Read The Justice League Page 3


  Is their another way in?


  Yes, that duct.

  (Pointing to the ceiling)


  Well they may expect someone to come through the door.

  (The device starts beeping)

  Batman fires a rope to the ceiling, he puts his arm around Aquaman and they both ascend toward the duct, Aquaman quietly removes the cover and they both slip inside.

  Looking in the room they see two dozen traitors and someone that Aquaman knows well. The room is full of large pipes. All of the attention of the traitors is directed at the control panel that is on the far wall. It is very noisy.


  (a quiet growl)






  My brother.

  Aquaman removes the other cover and batman uses a hook to hang it on the wall. They are about 50 feet above the soldiers who are watching the door. Orm and Colonel Brack are watching the monitor that shows the main facility that is Atlantis. The regular staff of four men are on their knees, hands in heavy binders behind their backs.


  (to Brack)

  All we have to do is keep control of this room. The invaders will do the rest. They have assured me that the only one who will be harmed is the my brother.

  Without control of this room and the numbers they will be sending it will be over in a matter of minutes.

  Brack nods


  They will be here any minute, when we get the order we will ignore it.


  Yes my new King.

  Batman throws three batarangs simultaneously. The noise of the equipment in the room conceals the noise they make as they stick in the pipes above the soldiers.


  You might want to cover your ears.

  The batarangs are like flash bangs as they go off. Batman and Aquaman leap down and the fight begins. Batman uses a soldier to break his fall, he lands squarely on his shoulders taking him out of the fight. The batarangs took out four soldiers who were still on the floor stunned. Batman then throws four more batarangs at the shackles of the soldiers that explode on impact. They retrieve their swords and enter the fight. Aquaman goes directly for Orm as he ignores the slicing swipes of the other traitors. Bleeding, his trident locks with Orm’s sword. Brack goes after Batman. He swings wildly at Batman who manages to avoid the slashing.


  I should have let you die surface dweller!


  You’re right, you should have.


  You will pay with your life brother! Why did you betray me?!


  Lord Darkseid will make me ruler of this planet when he is finished with it. Something we should have done a long time ago. Now he will do it for us.

  The surface dwellers will molest us no more!


  FOOL! I have seen Darkseid’s plan. He intends to make this world like his.


  SO! Our enemies will be dead!



  Orm freezes giving Aquaman his opening. As Orm raises his sword Aquaman hurls his trident and impales Orms arm to the wall. He drops his sword and cries out in pain. Batman avoids Brack and disarms him. He fires a rope at his feet, pulling him to the floor after it wrapped around his ankles several times. He then fires another rope at a pipe at the top of the ceiling. He raises himself upwards as he takes Brack with him. He then secures Brack to the pipe and lowers himself to the floor just as the freed soldiers are finishing off the rest of the traitors.

  Aquaman turns to Batman and nods. They approach the screen.


  (turns to the free soldiers)

  Secure this room and await my command.

  As Batman walks with Aquaman to the control center the building shakes followed by the rumble of thunder.


  They’re here.

  They stand in the control center watching as the circles of light fill the massive dome. Seconds later hovering tank like machines emerge. Two barrels each. Then thousands of parademons swarm from the holes filling Atlantis with their shrill like cries. Hundreds of tanks are now in the dome and the massive cargo ship carrying the drilling equipment lands in the center square.


  What ever weapon is controlled from that room you better use it now.



  Not yet.

  The parademons swarm about, one stops in front of the window and hovers in front of Aquaman. It lets out a scream as others come to the window. The blasts that fire from their weapons bounce off the window with no effect. A tank approaches.

  On the square Godfrey and Manheim start to oversee the unloading of the drilling equipment.


  Looks like our friend came through


  Of course he did. It appears the inhabitants here plan to surrender. They are not fighting back.


  Yeah, well make sure those flyin freaks keep lookin’. I don’t like it.


  Arthur. What are you waiting for?

  The tank approaches and stops in front of the window, the parademons fly out of the way.


  (Pressing a button on the control panel)


  Batman looks up and starts to grin as he realizes what is about to happen.

