Read The Heiress of Santorini Page 7

  “Don’t worry! You’ll do just fine!” Holly reassured her.

  “I know,” Alexandra lied. “It’ll be a piece of cake…”

  “I didn’t say that,” Holly complained, and Alexandra felt guilty, seeing the embarrassment on her face.

  “I’m sorry,” she apologized. “I don’t know what’s gotten into to me lately, and I’m acting like a bitch.”

  “You’re not a bitch, so please don’t talk like that,” Holly said. “You’ve just been under a lot of pressure. It’s not everyday that your apartment is broken into, your life and privacy is violated, and your best friend is in danger. And, on top of all this, you have to take care of the hardest deal you’ve ever had to handle, so far. It’s only natural you feel overwhelmed.”

  “I don’t know, Holly,” Alexandra mumbled.

  “You’ll do just fine!” Holly reassured her. “Trust me!”

  Alexandra sighed and stood up to walk towards the window.

  “When do you have to leave?” Holly asked.

  “Tomorrow,” Alexandra replied.

  “Tomorrow?” Holly was shocked. “Oh, my God! We have a million things to do,” she said and rushed to the door.

  Alexandra stood immobilized. Too much pressure, she realized. But I have to get this done.

  She was still standing there when, a few minutes later, Holly rushed back inside.

  “Alexandra, snap out of it!” she yelled. “You have to go home and get ready!”

  “I know,” Alexandra admitted and felt as if she’d just woken up from deep sleep. “Please prepare the Imperial Resorts Corporation file. I have to take it with me.”

  “Everything’s ready,” Holly reassured her and laid the file on Alexandra’s desk. “Now go home to pack your stuff, and don’t worry. If you need anything else, you just call me from New York, and I’ll fax or e-mail everything to you.”

  “Thanks, Holly,” Alexandra said and gave her a hug. “You’re an angel! I don’t know what I would have done without you.”

  “You would have been just fine,” Holly reassured her.


  Mark picked up the phone and called Alexandros.

  “It’s me. Everything is set,” he said, as soon as the old man answered the phone. “Are you going to wait for us in New York?”

  “No,” Alexandros replied. “I’m flying to Washington, D.C., tonight. I have to take care of things.”

  “I know. It’s time for you to take matters into your own hands.”

  “You just take care of her.”

  “I will,” Mark reassured his boss. “Everything is going to be handled according to schedule.”

  He hung up the phone and leaned back in the armchair, letting his gaze wander over the city below. His thoughts flew back to that morning Alexandros called him in his office and talked to him about his plans.

  At first, Mark was taken by surprise. Of course, he always knew that this moment would come, eventually. However, he wasn’t aware of the special circumstances that had arisen, nor the danger that lurked over the entire family.

  He’d been suspicious when the family’s private yacht was blown to pieces three months ago, a few minutes after it left port. This was no accident, he had thought, but he didn’t want to upset the old man by sharing his suspicions. He was furious and devastated enough that so many good and devoted employees had been killed. The police were investigating the matter, but things like this could take months, sometimes even years to clear up. Not even Alexandros, with all his power and connections, could speed things up.

  And then, Alexandros’ favorite German shepherd died six weeks ago, a few minutes after it had eaten the old man’s steak. According to the veterinarian, the dog was poisoned.

  Mark tried to talk to Alexandros on several occasions, but the old man kept his distance. So Mark kept quiet and waited. He knew Alexandros would confide in him when he was ready.

  And then, Alexandros called him in his office two weeks ago. Mark’s fears were confirmed. However, he’d been shocked to hear the whole story. He had no idea…

  Mark stood up, clenching his fists. Every time he thought about everything, flames of anger engulfed him. He’d always been in control and was used to taking matters into his own hands. And now, this situation was driving him crazy. He felt helpless and at the mercy of a ruthless enemy, who seemed determined to kill Alexandros and God knows who else for his own reasons.

