Read The Justice League Page 1

The Justice League


  Richard Dean

  Copyright 2009 Richard Dean


  This was written in 2009 after The Dark Knight and Superman Returns. I knew that after I watched Superman Returns that there was a good chance that they would reboot the series and I'm glad they did. After watching Man of Steel, which I liked, I realized that although this was an adequate story for a live action movie it was impossible to use this story, so it was pretty much worthless but a good read, enjoy.

  Also, I used abbreviations wherever I could; SM is Superman, BM is Batman, LL is Lex Luthor, etc. I was rolling when I started this, it only took me a few weeks so I was trying to save time

  Justice League

  The Movie

  This takes place after a second Superman movie and possibly after a third Batman movie has been made. It may also be necessary for the release of the Green Lantern and Wonder Woman movie. John Jonz will be mentioned in the third Batman installment and The Flash can be mentioned in one of the others, probably Superman.

  As the film begins you see clips from a very popular talk show, the Gordon Godfrey show. The Larry King type show is geared against the recent up swing in the number of super heroes. The listener audience calls in and asks questions to the panel one of which is Superman. Another is Colonel King Faraday, assigned to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. As the intro credits roll different audience members chime in.

  G. Godfrey

  We now are going to Metropolis, your question caller.

  Caller #1

  Who pays for the damage? I mean I know that you guys help but who pays for the street repair when you drill a big hole in it?


  Well sir, we try not to do any damage, but in that case there was a ruptured gas line that was about to…..

  G. Godfrey

  Face it you guys do more harm than good. I have a question for the man of steel. How many super villains were there before you guys showed up?


  Well, I don’t see the point in that question Mr. Godfrey.

  G. Godfrey

  We have you here in Metropolis. There is that murderer in Gotham, dressed like a bat…



  Batman was cleared of all of those charges. The Joker admitted to all of those murders, he wasn’t about to let anyone else take credit for his crimes.

  G. Godfrey

  Yeah and he has escaped again, Batman is doing a great job (sarcastically)


  And he will catch him again.

  G. Godfrey

  Go ahead Marvin from Central City


  Yeah I agree. This dude Flash ran by my aunt’s house last week and he was runnin so fast that he blew her awning off. I had to fix that (bleep) myself.

  G. Godfrey

  Now Marvin you can’t say that, we are on a delay but you can’t say that.


  Now we got this green dude flying around knockin’ stuff over with his ring. When is enough enough?

  Now we have to pay higher taxes.


  Let me answer that. We are still getting used to this new phenomenon. Your government is very grateful to what these heroes are doing. We are also grateful that there are citizens like Oliver Queen and Bruce Wayne that have set up foundations to help pay for some of these repairs.

  G. Godfrey

  And we are all grateful too, but I return to my original question, there were no super villains here before these guys so doesn’t it stand to reason that if the super heroes go away then the bad guys will too?


  I think that is a bit over-simplified,

  (he continues to talk and fades as the you then see a highlight from the news on a television in a shack by some docks)

  Reporter on television

  And that was the tone of the interview last night as Superman tried to defend his peers in the face of growing frustration over the rise in super human activities.

  You then see Batman fly over and land on a nearby roof.

  Gotham City docks late night

  Batman enters the warehouse after disengaging the security system from an opening in the roof. He sees several shadowy creatures and then hears the voice of the gangster he has been investigating. He then hears the familiar voice of another,

  G. Godfrey

  This should be the final load Manheim.


  It is. After this we will begin phase two and I hope you guys know what you are doing because I have no idea how to make this stuff work.

  G. Godfrey

  He will take care of that.

  As Manheim’s men finish their work Batman is stooped on a cross beam above them recording the conversation. He then feels a presence behind him. He delivers a back kick from the squatting position to the levitating beast who then growls in pain and falls to the floor.


  What the hell?

  He then sees the silhouette of Batman coming towards them.

  Batman crashes down on the shoulders of another beast to break his fall. He then takes out three of Manheim’s men.


