Read The Journey to Northumberland and the Rise of the Undertoads Page 21


  The new day's journey would be begin shortly, a somber quite breakfast, quickly packing up camp then off again down on the road again towards mount Morpeth. Molly and Tessie were in no mood for small talk, or any kind of chatter for that matter. The morning was mostly a gloomy affair and the day would not get any better with Morr?gan the Stone Troll to be in their near future.

  "You two should not be so mad at me I said I was sorry already. Let's start looking for that root I was talking about last night. It is called a mugwort plant. It has a startling red colored flower for a hood that should be blooming right about now in the early morning. This plant is used by dark witches, trolls and wizards who know about their powers. The witches harness the evil powers, trolls relish the taste of the flowers and for us wizards with the right magic it will heal wounds to the heart or body. The nectar of the flower is sweet to the taste and the root is foul smelling and pungent."

  "How do you know all this Louis?" asked Molly.

  "I've been studying on these subjects for years Molly. Plus Mr. Beamer's books that I have been reading talk all throughout about witches, trolls, elves and the like. It is as if the book is a manuscript or how-to book about living here. You know, I wonder if Mr. Beamer gave me this knowing that we would be here in this land someday. I know that sounds far-fetched but the truth is what it is. It is undeniable. I did have a long talk with him about Frank Fatbottom and the fairy circle the day before we went missing. I was wondering aloud I guess."

  Louis showed the table of contents and a few chapters of the book to the girls.

  "I still don't get it Louis, but let's look for that flower and root anyway. Let's split up and look in this upcoming slope. We are almost to the fork in the road and look over there the foothills of the mountains are starting to rise in elevation even quicker, and more dramatically" said Tessie.

  "I agree Tessie. We can split up and canvass the slopes here. Do not get too far away, stay within sight and don't go into any caves, Morr?gan could be lurking about."

  Louis sat upon a rock found nearby for a few moments, dropped his walking stick, then pulled out the map from his carry-all. The fork in the road was only about an hour's walk away now. Looking up towards mount Morpeth directly in his path Louis knew that the next part of their journey was just about to begin. His two friends were was close by, he could just feel it.

  As Louis looked up the near slope of a rising foothill close by, his heart about fell out of his chest. Molly was noticeably hopping every other step, from rock to rock. Then looking to his left he spotted Tessie, she as well, a hop now and again. Louis's heart spoke to him, "This cannot be. I have to correct this, this is my entire fault. Why is it always me, what have I done?"

  Holding his emotions in check after seeing his friends this way was one of the hardest things he had ever done before. Holding back tears Louis packed up the map, took a quick bite of some dried beef then embarked up the hillside looking for a mugwort plant. Tessie looked backwards towards Molly and Louis as they searched about the hillside she as well noticed both of them now and again hopping up and down the hillside. She was emotionally torn. Molly as well spotted the others with their strange behavior, hopping about the mountainside in an unorthodox fashion.

  Louis finally called out, breaking the sadness of the moment.

  "Here I found it, here Molly come here...Tessie over here."

  Digging into the ground with a renewed vigor and willpower Louis exposed the flower and root completely. As the two girls arrived Louis gave them a big hug. He did not have the courage to tell them that he had seen them hopping about. Neither could the other two bring up the subject they were all just happy now that they finally had some good news for a change.

  "Girls let's get down off this slope, and get a small fire going. We have to boil this root then drink the contents. Molly you can try to spice it up if you like so it will go down easier, but this is the only way to get the full effects of the magic. Then we have to rub the rest of it on our feet and arms."

  "Ok Louis whatever you say" added Molly. She smiled widely as Tessie gave them both a hug. As they started down the hill Louis began to whistle a little tune to the delight of the others. All happily hopped and sang until they reached the road again.

  A small fire was lit and the root was brought to a slow boil over the fire; a quick mid-morning snack was had and a quick rest was taken by all. After the root was cooked and cooled Molly was the first to take a bite.

  "This does not taste too bad. I guess those added spices helped."

  "Now rub the rest on your arms and legs that you have not eaten. This goes for you as well Tessie. The warts and moles and the bite marks should disappear in a few hours. This is what happened to me a few days ago. The swelling will go down this will slow the dark magic. We should be OK for the time being, besides a few hops here and again" said Louis as he swallowed another batch of magic.