  Staring at the window, he thought he saw Alexandra’s face staring back at him. He drew a deep breath. This girl, with the beautiful smile and those amazing emerald eyes, had managed to get under his skin. Of course, he’d known about her for a long time, but he’d actually met her only a few days ago. Astonishingly, she had dominated his thoughts ever since. He would think about her before going to sleep at night and first thing in the morning. He would dream about her, and her beautiful face would pop up everywhere, staring at him, sometimes smiling and sometimes angry with eyes full of sparks and fire.

  He shook his head to clear his thoughts. He’d made a promise to Alexandros, which he intended to keep at all costs. So he had to keep his mind on what he had to do and not allow his feelings to betray him or the old man’s trust. Determined to accomplish his mission successfully, he straightened his shoulders and went to the phone to call Pauline, his secretary.

  He listened to her report for a few minutes and felt even more anxious than before.

  “Make sure you call the District Attorney. We need to hurry up. This has taken way too long,” he told his secretary and hung up the phone.

  Things are getting out of hand, he thought. I have to move fast.


  Holly drove Alexandra to the hotel and waited for her to pack her stuff and check out. Then she drove her home.

  Walking inside the apartment, Alexandra glanced around, desperately. Someone, probably John, had repositioned some of the turned over furniture, but the remainder of the apartment was still in a state of chaos.

  “Oh, my God!” Holly cried out, coming in behind Alexandra.

  “I know,” Alexandra said, sadly. “I don’t think this place will ever be the same again.”

  “Don’t worry,” Holly said, hugging Alexandra by the shoulders. “As soon as you come back from New York, I’ll come over to help you clean up and put everything in its place again.”

  “Thank you,” Alexandra whispered and felt tears well up in her eyes. “It’s really hard seeing my place like this.”

  “Alexandra, as long as you’re safe, nothing else matters. The apartment and everything else will be taken care of.”

  “You’re right,” Alexandra agreed. “It’s the people we need to worry about and not material possessions. I just wish I knew where John is and that he’s safe right now.”

  “I’m sure he is,” Holly whispered, her voice vibrating with emotion. “John is smart and knows how to take care of himself,” she added, sounding more reassuring this time. Then she turned and looked at the door. “You should replace this as soon as you come back.”

  “I know,” Alexandra replied. “I was thinking of having a security door installed.”

  “That’ll be a good idea,” Holly agreed. “Do you want me to help you get some things in order?”

  “No,” Alexandra said. “I’m not going to worry about it right now. I’ll just pack some clothes for the trip and get my briefcase and notes ready. I’ll worry about everything else when I get back,” she added. The truth was she wasn’t in the physical or emotional state to clean up her house and put things in their place.

  When Holly left, Alexandra placed a heavy armchair against the front door. Then, she walked to her bedroom to get ready.


  At nine o’clock, Alexandra sat on the edge of her bed, drained and exhausted. From taking care of last minute details at the office to packing and reviewing her notes for tomorrow’s meeting, she still didn’t feel prepared for meeting the IRC’s president in New York. However, she was as ready as sh
e’d ever be. The packed suitcase waited by the door, and the Imperial Resorts Corporation file was neatly placed in her briefcase along with the necessary notes.

  Checking her purse to make sure she had everything she needed, she found the newspaper article. I don’t even know why I keep this around, she contemplated. I should get rid of it. On an impulse, she stood up, placed the clipping inside a large ashtray, and set it on fire. Then she sat back down on her bed, watching it burn and wishing the threat would dissolve along with it.

  I have nothing to worry about, she reassured herself. Then again, taking a look around the messed up apartment, she knew she was fooling herself. She had a lot to worry about.

  She decided to make herself a cup of tea and try to relax. Walking to the kitchen, she thought about John and wished he were there. He was always able to calm her down and make her feel better. However, John wasn’t there, and even worse, John was in danger.

  Don’t do this! she snapped and shook her head to clear her thoughts. I need to relax and get a good night’s sleep in order to do my best tomorrow. I can’t afford to blow this deal.


