Read The Journey to Northumberland and the Rise of the Undertoads Page 33

~Chapter 14~

  Back to the Fairy Circle

  Sleeping like a vampire in a coffin, the partially dead-to-the-world Louis slowly opened one sleepy eye, then a different one. After feeling himself for a heartbeat, the non-dead Louis stirred the forest leaves and mosses away from, and off of his almost lifeless body.

  After climbing back, up and out of the soggy trench that was his uncomfortable bed for the night, Louis approached a slow moving, clear stream that was lined along the shore with low-lying green grasses and tall wild posies. Not a single Spadefoot tadpole was in sight, which pleased and surprised Louis.

  The heavy fogs and dense cloudy skies of the dreary night before had lifted and scattered back into the emptiness from which they formed. This morning's clear blue skies above helped radiate the heat from the blue moon upon Louis's slender shoulders bringing with it a natural warmth down into his soul and upon his body.

  While lifting the small water satchel back up to his lips for another drink of water, a mild pain was felt upon the rear of his neck, without delay Louis spun about like a wooden top spinning about on a counter top. Louis spun in reverse towards the friendly voice then looked aloft, "I have good fortune already on this day, and the day is still so young. Dulinnor the Companion Bird and Atamo the Astral Fairy, with you both here, two friends have never been more welcome. But it still hurts every time you bite me Atamo, but I guess that is why I love you. You always hurt the ones you love never rang more true with you."

  "Morning's morning's delight...with days too short...this night too delight is found this night...fairy tender not wizard will win the fight."

  "I can still never understand what you say. Slow down and repeat that please."

  "No kindness to books to read...all is done...all is strong and steady."

  "Wait Atamo again you are going to fast...let me think already..." said Louis with some exasperation showing in his words, as Dulinnor began to fly about in circles above Louis's head. "I have to know what you are saying, are you talking about tonight at the fairy circle, what am I to do?"

  "Remembered once...nary be the fairy of lighthearted thoughts...winks...blinks...flickers and flashes and twinkles. A wizard we must trust, a fairy tender not...worked only with trust, now again trust is a must...nary a wizard on this night, a fairy tender will work just right..."

  "Don't go Atamo, what are you trying to tell me? A wizard we must trust, a fairy tender not...worked only with trust, now again trust is a must...nary a wizard on this night, a fairy tender will work just!"

  Hovering now in flight to the height of a common forest troll Atamo leaned to the side of Dulinnor's back then glanced downward. He spoke one last time to Louis before greater forces called him back towards Deganwy Castle, "Come calling I will...when the night is pleasantly still...when the full yellow sun rises, all will be full with surprises..."

  "Noooo...noooo...don't go yet...Atamo...Atamo..."Louis's voice trailed off as Dulinnor with Atamo the Astral firmly in control were finally and completely lost from sight, as they crested the top of a large nearby willow tree.

  Showing a troubled mind Louis began to mumble then mutter to himself, "Not I have another riddle to mull over and make sense of, why does he do this to me?"

  After eating a light breakfast and drinking deeply from his satchel of water Louis headed back to where the road wound away from Deganwy Castle, still staying out of sight, he continued his trek through Gwynedd Forest. With so much on his mind after his recent encounter with Atamo, Louis now had other thoughts on his mind as well.

  A northern vernal equinox was expected to race across the celestial equator at midnight. During the slight nutation of the earth that was expected on this night, on the precession of the equinoxes, this was considered to be a minor occurrence, but not to Louis. Only on this night, at an exact time, and only at this one time under the tropical zodiac of Aries were the stars to align perfectly. It was written in Mr. Beamer's books, there could be no change. Everyone had to be in their exact places during Walpurgis Night and during the Widdershins dance just as before.

  Early morning turned to mid-morning, afterward to early-afternoon, after that to mid-afternoon, at another time into late-afternoon, followed by early-evening, then therefore into mid-evening, next into nighttime. Louis barely rested or lessened his torrid pace, throughout the entire day and into the hours of darkness.

