Read The Journey to Northumberland and the Rise of the Undertoads Page 20


  The new days daylight brought renewed energy and a since of well-being to Molly, Louis and Tessie. After stoking the fire to warm the room, Louis went about finding a carryall for all the supplies they would need to bring for the next part of their journey. Louis found a long walking stick in one corner of the room, then fashioned a cloth-wrap bag to hold the supplies. Louis tightly wrapped up enough dried food and satchels of water, securing them in place at the end of the stick. He then made a shoulder bag of the self-same material to hold his two books, the adder stone, the witch mask and the other knickknacks that he had brought along with him.

  "Look Louis a map of Bramble Forest and the surrounding area."

  "Where did you find that Molly?" asked Louis as he approached Molly with a quizzical eye.

  "Louis, it was in this drawer here in this dresser. Look it has our cabin marked right here."

  "Let me see that. You are right this X must be where we are now. Look here, this is the very center of the forest, and that is where I was a few days ago, that is the clearing where I met Spadefoot the Toad King. And then look here, this is where the edge of the forest is, and there is the Kingdom of Gwynedd and Deganwy Castle. That is where I spent a night and most of a day before I set out to find you."

  Tessie pointed to the map, "This is where we have to go is that right?"

  "Yes Tessie that is the foot of Morpeth Mountain, this is where...I almost guarantee...that Morr?gan the Stone Troll lives in that cave there where an X is as well, that must be it. Then look over here this is where the wooden dam where Hydrarchos the Water Serpent lives. The Northumbria Mountains appear to be about two days away if all goes well" stated Louis as he looked with great intent upon the map.

  "How fortunate are we that you found this map Molly?"

  "Very. Being lost in this forest was bad enough, but being lost in those mountains over there could be even worse. And what is this here Louis, look?"

  "That is the city of Elphame where Elphen the White Queen lives and that there is Hagby the Black Tower."

  "Can I have this map Molly? I will carry it with the supplies and my books. The map will be safe there. If we stay right on the road we were on, heading in the same direction for at least another day, we will come to this large tree at the fork in the road here. Look the tree is called Arachnide Tarantulos. Boy that sure is a strange name for a tree. I guess I will figure that out later. Anyway we then take a heading south towards the mountains there. Is everybody ready, all packed up? We can eat breakfast on the road today or an early lunch?"

  "Yep Louis, I am ready. We can eat later" said Tessie.

  "Molly is you ready?"

  "Yes Louis. Here I packed a few supplies as well. Tessie will you carry this shoulder bag, and I will carry this one, and off we go" said Molly as all headed for the front door and out towards the open road.

  Folding up the map and safely storing it, Louis grabbed the his wizard hat, then fell in right behind the two girls as each slowly headed away from the log cabin and towards the earthen pathway that they were traveling on the night before.

  As the traveling party and the morning meandered onwards the forest swamps and fire-bogs began to thin along with the stifling, heavy air that had weighted down their spirits earlier. The disheartening smells of sulfur and swamps gases gave way to the smells of green grasses and budding flowers. The closer they got to the Northumbria Mountains, the more their hopes of finding Chug and Short Stack alive heightened.

  The travel became easier and swifter as the earthen road opened up before them. It was now clear that Bramble Forest was beginning to fade away behind them, and the dangers that had lurked there. The road at the moment was mostly flat and clear of major difficulties. It gently rose in elevation the further they traveled forward. The heavy blue fogs that covered the forest floor could not been seen now, only lovely flowers and tall grasses lined the road and the surrounding areas. Large open fields covered the major portions of the lands about them now, interspersed with thickset granite rocks and shallow rocky culverts. A one-dimensional but quick moving stream came into view up ahead. The warm blue lights of the day warmed their shoulders.

  "Look Molly the mountains are coming into view more clearly now. That is mount Morpeth on the left there. It is the largest and tallest of the three mountain peaks."

  "I see it Louis, and at the base of that mountain that is where Morr?gan the Stone Troll lives?" asked Molly once again.

  "Yes I believe so."

  "Louis do you have a plan yet how we are going to free Short Stack or Chug out of that cave?" asked Tessie.

  "The best plan we can have is no plan at all. We should roll with the dice so to speak. We can do a review of the area when we get there. We have to find an entrance to his cave and hopefully a clear exit then get a look at this beast to see what we are dealing with. We must then try to find a weakness in either him or his defenses surrounding where he lives, then make the best choices available to us."

  "You are so grown up Louis. Just listen to you" said a very impressed Tessie.

  "Tessie it is not a matter being grown up, this is common sense. We are in a world of trouble here, as are our friends. We are only going to get one shot at this, and if we get it wrong, then I hate to think what would happen to us, or Chug, or Short Stack for that matter. When we see this creature we will have to be quick on our feet and nimble in thought and actions" said Louis as he took out one of the books that he had borrowed from Mr. Beamer, what seemed so long ago.

  "You keep reading up in that magic book and we will keep our eyes out for danger Louis" said Molly as she moved to the front, to take the lead "that fork in the road should come into view later in the day. I will keep an eye out for it."

