaction, but none came. Even after thirteen years of service under the command of Admiral Jeffron, he was still surprising his crew with his calm attitude. The Lieutenant was relieved at his calm response, and was grateful for having been assigned to the ‘Vindicator’. The Admiral was truly a worthy commander, and had earned his crews’ respect many times over.

  “You may return to your station if there is nothing else to report, Lieutenant.” Jeffron kept his gaze directed out of the viewing port. The escape was of no real consequence. Where could they flee to? Where would they be safe from the expanding Empire? Nowhere was safe in the Gaashox Quadrant.

  Jeffron smiled and nodded gently.