  "I feel better already Louis. Now let's get onto finding that troll and rescuing whoever is held there. Even if I do turn into a toad, I still miss my mom and dad and my brothers and sisters. We all have to get back to Centerville as soon as possible because I know you two as well miss your families and friends" stated Molly as she tried to give support to her two friends.

  "You are darned right Molly, let's beat this and get back home. Louis that map what did it say, how far until we reach that cave and that creature?" asked Tessie.

  "An hour at the most, dead ahead we should see that large tree and fork in the road and then Morr?gan's cave should be right around that area."

  With a renewed vigor and strength of mind given to them from the ingestion of the mugwort root, they moved down the road closer towards the foot of the broad mountain range majestically standing before them. Molly stopped them in the center of the road. The air was thinner and cooler they would have to change into warmer clothes now. She pulled out a few jackets and scarf's that she had found earlier at the hunter's cabin. Removing his wizard robe and hat Louis welcomed the warmer clothes.

  Moving forwards and upwards down the earthen road for the better part of an hour, a large fork in the road was now visible and dead ahead. Looking off to the left a massive, gnarled, ancient looking cedar tree was firmly claiming its place in the world. It was over five hundred feet tall, one hundred foot wide at the base and the width of the canopy of branches covering the road in both directions must have been over three hundred feet across.

  "We've arrived. Look Molly the fork in the road, right there, and that is the tree that was marked on the map, and what are the markings on that map...Arachnide Trarantulos...I still don't remember what that means. It sounds familiar though..." pondered Louis as he pulled out the map from a side pocket in his jacket.

  "Yep...that's it Louis. Let's head there and get our bearings" said Molly as they covered the last few steps up the road.

  "Glad we made it. How about a quick lunch then we can look for that cave" said Tessie.

  "Sounds good" said Louis as they all three looked for a place to sit under the giant tree.

  A small lunch was served by Molly. Small talk abounded as Louis pulled up his pants legs to look at his legs and feet.

  "See girls the warts and moles are smaller again, and I have only hopped a few times in the last hour."

  "Yes mine are smaller as well, and the bite mark has all but disappeared" said Molly as she examined her legs and arms.

  "Mine are small like Louis's are. But I still feel like an old toad wearing this horrible old hunter's jacket and cap" said Tessie as she faintly smiled.

  "Well we all look like a bunch of old toads in these rags but at least we are warm. We can take care of our business here then back down the foothills. Then we can change back when we reach lower ground" said Louis as he finished some smoked fish that Molly had given him.

  "Where do you think that cave is Louis now
that we have arrived?" asked Molly

  "Looks like right over there were that cliff drops down and sidles the road."

  Louis pointed down the road to the large cliff; the girls turned to look. Both agreed with Louis that that would be the best place to start looking for their friends. Rolling onto his back Louis gently interlocked both of his hands behind his head. He then looked upwards towards the center of the tree into the highest branches.

  "Girls are we looking for a stone troll or a forest troll? This Morr?gan, you don't think he can climb trees do you?" asked Louis as his eyes tapered and his focus sharpened.

  "Well what a dumb thing to say Louis. I have never heard of a troll that could climb trees" said Molly as she too began to look upwards into the highest part of the tree above them.

  "We are not looking for a man eating cat. We are looking for a big clumsy, slow-moving, stupid troll. That is what this Morr?gan should be" said Tessie as she as well began to search about the upper branches above them "what are you two look at?"

  "Well I cannot be too sure, but are those two large, pulsating red eyeballs looking down at us from about three hundred feet up, right there at that one branch there to the left?" asked Louis as he pointed in that direction "right by that large cluster of branches. I know you can hardly see through them and they are kind of high up but...but..."

  "Louis get out your sling shot, I know you always carry that dumb thing with you everywhere. Take a shot and see what happens."

  "OK Molly but don't blame me if I hit the center. I am a pretty good shot. Come to think of it that's just a couple pieces of oversized fruit or some crazy red nuts that this tree might grow, that's all this that is."

  "I thought I saw a blink!"

  "Tessie, what are you talking about...a blink...trees don't blink" said Molly.

