Read The Heiress of Santorini Page 8

  Frustrated, he realized that no matter how hard he tried, he lacked the willpower to keep away from her. Women had ignited his passion in the past—like Lorna, the Italian singer, or Cassie, the top model—but neither of them had managed to touch his heart and make him lose sleep over them. Alexandra, though, was different. She was one of a kind— stunning, feisty, smart, brave, and, above all, she wasn’t even trying to win his affection. Unlike the others, she seemed to be fighting her own attraction to him—because Mark was sure Alexandra was drawn to him; he could see it in her eyes when she looked at him; he could feel it in the way her body reacted to his touch.

  Words on the computer screen blended together as he stared at it absentmindedly. The strong feelings he was developing for Alexandra would only complicate things even more. He needed to restrain himself… he needed to stay away from her. Peeking at her, however, and seeing how vulnerable and adorable she looked, he knew he was in for a tough ride.


  Alexandra took her coffee and went to sit by one of the windows, watching the white frothy clouds chasing each other in the mystifying vastness of the blue sky. She could feel the tension in the air, and she wanted to stay as far away from Mark as possible. Hopefully, she would meet with the president today, and she’d be back home by tomorrow.

  All of a sudden, she realized that after this deal was over, she might never see him again… and, for some reason, that made her feel sad. What is the matter with me? I want this thing to be over as soon as possible and to never lay eyes on him again… don’t I? She already knew the answer, but wouldn’t admit it to herself.

  A few hours later, they landed at JFK in New York. As the plane was maneuvering to park, Alexandra felt her heartbeat accelerating. A few minutes later, she was disembarking the plane with her briefcase in her hand. Mark was walking down the ladder right in front of her, carrying his briefcase in one hand and her suitcase in the other. He’d insisted, and, finally, Alexandra unwillingly gave up and let him carry it.

  Another limo was waiting for them, and, after the limo driver had opened the doors, he went onboard to get Mark’s suitcase.

  They drove in silence to a luxurious building in Manhattan. When the car stopped, Mark climbed out and held the door for her while the limo driver unloaded their luggage from the trunk.

  Alexandra stood on the pavement in front of the elegant entrance and raised her eyes to admire the impressive structure.

  “I’ll take that,” Mark told the limo driver and lifted Alexandra’s suitcase in one hand, while putting his briefcase underneath his arm so that his other hand would be free to take Alexandra by the arm. He led her inside, through the huge glass doors, while the driver carried his suitcase. A security guard, sitting behind a desk, raised his eyes and smiled at Mark. Then he turned towards Alexandra, and an expression of admiration spread across his face.

  “Hi, Dave,” Mark said in a friendly tone.

  “Hello, Mr. Taylor,” the security guard responded politely. “Did you have a nice trip?”

  “Yes, thank you,” Mark replied and led Alexandra down the hall towards the elevator doors. When they stopped, he released her arm and pushed the button, fixing his eyes on her face.

  Alexandra avoided his gaze, letting her eyes wander around the lavish surroundings.

  The huge, reflective doors of the elevator, with gold-plated frames, opened in front of them. They stepped into a spacious elevator with mirrors all around and gold-plated bars running along the three sides.

  “You can leave it here, Ron,” Mark told the limo driver. “We’ll take it from here.”

  The bulky limo driver placed Mark’s suitcase on the elevator and stood there, smiling at them, until Mark pushed the button to the penthouse, and the doors closed.

  Alexandra felt her stomach turning at the sudden thrust as the elevator accelerated up.

  “It takes a bit of getting used to,” Mark said with a reassuring smile and reached over to squeeze her arm.

  A minute later, the elevator opened to the thirty-sixth floor. Alexandra saw a long corridor covered with thick burgundy carpet, which led to double mahogany doors with gold-plated brass handles. Mark picked up his suitcase and left it outside the elevator. Then, he took his briefcase and Alexandra’s suitcase and walked down the hall.

