Read The Journey to Northumberland and the Rise of the Undertoads Page 22

  ~Chapter 9~

  Morr?gan the Stone Troll

  "We can't travel any further into the darkness, it is too dangerous Tessie."

  "You're right Molly. What if we strayed off the footpath and fell to our deaths."

  "Think for a minute, why is there even a footpath here? What creatures use this darkness and this pathway to move about down here? Tessie I don't think we are out of danger yet. Let's make a small torchlight, out of some of our clothes. I have a few matches that I found in that cabin a few days ago."

  Fashioning a small flame to see by, the larger cavern came into clearer view. Seeing no immediate danger but still being weary of creatures in the night, Molly spoke out again.

  "We must get Louis off of the path, and tend to his wounds. We have to see how bad he is injured. Look over behind those large outcroppings of rocks to the left there, where the path forks downwards. Let's pull Louis over there."

  "I agree. We should take stock to see if there are any injuries to us as well, also we have to see if we have lost any of our supplies and see what supplies we might have left. We might be down here for awhile."

  "You are so right Tessie" said Molly as Louis was dragged towards a cluster of jagged rocks off the beaten path.

  Tessie found a few dried mosses and a few flammables in their packs. She then built a small fire behind the largest of stones, being careful not to make it too big to be seen throughout the entirety of the cave. Warming her hands and her spirits, she then turned towards Louis. She gently pulled Louis closer to the fire to examine him. Slowly she cut away at the silky wrap that enveloped him then she slipped off his overcoat, his wizard robe, then his cap and shoes.

  He lay as motionless as a dead man in a mortuary. His face was pail and clammy but he was still breathing; long drawn out slow breaths, in then out, in then out, they were steady and sure.

  "Open his shirt Tessie. We have to see if there is a wound or worse...blood."

  "Look Molly no blood, but there are two puncture wounds, but they do not appear to be too deep.

  "Molly get Louis's jacket quickly and look in the front pocket" said Tessie as she motioned to the jacket lying nearby. Molly searched about the three front pockets, the two lower and one upper.

  "Tessie how did you know...?" asked Molly.

  "I saw him place that book in his front pocket earlier today when he finished reading it. Look at the bite marks. The fangs went completely through the book from front to back. How lucky was Louis? This means the fangs did not go too deep?"

  "Louis was indeed very lucky, this means that she could not have pumped that much venom into him either and that the wounds are just of the flesh not into the internal organs. Look at the color of his shirt it is white around the pocket and chest. That is her venom. We must clean it off and clean the wound. I will get some clean water out of one of our satchels. We can boil some water over the fire, heat a clean cloth then dress the area" said Molly as she began the task immediately.

  Making Louis as comfortable as possible on some dry moss and soft dirt, Tessie then tried to comfort Louis the best she could. Molly stoked the small fire, boiled some water in the little kettle next she softly tended to Louis. After a few moments of care Tessie and Molly both felt they had done all they could to soothe Louis in his moment of troubles.

  Molly now began to prepare another small pot of soup as Tessie tried to bring Louis back to the world of living, but she could not. He laid still well into the night.

  "We've done all we could Tessie. The fire will warm his body and sleep will invigorate his mind. We can keep the soup simmering. When he wakes we can try to feed him at that time."

  "We must get some sleep as well Molly, but one of us has to stand guard. Anything could happen in this place. Tranantulos could come seeking revenge again, or Draconilla the Vampire Bat might realize that someone has entered his den. I will take the first watch Molly."

  "No Tessie I must take the first watch while the fire is the brightest. I am going to read this book of Mr. Beamer's. Until Louis wakes we are at the mercy of our ignorance. Louis was prepared for this place and silly as it the truth. He has read most of both of those books by now. He has gotten us this far, so far. I truly believe that when he wakes he will get us back home to the warmth of our beds. But I have to try something Tessie. I just have to."