  With sling shot now in hand and aimed upwards Louis let loose one of his cat-eye marbles at the target; a direct hit.

  "Great shot Louis" said Molly "dead center."


  "I don't think that was such a good shot!!" screamed out Louis.

  "You've done it again Louis. You always say "why is it always me", well why is it always us? It's because we hang around you!" cried out Tessie as she jumped to her feet with Molly right behind her.

  "You told me to shoot Molly, it's not my fault..." shouted out Louis.

  "Hurry for that cave!!" blared out Molly.

  Oak nuts, branches, brambles, leaves and twigs showered down upon all three as the massive creature scrambled above them in the tree's canopy.


  "What is that thing up there Louis? It's gaining on us. It moves through the branches with such ease...what is it...what is it...?" repeatedly called out Tessie.

  "Are you afraid of spiders Molly?"

  "Why do you ask Louis, you know I am...bad...bad timing."

  "I just remembered what Arachnide Tarantulos meant on that map."

  "Not now Louis!"

  "Yeah not now!" echoed a frenzied Tessie.

  "It's a giant tree spider! A flesh-eating tarantula is after us. An Arachnide is a spider Molly!!"

  "It's gaining on us Louis. We won't make it to the cave in time" screamed out Tessie.

  Her thick, silky spider-thread dropped her with lightning speed, quickly and effortlessly downwards out of the upper branches of the colossal oak tree right down in front of the terrified children, slamming shut the only way into Morr?gan the Stone Troll's lair. Arachnide Tarantulos softly but with great style reared up in front of them, as she cut the rear silk wire from her amble bottom. She rubbed her one sore, bloodied and bruised eye with a hind leg, as the other eye caught sight of the sling shot in Louis's left hand.

  "You should not pick fights with somebody larger than you. Haven't you learned that by now Fairy Circle Tender?" inquired the angered, venomous spider.

  The stumbling and sometimes bumbling Louis tried to reply "Well I...did...I...did not was not trying to pick a fight with"

  "You picked a fight with Frank Fatbottom Junior and look where that has gotten you?" stated the spider as she began to coyly sashay and sway from side to side, beginning a well-proven dance to lure her prey into a hypnotic state before the final kill-strike.

  "Behind me girls, stay behind me, then back away slowly towards those rocks over there. This is my fight, she is after me! Her revenge is set on me."

  Shooing the girls away; Louis turned back to face his attacker.

  "Now what are you talking about spider, what does this have to do with Frank?" asked the astonished little mushroom tender.

  "You all: laugh, chuckle, snort and hoot, cackle, chortle, giggle and snicker at the others that are less fortunate than you, or those that do not look like you, or those that are not as you are, or are fatter, or thinner, or don't fit in with your friends. When are you going to learn your lesson that, that behavior has; consequences, results, effects, concerns and outcomes for you? FFJ, his day of days has come, and yours have now ended. Spadefoot rises with or without you alive."

  Trying to slow the assault and save his life and the life of his friends Louis tried to stall and query the spider into distraction.

  "What are you talking about? What about Frank? I ask you again to explain before you take my life. He picked on us. He beat up Short Stack."

  Looking over his left shoulder Louis could see that the girls were now at a safe distance to make an escape.

  The revenge filled spider spoke out again, "You are the ones that started this travesty. You are the ones that caused the pain, the hurt, the harm, the wounds, you impair, you upset, you offend and mar. Frank's reaction was wrong but justified. You do not understand his plight, his troubles at home. I work for him, he has risen" said the depraved creature as she kept up her hypnotic waltz.

  Eyeing the motion of the spider as she swayed Louis's eyes started to become as heavy as his mind was now weary. She was as cunning and as clever as she was hungry.

  "No it was Frank's fault, he punched Short Stack and what does this have to do with Spadefoot. I don't understand."

  Tessie and Molly had run for the cover of a nearby rock and were out of harm's way for the moment, only to feel regret that they had not stayed to help out little Louis.

  "Molly we have to do something, she is going to eat our Louis. Look how she rubs her stomach as she speaks to him."

  "You are so right Tessie. Look at Louis, his eyelids are halved and heavy. He is going under her spell."

