Read The Journey to Northumberland and the Rise of the Undertoads Page 32


  The new-fangled dawn's fractal and fractured blue light crept into the lodge through a splintered room window. The singular space became awash in soft blue light. Off in the near distance the rhythmic pulse of marching undertoads began to shake the ground underneath the cabin as the all-pervading toad-army's war songs cracked the stillness of the fresh morning.

  As the small windows and doors about the room began to shake, an immediately alarmed Louis shot up from his comfortable bed, "Broomstick the Undertoads!"

  "Ribbett...Ribbett... Ribbett...Ribbett...Ribbett..."


  "Ribbett...Ribbett... Ribbett...Ribbett...Ribbett..."


  "The toad army, they are all bottom dwellers. They are burrowing creatures during the hours of darkness. The daybreak has stirred their sleep and they have once again risen from their nightly mud-dens and are on the march. Hurry Louis they sound as if they are right down the road, just outside of the cabin" cried out Broomstick as he shot for the front door. Quickly gathering up his wizard hat, tying on his pointed shoes, and grabbing what supplies he had readied the night before Louis scrambled towards the open door after his nervous friend.

  "Look Louis they are at the far side of the clearing with Spadefoot still in the lead."

  In the crisp new light of the morning the slow-moving, but steadily hopping, army of undertoads advanced ever closer en route for the enchanted lands of Gwynedd and the mighty castle, right on the heels of the rapidly retreating wizard and unicorn. The further the two withdrew from the massive tightly formed legions of frogs the lesser the volume of their repeating vocalization rang in their ears.

  "We have out run them again Louis that was way too close. We have to stay on the move today and keep our distance from their long reach. We must make it to the castle as soon as we can" said Broomstick as he lessened his hurried trot into a more unfailing pace to save energy.

  "Have faith is us little unicorn, we will make it to the castle today, but keep your eyes to the skies, from what you explained to me yesterday there could be fire breathing dragons patrolling the skies above us. And I will keep my ears and eyes to the ground to listen and search for other depraved and degraded creatures that could arrive on the scene below our feet."

  "This is going to be a long day, is it not my wizard friend?"

  "Yes I believe it is little unicorn."

  Both smiled sparingly at each other with a not particularly too encouraging mutual thought between them. As the hours passed by without incident, and with Broomstick keeping a better steady pace, they made very good time for a change. The forest's muddied and twisted ground began to give way to a clearer and more dead flat area thus making travel even quicker. Not hearing the toad army behind them and not seeing any of the Toad King's flying generals or other armies about brought relief to them equally as a few more hours passed.

  Exiting Bramble Forest and now entering the outlands of the Kingdom of Gwynedd brought a huge relief and a release together. Neither spoke of the defined moment as they passed out of Bramble Forest, it was an understood emotion between them. Traveling now over more familiar peaceable lands, with slow moving rivers, undisturbed glades and dells, and quiet hollows brought known memories to Broomstick. Now longing for the warmth of home more than ever, the ever steadfast pony began to miss his family and friends that much more.

  "We will be home soon Broomstick. I can tell by your more energetic stride that thoughts of home are on your mind, just as they are with me. But for me right now I am so very worried about my Molly and my other friends" said Louis as he gave the little unicorn a loving pat on the back.

  "I miss my little ones and my wife, and I am worried about the impending war that will soon be at my doorstep."

  "Have lasting faith in me my friend, I and you, and everyone else will survive this. I have my "mind's-eye" my "third eye" now fully trained. I have finished all of my readings last night of the two books belonging to Mr. Beamer. My education is complete and was successful, and my resolve to conquer all that is before me will come to a good end result soon. Again carry trust and belief in your heart that my gained knowledge inside of the reading of those two books and my past victories over a few of T?ngarar Spadefoot's wicked generals will help me defeat our enemies when the time comes."

  "I trust that you will do the right thing. That is all any of us should do in times of trouble and worry."