  Motioning for Tessie to lay down next to Louis, Molly covered her and Louis up with another cloth blanket. None of their supplies had gone missing. Molly had grabbed Louis's carry-all bag before she had darted for the cover of the cave. Still having enough supplies for a few more days, both of the girls felt that their plans for the time being were the correct ones.

  Tessie immediately fell into an un-restful sleep, as Louis rested deeply. The black magic streaming through his veins had not thinned yet. The ever vigilant Molly opened up Louis's book of magic with an open mind. She read as the others sleep, trying to understand all she could, as quickly as she could. Her life and the life of her two friends depended on it. She knew this as a truth. Periodically Molly kept her eyes fixed on the nearby pathway and rocky outcroppings hiding them, making sure all were safe.

  The hours fell by as Tessie and Louis slept.

  Eventually stirring Tessie took the watch for Molly, allowing Molly the well-earned rest she needed. Stoking the small fire and nibbling on some dried venison Tessie's watch was un-eventful as well until a loud noise at the far side of the massive grotto awoken Molly.

  "What was that sound Tessie? Cover the flames of the fire with dirt."

  "I don't know Tessie. It sounded like an avalanche at the far side of the cave, over in that direction.

  Peering around a large rock that was hiding them Molly searched about in the diminish light for answers, none were found.

  "It just shows we are not alone down here. There are other creatures that live in this cave. We must be quiet" said Molly.

  "You are so right, we must stay where we are for the time being, until whatever that was passes."

  "Listen Tessie, quite" whispered Molly.

  Both girls crouched under the gathering of rocks as a cluster of clunky, footstep closed down upon them, from afar at first, then closer. Heavy breathing, a loud snort, and a muffled grunt were heard as the living thing lumbered down the nearby pathway.

  The creature paused to lick at the air.

  Molly's air escaped her quivering lungs.

  Tessie quietly wheezed, as she tried to inhale the air, she could not.

  The beast sneezed violently, which rattled loose a few rocks at Molly's feet. She almost stumbled out of her hiding place forwards into the pathway, only to be held back by Tessie.

  Another lick, then a sniff at the air; the beast was away again unwary of the horrified children hidden at his feet. His outsized wooden club smashed at another rock in the pathway as he rambled off, zigzagging downwards into a deep void.

  "Was that...that...?"

  "Tessie it was...Morr?gan the Stone Troll. My god did you see him Tessie...did you?"

  "I could not Molly. I was too afraid to look, I was afraid to be found out. Did you see him...?" asked the little girl as she shook uncontrollably.

  "Hug me Tessie and don't let go."

  Both looked toward the motionless Louis.

  "I saw him Tessie. He was massive, hairy and revolting to look at. Could you smell him?"

  "I did, it was overpowering. I almost screamed out. Molly hold me help me stop the shaking."

  "He was a brute if I ever saw one. He was sixty feet tall or more and his legs were thicker than an elephants. He was covered in matted hair and his knotted nose was bent sideways. And the smell Tessie, it was worse than Louis's socks, if you can believe that."

  Trying to smile, Tessie could not, she was filled with horror.

  "Calm your
shaking. He has passed and most likely will not come back again. Maybe he just patrols the caves here and goes past every once in awhile. Never mind that, we must get Louis to awaken. We cannot fight this beast alone and we cannot drag Louis any further. He has to arouse from his current state of; the semi-dead or un-dead or from whatever state he is in. I read Mr. Beamer's book last night, if it was really nighttime, I don't know. Anyway the adder stone Louis carries, it has healing powers. Where is it Tessie?" asked the take charge Molly.

  "It should be in his carry-all or in his wizard robe pocket" said Tessie as her uncontrollable shaking began to dwindle.

  Quickly searching about Louis's belongings, the adder stone was discovered. As it was brought into the muffled light of the cave it began to oddly glow, at first a brilliant oft colored yellow, then an awe inspiring green, a diluted pink, then a bright orange color. The lights given off oscillated alternative colors until settling upon a deep azure blue. Placing it onto Louis's lap it brightened that much more. The out of the ordinary stone began to vibrate in his lap as a low monotone hum could now be heard emanating from its core. Tessie and Molly jumped backwards from the sights and sounds.

