Read The Journey to Northumberland and the Rise of the Undertoads Page 9

You was dancing and be singing

  Which brought me to the surface beaming

  Nea my pot of gold is in hiddin

  And you were not be a soon to gettin

  Shall we all dance and sing

  All around the fairy ring

  Shall we all dance and sing

  All around the fairy ring

  "It's a real leprechaun blurted!" out a frightened Tessie above Short Stack's singing.

  "!" shouted out a few of the other kids at the sight of the very strange and odd looking little man.

  Molly clutched Tessie's hand as tightly as she ever has as both turned to each other for support. Half the children scatted and flew away from the fairy circle in hysterics as they regained their footing, whereas the other half had fallen along with Molly and Tessie to the soft ground. Then once again Louis punctuated the leprechaun's arrival with another blast of powder into the fire. Louis could not take it anymore as he smiled so brightly at his friend and his wondrous theatrics. Short Stack fell about the ground laughing, holding his sides as the joke became clear to the children still within the perimeter of clearing.

  "Ha...ha...ha...that's the funniest face you have...ha...ha...ha...ever made Molly. Tessie you slay really do..." cried out the ever so amused Louis, as he as well fell to the ground holding his sides, just as Short Stack had.

  Tessie looked squarely in Molly's face as both finally came to the realization that an awful joke had just been played on them and the other children that were still gathered.

  "That's just plain not funny Louis, and who is the other prankster in the red suit and beard?" asked an angry Growlin Harry as he emerged from behind a large thicket at the far edge of the clearing.

  "Well it's me; I'm a Northern Leprechaun and my"

  "No allow me...ladies and gentleman...the delirious little creature directly up from below us, from the Underverse, Underworld and the Underneath, the Northern's Mickey O'Flattery, better known as the best catcher the Centerville Giants have ever had...aka..Short take a bow...take a bow" said Louis.

  "Louis you're gonna get it someday, really you are. There is nothing funny about what you two just pulled off" said a not very amused Tessie.

  "Yea Louis, you'll get yours one day, you wait Louis. You just wait" chimed in a livid Molly.

  "C'mon you should have seen your face Molly, you look like you just saw Harvey the Ghost who lives up in Miss. Pinkerton's attic. Now where is your sense of humor? Losing it in your young age already?" asked Louis as he slowly moved towards Molly's unwelcoming arms, to offer a request for forgiveness.

  Molly gave Louis a half-hearted hug as Louis kissed Molly on the cheek, "Now you know I am very sorry and would not do anything like that again, you can trust me on this one Molly, and Tessie I am sorry as well, do you forgive me girls?" asked Louis with a disarming smile plaster across his boyish face.

  "How could I hold a grudge Short Stack, Louis? You got us this time, the next ones on us" said Molly.

  "Ok everyone still here, tell the others who ran off that it were all a joke, and take some of those brownies and cookies that Molly baked with you."

  "Yes, Becky Louis is right it was all a joke, catch up with the others and take some of those brownies over there with you like Louis said" stated Molly.

  "You are the worst Louis, Short Stack, and you are just as short as a real leprechaun, you know that? That was not funny at all" said Jay.

  "You wait Louis. Like Molly said your turn will come soon enough."

  The kids were calling out to Louis as all turned to leave the clearing.

  "Not funny Louis."

  "Yeah...not funny Short Stack."

  "OK, I got it guys. I kind of thought it was funny...well sorry anyway..." said Louis as he waved goodbye to everyone "Molly you and Tessie stay will you?"

  "What for Louis, stay for what?"

  "I want to try one more time for real this time, to see if we can see a real fairy."

  "Oh...come on now Louis, now your back onto the fairy circle again...are you?"

  "Molly I think I can do it for real this time."

  "No more jokes now, right Louis and that goes for you as well Short Stack."

  "OK no more jokes or pranks" declared Short Stack as he looked about the tall grasses nearby looking for Chug who was still waiting for his turn to jump into the fairy circle.

  Molly looked about the clearing for trouble. All the other children had disappeared. She looked up at the full blue moon still found hanging at its apex in the cool blackened evening sky, then she looked about over to the left, then the right side of the fairy circle. Blue fogs still hung about the pine and willow trees as the night appeared to grow deathly quiet once again. Not a bird or cricket could be heard singing in the trees or rustling in the tall grasses, only heard was the crackling of the fire.

  All four stood in front of the comforting fire as Short Stack reached for a brownie to eat.

  "Louis we have not seen Chug tonight," asked a bewildered Tessie "did he decide to stay home after all, or maybe his mom did not allow him out tonight?"

