Read The Guardians Book 1: Path to Vengeance Page 5

Chapter Four

  Hebrant, Hebradon, Hadon Sector, Gaashox Quadrant

  “My dear Roweyna! I’m so pleased you’ve returned safely. Did your journey fair well?” asked Treyanna as she rose to her feet and embraced her sister.

  She had been meditating, allowing her mind to traverse through the astral realm, and was observing events transpiring around the sector. While doing so, she saw her sister returning, and felt her presence as soon as her ship entered the system. It was a particularly difficult ability for those who dabbled in dark magic, but Treyanna had perfected the technique of sensing the presence of other beings. Both sisters were powerful and adept in magic, which was a rare occurrence in itself, and they were as close as any sisters could be, so their sensory perception of each other was greatly enhanced.

  “It was very successful, albeit distressing not being able to sense your presence for such a long time,” said Roweyna.

  Treyanna nodded and smiled. She too had found it uncomfortable, and both were relieved at being reunited again. “I think it calls for a celebratory drink.”

  “It does indeed,” said Roweyna as she sat in the armchair opposite her sister.

  Treyanna pressed a button on the arm of her chair and a young woman appeared from an adjoining room. She was a tall, slender woman wearing a dark maroon jumpsuit, with shoulder length black hair, and slate blue eyes that glistened like diamonds in the sunlight. The woman approached the elder sister walking upright and regally as if she herself was of royal descent. She bore an air of confidence and pride despite her position as a personal aide.

  “Yes Ma’am?” she inquired bowing respectfully.

  Her soft voice was gentle, smooth and seductive, which Treyanna found pleasant to the ear. She preferred female personal aides, because it prevented any possibility of distraction, they proved to be more efficient, and they could be as ruthless as she when required. “Please bring us two glasses of Herandal Nectar, Selayna.”

  “Very well Ma’am.” She bowed and left. Moments later she returned carrying a tray with two glasses and a decanter filled with a bright yellow liquid. She placed the tray on a side table and poured two drinks.

  “That will be all thank you.”

  The young woman bowed once again, and left.

  “You made a wise choice with her,” said Roweyna as she watched the young woman walking gracefully out of the room, the close fitting jumpsuit revealing her shapely figure. The sight of Selayna’s perfect figure, which was slimmer and more toned than hers, filled Roweyna with jealousy.

  “She is very efficient, good company and she can always make me smile. Yes, she is a delightful and attractive woman, and she is more pleasant company than most of the men we know,” she said smiling. “Now, do tell me of your journey. You’ve been gone so long there must be much to tell.” She leant back in her chair and crossed her legs.

  Roweyna spoke of the many systems she travelled to, and how she eventually reached the Outer Territories of the Ladorran Quadrant by way of the Mantoa asteroid belts. Treyanna was surprised, mainly because the duration of her sister’s journey could not have accounted for circumnavigating the asteroid belts, and travelling through them was regarded as an impossible feat.

  The younger sister explained that by travelling short distances at lightspeed in a Fadaran FS1 yacht, they succeeded in mapping the area and plotted a safe route through. It took her best flight team only nine days to complete. Roweyna then turned to the more important factors of her trip.

  “While on one of the outer territory planets, I learned that the Ladorran Quadrant is now a Republic. The ruling Senate is comprised of representatives from most of the systems within the quadrant, which is divided into sixteen sectors, and is still finding its way after the demise of the Belocian Empire ten years ago.

  From what I gleaned, many of their worlds are still in disarray, and the people are dissatisfied with the Republic’s lack of action in dealing with social and political problems. Countless skirmishes and attacks have been occurring between newly established defence forces from neighbouring systems, and the former Imperial forces are continuing to disrupt the fragile peace that exists there. It wouldn’t take much to fuel the dissention and split the Republic apart.”

  “What about the Fazaal sector?”

  Roweyna took a mouthful of her drink before answering. “There are many systems that should pose no problems for us. Most are weak-minded humanoid races, and are now poorly defended following heavy losses to the Krelathan raiders. Giving the Krelathans financial aid to support their attacks on shipping in the region was an ingenious idea.”

  Treyanna smiled sinisterly. “Yes it was, wasn’t it?” She then enlightened her sister about the Krelathan’s alliance with the Matheans, and that it was all part of her plan to gain complete dominance over the Gaashox Quadrant. The joint forces of Mathea and Krelath would be able to continue weakening the surrounding systems at a faster rate than leaving it to the Krelathans alone.