  "Our Louis must be a real wizard Molly, look at the magic he commands."

  "I agree, I have never seen anything like that before in my life, and surely never will again.

  "Nor will me."

  "Look he is stirring. I saw his fingers move there, look."

  "I see it as well Molly. Can you believe what we are witnessing?"

  The bright lights of the adder stone dulled then deliberately faded out as Louis opened one blurry eye, then the next. Rubbing at his face, he tried to speak.

  "Well welcome back into the world of the living, little wizard" said the joyous Molly as she helped her friend sit up.

  Rubbing a damp cloth across his forehead Tessie spoke.

  "Louis the Red, Louis the Fairy Circle Tender, you are back with us, back with the soon to be two little toads. Are you sure you want to come out of your sleep after all. The sight will not be pretty, pretty soon." She gave Louis a grand-sized hug after Molly was done covering him with kisses.

  "Well we have this all backwards Molly" said the smiling Louis.

  "Why is that Louis?"

  "You are supposed to kiss a toad then he becomes a prince, not kiss a prince who will soon become a toad. So I think I can hang out with you soon to be, two old toads, heck I will fit right in."

  "You know you will always be my prince Louis; there is no one like you Louis, no one. I do love you, you know" said Molly as she again embraced her Louis.

  "I love you to, you old toad" said the self-amused Louis.

  Giving Louis a few more squeezes and kisses was just what the two girls and Louis needed. It was a grand and heartfelt reunion amongst good friends. Molly re-lit the fire, being sure to keep it small enough to not be discovered. She then heated up the remains of the venison soup. Drinking deeply from one of the satchels of water, warming from the fire's heat, and cleaning up a bit, Louis's appetite returned, along with his desire to know what had just happened to him.

  "The last thing I remember girls was standing in front of that awful spider. We were sparing then all went blank. What happened, and how did we get into this cave here?"

  "You saved our lives Louis. You gave us time to escape the deathly bite of that creature. You allowed us to slip into the cave opening. That gave Molly enough time to render another plot to save all three of us Louis. But it was really you. It was your plan all along was it not? You took a direct bite in the chest for us, but your wizard books took the blunt of the bite. She was only able to get a little venom in you. Then your adder stone brought you back to life. You knew this would happen didn't you? Louis you planned this all along. You are indeed a great wizard, just look at the magical smiles you've placed upon our faces just now."

  "You are so kind Tessie. This toad look, it's a good look for you. Those moles are very "now". That look will be sweeping the fashion world soon enough" said the now evermore smiling and witty Louis "by the way I told you I was a great wizard. Great wizards and magicians don't ever tell how they pull off their tricks, so I guess you will really never know what I planned, or did not plan, but anyway so now you finally believe me that I am a great wizard?"

  "Yes we believe you Louis" said a relieved Tessie.

  "Yes we believe you Louis, you are a great wizard, but just how great still needs to be proven. We still need to get us out of this cave. And we still have to find Chug and Short Stack. By the way Louis while you were lost in your dream world under the spell of that green-legged orbweaver Spydos the Spider, Morr?gan the Cave Troll, or Stone Troll, or whatever his is, just strolled by heading south, downwards to what appears to be towards the center of the cave and his possible home" said Molly as she pointed towards the pathway downhill ahead of them.

  "Was he a horrible creature? What are we up against Molly?"

  "Sixty foot tall and as thick as a hippo he was Louis. All muscle; no brains. Two-fisted trouble, a dangerous combination he is. But just a minute Louis, I also forgot to tell you there was a giant vampire bat called Draconilla that lives in this cave as well. He was at least one story tall with serrated fangs about a foot long that appeared to be venomous. As we dragged you off to safety Spydos and that vampire bat, we last heard them fighting up in Spydos's lair, up in that huge tree."

