Read The Journey to Northumberland and the Rise of the Undertoads Page 8


  Walpurgis Night was clear and starry, pleasant and peaceable as the bewitching hour approached. Light blue mysterious fogs hung below the nearby branches of the moss covered willow and pine trees, and the low-lying hills that surrounded the small pond and grassy fields by the rock quarry. Off on the farthest hill to the left of the largest willow tree could be seen in the near distance the Centerville water tower, the wooden dam at the water reservoir, and the train station. Faintly visible were the large white, bold-faced letters on the water tank, spelling out the city name; CENTERVILLE, INDIANA.

  Louis was the first to arrive at the fairy circle this night then Chug, as the wrist watch on Louis's hand stood at attention to the eleven o'clock hour.

  "Chug what a great costume you look just like a real Hobgoblin. Where did you get all of that hair and that make-up? It looks like the first part of "The Plan" is in place."

  "This outfit does look pretty good, I must admit as well. I stayed after school for a few weeks and worked in the arts and crafts room. I just threw this together from all of the old costumes from all the past school plays. Well what do you think Louis?" inquired Chug as he crouched down low, dragging his hairy knuckles on the ground then lowering his voice a few octaves "Arrrrgh....!!!"

  "Well will you look at you Chug, you're going to scare the heck out of everybody, and especially Tessie Whitman. I know you like her a lot and like her being your girlfriend but no time for that tonight we've got more important things to do."

  "You got that right....Arrrrgh...Arrrrgh...." growled out Chug.

  "Now let's look at you Louis" proclaimed Chug as he circled Louis, still dragging his knuckles about the ground "you are the picture perfect Wizard, heck you look so much better than Mr. Beamer did this afternoon. Now you are the real Wizard...ah...I mean Fairy Circle Tender."

  "Yeah look at this cape, robe, and wand, and look even my shoes are curled up at the toes like a real wizard.

  "Is that Mr. Beamer's wand, the one he used earlier this afternoon in the barn? He called it a quagga-tail switch didn't he?"

  "Yep...I am being bad again I guess. I borrowed it from his attic. After I saw him use it, I thought it might look good with this outfit. Heck I should not tell you but I got the robe and shoes, and the fake beard up there as well. They sure look official don't they? This looks like real wizard stuff...don't you think?"

  "It sure does Louis. Are you sure Mr. Beamer don't mind you borrowing his stuff, and don't you think he will get mad at you for going up into his attic like that?

  "Ah heck, I do it all the time. Plus I borrowed those two books from him that he was talking about earlier today, one book is about magic and the other about something called Northumberland, I don't really understand that one yet...child psychology and the study of physiology. I'll figure that book out later."

  "Those books you should return them to Mr. Beamer but that is not of my concern really. Now let's look at you, I must admit you actually look like a real wizard and if that quagga-tail switch is real you better know what you're doing. You know how you are with trouble, with causing it and all," said an ever-worried Chug "now again what if that wand is the real thing? You saw what Mr. Beamer did today as well as I did."

  "Let's not go over that that was all just a show, just like I am going to put on tonight. A "Real Show"" put forth a very confident Louis.

  Louis was the spitting image of a Fairy Wizard, just as he described. Spotting a long whitish-gray beard, a gray over-sized luxurious silk robe, two very shiny red shoes with real sequin sparkles...and of course, they had turned up toes (very important)...and he had two long pointed ears, covering his real ones. Just as Louis was about to practice one of his spells to be used later in the night, Short Stack bounded into the clearing by the fairy circle through some tall nearby grasses, singing and dancing as only a real leprechaun could do.

  He wha tills the fairies' green

  Nae luck again shall hae:

  And he wha spills the fairies' ring

  Nae we all dance and sing


  "The Leprechaun deluxe," shouted out Louis as a broad smile crossed his face.

  He wha tills the fairies' green

  Nae luck again shall hae:

  And he wha spills the fairies' ring

  Nae we all dance and sing

  Chug joined in the merriment as all three best friends danced clockwise about the fairy circle, dancing, singing, and frolicking as only a: wizened wizard, a real green leprechaun and a hairy Hobgoblin could do.

  "Only nine times around the circle and only counter-clockwise, against the rotation of the sun will bring them up from below" bawled out Louis as all came to rest, upon seeing all of their other friends starting to arrive at the far end of the odd clearing.

  "Look Louis down the road there the others are arriving, Chug and I must hide out in the tall grass over there, just like "The Plan"...?" stated Short Stack to the wizard as he pointed towards the leprechaun, then to the nearby tall grass.

  "Yes hurry now or the fun will be over before it starts."

  Both of his friend disappeared from view just as the other children arrived.

  "Louis there you are. Well look at you! "The Centerville Wizard", "The Renown Fairy Circle Tender", "Louis the Red"...." called out an slightly overwhelmed Tessie Whitman.

  Louis cloaked his face behind his gray robe, hiding his long fake beard. Reaching into a secret inside pocket he clutched what he was looking for, stashing it inside of a closed fist. Turning quickly back towards the others as they all arrived, he flew open his cape, exposing his flaming red shoes, long flowing beard and his floppy, over-size wizard hat.