  Roweyna was surprised to hear of the alliance, having always thought the Krelathans refused to ally themselves with any other beings, especially the Matheans, proving how clever her sister was in manipulating others.

  “We must still be careful when dealing with the Matheans,” said Treyanna. “They can be as devious and untrustworthy as the Krelathans, if not more so. I’ve never found a reptilian humanoid race to be very trustworthy, and from what I’ve heard, these Matheans are reputed to be descendants of the treacherous Triaquans who supposedly settled on Mathea over three millennia ago.”

  “I agree. I met a Triaquan while on my journeying who couldn’t be trusted either. He was a devious character, and hated by many other species who knew him. Are our powers not enough to subdue the Matheans completely?”

  “They seem to be resilient to permanent mind alteration, but I will succeed in finding a solution to that problem, even if it means a permanent non peaceful solution.” The thought of engaging them in battle brought a smile of delight to the Empress. Treyanna loved manipulating and deceiving her impending targets, but she longed for one system to rise against them, thus allowing her to unleash her magical power and the full might of her Imperial fleet.

  After Roweyna spoke more about the races and systems within the Fazaal sector and those of the Gerash sector they had not yet conquered, she spoke of the various worlds that posed a potential threat, which included Mabraant. She agreed that none of them would be able to withstand the full might of the fleet, but there was a high probability that some of those worlds would prefer to fight rather than accept Imperial rule.

  Treyanna frowned. “Please explain?”

  “It appears the information we have on these systems is not entirely correct. First there is Faidan within the Gerash Sector. It has a moderate fleet of ships, and a large orbiting shipyard. There are four Hendara battle cruisers undergoing a refit and systems overhaul at their shipyard, all of which still have a full complement of starfighters, shuttles and bombers. Unfortunately, I was unable to discover whether or not they had actually joined with the Fadaran fleet or not.”

  Roweyna paused for another drink. “However, I did manage to persuade some of the junior officers into divulging why they were so far from their home. Many of the senior commanders had become disillusioned with their former Emperor, and the way in which he conducted his campaign against the Confederation of Star Systems. He lost many opportunities to crush the Confederation quickly and reinforce his iron grip on the quadrant.

  They believed his over-optimism and continual under-estimation of the Confederation’s tenacity and support would be his final downfall. Their beliefs were eventually proven sound. When they heard of his defeat along with the destruction of a ship they called a Vurgrezz battle cruiser, the commander of the small fleet decided to preserve what few ships remained, and travelled beyond the region they called the outer rim.

  His primary failure was under estimating his enemy, which seems to be a common error made by over confident emperors and ru
lers. He had so much power, but he threw it away in a petty civil war that he could have crushed easily, because he became side tracked by trivialities.”


  “The Confederation had a covert fighting corps, which comprised of at least twenty teams of commandos. These were skilled in all areas of combat, and their particular expertise was infiltrating military and civilian installations. They caused much destruction and disruption to communications and manufacturing. Apparently, one of the teams was made up of twenty of their most experienced and ruthless commandos, and were also trained pilots so they could fight in any theatre of conflict. Of those twenty, eight were Guardians, but no longer called themselves such. The team were known as Teragon Knights, a name not heard of for over two millennia, but they were deadly and effective, using some methods one would call archaic.

  The commander’s name was General Sorann Taggash, and was one of their best fighter pilots before becoming a commando. Emperor Belack insisted on having them hunted down and killed, believing they posed a serious threat to his purposes. He even indulged in searching them out, wanting the pleasure of dealing with them himself. Naturally he failed, and it eventually cost him his life.”

  “A mistake we shall endeavour to avoid,” said Treyanna. She closed her eyes while she contemplated her next move. “We must convince the commander of the cruisers in the Faidar system to combine with our fleet, and that there can be a victorious and prosperous future for them.”

  If Treyanna was successful in this, the number of operational Hendara battle cruisers in the Hebradon Imperial fleet would increase to twelve, which would subsequently increase to sixteen when the four under construction were completed.

  The two Hefrask sisters were the only children of a leading Senator of their homeworld, who was a highly respected citizen of Hebrant wielding great influence within the Senate. From childhood he was able to perform tricks that no one else could. As he grew, his power increased allowing him to perform more powerful tricks and spells, but he kept his ability a secret. His power of persuasion was well known, and was considered by others to be a natural gift. Only a handful of people ever realised his powers were part of his gift in the art of magic, two of whom were his daughters.

  After their father’s death, Treyanna and Roweyna were determined to learn more from what historical records they could find about the Guardians and their abilities. There was, however, little to be found on any of the worlds they travelled to.

