Read The Heartfelt Saga Page 9

  Chapter 9

  April 1st, 770; A Royal trip to Minty's

  It didn't take long before the trio was out the door and heading for the stables. Since it was getting late in the evening, it came as a surprise to the stable boy, Peter, to see the Prince leading the group. Peter assembled the horses and, in moments, the party was ready, with four Guardsmen providing protection for the Prince.

  "Peter." The Prince brought his horse over.

  Peter wasn't used to being addressed by the Prince, but he stammered out an answer, "Yes, my lord."

  "Leave word with the stable master, make up your horse and join us this night. We shall wait the few minutes it takes for you to get ready." The Prince said this with a smile and it seemed to relax the young boy.

  Peter wasn't sure what to do. He turned and was about to run off when he remembered his manners, "Uh, yes, my lord, thank you." With that, Peter ran off into the stables. Moments later he returned, ready to go. "I am ready sire. Is there anything you shall need?"

  "Nothing at all Peter. Well, nothing but yourself and some good spirits. Lets ride on men. Talon, I believe you know the way."

  Talon kicked his horse into the head of the line and when he was within shouting distance from the gate he yelled to the guard. "Open the doors for your Prince."

  The guards at this late hour were not impressed by Talon's exclamation until they caught a glimpse of Blackheart and Prince Christopher a few trots behind Talon. Since there were only two guards at this late evening hour, one ran to open the gate, while the other stood in a position of honor. With a rough salute the group trotted out of the gate onto the main path and followed it over the bridge into Hearttowne.

  Before long, the traveling party arrived at Minty's. Everyone lashed the horses to the hitching rail. The group headed inside, leaving two Guardsmen at the entrance. Before they could get comfortable, the backroom door opened and Marilyn came out. She was surprised to see so many people.

  "Talon, welcome back. Uncle will be so pleased to see you again and so soon...Please sit, everyone, anywhere you want!" Marilyn walked with them to a table.

  "Thank you Marilyn. Allow me to introduce Prince Christopher Heartfelt." With this introduction Talon managed to surprise her even more. "Prince Christopher, this is Marilyn Stevens."

  Marilyn blushed and gently bowed in respect. "Welcome to our inn Prince Heartfelt. I am sorry I didn't recognize you, but I am from Redderin and I have never met the royalty of Heartfelt."

  "Pay it no mind, Marilyn; I am pleased to meet you. May I ask your last name again, my lady?" The Prince took her hand and planted a kiss upon it.

  "Yes, sire. Stevens, Marilyn Katherine Stevens. I am Minty's niece. He is the owner of this inn."

  "Yes, I know your Uncle very well. Let me ask you a question, did your mother run a tailor shop in Redderin Proper?"

  "Yes, sire. She passed away recently. I'm not a seamstress like my mother, so I sold the shop and answered a letter from my Uncle."

  "I am truly sorry to hear of her death. I spent a short amount of time in Redderin before the war and had some work down in her shop. You were a little younger back then. How long has it been since she died?"

  "It has been over a year now. She died in her sleep."

  "If there is anything I, or the crown, can do, please don't hesitate to ask."

  Marilyn blushed, but bowed, "Thank you Prince Christopher. I appreciate the concern."

  "Have you met everyone?"

  "No, well, I did meet Talon this morning and I know Wayne Lord."

  "Let me introduce you to Richard Blackheart, Paul Unique, you know Wayne Lord, this is Peter Gredit and Jackie Kirby."

  With introductions out of the way, they took seats at a middle table, while Marilyn took their orders.

  "I wonder where Minty is hiding?" The Prince commented.

  "Yea, I was looking forward to seeing him again." Talon said as he looked around the inn.

  "This part of Hearttowne is really taking the loss of trade hard. My mother lives not too far from here and she is constantly worried about the area." Wayne Lord commented after taking a good look around.

  Before anymore small talk could happen Minty walked through the door.

  "Prince Christopher, Blackheart, Talon, I can't believe it. I haven't seen you two in a long time. Talon had you beat, but he got here this morning. I can only imagine the excuses you two have. Royalty or not, I haven't seen the likes of you two in months, maybe years. Peter, how are you doing?" Minty said as he took in all of the guests.