  The tank in front of the window vanishes in a wall of water that crashes down from the roof. Aquaman and Batman watch as the entire city fills with water. The parademons along with the tanks can not swim or function under water.


  (looking up)

  Son of a……..

  Godfrey grabs a crate and hangs on for dear life it floats upward and he vanishes into a flash of light.

  In the control center Aquaman turns to Batman


  No water on Apokolips. This is what happens to those who attack an underwater facility and can’t swim.

  Batman nods and realizes that he has a new friend a new friend that he may need.


  You see Godfrey dripping wet on his knees from over the shoulder of an ominous figure, looking upwards in terror.


  Your plan has failed Godfrey.


  I..I’m sorry my lord. I do not know what happened.


  I lost an entire legion in your foolish plan.

  Voice off screen

  What do we do now father?


  Observe the price of failure.

  Darkseid’s eyes glow red as his omega beam fires Godfrey starts to scream as steam comes off of his drenched suit. Godfrey screams and then vanishes in a cloud of smoke.


  (turning to face his motley collection of officers)

  We will eliminate the Kryptonian first and then take Earth.

  Darkseid turns to face Desaad as he approaches


  How long before we will be ready


  Well my lord, the drilling in Atlantis was to take a week.


  Well, we are no longer drilling, are we?


  Two days master

  Darkseid turns away and stares to the sky


  Very well, Earth has two more days.

  Batman and Aquaman walk towards Batman’s vessel that is still in the docking bay.


  We studied your craft, my technicians were not able to figure out how you entered the docking bay.


  Oh, sorry.

  (Batman opens his belt and hands Aquaman another device, he holds it up and examines it)

  It’s a sonar disruptor.

  (Aquaman nods, a little disgusted, as if he had been

  I was not sure what was going to happen, that could have been my only ticket out of here.

  (Batman examines the cockpit of his sub and notices the modifications that have been made)


  My technicians have modified your life support system. You no longer need to be concerned about ascending too quickly.

  Aquaman then hands Batman a breathing device


  This apparatus will allow you to descend to this depth again. It is a simple model, if you need to modify it.


  Thank you.


  No, thank you Batman, you helped me save my throne. More importantly you saved my kingdom. I am in your debt.


  I will need something

  (Batman reaches into his belt and gives Aquaman a transmitter)

  Can you deliver one of those tanks to the surface? I will have Superman pick it up.


  Of course

  Batman extends his hand, looks Aquaman in the eyes, they shake.


  Prince Arthur, Thank you, and I apologize for the intrusion, I hope you understand. I’m sure your technicians discovered that there were no explosives in my ship. I never intended to harm anyone here.



  I was not going to mention that. You risked your life to warn us, I will never forget that. And you may call me Aquaman, Bruce.

  (Aquaman continues to shake as Batman is visibly stunned)


  I was outside the walls the night your sub was returning from Atlantis. I followed it to the underwater entrance of what I guess is your Bat cave? Which happens to lead to Wayne manor?

  (Batman nods and manages a grin)

  Don’t worry your secret is safe with me


  Thank you, I cannot promise you the same.

  (Aquaman pulls his hand away)

  I’m sorry but this impending attack will be global. We will need everyone that can fight, to fight. I have to inform the government. We will need their help as well. I will tell them no more than I have to.

  Aquaman ponders for a second


  I understand

  Batman secures himself in the cockpit and canopy seals and it turns in the bay as the door opens, it then slips underwater and heads back to the surface.


  (on the radio)

  Superman, come in.


  Go ahead Batman


  I am having one of Darkseid’s weapons delivered to the surface. I’m going to need you to pick it up. It will have a super high frequency beacon. I have a secure warehouse in Gotham after you get it call me and I will tell you how to get there. How are we on the recruiting?


  I found Flash, J'onn caught up with Wonder Woman. Still no word from Lantern.


  I’ll meet you at the warehouse.

  Batman looks at the monitor and notices he is getting closer to the blip on the screen.

