Read The Journey to Northumberland and the Rise of the Undertoads Page 25

  ~Chapter 11~

  Hydrarchos the Water Serpent

  Cranes, snow geese, darts, terns and petrels could be seen in flight high above in the clear, new mornings, new light; sunflowers, water lilies, water trumpets were all in bloom. The previous nights storm had passed by cleansing the only area of Northumberland that had not been affected by the dark magic of Noctuid the Black Witch.

  Heavy snowfalls now covered the Northumbria Mountains. Mount Morpeth glistened in light blues, soft grays, and gentle white hues. The countryside was alive again as were the inhabitants that resided there.

  "It's a great day to slay a water dragon..." said Louis dryly as he ate the last of his breakfast.

  "Louis it's nice to know that you have such confidence in yourself" believed Chug.

  "You two boys always with the jokes and kidding around. I did not get too much sleep worrying about Short Stack missing, and of course we have to face that creature today" said Molly while she began to clean the morning's scant dishes.

  "Don't worry Molly. I've got this one. I've developed a plan."

  "That's exactly what I'm worried about Louis."

  I read a few chapters last night in Mr. Beamer's book. These serpents are not too bad. They are just hungry all the time. So I figured if we could feed him a big meal, he would get full then get sleepy. He's most likely going to sleep in his den, and I figure that's were Short Stack is held captive. So we feed him, follow him back to his den; find Short Stack, free him and then we go misplaced, easy money."

  "That's not a bad idea Louis..."said Tessie.

  "Yeah...I know...that's why I came up with it..."

  "Really Louis...that is a good idea..."said Molly.

  "Louis I think you've got something there. We could all go catch some more fish because that's what water serpents eat, I would think. We could spend all morning fishing, maybe even catch a couple of dozen lake trout and throw them in a big pile. I could start smoking some on a fire. He would smell it then come swimming our way. Everybody hides then Louis and I will follow him back to his lair to find Short Stack."

  "I like that idea Chug. Just think if his belly is full, he sure won't want to eat us even if he saw us. I mean how big can this creature be, maybe ten feet tall or twenty feet tall? I would think maybe twenty fish would do it. That won't take us too long to catch that amount. We could be outta here by mid-day" offered Louis as he now smiled largely at the others inside of his cleverness.

  "This day just got off to a great start. Look at the snow on the mountains, and look at all the beautiful birds flying overhead. It's a great day. And wow just look at the amount of water flowing over the water fall. It looks like it's doubled in volume overnight" said Tessie as she stepped outside into the new days light.

  "You are right Tessie. Look the dam is as full as it can get and the water flowing over the passageway appears to be about twofold the amount as it was the day before" said Chug as he as well exited the small cave.

  As all looked upwards towards Morpeth Falls, the large wooden dam had filled the surrounding lake to the brink with water now over spilling into a nearby rocky crevasse, which sent it cascading down the local foothills at the base of the mountainside.

  "You sure can see where the high-water covers the Morpeth passageway out of and into Northumberland. If this water serpent travels by water, he could guard that passageway very easily with this much water flowing. I wonder if that dam up above, above the falls has a diverter channel or shut-off valve" said Louis as he marveled at the shear amount of water pounding down the falls.

  "It's too high to climb up there Louis, and way too dangerous with all of those slippery rocks so I guess we will never know about that."

  "You are right there Chug. But we might just have to climb up there anyway, so let's not worry about that now. We need to start catching some fish and get this plan in action."

  "Need any help boys?" asked Tessie.

  "Yes why don't you two girls move the fire down to the base of the falls and really get it going. Then when we are ready, Chug will start smoking some fish."

  "Sound good Louis..." said Molly as she and Tessie began to gather sticks and branches below the falls in a dry area.

  After four hours of fishing and well into early afternoon Louis finally felt that they had caught enough fish to fill the belly of the beast.

  "What do you think Chug? Is this enough fish? I sure think so, heck we've got about twenty five lake trout at about a pound a piece that makes twenty five or thirty pounds" stated Louis as went about eyeing their catch.

  "I agree with you Louis, your math is correct. About a pound a piece per fish, twenty pounds for him and we get to eat a pound or two for our hard work..."

  "Of course we eat some, we did not do all this work for nothing..."