  "Yeah the second guess was right Tessie, his mom wanted him to stay in and do some chores" said Louis as he slowly scanned the tall grasses behind and around them to see if he could spot Chug who was still supposed to be in hiding, "he wanted to come but got real busy, yeah...that's what happened..." Louis's voice trailed off as he as well took a bite of a brownie.

  "Well he's missing a good dance and some fun singing" said a now more relaxed Molly.

  "Yeah he did Molly. What are we going to do now" asked Tessie as she turned towards Louis.

  "I am sitting around a nice fire with a wizard and a leprechaun, under a supposedly magical blue moon surrounded by some wild blue fogs, what could be more fun than that?" asked a mocking Molly "and yeah what are we going to do next?"

  "We need to do the Widdershin dance and song one more time, but this time we have to eat a bite of a mushroom each, before we begin because that is the only way to truly and really see a blue moon fairy, an elf, or wee-folk, or hobgoblins or real leprechauns. I forgot that part the first time."

  "You still want to try again, and this time for real Louis?" asked an unsure Molly.

  "Sure I do Molly. I mean all joking aside I really did read a book about this and did really do some fairy tending here for the last couple of weeks, and by the way this is Mr. Beamer's quagga-tail switch or magic wand or whatever he called it. I borrowed it from his attic this afternoon. And this is a real wizards robe and shoes, they also were Mr. Beamers. I think he must have worn them in his youth."

  "Louis he's going to kill you if he finds out you took that stuff of his" said Short Stack.

  "I'll return it tonight, don't worry about it Short Stack. Now how about we get started and take a "real leap of faith" and take a bite of something that could change your life and expand your mind?"

  "Are you sure it's safe Louis? Wild mushrooms are known to be dangerous" said Tessie as she picked up a handful of mushrooms "we're not going to get sick are we?" She selected two fully grown mushrooms. Holding them up to her nose, she smelled them, "they smell terrible Louis."

  "Do you want to see a real fairy or don't you," asked Louis as he took the stance again of a real fairy tender and wizard. He wrapped his cloth robe neatly back around him, straightened out his wizard hat then placed the quagga-tail switch firmly in his left hand. With his right hand he grabbed a piece of one mushroom that was held in Tessie's uneven hand. He divided it up, handing a small piece to Molly, then one to Short Stack.

  Chug who was watching the whole time from his hiding place nearby and was listening to the entire conversation decided that he as well wanted to see a real fairy. Through the tall grass at the far side of the clearing, he placed a mushroom in one h
and. Under his breath he spoke to himself, "I want to see a real fairy...who wouldn't?"

  "Everybody ready, already?" asked Louis "Molly you go first".

  "Louis if you raise the un-dead, the partially dead, the un-forgiving, semi-alive or whatever else what becomes of this; you better know what you're doing. Because I don't want to be eaten tonight, and I as well want to make it to my own bed later."

  "Molly just trust me...for I am the Great Fairy Tender..."

  Louis without another thought in mind gulped down the mushroom in hand. Molly turned towards Tessie as they clasped one hand together and with the other gulped down their mushrooms. Short Stack with a little hesitation swallowed his bite, along with the hidden Chug.

  Dryly going down everybody's throats at once, the foul taste of the foreign substance engulfed their senses. Chug dry-coughed as Molly grabbed at her throat. She tried to force the rest of the mushroom down or up, she really could not tell. Tessie ate a bite of a brownie to try and lessen the taste. The flavor of the magical mushroom was just plain awful.

  "That tasted like a sole of an old shoe Louis" said Molly as the last of the mushroom cleared her airway.

  "It was worse than that" said Tessie as she fell to the ground grabbing at her throat, "it tasted like something that had died four days ago, then Growlin Harry dragged it around in his shoes, then we ate it, it was just disgusting."

  All turned as they thought they heard a cough at the other side of the fairy circle, coming from the grass.

  "See were coughing and choking on these mushroom so loud that were echoing around the field here" said Louis as he tried to cover Chug's cough, "now let's start the singing and dancing again but like we mean it this time."

  "I feel a little queasy Louis" said Molly as she grabbed at her stomach.

  " too...Molly..." chimed in Tessie as she as well grabbed at her twisting and churning stomach.

  "Oh it will pass Molly, Tessie. Eat another brownie to hide the flavor. You'll be alright now, just follow Short Stack and I.

  Louis looked towards the center of the fairy circle. The diming fire light threw off little light upon its demise.

  "Throw another stick on the fire Short Stack" asked Louis as he strained his focus on the center of the fairy ring.

  Short Stack threw two large sticks on the fire and two large handfuls of dry grass. As the fire ignited anew all turned to look at Louis's face as it scrunched up in pain similar to the others.

