Read The Justice League Page 2


  I have to warn him.






  Why? Don’t call him that by the way. His name is Arthur; he helped me with a rescue in the Bering Sea last year.


  I thought he hates the surface dwellers.


  Oh he does. His concern was the fuel spilling from the boat. He used these two whales to….. anyway, why Atlantis?


  I think Darkseid is planning an invasion. And according to the information you provided and the fact that he is using all of this drilling equipment he plans to tap into the Earth’s core and make it like Apokolips.

  Clark is not sold on that theory right away


  Oookay, but why Atlantis?


  If he can surprise them then he can drill his hole undetected.

  (Clark turns to JJ)


  You have been there, does he have the ability to repel an invasion?


  Yes. He has the technology to take over the entire planet if he chooses. He wants to be left alone, that and ….. well, you.




  Yes, he does no want a fight with you.


  Right, which leads to the third item, the kryptonite. Darkseid very well may think that you need to be taken out first. You may be the only thing in the universe that can stand up to him.


  If that’s the case a battle between he and I could destroy the planet.


  No planet, no spoils.

  (Clark turns away; JJ places his hand on his shoulder)


  I sense much fear in you. Fear of the unknown extent of your powers. From the fear of punching too hard to the fear of a hand shake that may be too firm. You fear your powers because you do not know their limits. You do not know their limits because you have not faced anything or anyone that can challenge them. Facing Darkseid will make you confront that fear.

  Clark looks at Bruce with a slight grin


  He’s good


  Would like to hear what he has to say about me

  (JJ begins to speak Bruce interrupts)



  Bruce walks toward the vault in the corner of the room and you can see the cowl, as he is dressing he removes the case marked “deep sea kit”

  He meets Superman and JJ in front of the massive computer. He opens a small case and removes a small hearing aid device and gives one to each of them. Clark has changed also.


  I had to guess at the level so I made a few modifications for sensitivity.

  (As SM looks at his)

  I am going to Atlantis.


  Maybe I should go, he does know me


  (loading equipment in the jet)

  If you look in that case you will find more com links, use J'onn’s abilities along with your own and round up some help. I have been trying to hail Green Lantern for the past week, no luck.


  J’onn you get Dinah. I will also go see our friend in Central City.


  That guy is a goof ball.


  I think the fastest man on the planet may come in handy.


  So he did beat you


  I think he did. Well it was for charity, we were both running so fast. Unfortunately there isn’t a camera on the planet that can tell for sure.

  (Batman walks over to the keyboard, grinning. He pulls up a photograph of The Flash and Superman Crossing the finish line, The Flash is a half a step ahead)



  (Superman stares up at the screen smiling)


  Impressive. But how do you plan to get into Atlantis?


  Quietly. And you need to focus on Darkseid and the kryptonite. That stuff is not that hard to weaponize, trust me.


  What does that mean?


  Your buddy Lexx was doing it. Remember that explosion at one of his facilities last month?




  That is what he was making. (pulls up a computerized image on the screen in the shape of a rifle) I couldn’t trace any of it back to him. With the exception of him(motions to JJ) Luthor may be the smartest person on the planet.


  So tell me Bruce, did you keep any of those weapons before you blew up the building?


  I’m always prepared, Clark, just like that jet. The cock pit doubles as a stealth, one man submarine that I have successfully delivered to and retrieved from Atlantis by remote control.


  So you have a weapon against Aquaman too?

  What do you have for J’onn?


  A book of matches

  (Superman turns to JJ in disbelief)


  Not anymore I’m working on that.


  (turning back to BM)

  I thought you said trust was not an issue. What about Wonder Woman. Flash, or Lantern? What do you have cooked up for them?


  Lantern can be countered with yellow energy. A gravity disruptor, which I haven't developed should neutralize the Flash. Wonder Woman...., well, you I guess. I do not know enough about her.


  Listen to yourself. you can't be ...


  (pointing to the screen)

  That weapon was created by your worst enemy. That weapons greatest power was its secrecy. He can produce thousands of those in a week. I made sure that he knew one was taken intact. He will never make one again.

