Read The Justice League Page 4

  Back to Gotham city as Superman finishes up.


  So Darkseid is coming here to kill Superman first and then take over the Earth.


  What are we chopped liver.


  Make no mistake, Darkseid knows what everyone in this room capable of. If he falls then we are in deep trouble.


  (looking at Flash)

  As much as I hate to admit it he is right.


  So we need to present this to Col. Faraday and the President.

  (JJ and Batman are working on the laptop, JJis typing as Batman looks on)


  That should solve your problem. I studied the circuitry on the tank and this configuration should work.

  (Batman nods then removes a disc from the laptop)


  (handing the disc to SM)

  When you do, have them retrofit this device to all of their missiles.

  (He then addresses the group)

  We’re gonna need all the help we can get.

  (Batman touches the side of his cowl)

  Lucius are you there?

  OS Lucius voice

  Go ahead Mr. Wayne


  I’m sending the specs to you now. The Martian figured it out. How long before we are ready?

  OS Lucius voice

  24 hours


  Can we expect the same from the government?

  OS Lucius’s voice

  If the Martian helps them, yes.


  Okay I’ll see you soon

  (Superman approaches)


  What? You are not coming with us? We should all go together.


  Superman is right.


  I’m still considered an outlaw. They have orders to arrest me on sight.

  (Holding up the disc)

  Besides, I have to prepare this weapon.



  Yes, that weapon. A weapon that you have been working on before you suspected an attack. I asked you before Batman, why are you developing a weapon like that?

  (Superman gets in his face)

  It’s time you told us the truth.

  (Batman looks over Superman’s shoulder at J’onn)

  (JJ nods)


  I started to develop this weapon when I learned about Project Cadmus.


  What is that?

  (The others approach)


  It is some form of government operation with one purpose. To stand against us.

  (The others look surprised)


  Us? But we are here to help.


  What do you mean by, some form of government operation?


  Two years ago I was approached by a Professor Ray Palmer.


  The nano-tech guy.


  Yes, He was hired as a consultant for Cadmus. What he saw disturbed him. So he came to me. Somehow he is able to sneak around that place and get me information from time to time.


  What place? Where?


  We don’t know.

  (Superman turning to J’onn)

  Can’t he find them? Telepathically I mean.


  They are aware of me and what I can do. There building is shielded so I can not detect them.

  (SM turns to BM)


  He’s right. He also told me that they are working on a fleet of super advanced robots whose only purpose is to defeat us.

  (holding up the disc)

  This weapon counters those robots.


  So by giving them the technology to help us we are tipping our hand. They are going to know that we know.

  Cut to Green Lantern emerging from a white circular light in a palace. He looks at his arms as he is trying to figure out what happened. He then looks up and takes a defensive stance while making a fist with his right hand as his ring glows.

  The large figure standing before him speaks.

  At ease Earthling. I am not hear to harm you.


  What are you hear for? I mean what am I hear for? I mean somebody had better tell me what the hell is going on.


  My name is Orion. This is the planet New Genesis. I have been directed by High Father to pass along some information. I detected you returning from Oa. I am sorry, but time is of the essence.


  Okay, what’s up?


  Your planet is under threat of invasion. The greatest evil the universe has ever known has set its sights on Earth. Darkseid, the ruler of the planet Apokolips intends to transform your planet into a likeness of his own.


  You seem to know a lot, why are you telling me? Why not use one of those things and go directly to Earth?


  We have been under a peace treaty with Apokolips for years, we can not intervene. This meeting is a breach of that treaty. If Earth falls it will upset the balance. Darkseid feeds off of the suffering of others. Perhaps you and your Lantern Corps can stop him.


  One crisis one lantern. I do know some friends that can help. Now if you will show me the way out of here. I should be going.

  (Orion approaches. He hands GL a boom tube transmitter and another device)


  That mother box will take you to your friends. This is a communication device explaining who we are and our involvement. It will also serve as a direct link to us if need be. God speed Lantern.


  Thanks Orion.

