Read The Last Look: A Tale of the Spanish Inquisition Page 5



  The advocate Herezuelo returned one afternoon to his lodgings in goodspirits. He had been pleading an important cause, which he had gained--right against wrong--the cause of a widow and her children; on one sidehelplessness and poverty, on the other power and wealth. It had beenheld that the widow had no prospect of success till the young advocateundertook her cause.

  Leonor rejoiced with her husband. He had been prompted by noexpectation of fee or reward; but simply from a desire, through love ofhis blessed Master, to assist the distressed. It was a happy evening toboth of them. They sat in a balcony overlooking an orange-grove, thesoft air they breathed made fragrant by the sweet-scented flowers. Thestars shone brilliantly in the clear sky; and as, their hands claspedtogether, they gazed upwards into the immeasurable space, they felt whathappiness would be theirs, could they be allowed to wing their flight incompany to that blessed region where all is peace, and quiet, and joy.

  "But we may yet have work to do on earth in our Master's service, dearone," observed Antonio. "Let us be content to remain till He calls us,and let our earnest prayer be that He will then, in His loving mercy,summon us together. It would be grievous to be parted from you, mybeloved Leonor, even for a brief season."

  "I pray that, through God's mercy, that day may never come," saidLeonor, looking with deep affection at her husband. "Oh, let us notthink even such an event possible."

  They were interrupted by the arrival of a visitor. Several otherfriends had called to congratulate Herezuelo on his success. The freshvisitor was in the garb of a laic; but when he threw back the cloakwhich concealed his features, the advocate and Dona Leonor saw beforethem their friend Don Domingo de Roxas, the well-known prior andpreacher, a son of the Marquis de Poza.

  "I have come to bid you farewell, dear friends," he said. "It may befor a short time--it may be for ever. This is no safe country for onewho has preached the truth openly as I have done, and I have, therefore,resolved to escape to Geneva, where I hope to remain till happier timescome for our poor benighted Spain. On my way I must visit our belovedbrother, Don Carlos de Seso, and, it may be, induce him to accompany me,for I fear that neither is he safe while the inquisitors are seeking forvictims to satisfy their thirst for blood."

  "We may say, rather, that while those miserable slaves to the tyrannyand superstition of Rome think that any remain who have been freed fromthat hideous system they will endeavour, by every cruelty they candevise, to destroy them, if they cannot bring them back to slavery,"observed Herezuelo. "Of all the men in existence, I pity the officialsof the papal system, and more especially the inquisitors and theirfamilies, be they cardinals, bishops, or other ecclesiastics, howeverwealthy and powerful. While we endeavour to counteract their designs,and to escape from their power, let us pray that their hearts may beturned from darkness to light, and that they may learn to know, love,and imitate that same Jesus whom they now persecute."

  "Amen! I pray for them likewise," said Don Domingo. "But I must notdelay. I came to advise you, my friend, to quit Valladolid. It is nolonger a safe place for you, for even were your religious opinions notsuspected, you have made mortal enemies of those whom you so signallydefeated at law this morning."

  "You are right, my friend; and we purpose, God willing, leaving thiscity for Toro to-morrow morning by daybreak," answered Herezuelo. "Weshall not be out of danger even there; but I have duties to perform atthat place, and I shall at all events be at my post."

  "I wish you had arranged to start to-night," said Don Domingo. "Thedelay of a few hours is dangerous. If, indeed, you can discover anexcuse for leaving the country altogether, let me entreat you to do so.The storm I see coming may blow over; but you are a man of note, and asthe tallest trees are the most quickly blown down, you would be thefirst assailed."

  "I have no fancy for fleeing from danger, and feel disposed rather toface my enemies, and argue the case with them," observed the advocate.

  "The only arguments they trust to are the rack and the stake," answeredDon Domingo. "Against them your eloquence will avail you nothing.Trust not to any one of the Romish priesthood, nor to those under theirinfluence; they are sworn foes of true religion and liberty, and themore enlightened they believe you to be the more eager they will be foryour destruction."

  These and other arguments used by Don Domingo at length inducedHerezuelo to agree to set forth on his journey immediately that he couldprocure a conveyance for his wife and her attendant. Don Domingohimself offered, indeed, to remain and assist them; but of this theadvocate would not hear, and the friends departed, the former taking theroad for Calahora, where he hoped to meet with De Seso.

  Don Domingo, who was dressed as a Spanish cavalier of rank, attended bya servant, pushed on at a rapid rate. He was no coward, but he knewfull well what the Inquisition had in store for him should he be taken,and he wished to escape their treatment. He avoided as much as possibleall inns and places resorted to by the public, and kept, when he could,out of the high road. He hoped thus to reach De Seso, and to persuadehim to bear him company in his flight.

