Read The Heiress of Santorini Page 9

  She followed him to the dining room table and sunk in the chair that he had pulled out for her. Mark sat at the top of the table with Alexandra to his right. She was glad she didn’t have to sit on the other end of the table, which would give formality to the occasion. On the other hand, it would take a great effort on her part to enjoy her meal while being so close to him.

  An older maid came in, and holding a carafe of soup in her hands, she filled their bowls with steaming onion soup. Catherine followed her with baked-rolls and butter.

  The smell of the soup was wonderful, and when Alexandra took the first sip, she found out it was delicious. But of course, it would be, she thought. Mark had made it clear that only the best was good enough for the Imperial Resorts Corporation. She was sure their chef would be able to compete adequately with the chef of any famous restaurant.

  The older maid served some white wine for Mark, and after he tried it and gave her an approving smile, she filled Alexandra’s glass.

  Alexandra smelled the aroma and took a small sip of the wine. She closed her eyes to enjoy the taste, and when she opened them, she saw Mark staring at her. Having his blue eyes fixed on her released butterflies in her stomach. Jerking her gaze free from the magnetic field that seemed to hold her in a trance, she kept her eyes on her plate, enjoying her soup and her baked-roll.

  “Do you like the wine?” he asked.

  “It’s superb,” she admitted with a touch of irony in her voice. “But, then again, how could it be any different? I’m sure it’s from your own vineyards,” she added ironically.

  “As a matter of fact, it is,” he said and laughed seeing the dumbfounded expression on her face. She had meant it as a joke, and she ended up making a fool of herself.

  So they have vineyards, as well. She made a mental note to incorporate it in a future proposal, if any amendments were considered necessary after presenting the current one to the president.

  “It’s not for sale. We only produce enough to supply our hotels and our own consumption,” he added.

  After that, Alexandra decided to keep her mouth shut and enjoy her meal. Besides, they had nothing else to say. Everything they had to discuss had already been settled, and all she had to do now was present her proposal to the president.

  The salmon was mouthwatering, and the vegetables steamed to perfection. Alexandra thought she couldn’t eat another bite, but she changed her mind when she saw the chocolate mousse.

  When she finished with her dessert, she leaned back in her chair and stared at him through half-closed eyes. The wine had made her feel comfortable and relaxed, and she could return his gaze without wanting to draw her eyes away from his.

  “So, who are you?” she asked, surprising herself. She didn’t intend to ask any personal questions or give him any reason to believe that this was anything except a purely business meal.

  He stared at her for a couple of seconds, studying her face.

  “I’m sorry,” Alexandra whispered. “It’s none of my business…”

  “It’s okay,” he reassured her calmly and leaned back in his chair with his glass in his hands. “I guess it’s only fair that you know something about me, since I know everything about you.”

  A warning bell went off inside Alexandra’s head. What did he mean he knew everything about her?

  “I was born in Greece,” he said, and Alexandra was taken by surprise. Is that a coincidence? And does he know I’m half-Greek, since he said he knows everything about me?

  Without giving her time to make any comments on his last remark, Mark went on. “I studied Economics at Yale, and after I had earned my MBA, I started working for the company. I went through various positions to learn all aspects of the business, and I was promoted to Managing Director three years ago.”

  “Quite an impressing position at your age,” Alexandra pointed out.

  “How old do you think I am?” he asked her, and that irresistible smile of his took her breath away.

  She peered at him for a moment, thinking. “No more than thirty, I would say.”

  “I’m thirty-three,” he said. “However, sometimes I feel twice as old.”

  Alexandra glanced at him puzzled. He was smart all right. She’d figured this out through their negotiations so far. And now, knowing about his studies, she was impressed. Apprehension washed over her, however, appreciating how good an opponent he was. She would have to do her best to negotiate a good deal for her company, she realized, and the responsibility weighed on her shoulders.

  Mark’s eyes were examining her, and she shifted uneasily in her seat.