  Alexandra followed him to the door, and when he opened it and stepped aside to let her go through, she stared at him puzzled.

  “Where are we?” she inquired.

  “This is my apartment,” he replied and shifted uneasily, seeing the taken-aback expression on her face.

  “I’m not staying here,” she said, abruptly.

  “This apartment belongs to Imperial Resorts Corporation, as does this entire building,” Mark explained. “This penthouse has four master bedrooms and staff of three people at all times who take care of the corporation’s guests. So don’t worry,” he continued with an ironic smile. “You’re not going to be alone with me.”

  Alexandra peered at him, ready to voice another objection. On second thought, however, she closed her mouth and stepped inside the penthouse. The imposing foyer took her breath away. It had carved mirrors on the walls and a beautiful marble statue of Aphrodite in the middle. A few steps in the back led to a huge sunken living room with beautiful windows taking up the entire opposite wall, providing a spectacular view of the city. The floor was covered with a soft cream-colored carpet, and burgundy leather sofas and armchairs were scattered around. A huge piano dominated one corner of the room, and a beautiful bar the other.

  In the far corner, a single step led to a higher level where the dining room was located. It had a beautiful cherrywood china cabinet, a buffet, and a matching table with six chairs and two armchairs.

  There were two corridors, one on the right side of the room and the other on the left. A young woman dressed in a starched maid’s uniform appeared suddenly from the corridor on the right.

  “Hi, Catherine,” Mark said and smiled at the girl.

  “Hello, Mr. Taylor,” the maid responded with a big smile on her face. “Welcome back. Do you have any more suitcases?”

  “Yes, it’s down by the elevator.”

  “I’ll have Jacob take care of it,” she replied.

  “Is everything okay?” Mark asked.

  “Everything’s ready,” she responded and glanced over at Alexandra.

  “This is Alexandra Stewart,” Mark introduced her, while putting her suitcase down. “Catherine will show you around and take care of everything,” he added, turning to Alexandra.

  “Welcome, Miss Stewart,” the maid said with a smile and picked up the suitcase.

  “Hello,” Alexandra responded and smiled at the girl.

  “I’ll take you to your room. Follow me, please,” Catherine said and turned towards the corridor on the left.

  Alexandra followed her without saying a word and kept her back as straight as possible, feeling Mark’s eyes watching her. The maid led her down the hall to almost the end of it. Two large doors were on each side, and the girl opened one of them and entered, putting the suitcase on the floor. Alexandra followed her inside.

  The huge master bedroom had stately windows and French doors covering one side of the room. A door on her left led to a huge marble bath, and a door on her right led to a walk-in closet.

  Alexandra walked towards the French doors and opened them. A large balcony, with a magnificent view of the city, stretched in front of her. She stepped outside and scanned the enchanting surroundings. The reflection of the sun’s glimmering rays on the glass skyscrapers created a glorious sight. She felt uneasy, though, to walk any closer to the edge, unaccustomed to being so high up.

  On impulse, she stepped out of her emerald, high heeled sandals and felt the coolness of the marble tiles under her bare feet. Throwing her head back, her eyelids flickered as she blissfully enjoyed the soft breeze tickling her skin. A glimpse of heaven, she thought and smiled, surprised by the uplifting experience.

?I’ll hang your clothes and prepare a bath for you.” Catherine’s voice brought her back to reality.

  “Oh, you don’t have to do that,” Alexandra replied and turned to look at Catherine, who was standing at the French doors. “I can do it myself.”

  “It’ll be my pleasure,” the girl reassured her and withdrew inside the room.

  Alexandra walked over to the white bamboo armchairs with the colorful pillows arranged under the idyllic shade of a pergola. She sat on one of them, raising her eyes to the sky. Admittedly, this had been an amazing morning. Feeling a little bit like Cinderella, she lay back in the chair, closing her eyes. No matter what the future held for her, at that very moment, she was contented.

  “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” His deep, sensual voice startled her.