  "It just gets worse and more dangerous with every step we take."

  "Yes it does Louis. Now take Draconilla the Vampire Bat and Spydos the Spider and roll them both together, this is how formidable and fearsome this Morr?gan the Stone Troll appears to be. I hope you have some more magic up your sleeve because we sure are going to need it" stated Molly.

  "Yep Louis, she sure is right. I hope you have a few more tricks and some more fine trickery because we have a long way to go still before we get out of this mess" added Tessie.

  "Well I guess you are both going to have to just trust me. I am starting to believe in myself and I wish you two would as well, it sure would make things easier."

  "Alright Louis as we just said, Yes we believe you Louis, now what?" asked Tessie.

  "Yes we believe you Louis, now what?" asked Molly.

  Looking up the pathway then down the pathway Louis quietly thought for a moment.

  "If we go backwards, back out of the cave we will have been defeated, and we will not be able to go home, plus Spydos the Spider and Draconilla the Vampire Bat may still await us. We have Morr?gan ahead of us which we will fair no better, but we have to be strong. Chug and Short Stack's life are in our hands and forwards not backwards is the only way to go back home. Is that not true of life in general? Always move forwards."

  Louis's resolve and determination gave support to the others. Holding the adder stone in one hand, partially covering it to mute the light Louis took a step downwards deeper into the cave. Louis had stated the obvious and the correct solution. Moving slowly forwards and keeping to the well-worn pathway all three continued down the rocky pathway.

  The heat and humidity rose the deeper they descended, making the travel more difficult and tiresome. The cavern opened then closed before them, the pathway narrowed and widened as the hours passed by. A slow moving black stream wrapped along the path then disappeared as quickly as it had formed. They dare not to drink the infected, brooding waters for fear of disease. A few small rodents and flying creatures were heard out and about them but none approached the odd colored lights of the adder stone and the bumbling trio invading their domain.

  "How much further do you think Louis? We have been walking for hours on end."

  "Tessie do you hear that wind? The air is fresher now and not as heavy and I hear water rushing."

  "Yes I hear water rushing as well. Look the cave is widening up ahead" said Molly as they approached a blind curve in the road "and you a
re right Louis the air is getting cleaner."

  Peering around a large boulder a considerable grotto opened up ahead of them. Looking upwards towards the upper reaches of the roof the blue moons daylight could be seen shining down, as water trickled downwards the length of the walls surrounding them. Cupping both of his hands Louis filled them to the top. Drinking deeply from the fresh mountain water enlivened his spirits; he motioned for the others to fill their bellies as well. Louis extinguished the adder stone's light. He gently placed the cherished stone into an interior pocket for safety.

  "Before we expose ourselves into the hazy daylight we should rest and plan our next move" said Louis.

  "Good idea, I am very tired" added Molly as Tessie sat down on a small flat rock nearby.

  "Yes, that is a very good idea Louis."

  Louis found a comfortable perch next to Molly as he opened up his carry-all to find a bite to eat. After offering up a bite to eat to the two girls he looked about the entirety of the opening in the rocky cave.

  "It appears that we will be able to crawl up those rocks and that bluff over there. We can reach the roof and escape this cave from that point" said Louis as he gave them both another handful of dried beef.

  "What is this place Louis? Look towards that far corner over there by that large pond of water. I believe I see a small fire burning behind that large rock. I can smell the fire now. Can you? And look over even further than that into that area over there, it looks like a large den or bed. See the moss, twigs, and leaves. That looks like a large bed of some sort" queried a bewildered Molly.

  "Look to the left over in that direction, I see an animal pen. Look two goats, a small mutton, a small unicorn and a few pigs, they are being held captive. Louis what is this place?" asked Tessie who was just as dumbfounded as the other two were "is this place a home for...?"