  The firecracker powder was released out of his clutched fist slamming it into a middle-sized fire burning nearby, it exploded out in all directions releasing colorful; light blues, golden oranges, sparkling yellows and dazzling reds. Louis being mostly short never stood taller in the eyes of his friends, as the powder exploded in front of him. This shot out an astonishing display of light all about his body, encircling him inside of the wonderment of nature and science.

  " and all...come embrace the greatest show on earth! You will be; stupefied, bewildered, befuddled, muddled, flummoxed, astonished and amazed as the Great Fairy Circle Tender, brings to life the outlandish and bizarre creatures that reside below us in the dark of the "Underworld"...the..."Neitherworld"... from the lower..."The Underverse".

  Stuttering Sammy, Becky, Jay, Growlin Harry and the rest of Louis's friends and schoolmates quickly found a place to sit around the large fairy circle by the watering-hole. There must have been over forty to fifty children present to take in "The Show" that was about to begin. Molly and Tessie had brought freshly baked brownies, cup-cakes, and sugar-cookies; sitting them on a nearby rock, they as well then found a comfortable place to sit, as Louis the Fairy Circle Tender began his over-the-top ranting and ravings again.

  "Beware...take heed...and be carful...especially you little out for the hobgoblins, brawlies, sith fairies, elves, pixies, astral fairies, forest trolls and other strange creatures, humanoids and changelings...for they are here below us, at this time, just waiting to rise up from the underneath, on this most fortunate and opportune of evenings.

  Growlin Harry turned towards Sammy the Stutterer with an exhilarating look on his face as Tessie eyed Molly in the self same fashion. Ahs...sighs...whispers and deep breaths were heard and taken by all as Louis continued onward and forwards as only Louis could do. Another blast of firecracker powder hit the fire as Louis's show began its first act.

  "Soon the bewitching hour will be upon us for this is the evening of the dead and soon to be reborn. The fairy circle that you all sit around as I speak is fully grown, complete and mature. The last of the great mushroom sporocarps and arcs have grown together. The fairy fungus mycelium is now in full blo
om below the caps of the mycena galericulata or common bonnet mushrooms to you layman. Now as you can see for yourself the saprotrophic nutrition and biotic factors have taken their course, and the necrotic zone is complete" stated an impressive and knowledgeable Louis to the enthralled children, who he importantly stood before.

  All eyes of the absorbed and entranced were as wide as a newly born kitten approaching his first mouse in the wild.

  Jay grabbed Becky by the arm to draw her near, "Boy he really knows his stuff. I have never heard so many long and important words in my life. Maybe he really is a Great Fairy Tender." Becky shook her head in proof and confirmation as some of the other kids that heard Jay's statement shook their heads in agreement as well.

  "Gee Molly I sure hope Frank Fatbottom does not show up tonight. Have you seen him or heard anything?" asked Tessie.

  "No I have not heard anything Tessie, I am not sure if word got to him about the festivities here tonight or not. This is a small town, and everyone I am guessing, knows were out her. You know we should have told our parents though. I know some of the other kids did. I can only guess that word got to Frank as well from somebody's parent or from another kid."

  "I sure hope he does not show up, that would spoil Louis's big night among other things."

  "You got that right. He would either have to see a dentist in the morning or a eye doctor because Frank is going to be sending him somewhere, most likely to the emergency room which he does not want to go, you can count on that" stated a ever more worried Tessie.

  Louis shouted out again as he raised his wand high in the air.

  "It is Walpurgis Night!"

  The kids all yelled out in unison as Louis yelled out again and again.

  "It is Walpurgis Night!"

  "It is Walpurgis Night!" all yelled back once again.

  "Now listen to me one and all, for there are rules to this evening. For us to raise only good fairies from the fairy circle you must do it the correct way or "accidents or incidents" could happen. And not accidents...or...incidents of the good kind" said Louis as his voice lowered an octave, and his voice tempo slowed, to gain their full attentions once again.

  "What are the rules the Great Fairy Tender wishes us to employ?" asked Jay who had raised his hand to get Louis's interest.

  "First off look to the west up in the sky, the Hare Moon, the Blue Moon begins its annual climb above the eerie blue fogs below. Walpurgis Night begins. As it was foretold, so shall it be."

  All looked towards the tops of the furthest willow trees surrounding the clearing, as the full moon silently crept out from behind the highest branches. A lonely owl called out from a distant tree branch as all grew deathly quiet. They once again turned towards the captivating Louis.

  Louis continued to enfold, and wrap his spells around the evermore awestruck.

  "All have to do as I say, or many of you might not make it back to the warmth of your own beds and loving homes tonight. For there are many things that lurk in the night, and underfoot that are unknown and unfamiliar to us. We do not want to raise an unclean spirit or un-natural beast. The Underworld has many a troubled creature lurking about. We are looking mostly for an astral fairy tonight."