  "I'll be alright now, what were those lyrics again. Oh yeah now I remember. Loudly now, and nine times counter-clockwise to the suns rotation, grab left hands and only nine times around. And no matter what do not step into the fairy circle after the ninth time around because a fairy can grab you and pull you in. And if that happens I might not be able to pull you back out again. Now when the ninth circle is complete we should be able to look into the fairy ring and see Atamo the Astral Fairy for this is his night" said Louis as he headed towards the outside of the fairy circle.

  "And just think Louis Frank Fatbottom did not waddle up here tonight. Heck he is so fat now he's most likely hopping by now, so he does not drag his fat bottom on the ground, get it Louis...get it...Fatbottom..." said the sometimes cruel and insensitive Short Stack.

  "Don't talk like that he might be here already and hiding, or he could hear you, then we would really be done for. He might punch you in your other eye for that crack" understood Louis as Molly, Short Stack and Tessie all placed their left hands in the hand of the one in front of them.

  "Sing out now loud and with meaning" shouted out the wizard.

  He wha tills the fairies' green

  Nae luck again shall hae:

  And he who spills the fairies' ring

  Nae we all dance and sing

  Betide him want and wae.

  For weirdless days and weary nights

  Are his till his deein' day.

  Nae we all dance and sing

  But he who gaes by the fairy ring,

  Nae dule nor pine shall see,

  And he who cleans the fairy ring

  An easy death shall dee.

  Nae we all dance and sing

  Nae we all dance and sing

  One, two, three times around, four,

  Nae we all dance and sing

  Nae we all dance and sing

  Upon the ninth circle Molly was having so much fun she failed to look down where her next footstep was landing. "Molly careful now..."yelled out Louis as Molly stumbled on a divot in the dirt below her. She stumbled forward and did not heed Louis's warnings, she continued around the fairy circle ring as all called out for her to stop.

  She was delirious with joy.

  The enchanting mushrooms had grabbed a hold of her young mind. Her thoughts were spinning in infinity as she danced and sang about as the other three were hopelessly lost in their own minds. As Molly finished a tenth time around the fairy circle she lost her breath as her slim legs failed her, she stepped into the fairy ring as Louis grabbed at her wavering hands.

  "Molly no..." yelled out Louis.

  He lost his grip as the fairy circle began to fade from view. The fogs that had gripped the surrounding trees and bushes began to oddly close in on them. The light from the blue moon and the blue mystical fogs encircled them and began to entangle them. The moon appeared to be brighter as the fire nearby detonated once again. All turned towards the fire to see if Louis had threw another handful of firecracker powder upon the flames.

  He had not.

  "Molly!" screamed out to Louis as he lost his grip upon her thin, shaking fingers, "quick Short Stack step on my left foot."

  Short Stack without question, slammed his left foot down upon Louis's, Louis in turn spun his wizard hat around backwards.

  "My god man what are you doing now?" screamed out Tessie.

  "Fairies, it will confuse them if my hat is on backwards trust me" called out Louis as he placed his head into the blue fogs and mist that now entombed the fairy circle.

  Louis could barely see in front of his hands as Molly now cried out inside of a fevered joy.

  "Louis I see them. I see them...I see the fairies. They are small and green with green and red't bite me!"

  "Molly no! Get out while you can, it is not too late. The spell is not complete, they do not have you Molly run..." screamed out Louis as he too saw the demonic red eyes of a Sleagh Maith fairy staring right back at him.

  His words fell deft upon her ears.

  Short Stack pulled Louis backwards as Tessie jumped into the fairy circle after Molly.

  "I'm coming Molly...I'm coming" yelled out a hysterical Tessie. She as well completely disappeared from view.

  Chug hearing all of the commotion, dashed from his hiding place quickly advancing towards all the commotion on the outside of the fairy ring, "I could not hear you...were you calling me? The fogs are so thick I could not hear, what is going on?"

  Abnormal cries of laughter fell from Tessie's and Molly's lips as both finally fell under the spell of the evil fairies. Louis lunged forward once again towards Molly as Chug pulled on Short Stack's shirt, and as Short Stack pulled on Louis's wizard robe. The combined weight of the two boys made it possible to extract Louis back out of the fairy circle. All three badly behaved boys tumbled backwards into the dirt in front of the once again roaring fire. Gaining their footings all stood up as the strange fogs suddenly lifted. Both of the girls were completely gone from sight, but now standing where the girls were last seen was the worst sight any of the young boys could ever have fathomed or imagined.

  He was over six foot tall.

  He was overly-fatted.

  He was overtly mean.

  He was on the loose.

  He was filled with hatred towards the world and all who called it home.