  Neither wicked living thing, creature, nor malicious or criminal beast approached Louis during his long day's journey into nightfall, into his hopefully last night in Northumberland. A few unknown flying individuals could be seen and heard screeching out high overhead, and a few subterraneous creatures could be heard digging and sensed deep underfoot but nothing truly approached or impinged on his walk towards his desired freedom.

  Now knowing that the fairy circle was only a few more footfalls away, and up and over a now approaching hill, then back into the grassy clearing again, Louis began to run as fast as he could. Shouting out at the top of his lungs, and be dammed with who heard him, he hollered loudly for his friends to hear.

  "Molly! Chug! Tessie! Short Stack!...I am's your Louis, it is Louis the Red, the Famed Fairy Circle Tender! The Great Wizard! I have arrived!!

  "Louis, my Louis...Louie is it you?" roared out Molly as Louis's wonderful voice filled her ears then overflowed them. She bolted towards the heartfelt calls, heading unbending towards the top of the nearby hill as Louis crested the other side of the rounded peak. Falling into each other's arms with wild abandon that only two young lovers could have, Louis hung tightly, all the while thinking that he would never let go of his beloved Molly.

  Both went lost as they tumbled about the hillside misplaced inside the warmth of each other's emotional and emotive embrace. Rolling about the grassy hill inside of each other's caring arms Chug, Tessie and Short Stack playfully joined in the joyful reunion as only truly good friends could. Short Stack bounded upon Louis's shoulders as the others piled on. Arms and legs were flailing about entwined and entangled, kisses abounded, while handshakes back pats and hugs were unceasing and very necessary.

  "Louis the Red, Louis the Great Wizard, you've made it back alive! Do you still have all of your teeth, arms, legs and fingers?" asked Chug in a sly and so matter-of-factly way as he offered Louis another strong squeeze around his chest.

  "I have not counted all the digits in a while, some may even still be webbed, can you help me count them all?" retorted Louis accompanied by another grand embrace of his best friend.

  "You might even be able to out hop me in the three legged race this year at the county fair Louis" quipped Short Stack as he began to hop about the hillside lost in gladness at the sight of his friend's return.

  "Ribbett...Ribbet...Ribbet..." went Tessie as she began to joyfully hop alongside Short Stack. All began to now hop deliriously about the place mimicking a Spadefoot Undertoad. Now all falling back to the soft ground in unison the conversation turned more serious as each realized the importance of the little wizards return at just the right time.

  "We are all so happy you returned to us Louis, and just in the nick of time" said Chug.

  "Yeah and right on time, you must have run the whole way" stated Tessie.

  "No Broomstick the Unicorn helped me, he carried me out of the Northumbria Mountains, Bramble Forest then onto Deganwy Castle" said Louis as he now sat up, and addressed the others with a humorless look on his face.

  "What happened in Elphame City at Hagby Tower? And what has become of Elphen the White Queen? Is she...dead...Louis?" asked Short Stack in a slightly faltering voice.

  "I vanquished her, she is not dead there is a difference. I was successful in my quest. It was just awful. There was this horrible hob named Hobthrust, he was such a disdainful beast, he was all hairy and he wanted to eat me."

p; "And what about her Louis what was she like, the after-walker, was she truly already dead?"

  "Yes Molly she was absolutely dead. She was a Necromancer. I used the adder stone to see the real truth, and her true beauty was revealed to me. She was not beautiful at all. She first appeared to me as the most beauteous woman who ever graced the face of the earth. She was draped in all white linens, wore a jewel encrusted golden crown and was covered in rare stones. She floated above the grounds of her ice palace like an archangel might in flight. Then her horrible, shriveled black heart finally showed its valid self. She was consumed with hate and it destroyed her in the end. I have been through so much, and there is so much more to tell" explained Louis as he gave Molly another soft kiss on the cheek.

  "And what about Spadefoot and his undertoad armies?" asked Tessie.

  "I am sure as you passed out of Bramble Forest, back through the Kingdom of Gwynedd and into Deganwy Castle that you heard all of the most current news of Spadefoot and his army. I returned back to his slimy lair and confronted him. I gave him the White Queens scared crown, the crown of ?thelfrith of Northumbria. Spadefoot took it then revealed his true immoral and dishonest intentions.