  Your code for this computer is 002. You can look at everything I have.

  BM returns to the room on the other side of the cage to retrieve more equipment.


  (speaking softly to JJ)

  You can't be okay with this. He has made plans to take us out? He's made plans for everyone but him. What is his weapon against himself?


  I am the last of my kind. I do not take his trust in me lightly. He has given us the keys to his domain. (raising his arms) everything we need to beat him is right here in this cave. His weapon against himself is us.

  We need to focus on the task at hand.


  You're right. (turns to BM) What’s your plan Batman?



  The only way Atlantis is vulnerable is from sabotage. The gold coin would seem to suggest that money has changed hands. Someone has been paid off. Through Wayne Tech’s new space research division I noticed some energy spikes with a hyperspace signature. I checked the data from last night and there was a spike five minutes after Manheim and his goons disappeared. So if they are giving off a signal after they leave then they should give off a signal before they come.


  Five minutes?


  I know, I should be able to use it to my advantage, surprise attacks and sabotage are based on timing.



  How long has your deep space equipment been up and running?


  Two months


  How many spikes in two months?


  Two hundred and thirty one.

  (they all look at one another)


  There is no telling how many advanced agents they have here already.


  If they did I could sense them and I haven’t yet. Except for Godfrey.

  (BM starts the engines)


  I’ll be in touch

  A large wall seals off the rest
of the bat cave as the jet hovers and then vanishes in the tunnel


  We better get to work

  Superman and JJ start out to gather their friends. JJ plans to contact Wonder Woman and The Green Lantern telepathically. They will meet back at the bat cave.

  Meanwhile over the Atlantic Ocean Batman prepares for his dive. The jet comes to a hover just feet above the surface. Large airbags deploy from the nose and the wings and the plane comes to rest. Batman then opens the deep sea kit and places a device over the inside of his left arm and plugs the cords and hoses into the control panel of the cockpit. He winces as the needles inside the device insert automatically into his arteries. A green light clicks on and the computer tells him that his suit is pressurized. He then checks the bio sensor readout on the screen to make sure that the device is administering the right amount of gasses into his blood stream for the dive.


  Superman, do you copy.


  Go ahead Batman


  I am about to commence the dive, if anything happens, remember your code.


  002. Right. I can only guess who has 001.


  (manages a smile)

  Any luck finding our friends?


  John has contacted Wonder Woman. I’m on my way to Central City. Still no word from Lantern.


  Good luck


  You too. You’re going to need it more than me. Are you sure about this?


  Yeah, thanks.

  Batman activates the countdown sequence. The computer counts down and the mini sub deploys and slips below the surface. The sub dives at a steep angle. Batman begins to feel the pressure and continues to monitor his vital signs. The computer counts out the distance to target. Batman struggles to stay conscience as the pressure builds. His nose begins to bleed as he realizes that no human has ever been that deep before.

  Super hovers high above Central City looking down he spots a crimson streak moving through the city and streaks down

  The Flash is speeding to a bank on the other side of town, When he arrives he finds the robbers all disarmed and inside their getaway car which has been crushed so they can not escape. He looks up to see Superman descending slowly.


  I thought you were never late?


  Well these guys were smart. They planted six bombs throughout the city. I had to disarm them first.


  well if you are done here. We need your help.


  Who's we?


  Myself, Batman and some others. Have you heard from Green Lantern?


  Nah, that guy seems to be off planet more and more these days.

  Superman hands him the communicator.


  Take this, we need you in Gotham as soon as possible.

  Flash places it in his ear. Superman looks away in reaction to a sound that only he can hear.


  Are you sure you got all of the bombs?


  Yeah pretty sure.

  Superman stares into the distance.


  There is a gas station fire on the other side of the city.


  I'm on it. I'll catch up, see you in Gotham.

  Flash streaks away as Superman flies off.


