Read The Journey to Northumberland and the Rise of the Undertoads Page 26

  ~Chapter 12~

  The Land Draug of Hagby Tower

  Looking outwards and downwards, over and above the vast and wide spread valleys below Morpeth Falls, desolation and devastation was all that could now be witnessed. Trees had been stripped bare and torn from their roots, boulders and rocks had been shattered and cracked into a thousand pieces, roads were missing, where once fauna flora grew along lakes and streambeds teaming with life, now only emptiness and nothingness existed.

  Trying to grasp and follow the meaning all of things of that had recently became known to him Louis began to weep softly as he turned away from his friends.

  "Try not to take this too hard Louis. There is no rhyme or reason to this world, this is not our fight, we are not responsible for all of this destruction and ruin" said Tessie as she tried to console the little wizard.

  "But this is our fault, in part and in whole in so many ways. We were all sent here to this world for our misdeeds in ours. This world is a part of us even if we have never seen it before or been a witness to it. All things living in one way or another are intertwined and juxtaposed to coexist together. It is nature's way. At what point do we try to understand and live the right way, in this world or ours?"

  "You are over-thinking things Louis" added Chug as he looked downwards towards the bottom of Morpeth Falls then over at the empty Morpeth Lake "it are true the obliteration and damage here is mind-boggling in scope and depth. It looks like the world has ended. But Louis these events that brought this into action were set in motion long before we arrived."

  "That is true Chug but I brought this upon Northumberland. I should have done as T?ngarar Spadefoot commanded, I should have just went to the city of Elphame where Elphen the White Queen lives and done as he desired of me. This all would have been averted."

  "But Louis if you would have done that only, you may have never found and rescued us from whatever fate had in store for us. You most likely saved all of our lives."

  "Molly that may be true but we will never know for sure."

  "But it is true Noctuid the Witch was going to eat us, she was boiling a cooking pot when you arrived, remember?" asked Molly.

  "Yes I do Molly, but the point I am trying to make now is that you are all safe you have to stay that way, we cannot take another chance. Look at what can happen in this world. Look at the amount of waste you see as we stand on this mountain right now. As far as the eye can see there is no living thing in sight.

  What of my other friends in this world, what might have happened to them as well? The cascading water might have flowed through Northumberland, Bramble Forest and towards Deganwy Castle. Residing there are all of my new friends: Atamo the Astral Fairy, Glorandal the Porter, Governor Bregon and Mayor Thithor, Broomstick and Dulinnor as well as so many others I met there. And what of the castle residents, what if the rampaging water destroyed the castle. What if my foolishness has caused them harm? I could never live with myself. I have to grow up at some time in my life" explained Louis as he wiped away another tear.

  "What are you suggesting then Louis?" asked Molly as she as well looked about the wasted lands around them.

  "Molly, Tessie, Chug and Short Stack, you all have to head back down the mountainside and make for our entry point into this world at the far end of Kingdom of Gwynedd and Deganwy Castle. I will give you the map to follow, to find your way back easier. There at Deganwy Castle you can find Broomstick the Unicorn and he can take you the rest of the way back to the fairy circle below Centerville. I will mark the spot on the map where I started this quest.

  I will go onto the city of Elphame where Elphen the White Queen lives. I alone must confront her and do what I must. That way T?ngarar Spadefoot will release us from this world, I would have done his biddings and the deal is sealed.

  He might not know that I had found you and released you all from your bondage. I can only hope that is true. Morr?gan the Stone Troll is most likely dead now, Noctuid the Black Witch has been run off deep inside of Bramble Forest, Draconilla the Vampire Bat is most likely dead or missing as well, and we don't know what really happened to Spydos the Arachnide Trarantulas."

  "All those things you say are true Louis but I cannot let you go alone, you will need my help" added Chug as he pleaded with Louis to not go it alone.

  "But wait Chug, the point I am trying to make is that it are possible that his generals and parts of his toad army is scattered. He may not know their fate yet. That is why you must now all travel back to the fairy circle and try for your escape. I will go defeat our last foe, face Spadefoot then join you back in Centerville when I can. If you cannot make it out of the fairy circle without me then wait there, I should be there right behind you in a few days. I just cannot risk you not making it back alive, what would I say to your parents?"