  They were very close to their father and admired him greatly, regarding him not just a father, but a lord, a master, and most importantly of all, a close friend. They loved their mother also, but were never really close to her. She was a strict and obstinate woman who cared little for her husband’s senatorial duties, and treated the two daughters harshly, believing it would prepare them for the hard reality of adult life on Hebrant.

  Few women ever reached powerful positions on their world, but those who did were often tough, determined, and unafraid to confront men on equal terms. Although both sisters possessed those qualities, there was also an underlying sense of morality, fairness and reason, which in later years disappeared rather quickly. Their mother died when the two girls were in their early teenage years, so their father continued caring for them, and whose teachings proved far more beneficial to them.

  A rival organisation, who wanted to gain dominance and power over the Senate, used every dirty trick available, and committed untold acts of treachery to achieve their aims. Luring Senator Hefrask and several of his colleagues out of the Senate building, they dragged them into the back alleys where they beat them severely and left them to bleed to death. Being untrained in the arts, he was unable to draw on sufficient magic or utilise his limited ability to save himself or his colleagues.

  The murder of Senator Hefrask devastated his two daughters, effectively tearing their lives apart. Filled with anger and grief, they vowed to reap revenge. Gathering the remaining loyal supporters of their father, they sought out the perpetrators of the atrocity, and dealt with them personally, something that gave them immense satisfaction. The people of Hebrant regarded their act as justice delivered within the law, which strengthened their position and popularity.

  Being untrained in the art of magic like their father, Treyanna and Roweyna were unable to control the aggressive feelings and emotions that arose while using their gift. The resulting effect gave the impression that evil magic was the main influencing factor in the two women: A common misconception amongst the Guardians, wizards, and sorcerers of the age. Their ability in the use of magic grew rapidly, and having found the teachings of Megrein from which they studied, became powerful Megrein sorcerers.

  Denaris Megrein was an evil sorcerer intent on domination of the galaxy. To fulfil his heinous ambition, he slaughtered all wizards, sorcerers, and any other being adept in the art, however limited that ability was, who refused to join him. Fortunately for the galaxy, the Hefrask sisters had not yet discovered the full power available to those who possessed an extra special ability, as the predecessors of the Guardians that lived in times long gone had done: The ability to spirit walk.

  After avenging their father’s murder, and having gained the support from the most influential senators and owners of wealthy organisations, the Hefrask sisters declared themselves Empresses of the Hebradon system, which was accepted without opposition.

  Their first act was to dissolve the Senate, and with it the dissension and corruption associated with Senatorial power. In its place, and for the first time in Hebradon history, a fledgling Empire ruled the three systems. The swift rise in popularity of the two sisters resulted in them becoming the most powerful rulers the Hadon Sector had ever had, and soon welcomed several neighbouring systems into their Empire.

  In a devious and clever move, the sisters succeeded in manipulating their supporters in the former senate into loyal and subservient subjects. They then appointed them as State Governors over the countries and worlds they represented, answerable only to the Empresses.

  As they continued to grow in power, they attempted to learn as much as possible from the failures of past rulers, especially those who had been Megrein sorcerers. Some of their most loyal servants were sent throughout the quadrant to discover as much information as possible. Each time they received something, the Hefrask sisters would analyse it, what, where, and how the mistakes were made, and then hopefully use it to their advantage. Most sorcerers they found had one distinct trait; they conquered, slaughtered, and oppressed with such evil and ferocity, their rule was doomed to failure from the onset.

  Although very similar to most sorcerers, Emperor Belack was the most successful and reigned the longest, having been exceptionally gifted at manipulation, deceit and guile. He ruled by force, the fear and threat of force, and willingly destroyed entire races and species as a warning to others who might consider rising up against him. Despite his unique abilities, his methods of rule still led to his downfall and the destruction of all he had achieved.

  Treyanna had been intrigued about this information, and when asked, her aides said they had discovered a region of space beyond the Mantoa Asteroid Belt called the Ladorran Quadrant. The journey had taken almost seven months to complete. Shortly afterwards, Treyanna commissioned her sister to find a shorter route to and explore the quadrant, to seek out more information on the region and its rulers, and was the journey from which she had just returned.

  It was obvious the use of military action, fear, and the threat of military action had failed so often in the past and would continue to fail. The two sisters concluded there was only one truly effective way to achieve their aims; they needed to make the citizens of other worlds become willing subjects of the Empire, and the only way to do this effectively was by altering their perception of those who would rule over them.