  He is a criminal and a liar. He will not release us willingly. He is now trying to thwart our escape back to Centerville. He is after us as we speak and could be right over that hill that I just crossed for all I know. I did hear movement under the ground from time to time and saw odd creatures flying overhead in the last two days, so I am sure he knows that I am here now."

  "Then we are in trouble again?" asked a frightened Tessie.

  "We have been in trouble since the day we arrived here" said Molly

  "I agree we have" added Chug.

  "Yes we are, still in trouble and trouble usually travels in packs, so let's pack it up and head for the fairy circle. The bewitching hour is almost upon us again. Look to the skies above everyone, the vernal equinox of Aries, the northward equinox has already begun. The notation of the planet and the precession of the equinoxes has been set in motion. The full moon will be at its apex again like it was that night in Centerville, what seems so many nights ago. We all have to step right back into place, and take our places rightfully around the fairy circle.

  The Widdershins dance will soon begin again!

  Walpurgis Night is here!"

  "Looking towards the northern star and the alignment of the stars and moon, I am guessing that it is about eleven thirty Louis" said Chug.

  "I agree Chug. My pocket watch has not worked since I've been here so I can only guess along with you. Let's get moving and get ready" said Louis as he motioned for all to head down the hill and for them to get back in front of the fairy circle.

  No one spoke another word as they quickly sprinted back down the hill as fast as they could go. Upon reaching the broad fairy circle, Louis the Fairy Circle Tender surveyed his creation once again.

  "Let's see the mycena galericulata or common bonnet mushrooms are all just where there were before. The toque mycena or the rosy-gill fairy helmet mushrooms are in place. The two picked and once bitten mushrooms by us before have all re-grown. And I dare to look but the M?jebro Runestone is right where I saw it before. I believe all is just as it should be. The fairy circle seems to be workable and in perfect condition. Does anyone see something amiss that I do not? Does anything appear out of place?" asked Louis as he walked around the fairy circle, trying to survey its entirety for anything and whatever thing that might have gone astray.

  "Have any of you noticed that there is not a single sound of anything else but the sounds of our own voices in the air? There is no wind, no movement of the grasses, no night bird songs, no insect chirps, no sounds of water running, or even a rustle in the leaves of the trees that surround this place. The world appears to be in a state of total motionlessness and calm. Do you all feel it? It's like the planet is waiting for something, for anything to happen" queried Molly as she looked towards the ground out in the near distance.

  No sooner did Molly complete her sharp observations than the ground began to shimmy and shake below their feet, slightly at first then with more volume and force.

  "Look to the crest of the hill over there Louis, we have unwanted company" said Chug as he pointed towards the spectacle unfolding before them.

  "My god Louis they have arrived, they have found us out" said an uncertain Tessie as all she was witnessing unwound before her.

  Turning slowly about and looking backwards towards the dirt road from which he just followed to the fairy circle, then allowing his eyes to scan the whole of the area, Louis looked from north to south, then to east and west, as far as the eye could see, all he saw, were undertoads. Long spears, swords, shields and helmets decorated the broad and thick ranks. Muddied, slimy and menacing looking, they now stood in stillness and with resolve. None flinched as T?ngarar Spadefoot the King of the Undertoads parted the lines from the rear. Currently standing apart and alone from his kindred spirits the Toad King broadened his stance and strengthened his boldness. He chuckled under his breadth at the perceived weakness of his foes.

  Mumbling and murmuring to himself once again, Louis looked a little confused as he tried to remember Atamo's last words to him, "A wizard we must trust, a fairy tender not...worked only with trust, now again trust is a must...nary a wizard on this night, a fairy tender will work just right.

  "What are you so tongue-tied about Louis, think of something fast! That toad army is beginning to march down that hillside and what or who is that giant toad hopping out front?" shouted out Short Stack.

  Louis shot back, "That's Frank Frankle I think, and he's turned into giant toad, he's now T?ngarar Spadefoot the Toad King...oh...I oh man...were in trouble!"