  Alexandra sprang to her feet and turned around to face him. He was standing at the French doors farther down from hers, leading to the same balcony. The sun was shining in his face, turning his eyes a lighter shade of blue while his lips curved into a sexy smile. He had removed his jacket and tie and unbuttoned his shirt, providing the delectable sight of his bare, tanned firm chest.

  With as much strength as she could muster, she jerked her gaze free from the magnetic field that seemed to keep her in a trance. “When am I going to meet with the president?” she asked in a professional manner, avoiding his question.

  “He’ll send for you when he’s ready,” he replied and stepped outside on the balcony, walking towards the edge. He grabbed hold of the iron railings and leaned over them, enjoying the view.

  Seeing him standing at the edge, Alexandra uneasily drew a deep breath. However, she remained silent, trying to control the turmoil of her emotions. When he turned and walked towards her, she instinctively took a step back.

  A half smile appeared on his face. “Alexandra, I don’t bite,” he said and went to sit down at one of the bamboo armchairs. “Sit down and try to relax.”

  “I am relaxed,” she lied and laced her hands together to keep them from shaking.

  That irresistible smile on his face made her feel the uncontrollable urge to slap him. He was mocking her, and she was tired of his infuriating behavior. Agitated, she walked towards the railings, trying to put some distance between them.

  All of a sudden, she stopped dead in her tracks. She was too close to the edge. Panic washed over her like a cold wave. She tried to speak, but no words came out of her mouth. Unable to move, she kept on staring down, going weak at the knees.

  Alexandra was about to collapse to the floor when she felt his arms wrapping around her waist and pulling her towards the inside wall. He turned her around to face him and held her tightly against his rock hard body until her breathing came back to normal and her head stop spinning.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered, trying to steady her voice. “I haven’t been so high up before in my life. I had no idea that I’m afraid of heights,” she admitted, embarrassed.

  “It’s okay,” he reassured her. “It happens to everybody the first time.”

  She lifted her eyes to stare at him; without her high heels on, he stood a lot taller than she. Realizing she was still in his arms, she raised her hands and placed them on his chest to push him back. The silkiness of his bare skin under her touch and the warmth of his body sent a tingling sensation throughout her. She knew she had to pull back, but his mesmerizing gaze kept her captive. Her throat went dry, and she desperately tried to swallow. Powerful sensations erupted throughout her body as he lowered his head, and his tantalizing lips claimed hers. Her eyes flickered, and she was engulfed in the blazing passion of his kiss, oblivious to everything else in the world. Her arms went around his neck to pull him closer as her body started to tremble. Her hands caressed his beautiful hair, and she experienced an intoxicating sensation, hearing him moan as he squeezed her against him. His blazing lips sent her thoughts scattering in every direction, and Alexandra lost track of time.

  When he pulled away, she was astonished. A feeling of emptiness engulfed her while watching him walk to the edge of the balcony. He shoved his hands inside his pockets and stood there, staring at the city below.

  “I’m so sorry,” he said, keeping his back to her. “I shouldn’t have done that,” he added and sounded sincere.

  Alexandra raised a trembling hand to touch her lips. The enthralling sensation of his kiss lingered on her mouth and, for a moment, she closed her eyes. When she opened them again, he was gone. She glanced towards the French doors of his room and felt lost. She pulled herself together and stepped inside her bedroom, hoping the maid hadn’t seen them on the balcony.

  She was relieved to see that Catherine was in the bathroom, preparing a bath for her. Even if she had seen something, she was acting like nothing had happened, singing a beautiful love song in Greek.

  Alexandra was fluent in Greek; she had been bilingual since birth. And after her mother passed away, her father had sent her to a Greek school in the afternoons so that she could continue her education in the Greek language.

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” Catherine murmured, seeing Alexandra standing at the bathroom door. “I get carried away, sometimes,” she apologized.

  “No need to apologize,” Alexandra replied, smiling. “That was a beautiful song… I just wish I could understand the words,” she added, not wanting to reveal she spoke Greek.