  They knew some powerful sorcerers had been able to use their powers to manipulate and alter the memories of others, but it often produced unsatisfactory or only t
emporary results. The mental and physical demand required for this particular magical ability was overwhelming, and in extreme cases, could render severe mental damage to the sorcerer.

  After devoting an extensive amount of time over a four year period, they perfected the process of mental manipulation and memory alteration. Both sisters were now able to affect the mind of someone from a distance of up to two kilometres with lasting effect.

  Much to their delight, they found some electronic equipment on board the ‘Vindicator’, which was hidden in a secret storage chamber, and was used for the same purpose they intended. Treyanna commissioned some of their brightest scientists and engineers to uncover the secrets of the equipment, and to learn how to use it. Once it was achieved, they modified and enhanced the equipment to allow the manipulation of large numbers of people at the same time.

  With their enhanced gift, and together with the modified equipment, they effectively conquered seventy-seven star systems, seventy of which were subdued without bloodshed. Twenty-five of those systems joined the Empire willingly without the Governors, Senators or ruling Royal Families having to be manipulated. This was a bonus, and added weight to their persuasion tactics for other systems. Everything was progressing more successfully than they could have ever hoped for.

  During the early years of their rise in power, they found as others had in time gone by, their bodies were being consumed by the dark magic they were utilising. As a result, the two sorcerers spent long periods of time in meditation and healing trances, attempting to reduce the speed of the ageing and deterioration process, and did so with great success.

  During the expansion of the Empire, Treyanna travelled to each of the worlds within the Empire, seeking out any individuals gifted with magical power, however limited it might be. She and her sister then took them on as apprentices, and trained them in the art. When they had developed sufficiently, the sisters encouraged them to use their negative emotions to enhance their abilities further. Unaware of the dangers of utilising magic in this manner, the apprentices accepted the training without question.

  As the apprentices grew in strength, Treyanna devoted more time training them in the art of mental disciplines, such as meditation, healing trances, and finally how to alter peoples’ memories. One important lesson she instilled in them throughout their training schedule was servitude: The commitment to serve her and her sister above all else. Only in doing so could they ensure the success and growth of the Empire and those whom they served.

  Whereas Janus only partly trained his apprentice sorcerers to prevent them from usurping his power, the Hefrask sisters required theirs to be fully trained to complete her initial ambition of complete domination of the quadrant. When that was achieved, they would work towards domination of the whole galaxy.

  To keep her State Governors under control more effectively, she formed the new Imperial Senate. Each of her trained disciples would become Imperial Governors, having direct governorship and jurisdiction over one or more systems, depending on the size and proximity of those systems. The Imperial Governors would be answerable only to the Empress. Together with their extensive training, Treyanna believed it would alleviate any threat of the Governors rising up against her.

  A full garrison, whose primary role was to subjugate the entire population into loyal subservient citizens, was to be established on each inhabited planet. Their secondary task was to recruit and increase the number of personnel in the Imperial forces, both military and administrative. They were also to utilise as much of the world’s wealth as possible in the construction of equipment and ships, and siphon off a large proportion into the Empress’s personal treasury along with modest amounts for the Governors’ own purposes.

  The combined wealth and resources of those seventy-seven systems with two hundred and twenty inhabited planets, including their own system with two inhabited planets was quite astounding. They already possessed one Hendara Ultimar cruiser and seven Hendara battle cruisers under the command of Admiral Jeffron, along with several capital ships of Hebradon’s own fleet, and the fleets that belonged to those systems now under Imperial rule.

  The fleet continued to grow substantially due to the wealth and availability of personnel to operate them, with many capital ships now under construction in the Zagrota shipyards of the Peragar System. On those worlds within the Empire that had the capabilities, production lines were set up for the manufacture of Zilon starfighters, interceptors, and bombers. Plans were also in progress to commence production of the Xirrax gunships and shuttles, as well as other makes of starfighter and shuttle required by the ever-expanding Empire. The Imperial fleet was now able to offer all systems within the Hebradon Empire more than adequate protection from any invading force.

  Treyanna had realised early in her reign the full advantage of ruling without force and the threat of force; the citizens remain malleable and less prone to rise up against their rulers, and so far, there had been no trouble on a single world under their rule. As the citizens were re-conditioned and manipulated, that threat would be reduced even more.

  “I think it’s time we planned for the conquest of the Faidar system,” said Treyanna.

  “I agree, but first tell me how the construction of the new Hendara cruisers is progressing?”

