Read The Heartfelt Saga Page 8

  Chapter 8

  April 1st, 770; Talon's first day continues, Castle Heartfelt

  "Talon, Trall." Blackheart moved back to let them inside his room as he noticed Talon’s saddlebag. "I suppose I should show you to your room. Follow me." Blackheart walked the men one door down from Blackheart's room before he turned to Talon. "Trall's room is one more door down." He opened the door and led Talon inside.

  “I will let you get settled in." Trall said as he headed out of Talon's room.

  "This is your room for as long as you need it, Talon."

  Talon took a moment and looked around the room. He noticed it was more than large enough for just one person and it even had a window facing the back of the castle grounds. "Not bad, Blackheart."

  "It looks like tomorrow is the day to meet with your new unit?"

  "That will suit me." Talon tossed his saddlebag onto the bed and walked over to open the shutters. "How much has the castle changed since I’ve been gone, Blackheart?

  Blackheart sighed as he thought about that question. He crossed his arms and answered with, "Sometimes, I don't even recognize this place. Listen, I wanted to tell you that I am glad to have you back. I haven't had the chance to talk to you about Barlow or your father, but I hope we can do that. I, well, dammit, you know that he should be the one in this job, not me. He should be here." Blackheart looked down before walking over the to the window.

  "I know Barlow is rolling in his grave, now that he has heard that compliment from you. Come on Blackheart, he knew the risks of being a Royal Guardsmen. Although I don't imagine he ever planned on working for an incompetent fool like Prince Philip. I know he would have made it to Royal Man and maybe even more than that, but I am pleased to see they found the other right person to fill those shoes."

  Blackheart nodded his understanding. "I know how you feel about Prince Philip, since I hold the same opinion. I don't understand it, but Philip still has the Kings ear or I know he would have lost a lot more with that debacle at the end of the war. I have no idea what the Redderin did to him, but he has some kind of personal vendetta against them. He has been the biggest pain in the rump over taking care of the north. He still believes the Redderin are to blame for all of this. Do you know that he never allowed them to do a full inquiry into the remaining days of the war, but Prince Christopher intends to change that?" Blackheart decided to change to a more constructive subject. "Are you ready to head North?"

  "Yes, I'm ready, but I do have to add that I hope there comes a time when we don't have to head anywhere anymore." Talon said this with a small smile aimed at Blackheart.

  "Yes, I agree, but we both know that we would find somewhere to go anyway.” After a quick look out the window Blackheart started for the door. “I must go, but let me know if you need anything."

  Talon nodded to Blackheart as he left the room and then started to unpack his saddlebags. After dumping the contents onto his bed he unrolled his clothes and hung them to give them some air. He found places to stick the rest of his stuff and sat down on the edge of the bed.

  The room was a little musty, so Talon walked over and stood at the window. He was looking out in the direction of the parade field and from this distance he thought he could see Prince Christopher standing in front of a small group of soldiers. As he watched, he noticed Blackheart heading out to the field.

  Before long he was interrupted by a knock on the door.

  "Come in."

  Trall walked in looking like he was ready to head out. "I’m taking a trip into towne. Is there anything you need, Talon?"

  "No, nothing yet, but I was planning to head into towne during the week."

  "As you see fit. I will return shortly." Trall disappeared out the door and left Talon alone.

  Talon's curiosity got the best of him and he sat down to see what his brother's papers were. Talon untied the bundle to read the first sheet. It was a listing of all the men who were in his unit for the duration of the war. Talon placed that one aside and wanted to make sure it made it to Prince Christopher. The next sheet was a small note written to a field commander from Prince Philip. It was about the possibility of entering farm regions.

  "The possibility exists as we push the Redderin farther west that we will eventually hit the Farmer's Region. The latest reports say nothing of that region's involvement with the Redderin, but I feel different. Some of those farms cross into Redderin territory and I know that makes them sympathizers. I authorize you to take any and all action necessary in the upcoming weeks to quell any further action by the Redderins and that includes silencing any Heartfelt citizen who stands in the way."

  Signed by Prince Philip.

  Talon put that into the same pile as the unit listings and stood up to clear his head. It wasn't as if he needed anymore proof that Prince Philip was responsible for his father’s death, but now Barlow had handed him a signed confession.

  Talon sat back down and continued reading. The next three had reports from the front, but it was nothing of interest to him. He put those into the pile holding the other documents.

