Read The Journey to Northumberland and the Rise of the Undertoads Page 24


  A light, gently blowing snowfall greeted the brand new day's awakening. Looking through the breaking dawn's light then upwards, a few lone blue snow geese could be seen soaring southwards riding on the windy updrafts created by the nearby ice covered mountain slopes.

  "Are they flying away from something bad or flying towards something good, or are they just taking pleasure in another day Louis. Or are they really just going nowhere and will be consumed with nothingness inside of this world, inside of their time and space, much like we might be soon?"

  "It's hard to tell Molly. They are a lot like us, are they not? Are we running to something or away from something that is to be seen soon enough, but I know one thing. I don't know how much joy we can find in today or our future days with who we are now?"

  "I think we are running forwards to find the truth of who we are and what we will become when we grow up. What kind of person do we really want to be? I think we are running from what we were, what we had become" said a regretful Molly "we should be disappointed in what we have done to get sent into this world."

  Molly knew the current truth as Louis knew it, Louis was now sure of that.

  "When the time comes I will do the right thing Molly, trust me. My heart is true and good as I know yours is. I have changed, you have as well. I have seen the right way ahead, I am sure of it. Let's work together now. We only have two mighty tasks left ahead of us then we will be able to tell if we are worthy to start our lives anew and return to our families."

  After giving Louis a soft kiss on the lips, a soft melodious, tuneful song was heard echoing down from above.

  "I think that snow goose agrees with us Louis. It's is unanimous then, all things good in this world are on our side this day. Let's take this as a first-rate sign."

  "Thanks for the kiss, I needed that and I think it will be a good day. We are going to find Short Stack today or very soon. I feel it in my bones. Let's arouse the others, eat a little breakfast. That left over soup sounds good, pack up this camp and head out towards Morpeth Falls."

  Louis encouraged the fire to warm the others, as Molly brought the left over soup to a new simmer. A sleepy-eyed Tessie was the first to stir then Chug with a little help from the others. Wiping the sleep out of their eyes, cleaning up a bit, warming by the fire, next a bite to eat, all soon felt much better.

  Wrapping tightly up against the cool of the day, an extra layer of clothes were used by all. Chug had lost most of his fanciful outfit during the confusion of his recent days. He had since mislaid his false beard, and his odd hat. All that Chug mostly wore now was his old trusted blue jeans and a ripped white tee shirt. Molly fit him with an extra shirt, thick jacket and a new floppy cloth hat. Then all were away back on the earthen pathway towards the very base of the broad mountain which stood before them.

  Louis had reviewed the hunter's map again during the morning chores to reconfirm his bearings. Seeing a new way towards their destination, Louis changed the course of the traveling party. Staying away from the main road, the grand fork where Tranantulos's lair was, and the opening to the Morpeth Caves, Louis guided them on a now more circumvent course off most of the main pathways through the Northumbria foothills. Keeping mostly to animal trails, and under the cover of tall overgrowth, large pine trees and rocky outcroppings the traveling party was now more stealthy and covert.

  Not wanting to bring attention to one's self was the best way to stay alive in this dangerous and dodgy wilderness. Being small children and highly mouth-watering to eat by all things larger than them had its disadvantages, and Louis was clever enough to understand this. He was growing in his thoughts and wisdom with each step taken forward, and with each adversary or rival he had to thwart. Getting all home safely was his utmost desire and what drove him.

  The morning snows fell away, like the way snowflakes might drop inside of a glass Christmas snow dome after a good shaking. The skies cleared and the air warmed under the weight of the newly risen moon. Soft blue moonlight surrounded and embraced them inside of its odd and out of the ordinary beauty.

  The hours that passed by were uneventful during the long march around the base of mount Morpeth. Small waterfalls they dodged, a few falling rocks could be heard tumbling down the mountainsides about them now and again, as many felled trees in their way were crossed over or under then lost behind them without another moments thought.

  All were mislaid in their own worlds of study and contemplation about why they were to be found where they were on this day and the immediate days beforehand. Being unmoral, sinful, boastful, bigheaded, unkind, too proud or too vain, and to uncaring of others has a price to pay. The last few days the toll paid had been high and costly.