  "Fine, Minty. Stablemaster John will probably come see you this weekend." Peter said as Talon poured him some ale.

  "Good. He has become quite the regular; I am guessing that castle life has become a little dull these days. Wayne, how is your mother doing?"

  "You know how things are Minty, she really misses my father. Hell, I miss him. How are you doing?" Wayne Lord took a sip of the ale Talon had poured.

  "I would be doing a lot better if I had more nights like tonight. I have a feeling Talon had something to do with this little gathering." Minty gave Talon a quick wink.

  "Now wait a minute. My only part was to mention this to Prince Christopher and here we are. Although no one really thought Blackheart was going to leave the castle, much less that room of his." Talon said as he saluted Blackheart with a cup of ale.

  "You make me out to be some kind of lump on a log, besides I will admit that this has been a long time coming, but what is time between friends. Minty, it's good to lay eyes on you again. I see you broke down and got some help." Blackheart looked past Minty towards the kitchen.

  "Ah, Marilyn. My brother, her father, died before the war in a hunting accident and left her with her mother. When her mother passed on, she really didn't have any need to stay in Redderin. She didn't want to come up here, but I needed her help. Being that I am her last living relative I figured she wouldn't turn me down. I have to endure her health drinks, but for the most part it has been a needed breath of fresh air. She is something else." Minty stopped as he heard the kitchen door open.

  Marilyn came walking into the room with some more pitchers of ale and some baked bread that was lightly seasoned. After she situated everyone, she asked Guardsmen Kirby a question. "Excuse me, Guardsmen Kirby, I didn't know they allowed women to serve in combat roles for Heartfelt."

  "Call me Jackie, please. I was among the first of the women to be initiated. It happened towards the end of the war. Prince Christopher assures me it was for equality, and I am inclined to believe him, but I think that it had a little more to do with the shortage of males as soon as the war finished. Have you ever thought about becoming a Guardsmen?" Jackie asked.

  Marilyn blushed at the idea and noticed that everyone at the table was watching her. "It has always been an option for women in Redderin, but I don't think I have ever considered such a choice. To be honest, I have no idea what I am going to do. I never picked up any trades from my mom and I wasn't with my father long enough to learn his trade. I don't even know if I would be cut out to be a Guardsmen." Marilyn finished hoping that the attention would be off of her.

  Jackie thought about this and answered, "My husband felt the same way and was shocked to find out that I was going to become a Guardsmen. He never got over it and left me to head north where they hold more traditional views. Your heart will lead you Marilyn, but at least you know this can be a choice." Jackie said.

  "Marilyn, Jackie is right. I have always felt that we have treated women unfairly. I will agree that the council was concerned with the man shortage, but the change came about and that is all that matters. Minty, were you ever a Guardsmen?" Prince Christopher asked.

  "When I was young, I wrestled with that decision, but fate intervened. My father passed on and he left me some money and this inn. I decided to stick with the inn. I haven't regretted it since. I was never much of a fighter, although I
will say Marilyn is quite the swordsman. Ask Talon." Minty laughed and winked at Talon. Everyone at the table looked over at Talon.

  "Is that right, Talon? How would you know of such a skill?" Blackheart asked with pure enjoyment showing on his face.

  "Of all the people to have to hear this story, I was hoping it wouldn't be you Blackheart." Talon caught himself blushing from the embarrassment.

  The Prince followed right behind Blackheart and proceeded to continue the harassment.

  "Now, I am also interested, Talon. Are you a little out of practice after farming for so long?" The Prince was watching Blackheart who could barely keep from laughing out loud.

  Talon knew he was stuck. Neither man would let him go until they were told the story. "My lord, I was taken by surprise. I would like to think that the farm life did nothing to my sword fighting skills, but I believe it was more of bottle throwing skill than of the sword. I was knocked on the head by a bottle and I would say it is a good bet that it was from Marilyn's hand." Talon looked around the table and wasn't surprised to see that he had a captive audience.

  "Don't forget to mention your ill fated fall." Marilyn added with a giggle.