  "Do you have any ideas?"

  "Yes, his walking stick and carry-all, the witches mask. We must get it!" clearly stated the bright Molly.

  "How does it work Molly?"

  "I've read about a little black magic in my day, and I believe the wearing of the mask makes the observer or watcher of the mask view what they most long to see. The spider might see an past aberration or oddness that she longs for, like a missing child or parent, or a friend much like Louis did when he thought he saw you in the witches hut."

  "It all makes sense to me Molly. I will distract her for a moment. I can bring her gaze to me as you get to that carry-all and get that mask from Louis."

  "Let me get to that large rock over there, then throw that branch at her, that should do the trick. Louis is going down in flames over there, we better help out and I mean now" said Molly as she darted towards the cover of another large rock.

  Louis and the spider continued to spar.

  "Would you like to at least know my name before you become my latest meal?" asked the spider as she noticed Molly's movement.

  "Yes what is your title? I was going to ask you, but I forgot for some reason."

  "That is because your mind is not yours completely to own. I have become a part of you. I am slo
wly taking your mind from you, you see it is almost too late already, my spells are too strong."

  The front four green, hairy legs (of the eight) of the considerably sized spider paired up and began to rub against each other making an ear-bending and most dreadful sound, like that of a out of tune double-base cello might make. The sounds were in a lower octave, were oddly melodious, and filled with odium and hate. Louis now swayed along in a syncopated rhythm with the spider in concert.

  Her death dance was almost complete.

  "My name is...yes my title you ask with your last words. I am a green-legged orbweaver, a harvestman from the Arachnide class, a tree tarantula. Most children that live long enough to know me, know that I answer by the name of Spydos the Spider.

  "Yes Spydos my Master. I am of "The Family" now" said the entranced young boy as he swayed back and forth gently to the awful sounding chords being strummed by the Lord of the Tree "I am at your beckoned call."

  Another dart and then another dash about at the mouth of the cave and Molly finally had reached Louis's carry-all. Revealing the witches mask inside she quickly covered her head and face with the disguise. She was instantaneously transmogrified into the spider's wishes and wants but it was too late.

  "It will not be too painful, because you have been prepped; my black magic is very powerful. Meet your maker "Little Bully". Become of "The Family" we are now one and the same, truly evil. When will you ever learn, all your actions have consequences and costs even when you are very young."

  A frontal assault followed.

  One lethal, wily thrust of the spider's two front serrated fangs, probed deeply into Louis's thin, boney chest. A direct hit surgically implanted. The venom was uploaded into the child as Spydos smiled broadly and widely at Tessie, as she cringed in agony. Tessie crumbled to her feet as she shouted out an ear shattering scream of pain.

  "No!!! Stop...Louis...Louis..!"

  Louis's breath escaped him as he submitted to the venom now entering his body on all levels. His mind shut down, his heartbeat subsided, and he became non-pulsed. His willpower finally was broken. The spellbound concert has stopped and the waltz had ended. The wicked spider reared up again on its two back legs, as it chuckled and chortled out in glee. Silk began to cover Louis's body from head to toe as Louis was spun about like a pig on a spit by the spider's two front legs.

  Molly boldly stepped into the fray, bringing the fight to her and away from Louis for the moment. Louis was gently dropped to the ground as Spydos glanced oddly and intently into the witches mask. Confusion showed on her face which Tessie and Molly quickly picked up on. She was dumbfounded for the first time in her life. Molly did not speak as Tessie regained her composure.

  Molly took a leap of faith inside of an educated guess.

  "Mother it is me. Do you not recognize me?" asked the little witch.

  Seeing another few moments of puzzlement on the giant spider's face Tessie sprung into action. She sprinted for Louis the best she could, a few quick hops here then there and she was upon him in an instant. Grabbing him by the collar of his jacket she dragged Louis off towards the entrance of the grand cave.

  "I know I have been gone a long time, and you thought me dead but I have returned to the world of the living. I miss you so much" said Molly as she coyly approached the bewildered mother.

