Read The Guardians Book 1: Path to Vengeance Page 7


  The Fadaran LP2 yacht piloted by Kopranton, an Imperial Governor of the Hebradon Empire, entered the Faidar system and altered course for the primary planet of Faidar. He was accompanied by Sharana, another Imperial Governor, and two commandos trained in covert operations.

  “Faidan control, this is the space yacht ‘Lasscond’ requesting permission to land.” There was a burst of static, and then a moment’s silence.

  “State the purpose of your visit,” snapped the controller.

  “We are pilgrims on a religious tour of the sector, and would like to stop on Faidan for a couple of days. We’ve heard you have some exquisite religious buildings that shame those on our own world of Graltex, and we wish to visit them,” said Kopranton.

  The controller gazed at the computer screen showing the ship registry records. The registered owner was a man called Portucan, a religious zealot from Graltex, and there were no entries reporting the theft of the vessel. “You will land at Marassht city number two spaceport, docking bay thirty-eight. Co-ordinates are being uploaded now. Enjoy your visit, Portucan.”

  “We will, and thank you commander.” Kopranton smiled, pleased that everything seemed to be progressing smoothly.

  Twenty minutes later, the ship was safely docked and the Krelathan shut down the primary systems. He turned to face his comrades. “As it’s getting late, I suggest we find accommodation for the night and commence with our primary assignment first thing tomorrow.”

  “Are we to split into pairs as before?” asked Sharana.

  “Yes, it is wise to do so. Deerak will accompany you, Porta, you with me.”

  Sharana and Deerak left first, and then the other two followed five minutes later. They chose different hotels to avoid drawing too much attention, and after booking in, frequented several cantinas in the area, hoping to glean any information useful to them and their assignment.

  Kopranton’s first task the following morning was to arrange a meeting with the governor of Faidan. The receptionist at the main government building was a delightful, friendly, but weak-minded individual, and was manipulated with considerable ease. While under a light trance, the sorcerer coerced the woman into entering and altering the data record, thus making it appear as if the meeting had been arranged several weeks earlier via a government office in the neighbouring city.

  An hour later, Kopranton and Sharana met with the governor and his four senior senators, and successfully planted false information about the Empire, and the impending arrival of Empress Hefrask.

  With their task completed satisfactorily and nothing else to do, they waited patiently in one of the numerous cantinas for the fleet to arrive.