  The next document was a deed for land holdings deep in Redderin territory and it was signed by Barlow. Talon wasn't surprised, but wondered what his brother was thinking. The deed was for a lot of land, more land than his father held in the Farmer's Region. He didn't know where it was, for the names on the document were unknown to him. With this document, he started a new pile.

  The next letter was a copy of the deed to his father’s land and it included a document listing some new land. Their father always talked about picking up some new land, but Talon never thought he was serious. Apparently, Barlow did and he got his hand on some extra land. It made Talon sad to think that Barlow never got a chance to tell his father about it. He placed that in the second pile.

  The next document was a Royal Guard policy listing how much money was owed to Barlow at the end of his time. It also listed the amount covered in case he didn't live past that time. It was quite a bit of money and Talon put that with the deeds. There was no way the Crown could afford to pay him for that, but maybe someday he would be able to collect.

  The final documents were a stack of letters. After reading a few of them Talon, realized his brother had fallen in love with a Redderin woman. Unfortunately, none of the letters told of where she lived, but Talon was able to find out that her name was Christine. Talon told himself that when this was all over, he was going to find Christine and meet one of the last few people who had seen Barlow alive. Since the crown never told him about Barlow's death, he had a suspicion that Christine was still in the dark.

  Having finished with the entire bundle, Talon lay down on the bed and started to drift into a deep sleep.

  Knock, Knock.

  Talon stirred, but thought that he imagined the knocking.

  Knock, knock, knock.

  Talon heard it that time, "Come in." Talon rose to his feet.

  The door opened. "Yes sir, please excuse me, I am here to deliver a message." The messenger walked through the door.

  "Go ahead, you have my attention." Talon sat up straighter on his bed. The boy looked young and Talon didn't recognize him, although he found he wasn't recognizing many people these days. The boy stepped a little closer inside and started with a question. "You are Michael Talon Bastian?" He looked closer hoping he had picked the right room.

  "Yes, I am." Talon was curious. "Continue."

  "I was sent by King Frederick to tell you this, ‘the King requests an audience with you as soon as possible.’" The boy straightened up as he finished. "If you are available now, I can escort you to him."

  Talon was curious enough to put his nap on hold. "I guess now is as good as later and well, for another thing, I don't think I want to be the one to keep the King waiting. Lead on boy." Talon said as he glanced at himself. He decided he was presentable enough and besides he really didn't have much else to c
hoose from. "What's your name?"

  "My name is David and I am a messenger here." David said this with a smile.

  "Do you often work with the King, David?" Talon asked.

  "I have been on Sir Stamos' good side for the past week and when that happens he tries to reward me. Unfortunately, it doesn't happen very often." David said with a sheepish smile.

  Talon had seen firsthand Sir Stamos' temper. He knew how David felt. "Don't worry David, I am not usually on Sir Stamos' good side either, but I find that most people aren't." David laughed at that and gestured for Talon to follow him.

  David led Talon out of the common wing, through the courtyard, up through the main entrance to the Royal Wing and onto the Kings floor. They walked right past the King's room and headed towards the library. The door was shut and two guards stood outside. Talon didn't recognize either of the young men, but they recognized David and waved him through. Talon guessed they knew the King was waiting for him. The door opened and David brought Talon inside.

  The guards shut the door behind them and when Talon's eyes adjusted to the dimness of the room he saw the King in the far corner reading a very large book. The book was spread across a reading table in front of him and the King was so engrossed in the book that he didn't notice his visitors. David walked right up to the King and announced the visitor, Michael Talon Bastian.

  The King looked up and motioned for Talon sit down in a chair that sat opposite of the King. Talon had only been in this room a few times and was surprised to see that the number of books was still growing. The shelves were full and books were stacked on the floor, on the tables, and next to all the chairs. It wouldn't take much longer before another room would be needed.

  "Michael Talon Bastian, thank you for coming." The King looked up from his book and gave Talon the once over.

  "It is my duty, sire." Talon stiffened at the formal mention of his name. Since he was just given his assignment he kept forgetting he was now in charge of a unit of men, the Kings men.

  "Yes, well, I wanted to take this chance to talk with you. I understand your father passed away on the farm and, though I never knew him, I could tell he came from your grandfather: looks, attitude, and all. I am extremely uncomfortable with the circumstances under which he died. The effects of that war are still weighing down the kingdom. It seems you have given quite a sacrifice for the crown over the last few years. I was disheartened to see Barlow's name on the list of confirmed dead. I don't know the full circumstances surrounding his death, but I am sorry you have been forced to deal with both losses. In some ways, I feel like I have let your grandfather down, though since he wasn't about to visit me and tell me different, I won't have to incur his legendary wrath.” The King nodded and paused for a moment. “Be very careful on this mission. You are the last Bastian and I don't wish to see such a name erased from the walls of Heartfelt. Now, I won't take up anymore of your time, so God speed to you, my son, and may the shadow of Heartfelt fall in your favor."