  "But you were eaten by Draconilla the Vampire Bat. I saw it with my own eyes. It cannot"

  Mustering all her courage and strength the clever Molly rubbed up against one of the distraught mother's furry legs, trying to incite lost memories in the beast. Almost fainting from the smell of the spider and the horror of the moment, Molly looked towards the opening of the cave. Louis had been dragged into the grotto and was now out of sight and out of danger. Tessie waved furiously at Molly to run for the safety of the cavernous cave mouth, and the darkness that resided deep inside of the cavern. Not being sure that that was the right choice to take at the moment, Molly's courage began to fail her, her resolve to save Louis was faltering as each moment passed. Becoming confused Tessie called out in a soft voice as the giant spider continued to mull over her lost child.

  "Draconilla my arch enemy, the goliath were eaten by him so long ago, how can this be?"

  Witch and spider embraced, lost in a misunderstanding. Tessie had to do something because it was now becoming evident that the witches mask's spellbound powers were not commanding enough to work on a creature so large for so long. Fumbling about at the entrance to the cave Tessie reached a monumental conclusion. She ran back into the cave, reappearing with Louis's slingshot in hand.


  Tessie squarely sent another salvo directly into the grieving mothers' heart. The buckshot hit her in the chest, without delay waking her out of her mystical slumber.

  "Run!!" screamed out Tessie.

  She was away.

  In the resulting confusion Molly's foot caught a large twisted root in the ground, she stumbled downwards as the witches mask became entangled in a thorn bush. It was ripped off her head, exposing her true intentions to the spider. Panic overcame her, Molly shot right through the open legs of the once again irritated fiend. Shaking off the pain and humiliation of the witch-spell and fraud, the great beast began to put together her payback. Rage entered her mind as Molly finally reached Tessie. Both hugged deeply then turned towards the cave and their deliverance.

  "Play on my emotions will you? Place a spell upon me will you? You are all fraudsters, cons and scam artists. Your death is at hand!"

  Tessie and Molly frantically descended down into the depths of the cave and further away from the muted light of the day, all the while dragging Louis the best they could. Spydos entered the mouth of the cave, but suddenly stopped, she recoiled then looked upwards towards the rocky roof as the girls turned back to see why she had come to a sudden halt.

  "Our rescue is at hand, Tessie the slingshot, should you or I?"

  "Is my work ever done? Allow me Molly" said Tessie as she drew down upon her target with the last cat-eye marble of Louis's.

  Scurrying backwards as quickly as possible Tranantulos turned then began to hurry towards the base of the might oak tree.

  Tessie's aim was perfect, a direct hit on the enormous creature as he hung upside down on the cave ceiling. He was quickly awoken out of a deep slumber, the stinging bite of the slingshot shot lightning bolts of hatred from his eyes. Dropping down off his rocky perch, spreading his grand wings and outstretching his sharp claws he was away towards the cave opening.

  Scampering feverously back up into the upper branches of the massive tree and towards her thorny wooded lair, Spydos tried frenetically to avoid the rampaging bat. Breaking branches and bones, pain filled yells and screams could be heard as the two behemoths began their time tested epic battle once again.

  "Nice shot Tessie. I don't think Louis could have done any better. Now we must drag him deeper into the cave to get him to safety away from both of those creatures, then see how bad his wounds really are. Hopefully our own little wizard has a little more magic up his sleeve than we know about, or we all could be doomed to be a spiders meal, or a become toad in the very near future. This is so awful Tessie, this is my little Louis here..."

  "She did not get that much poison in him, I am almost sure of it. I thought I saw her fangs stop at his jacket. I am not sure, it just happened so fast. And you are so right we have to get away from that flying, blood-sucking monster and that creepy crawling nightmare in the form of that giant spider. They are blocking the only safe way to the surface. Our only option now is to go downwards and forwards" stated Tessie as she looked at Louis in shock "he has to be OK Molly, he just has to. I feel it, I really do."

  The deeper the three children crossed through and passed downwards into the rocky abyss, the further their hopes faded of finding a way out again. Their home of Centerville, their friends
and families never felt so far away before than they did at this moment in time, as time its self became their enemy. Tessie hopped once, then again twice, witnessed by a hopping Molly after that. Both girls looked at the entranced Louis wrapped in his silky cocoon then looked backwards towards where they had just been. Darkness began to engulf them both as their spirits faded, with the last of the blue moon's light.