  “Let’s go sit in the living room,” he said and sprang to his feet, holding her chair for her to stand up.

  They moved to the living room while the two maids started cleaning the table.

  Alexandra picked an armchair by the windows, while Mark sunk on the sofa opposite to her.

  Catherine came and turned a couple of table lamps on. Their soft light dissolved the mystifying shadows lingering in the room as darkness spread outside.

  They remained silent until the maids were finished and left the room, after asking them if they wanted any coffee. Alexandra refused, but afterwards, she thought she should have asked for some in order to clear her head from the wine.

  Mark didn’t want any coffee, either. Instead, he went to the bar and poured himself some brandy.

  “Would you like something to drink?” he asked Alexandra.

  “No, thanks.”

  He glanced at her for a minute and then took a small glass and poured a little of a dark yellow liqueur into it. He walked over and gave it to Alexandra.

  “Try this,” he said. “It’s made out of bitter almond. I think you’ll like it.”

  Alexandra took the glass, and after she had smelled the liqueur, she tried a small sip. Even though it was quite strong, it tasted delicious. “Mmm, this is good,” she murmured and closed her eyes.

  “I love it when you do that.” His voice came out in a husky whisper.

  Alexandra glanced at him puzzled. “When I do what?” she asked confused.

  “When you close your eyes to enjoy something… You’re such a passionate person.”

  Alexandra felt her cheeks blushing and lowered her eyes.

  “It’s just a habit,” she said. “I do it unconsciously.”

  “I know.” His voice was soft and caressing.

  She raised her eyes to stare at him, and her heartbeat accelerated, seeing the longing in his eyes.

  “Please don’t look at me like that,” she whispered.

  “I can’t help it,” he replied, and putting his glass down on the little in-table, he walked over to her and reached to pull her from her seat.

  Alexandra sprang to her feet, trying to avoid his touch. But he was a lot faster and a lot stronger. Next thing she knew, she was held captive in his arms, and his lips were on hers, hot and demanding. Her breath caught in her throat, and her eyes flickered. This man could make her lose her mind with a simple touch or even a look. She raised her hands to place them against his chest to push him away. But instead, she wrapped them around his shoulders and pulled him even closer. When his lips left hers and started kissing the side of her neck, she was lost. She knew she had to get away from him. Then again, his lips were hypnotizing her, and his hands were sending heat waves throughout her body. With every moment, she was sinking deeper and deeper into the pleasure of his arms. Nothing else mattered at this very moment. All she wanted was to be right there with him.

  When the phone rang, they both jumped surprised, and Alexandra was thankful for the interruption.

  Mark went to answer it, and when he heard who the caller was, he put the phone down and excused himself to take it in the study.

  Alexandra stared at him going down the hall and then went to stand by the windows, thinking about what had just happened.


  Alexandra was still lost in her thoughts when Catherine came in to pick up the empty glasses from t
he living room. She glanced at her watch and realized that Mark had been gone for over half an hour.

  She was tired and told the maid she was going to bed and to apologize to Mr. Taylor for her. The girl glanced at her a little bit strangely, but Alexandra didn’t care. She knew she was being a coward, looking for an excuse to stay away from him.

  Walking down the hallway towards her bedroom, she tried to make as little noise as possible as she went by the door of the study. She didn’t want Mark to hear her. She couldn’t face him again tonight.

  “This is extremely dangerous,” she heard him say on the phone in Greek and stopped dead in her tracks. “She’s here,” he continued, “but I don’t know how long I’m going to be able to keep her from finding out the truth.”

  Alexandra felt the bitter taste of fear in her mouth. John’s warnings and everything that had happened the last few days suddenly came back to haunt her. She leaned against the wall, breathing heavily.

  “If this is what you want,” Mark was saying now, “consider it done.”

  Alexandra moved quickly towards her bedroom. She went inside and locked the door behind her. She leaned against it and breathed out slowly, trying to calm down the thundering of her heartbeat.