  Talon looked over at Marilyn. She was trying her best to not start laughing. He knew when he was beaten. "Thank you for reminding me, Marilyn. After I lost my balance from the knock on my head, I stumbled at a good speed towards the wall and before I hit it, I fell over a small table and knocked myself unconscious." Talon said this as fast as he could hoping that everyone would miss it. He had no such luck, since everyone at the table was laughing. Blackheart was laughing the loudest and was more than happy to provide a comment.

  "Talon, I have always been amazed that you made it through the war much less through today. Marilyn, I have to congratulate you on taking down the legendary Talon Bastian. Many men have tried and very few have succeeded. I am glad to see that you are on our side." Blackheart said in between laughing.

  "I will have you know that my head still hurts from that blow. The sword comes into play when I awoke to find it poking me in my chin." Talon rubbed the very same spot on his chin. Maybe it was his imagination, but he thought he could still feel it.

  The Prince commented. "I think I am missing something, but why would Marilyn attack someone as innocent as you, Talon." The Prince winked at Blackheart, which caused him to break out into a fit of laughter.

  "I think Marilyn would like to field that one." Talon dryly added.

  Marilyn said in a matter of fact tone of voice, "Talon broke into the inn."

  The laughter rose in volume and Talon followed up right behind that comment, "Well, broke in is a little harsh. When no one answered I became a little concerned and entered without invitation."

  "Now that Talon is one way of putting it. I for one am just glad it happened. A bottle to the head. I can't think of many things that would make me laugh as hard, although the time Blackheart and Talon borrowed that rum from King Frederick's party comes to mind." Prince Christopher said as he patted Talon on the back.

  "Why did you have to bring that one up, Prince Christopher? I once thought Blackheart and I would live that one down, though I see the way it is to be." Talon looked over at Blackheart who knew better than to try and stop the Prince from telling this story.

  Blackheart tried anyway, "Sire, I don't think the Guardsmen need to hear such a story about me and my past indiscretions. I would like to think I am no longer being held responsible for something that was clearly Talon's fault." Blackheart said in an effort to throw off Prince Christopher. "Not to mention, you are forgetting someone even more responsible than Talon, Trall Fagan."

  "I almost did forget he was involved, but even back then you were a Royal Guardsmen and therefore anytime your subordinates stepped out of line, you were responsible. Although I will admit that it was comical, I don't think my father holds the same opinion." Prince Christopher poured himself some more ale.

  “Are you going to tell me the story Talon or am I going to have to use my imagination to figure out what you did back then?" Marilyn pulled up a chair and sat down next to Talon.

  Talon threw his hands up into the air. "I give up. I owe you one, sire. Back in the day, way back in the day, Blackheart and I were a little less respectable." This brought laughter from Price Christopher and Blackheart. Talon continued. "Maybe, that is stretching the truth, but we were both young, still in our late teens. Anyway, King Frederick threw a lavish party for the people of Hearttowne. It seemed like the whole kingdom turned out for this particular get together. This was quite a few years before the War of Occupation. Blackheart and I were filling in as guards for the lower lever. It just so happens that was also where they kept the spirits. We were relieved early from our shift and Blackheart convinced me to take a case of rum for ourselves..."

  Before Talon could finish the sentence, Blackheart jumped in, "Whhhaaaatt? Now you are stretching the truth. This whole ordeal was your plan. You were the mastermind, I was just the pawn." Blackheart was trying his best to not be drawn into this anymore than he already was.

  "For the sake of the story and your reputation, I will compromise and blame it on Trall. To begin with, and this is one fact even Blackheart will not be able to refute, Blackheart slipped into winery, while I was distracting the guards. At the same time, Trall was securing a stable for us to enjoy the rewards. Now, in the back of the winery there was some very expensive Redderin Rum. It had been aged for the minimum ten years and was going to be used during the final toast at the feast. Well, in the darkness, Blackheart thought he grabbed a case of ale, but he didn't realize what he grabbed. So, not knowing what he had, Blackheart left for the stables and, after distracting the guards a little more I followed after him. I met up with him in the stables and I wish I could have painted a picture of that look on his face. Trall had already broken into the case and discovered Blackheart's mistake. Of course, here is where it gets good." At this point everyone was laughing along, except for Blackheart; who was bright red with embarrassment. "Blackheart then told me that on his way to the stables Prince Christopher had seen him with the case in his hand. At the time, I tried my best to keep from laughing, because I could tell Blackheart would have ripped my head from my neck. He was scared to death. About ten minutes later we could hear Prince Christopher yelling at the top of his lungs and I bet you can guess whose name he was yelling. Sire, maybe you would like to continue from here?" Talon smiled at Blackheart and looked over at Prince Christopher.