  "I am glad you believe like I believe. You always have to believe in your god giving abilities, and if you don't have those talents and skills to conquer what is before you, then gain them either with life experiences, or through meaningful education in one form or another. With that mind-set you will be successful in all you do. Am I making sense?"

  "Perfect since Louis, you see you are a very wise wizard, and I can see that you have matured beyond your years within the very short time that you have been in this world. I can see the growth within you. I hear it in your wise words."

  "I do enjoy our chats and our time together Broomstick. When this is all over and done with I intend to hone my wizard and fairy tender skills, and hopefully I will be able to come back and visit you often. I would also like to meet your family one day under better circumstances."

  "That would be great Louis plus I one day would like to meet your family, also I hope your father comes back home soon."

  "Thank you Broomstick."

  "No thank you Whiskbroom."

  Both good friends ended the conversation more endeared and bonded to each other by sharing past memories and present feelings and thoughts. Louis now wanted more than ever to make all things right in this outlandish under-universe, especially for his new good friend as well as his family.

  A few more uneventful hours passed by as Louis listened for bottom dweller's underfoot who may be trying to rise up to thwart their forward progress, as Broomstick constantly scanned the blue heavens over them, for Rukh the Firebird and his possible arrival into the great war. Onward looking up the smooth earthen pathway a long sloping road began to open up before them. The way ahead would soon begin to twist and turn with many gentle switchbacks the further they climbed.

  "I know this road well Louis I have been on it many times, on the downside over the crest of this hefty mount is Gwynedd Valley then forward at the far end of the grassy basin is Deganwy Castle. We are more or less home Louis, just another hour's travel. I can nearly feel the warmth of my wives long nose pressing against mine" said Broomstick.

  "And I similar to you can sense the comfort of my home. My mom is waiting at the front porch for my return with a basket full of freshly baked brownies, while Mr. Beamer and Mrs. Beamer are next door standing at the front gate, in their front yard, waving to me as I walk up the road to embrace my mother. And then Muncy my golden retriever comes bounding towards me from the far side of the cornfield with his tail wagging in circles so fast it looks as if he could take to flight. It is all so surreal and wonderful, soon...Broomstick...soon."

  Upwards they climbed for the next hour, sideways through the switchbacks, followed by another incline, a small downward slope, a change of direction, and therefore the summit was reached.

  "Home is a feeling not just a place to hang your hat. Look Louis Deganwy Castle, the place of my birth, it is so beautiful to behold."

  "It is beautiful and so much more. We will be there soon, if the stars stayed aligned for us. Just across the grassy valley, over the moat and into the safety of the castle, less than an hour more."

  "I want you to meet my wife and family. I have three little ones, Louis."

  "I cannot Broomstick, not on this trip. If you don't mind can we enter through a back gate? Help me to hide out, rest my weary bones, and sleep a bit. There will be too much fanfare and activity upon my return. I ha
ve so much on my mind and must stay focused."

  "I can understand your plight and reasoning. There is a small back gate that is less used. I can take you there, I know the gatekeepers and there is a small room off of the guard's chambers. There you can take a hot bath, a home-cooked meal can be delivered to you, and there are two soft beds. While you stay there I can find Governor Bregon and Mayor Thithor to inform them of the whereabouts of the toad army and about your great victories. You can meet my family at another time, but if you do not mind I have to see them as soon as I get you into the castle and get you settled. Also Atamo will want to talk with you."

  "I am glad you understand about trying to keep a low-profile on this matter, and yes go see your family. Take all the time you wish. Send Atamo to me when you like. Now let's make good time, down this last hill, and through that valley."

  Now picking up the pace with renewed interest Broomstick stayed true to his earlier convictions thereby getting Louis into the castle unharmed, and as quickly as possible. The travel down the pathway through the valley was easy to travel on. They passed no castle merchants, working animals or workingmen, no underworld cronies or scouts that they knew of, and no otherworld or out of the ordinary type of dishonest or crooked persons.

  After his familiar face was recognized by the castle guards,

  Broomstick with his valued rider was allowed to pass through the rear gate of the castle un-tethered and un-fettered. The slight wizard was escorted into an undersized outbuilding where a small fire burned inside of a red-brick fireplace at the back of the room.