  (they shake hands and he turns and vanishes in a flash of light)

  As GL is traveling through the tube of light the mother box begins to beep,


  Let’s see what this does.

  Back to the warehouse in Gotham.


  Not to mention that we may very well expend all of our ordinance. The only weapons that can stop those things.


  (looking away from the group who in turn to face him)

  They don’t trust us. It’s that simple. So we will have to earn it. That’s why we are going. All of us.

  (The group turns to face Batman he is gone)

  (Superman shakes his head)

  BM’s voice over the com link

  Sorry, I have to get back to the bat cave and get to work. Wrap up everything there. Do you trust the people at Star Labs Superman?


  Of course


  Take everything we need there. That will be our new headquarters for now. I’ll be in touch.


  You not going isn’t helping us at all. If anyone needs to be there it’s you.


  Batman out.


  Well you heard him lets go.

  Wonder Woman and the others begin to grab all the things they need, computer etc.

  (Flash picks up the mother box)

  So this is what they are using? What does this thing-a-ma-jig do anyway? And why is it this button flashing?

  (He presses the button)


  Flash, don’t!

  A white circle of light appears Superman places himself in front of the others. They are ready.

  (The Green Lantern appears)

  It’s called a mother box.


  GL! Where have you been?


  Getting filled in on what’s about to happen. We need to get to the White house now.


  Were on the way.


  I’ll get this stuff to Star Labs and meet you there. Um, does anybody have a phone? (asks awkwardly)

  (Flash removes one from under his belt)

  Just no 1-900 numbers big guy.
br />   Superman shakes his head and dials a number. He asks Flash for the number, enters it and hangs up.

  Less than a minute later the phone rings to a ring tone of superfreak by Rick James. Wonder Woman rolls her eyes. Superman grins as he answers.


  Colonel Faraday this is Superman. We need to meet with the President and the Joint Chiefs in thirty minutes.

  Colonel Faraday is walking through the halls of the Pentagon he stops when Superman makes his request.


  What do you mean “we”? I can’t call a meeting on that short of a notice. I have to go through General Eiling then he has to go through Gen Hardcastle. What is going on?


  Trust me Colonel we need to meet now.


  This had better be good.


  To the contrary sir, this is very bad.

  Superman hangs up and crushes Flash’s phone


  What the hell man, I’m expecting a call.


  You are going to be too busy, besides after what we just heard about this Cadmus business I don’t want them finding this warehouse.

  Superman turns to address the group


  I will contact the President directly when I get to Star Labs. You will all have permission to gather on the White House lawn. Meet you there in thirty minutes. J’onn you come with me, help explain all this.

  Superman then gathers the materials in a duffle and takes off crashing through the roof with J’onn behind him. Green Lantern and Wonder Woman fly through the same hole.


  (looking up at the hole shaking his head calmly walks to the door mumbles)

  Why is this so hard?

  Calmly open the door and looks back up at the hole in the roof.

  He speeds out through the door as a crimson blur streaks through the streets.

  Washington DC

  Flash enters a breakfast diner and sits at the counter. The waitress approaches, pad and pen in hand, not looking up.

  What can I get for you honey?


  I’ll have twenty eggs over medium and 20 pancakes. I hate to be rude but I’m kind of in a hurry.

  The waitress stops writing and looks up, shocked.


  Make sure they are over medium.

  He then opens the cake stand and quickly eats all of the Danish


  (with a mouth full of food)

  Put those on the bill to.

  He then zips into the bathroom.

  Star Labs

  Professor Emil Hamilton arrives for work early as he enters his office he notices that the lights are on in the communication center. He quickly walks into the room and finds Superman at a terminal with J’onn. He cautiously approaches not taking his eyes off J’onn.


  Superman, how did you…?


  Good morning professor, sorry I had to let myself in. Oh, this is my friend J’onn J’onnz.

  J’onn extends his hand with no emotion on his face. Hamilton cautiously shakes.


  This isn’t going to be a normal day. Is it?


  Nope, not today. I’m going to call the president. J’onn could you get the professor up to speed.

  J’onn begins to speak as Superman picks up a nearby phone.