  Six o’clock the next morning, Alexandra was up from another sleepless night. Looking in the mirror, devastation washed over her, seeing the dark circles under her eyes. Some impression I’m going to make on the president!

  Jumping in the shower, she let the warm water run for a while to release some tension. Afterwards, she put on some make-up, trying to conceal the evidence of her sleepless night.

  At seven-thirty, all dressed up and waiting for the limo by the window, she thought how surprised she was yesterday when her boss told her that a limousine would pick her up to take her to the airport. Under different circumstances, she would have enjoyed this whole deal. But now, all she could do was feel worried and upset.

  Seeing the car pulling up, she picked up her luggage and walked outside, locking her apartment door. Much good it did me last time, she thought bitterly, feeling a lump in her throat.

  As soon as the limo driver saw her, he rushed out of the car and helped her with her stuff. Then, he kept the door open for her to get inside.

  Alexandra sank into the soft leather seat, staring around her amazed. She’d only being in a limo once before, when she was invited by Sylvia—a friend of hers in college—to go to a party at her father’s estate. Sylvia, Alexandra, and two other girls were picked up by a limo, taken to the party, and back to school afterwards.

  However, this car was even more luxurious. She lay back, trying to relax.

  The car came to a stop, and Alexandra jumped in her seat, disoriented. She scanned her surroundings, trying to figure out what was going on, when the limo driver opened her door for her to get out. The terminals were visible from far away, and planes were scattered all around them, but the limo was parked in front of a private jet.

  Chapter Seven

  ALEXANDRA STEPPED OUT of the limo and stared at the private jet parked a few meters away with the ladder down. She heard the limo driver opening the trunk and saw him carrying her luggage to the plane.

  Astonished, she was standing there watching him when she heard another car approaching. She turned and saw another limo driving up, stopping next to the one that had just driven her there. The back door opened before the driver had time to get out, and Mark stepped out of the car with a black briefcase in his hand.

  Alexandra’s breath was caught in her throat, seeing his handsome face with his dark brown hair shining in the sunlight and his deep blue eyes fixed on her. He was stunning in his dark blue suit, and the swift movements of his muscular body set her senses into overdrive.

  All of a sudden, she felt uncomfortable, thinking of her looks after a sleepless night and all the worries of the last few days. She straightened her back and swallowed hard, waiting for him to approach.

  “Good morning,” he said, and a sexy smile appeared on his sensuous lips, thwarting any attempt at reasonable thinking.

  “Good morning,” she replied and tried to control her accelerated heartbeat. It was infuriating that a simple smile from him could throw her off-balance. Then again, what hope did she have when those gorgeous eyes of his had turned a darker shade of blue and were now roaming over her body, making her feel weak at the knees?

  “Ready?” he asked and pointed towards the plane.

  Alexandra turned and walked towards the ladder, trying to keep her gait as steady as possible. She could feel his eyes burning into her back and felt the urge to run away.

  A polite stewardess welcomed them on board, while Mark’s limo driver brought his luggage on the plane.

  “Good morning, Stella.” Mark gave the girl a bright smile.

  Alexandra kept quiet, simply thanking the girl by nodding her head. She was taken to the main cabin, which was more of a living room than the cabin of a plane, with soft cream leather sofas and beautiful cherrywood tables.

  A bar monopolized one corner of the cabin and a big desk the other.

  “Would you like something to drink?” Stella asked Alexandra and walked towards the bar.

  “No, thank you,” Alexandra replied politely.

  “Have you had coffee yet?” Mark inquired, and without waiting for her response, he turned to Stella and ordered two cups of coffee and some croissants.

  Alexandra watched him walking to the desk and taking his seat behind it. She went to sit on the sofa, as far away from him as she could. She noticed the ironic smile on his face and realized she was acting like a shy, little girl.

  Trying to appear relaxed, she leaned back and crossed her beautiful legs. However, she immediately regretted it, seeing the desire flicker in his eyes and the deep breath he inhaled. It was too late, though, to do anything about it. So she just sat there, determined to endure his staring, and smiled, satisfied that she was finally able to throw him off guard. Up to now, he made her feel anxious and uneasy. For once, he was the one who seemed anxious, and Alexandra was pleased with this small triumph.