  What’s going on? she wondered, overwhelmed by anxiety and fear.

  Her first thought was to pack up and leave. And do what? she contemplated. Go to the airport in the middle of the night and try to find a flight to Atlanta? And how would she explain that to her boss? What would she say? That one of their most important clients was after her, possibly trying to kill her? You’re being ridiculous, she cautioned herself. But then again, she couldn’t ignore what she had just heard.

  She walked over to the window and felt the urge to go outside on the balcony. On a second thought, she dismissed it, wanting to avoid another encounter with Mark tonight. She locked the French doors and closed the curtains. Then, she took off her clothes, and went to lie down on the big four-poster bed. She knew she wasn’t going to be able to sleep again tonight and that could be a big problem for her negotiating skills tomorrow.

  Tears welled up in her eyes. She was so lonely and felt so lost. She needed somebody… somebody to talk to, somebody to care for her. Oh, how much she missed her parents. She was only eight when her mother died, but she could still remember her kind face and could feel her loving arms wrapped around her. Her mother was the sweetest person, with a soft, caressing voice and a big smile that would always make Alexandra feel better. And her father… Oh, how she missed her father, too. He had filled in the gap after her mother’s death, both a father and a mother to her. But now, her father was gone, and the only person she had in this world was John… and John was in danger.

  She wiped her tears away with the back of a shaky hand and took some deep breaths to clear her thoughts. I have to finish this job, she thought, drawing strength from her determination. I’ll be careful, but I have to finish it… And no more personal encounters with Mark, she decided, even though she knew she lacked the willpower to stay away from him.

  Vivid images of being with him naked and sweaty under the covers tormented her, and she sighed as warmth simmered between her thighs. Oh, Lord, what am I going to do? she wondered, feeling torn apart. The phone conversation she overheard and the suspicions she had about this deal from the start made it clear that he wasn’t to be trusted. But in spite of all this, Alexandra was drawn to him like no other.

  Chapter Eight

  A SOFT KNOCK ON THE DOOR woke Alexandra the next morning.

  “Who is it?” she asked, glancing around her a little disoriented.

  “It’s me, Miss Stewart. Catherine.”

  “Come in,” Alexandra replied and drew the covers to her chin, when all of a sudden she remembered she had locked the door.

  Jumping out of bed, she unlocked it and went back to sit at the edge of her bed.

  Catherine walked inside with a bright smile on her face. “Good morning, Miss Stewart.”

  “Good morning,” Alexandra replied and rubbed her eyes. I wish I could be as cheerful as this young girl.

  The maid drew the curtains, and the glorious sunrays filled the room with their brilliance.

  “What time is it?”

  “It’s eight-thirty.”

  “Oh, my God!” Alexandra sprang to her feet. “I’m already late,” she said, and all of a sudden realized that she had no idea what time she was going to meet with the president. No matter what, though, she needed to get ready.

  “Don’t be in a hurry,” the maid said. “You have plenty of time.”

  “Plenty of time for what?” Alexandra inquired, puzzled.

  “To get ready,” the girl replied. “Mr. Taylor will pick you up at ten.”

  Oh, so that was it, Alexandra thought. All right then, I’ll be ready at ten.

  “Where is Mr. Taylor now?”

  “He’s gone to the office,” the girl replied.

  “He’s gone?” Alexandra asked puzzled. “Why didn’t you wake me up earlier?”

  “Mr. Taylor said to let you sleep,” the maid responded and glanced at Alexandra, a little puzzled.

  “I’ll be ready by ten then,” Alexandra said, not wanting to give the maid any reason to think that something might be wrong. Walking to the bathroom, she closed the door behind her. She heard the maid telling her that breakfast would be ready in half an hour, and then leaving, closing the door behind her.

  Half an hour later, dressed in her dark blue suit with her hair pulled back, Alexandra walked in the living room to find it empty. The dining room table, though, was set, and breakfast was served on the buffet. She walked over, smelling the strong aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Catherine appeared out of nowhere and poured her a cup.

