Read The Keys to Destruction Page 7


  It is in this land of the forgotten that I advance a burrowing parasite which enters the head of its host, using the grain of a slain darahgesent. Pandora is set as an invitational hunting ground, and a safe haven for the outcasts of society. My prey which come from Hahventshay, seek to destroy me before I attain them for harvest. This offers enough grains so that I may begin an establishing society. The outcasts contribute by inaugurating homesteads.

  The beacon key which protects Saul’s soul is secure, making it impossible for Janni to trap my young love as they negotiate Saul’s requests.

  With technology based on my ability to manipulate time, I have as long as it takes to see my greatest priority through. I’ve found a way to live on forever using a widely known program in Pandora called Real Lives. This failsafe was created to house my essence, should I or any of my Pandorian children be slain, granted the parasite is not destroyed first. With another birthing cycle approaching I set off in search of a nesting place, and there in Pandora find Abraham.

  I die at the hands of my son Sivil, my essence is captured in the program where I become known as Shellie. For all who enter Real Lives, past memories are lost. There I find mentors. I learn and wait to relive. While my essence (Shellie) is in the program, Scottie rescues (Rechelle) as she is in her final trimester, with the intent for her to birth Shellie. There is an upheaval in the territory, and the machine which reverses time is temporarily deactivated. Once it comes back on Shellie is well educated. This explains the knowledge Shellie has, similar to Scottie’s level, when adopted by Abraham, before my death.

  A year passes and the dust of my being returns to its natural form as Rechelle, in Souk. Saul has returned. Looking to his youthful mind I dwell within his thoughts, understanding the secrets within the urn of the sarcophagus, and his dangerous dealings with Janni.

  Having believed my first love died, my heart sinks seeing through young Solomon’s eyes the imprisoned genie is Sami, captured after our journey through one thousand years together.

  Janni’s presence is void of warmth, kindled when he and I first met at the inn.

  The love young Saul holds for me (as the vibrant stall woman) smolders in wait to ignite as passionate flames. My heart alters by the clarity of these visions. My independent grain, kept in remission, awakes. A thirst builds. I am eager to sink my claws into Saul’s youthful flesh.

  Learning the decisions of young Solomon, he declares to Janni, “I wish to have all of your wisdom.” Sami’s strong resilience to my ability is no more. With the unique request young Saul makes, I gain acquisition to my beloved’s nature, learning the mind of Janni and his past.

  Never once was he short-tempered, nor quoted me a lie. Maintaining compassion, he was thoughtful in all presentation. He was astute to my happiness, and self-bound by pure love.

  My heart acquires distaste for soft emotion. In this twisted frame of mind develops a yearning to experience contrary feelings. I aspire to suffer perpetual dilemmas that would lead to harsh consequence. Let me become one set aside by failure. I will investigate through my partner a mind stressed with dashed hopes, and a heart absorbed by desolation. I will stabilize Saul’s trust as our relationship develops, continually feeding his self-esteem with fallacies.

  These hardened secrets are an insatiable addiction, increasing my hunger for control. My intellect in these matters slips, developing me into the very being I once sought to destroy.

  From our reunion in the marketplace I encourage Solomon to build our fortress beyond the plains of wind, past the mountains of fire, near the grove of fruitfulness. It is there that his kingdom is established, as is mine.

  Our years together pass as days. All are short-lived, and drawing to an end. My time drifts in solitude, spent amongst the dying grove. Solomon’s heart strives to remain true, yet his convictions wane, searching for inconsistencies to justify abandonment of marital promise. And still he fights the bitterness threatening to win, while its poison has polluted my heart.

  There is a seed which I carry, not of Solomon’s. For in those days of languish I take in another. The orchard becomes more than a refuge of solitude. This segment of land I fashion into a divided era, using my mastered craft of time phasing. Born into this mindless grove, my son is named Sivil, as a reminder to not lose focus. His father appoints a guardian to watch over our undeveloped hatchling. Saul is unaware of this utter betrayal.

  Knowing our commitment is tarnished I set us free. I mourn my life, with its wasted efforts. It is my last night in this hideaway of misery. My impurity has transformed this once magnificent and beautiful garden into a withered plot of toxic soil. Saul sleeps as I walk in a state of sorrow among the lifeless orchard trees. The three grains inside me pinpoint, drawing the ruination I bear (as fuel) from my body. My wasted being radiates, setting the brittle trees forever ablaze, in this place separated from time. My core essence is pulled to the moment when Abraham awakens, repeating the events of that fateful day until Scottie can rescue me.