  The floating remainder of the jet moves with the rolling ocean. The sub emerges under the opening and then is winched into position. You hear “Docking complete”

  The engines fire and the vertical thrusters stabilize the jet. The flotation devices detach and the jet turns. Batman turns to see the tank floating beside an Atlantian craft. Aquaman is standing on top of it. Batman gives a slight salute, Aquaman nods. His men swim over and attach the tank to the floating platform.


  Good luck surface dweller.

  Aquaman attaches the transmitter to the platform and slowly submerges with the Atlantian vessel.

  Secure warehouse

  Superman is lowering the tank into the warehouse Batman is at a table looking over plans with Lucius Fox.

  Superman approaches the table Fox stands up straight and extends his hand they shake.


  How was that interview Mr. Kent?


  Well I guess you are good at keeping a secret. What are you working on?


  (Batman does not look up as he answers)

  Trying to develop this missile. We want it to deliver an EMP before it detonates. It should penetrate any vehicle weather the detonation does or not. Should also be effective even if there is a force field.


  So, what’s the problem?


  We want to deliver the EMP directly into the circuitry of the target. Anything close is also effected.


  Pardon me for asking, but what were you developing something like that for?


  (Looking up)

  Something I have been keeping an eye on. Not important.


  What about that trust thing.


  I know, we have to deal with Darkseid now. I will tell you later.


  I have trouble with electricity. I am trying to figure out how to stop it when I need to.

  If anyone can figure this out it’s J’onn, let him look at it.


  Good idea.

  (Beeping heard off screen)

  Lucius, the others will be here soon, you better go. If the Martian figures this out I will let you know.


  You have been a busy little bat. How far along is your deep space research project?


  (typing on the portable lap top)

  Far enough along to pick up those portals they are using.

  (looks up)

  Far enough along to know that comet eight months ago was a lot closer than anyone wants to admit. Nice save, by the way.

  (Superman grins and nods)


  Did you have a plan for that, you know, just in case.


  I was working on one with Lucius, called Project Javelin. I need to let you and the Martian look at that one too.


  I could run it by my friends at star labs, they did help me with my trip to Krypton.


  So they helped you disappear for five years.


  Yeah, so?


  Someone had to pick up your slack.


  Oh. Thanks.

  JJ comes up from the floor


  Any luck?


  Yes I have given her a com link, she will be here soon.


  (touches the side of his cowl)

  Wonder Woman, do you copy this is Batman.

  OS WW”S voice

  Go ahead Batman


  I will send a pulse through the com link, just follow it to us.


  I’m on the way


  Flash, do you copy.


  Yeah go ahead


  Where are you?


  Just wrapping up a situation in Central City


  I’m sending a pulse through the com link, just follow it to…

  (Knock on the door BM turns startled)


  He is fast.

  (Superman enters his code and opens the door)

  (Flash zips over to the table where Batman is standing)


  What’s up bats?

  (Batman squints, he is not completely sold about him)


  We need your help I will go into details when Wonder Woman gets here

  Flash’s eyes open wide


  So she is coming? I have worked with her before, I picked up on a vibe, I think we made a connection.

  (Batman turns to Superman irritated, Superman gestures to him that it will be okay, they all look at Flash)



  Wonder Woman arrives

  (Flash zips to her side)

sp; F

  Hey princess, long time no see, miss me?

  (Wonder Woman looks down at him pathetically)



  (She walks away to the table where JJ, Superman, and Batman are)

  (Flash zips in front of her again)


  Well, I just thought that after the last time we worked together that we kind of… you know, made a connection.


  If you call helping you fight Giganta and a talking gorilla named Grod, making a connection, then your brain is not as fast as you are.

  (walking away then turning back)

  besides that was like what, two years ago? If there was a connection I would have called.

  (Wonder Woman pats Flash on the head and walks away)

  (Flash joins them at the table)


  Okay big blue I suppose you will tell us what all the hub bub is about.

  Superman explains the events of the past few days as he is talking the scene switches to deep space where we find the Green Lantern racing to earth surrounded by a green glow. He looks ahead and is blinded by a bright flash of light and then disappears.