Read The Guardians Book 1: Path to Vengeance Page 8


  Admiral Jeffron waited patiently outside the Empress’s private chamber, unconcerned and unworried at being summoned by her. He was one of the few men whose company Treyanna enjoyed, and they often spent time talking about subjects other than military life and combat tactics. The door opened and Treyanna, who appeared surprisingly jovial and good-humoured, beckoned him in.

  “Do take a seat over here my friend,” she said indicating the chair beside her. “I have something to show you.” She switched on the holographic star chart of the quadrant. “As you can see, the current boundary of the Empire is clearly defined, the systems within indicated in red, and without in blue.”

  “It is an impressive sight, Ma’am, and I have no doubt the boundary will eventually encompass the entire quadrant.”

  “Indeed it shall, Loprass, indeed it shall.”

  Treyanna was impressed with Jeffron’s performance over the years, and grateful for his loyalty. His experience and knowledge far surpassed all other starship commanders she knew of in this quadrant, and he was proving to be an invaluable asset.

  Loprass accepted and appreciated the Empress’s praise, but did not expect or require it. He regarded it an honour to be in the service of an Empress such as Treyanna Hefrask, who was more astute in her approach to conquest, and in her dealings with people. Serving a female ruler was, surprisingly, a refreshing change for the Admiral, and he believed she would not be as easily side-tracked as Emperor Belack had been.

  Treyanna punched a few keys on the control panel, and a system on the chart coloured blue was highlighted. “That is the Faidar system, and orbiting the primary planet of Faidar is a large shipyard. According to the latest reports, four Hendara battle cruisers are docked there undergoing refit and overhaul.”

  “They would be a valuable addition to the fleet, Ma’am.”

  “That is true, and is why we embarked on this venture so promptly. When we arrive in the system, the fleet will remain beyond the planet’s sensor range. A shuttle containing two squads will accompany us to the command ship.”

  “Will you attempt to manipulate the commanding officers?”

  Treyanna shook her head. “Not this time.”

  Loprass gazed at her curiously, observed her expression, and perceived what the Empress was hoping. He smiled. “You hope the commanding officer will pass command of the small fleet to me, provided of course I outrank him.”

  Treyanna nodded in response.

  The Admiral rubbed his chin. “If I knew the names of the vessels. I’d be able to find out who commands them.”

  Treyanna turned to face her sister with an inquisitive look.

  Roweyna was convinced she had heard a few names mentioned while visiting some of the cantinas the Imperial personnel frequented on Faidan. She closed her eyes and focussed her magic to increase her power of recollection. After a few moments, two names came to mind. She opened her eyes and looked at the Admiral. “Do you know of the ‘Intrepid’ and the ‘Excelena’?”

  “I am unfamiliar with those particular names, Ma’am. There were hundreds of battle cruisers patrolling the quadrant before the Confederation of Star Systems defeated Janus, and it is unknown exactly how many are still in service. If you will excuse me, Ma’am, I’ll access the ship’s central records and see what I can find.” He stood up and gave a smart salute, turned on his heels and left.

  The two sisters continued to talk over their plans, ensuring no details were omitted, and then digressed onto their personal lives.

  When Roweyna spoke of relationships, and suggested her elder sister consider finding a suitable companion, Treyanna knew she was right. It was time for her to find some personal happiness. Her sister spoke of the Admiral, saying that he was a fine specimen of manhood, a polite friendly man, and would be quite suitable as a companion. Treyanna agreed, although she declined to comment on her true feelings for him. She had in fact admired him for some time, but had not yet sensed any romantic admiration toward her.

  The Empress assumed Jeffron would consider it an impossibility to even contemplate forming a relationship with the Empress, he being only an Admiral. She wondered how he would react if she gave him some subtle suggestions, and if there was a small glimmer of attraction hidden beneath that highly disciplined exterior. Perhaps when the current plans of conquest were concluded, she would indulge in some personal liaisons with him.