  Damn you Manheim, I thought you said this location was secure. Get the stuff and let’s go!

  As Manheim goes for a bag on the table Batman throws one of the gangsters into the table shattering it and knocking the bag over and a few items fall out.


  Damnit! Hold on.

  He then removes a transmitter from his coat pocket and enters a code. A bright light flashes and temporarily blinds Batman because he was using night vision. He recovers in time to see Manheim, Godfrey, the flying beasts carrying the others, vanish in the portal and then it vanishes.

  Batman surveys the scene and discovers three items. One of them lights up his face in the dark with a greenish glow. Batman fires his cable towards the roof. He then enters a code into the panel on his left wrist. The Bat jet appears hovering over the warehouse.

  Later that night you see the Bat Jet making several low passes over the city of Metropolis.

  Batman looks to his left and sees Superman beside him. Superman motions for Batman to follow him.

  They land at a secluded warehouse district.

  They approach each other cautiously, sizing each other up.


  What brings you to Metropolis?


  I’m working a case and I came across a few clues that you may be able to shed some light on.

  (He pulls out the transmitter.)

  This is alien. Have you seen anything like this before?


  (Looking over the box)

  How do you know it’s alien?


  A Martian told me.


  (Looking up a bit surprised)

  So he is for real?

  Batman slightly grins and nods


  I’ll look into it and get back to you.


  I need to know as soon as possible.


  Why the urgency?


  Something big is going to happen. I may have bought us a few days.


  Us? Other than this transmitter what does it have to do with me?


  (pulling a small lead case from his belt)


  He opens it as Superman quickly steps back he then closes it.


  Where did you get that?


  Warehouse in Gotham. Along with this.

  (he h
olds up a gold coin)

  It’s a Spanish doubloon. Not sure how old I need to analyze it.

  Superman is still thinking about the kryptonite, he motions towards Batman’s belt.


  You better let me have that.

  Batman does not react



  I can just take it but I don’t think you’ll like it. So just give it to me.


  If you try to take it you won’t like how I give it to you.

  (Batman cuts off Superman as he begins to speak)

  Listen, I need you more than you need me. If you were up to something you and I would have butted heads a long time ago.


  That must have hurt; I heard you were a loner.


  I have a hunch that this is bigger than both of us.


  Tell me what you know.


  I have been tracking a mafia boss with Metropolis ties, by the name of Manheim.


  Yeah I know him.


  He has been buying large quantities of deep sea drilling equipment. Earlier tonight I broke up a meeting he was having with G. Gordon Godfrey.


  The talk show host?



  As Batman continues Superman stares at Batman’s mask using his x ray vision


  The components in the warehouse were pumping equipment, the final phase of any large scale drilling operation. And if the amount of equipment is an indication, they are planning to drill a very big hole.

  (Batman notices what Superman is trying to do)

  You are not going to find out that way.



  A lead lined cowl? That is a bit dangerous. Did you wear that just for me?


  Not just for you, according to the Martian, Godfrey is using mind control. That is why he is so popular and we aren’t.


  Did you question him or Manheim?


  They used one of those transmitters and got away. I have never seen anything like it.


  Got away, huh? Didn’t get a chance to beat an answer out of them?

  Batman takes a slight step forward, Superman interrupts


  I have not always agreed with your methods but I have always agreed with your results.


  You have your show to run, I have mine.

  Superman grins as Batman turns toward his jet and flies off into the night. Superman returns to his fortress of solitude and uses his crystals to summon Braniac, the information system used on the former planet of Krypton.

  The next day Bruce Wayne is having a press conference at the Wayne Industries building about the company’s plan to begin a space division.

  Clark Kent is there for the daily planet. Bruce fields questions along with Lucius Fox. As the press conference winds down Clark asks the question that everyone wanted to ask but were afraid to.


  Mr. Wayne can you respond to the reports that Chinese spies were uncovered within the staff of Wayne Enterprises Space Research Division?

  The crowd becomes still as all of the cameras are focused on Bruce waiting for his reaction.