  "Then we smoke two or three pounds..."

  "What could go wrong Chug...?"

  "Nothing Louis...what a great plan..." said Chug as he started to gather the fish and move them towards Molly and Tessie who had a mid-sized, yet very hot fire burning in a small dirt clearing at the base of the falls.

  Tessie, Molly, Chug and Louis ate a quick lunch of fresh spit-fired lake trout. Tessie and Molly gathered up all of their supplies then placed them back in hiding inside of their small cave. Chug threw a large handful of wet cedar-wood chips on the fire. The remaining fish began to sizzle and smoke hotter under the added fire. Chug now placed a few large wet cedar branches over the entire fire. The smells of steaming, smoking fish engulfed the clearing and Chug. He began to cough as his eyes watered.

  "Too much smoke Louis...?"

  "No not really. Look the smoke is rising up the water fall towards the top of the dam. That should do it Chug. Now let's high-tail it back into the cave and wait for Hydrarchos.

  Safely hidden and the plan going perfectly, now it was just a matter of waiting believed the two on the ball boys.

  "Louis look at"

  "Where Chug...?"

  "It's...the...the...water dragon..."

  "Where Chug...where are you looking...?"

  "Yeah where Chug, I don't see anything yet...?" asked Molly as she and Tessie craned their heads, looking upwards towards the top of the falls.

  "Climbing down the rocks at the side of the falls..."

  "Now I see it Chug...Molly...Tessie to the left of that large tree there" said Louis as he pointed to the west and upwards "it's a Physignathus Cocincinus."

  "What is that Louis" asked Chug.

  "In Mr. Beamer's book in chapter five, it was right there that's what it's called, that's the scientific name for a water dragon."

  The water dragon was draped in matching colors of the surrounding forest and rocks; burnt red clawed feet with large talons were marked with a spotted pale yellow color. Medium-sized forest green scales covered its body from head to toe which matched the color of the nearby mosses and fauna covering the rocks along the waterfall. There was a long slim triangular head sitting upon elongated, and very muscular, shoulders. The eyes were a piercing green with bright red pupils. His hands were strong and armed. Each finger carried protracted claws that appeared to be very formidable weapons. They were the color of rock grey. His tail was long, thick and just as frightening as the claws at the end of his fingers. This creature oozed cunning and stealth.

  "You're right Chug he's only about twenty feet long" said Louis as he turned towards Chug once again. Both children were wide-eyed and full of energy.

  "Look Louis he's heading for the food" said Chug.

  "You sure he just eats fish Louis and not little children?" asked Molly as she tightly held on to Tessie for security.

  "He's eating it. Man this is going to work Louis" said Chug.

  Gulp after gulp down went the free bounty of lake trout, and with that fish so went the hopes of
all. The pile of fish was quickly eaten.

  "He's almost done Louis, look he looks pretty full and satisfied. His face, his eyes are at half-mast already. He's content."

  "I can see that Chug. Look he's turning and heading back up the water fall..."

  "Louis you can't climb up after him, it's just plain too high. You'll get killed trying" said an alarmed Molly. She knew exactly what Louis was thinking. Looking towards Chug Louis blurted out "Chug we have to follow him, he will take us to Short Stack I just know it, this is a fact."

  "We have no choice Louis..."

  "I know..."

  "Louis I know I can't stop you" said Molly as she looked deeply into Louis's soul "you better come back safe. Bring Chug with you unharmed, and go get Short Stack so we can get out of this strange world already, will ya?"

  "We'll be careful Molly. Just give me my carry-all. I will wrap it around my back, who knows I might need the adder stone, Mr. Beamer's books or the quagga-tail switch."

  "That goes for you two Chug. Be careful and get back here soon" added Tessie as she gave Chug a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

  Swiftly turning to go, they were away. Scampering up the edifice of the waterfalls, they followed the recent path taken by the water serpent. Climbing straight up the shear face of the rocky falls they went without looking downwards so as not to break their concentration or lessen their courage. Being now about three quarters of the way up the rocky face, both young boys began to tire. Chug motioned for them to rest on a large flat wet rock. They watched the water dragon ahead of them easily continue his upwards climb when suddenly both boys heart's just about exploded inside of their chests.

  "Did you see that Chug!!"