  "What is an astral fairy?" asked one of the smallest children.

  "Good question. An Astral fairy and especially the one we are trying to communicate with and raise from inside of this here fairy circle tonight is a good fairy. He is very small in nature, is humanoid in appearance and is a "Shape Shifter". Meaning he can take many forms if need be. He can only appear during a blue hour of the blue moon under the cover of a fog or a mist. He can only travel from his world into ours if summoned by a fairy tender," Louis pointed to himself then continued on, "he is good natured fairy but prone to bite. He has green eyes and usually appears riding on a ragwort stem or the back of a small bird, you see this makes it easier for him to fly, and cover more ground. Although astral fairies do have wings, they tire easily because they are so small. He will not be over five inches tall. He will try to confuse you with his words, it is how they have fun but he will never lie, you see, this is the astral fairy that I read about in one of Mr. Beamer's abnormal books, he is a Northumberland fairy and his name is Atamo. He is the king of the underworld fairies."

  "I sure would like to meet this fairy Atamo" understood an enraptured Tessie Whitman as she gazed over at the center of the fairy circle in anticipation at what wonders it would release for her and the other children on this night.

  "You will meet him Tessie if all goes well, but let me explain how we will raise him and how to avoid the other foul creatures that reside below us, that we surely do not want to rise, like Hobgoblins, evil Leprechauns or a bad Sleagh Maith fairy. Sleagh Maiths, they are very hairy and have been known to like the taste of little children, but only the bad children. There are good Sleagh Maith fairies as well. Are there any bad children here tonight?" ask the bemused wizard.

  "I don't want to get eaten tonight. I want to make it back to my bed," cried out a child from the far side of the circle "I've been good...really..."

  "Then pay attention and do as I say" retorted the quick witted little Louis.

  His plan was working perfectly. He had all scared and ready for what may come. Louis gave a reassuring wink at Molly who was sitting close by. Molly noticed the movement but it did not register it in her mind, she as well with the other children's senses was heightened and alive as they took in Louis's clever words.

  "The only way to raise a good fairy is for everyone to stand up now, clasp hands and we will begin to dance. Is everybody ready?"

  "Yes!...yes...!" cried out all together.

  All stood and cheered as Louis gained their full attentions once more.

  "Now heed my words for if we do this wrong then bad things could happen. Now listen up. Nine circles counterclockwise, anticlockwise or left-hand-wise against the rotation of the sun, all clasp left hands and turn towards your left. No more than nine circles, and no one step into the fairy ring after the ninth circle or you could be pulled into the fairy circle by an evil fairy. Did everyone hear that?" asked a now very excited Louis "maybe even a leprechaun or two will appear?" All called out yes as their voices rose collectively together.

  "It is now the bewitching hour, it is twelve O'clock and the Blue Hare Moon is at its apex. Help me sing and dance. Listen to the song and join in when you know the words; now everybody Widdershins!" Louis sung out at the top of his lungs, showing the ever-wiggling red epiglottis found at the very back of his throat:

  He wha tills the fairies' green

  Nae luck again shall hae:

  And he who spills the fairies' ring

  Nae we all dance and sing


  Betide him want and wae.

  For weirdless days and weary nights

  Are his till his deein' day.

  Nae we all dance and sing


  But he who gaes by the fairy ring,

  Nae dule nor pine shall see,

  And he who cleans the fairy ring

  An easy death shall dee.

  Nae we all dance and sing

  Nae we all dance and sing

  The kids all joined hands and began to sing and to dance left-hand-wise as Louis lead the parade. With each circle completed around the fairy circle all yelled out; One, two, three, four... and so on. As the ninth circle was completed Louis cried out at the top of their combined voices, "Behold the great Leprechaun". Louis threw another large handful of firecracker powder into the fire. The flames exploded outwards. Short Stack jumped out from behind Louis's expanded robe with perfect timing, now appearing from within the center of the fire and explosion, singing a lively chorus along with the others:

  He wha tills the fairies' green

  Nae luck again shall hae:

  And he who spills the fairies' ring

  Nae we all d
ance and sing

  Nae we all dance and sing

  Short Stack was the spitting image of a Northern Leprechaun. He wore a military red coat sporting seven rows of buttons with seven buttons in each row, ample white breeches, with a broad-brimmed high pointed hat that was balanced upside down on his head. He was sporting a small silver sword in his waistband and a short-cropped fake beard. His overly-long pointed green shoes were turned up at the toes, just as Louis's.

  Molly tumbled, stumbled and fumbled backwards with Tessie and the others as Short Stack seemingly appeared from within the heart of the fairy circle in his full regalia. A murder of crows screeched out in the nearby pine trees as Short Stack squared his stance, widened his hips and afterwards clutched at the small sword. Rising it above his head he began a little jig to the joy of the others and once again began to sing out;

  The fairies will be risin

  The hare moon is not hiddin

  Nae a bounty you'll be gettin

  Three wishes will be granted

  Shall we all dance and sing

  All around the fairy ring