  “Is there something amusing?” he asked, and she could tell from his husky voice, he was more affected by her presence than he cared to admit.

  “This is a beautiful plane,” Alexandra changed the subject, leaving his question unanswered. She was happy the stewardess picked that moment to come in with their coffee and croissants and lay them down on the table in front of Alexandra.

  Mark stood up and came to sit next to her on the sofa.

  Alexandra drew to her corner and jumped in surprise from the sudden noise of the engine starting.

  Mark smiled and gave her a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry!” he said. “Our pilots are the best.”

  “Your pilots?” she asked confused.

  “Yes,” he responded. “This plane belongs to the Imperial Resorts Corporation, and the crew is the best there is.”

  “I’m sure,” Alexandra said and couldn’t hide an ironic tone in her voice.

  She heard him taking a deep breath and saw him staring at her closely. However, he made no comment.

  “Would you like some milk or sugar with your coffee?” he asked in a polite but cold tone of voice.

  “I’ll fix it myself, thank you,” she replied and reached for the milk. Then she added some sugar, and taking her cup in her hands, she leaned back, watching him sipping his black coffee.

  The plane started to move, and the stewardess came back to give them covers for their coffee-cups. Mark placed one on his cup and gave the other to Alexandra.

  The stewardess asked them to put their seatbelts on and left, taking the tray with the milk and the sugar with her.

  Alexandra stared at the soft leather sofa amazed. She hadn’t noticed the seatbelts before. All of a sudden, she felt Mark’s hands around her waist, buckling her seatbelt. Embarrassment heated her face as every muscle in her body went rigid.

  “It’s okay,” he reassured her, probably misinterpreting her tension for fear.

  “I’m not afraid of flying,” she complained and tried to mak
e her voice as steady as possible.

  “I didn’t say you are,” he teased her.

  Well, I deserve it, she thought, after the way I’ve been acting.

  The truth was that she had flown only twice before in her life: once when she had gone to New York for the final interview before being hired at Insurance Guarantee, and, the other, long ago on a trip to Greece.

  Lost in her thoughts, Alexandra was brought back to reality as the plane picked up speed. She held on to her seat until they smoothly lifted off. Her instinctive reaction was to swallow hard, but then she felt the tension slowly leaving her body and her arms and legs relaxing.

  “I told you,” Mark smiled at her. “They’re the best.”

  “Yes,” Alexandra had to admit. “It was very smooth. I hardly felt any shaking or anything.”

  The plane gained height and then leveled off.

  “You can take it off now,” Mark said, and when Alexandra glanced at him surprised, an amused smile appeared on his face. “I’m talking about the seatbelt.”

  Her cheeks grew warm all over again, and she turned her eyes away from him. She tried to unfasten her seatbelt and was embarrassed that her fingers wouldn’t respond. Mark unfastened his seatbelt and sprang to his feet, leaving her trying desperately to free herself.

  He’s infuriating, Alexandra decided and drew a deep breath. And you’re a fool! she reprimanded herself. By the time Mark had reached the desk, Alexandra had managed to unfasten the stupid belt, and she suddenly stood up, almost losing her balance. Mark pretended he wasn’t watching her, but she could tell from the smile on his face he’d seen her almost fall on her face. She straightened her back and stared at him, determination written all over her face.


  Mark sat behind the desk and turned on the computer sitting on top of it. For the next few minutes, he pretended he was busy working when in reality he was trying to clear his mind and refrain from reaching for her. The way Alexandra’s cream-colored suit hugged her body and her emerald silk blouse clung to her full breasts made his throat dry. Images of him caressing her silky, tantalizing skin and soft golden-brown hair while his mouth conquered her ruby lips flashed before his eyes, and he was instantly aroused. He clenched his fists and shook his head to stop the trail of his thoughts. What is the matter with me?