  Scott retreats from entry in my womb. The other part of me still exists in the machine and is further educated, before instilling the embryo I carry. Prophecy’s sibling Shellie, named by Scottie as they are both older, is birthed as I fade out. My Sivil has been sent to prey upon the people in this town. Scott, born later, in a time of great technological advancement, retrieves me and my un-imprinted egg moments before Sivil leaves Abraham’s room, for the next.

  Be aware of this drastic transition. Born anew as Shellie, Scott continues to raise me. I’m learned in practical ways, rather than mastering grains. Scott knows that in the days of Saul, Rechelle goes mad by the instability of her pearl cipher. Further education nears completion when my current brother (and one-time son) Prophecy and I are introduced. This happens through Scott’s instruction to pinpoint the traveling party. Prophecy is accompanied by Maser; Dyson/an Onyx Djinn; my inbred brother Sivil; a machine called the NOVAK.

  With clever approach I’ll stalk Prophecy. If he is of weak character I’ll overtake him, and succeed as the heir of Solomon’s bloodline. Sivil will have a similar agenda, or may have the mindset to be the next ruler of Indisol City, determined to supersede our father, Vasuki.

  Out the dragon’s mouth a heavy mist of acid expels with a snarling cough. I’ve exited the time rift, opened by Scott, for Maser and his group. Sivil’s giant dragon wings fan the vapor. With neck reared another lethal spray expels. It’s the realm where the Djinn have taken over.

  Within this era of old, smoke-like clouds fume from the Djinn of air, known as Marids, flying wildly high above and blackening the sky with their toxic exhaust. Colossal Djinn named Ifrits stomp from spewing volcanic mountains, their bodies encrusted with blackened earth. Cracks in their earthen shell glow as molten lava. Weapons held are fashioned from magma.

  Flooding from the lakes, wells, and hot springs the Djinn of water called Marids.

  Leading generals with the title of Ghoul soar high above, orchestrating the armies of monstrous Ifrits and swift Marids, to subjugate the reigning king Solomon’s land.

  The king’s city of Valor is in ruins and smoldering. Ghouls swoop in to snatch men, women, and children caught fleeing from their burning shelters. As the flying generals bombard past buildings their powers fuel the infernos. Rocks and brickwork are glowing foundations of intensity. Those in the vicinity are overwhelmed by heat and collapse in exhaustion.

  The giant machine, NOVAK, blasts rays of energy at its targets, severing the reckless invaders into falling parts. Turrets engaged from its shoulders send hundreds of bullets into swarms of Marids rushing into its path. The bodies fall like dead insects.

  Fighting against his own kind, Dyson avails the proliferated Countless weapon, multiplied by two in size and count, and slays the acid-eroded Ghoul that charge, reeling in pain. Stepping in for final confrontation is Cradle. The two brothers engage, where only one will walk away. Repeating is th
e horrible retching Sivil makes while coughing up the acidic plague.

  Maser and Prophecy are both armed with cloaked weapons. Together the two push toward colossal Ifrits, whose towering strengths are crippled by the pair’s invisible strikes.

  We push forward to free the doorway of The Dragon Realm from hindrance. On arrival, the orchard is infested with Ghoul, thwarting entry for our reptilian brethren, amassed for battle, in Haventshay. We are without NOVAK, whose systems have failed, and forced to enter the orchard’s clearing, where we are all vulnerable to the madness this area projects. With the use of a device Scott has supplied for this war’s use, the equipment amplifies the range of the grove’s mind-altering effects. The Djinn savagely attack each other, while Lord Vasuki and the allied soldiers flood in to finalize the violent battle’s ultimate outcome.

  The inoculation gathered for Masers’ group, safeguards us from the viral plague Sivil expels. This same vaporous serum blankets the doorway into the era of old, vaccinating the allied forces as they cross over from Haventshay. The Djinns’ nervous system begins to shut down from the advanced neurotoxin Sivil retches into the environment. Victory is close to being ours. We suffer the loss of a valued party member, Dyson.