  "Do you think I'm blind? What do you mean did I see that?"

  "He's gone and in one bite! Hydrarchos was eaten!"

  "That huge head came out of the falls! It was over thirty foot long just the head. Are you sure that thing that ate our fish was Hydrarchos Louis?"

  " anymore, let's get out of here Chug. DOWN! CLIMB DOWN LET'S GO!!"

  Two colossal frontal fins shot through the water falls; they were over twenty feet long, they were thick with finger-like claws extended at the tips. Turning sideways the water serpent now let his weighty cranium appear into the blue moon's daylight once again. The head was elongated and thick in the middle. The ears at the sides of his head were flattened and slightly inverted. The two massive jaws held yoked-tooth teeth that were double rooted. They were serrated and found to be full of meaning. His glowing eyes were a demon-colored red. A beefy chest and torso now became visible. His body was over a hundred and twenty feet long and forty feet wide. He parted the heavy forceful water at will, diverting it easily off of his broad, well-chiseled back.

  Looking sideway Hydrarchos spotted his next meal.

  "Don't look back Chug! You don't want to see what's coming..."

  "Climb down faster Louis..."

  "I'm trying Chug..."screamed out Louis as he looked rearward and upwards once more at the exposed beast.

  Molly forcefully screamed out at the top of her lungs as Hydrarchos slapped at the water with scorn and disdain.

  "Faster Louis...he's spotted you..."cried out Tessie as she bumbled out of the cave to get a better look upwards.

  Chug faltered on an untrustworthy rock, the smooth surface causing him to lose his footing. Stumbling downward, and awkwardly sideways he was now in deep trouble.

  "Louis help...Louis...I'm...I'm...falling...Louis!"

  Focusing his vision Louis peered into the gushing water, a mid-sized opening in the rock face came into view. As Chug blundered by him Louis reached out a life-saving hand. He clutched Chug by the scruff of his collar with all his might. Kicking off a nearby large boulder Louis propelled Chug into the waterfall, releasing him at just the right moment.

  Chug vanished from view into the depth of the watery opening.

  Hearing Molly scream out, Louis looked upwards once more as the charging behemoth free-fell down the waterfall towards him, his mouth was agape. It was as wide open as a whale's in a feeding frenzy.

  Panic overtook Louis.

  His heart pounded in his ears as his mind raced about lost in confusion. Having no choice Louis dove into the water where Chug had just disappeared. The little wizard went lost and out of harm's way, just barely missing the massive jaws of the fiendish beast as it soared downhill by Louis's feet as they quickly faded away out of view.

  At the base of the grand falls was a hefty circular pond, the great beast smashed into the water below. The force of the explosion sent a tidal wave out in all directions. Tessie had just enough time to pull Molly back into the small cave as the water came crashing down the hillside past them.

  The creature came to an abrupt halt in the center of the pond. Extending his head upwards out of the water Hydrarchos spied about. Molly and Tessie had crawled back into the cave, to the farthest rear wall, each hugging on and covering the wall tighter than three coats of paint. They trembled in fright as thoughts of the great beast ran through their young minds. Molly looked down at her quivering hands.

  "Tessie look I have two webbed fingers..."

  "Gosh Molly, I have three webbed and one is my wedding ring finger."

  "Well I guess you're going to be in need of a pretty large wedding ring if that Chug ever asks you to marry him..."

  "Yeah I guess so Molly. You know that's really not too funny..."

  "Well I sure thought so..." said a shaking Molly.

  "And you're going need all new gloves..."

  "Yeah, I know..."

  Both smiled through their clattering teeth.

  Hydrarchos smacked at the water with his mighty tail as he dove down into the depths of the pond. An underground river guided him away from the base of the waterfall. He took a well-know circular root back into his watery lair at the far end of the upper dam.

  "Chug is you alright?" cried out Louis as he went flying by Chug. Ending up in a wet heap and down a slippery incline Louis came to an unexpected and painful stop.

  "That was graceful" said a sarcastic Chug "and what was it you called that thing...a...a... Physignathus Cocincinus, yeah right... Hydrarchos ugh...? "

  "And you're welcome, for me saving you, and I I messed up again"

  "Oh don't be so serious. Of course I am grateful. You saved me from a pretty terrible fate, thanks."