  "You're darned right were in trouble Louis. Louis so that's what Frank Frankle is now, maybe he should have stopped bullying us kids a long time ago, serves him right!!" shouted out Chug as he tried to reason out all that he was seeing.

  "Louis are this an "accident or just an incident", which is it this time? This is your fault. Stop playing with mushrooms and wizard books...and...and..." called out the alarmed Short Stack above Chug's shouts.





  "I don't care if that's Frank or not, we've got real problems now. We cannot be a part of this war any longer. The fairy circle is ready, time is of the essence. Look to the Aries moon it sits still now at its apex, the earth is quiet and we are all where we should be, standing before the fairy circle."

  Louis pulled off his extra supplies and carry-all. Standing in his wizard robe, wizard hat and with his pointed wizard shoes still covering his feet, he reached down into a rear pocket of his robe. He produced the qugga-tail switch then began to bark out orders that were not to be forgotten.

  "It's Walpurgis Night, it's upon us! The Widdershins dance! The Widdershines dance! Molly as beforehand dance nine times around the fairy circle but clockwise this time. Everything in this world runs backwards, before in Centerville you went counter-clockwise. Count out the circles, then Tessie you jump in when I tell you, everybody sing loudly now...

  He wha tills the fairies' green

  Nae luck again shall hae:

  And he who spills the fairies' ring

  Nae we all dance and sing

  Betide him want and wae.

  For weirdless days and weary nights

  Are his till his deein' day.

  Nae we all dance and sing

  But he who gaes by the fairy ring,

  Nae dule nor pine shall see,

  And he who cleans the fairy ring

  An easy death shall dee.

  Nae we all dance and sing

>   Nae we all dance and sing

  "Your fanciful songs will not help you LITTLE BOY! Listen up all of you hopeful youths, you will not be leaving this world in the same form that you entered it if I have anything to do with it!" bawled out Spadefoot as his undertoad army marched in time behind him while he bore down upon the terrified kids.





  "Louis look upwards!!" screamed out a horrified Chug.

  Rukh the Firebird shot forth a massive molten stream of exploding flames from deep within his throat outwards, then high into infinity as he craftily swooped down upon the clearing. Undertoads scattered and dispersed under his feet upon his arrival. Two more expansive burst of fire detonated noticeable across the land as Rukh the Terrible gracefully touched down upon the top of the nearby earthen mound. He flapped his expansive wings in a great show of force as Louis kept screaming for everyone to keep singing. Another mighty display of flames ignited out of his throat upwards into the cool evening air.

  "Never mind him we are almost out of this you mean it!"

  Mysterious and magical blue fogs began to encircle the fairy circle, the Fairy Circle Tender and his friends as everyone continued to sing loudly.

  "It's working Louis, look the fogs are returning..."

  "I know I can see Short Stack, keep singing..." shouted out Louis.

  "Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine..."

  "Molly jump into the circle!"

  "This better work Louis, I am trusting in you" bawled out Molly as she jumped over the circle of mushrooms.

  "What a fruitless and futile display of cowardly actions. You can't leave this world without defeating me and my army first, don't you know that by now wizard?"

  Really believing in Louis the Fairy Circle Tender for the first time in her life Molly took a true "Leap of Faith".

  Nothing happened.

  "She's still here Louis. It did not work..." shouted out Tessie as she stopped dancing and singing long enough to slap Louis on the back.

  "At least I'm not getting slapped for a change" cleverly quipped the ex-undertoad Short Stack.

  "That's not funny Short Stack..." said Louis.

  "I thought so..."

  "Not now you two. What's next Louis the Red, Louis the Wizard...Louis you have any answers yet?" asked the exasperated Molly.

  Spadefoot with his army close behind him reached the outskirts of the fairy circle. Now standing only a few yards behind the frantic, singing and dancing, and horrified little children.

  He coyly spoke out again.

  "Remind these little fools what kind of real powers I wield in this world. Behold my might...Rukh can you?!"

  Rukh the Firebird measured out another throat full of scorn and disdain, he let loose an additional blast of molten flames from deep within his throat; T?ngarar Spadefoot accurately made his point.

  Molly screamed out in horror, while Tessie tried to comfort her. Chug with Short Stack stopped dancing and singing as the screams continued to ring out from Molly.