  "But Louis..."

  "No Chug please let me do what I was placed into this world to do, and do it alone..."

  "It will be so very dangerous Louis, how do you kill that which is already dead? The after-walker, the land draug is already deceased Louis. This is nothing to play with. How do you get into the dark tower of Hagby, face her and get out alive? And especially do it alone?"

  "I don't know Molly. I will have to face those things upon my arrival there, but I know for one thing none of you are going with me" stated Louis as a newfound look of determination crossed his face.

  "I am so new to this world and I really don't understand all that has happened Louis and to all of you since you've been here. All I know it that from what I remember, when I awoke here I was an undertoad and part of T?ngarar Spadefoot's army. I can tell you that his army is like a single entity, like a single living thing because these are all of his children their minds are as one, much like that of an ant colony.

  Let me explain, say they have to get across a streambed, they will have a collective mind to build a road with their bodies over that streambed to reach the other side, they are mindless together in thought, all the while knowing that death could await them if they are at the underside of the ant-ladder. It does not matter to them. They live for the betterment of the colony and the stated goal. I was once that mindless ant, I know. And Louis before I forget, thank you for bringing me back into the world of the living and for saving my life, I will never forget you for that single act of kindness even if it did sting a bit with you slapping me every few minutes. Oh and by the way, nice black-eye I forgot to tell you."

  "Short Stack let's not talk about my eye it's a long story. And I am sorry for slapping you but I had to. Moreover you don't have to thank me Short Stack for saving you, you would have done the same for me ten times over I am sure of it "

  "Now Louis moving forward, you can guarantee that Spadefoot knows of the fate of this dam, this part of his army, and the destruction of his breeding grounds here inside of the mountain. He knows that they have been laid to waste by now. I am sure of it" said Short Stack.

  "What you just stated, that even re-enforces my point that much more about Spadefoot that is why I must go forwards into the Dark City of Elphame alone. He could be furious at us for destroying this area of his, and for taking so many of his foot-soldiers to their graves. But even more important than that Short Stack, you and I must sit down before I leave to talk. I have some very important questions for you about Frank Fatbottom Junior."

  "We are all in this together, you will talk in front of all of us, or we all go nowhere Louis" blurted out Molly.

  "Why do you want to talk about him now Louis?" asked Short Stack.

  "Short Stack you have been lost in this world for a week or so, and was at one point a full "Ogbanje" you were already a "child who comes and goes" as soon we all might be again so you do not know what I or Chug, or the others know, and I do not have time to explain all at this time, but I do have questions for you about Frank."

  "As Molly just said we are all in this togeth
er Louis so ask the questions and let the chips fall where they may. We all need to know what you know, or think what is going on here" believed Tessie.

  "Yeah Louis I know we have talked before about this but if you know more, you have to speak up" added Chug.

  "Yeah...Louis...what is going on here?" said Molly.

  "Alright first the questions for Short Stack then I will explain what I know, or believe to be the truth everyone."

  "What do you want to ask me Louis?" asked the bewildered Short Stack.

  "When you saw Frank Fatbottom the day before Walpurgis Night did you get a good look at him?"

  "Yes I did. I was downtown and I saw him right before he busted into Tessie Whitman's dad Five and Dime. I was with Growlin Harry hiding in an alley, we saw him clear as day, he rumbled by looking like he was mad at the world. Why do you ask?"

  "He always wears sweaters and shirts with his name or initials monogrammed, or stitched over his heart right?"

  "That's right. Every time I have seen him, I see his initials or name...and..."

  "Did you see the initials that day...?"

  "Let me search my memory..."


  "Yes Louis, I believe that they were there, why?"

  "No answer just yet. Now you always make fun of how big and fat he is, and how many chins he has don't you, and that is one reason he punched you last year, right?"

  "Why are you bringing that up again Louis? It's so painful to think about. I thought you did not want to talk about black-eyes and especially yours. Back to your question, well...yes I guess I do make fun of him more than I should and that is why he punched me."

  "How many chins does he have Short Stack, this is important?"

  "Louis, it was...six..."

  "Where are you going with this Louis, I don't understand" asked Molly.

  "Let me finish a few more questions and then I will elaborate and explain Molly. So I agree Short Stack he has six chins. I've counted them myself and very recently."