  For the next few hours all was quiet as the conversations were kept to a minimum to let Louis read and think. A quick lunch and a rest at the side of the road, and they were off again. The day's travel was uneventful. A spattering of birds and ground-dwelling creatures could be heard and seen in flight or underfoot, but no real dangers approached them or were present.

  The air started to thin and grow colder the higher the ground rose in elevation. A few unpromising thunderstorms hung over the furthest peaks and steepest slopes of a distant mountain range, off to the south of them. This from time to time sent loud, deep thunderclaps echoing off of the nearest slopes closest to them. This raised the hair on Molly's neck as she looked over at Tessie, then at Louis who was unmindful of the noise.

  Louis was ever so lost in thought now. The books he was reading were opening his mind, soul and his spirit as never before. He began to understand ideas and thoughts that were beforehand unknown to only reading a good book can do for one...especially one so young and quick of thought, as the easily swayed and youthful Louis. His daydreams, fantasies and reflections became clearer with each page he read and understood.

  "We must rest again Molly, Tessie. I have been reading as we walked for the better part of seven hours. My legs, eyes and my mind are tired" said Louis as he closed the book he was reading. You both must be tired as well.

  "We can start to look for a place to rest for the night; we can build a shelter or find one. I will keep my eyes open" said Molly as she and Tessie locked eyes.

  "You are right Louis it has been a very long day. We can find that fork in the road in the morning, then on to the higher slopes where the caves of Morpeth will come into view" held Tessie as she began to search the road ahead along with Molly for cover from the upcoming cold of the night.

  Another half hour of light travel, when up a head Molly spotted a large thicket of bushes coming into view.

  "There Louis to the left it looks like a abandoned hunter's den is coming into view, it seems like the bushes have been fashioned into a small alcove or shelter, and up ahead beyond that there is a stream with fresh water, we can stay there tonight,
what do you think?"

  "Molly I am too tired to argue or to find another shelter, if you believe that is a good place then let's head over there and set up camp inside."

  The opening in a large thicket of thorn bushes was mid-sized, clammy and dank. It would have to do for the evening. Tessie drew fresh water as Molly started a small fire at the mouth of the opening. Louis made three beds filled with leaves, grasses and mosses. As the small encampment warmed Molly made an undersized pot of soup from the supplies she had brought. A few herbs picked from a nearby field, added dried venison and a few spices and the soup was complete. It was just what they needed, nothing beats a hot meal and nobody knew this better than Molly.

  "Feeling any better Louis?"

  "Yes, thank you Molly. We need a good night's rest, then a push into the higher foothills of Northumbria by mid-morning on the next day. We also need to all clean up a bit before we call it a night."

  "You are right Louis, that stream did look inviting" added Tessie.

  All headed for the small stream just outside of the camp. Tessie was the first to roll up her pants and shirt sleeves and enter the water. Molly handed Tessie a bar of soap as she as well followed her into the tempting water. Sitting on a nearby rock Louis watched the blue moon as it began to slowly disappear over the nearby mountain range when Molly suddenly screamed out.

  "Molly what is it...?" shouted out an alarmed Louis as he directly ran for the shallow stream as quickly as he could.


  "Molly what...what..!" cried out Tessie as she grabbed Molly by her thin waist, trying to steady her.

  "Look at my feet Tessie...Louis...they are...are" Molly cried out again and again as tears began to stream down her girlish face "warts, moles, look at them..."

  " her Louis..." shouted out Tessie.

  "My arms Louis...Louis...they are covered as well..."

  Quickly Tessie and Molly sprang from the water. Stirring below the surface Louis spotted another large pod of tadpoles scurrying off towards the far side of the stream. This alarmed him again to no end.

  "Louis, Molly...!"

  "Tessie what...what...!" exclaimed Louis as Tessie called out at her own discovery.

  " well, Molly...look...warts...look at the growths..."

  Louis dared not to look at himself. Molly then Tessie turned to face Louis as Louis began to lift his wizard robe then his pants legs and shirt sleeves.

  " as well girls...!" said the disheartened Louis as he sat down upon the stream bank next to the two grief-stricken girls "we have all be bitten and are now infected with a black magic."

  "What are you talking about Louis...infected...bitten..." asked a wild-eyed Molly.

  "Yes what do you know Louis that you are not telling us?" asked Tessie as she too could not believe what she was seeing and hearing.

  "I did not think it was true. T?ngarar Spadefoot called me an Ogbanje...a changeling, he told me this would happen to me soon, now it is happening to you two as well."

  "Louis you must tell us everything you know at once" stated Molly as she gave a death-grip on Louis's hand for support.

  "Well as I said before I did not think it to be true of me, but now I know it is true of all of us. You two must have waded into a stream at sometime in the last few days here in Northumberland. You were bitten as I was by an undertoad."

  "What is an undertoad Louis?"

  "Look Tessie over towards the far side of the stream. See those large tadpoles over there?"