  A chu
bby clutched fist showed his tormented soul.

  Louis was the first to gain his senses, he darted off towards the left of the clearing in a full sprint but the oversized boy was just as nimble, which shocked Louis to no end. Fatbottom nimbly hopped forward twice and once sideways, making up the distance of over twenty feet in seconds. How could he move that fast? Chug followed in Louis's footsteps as he screeched out, "Duck!"

  Frank Fatbottom threw a haymaker uppercut that shot past Louis's exposed chin. Louis was quicker and livelier for the time being. The wild punch missed its intended target, sparing little Louis's pearly white teeth.

  "Laugh at me will me fat...will ya?" shouted out the suffering boy, "yep I'm your worst nightmare come true, all three hundred and fifty pounds of me!"

  Frank Fatbottom lunged towards Louis, as Louis was again quicker than his aggressor. Louis rolled to his left as Frank's overly-fatted fingers clutched for Louis's exposed neck.

  " don't understand. I didn't mean to laugh at you last year. I was nervous. Everyone else was laughing; I was just trying to fit in. And all the other times I laughed at you behind your back. I was not bullying you...!" screamed out Louis in horror as Chug finally caught up to the two sparring kids.

  "It was me! It is my entire fault, I am the one who made fun of you" blurted out Short Stack as has he too started to run toward Frank "it's settled, you gave me a black-eye and I deserved it. Leave Louis alone...!"

  Chug jumped awkwardly upon Frank's broad back as Short Stack attached himself to one of Frank's thick legs. Louis tried to roll back to his right away from Frank but stumbled on a hidden rock, which broke his concentration. As the substantial fingers of his tormentor found their intended target Louis screamed out in pain.

  "I'm sorry Frank...Frank...Frank...!" bellowed out the terrified little boy.

  All four rolled backwards together down a shallow slope into the heart of the fairy circle, deep into the necrotic zone; all their arms and legs were as entangled as all their emotions were. Louis gained his senses as best he could under the circumstances. Upon reaching into one pocket of his wizard robe, he grabbed at the quagga-tail switch.

  His wizard hat flew off of his head as Chug tumbled over Frank's back, the weight of Chug colliding with Louis sent them both tumbling free of Frank's deathly grip. Short Stack held fast around one of Frank's enormous thighs. As Louis quickly stood up Short Stack bit into Frank's pants legs and deep into his flesh, which caused Frank to scream out in pain. He quickly turned his full emotions and attentions towards his small attacker. This gave Louis just the amount of time he needed. Louis raised the quagga-tail switch high above his head then snapped it outward just as Mr. Beamer had done earlier that day in his barn. Louis being ever so sharp and quick-witted recanted Mr. Beamer's mystical spell.


  Widdershins, Widdershins, a Widdershins night

  all the children dance and shout, circle left nine times yes we do

  just so we can raise you

  Quagga-tail switch, abide and heed my callings

  because tonight's blue moon is surely rising

  Upon the rise in the next twilights new morning

  Be an Astral Fairy nary a Sleagh Maith Hairy

  Young is he the new crowned fairy tender

  his youth should not be his profound undoing

  Under my command you must wisely rise

  be only Atamo the Astral Fairy, or the fairy tender faces his demise

  Widdershins, Widdershins, a Widdershins night

  all the children dance and shout!!


  Frank slapped Short Stack in the face, thus sending him rolling towards Chug's feet. Both of the two young boys rolled to a stop together as Short Stack's face stung as if a hundred bees had just stung him. Short Stack screamed out in agony and anger. Louis was still quick to react; he reached into his wizard robe, probing its depths to find his salvation.

  Showing his scorn and hatred of the world and all the pain it has caused him Fatbottom shouted out again, "Bullies of the world unite! This is our job, to crush the meeker children of the world, and to cause as much pain to them as they cause to us. It's not my fault that I am a Foster Child! I am not the governor's son! My real name is Frank Frankle!!"

  Louis was too lost in deep thought to hear Frank's loud proclamations, false explanations and poor excuses. Louis found another handful of thunder, he forcefully threw the firecracker powder into the nearby partially buried Mojbro Runestone (that Mr. Beamer had talked about earlier), the powder ignited then exploded outwards, all about them. Once more Louis snapped the quagga-switch forward. Two expansive white and red lightning bolts shot out from the tip. Both explosions engulfed the four children as the deafening sounds of the thunderbolts pounded all of their senses. The ground rumbled below their feet as the earth began to shake and shimmy. Again Louis began the hypnotic words of Mr. Beamer's spell.

  A Widdershins, Widdershins...

  A Widdershins night...

  all the children dance and shout, circle left nine times yes we do

  just so we can raise you