  "I think I can provide everyone with a little bit more information. While the borrowers had their stash in the stable, the King was getting ready for the final toast. I headed into the hallway to ensure the wine was ready, when I spotted Blackheart. I really thought he was on his way to the main hall to deliver the rum, so I turned and headed back thinking that all was taken care of. Moments later, Chef came running up to me screaming that someone stole the Redderin Rum. It didn't take me very long to put two and two together. Back then I knew where these three would hide and I dashed to the stables. I caught a glimpse of a head in the stables and I yelled to it, but it disappeared, followed by the patter of running feet. I took off in a mad dash for the stable and when I turned the corner I found an open box of Redderin Rum and nobody there to claim it. Chef came in behind me and was shocked to see the Rum sitting there in the middle of a stall. Luckily for those three, the Chef was only a few moments late or things would have been a lot hairier. Talon, Trall, and Blackheart avoided me for a few days and later on we laughed about it, but that night I was in my father's chamber trying to explain to him why the rum was late. I never mentioned any names, but my father knew somehow, isn't that right Blackheart?" The Prince looked over at Blackheart.

  "Yes, sire." Blackheart said with a slight frown on his face.

  "How do you know that Blackheart?" Talon asked.

  "Years later, during the ceremony where I became a Royal
Man, the King whispered in my ear and I quote 'I have chosen Redderin Rum for this occasion, care to guess why?' He then winked at me and continued on with the celebration. I have never been so embarrassed in my relatively short life." He thought back to that day and laughed at the memory.

  "I noticed my father stop the ceremony to talk to Blackheart and I thought that was rather odd. Later on that night, I talked to my father about the interruption. I had tears in my eyes that night from laughing so hard. I can imagine how uncomfortable the comment had made Blackheart and how he must have wanted to see Talon or Trall again, who my father still thinks were innocent of the whole affair." The Prince looked in Blackheart’s direction and waited for the outburst. He didn't have to wait long.

  "Whhhaaattt?" Screamed Blackheart. "The King doesn't know of their involvement?"

  Now that Blackheart was beyond embarrassed, everyone laughed at his shock. Blackheart knew he was buried in this whole affair and he tried to save face, "It never fails, Talon, whenever we are both involved I am always the bad guy. Years and years of me being the bad guy." Blackheart finished the sentence with a hearty laugh and another drink of his ale.

  During the story, Minty had brought out two bowls of northern tree sacks and with the ale setting in, the men were having trouble with the coordination necessary to open them. The northern tree sacks were medium sized hard-shelled nuts. The nut inside had an excellent taste and, as a bonus, it countered the effects of the ale. The trick was to crack them right along its seam with even steady pressure. Unfortunately, everyone at the table was feeling the ale and was having great difficulty in succeeding at this art.

  Marilyn disappeared into the kitchen for a moment and then came back into the room carrying two more pitchers and some fried salted potato sticks. She placed these down and reoccupied her seat next to Talon.

  Prince Christopher and Blackheart were engaged in a conversation with Minty, so Marilyn turned to Talon. "Are you going to be around Heartfelt for awhile or are you heading back to the farm?"

  "It looks like I will be in Heartfelt for awhile. Actually, I was planning on meeting someone here tomorrow night for dinner." Talon said.

  With a frown Marilyn added, "Oh, I understand."

  Talon continued without noticing the change in her attitude. "I don't think I will be going back to the farm for awhile. Do know Trall Fagan?"

  "No, I really haven't been around here that long. Why?" Marilyn said as she refilled her glass.

  "He is the one I am supposed to meet here tomorrow." Talon said as he finally cracked open his tree sack.

  With a sudden grin Marilyn followed with a question. "Are you going to be busy after the meeting with Trall?"

  "No. I, uh," Talon suddenly found himself very nervous and very hot. “Do you have something in mind, I guess, maybe we could get together?" Talon noticed how close she was to him and he could feel the sweat running down his back.