  Oval office, where the President, Gen. Hardcastle, and Col Faraday and staff members are preparing for the meeting.

  (A staff member approaches with a phone.)

  Mr. President, it’s for you. It’s him.


  Superman, what is all of this about?


  We will explain when we get there. I’m going to need your permission to land at the White House with my friends.


  Are you nuts? What is going on?


  Trust me sir. If this wasn’t of the most urgent nature I would not be calling.


  Okay Superman. Permission granted.

  (hangs up)

  General we have some visitors coming they will be gathering on the White House lawn. Notify the military.


  But sir?!


  Just do it General!


  Yes sir.

  Superman, Green Lantern, JJ, and Wonder Woman all land on the White house lawn.


  Where’s Flash?


  Hard to believe that he can be late.

  Flash appears in a rush of air holding a foam cup and a straw, after he sips air through the straw he lets out a loud belch.


  Sorry, I had to get a bite to eat.

  The team looks at each other and shakes their heads. Wonder Woman glares at him


  What? I have a very high metabolism. Takes a lot of gas to run a Cadillac baby.

  They all turn to see the President approach, flanked by Generals and staff.

  Superman standing in the middle extends his hand and the greet each other. Superman makes all of the introductions. Cut to a reporter outside the gate of the White House.

  This is Snapper Carr reporting live from the White House where a historic meeting has just taken place. Superman, Wonder Woman, The Green Lantern, the Flash, and an unidentified…. Green man just met the President and the Joint Chiefs on the White House lawn. Now we have no idea what this meeting is about but we have received word that there will be a press conference sometime this afternoon.

  Oval office

  Colonel Faraday

  Mr. President, I have been dealing with Superman for a while now if he says there is a threat then there is one.


  I need proof.


  Allow me

  (he holds up the communicator that was given to him by Orion he places it on the desk and an image of Orion’s head appears. He explains the history with New Genesis and Apokolips. He explains that they are under a treaty of peace but felt compelled to intervene. He also explains that this an interactive device and can answer questions.

  Gen Hardcastle

  Why don’t we use those mother boxes to deliver a couple dozen nukes?

  The communicator hesitates slightly

  “Darkseid’s technology is far more advanced than yours. You will simply be giving him nuclear bombs that he will use at his leisure. I implore you to not use any nuclear technology against him, your people will suffer.”


  Okay, what do we do?


  (hands General Hardcastle the disc)

  Use this device with all of your air to air and surface to air missiles.


  What is it?


  It’s a device that Batman was devol…..

  Gen Eiling

  Oh no, no, no! That man is a fugitive. You have broken the law by colluding with him. You see Mr. President this is why we can’t trust these “super friends”.


  Mr. President, it was Batman that discovered the plot. If it were not for he and J’onn then we would be fighting a losing battle tomorrow. Because of him we have a chance to plan, we have a chance to win.


  The general is right son, he is a criminal. And who is this? J'onn did you say? What's his story?


  (hesitates with an awkward look)

  Um, he's from Mars.


  Oh, well, Mars. That makes perfect sense.



  Mr. President, with respect, he nearly died trying to get word to Aquaman.

  Gen Hardcastle

  What?!? That guy is a myth. Mr. President, please. This is outrageous. The next thing they are going to say is that Atlantis is real.

  They all look at one another and shrug.


  Oh, co
me on!


  It’s very real sir. Darkseid planned to attack there. He was planning to use the cover of that place tap the Earth’s core. Had he succeeded then Earth as we know it would be changed forever. Batman warned him in time.


  I’m sorry but I need more proof than your word, this is so outrageous.


  We are wasting time.


  Lantern’s right. We need to be getting ready.


  Wait! Mr. President if you will excuse me.

  Superman hurries to the door and takes off, quickly breaking the sound barrier as he speeds toward Gotham.

  The President, his staff and the members of the league stand in the oval office, awkwardly looking at each other.

  Gen Eiling and the Flash lock eyes. Flash then streaks across the room and stops behind the General.


  (Taps the general on the shoulder)