  "I don't know what kind of creature that was, but he ate all our fish then he got eaten so it serves him right, that little thief, I guess crime does not pay."

  "You got that right. What do we do now Louis?"

  "Molly and Tessie should be OK in that cave down below for awhile. That cave is too small for that creature to reach in there and get them so let's not worry about them for the time being. As for what to do next well we can't go back out the way we came in. What if the real Hydrarchos is still out there? I think we should head down this rocky path and see where it goes. Maybe there is another way out of here."

  "Louis there is paths and caves going all over the place here just look about you."

  "Wow you're right Chug. Let's take the largest one and see where it leads."

  "That sounds good to me Louis. I think we should take any pathway that goes upwards towards the dam and the moonlight."

  After straightening out their wet clothes and taking stock of the situation again, Louis turned to look at Chug. He was fully animated. Louis mirrored his emotions as he took the first few tentative steps down the pathway. The further they traveled into the hollow-cored mountain the more they stumbled into other caves, watery tributaries, small ponds and other rocky pathways.

  "Louis look about you, there are paths going off in all directions. The road we are on is smooth like it has been traveled on for years. Are these animal trails or are they nat
urally occurring?"

  "I am not sure Chug but it is a little frightening knowing that there might be other animals, beasts, or other-world creatures down here walking around with us."

  "Just keep the pace up and let's get out of here as soon as we can" said Chug as he pointed towards a ominous cave off to the left side of a path ahead, "Louis look a huge cave is coming into view, a few hundred yards ahead, over in that direction."

  Heading down the pathway, Louis and Chug stopped dead in their tracks as a loud splash was heard off to the left of where they were heading. Both boys jumped directly backwards and off to the side of the path searching for cover, but none were to be found, it was too late, they were exposed.

  "Well Louis, nice to see you again."

  A blank look crossed Louis's face as he searched his recent memory of the ugly creature that now stood before him. Chug stumbled off of his feet as Louis fought with his tongue.


  "Do you not remember me? It is I Trog the Beaver. You saved my life in the Kingdom of Gwynedd outside of Deganwy Castle a few days ago. I was trapped in a hunter's snare. You released me...remember?"

  "Yes...yes...Trog. Now I remember, I was just so scared at all the commotion, there are so many beasts in this world, everywhere I turn someone or something is trying to eat me. No offense but you is a creature of this world, and you do have formidable fangs. I't you?"

  "Certainly I understand. And I know I am not very appealing to look at with these large fangs hanging off of my face, but they do come in handy. After all I am a beaver you know? And who is your friend?"

  "This is Chug, my best friend. He is the right fielder for the Centerville Giants, and a darned good one."

  "Nice to meet you Chug. I would like to watch you play some time."

  " fangs Trog."

  "Yeah, I know Chug. Just let me do the talking. Now Trog what brings you into this part of Northumberland? I thought you never traveled outside of Gwynedd and that your home was outside of the castle of Deganwy in that lake there where I first met you."

  "This is true. But as you can see there are hundreds of beaver dams here in this part of Northumberland, here around and in Mount Morpeth. T?ngarar Spadefoot has threatened my family and my fellow colony of beavers, and all my friends with death if we do not cooperate with him.

  We have no choice but to help him grow his armies. He forces us to build these dams for him to house his tadpole armies. There have been more and more children that have recently been taken hostage up above, so he needs more tadpoles to hatch to take their souls. Soon all will be full grown toads, trained and armed. He is growing his army and using us to do it for him. It is a terrible mess down here."

  "I am so sorry to hear of that Trog. Is there anything I can do to help you?"

  "No Louis this is beyond you now. This is our fight. But be wary the tide is soon turning. I have called upon all of my fellow countrymen to rise up. I have called our entire colony to a meeting at the far end of this mountain within the hour. That is where I am heading now. I am the King of the Beaver's, this is my land and that nasty Spadefoot's day is at hand, as well as that horrible Spydos, Noctuid the Black Witch and Draconilla the Vampire Bat, Hydrarchos, Morr?gan the Stone Troll, and his other vile foot soldiers. The good creatures of this land are soon to be in revolt.