  Docking bay

  The facility is enclosed in an energy field. Outgoing and incoming Atlantian vehicles enter or exit through this area. Batman has timed the opening of the bay doors and the sub quietly attaches itself to the bottom of an incoming Atlantian patrol ship. The ship enters the bay and the mini sub subtly surfaces. Batman is slumped over in the cockpit as the computer states that the pressure has been equalized.

  Docking bay guard

  Colonel Brack! Behold, a surface ship.

  Colonel Brak and a handful of guards approach the sub and the cockpit opens.


  Get him out, and see if he is still alive. Notify Lord Arthur that we have an intruder.

  Batman is pulled from the sub and when his helmet is removed blood spills out


  (barely coherent being held upright by two guards)

  I need to see prince Arthur now.


  You are in no position to make demands.


  Get him down here I have an urgent message. Tell him I will give him something in exchange for his audience.


  What could you possibly have that we want?


  The technology I used to sneak this vessel into this facility, twice.

  (Batman hands Col Brack a device similar to a flip phone)

  Brack looks at Batman


  Do I have your word?


  I’ll just wait for you to die and see it anyway.

  (he opens the device and it along with the sub light up and a warning alarm starts. “Self destruct sequence started. Enter code now. Detonation in 3 minutes."


  (intensely looking at Batman)


  You have three minutes.


  Get that thing out of here!

  An Atlantian soldier tries to enter the cockpit to pilot the craft out of the loading bay and a surge of electricity drops him to his knees.


  (into his communicator)

  My Lord we need you in the docking bay now!

  My Lord!

  (OS AM’s voice)

  I am here Colonel.

  Aquaman approaches and Batman sees him for the first time. He is as big as Superman. His long blond hair and beard are a contrast to his green pants and cloak.

  Batman musters all his strength to stand before the prince of Atlantis.


  You are the Batman, yes?

  Batman nods and enters a code on his wrist control and you hear, “self destruct sequence terminated.”


  Your code is 005



  Batman collapses into Aquaman’s arms.


  Take him to the infirmary now!

  Get the technicians in here to begin studying this.

  (Pointing to the sub)

  Batman wakes to see himself surrounded by Atlantian soldiers in some type of hospital. He struggles to raise his head to find Aquaman.


  Easy surface dweller. We had to restart your heart twice.

  Batman quickly stirs


  How long have I been out?


  About an hour.


  (sitting up quickly regaining his conscience and strength)

  What did you do to me?


  You are not the first surface dweller to be here. Contrary to popular belief we have saved many of you in the past.

  Batman looks around and begins to orientate himself


  (tells the others to leave the room)

  You risked your life to warn me. My technicians have informed me that you did not have enough life support to return to the surface. I am honored by your bravery. Your actions reflect your reputation.


  Yes the …..


  Invasion? Yes we are making the necessary preparations.

  (Aquaman holds up the device that Batman made for him.)


  When your heart stopped a pouch on your belt opened and I retrieved this. You planned to deliver your message dead or alive. It does beg a question, what if you had died before you could see me?

  Batman removes a sliver of paper from under the forehead area of his cowl with the number 005 written on it.

  Aquaman lets out a laugh


  That device wi
ll also give a signal when the hyperspace incursion occurs.

  Has it signaled?

  Aquaman shakes his head.


  Are you ready for the attack?

  Aquaman calmly nods


  How do you feel my friend?


  Fine. Aqua….

  (Aquaman raises his eyebrows)

  Lord Arthur do you understand what is about to happen?

  Aquaman calmly nods


  We will be fine. Can you walk?

  (Batman nods and then stands)

  Good come with me.

  Batman follows Aquaman through the magnificent facility. Troops are running through the halls preparing for the invasion. They enter the command center and Aquaman tells everyone to leave.


  Your analysis was absolutely correct. We are vulnerable to sabotage. And an attack like the one coming, an attack we have never seen before, we would have but one protocol. I have sensed a plot against me for the past several months. You are the only one I can trust. When this goes off(holding up the device from Batman’s belt) You and I will enter that door and put down what ever is on the other side.