  With that, the King retreated back to his book and left Talon to go about his business. Talon knew he had been dismissed and headed right out the door. He walked by the guards and was surprised to see David was still with the guards. Talon approached David. "Thanks for bringing me over here, David."

  "Of course." He said. "I am just happy to see the King talking to somebody. He sees fit to spend most of his time in the library. The way his reading is going, someone is going to have to build another room just for his books. Can you find your way back?"

  "Funny, I was thinking the same thing while I was in there. Yes, I will be fine; I've been here a few times. Thanks again. Bye." Talon retraced his steps back to his room and as he walked through the door he knew he desperately wanted to get that little nap in. He fell down onto the bed and closed his eyes.

  Knock, knock knock knock.

  Talon couldn't believe his luck. He wondered how long he had been asleep. If he went by his feelings, he would have guessed it wasn’t that long. Talon briefly wondered if closing his eyes was causing the door to knock. He cursed out loud to himself as he opened the door and was surprised to find Trall standing there with his arms full of a very large wrapped bundle.

  "Come in. Find something in towne, Trall?" Talon's voice dripped with sarcasm.

  "As if you can see. It sure is dark in here. Didn't the Prince's best man get a room with a little light?"

  Talon took the hint and opened the window, while Trall walked into the room, managing to close the door with his foot. He laid the bundle down on the bed.

  Talon's curiosity was at its peak as he addressed Trall. "Are you going to make me guess or are you going to tell me what's in your little bundle of joy?"

  Trall didn’t answer him as he started to unravel the tightly wrapped bundle of blankets, which took over a good portion of the bed. "I stopped over at the trade post and had a look in old Mick's backroom. He said he got these a few months back and had no idea what to do with them. I got them for a good price, although it was non-refundable, but no need to worry. You should be happy to know I used my best judgment, you know, as always." Trall continued to unravel the blankets.

  "Trall, you're telling me this, why? To make me feel better? Well, I used to trust your judgment, but it has been a long time. Besides, do you realize the King has not forgotten the wine incident! Prince Christopher gives me a hard time about it every chance he gets and that was a fine example of the Trall judgment." Talon raised an eyebrow and knew he would get a quick response.

  Trall didn't let him down. "Now, do we really need to bring up the past? Let's move forward. Besides, I just know you are going to like these!" Trall gave him his best innocent face and hoped for the best. "Besides Mick threw in the blankets for free.

  "Well then, enough talk. Let's see what I am supposed to like that we have already paid for." Talon held his breath as Trall finished unwrapping.

  Out of the bundle came four suits of what looked like Outerlands chain mail. They looked older, but seemed to be in good condition. The suits were like ones he remembered seeing before the War of Occupation.

  "What do you think?" Trall asked expectantly.

  "Are they really from the Outerlands?" Talon asked in awe.

  "The best Mick could tell was that they might be from there, but they could also have been built in Fort North. I would say we are probably right on with the first theory." Trall moved the first one off the pile.

  "If he is right, we are looking at some very good suits of chain mail. The stuff they were making before the war was incredible. I’ve always wonder about its quality." Talon reached down and picked up the top suit. "All of the straps appeared to be in the right place and they looked sturdy enough to use. Amazing. How many do you have? I see four, right?" Talon said as he continued to inspect the chain mail.

  "Yea, four. Mick didn't seem to think he was ever going to be getting more of these, but I thought every edge we had would help. They say this stuff will put up with a lot of abuse." Trall was playing around with the straps on the second suit.

  Talon had already thrown one of the chain mail suits over his head and was attempting to fasten all the straps. The chain mail extended a few inches below the belt line, but didn't restrict movement.

  Trall adjusted the side straps and noticed for the first time how dirty the chain mail was. "I think you just ruined you shirt. These things are pretty dirty, though it doesn't look like there is too much rust. How does it feel?"

  "Aside from being dirty, it's a pretty good fit. It doesn't weigh as much as I thought, but it feels strong. Let's try to see how much of a range of motions I have." Talon stretched this way and that and found he could move freely.