  "I think we all know this place is Morr?gan's home, he must live here. This is another way he passes through into the upper world, through that opening in the roof. That is his bed and his food supply. And look Spydos the Spider has been here, there is something in a cocoon hanging above the animal pen or else this cave troll is a thief and has robbed her of a meal. It's about six foot long and it is slowly moving it must still be alive. Maybe that is to be his next meal?" added Louis as he shuddered at the thought of himself being Morr?gan's next meal.

  "Louis I thought we were to find Short Stack or Chug here. You said Atamo the Astral Fairy and your other friends said one of them would be here with Morr?gan and the other would be with Hydrarchos the Water Serpent at the base of Morpeth Mountain, and that they would be held captive until you killed the land draug."

  "Good point Molly..." said Tessie.

  "!" cried out Molly.

  "What...what's wrong Molly?"

  "Tessie, Louis take a look at that cocoon again. It is about the size of a medium-sized boy in thickness and length and it is still alive. You don't think that could be...could be...?"


  "Yes Louis that could be our Chug. We have to be sure. We have to go take a look before we leave through the roof. What if it is him?" asked Molly.

  "But what if it is not? What if it is another horrid creature and we cut it loose, and it is hungry and eats us? What then...?" asked Tessie.

  "You are both right but we can't leave here without knowing. It's plain and simple we have to check. My new friends I made in this world would not lead me astray, and I would never forgive myself for the not knowing. This is my best friend we are talking about, this is our Chug! Also I believe that we all came into this strange underworld together at the same time, through that wormhole, and I believe that we all have to leave at the same time. I just have a theory or a hunch. I will explain later" said Louis.

  "Well were not leaving without Chug no matter what, so what is the plan wizard?" asked Molly.

  "We will follow your lead Louis the Wizard, whip up some more magic and get us all out of here alive. Can you...?" requested Tessie.

  "Time to be downright wizardly again; I've got an idea. First off we have to get up to where that animal pen is then find a way to reach that cocoon hanging overhead without being seen by that cave troll. Then we have to get out of that roof into daylight again."

  "Sounds good Louis but wait..."

  "What is it Tessie...?"

  "Do you hear footsteps again...?"

  "All I hear is your pounding heart Tessie!"

  "Well get your head off of my chest then."

  "I'm two feet away from you Tessie. Calm down."

  "Girls I hear footsteps as well."

  Placing one ear upon the ground Louis listened intently.

  "Louis I don't think you need to do that" said Molly.

  "This is an Indian trick..."

  "Well I've got an Indian trick for you Louis."

  "Quiet Molly I'm working here..."

  "I suggest we run like an Indian on the warpath because there's sixty foot of trouble stampeding down this pathway right toward us.

  All looked upwards as Spydos the Spider dropped out of the opening in the roof on a thick silk thread. Right behind her Draconilla the Vampire Bat shot through the opening as well.

  The epic battle continued.

  With both wings tucked tightly into his sides in an apparent death-spiral, Draconilla cut the thick silk thread attached to her behind with one of his large front fangs. Before Spydos could reach the bottom of cave safely she was sent freefalling, wheeling and spinning about out of control. As she tumbled downwards she shot out another sticky thread catching Draconilla in mid-flight on one wing. As both came crashing downwards towards the unforgiving, rocky earth below Morr?gan the Stone Troll in a mad dash flew past the three shaky souls in hiding. His knotted wooden club smashed at the earth as he charged into his lair. Full of rage and hatred he flew off of a massive boulder nearby. Going airborne he slammed into the two mighty creatures. As all three hit the rocky ground below Louis yelled out.

  "Let's go! We've got to get to that animal pen, check that cocoon and get out of here while they're fighting. It's our only hope."

  Grabbing Molly's hand Louis pulled at her with all his might, trying to get her to move. Molly froze in place as the epic battle developed in front of her. Molly became as unmovable as a pyramid in Egypt; Tessie gathered her wits about her and her courage. Now seeing Molly transfixed and awestruck, she had no choice; she slapped Molly in the face with all her might.

  "Run Molly...!" screamed out Tessie as she now grabbed Molly's other hand.