  All the inhabitants of the Kingdom Gwynedd and the other realms and empires are rising up as well. A war is coming soon. I suggest you leave this mountain as soon as you can Louis and take your friend with you. You will know soon enough what our plans our. Take to the high ground is all I can tell you at this time."

  "Thanks for the advice Trog. We will be leaving as soon as possible. I have to find a friend of mine that is trapped in this mountain then we are on our way to the dark city of Elphame and into Hagby the Black Tower. My destiny takes me to the dark city. Then my salvation and that of my friends is at hand.

  "What madness takes you to that awful place Louis? I do not want to know. That is your fate. I can see it on your face. I wish I could help you but my work is here for now. Maybe in the future when this is over I will be able to spend more time with you, and see Chug play in his game. But for now travel safely and stay off the beaten paths. Oh and again thanks for saving my life from that trap. I do owe you, you know."

  "Don't mind about that now. You seem very busy as I am."

  "We will meet again one day Louis under better circumstances. And remember keep to the high ground, an upwelling is coming Louis. I can say no more."

  And with this said Trog swiftly submerged back into the large black pond from where he had just emerged.

  "Someday Louis you can tell me the story of how you are friends with a Beaver King but for now I suggest we take his advice and move forward quickly, find Short Stack and make a hasty exit out of this dreadful mountain."

  Louis nodded his head in affirmation to the statement by Chug, they were immediately away.

  Turning hastily, the two boys headed a few hundred more yards down the pathway towards the grand cave opening that they has spotted before. Reaching the foot of the opening Chug's mouth just about fell to the ground below him. Looking upwards again, the sheer size of the cave was now fully apparent.

  "This mountain is just about completely hollow Louis. Look all of the paths we've been crossing and all the streams we've seen are feeding into this one vast cave and into that river over there."

  Looking upwards the moon's blue light was now partially visible.

  "A way out Chug, look daylight up there in that hole in the ceiling, but what are those hideous things that are attached to the ceilings?" Louis pointed up towards the highest part of the ceiling.

  "Say it ain't so Louis but those are cocoons. Spydos the Spider must use this cave to store his bounty...his dinner...his lunch...his...his...children...Centerville's children"

  "Don't panic yet Chug; I'll panic for you, there are hundreds of them and some are moving. Some are still alive."

  Now hearing loud voices coming up an earthen path from the other side of the cave Chug quickly grabbed Louis by his shirt. Pulling Louis into a shaded area behind a large boulder, Chug motioned for them both to be quiet.

  "I hear voices...we are not alone again..." whispered a panicky Chug as he held an index finger over his lips.

  Heavy footsteps rumbled the rocky ground below their feet as the collective voices grew in volume. The cadence of thick footsteps marched in time with a military song ringing out in a lower octave.

  "Yaoh, yo...yo...yaoh...yo...yo...huh...huh...huh...yaoh...yaoh...yo...yo..."

  "Yaoh, yo...yo...yaoh...yo...yo...huh...huh...huh...yaoh...yaoh...yo...yo..."

  Over and over the chorus repeated.

  In a low hushed tone Louis spoke into one of Chug's ears, "One of T?ngarar Spadefoot's toad armies. There are hundreds of them and look they are dressed in full military gear."

  "They are readying for war Louis. Look long spears, swords and chain-mail strung across their chests. What is going on?"

  "Look towards the center of the cave, there is a large area of stone benches. This is their central meeting place. They are starting to sit down in rows."

  "They are gathering; this is a dark storm Louis."

  "I can see that Chug. It appears that they believe I am going to be successful in my quest. Look they have a full length doll on that pole. That must be a replica of Elphen the White Queen, the land draug. They are starting to burn it"

  "Oh Louis...we have to get out of here. What if we are discovered? Wait a few of them are hopping in this direction."

  "Just stay here in the shadows. Toads have poor hearing and smell, there eyesight is keen in the dark but they have no reason to believe that there are spies about. We should not be found out...quiet...quiet


  "Listen Louis they croak...they are talking to each other, oh what a horrible sound...look they are so close"

  "The one in front can you see what he's wearing? Are my eyes deceiving me?" asked Louis.

  "Yes I see it as well. He looks like he's..."

  "It's Mickey O'Flattery."

  "Who's that Louis?"