  "I would like that very much, well, I mean if you are available." Marilyn relaxed a little and took a drink.

  "I am. Have you been to the Castle?" Talon asked.

  "No, I haven't really spent that much time out of Hearttowne."

  "Let's do both then. I would like to show you the castle and, if you wouldn't mind, how about showing me how the towne has changed in the last few years."

  "That sounds like a great idea. I will try and get the night off from Uncle tomorrow. I would love to get a tour of the castle."

  “It’s done then." Talon paused and realized what a full day tomorrow was becoming.

  In a break from his conversation, Minty looked over and noticed Talon and Marilyn engrossed in a conversation. He brought them back into the conversation with a quick question and a funny grin. "What are you two conspiring to do, hmmm?"

  Marilyn blushed as she watched everyone's heads turn towards her and Talon. Her voice was almost a whisper, "Uncle, would it be all right if I took off tomorrow night?"

  A slight smile was growing on Minty's face, but he didn't want to embarrass her anymore than she appeared to be, so he agreed. "Of course, I can take care of things...” After seeing the look of relief on her face he decided to embarrass her anyway. "Wait a minute, what for?"

  Once Minty agreed, Marilyn had relaxed and was ready for another topic of conversation. Now she knew that wasn't going to come very easy. Blushing again, she said to Minty, "Talon is going to show me around the castle."

  "He is, I mean, uh," If truth was to be known Minty was happy to see his niece going out and doing something, but he wasn't going to let that stand in the way of giving Talon a hard time.

  Blackheart jumped in, "Are you going to let this scoundrel take your only niece out without an escort?"

  Now Talon and Marilyn were as red as was possible.

  A few years back when Marilyn first decided to accept Minty's offer, Minty always wondered if he could ever fill in as a parent for her. Since then, Minty had assumed the full responsibility of being Marilyn's only living relative. Minty chose to remain quiet and it was having the desired effect. Minty's quiet was making Talon squirm in his seat. He looked around the table and had to bite his tongue to keep from laughing. He noticed both the Prince and Blackheart’s enjoyment watching Talon's suffering.

  Minty finally broke his silence. "I, uh, um, I guess it would be al...." Minty mumbled the rest of the sentence.

  The Prince jumped in, holding back his laughter, and said to Minty, "What was that Minty? Was that a yes?" The Prince let his laughter out, which was immediately followed by Blackheart’s. This last outburst turned Talon an even brighter shade of red. Marilyn had a smile on her face, but was still embarrassed by the whole ordeal.

  Minty rubbed his temples in hopes of keeping from laughing and tried to say it again. "Dammit. Yes, it was a yes! Oh, how your mother must be turning in her grave to hear that you will be spending a day with a Hearter and a Bastian, no less." Minty sat heavily into his chair and grabbed for the nearest pitcher of ale. He hoped Marilyn was distracted enough to let him have a glass.

  Minty wasn't that lucky.

  "What do you think you are doing? You know you aren't supposed to be drinking. Put it down right now." Marilyn immediately grabbed the pitcher from Minty.

  Minty looked up and caught Talon's eye. Talon winked at him and Minty knew he was caught. If Talon spilled the beans about him draining his health drink this morning, then Minty knew he would never hear the end of it. Minty decided to take the spotlight off of him. "I give up, Talon, but I warn you. She better come back to me in one piece and standing up!"

  With that final comment the Prince and Blackheart lost all composure and burst into another fit of laughter. Neither regained their composure for a long, few moments. By that time, Talon had joined in the laughter and Marilyn looked relieved that the whole subject was starting to pass. The rest of the evening continued with the Prince and Blackheart giving Talon looks and trying to further embarrass him.

  Since it was already late, the trio decided it was time to assemble the Guardsmen and head back to the Castle. Minty escorted the trio to the front entrance and kept himself noticeably in between Talon and Marilyn. The Guardsmen had heard the evening winding down and had already gotten the horses ready.

  Minty left the men on the road with good evenings and headed back inside. Marilyn lingered for a second and said good-bye to everyone and then stopped to say she would see Talon tomorrow. When she did that, Talon could hear the comments between the Prince and Blackheart. Talon said his “good night” to Marilyn and apologized for his friends. With that done, everyone mounted up.