  "You're very good at scaring little children, why don't you trying picking on me? I am a little older and a little wiser Mr. Spadefoot. And my teeth are a little sharper than theirs?" said the peeved and very determined Trog the Beaver King as he stepped through the lingering fogs that encircled the fairy circle.

  T?ngarar Spadefoot stumbled backwards at the sight of the vicious Beaver King as he smiled menacingly at his hated enemy and foe. After regaining his composure Spadefoot began to wrangle with his opponent as Tessie, Molly, Chug and Short Stack stepped behind Trog for protection.

  "A king without an army of true followers is nothing to be afraid of. Although your fangs may be sharp and powerful, the power of my words as they fill my undertoad army's ears, will bring forth the nasty bite of their sharp spears and swords, this can overcome the power of your lone mighty bite.

  "I hear your words, your threats and they ring hollow. I liked it especially when you meant to terrify these little children. What did you say, "Remind these little fools what kind of real powers I wield in this world, behold my might...Rukh can you?" Pathetic...didn't your mother ever tell you not to bully others?

  I guess not.

  The trouble with being a bully is that one day you will meet someone who will be bigger, and stronger, meaner, or nastier than you. Or he will be a future little criminal and not care what happens to you, or even him, so when that day comes, it will be your day or reckoning and truth. Well this day has come, and you have met someone who can rival your nastiness and hate. Well behold the mighty powers that I wield, meet my cousin and his friends, Trogontherium my cousin can you?" asked Trog the Beaver King as he exposed his mighty fangs for the undertoad army to behold.

  "My name is General Trogontherium, behold my army..."

  Now stepping through the chunky and broad fogs into the clearing behind Trog the Beaver King and General Trogontherium were thousands of beavers. The beaver army rivaled that of T?ngarar Spadefoot's undertoad army.

  "Now what was it that you just said? Something like, "Your toad armies sharp spears and swords, this can overcome the power of my lone mighty bite."

  "STOP, there will be no war! There will be too many unneeded deaths and woe. This is between King Spadefoot, if that is who you really are, and me. As it was before above in Centerville is what it is now below in this world, so shall it be. None of you are really a part of this, I truly believe that this is my fight!!" exclaimed Louis as he stepped forward in between Trog the Beaver King and T?ngarar Spadefoot the King of the Undertoads.

  "No Louis my friend let me take care of this felon and lawbreaker."

  "Louis what are you doing?"

  "Not now Molly...please...!"

  "Louis...what are you getting into again, an "accident or incident"?"

  "Not, now Chug..."

  "Let the boy continue to talk..." said the amused Spadefoot.

  "Everyone and especially you Trog listen to me. Now Trog you have to trust me on this. I have the courage now to take on this "King of all Bullies". And that is exactly what you are. You are a low-down miserable excuse for a person.

  Take that, the truth hurts the heart don't it that is if you have a heart?

  Just because you are bigger, and stronger, and meaner than everyone you meet or know does not give you the right to threaten everyone or beat up everyone.

  You throw your depressed and dismal life in our faces, and we are tired of it. You overeat daily, you eat yourself into this size on purpose, and when we can only have so much sympathy for you for so long about your weight problems, then you turn on everyone and blame it all on us. You make the decisions about what you eat everyday not us. This is your own entire fault. Again when are you going to take responsibility for who you are and what you do?


  Yes we did make fun of you; most of us kids have at some time or another, which we should not have. Some of that teasing is just part of being a kid, again it was wrong and it will stop, but terrorize everyone in your path.

  Does this make you feel better, or make you a better person, or endear you to us?


  Do you make more friends with your actions?


  Are you a happy person?


  So what do you get out of your behavior in the end?


  It only makes you more miserable in the ending and a worse person for it. This is just an endless cycle for you, and you don't know how to get out of it. Well I am a real wizard and I now offer you the
real magic to cure and transform you into what you really what to be. I am a real wizard so believe in my magic and it will set you free. Then I will become a real Fairy Circle Tender and take us all home.