  "Chug it's our Short Stack. He's wearing his Lepricaun, outfit or parts of it, remember when we came through that wormhole? You were a Sleigh Maith Hairy, I was a wizard and Short Stack was a Lepricaun. He still has parts of his outfit on unless this is the new fashion look in this world, there can only be one toad-Lepricaun, and that has to be Short Stack.

  Just as Chug and Louis was about to be discovered the two toads halted unexpectedly, executed a crisp military about-face, then dutifully stood their ground as the military proceedings in the center of the cave continued. Not being able to translate the strange toad croaking or the language Chug and Louis could only watch as the ceremony continued.

  "Chug this could be our only chance to grab Short Stack, and make a clean dash for it. He is only a few feet away. We have to do something" said Louis forcefully as he tried to employ Chug into taking action.

  "But Louis what if he fights us or exposes us? We will be found out and then just think what could happen to us. We will be taken hostage or worse, end up like one of those cocoons on the roof. Or what if Hydrarchos the Water Serpent is still hungry and they turn us over to him for a mid-afternoon snack?"

  "Well we just cannot think of those things right now. I've got an idea."

  "Oh go again...another idea...Louis...?"

  "Chug I know but you have to trust me on this one. You know I always say the "incident was just an accident" but this time it's different. We have no choice, we have to do something. Now listen up. I have some of that mugwart root in my robe here, just a little bit left. Enough I hope. I suggest we grab Short Stack, pull him behind this rock, try to keep him as quiet as possible and force a few bites of it down his throat and rub some over his body. Maybe that will start the process again like it did with us. It should turn the tide enough for him to start reverting back into our old Short Stack. If we get enough time he should recognize us, then we are all away, out of here and back down the pathway to find Molly and Tessie again. Do you have anything better, any ideas?"

  "I hate to say it Louis but I don't. Your idea does sound like a good one, but I know you and this has trouble written all over it...Louis...Louis...just remember a few moments ago, what did you call it, a Physignathus Cocincinus? Yeah...right..."

  "I know Chug goes nothing..."

  Reaching into a deep pocket inside of his pants Louis exposed the last of his magic root and apparently the last of his common sense. Lurching forward with hands and fingers extended Louis pounced upon the unsuspecting toad as Chug flew off of a nearby rock, landing directly upon Short Stack's back where Louis was now holding him firmly in place. Short Stack croaked out a loud alarm as Chug tried to cover his head and mouth.



  The croaking sounds reverberated off of the highest rocks in the ceiling and outwards into the depth of the cave, all conversations ceased as the loud alarm reached the ears of the toad army. Short Stack fell backwards into the center of the pathway. He ripped away at Chug's shirt, tearing it to pieces. Louis hearing another loud croaking sound powerfully rising upwards from Short Stack's throat, he dutifully shoved a handful of spell breaking magic down into the depths of the little toad's throat.

  "Well that takes care of that!" shouted out Louis as he slammed shut Short Stack's jaws.

  "Any other bright ideas!"

  Slapping Short Stack in the face with all his might Louis shouted out, "Short Stack! You're the catcher for the Centerville Giants, get with it man...its Louis and Chug your teammates. We are he to save you!"



  "Grab him Louis, push...push...!"

  As the two boys began to shove Short Stack down the pathway, he tumbled backwards to the ground lost in confusion as his webbed hands and feet began to dissolve into fingers and toes.

  "His hands, his feet, Louis I can't believe it! The magic is working already! Look!!"

  As Chug screamed out a massive splash was heard in the largest of the ponds in the cave.

  "Now look at his head, he is changing back Louis. It's working....Louis...!"


  "Don't look now Chug but we've got real problems....there's Hydrarchos the Water Serpent, he just dropped in again. And he's looking a little thin if you know what I mean...! RUN...RUN...!!"

  Looking toward the rear Chug saw an advancing army of toads, a hungry charging water serpent and Louis's face, that was just about as terrified as young boys face could ever be.

  "It's just an incident Louis, it's an''s!" Chug bumbled in thought and words as sheer terror overcame him.

  Pushing Short Stack down the road the best they could, the three children had a small lead on T?ngarar Spadefoot's toad army as they hopped towards the fleeing boys. Louis slapped at Short Stack again and again trying to get his attention as they kept up the pace. Hydrarchos parted the army with his massive body as he trundled after the boys. Swimming from pond to pond, up streams and down tributary Hydrarchos charged after them where the water would allow him to swim.