  "So, do you need a chaperone for tomorrow, because I can order Blackheart to come along! You would accept, is that not right, Blackheart?" The Prince’s comment was followed by a wink.

  Blackheart started laughing again and said, "Of course, I couldn't turn down a direct order from my Prince." This was followed by even more laugh
ter from both men.

  Talon finally broke his silence on the subject. "The last time I looked, the both of you have been without the company of a woman since, well, since I have known you. You two could learn something from me." Talon sat back on the saddle and realized how funny this must be for them. "I can't believe you both, but I guess if it were one of you, I would be doing the same thing, if not worse." This time Talon joined in the laughter.

  They continued with the laughter as they trotted on towards the castle. The four guardsmen had turned to flank positions and assumed their professional roles. The ride to the castle was short and the trio managed to stay on their horses despite the lightheaded feeling they had. The group approached the gate and once again surprised the guard on duty. Obviously the man he relieved never informed him that the Prince would be returning during the early hours of the morning.

  The guard snapped to only because Peter had rode ahead to inform the guard that the Prince was approaching. After his brief discussion, Peter continued onto the stables and Talon assumed he was making it ready for the Prince.

  The four guards split into two groups and headed to help open the door to accommodate the large group. Talon could only imagine how fast the news of their late evening would travel around the castle by the morning. Talon glanced over at Prince Christopher and by the look on his face Talon didn't think he was very concerned. After passing through the gate, the guards spoke briefly to Blackheart and then were dismissed. All four headed back to the gate to help secure it for the evening. The trio led their horses directly to the stables and were met by Peter and the stable master, John Livings.

  "Welcome back, Prince Christopher, Gentlemen. I trust Peter wasn't a problem this evening." John said. He grabbed the reins on the Princes horse. "Steady, girl."

  "Not at all, John." said Prince Christopher. "As a matter of fact, he was a perfect guest."

  "Well, I am pleased to hear that and I thank you for bringing him along. I have not seen such excitement in his eyes for a very long time." John started to rub down the horse’s mane.

  Meekly Peter added, "Master John, please, you are embarrassing me."

  "I am happy you came along with us. Very soon I may need your services again. I will speak with John in the morning." Prince Christopher winked at Master John.

  Prince Christopher dismounted and Peter grabbed the reins from Master John. Peter gave the Prince a curious look, but Peter knew he wasn't going to get any information tonight and gave his last greeting for the night. "Thank you sire, have a good night everyone." He led the Prince’s horse away.

  "I will venture that Peter and John will have some news for you in the morning, good night." Turning to address John, Prince Christopher spoke, "We will discuss the boys’ future in the morning. What time are you available?"

  "My sire, your time is my time, but I would like to see you first thing, otherwise I will be forced to listen to Peter all day, if you know what I mean."

  With a good-hearted laugh from the trio, the Prince continued, "Yes, I can tell his excitement is great. First thing in the morning it shall be. Have a good night, John."

  John turned and headed back into the stables.

  Two of the guards arrived and dismounted next to the Prince, who turned and said his good-byes. The Prince started for the castle as the Guardsmen fell into place at his side, until the Prince turned back to Talon and Blackheart suddenly.

  "Oh, Talon, before I forget. Good luck tomorrow on your adventure with Marilyn!" With a quick wink in Blackheart’s direction the Prince continued on towards the castle.

  Talon looked over at Blackheart and could see that Blackheart was trying hard to keep from laughing out loud.

  Talon dismounted and told Blackheart, "Get it over with. You are going to hurt yourself if you don't let it out. Let it be known, if he wasn't the Prince and if you weren't such a good friend I would take both of you to the battle field."

  A hearty laugh followed that comment as Blackheart dismounted.

  Peter reappeared and took both of the men's reins. "Excuse me, Talon, but do you have any idea what the Prince would need me for, maybe, even a hint?"

  "No, You were there all evening and his declaration about it was as new to me as it was to you. It looks like you are going to have a long night of waiting." Talon offered a smile.

  "Aye, not even that ale is going to help to knock me out. Well, have a good night, Talon and same to you, Sir Blackheart." Peter led both horses into the stables.

  Both men said their goodnights in unison and went back to their rooms for a night’s rest.