  Both pulled at the horrified little girl. Scrambling toward the mighty fight was all they could do. Spydos shot another silky web, hitting Morr?gan in the legs. This sent him plummeting into Draconilla. All three crashed into each other once again, as cries of pain and hatred rang out between them.

  Upon reaching the animal pen and out of harm's way for the moment Louis looked upwards towards the tightly threaded cocoon, about ten feet above his head. He called out "Chug, is that you...? Chug...? Chug...?"

  No answer.

  "Grab this pocket knife Tessie. Molly onto my shoulders then Tessie you climb onto hers, reach up there and cut that thing down" demanded Louis.

  Morr?gan raised his mighty wooden club over his head with a free arm. He sent an almighty warning of things to come as the club narrowly missed its intended target. Draconilla the Vampire Bat lived to see another day as he bit down with a settling of scores on Morr?gan's right leg. The Stone Troll ripped at the attacker with his other off hand. He snapped one of the enormous bat's fangs in half. Raising the serrated, broken tooth high in the air he slashed downwards with another mighty forceful stoke, the shattered tooth drove deep into the chest of Tranantulos the Orbweaver. Blood flowed freely out of her chest as death cries filled the empty void of the cave. The life-light of the fierce creature dulled as her hateful veno
m for the good in the world seeped slowly from her body.

  "Look out below called out Tessie, as the wrapped package, fell softly to the ground. Bouncing off of the soft ground below, then rolling onto its back, a pained grunt was heard from the inside. Two pigs, the goats, the mutton and a small furry animal that none recognized broke free of the wooden pen, flying over a low-lying fence, they were away towards freedom. As Tessie jumped down off of Molly's shoulders Molly tumbled down into Louis's welcoming arms.

  "Now let's cut off those threads and let's see what's in there" said Louis as he reached for the knife.

  Cutting at, around and about the shoulders of the entombed Louis began to surgically remove each thick silky thread. Looking over her shoulder Tessie spoke out, "You better hurry Louis. Morr?gan has the upper edge. Spydos looks mortally wounded and Draconilla has two broken fangs and a ripped wing. We don't have much time, he will turn his wrath and attention towards us soon enough. We are stealing his dinner and he's not going to like that, so we could be on the replacement menu soon enough."

  "I am hurrying Tessie. I don't want to cut too deep into the threads. I cannot make a mistake or I cut into the flesh."

  At the back of the animal pen the soft earth rose up a few feet then scattered outwards, "Hi there wizard, out of magic yet? Or do you need my help?"

  " are back!!"

  "Yes it is I, the thief and burglar, the one and only!"

  "Louis you have met many strange friends here in strange this world. What's next a talking panther?" asked the startled Molly.

  "That's another storied journey you will be on one day. But today is for talking rabbits" chimed in the clever rabbit.

  "I don't have time for you now rabbit. We have to find out what is in this cocoon and then go missing" said Louis as he finally exposed what lay beneath the finely woven sheath.

  Chug was exposed.

  He did not blink.

  His mind was blank.

  "Chug it's you! I found you at last!" cried out Louis as he began to ball tears of joy.

  "Our Chug! You did it Louis! You found him...!" yelled out Tessie.

  "Is he breathing Louis?" asked Molly "can you believe it is really him. We must be away quickly. Look Morr?gan has now beaten down Draconilla. Both of his wings are shattered. He is trying to fly away. We have only moments Louis. What's next?"

  "Are you going to be in need my services to gain your salvation Louis? You don't think you are going to crawl up that spider web hanging from the roof above us with your good as dead friend do you?" asked the know it all wry rabbit.

  "He's breathing. Quick Molly the adder stone that will do it, it cures spider bites. Like it did for me, it will cure our Chug."

  Pulling the adder stone back out of his front pocket he placed it gently on Chug's lap. It began to oscillate off-setting colors of blue, oranges, greens and reds, finally settling into a once and again hypnotic azure blue. The odd colored bright light backscattered about the cave lighting up the foursomes that were hidden in plain view.