  While Talon was pushing the limits of his suit Trall was throwing one on. In no time, both men faced each other with armor and sword. There wasn't much room for swordplay, but that didn't stop them. They sparred back a
nd forth for a few minutes; blocking swings and sometimes letting the chain mail take the brunt of the blows. The suits were really holding up to the abuse. Since they really needed to get the suits clean, they swung a few more times.

  Before they could finish, the door flew open and in stepped Blackheart and two Guardsmen with swords drawn. Once in the room, Blackheart realized there was no danger and started to get mad. He also looked a little out of place. The Guardsmen behind him were dressed in the proper uniform, while Blackheart was in a pair of bottoms with nothing on top. He didn't have his belt and his sheath was in his right hand with the sword in his left.

  Startled by their sudden appearance, Talon and Trall turned to face the attackers and had to keep from laughing upon seeing Blackheart at the door. Talon was biting very hard on his bottom lip, but it wasn't working.

  Blackheart noticed and growled at them. "What the hell is going on in here, Talon? Trall?"

  "Uh,” This was all Talon could say before Blackheart jumped in.

  "Guardsmen, you’re dismissed. Talon, I heard the swordplay from my room and feared the worst. What the hell are you two doing fighting in your room?" Blackheart's voice continued to rise in volume.

  "Um." This time Trall tried to answer and he was also cut off.

  "Am I going to get an answer out of you two or am I going to have to beat it out of you, one at a time." Blackheart’s voice had risen to a level just below a yell.

  Talon tried again once again to get through to Blackheart, "Black...." But Blackheart continued on.

  "I can't believe you two." Blackheart was mumbling now and was walking towards Talon. He put his sword into the sheath, as he continued to grumble. "What stories those guards will have after witnessing this display! Wait a minute." Blackheart ran his finger across his new discovery. "These are some fine examples of chain mail." For the first time Blackheart noticed the two wearing the chain mail suits. "This looks like some good mail."

  Trall pounced on the opportunity. "These might even be from as far as the Fort North or maybe the Outerlands and are supposed to be some of the best kind out there. They seemed to have passed our test that you so rudely interrupted." Trall winced as he watched Blackheart give him a look, so he quickly changed the subject. "Talon, what do you think?" Trall sent a wink to Talon's way.

  Talon quietly thought it over. "I think I would really like to get some more suits. Blackheart, any idea where we can get some more?" Talon winked back at Trall and was glad that Blackheart’s temper was subsiding.

  "I’m not sure, Talon. You and the members of your unit are welcome to the armor choices we have, but you are going to have to choose from mostly plate armor. Personally, I wish I knew where some of this type could be found. Very lightweight, I assume." Blackheart said as he looked over the two remaining on the bed.

  "Yea. I think it weighs less than fourteen stone and it is very flexible." Trall was beaming. He was pretty happy with himself since he was the one to find these. "They are also durable, Talon here pounded on me with his sword, but nothing made it through."

  Blackheart took one last look at the armor and said, "Well, since I see you two are in no real danger, I will return to my room. See you later." Blackheart turned and left with sword in hand.

  As soon as the door closed, both men started laughing. "Never thought I would see a sight like that, Talon." Trall had to sit down he was laughing so hard.

  "I think we really embarrassed Blackheart in front of those guards. I guess it's a good thing he will be leaving his men for awhile." Talon said in between laughing.

  "Who is taking over his job; during our little trip I mean?" Trall said as he started to regain some of his composure.

  "From my understanding, Prince Christopher is going to fill in on the field for Blackheart. I don't think this will take us longer than two months. A trip to Markham will take around a week and about a week to return. We are going to have to add a few days for our trip into Elizabeth Towne. Then we have to leave at least two weeks for any complications and, if I didn't know better, I would think Blackheart is planning on more than that. I really think he is worried about this." Talon said as he wiped a tear away from his eye.

  "Can I get that chain mail back from you? I think if I paid Peter, you know, the stable boy, some good money, he would be more than happy to restore them to good condition before we have to leave"

  "Yes, hopefully it won't take too long because I would like to get some practice in with them on."

  "I will take care of it. Until the morning then."

  "Very well." Talon shut the door and grabbed a different shirt to throw on. Before he could get comfortable there was another knock. Talon headed there for what felt like the millionth time and wondered about the wisdom of leaving the farm. He followed the path that he had cut to the door and pulled it open. Blackheart stood there without the sword, the guards and with all of his clothes on.

  "Talon, sorry to intrude, but would you care to join me for dinner in the hall?"