  "Louis what does all this matter?" asked Chug.

  "Chug let me draw this to a close but again Short Stack a few more questions, then we are done. Frank always wears a large pendant on a chain around his neck, right?"

  "I have seen it Louis" said Tessie.

  "Me too..." said Molly.

  "Me as well Louis..." added Short Stack.

  "I thought so, I have seen it too. Now Short Stack you have been to that Foster care home on the outskirts of town haven't you? You know that large black house where Frank stays every year when he comes to visit for spring break, and he has lived there on and off over the years, right?"

  "Yes Louis that is where he stays...what else do you want to know?"

  "What is the name of the Foster House, the name of the road that it is on, and what is the name of the lady that runs it?"

  "I don't understand Louis what does all this have in common?"

  "Please Short Stack humor me, and just answer the questions."

  "Well Louis from what I remember that horrible place is a foster home where broken kids who come from broken families go to live when they have nothing else, that house is all they have left. The lady that runs that home goes by the name of Elphie. All the kids that live there call her Auntie Elphie. She abuses those kids she hits them, and insults them to no end. Now she is a real witch. I have seen her hit those kids Louis on many occasions."

  "My point exactly...she is a real witch, stay with me on this" said Louis.

  "And the name of the road again I even know the address Louis, wait...its. You know I use to go up there all the time and look in the windows for fun to watch her brew those strange concoctions, you know she is a chemist. Oh the address is: 2274 Elpham Road and the name of the home is: Hagby Foster Home for Abused Children."

  "Where is this going Louis?" asked a confused Molly.

  "Yeah Louis enough questions, what is going on in your head?" asked Chug.

  "That's it! I've got it!! Don't you all get it? Short Stack has brought all of my uncertainty, doubts and recent puzzled thoughts to a conclusion."

  "Well what is it Louis, what have you concluded?" asked Short Stack who was just as bamboozled and baffled as the others.

  "Frank Fatbottom Junior is T?ngarar Spadefoot in this world. He was dragged down here with us during the Widdershins dance."

  "It can't be true!" shouted out Tessie.

  "Louis no way" blared out Short Stack.

  "Listen up everyone. Molly stepped into the fairy circle after dancing one more time around the outside than she should have remember, she went ten times not nine. She fell inside then Tessie jumped in after her, she tried to save her. Then Frank appeared shortly after that.

  Frank chased me and Chug into the center of the fairy circle after Molly and Tessie had just about disappeared down into the wormhole. Then we all saw that evil Sleagh Maith Hairy Fairy as he disappeared with the girls. Next we were all fighting with Frank. Short Stack you grabbed onto Frank's leg then bit him as Chug jumped on his back. I used the qugga-tail switch then recanted Mr. Beamer's spell as you three fought. I snapped the switch forward and two white lightning bolts shot out from the tip just as Frank grabbed me one last time. Then the ground opened up, we were all dragged down into the wormhole after the girls, then all went blank, and we all ended up here.

  Now everyone think about that for a minute."

  "It cannot be Louis?" said Molly as she shook her head from side to side.

  "It just can't be" said Tessie.

  "Louis what is this horrible world that has a hold of us all...?" said the frantic Chug.

  "Please listen, I am not finished. Now I am the only one who has seen and spoken to T?ngarar Spadefoot in this world. I had a very strange feeling about him from the moment I saw him crawl out of his slimy, greasy lair in Bramble Forest. For some reason I counted his chins, there were six. Then I looked below and saw a fresh bite mark on one leg, thanks to Short Stack and his sharp teeth. After that I saw out of the corner of my eye as Spadefoot turned away from me once, I saw his pendant and the initials FFJ, it was hanging around his neck. Afterwards I saw at the entrance to Bramble Forest a sign over the entrance, FFJ, the initials were carved in a wooden sign over the roadway. I am telling you Frank Fatbottom Junior is T?ngarar Spadefoot.

  This all some kind of awful experiment and I believe that underhanded Mister Beamer is at the bottom of all of this. How many times Short Stack has you gone to Mr. Beamer to ask for help when someone bigger and taller than you bullies you?"

  "Many times, I've talked to him Louis many, many times. He is always so smart and helps me out to like nobody else has."

