Read The Guardians of the Forest: Book Two Page 35


  It was very dark and it was very bright. Kiethara could not tell.

  What she could tell was that her heart was soaring, fluttering like a hummingbird’s wings. She could not tell why it was beating so hard, for there was nothing new about her surroundings. In fact, she could not be in a more familiar place—her very own clearing. She was just sitting upright in the tall grass, listening to her heart thrumming in her chest. She was not scared, not angry, nor any combination of the sort. There was no logical reason behind the drum roll in her breast.

  She quickly lost interest in the phenomenon, however, as a voice sounded out.

  I’m insulted, Tinya said in a half annoyed, half amused tone.

  Insulted? Kiethara couldn’t imagine what she could have done to the voice in her head. After all, she was dead.

  Yes, I’m dead. And so is that girl Trinnia.

  Kiethara gasped, something like recognition flickering in the back of her consciousness. Her heart sped up some more.

  I don’t know why you bothered, the voice continued stiffly. She caused you nothing but turmoil. If you wanted to talk to the dead, you should have talked to me. At least I talk back.

  Kiethara smiled in spite of herself. Was she actually jealous?

  Hah! the voice snorted. Like I would be jealous of a girl who had no magic. I’m a guardian; I have nothing to be jealous of.

  Kiethara was taken by surprise at the haughty, proud tones the voice adopted. Then again, she knew she sounded the same sometimes.

  What do you have against Trinnia? Kiethara asked.

  Why are you defending her? She sent you running out of Redawn and into the hands of your father in Nikkoi.

  Not necessarily, she argued. I’m the one who decided to follow Sinsenta, I—

  Stop defending her!

  Kiethara fell into a shocked silence. The voice sounded so frustrated at her, all because she was defending Trinnia…it did not make any sense. She was rather hurt, actually. Her heart raced forward.

  She was no good for you, the voice growled. You can’t let your emotions run so soft. You’re a guardian and you have a job to do! And you should be proud to do it!

  There was a longing in her voice that Kiethara had never heard before.

  It’s just that…I never got a chance to be a true guardian. Don’t waste it. You have no idea how lucky you are.

  Surprising herself, Kiethara felt anger rise in her like a raging beast.

  LUCKY? You consider me lucky?! My mother died when I was the age of three! Three! The responsibility of the survival of the forest landed on my shoulders before I could even fly! My parent, my teacher, my company was a dead man! And you have the nerve to scold me for forgiving the dead?

  That’s not what I meant—

  Really? You could have fooled me! You want to know what becoming a real guardian meant for me? I’m currently trying my hardest to kill my own father! I’m training myself! Is this what you want?

  No, I—the voice suddenly gasped, cutting off. Kiethara’s heart stopped.

  Well, the voice said in a dry tone. I’m glad I made you angry.

  What? What is it? Kiethara asked.

  Get ready, the voice whispered.

  Suddenly, the connection in her head blazed, so strong that she felt like she had been slapped.

  Here we go again.