  Atamo the Astral Fairy has given me the wisdom and shown me the way to the truth that will set us all free and this will save your world and mine. He told me that on this night and at this time for me to do this, "A wizard we must trust, a fairy tender not...worked only with trust, now again trust is a must...nary a wizard on this night, a fairy tender will work just right." He is the true voice of reason in this land, and I am ringing his words into all of your ears. All of you trust in me and all will be over and done with. Well?"

  Molly looked at Tessie, as Tessie looked at Chug, while Chug looked at Short Stack; all then looked in amazement at Louis.

  Whispering amongst each other, all of Louis's friends could not believe that little Louis had acquired such bravado and wisdom.

  "You speak gibberish, you little fool" said the ever annoyed T?ngarar Spadefoot "but I can humor you until I decide to end your life."

  "That is just the opening that I need and that should give me enough time to set things right" said Louis under his breath as he took the stance of a Fairy Circle Tender once more.

  Spadefoot chuckled aloud.

  "Do not trust him Louis. Let me end his vile and wicked rule of this world. My army can defeat his. I beg of you wizard."

  "No Trog. Give me this one chance then you can do what you must if I fail. But please give me my time to either fail or succeed on my own. I've gotten everyone into this mess and I am going to get them out of it" said an heated Louis as he turned to face Spadefoot once again "and are all of you, my friends are you in on this with me?"

  "Yes Louis..."

  "Yes we are Louis...yes..."

  "OK, what do you got Louis...?"

  "Go ahead Little Wizard, Little Fairy Circle Tender, what do you have? Show us you're mighty magic" stated Spadefoot as he motioned for his army to close ranks and prepare for a fight.

  Looking about the thousands of participants that were about to go into this unholy war, looking over at the undertoads, then at the beaver ranks, Louis's heart sank. He then looked over at his friend Trog, and after that over at his good friends. Louis now spoke with an impassioned voice.

  "I am sorry Frank Frankle!"

  Spadefoot giggled.

  "I am sorry Frank Fatbottom Junior!'

  Spadefoot sneered, afterwards he sniggered

  "We, all of my friends talked about this position in the past, and we will not make fun of you again ever. Can you accept our heartfelt apology then maybe we can all become friends again. We were friends before, you began to eat so much, years back remember?

  I know you now live in that horrible foster home up on the hill outside of town. And I know that the Governor is not your real father, and that Frank Fatbottom Junior is not your real name. I know that you just took that name so we would all like you that much more, and that you would feel important but don't you realize, we can like you for just who you are, not how much money you have or don't have, or what title in life, you have or don't have.

  "Your words are meaningless to me. What are you talking about wizard?"

  "Frank that is not true, you know exactly what I am talking about. Let me continue. You just have to be a kind, and be a good person and of course be funny. Chug is funny but we could use another jokester to hang around with. You use to be funny, I remember, hatred has just soiled your heart and turned it black."

  "Your time is running short, but I will allow this charade to go on only to humor you. Get to the point already."

  "I will get to the point and maybe you will change your ways. I believe in what I am telling the world on your behalf. Now when we were back in Centerville you lived in Hagby House at 2274 Elpham Road. The caretaker of that place, her name was Auntie Elphie. She beat you and emotionally abused you, everyday. Short Stack use to sneak up there sometimes, he looked through the window, and he saw what she does to you.

  He witnessed the abuse.

  Then when I came into this world with you Frank, you sent me on a quest to go to Hagby Tower to kill Elphen the White Queen. The address on the wall at Hagby Tower was 2274 Elpham Road in the city of Elphame. Don't you get the connection? You sent me to kill the "after-walker" so you could be free from her evil rule and her evil powers that she holds over you. The White Queen is Auntie Elphie in this world. Can't you understand what I am telling you? Well, I did what you asked Frank Frankle.

  And to prove who you are, I have one last fact that you must believe in. In Centerville Frank you wear sweaters and shirts with your initials on them...FFJ...and you wore a pendant around your neck with the same initials. Now look, what do you wear around your neck now as we speak? Look..." asked Louis as he pointed at Spadefoot's neck.

  Spadefoot pulled the pendant out into the open for all to see.