  "And you Chug how many times have you gone to him when someone teases you about how tall you are?"

  "Just like Short Stack, I have talked with him too many times to mention about the bullies in the world that taunt me, and make my life hard to live in, it is horrible to be bullied."

  "So you see I am correct about him being in the middle of all of this, he understands like nobody else what it's like to be bullied. He has told me before that he use to get bullied as a child. And more important than that, he is a real wizard. Remember when he disappeared using the qugga-tail switch, that day in his barn, we were all there."

  "I remember Louis" said Molly

  "Me too" said Tessie.

  "Now stay with me on this idea about Mr. Beamer being involved in all this. I think that he started that fairy circle for me. Molly you even asked once about how it got there in the first place that time at the rock quarry, a few days or so before Walpurgis Night. Then I had a long conversation with him up in his attic after that. Then I think he left those two books of his that I have been reading for the last few months out for me on purpose in his attic, he knows that I go up there when he is
not around, and that I play with his potions and read his books. He wanted me to find those two books then lastly, he left his quagga-tail switch inside of my wizard robe the night of the Widdershins dance. He even left a wizard robe that I found in his attic. This is all pre-planned; I'm telling you it's the plain truth. And I have other observations about the land draug, the Ice Queen Elphen."

  "I've had enough Louis. STOP!!"

  "But Molly we have to talk about this to understand it all."

  "Louis we've all had enough of this conversation. We are all in a terrible mess and if Mr. Beamer is responsible or not, or is trying to teach us a lesson about all of our faults is irrelevant at this time. I do believe you are correct in your reasoning Louis, it all sound like it could be possible. We have all been terrible to Frank Fatbottom Junior, we all laughed at him and teased him about his weight like so many other kids in town and school have."

  "By the way his name is not Frank Fatbottom Junior it's Frank Frankle. As we were all fighting in the center of the fairy ring he called out his real name, remember? I think that if we are all to get out of here alive, that better be the first thing we correct about our behavior. Let's try to give him some respect, even if he does not give us any. For now on, in his presence, and even behind his back we all will call him by his real given name, Frank Frankle."

  "I agree Louis" said Molly.

  "I agree Louis" said Tessie.

  "I agree Louis" said Chug.

  "And I agree" said Short Stack as all the kids gave each other a group handshake.

  All now sat down on a large rock found nearby to take in all that was just discussed. It was so very overwhelming in its scope and depth that it kind of took the breath out of each of the exhausted children. They had all been through so much lately.

  Taking a moment to reflect on what Louis had just confessed to him, Chug took a moment to search about the countryside again that was spread out before them as they sat on the top of the shattered dam. Distant thick, blue fogs began to lift off in the near distance to the north. Looking with renewed interest and thinking of Louis having to still travel into the city of Elphame to find the Ice Queen Chug noted a strange sight.

  "My eyes might be betraying me or lying to me, but I believe I see your next destination Louis. Is that not the city of Elphame and the Dark Tower off in the near distance? Look past the wasteland, the broken beaver dams, and lakes below then over to the north at the base of that one mountain. Can you see that large black tower? The fogs have just lifted in that area, and the city is now exposed."

  "Yes I can see it Chug. What an unkind looking place. It is so dreary and sinister looking. Look again the black granite tower has clearly come into view now. That appears to be only about a half of a day's walk, maybe less. I should have no problem reaching that city."

  "The buildings are all black and look abandoned, not a single light burns in any window. No smoke rises from any chimney, and not a single living thing can be seen on that road heading into or out of the city" said Molly as she began to understand the horror that Louis was soon to face.

  "That is a shady looking place Louis, are you sure you have to go there? Can't you just come with us back to Deganwy Castle then back to the fairy circle? We can all find a way out of here together without you having to go to that dead, soulless city."

  "No Chug I have to go. It is my destiny in this world. I knew and felt this from the first day I was dragged down into this world. I knew I would have to face my greatest fears in that city, inside of that tower. It all ends in that tower. I don't know why I feel that but, it is the real truth, something just draws me there."

  "We all have to move forward now, we are exposed on this rock, and it is not safe to be out in the open for this long. Who knows what flying creatures could be lurking about, or what other horrible beasts Spadefoot could unleash upon us. Louis you need to mark the fairy circle on the map and then give it to us. We will be there in no more than three days. You will go to that dark city, face your demons, take care of what you need to do, then come quickly back to us safe and sound will you?" asked Molly.

