Read The Guardians Book 1: Path to Vengeance Page 6

Chapter Five

  Faidan, Faidar System, Gerash Sector, Gaashox Quadrant

  While en-route to their destination, the Hefrask sisters considered their options for conquering the Faidar system. They hoped to achieve this by simply manipulating the Fadaran rulers and the commanders of the Imperial battle cruisers currently docked at the space depot.

  Hovering between the table and ceiling, was a large three-dimensional projection of the star chart of the Gaashox Quadrant. The quadrant was split into eight sectors and contained over one thousand planets; most being uninhabitable and barren. On the farthest side of the quadrant lay the Fazaal sector, and beyond that lay the famous Mantoa asteroid belts. This was a vast and dangerous region of space, which formed a natural barrier between the Ladorran and Gaashox Quadrants, and stretched for billions of kilometres in all directions.

  Of the ninety-five star systems within the Gaashox Quadrant, seventy-seven were already under the rule of the Hebradon Empire, but those statistics were about to change. Treyanna smiled as she viewed the extent of the Empire. She and her sister had succeeded where so many rulers before them had failed.

  After their deliberations were concluded, Treyanna retired to her private room. She dimmed the lights, turned on her favourite music, but kept the volume down low, and sat cross-legged on her large armchair. When she was comfortable and relaxed, she focussed her mind on her magic and began meditating. Moments after her mind connected to the astral realm, visions appeared in rapid succession, most of which she was unable to decipher. Those that became clear revealed images of her future, and that of the Empire.

  There were great victories to be won, wealth to be gathered, people and races to lead to a great future within the Empire. Then, one single image appeared, but was enshrouded in the mists of time. All she was able to see were large birds soaring high, their cries loud and shrill. Treyanna was intrigued and perplexed by the image, but refused to let it disrupt her meditation.

  The mists swirled and thickened, obscuring the last vestiges of the image. Treyanna sighed, but was not dissatisfied with what she had seen. She terminated her time of meditation, straightened her legs and relaxed back into the chair, promptly falling into a deep and untroubled sleep.