  Chug blinked twice then completely opened his soft blue, warm eyes. He licked at his dry lips and tried to speak, but he could not. He was still not clear of the evil venom circulating inside of his veins.

  "This would be a good time to formulate an escape plan Louis. There is a thick-headed, blood-thirsty, moronic ruffian looking right at us Louis and he's trying to lick his dry lips as well" said Molly as she stood up in alarm.

  "Well, are you going to need my help little wizard or not?" asked Digger again.

  "Not now Digger, I'm thinking."

  Tessie grabbed the knife out of Louis's hand. She cut feverously at the rest of the silk thread, finally freeing Chug completely. The adder stone still resonated and glowed, as it began to vibrate and hum as loudly as before.

  "He's getting better, his eyes are clearer, Louis look" called out Molly as Chug smiled widely, showing his large front teeth.

  "Has the game started yet" asked Chug as his mind tried to fathom his reality.

  "Were not in Centerville Chug and you not in a baseball game" said Tessie as she slapped Chug on the face to try and help him gain his senses like Molly just had.

  Chug reached at his stinging face, smiling less.

  "Stop slapping everyone Tessie" said Molly as Louis smiled oddly at all three.

  "What now wizard, bad company is coming in the form of a freight train with hairy legs" added Digger.

  "Let me think! Let me think!!" screamed out Louis.

  Digger shot for his burrow as the hairy-legged stone troll leaped, sprang and bounded for the animal pen and towards his next meal.

  "Louis we are almost out of time...Louis!...Louis!!" screamed out the terrified Molly. Tessie grabbed Molly by the waist as she began to shake uncontrollably, filled with fear.

  "Follow me into my burrow it is the only way out...hurry!" called out Digger as he widened the burrow opening that much more. Chug stood on his feet, still not knowing what to make of his surroundings.

  "Chug quickly run towards the rabbit hole!" shouted out Molly as she grabbed at Tessie and Chug. She frantically began to drag them towards the only way to sure freedom. Louis now seeing the only way out was as Digger commanded reached into his lower front pocket. He groped the inside of the pocket as quickly as a darting tongue from a viper snake. Swiftly grabbing Mr. Beamer's quagga-tail switch he pointed it upwards towards the rocky ceiling above.

  The Great Wizard in training shouted out at the tops of his lungs:

  Widdershins, Widdershins, a Widdershins night

  all the children dance and shout, circle left nine times yes we do

  Quagga-tail switch,

  abide and heed my callings

  Ceiling falling

  your powers I'm calling

  Seal the way shut for now

  qugga-tail switch show me how


  Two strong white lightning bolts shot out from the wooden tip, directly striking a massive boulder hanging dangerously above where Louis was standing. Two deafening thunderbolts echoed throughout the entire length of the cavernous cave, shaking loose rock and debris, raining it down upon the charging beast. Louis stumbled backwards away from danger as Digger reappeared. Jumping as high as he could Digger slammed his two oversized furry feet squarely into Louis's slender chest. The blunt force blow spun Louis into the opening of the rabbit burrow, and away from danger.

  Looking upwards, Morr?gan the Stone Troll of Northumberland, with his last days on earth flashing before his eyes tried to dodge his fate but could not. A massive boulder cracked his thick skull, sending him to his not so clever demise.

  He appeared to be dead before he hit the ground; mind, body, and soul.

  Digger looked rearward before he disappeared into the safety of his burrow. He let it be known Morr?gan's termination and meaning in his own sly and knowledgeable way. He blinked twice, twitched his nose side to side once then a wily and crafty smile crossed his angelic and very adorable face.

  The small rabbit burrow closed shut behind Digger's furry tail, as the last of Digger's feet covered the only way back to salvation for: Hot Tamale Molly, The Little Wizard in Training, the right fielder for the Centerville Giants Chug Martin, and for Tessie Whitman whose dad owes the local Five and Dime store.