  Marking the map and handing it to Molly Louis then turned and looked towards his best friend Chug, "Don't worry about me Chug. I can see the pain in your face. I will be fine. Let's split up the rest of the food and supplies. I need to travel very light, speed is of the essence. All I need is a three day's supply of food and a heavy jacket. You all take everything else. Here is the rest of the mugwort root. I know there is so little left. Apply it sparingly, but it should be enough to get you to the fairy circle before the full change happens to you. I will be fine without it. I have had more dosages than all of you have. I applied some before you all even knew about its magic."

  "I know I worry about you Louis but you are the strongest kid I have ever met, even though you are no bigger than Short Stack. Growing up with red hair and freckles has made you the toughest kid in the neighborhood. Just keep up that inner strength and be you, and all should be fine in the end."

  "Thanks Chug. All that ribbing you gave me about my freckles over the years is finally paying off then, is what you're trying to tell me then?"

  Both friends smiled freely.

  After a few moments the supplies were split up, the map was safely tucked away in Molly's pocket and the traveling party and good friends were ready to split ways.

  "This is the hardest thing I have ever done Louis leaving you right now. I know you are smart and resourceful and that all should be well, but what if? What if I never see those beautiful brown eyes again?"

  Louis gave a disarming wink, only for Molly's eyes.

  "I know Molly but don't worry...too...too...much. I will be fine. I am a wildcat on the loose. There is nothing to hamper or hinder me now. I can travel quickly. All I carry is what has been in my pockets the whole time we've been here. I will take the adder stone, those two small books, the qugga-tail switch, a little food and a little water.

  I will be back to you all in three days. I will meet you at the fairy circle by midnight on the third day, and if you've noticed the moon above will be full again on that night. I don't know if that is fate or not, but we entered this world on the night of the full Hare Blue Moon, and will leave on a night of that exact moon. I assure you we will."

  The circle of friends was about to be splintered and broken into two, into who knows what fate may come. Hugs, kisses, handshakes, salutations and acknowledgments were offered and accepted by each.

  "Mickey O'Flattery, Short Stack the Lepricaun Deluxe see you soon. Take care of Molly for me, will ya?"

  "You know I will my little wizard friend. See you in three days" said the short Lepricaun.

  "And my Sleagh Maith Hairy fairy Chug that was a great outfit you had on the night of the Widdershins dance. I will never forget that appearance, what a show knuckle dragger."

  "Thanks Louis, you were quite the wizard, I must admit, man that firecracker powder brought the house down, what a show! See you soon. We will be waiting for you at midnight on the third day."

  "Tessie take care of Chug and sorry for scaring you at the fairy circle. You know how boys can be?"

  "Yeah...I know Louis. You and Chug will never change. Boys will be boys. I will take care of Chug and Molly. You better be there at the fairy circle, or I'll be coming back after you" said the smiling Tessie as she gave Louis a big hug.

  "And lastly Molly, I know I don't have to worry about any foul creature eating you in the next few days. I am sure they would bite off more than they could chew when it comes to you. Heck you might even bite one of them. You take it easy on them, OK?"

  "Yeah I will" said Molly as she made a monster face to the enchantment of the others "and you Louis get your butt back to that fairy circle in one piece, and whatever you do don't let Frank Frankle or T?ngarar Spadefoot, or whatever his name is know that we are heading back to th
e fairy circle to make our escape in three days. I don't want anything to go wrong during the next full moon."

  "Molly I am going to kill the evil, un-dead land draug that is actually dead, and afterwards I will bring her crown back to Spadefoot the Toad King. He can do with it what he wants I have no need for it. Then I will go misplaced. He and I should part in our ways as was first agreed upon. He will release us from the spell of Noctuid the Black Witch and from his own spells that were placed upon us, then we are free. Look for Glorandal the Porter or Atamo the Astral Fairy who both live in Deganwy Castle, one or the other will show you the safest way back through the Kingdom of Gwynedd, and back to the fairy circle. We will be reunited in three days at midnight. See you all then, take care my good friends and be safe.

  All was said.

  All was done.