  Soon after uniting with the Hebradon Empire, Admiral Jeffron informed the Empress that schematics for the Hendara cruisers were stored in the central computer systems of the ‘Vindicator’. This had pleased her greatly and she had immediately rewarded Jeffron for his openness and honesty.

  The plans were given to the chief engineer at their shipyards in the Peragar system, which was the only one large enough to undertake the manufacture of such enormous vessels. It was also the first system to accept the rule of the Hefrask sisters willingly, welcoming the union, and had thus avoided any further conflict with their closest rivals in the Karesh system. They had four Hendara battle cruisers currently under construction, but plans were prepared for more as soon as they were complete.

  “All four cruisers should be completed in time for our assault against the remaining systems in this sector, but unfortunately, not in time for our departure to the Faidar system.”

  Roweyna pressed one of the keys on the arm of her chair and the young woman entered briskly. “Selayna, inform Admiral Jeffron that we require the fleet prepared for deployment in six hours.”

  “Yes Ma’am.” The young woman bowed her head and left.

  When the communications officer on board the ‘Vindicator’ responded, she informed him the Empress had orders for the Admiral. Moments later, Admiral Jeffron appeared at the hypernet station.

  “What can I do for you Lady Marasenn?” he asked showing no emotion.

  “Admiral, four ships of the fleet are to be prepared for departure within six hours. Empress Hefrask will arrive shortly before that.”

  “It will be done within the standard two hours. Any other orders?”

  “Just ensure all ships have a full complement of personnel and equipment.” Selayna switched off the comm unit, ending the transmission.

  Admiral Jeffron bowed his head smartly, even though he doubted she witnessed it. Lady Marasenn was an extremely important and highly regarded aide to Empress Treyanna Hefrask, and to neglect showing her due respect was tantamount to dishonouring the Empress herself.

  Selayna switched off the main comm unit and returned to the lounge. “Mistress Hefrask, the Admiral informs me the fleet will be ready in two hours.”

  “Thank you Selayna. That will be all for now.” She watched her walk away, pleased with her efficiency and devotion. Treyanna nodded her head gently as she thought it was about time Selayna was rewarded sufficiently for her unwavering and loyal service.

  Three hours later the shuttle carrying the sisters landed in the main landing-bay of the Hendara Ultimar cruiser ‘Vindicator’, the flag ship of the Hebradon fleet. Admiral Jeffron greeted them as they stepped off the boarding ramp, and was not surprised they had arr
ived three hours earlier than expected, not that it concerned him; the fleet had been ready for departure for over an hour. He escorted them to the turbolift and moments later exited onto the bridge.

  Captain Alfrenton called the crew to attention and approached the group. He bowed to the Empresses before facing his commanding officer. “The fleet is ready for deployment, Admiral.”

  Acknowledging the Captain, Jeffron faced his Empress. “Ma’am, the fleet awaits your command.”

  Treyanna smiled. “Excellent Admiral. Stand the crew at ease and set your course for the Eleston System. After we have concluded business there, we will continue on to the Faidar system and our primary task.”

  “Yes Ma’am.” The Admiral faced Alfrenton. “Captain,” he ordered.

  Alfrenton came to attention smartly, bowed his head and returned to his station. “Crew, return to your duties. Set course for the Eleston System.”

  “Admiral,” called Treyanna as she strolled to the foremost viewport.

  The Admiral appeared at the Empress’s side. “Yes Ma’am?”

  “I presume we have personnel trained in covert operations?”

  “We do. Will you require their services?”

  “Indeed we will. Two of our Imperial Governors will be embarking on a mission to manipulate the principal leaders of the worlds in the Faidar system before we arrive to finish the conquest. The leaders however, must not know where they are from.”

  “How many will be required?”

  “Two should suffice. More will only increase the probability of raising suspicion, and we require the utmost guile for this mission. They will need to be deployed directly to Faidan. Inform Kopranton and Sharana immediately.”

  “Yes Ma’am.”

  As the Admiral started to walk away, Treyanna called out and requested the use of the Fadaran LP2 yacht for the mission. The vessel’s interior had been modified, reducing the floor space so that a hidden compartment could be constructed. It also needed to be sensor proof to prevent the detection of equipment or personnel being concealed within.

  His orders carried out, the Captain gazed through the main viewport. The four cruisers were moving away from the remainder of the fleet, and he watched the yacht disappear as it accelerated to lightspeed. Once they were in standard lightspeed formation he turned to face the bridge. “All commands, prepare for the acceleration to lightspeed.” He paused, waited for the ships to acknowledge readiness, and then issued the order to deploy.