  Talon felt his stomach grumble at the mention of dinner, "I would enjoy that, Blackheart."

  "Well, if you are ready we can head right down. Dinner should be on the table by now."

  Talon took a quick look around the room and decided it was probably a good idea to just eat dinner. "Fine, let's go."

  Talon and Blackheart headed out of the common wing and walked out of the inner courtyard. The castle was well lit despite the dark falling over the sky. As they walked along the wall of the common wing Talon could make out the supports on the west wing. He couldn't tell if the gate was closed, but it was a good assumption at this later hour. The barracks looked relatively quiet and that probably meant the hall would be full of Guardsmen. It was starting to cool off as the sun fell farther from the sky.

  While they walked something struck Talon as odd. “Blackheart, why do you still live over in the common wing? You being a Royal Man and all?"

  Blackheart chuckled, "Well, the answer is pretty simple. With the exception of guestrooms, they don't have any rooms open in the Royal Wing. As a matter of fact, it seems that Princess Anne and Princess Elizabeth are sharing a room."

  "That's easy enough."

  They finished walking past the common wing and they could now see the front entrance to the hall. From the volume coming from the building Talon guessed that most of the Guardsmen were having dinner there. Talon caught a whiff of the food and smiled. It smelled great.

  "Chef still cooking?"

  Blackheart nodded. "Of course. We pay him whatever he wants, just to keep him here."

  Talon smiled at the comment and remembered the meals he had when he was a Guardsmen. Chef was the best cook he had ever met.

  During the meal Talon and Blackheart sat with some of the Heartfelt members of the units and traded stories. It wasn't long before both men were done and standing in Talon's room.

  "Tomorrow, I thought I would introduce you to your unit. Why don't we meet on the parade ground tomorrow morning, so we can get the introductions out of the way? It's time you start sparring with the troops anyway. You still as good as the war days?" Blackheart said with a smile.

  "I am not going to make any promises, but I do need to brush up on my close quarter combat." said Talon.

  Blackheart smiled and added, "Well, we have some of the best out there."

  Knock, Knock, Knock knock.

  Both men turned their heads at the knocking on the door. Before Talon could even move to the door, Trall opened it himself and walked in, this time without any sort of bundles. "Evening Gents!" Trall said.

  "Trall, evening. How goes the battle?" Talon asked.

  "Talon, Blackheart." Before Trall could continue there was another knock on the door.

  Knock, Knock.

  This knock turned all three heads. Trall opened the door to be greeted by the smiling face of Prince Christopher. Talon and Blackheart fell to one knee
and Trall stepped back from the door and invited the Prince in. Prince Christopher moved inside and placed his hand on Blackheart’s shoulder.

  "Rise men. Trall, it's good to see you again, although I am beginning to think they will let anyone in on this little adventure."

  "Well, since I decided I won't let Talon have all of the fun, you are stuck with me, too. How is life as a Heartfelt? Philip still a fool?" Trall said

  "Trall, show some respect for the Prince!" Blackheart said with outrage and a slight growl in his voice.

  "Now Blackheart,” The Prince said hoping to calm down Blackheart, although it made him happy to know Blackheart was just doing his job. "We both know Trall is incapable of such a feat, especially when he is right." The Prince added dryly as he opened a scroll and gave it to Blackheart. The Prince addressed Blackheart. "I only made one change to your list. I want to keep David Red back here. I have given you Richard Lee instead."

  Blackheart looked over the list and then handed it over to Talon.

  Talon glanced at the list and though he recognized some of the names, he didn't recognize enough of them. Talon handed the list to Trall.

  "Blackheart, these are some of your better stock within the ranks." With a raised eyebrow Trall added. "I noticed you have also chosen some of the more unorthodox ones. Interesting mix. What are the civilian functions?"

  "I have broken up the thirty members into six groups. There will be a specialty assigned to each team and the civilians are supplementing the food and support unit. I have a Royal Guardsmen for each group, but I will maintain as their overall leader. Some of the unorthodox members are the best qualified for the job. Besides, most of them preferred Talon's team and are looking forward to being independent of the rest of the Guardsmen."

  “Excellent, Blackheart. I am starting to feel more and more comfortable as we move together again." The Prince moved to the half open window. "I am hoping we can turn things around for the Kingdom. Especially before my father gives up his crown to Philip."

  "I hate to be the one to run, but I have to do some leg work before the night is over." Trall said as he headed for the door. "Talon, the chain mail is being worked on as we speak."