  Motioning for all to stop by the side of the road, Louis spoke "We have been walking for the better part of six hours we need to rest and gather ourselves again."

  "Good call Louis my feet are killing me. I think I have a rock in one shoe?" said Tessie.

  "Yeah I'm hungry..."

  "You're always hungry Chug" said Louis as he dropped his carry-all, and walking-stick "Chug you are a great fisherman, can you catch us lunch over there in that small lake?"

  "Sure can, got any fishing tackle?"

  "No but we can make some out of the gear we got" said Louis as he and Chug began to rummage through the supplies carried by Tessie, and Molly.

  After a few moments Chug was down by the lake fashioning a fishing pole out of a bamboo cane. Molly lit a small fire by the lake bank and began to boil some water while Tessie went off with Louis to find some wild berries, nuts or wild potatoes to eat.

  Looking about the small lake Louis noticed a small beaver dam at very far end this tripped something interesting in his memory, which sent a strange thought into motion. Needing to see the greater area and his place in it Louis searched out a tree to climb. Spotting an easy way upwards on a particular tree close at hand he began his upward journey, all the while he climbed he looked about for another tree spider that might be in hiding.

  Upon reaching the upper limbs and branches Louis found a place to rest and observe. To his amazement he found that there were dozens upon dozens of lakes nearby spreading out before him for miles upon miles wrapped inside of the foothills, and shallow valleys at the base of the mountain. All lakes and streams ran downwards into larger streams and tributaries, then into one larger river. Next he tapered his vision and sharpening his concentration that much more, he now focused on an even stranger glitch. There was a beaver dam in each and every lake. Not knowing what to think at the time Louis registered the oddity then looked directly ahead where their destination lay. There it was what they had been hoping to find all day, Lake Morpeth, the Morpeth Dam and the northward passageway through the Northumbria Mountains.

  Not being able to contain himself he shouted out, "There it is, Morpeth Falls and the Northumbria passage, dead ahead!"

  Just as Louis called out so did Chug, "Lunch is served!" A large lake trout was in the offing for lunch. Then another, then another, Chug was indeed the fisherman-deluxe. Louis scampered down the tree as Chug caught his limit.

  "It's dead ahead Molly, the lake is only about another hours walk. Let's eat this great lunch caught by Chug, smoke some more of that fish for later, rest a bit and get on our way again.

  "Great job Chug, this should lighten our spirits, good food has a way of doing that."

  "Good hot food..." said Chug as he started to clean the fish on a nearby flat rock.

  "So you saw our destination Louis" asked Tessie as she stirred another batch of cooked herbs and fresh potatoes.

  "Yes it is dead ahead. I could see the largest lake in the area from the top of that tree over there, and at one end of the lake there was a giant dam and below that I could see the road where it passed through a large rocky opening in the mountain. That has to be the passage to the north that was marked on the map. No do
ubt about it" said the eager Louis.

  With the fish now cooking on a spit over the fire, a bit of hot soup and cooked potatoes in all their stomachs, the conversation's and the mood's lifted. Tessie and Molly began to wrestle in the tall grass found next to the lakeside while Chug and Louis looked into the last and most difficult part of cooking, freshly caught lake trout...smoking it. After the largest of the fish was eaten, and the rest smoked, the traveling party took a mid-afternoon nap next to the lake for the better part of an hour.

  The day's moonlight softened as an unpromising thundercloud began to engulf the skies above them. A few light raindrops fell upon Molly's face which immediately woke her. She gently kissed Louis on the cheek to awaken him as well. Both sat up as Tessie and Chug hearing the commotion, as well stirred.

  "Looks like rain are coming, look further to the north to where we have to travel, a large thunderstorm is looming on the horizon" warned Louis as he tightened his jacket around his shoulders and pulled down his cloth cap for comfort.

  "Let's get going then. We have to make good time. It looks like that storm that is brewing over there might be right where we need to be in about an hour" believed Chug as he as well drew his jacket tighter around him to ward off the chill in the air and the alternating rain drops falling about them.