  In the firebox a pot of vegetable stew simmered over the cooking-fire. The inviting smells of the stew warmed his tired heart and road-weary mind. Louis immediately thought and was glad that is was not a pot of "Louis Stew". Remembering Noctuid's ugliness, Louis painfully recoiled emotionally and physically.

  As the drained traveler unpacked, undressed and unwound the little unicorn dashed off to complete the last of his bound duties before returning to his own abode. After finding and informing the mayor, the governor and Atamo the Astral Fairy about their trials and troubles on their long road away from Hagby Tower and out of Bramble Forest, Broomstick disappeared into the heart of the castle to find the warmth of his beloved home and the love of his wife.

  Louis's appetite surprised him, after eating two large bowls of soul-warming stew; Louis reclined into a long hot bath, then crawled up to sleep on one of the down-filled beds. Only a few hours passed when Louis heard an alarming knock on the door. Only a handful of people knew of Louis's arrival in the castle, knowing the knock sounded urgent Louis jumped quickly from his bed.

  "Rukh the Firebird, open the door Louis!" shouted out a castle guard "Louis the undertoad army!"

  "What of Rukh and the undertoads?" asked the troubled Louis as the front door flew open and Louis appeared into the late afternoon's waning moonlight.

  "Wizard sorry to awake you, my name is Malgath. I am from the elf clan knows as the Marlevaurs, Atamo the Astral Fairy has sent me to fetch you."

  "What is going on? Where is Broomstick, where is Atamo?"

  "It is Rukh the Firebird! He has been observed circling high overhead spitting deathly fire from his throat, he is above Gwynedd Valley and will soon be over the Kingdom of Gwynedd. The skies are partly cloudy now so he could even be over Deganwy Castle as we speak!"

  "Quickly take me to Atamo!" bellowed Louis as he reached for his belongings.

  "There's more wizard! Within the last few minutes T?ngarar Spadefoot's undertoad army with Spadefoot hopping out front has crested Mount Gwynedd, and is now heading down the only road towards the castle. His army numbers in the thousands, they are advancing on the castle with long spears and drawn swords.

  We must get you out of the castle before you are trapped with no way out. Atamo has commanded me to show you the only way under the moat and into Gwynedd Forest that boarders the south side of the castle where Trog the Beaver King lives, you passed through that forest once to reach us. We must get you into the cover of that forest so you will not be seen by the Fire-Bird's searching eyes."

  "What about Broomstick and Atamo? Again where are they?" asked the alarmed Louis as he flew towards the front door, following Malgath's lead towards the hidden passageway out of the castle.

  "I have been instructed by Mayor Thithor to tell you that Broomstick has been ordered to stay here in the castle to tend to his family and their needs, and that Atamo will find you in Gwynedd Forest later tonight or when he can find the time. He has more pressing matters to attend to here at the castle, I am sure you can understand."

  "I understand, lead me to the hidden passageway out of the castle and to safety, quickly."

  "One other thing, here is a small backpack full of supplies; it has enough food and water to get you to your escape point at your fairy circle. Your other friends have almost reached the extraction point. They will be there by midnight on the next day as planned. Orlaith and Eldon the Astral Fairies, the two friends of Atamo spotted them on the road back there earlier this afternoon just before you arrived at the castle gates. They are well and making good progress."

  "Malgath you are a good and faithful elf, and I thank you for the good news about my friends. I am sorry to hear about the siege of your home by the undertoad army. I know that the Toad King's underlings will spot me at some point as I pass into Gwynedd Forest and begin my journey towards my freedom once again.

  Spadefoot is going to understand that I am heading towards my friends and our future meeting place. He will follow me. It is there where I will have to defend myself, my friends, and it is there where the last great battle to save your land and your world will take place. Trust me on this, my mind's-eye has seen the vision. It is a given truth. I will not abandon Broomstick, his family, you or any of the great people of the Kingdom of Gwynedd."