  "Tomorrow we are going to meet the new unit. I will see you on the parade field in the morning." Talon said as he followed Trall to the door.

  "Very well, good evening everyone." With that Trall left the room and the three men for the night.

  "Seeing you and him together again brings me back to the time before the war." said Prince Christopher. "Times were so much more innocent then. Blackheart, if I remember right, you were even having a little fun."

  "Prince Christopher, I also remember him being a little more fun back then, although Trall was a terror." Talon added. "I am surprised the King never kicked us out onto the streets."

  "Sometimes, I’m amazed myself. I think my father is grateful for the times I spent with you. It kept my head on straight." The Prince followed with an observation. "I often wonder how different Philip might have been if he would have spent less time acting proper and spending more time with us."

  "I don't think Prince Philip would have spent any more time with us than he already did." With a little anger in his voice, Blackheart continued. "I get the impression that he doesn't like us very much and I can't speak for Talon, but I feel the same way about him."

  "Prince Christopher, I am not going to voice my opinion about him, but I do have some papers for you to look at." Talon made his way to the desk in the corner of the room. "These papers were given to me by Minty Stevens. Barlow had these in a bundle that he left at the inn. I am sorry to have to bring this subject up."

  The mood in the room immediately changed. Talon walked over to the piles on his desk and retrieved the bundle, handing them Prince Christopher. Talon stepped back and watched the Prince review them.

  Within a quick glance the Prince knew where this was going. "Talon, I was hoping to avoid this conversation or at least put it off until later. I know how poorly my brother performed during his tenure as leader for the military. We both knew how incapable he was in that position, but I really thought it would turn out positively. He had some of the best Royal Men in the service. Every day, I find out how close he came to prolonging the war and I find his personal vendetta against the Redderin disheartening. I want to speak to you further when we get the opportunity. Can I have these papers?"

  "Of course. I will reserve my opinion for our meeting." Talon added with a sense of relief that this conversation was over.

  "If you will excuse me, I will leave you to your weighty matters. I will see you in the morning, Talon. Prince Christopher, until we meet again." Blackheart added with a slight yawn. Having said that Blackheart disappeared out the door.

  Prince Christopher and Talon looked at each other and both didn't seem to want to tackle the topic on the table. Trying to steer the conversation Prince Christopher added, “How is Minty doing?"

  "He is getting old, too old. His niece is staying with him at the inn. I wish you could have seen what his niece is making him drink. Some kind of concoction that I would have to be duped into drinking." Talon winced at the thought of it.

  "I haven't been to Minty's since you were last in the castle. To be truthful Talon, I haven't stepped foot into Hearttowne since last autumn. I really wish some things would return to the way they were before the war." The Prince looked out the window like things might change just because he said so.

  "Why don't we visit Minty, sire?" Talon asked realizing he was only half-joking.

  “Now." The Prince looked at him like he was crazy.

  "Sure, back in the day, we would just be starting."

  The Prince looked back out the window for what seemed like an eternity. When he looked back at Talon he had a big smile on his face. "I think you are right. Get Blackheart and I will meet you back here in a few minutes."

  The Prince took off with papers in hand and Talon was happy to have avoided the Philip subject for the evening. He was elated that they would be visiting Minty. He headed for the room next door and knocked. Blackheart answered the door and invited Talon in.

  "The Prince and I are headed to Minty's. I was ordered to get you for the evening. Besides, I would like to spend some time with you. What do you think?" Talon asked in hopes of trapping him into going.

  Blackheart rolled his eyes, having heard this tone of voice from Talon before. "I will tell you what I think. You two are crazy. Prince or not, he is as loony as you.” Blackheart rolled his eyes for a moment and then answered. “I can't believe I am saying this; it is so incredible to me, but I guess I can't turn down an invitation from you or a direct order from the Prince. Besides, the last time I went to Minty's was a few months after we returned from the war. I guess it's time to see what we are doing all this for. How much time do I have?" Blackheart said with a smile on his face.

  "Excellent! I was a little worried there; wasn't too sure you were going to come along. Prince Christopher said he would be back in a few minutes.”

  “I am going to throw on a heavier shirt, so how about I come get you when the Prince arrives." Talon said and he was already heading out the door without waiting for an answer.

  Blackheart called after Talon. "Understood. I will be ready."

  Talon headed back to his room. He decided to chance it and went to Trall's room. His knock wasn't answered, so he assumed Trall had already left on his errands. Talon went back to his room and got ready to head out to Minty's for old time’s sake.