  “Your bath is ready. Would you like me to help you?” Catherine asked.

  “Yes, please.” Physically and emotionally exhausted, Alexandra let the girl help her take off her clothes and sink into the huge marble bathtub. Surrounded by the fragrance of roses, she lay back and closed her eyes.


  A soft knock on the door startled Alexandra.

  “I’m sorry to bother you, Miss Stewart,” Catherine said from the opening of the door.

  “No, that’s okay,” Alexandra reassured her. “I’m glad you came. I must have fallen asleep.”

  “I wanted to let you know dinner will be ready at seven,” the girl continued.

  “And what time is it now?” Alexandra inquired.

  “It’s six-thirty,” the girl replied.

  “Then I have to hurry up,” Alexandra said and reached for her towel.

  “Do you need any help?” the girl asked politely.

  “No, thanks,” Alexandra replied and waited until after the girl left to climb out of the bathtub. She wrapped a thick towel around her body. It felt soft and wonderful.

  All of a sudden, Alexandra realized how hungry she was. She should have accepted the lunch she was offered on the plane, but she was so upset then that she couldn’t eat anything.

  Anxiously, she walked back in the bedroom to find her clothes hanging in the closet. I could get used to this way of living, she contemplated and immediately regretted thinking like this. Alexandra, pull yourself together. You’re here for one day and one day only, she reminded herself.

  She picked a sleeveless, cream-colored dress and placed it on the bed. She dried herself and combed her hair, letting it hang loose around her shoulders. Then, she put on the dress and her brown sandals and checked herself in the mirror. She looked a little better than this morning, at least more relaxed, and the circles were gone from underneath her eyes. So she decided not to put any make-up on. She wanted to be professional, but simple. This was no beauty contest. Her appearance wasn’t what the president was interested in; it was her mind and what the insurance company had to offer him.

  She glanced at her watch and saw it was five minutes until seven, so she decided to go to the living room, not wanting to be late. Walking down the hallway, the overwhelming melody of “Moonlight Sonata” filled her senses. Beethoven was one of her favorites. Moving in silence, not wanting to interrupt the player of this divine music, she stepped into the living room. Mark was sitting at the piano, his fingers masterfully flowing over the keyboard. She stood still for a moment, secretly enjoying the music. When he suddenly stopped and turned his gaze on her, her cheeks grew warm. He
had probably sensed her approaching, and Alexandra felt like a child caught with her hand in the cookie-jar.

  “I didn’t mean to interrupt,” she said, apologetically.

  “You didn’t,” he replied, giving her a heart-melting smile.

  “Please, go on,” she whispered and was embarrassed to hear her voice trembling.

  His gaze—an endless sea of desire—captured her eyes and held them spellbound in the moment. Powerless to break free from the trance, she stood there speechless until he started playing again.

  Alexandra walked to the closest armchair and sank into it, leaning back and closing her eyes. The music was divine, and his performance was full of emotion. Opening her eyes, she gazed at him playing. She felt as if she could sit there, watching him forever… his wide shoulders, the strong muscles on his arms, his hands that could be so strong and so soft at the same time.

  When the melody ended, a sense of emptiness overwhelmed her.

  Mark turned towards her and their eyes locked as silence stretched in the room.

  Alexandra was startled by Catherine coming into the living room to light the candles on the dining table.

  Mark sprang to his feet and came over to Alexandra. He took her by the hand, leading her to the table. He can be such a prince, when he wants to, she thought. However, don’t let this fool you. He’s a cutthroat businessman, who would do anything to get a better deal for his company, she cautioned herself. On second thought, what was wrong with that? She would do what was best for her company, too.

  “What about the president? Aren’t we going to wait for him?” she asked puzzled.

  “It’s going to be just the two of us tonight.”

  Alexandra stared at him surprised. “But, I thought…” she said and stopped, realizing that he never said that the president was coming. He had only said that he would send for her when he was ready.