  "I know you won't, your great future battle with the bully Spadefoot has been foretold for over a thousand years. But for now please follow me into this tunnel that leads below the castle walls, underneath the moat and out towards the pathway to your destiny."

  Slinging the little backpack full of supplies across his weary shoulders, on top of his own small carry-all, and over his wizard robe Louis and Malgath passed through a thick wrought-iron gate, onto a dry narrow rocky pathway lit by torchlight, then down a long slim hallway that stretched the full length of the castle and grounds, then onwards towards a south hidden gate.

  Upon reaching the small outlet gate, Louis turned backwards to face the devoted and loyal little elf.

  "Wish me luck. At midnight on the night after next your full moon rises once again, Walpurgis Night will be upon us once more. There will be an epic battle of wills then the Widdershins Dance will begin yet again. There will be dancing and singing. Your queen will arise again and all things will be as they were before T?ngarar Spadefoot the Toad King took rule of this world. Have trust and faith."

  "Good luck wizard. I have trust and carry faith in my heart that you will succeed. I will look upwards at the midnight hour on the second night, to look for evidence of your victory. I will help you celebrate your grand victory and ours on that special night. Godspeed to you" said Malgath the castle Gate Keeper from the Marlevaur Clan.

  As the small iron-gate silently closed behind Louis, he promptly passed out of view and back into Gwynedd Forest from wench he passed through only a week before. As the blue moon slowly slunk back into hiding for the evening behind the Morpeth Mountains, the nightly thick blue fogs began to form and spread about the forest floor. All good living things began their nightly slumber as the creatures of the night crawled, crept and slithered unceremoniously out of their daily hiding places.

  With criminals and beasts on the loose Louis kept off of the well-worn and beaten footpaths of the animals, brutes, and fiends that crisscrossed the forest throughout the night, instead he chose the cover of the low
er forest canopy, and low down hanging branches of the smaller trees. Stealth and secrecy was his, he traveled alone and trekked forward with little weight to slow his movements. Having to get to the other side of the narrow forest yet long forest within a night and a half meant he would have to travel well into this night and into the next morning.

  Without Broomstick the Unicorn to carry him on the last leg of his lingering journey, the travel would be slower and more difficult. He had time to make up. Louis had just believed upon entering Deganwy Castle that he had time to sleep and rest before the next full moon would rise. Time was now of the essence more than ever, what if he had miscalculated his travel time and missed his only chance for him and his friends to climb back through the wormhole and back home?

  The thick blue fogs that Louis passed through, around and under, alone and en route back to his fairy circle were cold, chilling, and draining on the spirit. He ate little, drank little water and stopping to rest even for a split second was not a luxury Louis could afford. He forged ahead clearly under a great strain to finish what he understood he had unmistakably started years before.

  As the hours passed by, he heard creatures and beast cries of pain, thought he heard Father-Death take another life, then an additional corrupted, despoiled soul during the night. He also believed he saw inside of the fogs monstrous shadowy figures with large fangs, shadowing his every movement the deeper into the forest where he passed through.

  Eventually the pressures of the night, his travels and his future tasks wore him down; his body began to falter along with his judgment. Well into the heart of the night and far away from this night's bewitching hour Louis collapsed down upon himself, he stumbled to the ground as he tried to cross a large deep trench. Upon plummeting onto the ground he tried the best he could to pull his clothes upwards closer to his shivering body. He gathered some dried mosses and leaves that were within reach, and then allowed his worn out body to cease any more un-needed movement. He welcomed sleep without shilly-shallying; he had not a choice in the matter. He was exposed to the elements and the inborn dangers that lie within, but he was not utterly alone.

  Trog the King of the Beavers had been mirroring Louis's footsteps and pace ever since the moment he entered back into Gwynedd Forest and back into Trog's domain. And with Atamo the Astral Fairy now hovering close by with an ever watchful-eye focused upon the little sleeping wizard, the little wizard would surely live to see the morning's new light and his fairy circle once again.