  Calahora was reached without interruption. The noble De Seso was veryunwilling to believe the reports which Don Domingo brought him.

  "You go, my friend; but I cannot carry my wife and young children, andwill not desert them," he answered.

  No arguments would move him. He did not even think that the inquisitorswould venture to interfere with persons in his position.

  Reluctantly Don Domingo left his friends to proceed on his journey.Hoping to avoid observation, he turned out of the high road, with theintention of continuing his journey during the moonlit hours of thenight. He had not gone far when he saw approaching him a man riding atall mule, and leading a string of five or six pack mules.

  The muleteer was jogging on, to all appearance, carelessly singing whatsounded like one of the plaintive ditties then become common in Spain,though learned from the Moors. There was something, however, in thetone, and in a few of the words that reached the ear of Don Domingo,which made him look hard at the muleteer.

  "My friend, if I mistake not, Julianillo!" he exclaimed. "What bringsyou this way?"

  "Evil times, Don Domingo; for I know you in spite of your disguise,"answered Julianillo. "I received notice from a trusty friend that allthe passes are guarded, and that I shall not have a chance of escaping,nor will you. For the present, if we would be safe, we must lieconcealed. Come with me; we shall not be the first Christianscompelled, for the truth's sake, to take shelter in the caves of theearth; nor shall we be the last. I wish that we could give notice tomore of our brethren, who might join us."

  The arrangements proposed by Julianillo were now concluded; and,followed by Don Domingo, he led the way down a road, or bridle pathrather, which branched off to the right. Scarcely had he turned asidewhen the noise of horses' feet coming rapidly along the road was heard.Don Domingo's servant, who was some little way behind, came spurring oncrying out, "Flee, master, flee! They are officers of justice! Theyare in pursuit of us!"

  The advice was followed, but the path was rough. Don Domingo's horsestumbled, and in another instant he and his servant found themselves inthe power of the officers of the Inquisition. Their mouths wereinstantly gagged, and a dark cloak and hood were thrown over theirheads, completely concealing their figures and features. Some of thehorsemen pushed on, but after a short time returned, and Don Domingo hadthe satisfaction of believing, from some of the expressions they letfall, that Julianillo had escaped. As far as he could judge, his stepswere retraced till the party reached the neighbourhood of Calahora; theywere then joined by another band of horsemen escorting prisoners. Hehad too much reason to fear that his friend De Seso was one of them.Among the prisoners were several females--of that he was certain. Helonged to ascertain if his suspicions were correct. So strictly,however, was each individual prisoner guarded, that he might never haveascertained the truth, had not a s
torm suddenly burst on the heads ofthe escort. Shelter was not far off, and while the horsemen werepushing on to gain it, one of the party made a bold attempt to escape.He had grasped the rein of one of the female's horses, when a flash oflightning made it rear, and he had great difficulty in saving the riderfrom being thrown to the ground. In doing so, his hood becamedisarranged, and the features of De Seso were revealed. The officers ofthe Inquisition immediately seized him and secured him more carefully,while he and the lady were separated.

  "Alas! my noble friend is in the same condition as myself," thoughtDomingo. "May God in His mercy support him; but he suffers not alone.He will feel the sufferings of his beloved wife even more than his own.And we, alas! alas! are but a few, perhaps, out of many hundredChristians now in the power of these monsters of the Inquisition."

  The unfortunate prisoners were allowed no rest, were permitted tocommunicate with no one, but were hurried on till they reached theportals of that mansion of horror and despair--the Inquisition. But wasit to them an abode of despair? No! A power more than human supportedthem. That strength which never fails those who put their faith in Godheld them up; for God has promised that His Holy Spirit, the Comforter,will be with them who trust in Him in all their troubles andafflictions.

  As soon as they passed through the gates, each of the prisoners wasconducted blindfolded to separate cells. Into these dark and foul holesdelicate women and men, accustomed to all the refinements the ageafforded, were thrust indiscriminately. No couch, no chairs, even, wereallowed them; when weary of standing, they were compelled to sit down onthe hard, cold and damp flag-stones. Scarcely a ray of light wasadmitted into their dens; the only sounds which ever reached their earsbeing occasionally the groans and cries of their companions insuffering. The system pursued by the inquisitors was too generallyknown to allow them a ray of hope that they would escape without themost fearful torture, or the alternative of giving evidence to condemnthose nearest and dearest to them.