  "Got any other ideas Louis, that fat, slimy creature, he's gaining on us!"

  As Louis slapped once more at Short Stack's back, good news finally rang out as Short Stack spoke out, "Louis stop slapping me already."

  Louis wrapped his arms around Short Stack just as tightly as he could, giving him the most loving hug he could muster, "Nice to have you back old friend."

  Stopping in the path for the shortest of moments Chug stared deeply into Short Stacks eyes. He had been converted back to the old Short Stack right down to his fat toes.

  "Well you are back to yourself Short Stack. I can smell your stinky heat balm again, just like old times."

  The little catcher smiled largely as he gave Chug a grand-sized hug in return.

  "I hate to break up this love-feast but we've got a rampaging water serpent after us guys and a toad army!" shouted out Louis as he took off running again back towards the cave opening where they had first entered Mount Morpeth.

  "Were almost there Louis, I can see the waterfall, the opening..." echoed Chug as he flew past Short Stack.

  "I really don't know what's going on guys but is this Louis's fault again Chug?"

  "Not now Short Stack but I am sure you already know the answer to that."

  "Guys come on now, no time for that, quickly down the side of the falls on those rocks over there where we first climbed up."

  As the boys passed out of the falling water and began the long scramble down the rock face of Morpeth Falls the rocks below their feet began to collide, growl and shake violently. Rocks dislodged around them, above and below as the rumblings grew louder and louder. Looking upwards Louis screamed out a wild alarm.

  "The dam Chug look, its Trog the Beaver King and his colony of friends. They are eating through the wooden and stone dam."

  "Remember what Trog said Louis. Take to the high ground. We are climbing in the wrong direction. We should be going up not down. Trog is going to flood the land. The dam is going to be destroyed."

  "And what about Molly and Tessie, they will be drowned!" shouted back Louis toward Chug and Short Stack as they began to climb upwards. Now looking downwards Louis spotted the two girls at the base of Morpeth Falls. Louis called out with all his might for the girls to st
art climbing. Frantically waving his arms he finally got their full attention. They as well now began to climb up the far side of the falls below where Chug and Louis had first climbed.

  Looking downhill Chug called out, "Those girls are like two monkeys in a tree. Look at them climb Louis. They are almost to the first cave opening already."

  Two large boulders slammed together above them, smashing into a hundred pieces as Hydrarchos flew out of the mouth of the small cave opening. Free falling down the waterfall back towards his pond below his angry voice shrilled out at the top of his lungs. He slammed once again into the lower pond, looking upwards he cursed at the children above. Louis looked now back towards Morpeth Falls, Spadefoot's toad army appeared. Molly and Tessie finally caught up to the boys as all climbed upwards just as fast as they could go. Spadefoot's army tried the best they could to hop up the rock faces of the mountain but made little progress. Toads are not natural born climbers like the children were.

  Reaching the upper lip of the large wooden dam Louis spotted Trog who was deep into his work. Hydrarchos was lost from view again. Circumventing the mountain's deep watery passages he now appeared at the top of mountain just as the kids finished their climb up the mountainside. Screaming out in angry words filled with hatred Hydrarchos violently swam towards them cutting off their only last pathway to escape.

  Seeing the calamity about to unfold Louis looked over towards Trog, a thin smile crossing his face as he reached out a lonely hand. Four beavers shot out from the depths of the water, grabbing the kids around the waist. Hydrarchos flew past them, missing his mark as the beavers pulled the children to safety.

  Slamming into the wooden dam at its weakest point, the eaten wood collapsed under his combined massive weight. The base of the dam gave way which sent Hydrarchos cascading down the mountainside along with the great weight of the water. The remarkable dam began to drain behind the vile serpent as he fell to his grand demise. The mountain began to crumple, shake and shimmy above and below, and all about the great beast. Rocks exploded off in all directions as one of T?ngarar Spadefoot's great toad armies got swept away in the confusion along with their general.

  As it became apparent that all were safe, Louis gave Molly a heartfelt hug and sublime kiss, as Tessie did the same for Chug. Short Stack being the ever so comedic and resourceful friend, spoke out as only Short Stack could do...