  "These are T?ngarar Spadefoot evil spies and soon to be children. We are all changelings now like them. Soon we will be one of those, an undertoad, one of his children. He has cast a dark spell upon us. The warts and growths you are seeing is the start of the transformation, soon we will all change for the worse. I do not know if we can reverse the dark magic that is causing this.

  The last few days and especially today I were reading in one of Mr. Beamer's books about Northumberland and the evil magic that rules this place, so I feel I am knowledgeable somewhat about what is going on here. I have already taken a magic that slows the growth that is why my warts and moles are not as profound as yours. I have eaten part of a mugwort root and applied some of it on the bite, on my foot. That root might not be found this high up in elevation per this book."

  "Louis what have you done. This fairy circle tending of yours...this is your entire fault..." stated Tessie as she too began to cry.

  "I am so sorry girls. You are right this is my entire fault. I believe this now. I got in over my head on this one, but I also take into account that there is more to this than we are seeing" said Louis as he tried to comfort the girls.

  "What more Louis?" asked an unimpressed and unmoved Molly.

  "I have a hunch what is going on but I am not totally sure. As for us to leave here, I have to talk with Chug and Short Stack I have a few questions for them. We have to find them and I think I will know for sure then what we must do."

  "A hunch Louis, that is not funny. We will all have a hunch soon enough if you know what I mean" said Molly as she began to cry again.

  "I was not trying to be funny Molly..."

  "How long do you think we have before the change is complete?" asked a heartbroken Tessie as she wiped away more tears from her eyes.

  "I believe from what I was told and have read, we have about two to three weeks before our mind and bodies will not be our own, before we completely pass...into...into...the...unknown..."

  "Why do you need to talk with Short Stack and Chug Louis, what do they know about this...I want to know..." demanded Molly.

  "First I have a question for you two. Where you there that day at the watering-hole, you know the rock quarry when Short Stack was punched in the eye by Frank Fatbottom?"

  "Yes I was."

  "Yes I was as well Louis, and...?" requested Tessie.

  "We were all teasing Frank that day. Short Stack did the most teasing and then we all laughed at Frank remember?"

  "Again and...?"

  "Then a few other times over the years, before that when Frank came into town, we all teased him as he began to gain all that weight. And each year he came back into town he was fatter and fatter, and we became meaner and meaner, you?" asked Louis as his mind just raced.

  "I don't get the connection Louis. What are you trying to say? What are you getting at?" asked Molly.

  "Molly I am not really sure yet but I have a theory. I have an idea what this land is all about and why we are here. I do not want to alarm you or scare you anymore than you already are."

  "I am turning into a toad Louis, for crying out loud!" shouted out Molly.

  "I as well, what do you mean you don't want to alarm us!" added Tessie.

  "We have to go back into the camp and try to rest now. In the morning we have to go find a rare root that may grow in the mountains up ahead, it will slow the growth on us and the dark magic that has been cast upon us from Spadefoot, and I believe by Noctuid the Black Witch."

  Tessie looked once again into the stream, as did Molly.

  "I don't want to be an old toad Louis" said Molly as she grabbed her shoes and headed towards safety.

  "I thought one day I might be an old bag-lady, or even an old-maid Louis, but never an old toad" added Tessie and she tried to muster a smile to calm the other two.

  "Well I have to say, you two do have the best warts I have ever seen. Under any other circumstances Chug and I would have had a lot of great jokes about this" chimed in Louis as he too tried to lighten their spirits.

  "Well maybe this is why we are all in this together, is it not Louis?" asked the clever Molly as she showed a hint of knowing what Louis knew.

  Again trying to muster a reassuring smile towards the two gir
ls and especially towards Molly, all headed back into the thicket for the night. Molly covered up her legs and arms up as Tessie unpacked a few small blankets from their supplies. Tessie rolled down her shirt sleeves and pants then crawled up next to Molly under one of the cotton blankets.

  "Girls you go to sleep if you can. I will keep the fire large enough though out the night to ward off any wild animals and to keep the area warm. I will try to read a little more if I can, maybe the answers are in those books of Mr. Beamer's. I will figure this out I promise, and we will get back home soon enough" added a more determined Louis as he gave Molly and Tessie a kiss on their cheeks before they turned in for the night "and hey you know what they say about kissing a few toads to find your prince, how about a kiss girls?"

  "Louis...your, not funny..." said Molly "one day you are really going to get it."

  Louis smiled then turned to look at the last of the blue moon as it set behind mount Morpeth. Louis became lost in thought again, wondering what his mother was doing this night. Was she cooking dinner for him in her kitchen waiting for him to come home late, as always? Was she worried about him, or did she even know that he was missing at all?

  A lone lonesome beast howled out a wild cry into the night as he exited his den, announcing his arrival this evening to any enemy that might be roaming inside of his claimed domain. Nestled up in a few nearby trees night-birds began to sing a stirring song filled with emotion. Louis sat patiently searching inwards for answers then looking outwards out of the entrance of the camp, for any lurking beasts that might draw closer during the night.