  “Would you like me to serve you?” she asked, pointing at the covered dishes that were set on the buffet.

  “No, thank you,” Alexandra replied and sat down, sipping her coffee. After the girl left, she suddenly realized she was pretty hungry. So, she stood up to check what was for breakfast. There were eggs, bacon, sausages, omelet, pancakes, baked rolls, a wide variety of jams, and anything else one could wish for. She felt her mouth watering and decided to eat something after all.

  She ended up having eggs, bacon, sausages, and two buttered rolls, one with strawberry and the other with orange jam. I need to stop eating like this, she thought. Otherwise, my clothes won’t fit any more. She laughed at that thought; she’d always been so skinny. She had taken after her mother. Her father, on the other hand, was always a little chubby. He never had the time to eat properly, she thought, and had to live on donuts and junk food most of the time.

  After she was finished with her breakfast, she poured herself a little more coffee. She took her cup and walked outside to the balcony. It was a beautiful day, and she enjoyed the view of the city.

  She glanced at her watch. It was nine-thirty. She still had plenty of time, so she decided to have a look around the house. She went back inside, and before she knew it, she walked towards the study. The door was open, and Alexandra could see a large, elegant room with a huge mahogany desk in front of the window, a large burgundy leather armchair behind it, and two matching chairs in front of it. Without even realizing it, she stepped inside and noticed a huge library covering one of the walls and a soft leather sofa against the other.

  She walked over to the library and started reading the titles of the books. There were a lot of books on business and economics, but a lot of novels, as well. She noticed books by most of her favorite authors and smiled, thinking that she and Mark had a lot in common. Glancing at some books in Greek, Alexandra read the titles—novels, poetry collections, history and mythology books, and the list went on. She loved Greek mythology and would love to take a look at some of them, but of course, she couldn’t risk getting caught reading books in Greek.

  Alexandra walked over to the windows and saw that the office had its own separate balcony with almost the same view as hers.

p; She turned to leave the room when she noticed a folder on the desk with the name “Insurance Guarantee” on it. She hesitated for a moment. She was curious to see the contents, but at the same time, she felt guilty for being in there in the first place.

  Alexandra, you should be ashamed of yourself, she reprimanded. She was worried and scared with everything going on, but that gave her no right to snoop around and read other people’s documentation. Taking a last look towards the folder on the desk, she turned towards the door, determined to leave the folder exactly where she found it. She stopped dead in her tracks… Mark was standing at the doorway, watching her.

  “Oh, you scared me!” she cried out and jumped surprised.

  “I’m sorry,” he apologized. “I was looking for you.”

  Alexandra felt her cheeks blushing from embarrassment, realizing she had no business being in his study.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “I shouldn’t have come in here.”

  “It’s okay,” he reassured her, studying her face closely.

  “No, it’s not,” she insisted. “I was out of place, and I apologize. It’ll never happen again.”

  “Alexandra, it’s okay,” he repeated and took a step closer to her.

  She drew a deep breath and moved back, trying to keep some distance between them.

  “Are you ready to go?” he asked and turned to leave as soon as he saw her reaction.

  “Yes, I’m ready,” she replied and followed him out of the room. “Let me get my briefcase,” she said and walked to her bedroom. A few minutes later, she met him in the living room, and they left in silence.

  The same limo picked them up and took them to a prestigious office building. When they walked inside the lobby, Alexandra realized that the entire building belonged to the corporation.

  Mark led her to the elevator and pushed the button to the sixty-third floor. Alarmed, Alexandra swallowed hard, still not accustomed to the fast moving elevators.

  The doors opened to a luxurious lobby with cream and burgundy carpet, black leather sofas and armchairs were scattered around. There were three big desks, one on the right, another one on the left, and the third at the far end opposite to the elevator wall. The three ladies sitting at the desks raised their eyes and smiled at them.