  After stifling the fire, each hurriedly packed each of their personal items, keeping in mind an impending rainstorm was forthcoming. Molly passed out a few heavy cloth dusters to cover their outer-wear which should keep them dry until a safe place could be found to wait out the larger part of the storm.

  The pace was quicker than earlier in the day. Louis was forging the trail out front while his friends tried walking inside of Louis footsteps where the ground was flatter and smoother. The rain diminished from time to time with each passing small cloud burst. Tessie who was in the rear of the pack looked forwards towards her friends when she noticed from time to time one or the other hopped forwards, it was obvious again that the magic inside of the mugwart root was only going to last so long.

  Noticing her own odd behavior with a hop or two, it alarmed her. She tapped Molly on the shoulder then whispered into her ear "Molly it's not lady-like to hop."

  "I know Tessie no one's going to be inviting me to any school dances, unless it's a sock-hop dance. Then I will probably win that one." The two girls chuckled between themselves as Louis continued to forge ahead.

  Following a quick running stream along its bank made for quicker travel, when Louis noticed the water starting to rise. Then abruptly a loud thunderclap rang out above their heads.

  "We have to get back to the main road up ahead and away from this stream, the water is rising. It must be raining on the mountainside or somewhere up ahead of us and the water is just beginning to reach us. We don't want to get caught up in a flash-flood" said Louis as he took Molly by the hand

  "Good idea Louis" said Chug as he took a hold of Tessie's hand. Both followed Louis and Molly away from the stream, up a small grass covered hill and afterward back to the main road.

  "We must be close Louis I can hear the waterfall" said Molly as she smiled at Louis.

  "I hear it as well, she's right" added Tessie.

  Looking forwards around a large tree partially blocking the road, the mammoth Falls of Morpeth and the Morpeth Dam finally came into clear view. Looking upwards Louis tried to determine the size and scope of both.

  "The falls are so high it looks like they are falling out of the sky. Can you believe what we are seeing?"

  "I know Chug. I have never seen anything like it in my life. Look how the colors reflect and change at will. The blue moon's light, the light is refracting and lighting up the entire mountainside" said an astonished Louis.

  "Louis wow...nothing could ever be as beautiful as this. And the sound, it's like a thousand drummers with base kettle drums pounding away at once. It's deafening" said Molly as she covered her ears.

  "That's not just the falls making that noise Molly, sheet-lightning is detonating over our heads as well. Look the rain is coming, the skies are starting to darken more above us, the moon's light is quickly fading" exclaimed Tessie as she pointed further up the mountainside.

  "We've got to get out of the open. The small cloud-bursts we've been running under and in and out of are gathering together, as the storm builds around us. Look there is a small cave to the left there" said Louis as he motioned for everyone to run towards the opening.

  The sky closed down on them as heavy rain began to downpour. Thick water droplets engulfed and pounded their senses as they ran for cover towards the base of the waterfall. Lightning bolts and loud thunderclaps exploded down around them. Loud echoes rang out off of the mountains.

  "We must stay in here until the rainstorm ends, then we can start looking for Short Stack. Does that sound good Molly?"

  "Yes we can't be out in that rain Louis, it too dangerous. Rocks could fall off the mountain or what if there is a major avalanche, who knows, so we better stay put."

  "If you noticed Louis there are many caves here. How are we going to know where Short Stack is? We can't look into every one of them we could be here for days, weeks or even months."

  "Good point Tessie. I will have to think on this. Give me some time. But for now lets' light a fire and warm up and ride out the storm."

  A fire was lit by Louis while the others tried to dry off. Chug offered a few bites of dried lake trout to everyone.

  "It's getting later. We are most likely going to have to spend the night here. So try to make yourselves comfortable. We are drying, the cave is warming up and it looks like we have enough twigs and sticks to keep the fire going throughout the night" said Louis as he took out his books.

  "Are you going to start reading again Louis?" asked Molly

  "Why don't you all get a little rest now, it's getting darker outside and the rain does not look like it's going to let up. I have to read Mr. Beamer's books here to get an idea about how we can find this water serpent Hydrarchos. If we find him, we find Short Stack."