  "Louis is correct. You have to believe him" cried out Molly.

  "Frank it's me Short Stack! Don't you remember me? We use to go fishing at the rock quarry years ago. Frank, look I am sorry, I won't tease you anymore about your weight. And I forgive you for giving me a black-eye."

  "Yeah, I'm sorry as well. I did not know your life was so bad in Centerville. How could we all know that you were being abused? I am so sorry Frank. We should be friends" said Tessie as tears started to roll down her cheeks.

  "Frank you will never be as funny as me so don't even try, but we can still be friends" said a smiling Chug.

  "Chug that's not funny, we are trying to be serious here" added Louis as he turned a pensive look in Chug's direction.

  "Well I thought it was funny Louis."

  "None of this is funny, and none of it is true. You will all abide by my laws and orders soon enough and I have this toad army surrounding you to make sure that you bend to my will. We are all soon going to the upper-world, together I think not. I don't believe you that I have a life above. My name is not Frank Frankle, it is T?ngarar Spadefoot and I am King of the Undertoads. These are my friends now, this undertoad army I have assembled before you."

  "They are not your friends. These undertoads are all of the kids that your spies have kidnapped from up above in the upper-world and brought down into this world. They were bullied kids above and were easy targets for you to manipulate, and control, and or steal to get them down into this world. You placed a curse upon them, you bent their weak minds by bullying them and now they follow your evil commands without thought.

  They are all good kids still, and once were before they changed into your undertoads, your toad army does not worship you. THEY HATE YOU and are afraid of you because you are the "King of All Bullies" not the "King of the Undertoads". Are you going to believe me, and change your awful ways or not?"

  "You have no powers here Louis the Red. I am going to prove that to you. Go ahead and start your singing and dancing again. It did not work just before, and it will not work again. Then I will take matters into my own hands. I will rise up through the wormhole with my own magic, through the magic of this crown that I wear on my head. Then all things will be right in the universe once again, in this world, and in the world above. So start your grand magic once again and let's see your mighty powers oh Great Wizard."

  "Louis it is not too late. My beaver army is in place, we can defeat this Spadefoot and his rubes on his own terms. Louis will you let me?" asked the enlivened Trog.

  Louis leaned in and spoke softly into Trog's ear, "He has slipped up, and he is allowing me a window of great opportunity that I must pass through. I have thought of the errors of my ways before. I know why the magic I tried to use failed before. I might need you still but let me try my way first" said Louis as he smiled at Trog.

  "OK, little Fairy Circle Tender, your fairy circle awaits you."

  Once again remembering A
tamo the Astral, and his wise words, "A wizard we must trust, a fairy tender not...worked only with trust, now again trust is a must...nary a wizard on this night, a fairy tender will work just right." I just have to trust in my fairy circle tender skills, don't be a wizard on this night, and remember all those things that I read in Mr. Beamers' books, but he talks in circular riddles. I now know that to be the absolute truth. I should just "trust in myself" are truly what he is saying to me. It is all so clear now.

  "Louis is you up for this? Can you do it?"

  "You bet I can Chug. Watch this."

  Raising his hands up in the air, pulling back the sleeves of his wizard robe and adjusting his wizard hat, Louis raised his voice for all to hear.

  "Louis the Red will defeat this bully once and for all, because I have had enough! I take back my life on this night! I have the courage, and I have the right, for I am the Fairy Circle Tender behold my might!!"

  "Don't you love it when he does these theatrics Tessie?" asked Molly as she spoke in Tessie's ear."

  "You know I do."

  Searching about in his pocket Louis produced the very last of his firecracker power. Taking three large steps into the fairy circle, he then forcefully slammed his last handful of scientific magic upon the M?jebro Runestone. The firecracker powder exploded into flames. Louis slyly looked over at Chug.

  Everyone jumped backwards at the sight of the Fairy Circle Tenders magic. Spadefoot as well took a few steps backwards, in apparent awe of the spectacle that was unfolding in front of him.

  "I've got them right where I want them Chug. Let them think about that for a moment. Chug another thought, on the inscription on the M?jebro Runestone and on Hagby Tower, the words were a lie. Remember the words?