  (calmly placing his hands in his pockets, smiling as he answers)

  That is a private matter, as well as a sensitive one. We turned everything over to the government to assist in their investigation. The Daily Planet doesn’t need to know everything Mr. Kent.


  Then what about our readers, do they get to know everything?



  I have provided every bit of information that has been asked of me, Wayne Enterprises is a private company Mr. Kent. Did the Daily Planet send you hear to ask those questions? Maybe you should ask about how much this new venture is going to benefit the world.



  Well, you have your show to run, and I have mine.

  Bruce is stunned, he quickly ends the press conference and talks to Lucious as they leave the stage.


  Clark Kent requested an exclusive interview last month right?


  Mmm Hmm


  Get a car, send him to Wayne manor. Get back to your lab and wait for my call. I'll know more after I speak to Kent. You might have to clear your schedule for the next few days.


  (looks concerned)

  Anything I need to be aware of Mr. Wayne?


  I'll let you know. If something is going to happen it will be soon.


  Are we talking days or weeks?


  Maybe hours.

  Fox and Wayne seperate as Wayne walks to the parking deck where Alfred waits by the open back door of the car.

  Thirty minutes later Clark Kent arrives at Wayne Manor, Alfred comes to the door.


  Good day Mr. Kent. Master Wayne is expecting you. This way.

  Bruce is standing in a side library towards the end of the hall.


  Mr. Kent sir.


  Thanks Alfred

  (Kent stands quietly as Bruce looks him over)


  So what did you find out about the transmitter?

  Kent is visibly stunned. He then starts to realize what is happening.

  (They approach each other as if they are sizing one another up)


  I had my suspicisions. But I was not sure.




  I have started to learn the differences in peoples' heartbeats. Yours is slightly different with costume. Is that intentional?


  Trade secrets Mr. Kent.

  The transmitter?


  Oh, your friend was right, it is alien. I took the liberty of getting all the information on a disk that should interface with your computer.

  (Wayne taps a book on the shelf; the wall opens to an elevator)


  Follow me.

  They stand in front of the massive screen in the bat cave Bruce is studying the information, Clark waits for him to finish.


  I used my database from Krypton and you were right. This is bigger than both of us. The technology is from Apokolips, a planet ruled by Darkseid. It is a hellish planet in a far off solar system. He represents a serious threat to this planet. I think Darksied may have a presence here already.




  Godfrey. He has been railing against superheroes since he turned up.

  A shape appears rising from the floor, Kent steps back as he lays eyes on the Martian Manhunter J”onn J’onzz.

  Kent looks at Bruce who has a slight grin.


  Clark Kent meet The Martian Manhunter

  J’onn J’onzz, meet Superman


  What is this? A coming out party?


  He reads minds, I bet he knew already knew.


  (talking to J’onn)

  And you didn’t tell him


  That would have been rude.

  They shake hands and J’onn begins to speak

  Darkseid has a history with my people, he is searching for the anti- life equation.


  What is that?

  Clark is now standing beside Bruce with his arms folded


  It was an ancient Martian belief that free will exists as a life equation. Darkseid deduced that there must be an Anti
- Life equation, or as he believes, the futility of living. He must think that part of the equation exists in humans. He will stop at nothing to find it.


  Okay so we know origin of the transmitter, what about the coin and the kryptonite?

  J’onn is studying the coin


  The coin is from Atlantis.

  (Clark and Bruce look up at the same time)


  How do you know?


  I have been there. I was curious so I shape shifted and was there for almost an entire day before I was asked to leave.


  Who asked you to leave?


  He did. His telepathic powers are developing. He communicates with sea creatures. I think he sensed me.


  Can you “show” me what you saw?



  Be still.

  He places his hands on the sides of Bruce’s head. The Martians’ eyes glow to a bright red. Bruce closes his eyes and takes a deep breath as the images enter his mind.

  After a few seconds later JJ’s eyes dim and he releases Bruce’s


  Bruce rubs his forehead as he processes the information, JJ catches Clark staring at him, when he notices he clears his throat and looks away.