  "Louis can't we just find Short Stack and not stir this creature?" asked Chug.

  "As Tessie just said, there are too many caves here to look inside them all. We are going to have to bring this serpent to us, which is a not too promising thought. He is holding Short Stack, I am sure of it" said Louis as he gave a slight smile towards the others.

  The thought of another creature lurking about the area put an immediate end to the friendly conversation for the night. Louis began his nightly reading again as the others tried to draw comfort from each other. Looking over his shoulder from time to time to check on his friends Louis noticed that Chug was restless inside of his sleep. Not wanting Chug to suffer Louis tapped him on the shoulder to wake him.

  "I noticed your thoughts are bothering you Chug, and that you are not sleeping well. Care to talk?"

  "Sure Louis, let's sit by the cave entrance and watch the rain."

  "Have you come to any conclusions yet about Hydrarchos, any ideas?"

  "Not yet Chug but there is a chapter in this book here look:


  Chapter #5

  Water Serpents

  how to stay on their good side and out of their bellies


  "That Mr. Beamer must really know this world. You don't think he's been here before and that maybe, just maybe...?"

  "Chug I do think that. I've been thinking that since I first started to read this thing."

  "Are you telling me Louis that that old man, that kind wise old man, who looks like a wizard himself, your neighbor wrote this book?"

  "That's exactly what I am saying Chug, then that means he has been here before for sure. Do you think he was sent here as a child once like we are now, and that he wrote his experiences down, and that this book is a manual to be used to get out of this world, by def
eating T?ngarar Spadefoot and his undertoad army for the last time?"

  "Chug this is going to sound crazy, but I think that all kids that are bad are sent here by one way or another. Our pathway here was through that fairy circle but other kids might be pulled down through lakes inside of false or a staged drowning, missing person reports could be because the children are down here and no one can find them, or from when children fall into wells, or from kidnappings, or bad and malcontent Foster care children could be sent here, you name!"

  "This could be going on all over the world, they are sent into this underworld then...?"


  "What about undertoads Louis, what exactly are they?"


  "What do you mean us...?"

  "Chug I mean all these tadpoles throughout this world is future undertoads. T?ngarar Spadefoot has his spies in the upper world, our world and they steal bad children of about our age, then when they get down here a tadpole bites them, they then place their souls into the child with their venom, and then they eventually become an undertoad and join his army. Then one day when he has taken enough souls and has enough converts they are going to rise up and invade our world for real."

  "They are soul-stealing robbers, thieves, pickpockets, muggers, and shoplifters of the worse kind. Why have they not taken our souls yet then?"

  "Chug it's because our transformation is not complete. We've survived by means of using some of Mr. Beamer's magic, the mugwort plant and root. That magic is found in this book. So are the adder stone, and the quagga-tail switch, and a bunch of other magic that I don't understand yet. We've managed to slow the growths and the transformation like Mr. Beamer might have once done, but we are all still hopping and if you've noticed the growths on your legs and arms are starting to grow again."

  "Yes I have noticed."

  "Look at this Chug..."

  "Louis no...put your tongue back in your mouth...!"

  "What happened to me will soon happen to you. My tongue is black and has grown a little in length just a few inches. I dare to say it but it is starting to look like a toad's tongue, like Spadefoot's tongue."

  "Louis we are in deep trouble and so is Centerville, our families and all or our friends."

  "I know..."

  "Wait...I have another question now Louis. What is that page-marker in your book, what's written on there?"

  "I don't know Chug."

  "Let me see that. Where did you get this? The writing is not in English."

  Chug began to look intently at the odd writings on the paper, becoming more interested as Louis told the story about how he found it.

  "Here look closer...look at the writing...can you figure this out? When I landed at the bottom of the fairy circle here is this world I was alone. I looked about the clearing and the fairy circle ring and it was still intact and mirrored exactly like the fairy circle ring up in Centerville at the watering-hole down to the last missing mushroom that we ate. Then I kicked about in the center of the ring and un-earthed a M?jebro Runestone."

  "What's a M?jebro Runestone?"

  "When I first saw the stone I did not know what it was. I dug deeply and exposed the entire stone, then I noticed all the writings on it, but nothing made any since to me. I could not understand the foreign words, most of the writings were in another language but the biggest words and the most profound words were right in the center of the stone, so I wrote them down. Those are the words you're looking at. Then I read in Mr. Beamer's book about a M?jebro Runestone. I found out that this is a memorial stone."

  "What do you mean it is a memorial stone?"

  "This means that when a great warrior dies in battle "is killed intentionally" or "is killed by witchcraft" then they memorialize him in stone, it's a tombstone, but not a common one."

  Looking out into the rain Louis felt like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders. He crossed his legs and arms and lowered his head. Wrapping a cotton scarf up closer to his neck gave him temporary relief from the cold and wet weather. The rain had lightened with only scattered cloudburst here or there still filling the rivers and lakes around Morpeth falls. The worst of the storm was now passing them by.

  "You know Chug I just don't think things could get any worse than they are now. I have been trying to keep an upper stiff lip and all because I did not want Molly and Tessie to worry. They are girls you know and can't handle things like this as we can. I know that sounds bad, and I know that Molly is a real tomboy and can take care of herself most of the time, but sometimes I know girls just like to be taken care of."

  "Yeah...I know what you mean about that Louis. You just said things could not get any worse, but they just did. I have bad news for you."

  "What could be worse than having a wicked water serpent to fight in the morning, eventually I have to fight off a dead land draug then I have to defeat a Toad King and his toad army in a few days?"

  "This news is worse news than all of that combined Louis?"

  "You are not serious are you...?

  "I am dead serious...what could be more serious than that...?"

  "What is it Chug...?"

  "I just deciphered the writings on this paper. It's easy. This is a left-handed crossword."

  "What is that...?

  "It means the words are written from right to left for a left-handed person to read, it's like having dyslexia, you know when you see things backwards. The way we read we always go from left to right. In olden text and some ancient cultures they use to read from the other direction and write that way. So the words we are looking at are not actually the words they are supposed to be, thus a left-handed crossword."




  "Now concentrate and re-read the words backwards Louis, you are left-handed right?"

  "I am Chug...that's right everything in this world goes the opposite direction."




  "NO!...NO...NO...! It can't be true...NO...NO...! I refuse to believe this Chug"

  "This was written on your tombstone Louis by someone or something, they believe you are not going to survive this."

  Here lays Robert Louis Parks

  May he rest in peace

  10 years old

  "This had to be written by T?ngarar Spadefoot. There can be no other answer" said Louis.

  "That may be true but Louis, we might never find out who truly wrote this" said Chug.

  "There is no other answer."

  "What if Mr. Beamer wrote it to scare you Louis? So you see there are others questions that arise by this."

  "Why would Mr. Beamer write this? I don't understand your reasoning Chug."

  "That is why I brought that up so you would have to look at other angles of the problem. Maybe you will find out in the end, maybe you won't if this is to be your tombstone. I just hope it's not true Louis.

  You are my best friend and I could not stand to see anything happen to you. Now from what you said before, the only way you believe for us to get out of this world is by going directly up that wormhole. Just how we got here is how we are leaving. So we are going to see the runestone once more even if you do not want to, that is of course if we live to see the next few days. You know we still have to kill a water serpent, a land draug and that Toad King and his armies. So this is really the least of your problems, that stone. I guess we will get to that, when we get to that then."

  "You are very Smart Chug. Well...I guess there is not much I can do about this stone and the writing's it holds now. It's getting late maybe we should turn in for the night? I don't think there are any creatures out stirring tonight in this rain, and it has been quite so far. I will go stir the fire a bit."

"OK Louis let's turn in."

  "Oh by the way..."

  "What's that Louis...?"

  "Thanks for cheering me up. I was supposed to cheer you up remember, you couldn't sleep. That was supposed to be the purpose of this conversation" said Louis.

  "Well what are good friends for Louis...what are good friends for..." said the positive Chug.